Zodiac signs in order, by year and month. How zodiac signs are distributed by month and date Horoscope for the whole year

Every year we look forward to the next verdict of astrologers with their predictions, which would shed light on what awaits us in the new year. What can surprise you this time with the horoscope for next year? What will it be like? Will I be able to cope with what awaits me? Maybe I'll finally get promoted? Or will they fire you? Remember that the horoscope for 2017 just lifts the veil of secrecy about our future.

Horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own strengths. We present to your attention a simple tip on how to achieve success in 2017. Change your life for the better by following our advice.

Zodiac sign Aries

According to the horoscope for 2017, Aries will be full of vitality and energy will be emotionally stable. Sign up for advanced training courses, take part in trainings and get ready for career growth. You will have the opportunity to see the world.

Tip for 2017: Don't underestimate the importance of being organized. Pay attention to details and documents.

Zodiac sign Taurus

In 2017, Taurus will experience the joy of intimacy with another person and closer interpersonal relationships. Expect career growth; in the new year your voice will become more significant. Be careful with debts, borrow money only when necessary.

Tip for 2017: Don't forget about diplomacy. Be attentive to your friends and colleagues. Put teamwork first.


The astrological forecast for 2017 for the sign of Gemini reminds us that we have not yet been able to regain power over our relationships. Don't forget that only you have power over yourself. If you haven't found your soulmate yet, you will meet her this year. You will go out more often than you think!

Advice for 2017: Strictly adhere to the routine - seeing a goal increases your level of motivation.

Zodiac sign Cancer

The Cancer horoscope for 2017 says that you will find a new job, the schedule of which will suit you. Your health will improve. And this year you will find your calling. Your pet will become your outlet!

Advice for 2017: Be entrepreneurial and open to new ideas and opportunities.

Zodiac sign Leo

For the vast majority of representatives of the Leo zodiac sign, the period of 2017 will be characterized by an upswing in almost all areas of life. At this time, every Leo will be able to fulfill his dream or finish something he has been working towards for a very long time.

Advice for 2017: There is nothing better than order and diligence. Don't miss deadlines and keep your promises.

Zodiac sign Virgo

In 2017, Virgo will gain greater emotional, financial and physical stability. Pay attention to your inner world. This year you may purchase property or become a parent.

Advice: Go beyond. Innovation and ingenuity will come to your aid.


The coming year 2017 will be favorable for Libra. Until the fall of 2017, Jupiter will bring you good luck and protect you. This is the perfect time to start your own creative business. Personal life will change for the better. You will excel in writing, blogging and teaching. Moreover, you will become an authority in your field. Although there may be problems with your brothers and sisters. Perhaps you will become the owner of new electronics or a car.

Tip: Be creative. Music, meditation and mindfulness will help you find inspiration.

Zodiac sign Scorpio

According to the horoscope for 2017, a burden has been lifted from Scorpio's shoulders. You will start a new life. The financial component of your life will improve and you will make a major purchase this year. Make sure you are paid decently.

Tip: Action is the basis of everything. Even if in doubt, take action. Don't miss the moment.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius

2017 will be the beginning of a new life for Sagittarius. You will say goodbye to unclear situations and fading relationships. New responsibility will appear, but you can handle it.

Tip: Enjoy every second. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Zodiac sign Capricorn

The Capricorn astrological forecast says that a phase of reflection will begin in your life. You will need solitude to heal the wounds of the past. Perhaps you should limit your communication with energy vampires. Don’t be interdependent, and even more so, don’t let others achieve what they want at your expense.

Tip: Be curious. Ask questions, listen and connect with like-minded people.

Zodiac sign Aquarius

In 2017, you will be involved in group activities and establish new useful connections. Increase your income with new technologies. Platonic friendship may develop into romance.

Advice: Take care of yourself in 2017. Develop your subordinates - but protect those who are dear to you, especially to you personally.

Zodiac sign Pisces

The astrological forecast for Pisces says that Pisces will advance up the career ladder. Don't let fears or doubts hold you back. Your father or another man will play an important role in your life. You will receive an award for achievements in your profession!

Advice: Pay attention to leadership abilities. Take everything into your own hands to make things happen. And don't quit halfway.

