The meaning of the name Dina for a woman is spring. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Dina

1 option

Possibly comes from the Greek "dynamis" strength, power, or the Arabic "din" faith.

Often a sharp girl, hot-tempered over trifles, Dina causes a lot of trouble for her parents. She is either cheerful and serene, or gloomy and withdrawn. The reason for such drastic changes is Dina’s vulnerable mental makeup, and parents should not forget about this. As a child, Dina loves to take care of someone; it would be nice if you buy her a dog with a good-natured, good-natured character. Selfless, she will come to the aid of anyone who needs it, even if she is not asked for it. But she is also able to stand up for herself; the one who offends her will not want to do it again.

"Summer" Deans fall in love early and experience the vicissitudes of first love. Maximalists. They love smart people well-read people, they themselves love to read. They read enthusiastically from detective stories to culinary recipes. Dina has a good memory and quick reaction; she easily learns driving skills. Sociable.

Dina is unlucky in her first and sometimes in subsequent marriages. Dina is often a single mother. Not the least reason for this is her character, which becomes more and more prickly over time. She becomes stubborn, categorical and harsh in her statements, does not spare authority, and can easily offend. Like a compressed spring, any trifle drives her crazy. Dina is hardworking and practical. She knows exactly what is beneficial for her, and will not fail to do just that. Those around her often find her cunning and, it must be admitted, they are not mistaken in their opinion. Dina knows how to adapt. And yet in life, especially personal, she is often unlucky. Dina's fighting character, her directness and toughness scare off men, especially those who dream of a calm marriage with tea parties on Sundays and a wife knitting woolen socks. But in essence, Dina is not a bad person at all and has many purely feminine virtues. She cooks well and is extremely inventive. Guests love her dishes, and when they say goodbye, they always ask for the recipe. Behind Dina’s directness most often there are not mercantile considerations, but a sincere confidence that she is fighting for the truth. Dina, in addition, is selfless in her care for family members, faithful in marriage, and a good worker.

Pavel, Semyon, Lev, Sergey are most suitable for marriage with Dina. But before marrying Yakov, Ignat, Bogdan, Peter, Anatoly, Dina should carefully weigh everything.

Source - B. Khigir. The secret of the name.

Option 2


Court, Law, Judge (Aramic)


The name is quite firm, perhaps even there is some severity in it, but at the same time it is quite cautious and is not devoid of noticeable femininity and charm. Usually this entire set of qualities manifests itself in the balance of Dina’s character. She often shows activity, can be persistent, even stubborn, sometimes she can be lively, but more often than not she still knows the line beyond which she should not go. conflict situations and therefore usually knows how to stop in time. Here a lot depends on her environment and the position she occupies, as well as, of course, on her upbringing.

In childhood, most bearers of this name are distinguished by sufficient perseverance and diligence, so that, as a rule, they do not have problems with their studies. And in the future, having chosen a profession for herself, Dina usually advances in her career without significant leaps and failures. She knows how to get along with her superiors, although she can be quite strict and demanding with her subordinates. Often, her penchant for caution makes her a good diplomat, but the fruits of her upbringing can get in her way. It is very good if Dina’s parents were able to maintain her inherent balance, but it also happens that the nervous situation in the family where Dina was raised has a bad effect on her character.

At the same time, the more scandals there were in Dina’s life, the further the boundary of her caution moves, often turning her into an overly nervous and excitable creature. In this case, there can be no talk of any diplomacy, except perhaps only in relation to high authorities, and even then for the time being. This can manifest itself especially unfavorably in family life, and if such a disaster has occurred, Dina should not expect understanding from those around her; it is much more logical to pull herself together, then sooner or later both understanding and respect will return.

However, in most cases, Dina remains content calm person who knows how to get along with people. Perhaps in the family she will try to take on the role of leader, but if her husband is distinguished by sufficient nervous strength, then, most likely, Dina will concede primacy to him. In general, her diligence and ability to be collected can make her a good housewife and caring mother.


If you happen to communicate with the overly excitable and nervous Dina, try to show her a little human warmth and sympathy and she will answer you in kind. But if you were unfairly offended by Dina the boss, then it’s better not to argue here, but to calmly explain to her your understanding of justice.

In childhood, a girl as tender as a violet becomes an object of admiration and admiration. It is in childhood that the meaning of the name Dina becomes decisive for a child and, with the correct upbringing of a girl, predicts a happy and interesting destiny for her.

While still a little girl, the young lady takes her attractiveness for granted. All kinds of relatives and surrounding people love the little girl very much, pamper her with their attention, which for a child means important. A sweet, kind and affectionate young lady becomes the favorite of teachers, as well as the admiration of her classmates.

The meaning of the name Dina for a child is interpreted as the ability of a small creature to deftly adapt to situations, trying to obtain the maximum benefit for itself. It is at this time that the main character traits of the young lady are formed, and with insufficient attention from her parents, the girl can become two-faced. Therefore it is emotional state should be given great importance.

He has a synthetic mindset, which makes it possible to rarely make mistakes, preferring to learn from the mistakes of others. He can perfectly analyze the current situation, not attach importance to trifles, choosing the right exit and strategy, and rarely makes mistakes.

The meaning of the name Dina for a girl in her youth has its own nuances that parents should take into account. Since the youthful maximalism inherent at this age will complement the negative sides of a young person, parents should learn to cope with the “explosions” of their child.

Since the girl has a highly developed sense of duty, she tries to fulfill all promises. Treats parents with respect, considering them an authority. However, if there is a lack of attention on their part, the authority for the young lady becomes the person who pays enough attention to the girl.

He is interested in sports, loves swimming and horse riding. Takes care of your health and pays great attention to appearance.


He has increased sexuality, but relations with the male sex are quite strained. Traits such as duplicity and falsehood acquired during adolescence and childhood become an insurmountable barrier between her and her companion.

Together with love and devotion, such moments as calculation, curiosity, fear, sincerity, falsehood, and momentary desire are tangled into one big ball. Such sensations create confusion in a woman’s soul, which means a high risk of emotional distance from her chosen one.


He has children late, not feeling the need for motherhood in his youth. She prefers to blame everyday issues and household problems on her husband. Doesn’t like to spend a lot of time at home, especially cooking and cleaning, higher value gives the appearance of his household. She loves her children and does a lot to make them feel good. This often means that such care turns into a “disservice.”

Loves to receive guests, doing it with chic and royal pomp. Maybe even borrow money to organize chic table, which has an important meaning for her, which speaks of her social purpose. Very often, he arranges receptions for a reason, but for beneficial reasons.

Business and career

The woman is sociable, which means it’s interesting to spend time with her and is in the same team. Sometimes he enjoys more authority than the boss. The girl does not have strong ambitions, but this does not mean that she goes with the flow. The young lady is very hardworking, she undoubtedly makes her way in life.

Likes to push others, and also prefers to talk more theoretically than to do. He can be an excellent teacher, a kindergarten teacher. She has a subtle sense, is able to understand a person’s moral state, and can be an excellent psychologist.

Origin of the name Dina

This feminine name has rich history, however, it is very difficult to unambiguously determine the origin of the name Dina, since it may be that it was formed by different peoples simultaneously. The first version where the female name came from is the ancient Aramaic word “din”, meaning “court” or “fate”. In Jewish culture, the name Dina was also common, whose name in the Bible was the daughter of Jacob and Leah.

The Arabic version of the origin of the name Dina has its own etymology, according to which the word “Din” means “faith, creed.” According to the third hypothesis, it is believed that the name was formed from the Greek word “dynamis”, the etymological translation of which is “strength, power”.

Characteristics of the name Dina

The characteristics of the name Dina allow future parents to decide on the name of their future baby. Thanks to the characteristics, you can easily determine the pros and cons of the character of the betrothed baby.

Among the girl's character advantages, the following stand out: charm, straightforwardness, perseverance, sociability, responsiveness, self-sacrifice. She has a sense of justice, tries to help everyone, sometimes she gets into trouble, and is an ardent defender of the disadvantaged.

The disadvantages of the baby's character are inconstancy and a tendency to often change her mind. Has a little slow reaction, a little indecisive. With insufficient attention from parents, she can become two-faced and, in order to gain attention, evoke pity in people. Later, such childish duplicity is transformed and turns into false naivety and sensitivity. These are the traits that will attract men.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – chrysoprase, amethyst
  • Name day - June 30, according to the Catholic calendar - June 20
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Libra
  • Patron planet – Saturn
  • Color – green, blue
  • Totem plant – oak, basil
  • Animal – fox
  • Flower - gerbera

The information provided by the secret of the name Dean allows its owner to correct the negative aspects of her character and significantly enhance the positive traits of her essence.

Famous people

  • Dina Garipova (1991) – Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian singer, winner of the music and singing show “The Voice” in 2012. In 2013, she reached the final of the international music competition Eurovision, taking fifth place.
  • Dina Korzun (1971) – Russian theater and film actress. She is the wife of the leader of the EstheticEducation group, Louis Frank, and has two children.
  • Dina Meyer (1968) – American film actress. She became famous after her roles in the film Starship Troopers and the thriller Saw. She starred in the TV series Beverly Hills 90210 (1993-1994) and its sequel 90210: The Next Generation (2011).

Different languages

Translation of the name Dina into different languages, is not particularly different from its Russian counterpart. On English language translated as - Dinah, in French - Dinah, in Latin - Dinam.

Dina's name on Japanese written - ディナ (Daina), in Chinese - 黛娜 (Dài nà).

Name forms

  • Full name: Dina.
  • Options - Dinara, Diana, Madina.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and shortened form): Dinchik, Dinusik, Dinochka, Dinok, Dinulya, Dana, Din.
  • Declension of the name Dina-Dina-Dine-Dinu-Dinoi-Dine.
  • IN Orthodox faith and calendar, there is no patron saint named Dina.

The sonorous female name Dina exists on its own, although many mistakenly believe that it is an abbreviation of another name - Diana. This name arose from the Greek word “dynamis”, meaning “power”, “strength”.

Fine and Characteristics

A rather militant name gives a girl masculine characteristics. We can say that many Deans are mobile, active, decisive, and assertive. In addition, they are prone to intrigue, various adventures, and rash actions. Women with this name tend to do something, and then think about what they did. This approach often brings trouble.

Because of her temperament, Dina strives for some goals all her life, while trying to complete the task in a timely manner. as soon as possible. Blues and sadness sometimes overcome Dina, but this passes very quickly. Such mood changes can occur several times a day.


If we give the meaning of the name Dina for a child, it should be noted that at this age the girl is extremely sweet, cheerful, sociable and emotional. But mood changes are noticeable even in small child. At the same time, Dina likes to take care of someone, in particular animals. If one of her friends needs help, she will definitely provide it.

In conflict situations, she will not get confused and will stand up for herself, so Dean will not let herself be offended. The environment has a certain condescension towards her, which she takes advantage of. Until she gets older, she will be a little defenseless girl. For her, childhood lasts quite a long time, and this is expressed not only in behavior, lifestyle and character, but even in clothes, which will definitely have flowers, ruffles, and bows. She is comfortable in this state, and she is in no hurry to leave her comfort zone.

We can say that a large share of Dina’s naivety has prevailed since childhood, and the rest is feigned, since it is beneficial for her. For this reason, parents should pay attention to this character trait so that the girl does not grow up two-faced in the future.

The character of adult Dina

As she gets older, Dina becomes more strict, but she does not forget about attractiveness and femininity. Emotionality prevails in her so much that to prove the sincerity of her feelings, she can play to the public.

Considering the name Dina and its meaning, it should be noted that in adulthood the girl becomes a convinced maximalist. For her there is no middle ground, because everything must be either perfect or not at all. For Dina there are no authorities, since she herself, through trial and error, makes a difficult path.

She often has These women are capable of a balanced analysis of facts. When determining what the name Dina means, it is worth indicating its translation from Arabic - “faith”. Most likely, for this reason, these girls are prone to maximalism and dedication.


In career, the meaning of the name Dina only indicates positive sides. It is important for her to direct all her energy to the result. She is suitable for those professions that require quick reactions, communication skills, and endurance. Dina will get bored with monotonous work, where the main criteria are painstakingness, perseverance and patience. In general, the ideal option is for journalism, advertising, photography, the service sector, and so on.

Dina is a real careerist who puts maximum effort into her work. She does not disdain dishonest methods on the way to her goal.

In the team, Dina enjoys authority among both employees and management. Quite often they are set as an example to other employees. Thanks to the fact that work is chosen based on her hobbies, Dina almost always reaches heights in her career. Her success is partly due to her well-developed intuition.


Dina will be able to move to a new stage in her relationship only if she is sure that her husband is stronger than her. So she gives up her position as a leader, transferring the leading role to her husband. In marriage, she realizes herself as a good housewife and loving mother. At this stage, the priority becomes the comfort of people close to her. But this is only a favorable outcome of the relationship.

Deans often fall in love and get married early. Also, often their marriage ends in divorce. For this reason, among the representatives of this name you can find single mothers. And the reason is precisely the character, which only gets worse with age. Despite all good qualities, Dina can be categorical, harsh and caustic, and with her statements offend loved ones.

For Dina's marriage, a man bearing one of the following names is most suitable: Arthur, Oleg, Vladislav, Victor, Bogdan, Denis, Igor, Ivan and others. Relationships are unlikely to work out with Valery, Gregory, Ruslan, Timur, Valentin, Mark, Matvey, etc.

Positive traits

Wisdom and honesty, perseverance and deliberation decisions taken- the name Dina is endowed with all this. The meaning also indicates the girl’s selflessness to such an extent that she provides help even in cases where she is not asked for. TO positive qualities One can also include a love for animals, which she takes pleasure in caring for.

Negative sides

As the characteristics of the name Dina indicated above, these girls are very emotional. For this reason, they often get offended over trifles, but do not remain silent, but swear. IN childhood this causes a lot of trouble for loved ones. In addition, Deans can be quite vindictive, vindictive, and narcissistic. They express all their grievances, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment for this. Because of such character traits, Dina can ruin relationships with loved ones, because they do not recognize authorities and always consider themselves to be right.


The Soul Number is 4. In numerology, the secret of the name Dean is deciphered differently. Holders of this number are inclined to the exact sciences rather than the humanities. These people make excellent designers, scientists, engineers. They are quite reliable, stable and conscientious. Thanks to them, they are respected by colleagues and friends.

People of this number are not prone to hostility. You should not expect any unexpected actions or creative manifestations of character from them. Their life is calculated by the minute, and they do not like changes in plan. Despite the stinginess of emotions, people of the “four” are reliable and faithful in all life situations. In childhood they are very obedient, and when they become parents, they become strict, sometimes even excessive.

Astrological compatibility of the name Dina

  • Patron planet: Saturn.
  • Zodiac correspondence: Libra.
  • Character traits: charm, perseverance, determination.
  • Name colors: brown, red.
  • Lucky colors: green, purple.
  • amethyst.


Dina Umarova - Indian actress; Dinah Shore - American actress; Dina Sassoli - Italian actress; Dina Migdal - Russian singer, poetess; Dina Meyer is an American film actress.

Many of those who have become happy parents of a girl put forward high demands for their daughter’s name: it must be sonorous, pleasant, easy to pronounce and meaningful. All these criteria are perfectly met by such a beautiful female name as Dina.

  1. The first version says that the name came from Hebrew and translated means “retribution, justice.” Also in Christian Old Testament Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, is mentioned.
  2. According to the second assumption, the name Dina comes from Arabic and means “faithful” or “faith.”
  3. The third hypothesis says that the ancestor of the name is the Greek word “dynamis”, translated as “strength”. Therefore, the name Dina can also be translated as “strong.”
The name Dina has three meanings: “faith”, “retribution”, “strong”

Table: forms of the name Dina

Table: analogues of the name in foreign languages

Name days and patrons

The name Dina is not found in the calendar, so Dina is usually baptized like Anna. In this case, the girl will celebrate her name day:

  • like Daria:
    • April 1 and 4,
    • August 17;
  • like Anna:
    • February 3, 16 and 23,
    • April 8 and 13,
    • June 26,
    • July 18,
    • August 3, 5 and 7,
    • 10 September,
    • November 4, 10 and 11,
    • December 11 and 22.

Patrons of Dina can be: Agnia of Rome, prophetess Anna, daughter of Phanuel, Daria of Rome, martyr Daria, Anna of Novgorod, Anna Kashinskaya, Anna of Persia, Anna, mother of the Virgin Mary, St. Anna Vsevolodovna.

One of the main patrons of Dean is Agnia (Anna) of Rome

Characteristics and influence of a name on a person

The meaning of the name Dina is fate.
And they called you by this name.
Everything that happens to you in life,
Let it happen according to the will of the saint.
Closed doors learn to open
Know how to conquer any peaks.


In childhood

As a child, Dina is an unpredictable child. Her mood changes very often, her behavior ranges from good to terrible, serenity and fun are constantly replaced by isolation and gloominess. Parents must remember that the reason for this behavior is the vulnerable soul of the child. Her excessive emotionality does not interfere with relationships with peers: she knows how to find mutual language with anyone and does not suffer from excessive embarrassment. Dina is the owner of an innate diplomatic talent, which her parents should never suppress. The girl should be allowed to recite poetry, express her opinion and, to the extent permitted, participate in the conversations of adults - little Dina’s intelligence and wisdom can amaze you.

As a child, Dina experienced frequent mood swings

During her school years, a girl with this name is diligent, diligent and attentive, so she rarely experiences problems with learning. She is truthful and honest, but shy and not very sociable. Because of this, she has few friends at school, and her relationship with the class is not the warmest. This is also facilitated by the fact that Dean is the teachers' favorite. But if the parents support their daughter, then over time this problem will resolve itself, and the girl will become much more sociable, cheerful and open. Dina always strives for knowledge; studying is not a difficulty for her. A tenacious memory, developed thinking and an extraordinary mind help her in this.

As an adult

Adult Dina is a selfless person who is ready to help others. Do not be deceived by her weak and helpless appearance - Dina can easily stand up for herself. With age, a girl’s character becomes categorical, harsh and irritable; she does not recognize anyone’s authority. Even the smallest thing can piss her off. People consider Dina weak but cunning. A girl with this name adapts well to change. She is constantly learning something new. She has excellent memory and reaction, she is well-read and erudite, hardworking and practical. He wants to see benefit in everything, first of all for himself. She is valued at work for her diligence and responsibility. She doesn't like it when someone tries to look into her inner world. Only those closest to her enjoy Dina’s trust. Dina is prudent and does not scandal over trifles, does not get involved in dubious intrigues and never gossips. She is able to reconcile people regardless of the severity of the conflict. At the same time, she does not accept either side of the debate, but will simply try to find a solution that suits everyone.

Dina is modest and gentle, like a violet flower

Dina is modest, outwardly she does not seem the most noticeable, but it is difficult to forget her. Tender, like a flower, Dina is fair, modest and honest. She tries to please everyone and find herself, which often leads to withdrawal and increased self-criticism. Dina often lacks determination for serious matters. Dina makes excellent use of her apparent defenselessness and fragility; people treat her with condescension, and this allows her to manipulate them. If Dina wants, then any person will immediately feel sorry for her and help. Her naivety and sensitivity impresses men.

She has a highly developed sense of duty. Her mindset allows her to make the right decisions and analyze, notice insignificant, but important details. Dina is not lacking in willpower either. He often spends too much time talking about a task than implementing it. She is often very strict, even demanding of herself and others.

Talents and career

Dina is rightfully considered a creative person. Her interests in creativity vary: she can draw, do needlework or play with equal success. musical instrument. Also, Dina is not deprived of literary talent. She loves traveling, but the main condition for her is comfort. Dina also excels in sports, especially swimming. Often, a girl with this name can become interested in such an unusual activity for women as electronics. Dina also reveals herself in the professions of a doctor and a volunteer, in which she fully applies her desire to help other people. She loves children very much, is sympathetic, and responsive, so professions related to children are suitable for her: pediatrician, educator, teacher, animator for children's matinees. Dina may well become an excellent psychologist thanks to her subtle intuition and ability to feel internal state those around you. Usually Dina is more inclined towards the humanities, best ratings She has a degree in literature and languages, so the professions of philologist and translator will definitely suit her. Law and politics are also areas in which Dina can reveal herself.

Dina loves to read and often has literary talent

Dina in business

Dina may well open her own business. She has an excellent ability to feel people, so it will not be difficult for her to figure out a conspiracy and change the situation in her favor. This skill makes Dina an excellent leader and businessman. She is careful with money and tries to find profit in everything, so she has a good chance of success. But Dina needs to fight with herself, talk less and do more, try to cope with embarrassment and uncertainty. Dina knows how to translate her ideas into reality, sets realistic goals, has the makings of a leader, and therefore experiences almost no special problems in business. For Dina, her own business often becomes not a way to achieve well-being, but proof own strength, skills and wealth. For this she is ready to use all her composure.

Dina will be able to run her business only if she copes with self-doubt


Dina has been sick a lot since childhood, especially with pulmonary diseases: inflammation, tracheitis, bronchitis. If a child is transferred to artificial feeding early, his health weakens even more. Dina easily picks up any viral diseases, so the girl needs to get all the prescribed vaccinations. Immunity is weak. In childhood, there are also minor mental problems, but by the age of 4–5 they go away, especially if there is a calm and loving atmosphere in the family where Dina is being raised. Sore throat is common, but passes without complications. Hardening and sports help Dina cope with illnesses and improve her health in general. It’s better for adult Dina to take care of her nervous and respiratory system. Frequent in old age serious problems with bones and vision: glaucoma, polyarthritis, nephritis.

Sport will help Dina improve her health and cope with illnesses easier

In love and family

Dina can be called passionate and amorous, but she is often disappointed in love. For Dina, the ideal is an intelligent and erudite man with whom there is something to talk about. Her first marriage usually does not bring her happiness. Due to Dina’s character deteriorating over the years, failure may await her in subsequent marriages. Dina’s toughness and directness do not attract men; few are able to truly accept her for who she is. But whoever can do this will receive a faithful and diligent wife.

If Dina's chosen one accepts her for who she is, Dina will be his faithful and diligent wife

Dina’s desire is to create a strong, prosperous family, because only in the family circle she feels complete, finds harmony and peace. She agrees to any role in the family. For her, her husband is a beloved, passionate and faithful lover, a wise adviser, truly strong man, henpecked and weak-willed Dina cannot stand. In relationships there is a diverse palette of feelings: from sincerity, sensuality and curiosity to falsehood, calculation and fear. It all depends only on Dina’s mood.

She is a wonderful housewife, but often all household chores can fall on her husband’s shoulders. Dina is always happy to have guests and receives them on a royal scale.

In her youth, Dina does not think about motherhood, but in old age she may regret it. She is a caring, sensitive and loving mother, does not accept punishment, especially physical, and rarely raises her voice to her children.

One of the problems in Dina’s family is her inability to adapt. For example, if she had a quarrel with someone at work, then this quarrel may continue at home. Dina needs to learn to separate home from work.

Table: name compatibility

Table: matches for the name Dina

Spelling out

D - reflection, attachment to family, sometimes whims, readiness to help. Such people have excellent intuition and often even psychic abilities. They do not admit their mistakes, are unbalanced, and imprudent.
And - spirituality, peacefulness and kindness. External practicality only hides a soft nature. The letter shows a sense of harmony, grace, spirituality. Its owners care about their appearance. Direct, honest, skeptics. Divorces and relationships without commitment are common.
N - protest, rejection of authorities, critical thinking. They care zealously about their health. They work hard at their jobs. Picky about connections and contacts. Honest, responsible and educated.
A - the beginning, the craving for the implementation of plans, the love of comfort. Letter of leadership and creation.

Character by seasons

The girl’s character traits also depend on the time of year:

Table: horoscope named Dina

AriesTenacious, energetic, loyal. Hard work is her main quality. She does not accept any compromises; she considers her opinion to be the only correct one. She has a hard time getting close to anyone, afraid of being betrayed. I am ready to go towards my goal through any obstacles.
TaurusReasonable, calculating, creative, calm and balanced. She loves to do needlework and draw; books occupy a special place in her life. Its principle is old friend better than the new two, so free time she spends it with old friends or alone.
TwinsNaive, pleasant to look at and to talk to, trusting. She loves meeting new people and communication in general. Sometimes she is too talkative. She never hides anything and often finds herself disappointed in people.
CancerCareer is everything for Dina-Cancer. She devotes her entire life to it. Relationships and hobbies fade into the background. But in her heart she regrets that she often remains alone in pursuit of career growth and material well-being.
a lionThe worst thing for her is to lose. She is very persistent, uncompromising and ambitious. Hates admitting guilt or wrongness. In pursuit of achieving a goal, he forgets about everything, including moral values.
VirgoShe is erudite, has refined taste and a sense of humor, and is smart. The main thing for her in people is their originality, versatile thinking, absence of stupidity and superficiality.
ScalesVulnerable, soft, trying to seem firmer and more confident than she really is. Sentimental, completely trusts feelings and thoughts only to those closest to her.
ScorpionDina-Scorpio's character is very complex. She believes that she is always right, knows everything about everyone, does not accept the point of view of her interlocutor, and never admits her guilt, even when it is obvious.
SagittariusIdealist searching true love, makes unrealistic plans, dreamy and naive. She often gives the impression of being superficial and flighty to others.
CapricornIndependent, it is not easy to find a common language with her. Freedom-loving, but loyal. You can find a reliable friend in her, but only if you accept her with all her shortcomings.
AquariusHas a friendly character. Soft, inviting at first sight. He always knows how and with whom to communicate, and presents himself only from the best side.
FishVulnerable, sentimental, defenseless. Sensitive Dina-Pisces needs a strong and reliable patron. She suffers from low self-esteem. Unsure of herself. It is difficult for her to achieve her goal; she needs outside support.

Let your life rush, Dina,
In the distance - like a luxury car,
Let it be in career and fate
Everyone makes way for you
And there are many years to come
The green light is on the way!


Photo gallery: famous people named Dina

Dina Verni - gallery owner and model from France, film and theater actress from Russia Dina Durbin - Hollywood star forties Dina Nurpeisova - composer from the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic Dina Kaminskaya - human rights activist and lawyer during the USSR Dina Meyer - American film actress, who is often compared to Rosamund Pike

The name Dina means a lot. She is “faithful”, and “strong”, and “fair”. It's short but sonorous name is not so common in our country, so by naming your child this, you not only endow him with many wonderful qualities, but also make him stand out from the crowd. Dina is one of the most beautiful undeservedly forgotten names.

No exact origin female name Dina, maybe from Greek language, maybe from Arabic, or maybe from Hebrew. This name translated from Greek means - force, from Arabic the meaning of the name Dina means faith.

The mystery of the name Dina

The name Dina is somewhat firm, there is a certain severity hidden in it, but, no matter what, it is not devoid of femininity and charm. These qualities indicate her balance. Dina is active, persistent, stubborn, sometimes playful, but she always knows the limit of the line beyond which one should not go in situations that involve conflict. Much will also depend on her upbringing and the environment in which she finds herself.

As a child, Dina is quite diligent, studies well, and is diligent. He will always come to the aid of those who need it and will always be able to stand up for himself. Dina is a maximalist, loves smart and well-read people, and she herself is not indifferent to reading. Dina has a very good memory and a fairly quick reaction, and is sociable.

Dina quite successfully finds a common language with her superiors, but she can be strict and demanding with her subordinates. Thanks to her caution, she can be a good diplomat. Dina, who was not brought up in a nervous environment as a child, has a well-developed caution.

In her first marriage, Dina is not always successful. There are often Deans who chose to be a single mother.

Basically, Dina is a hardworking and quite practical woman. She always knows what is most beneficial for her. People around her sometimes think she's a little cunning, and believe me, they're not wrong. Dina knows how to adapt with ease. But the men in her are frightened by her fighting character, toughness and directness. Therefore her family life not always happy. It’s worth taking a closer look at Dina, because behind her toughness there are no mercantile considerations; in her understanding, she is just fighting for the truth.

In the first place, Dina will take care of the family and each of its members individually; she will be a good, faithful, selfless wife. She may want to take leadership in the family, but if her husband has enough a strong character, then most likely she will make concessions to him.

Character and fate of a girl born in spring: She is prone to frequent illnesses tonsillitis, but the disease can be mild, without complications. Dina is not a suspicious person, she looks at life realistically, and can cope with any illness. She is not prone to despondency, which is why she recovers much faster.

Great people

A woman named Dina who left her mark on history is the rather famous writer Dina Rubina. At the age of sixteen, she already debuted with her first story. Her name is known all over the world; it is included in the Russian European Encyclopedia and the Great British Encyclopedia. She is the author of eight famous books that have been translated into twelve languages.

The first marriage was not entirely successful, she married a second time. She worked and lived in Moscow for some time, after which she moved to Israel.
Wins six prizes in the field of literature. Five films have been made based on her works.

Truly a very strong and talented woman.

Characteristics of the name Dina: If you ever have to communicate with the nervous and easily excitable Dina, just try to show her human sympathy and warmth, and you will see that she will reciprocate. If your boss is Dina, and she unfairly offended you, do not argue with her, it is useless, just try to calmly explain your understanding of this situation.

What does astrology say?

What does the name Dina mean in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Libra;
  • Patron planet: Saturn;
  • Character traits of the name Dina: Persistent, purposeful, charming;
  • Name colors: Warm shades Brown, rarely red;
  • Lucky Colors: All shades of green and purple;
  • Talisman stone: Chrysoprase and amethyst.

Video story about the name

What does the name Dina mean in a spiritual sense:

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