Horoscope 2017 for each month of the year

Until mid-January 2017, do not rush to implement your wild plans, both in business and in purchases. Due to Mercury retro, you may face disheartening mistakes and bad luck. January for all zodiac signs is more suitable for creative affairs and long-delayed work issues awaiting completion.
The horoscope predicts that some of the zodiac signs may feel helpless this month in the waters of the unseen worlds. If you are an artist, musician, poet, dancer (or creative in any form) your “muse” will be awakened during the New Moon in Pisces. The Solar Eclipse in Pisces will give us the green light to establish peace, harmony and creativity in our lives.
. This month the full moon is in Virgo on March 12, 2017. This month you should act according to the Virgo program: finally go in for sports, switch to proper nutrition, instead of watching TV shows or surfing the Internet every evening. Stop just dreaming, get down to real things!
This month the full moon is in the sign of Taurus on April 26, 2017. The sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which governs our relationships, our perception of beauty, sensuality, as well as our connection with mother Earth and her bountiful gifts. April is a good month to get a massage, plant flowers, or take a walk in the forest. It will be good if you pay more attention to your financial issues - they will be resolved successfully.
The New Moon in Gemini in May 2017 will create an atmosphere when you want to go somewhere. The month promotes a variety of business connections and can also ensure that all transactions and contracts will benefit you and you will not be cheated in any way.
The horoscope predicts various matters related to family, home, and motherhood for June 2017 for the zodiac signs. At this time, you will be able to successfully sell or buy real estate. Long trips will be successful.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn in July 2017, many zodiac signs may be lucky to advance in their careers, especially in terms of achieving success or rising to the top of the corporate ladder. You can get help organizing any aspect of your life.
August 2017 is the month when you will be able to establish friendships and strengthen friendly ties; in business, it will be easy for you to open a company and recruit the necessary employees for it. The energy of August also helps to gain restraint and develop intuition.
This month is wonderful for matters related to health, a healthy lifestyle, and switching to a diet. Be attentive to details and thereby you will ensure a good result in any enterprise.
In October, marital and business relationships will develop successfully for many zodiac signs; the successful implementation of contracts and agreements may depend on Libra. At this time, it is good to take care of legal issues and direct energy to the administration of justice. In October, you are likely to have success in society if you have chosen such a career.
Work on issues that require insight from above, now you can get to the heart of things and understand why they are the way they are. If you want to increase your libido or become involved in a passionate love affair, don't miss this time.
Before the New Year, long-distance trips will be successful. But studying, writing, publishing publications will be no less successful, and if you want to send a book to a publisher, then December will contribute to your success.

2017 is the year of the Universe

Using the basics of numerology and viewing vibrational energy fields gave us the opportunity to assert that 2017 will be the Year of the Universe #10/1. This quality can be assigned to each specific year based on the extent to which each of us will correspond to our calling as a Citizen of the Cosmos. Also, the Year of the Universe will give us the opportunity to see, feel and understand when we are not coping with the calling given to us from above.

Number 1 foretells career and academic success, a good reputation, good luck in your endeavors, and the patronage of influential people. The compass direction of the unit is north.

Here are just some of the key words and phrases that will allow us to embark on the Higher Path in the coming year: attitude change, new thoughts, new starts, conviction, self-confidence, positive attitude towards the future, proactiveness, creation, vitality, contemplation and moments of change.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth - what to expect in the year of the Red Rooster

In the 60-year cycle, the Fire Rooster is number 34 and is called the “Lonely Rooster.” This Rooster feels best when no one bothers him. He has many great ideas that no one except himself will fully understand. He prefers to solve all important problems on his own, because he is afraid that others will only ruin the whole thing. He is a perfectionist, and his life would be much easier if he could at least sometimes agree to the second step of the podium.

With the advent of the New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar, our desire to find out what the stars have in store for us this time becomes increasingly urgent.

2017 will be the best year for: Dragons.

Next year will be no less wonderful for: Roosters, Bulls, Snakes. At the same time, the Rooster will get along best with Bulls and Snakes and with their own kind. After all, all of the listed signs are distinguished by the fact that they are responsible and devoted fighters, inclined to conquer new heights and achieve success through constancy and unwavering perseverance. This trinity is distinguished by the unshakability of its own views, and is inclined to carefully think through and systematically plan its own actions. Of all the signs, these three are distinguished by excellent intelligence.

Next year will be good for: Tigers and Rats.

The coming year 2017 will be a little controversial for: Pigs, Sheep and Monkeys.

2017 will be difficult for: Dogs, Rabbits and Horses. At the same time, it is simply contraindicated for Rabbits and Roosters to be together and have common interests, otherwise there will be trouble and a long series of disagreements.

The horoscope for 2017, as a subtle sense of the predetermination of events, as a feeling of correctness at the moment of choice (sometimes bordering on a kind of higher justice), is capable of leading us away from the abyss.
Just not to give free rein to the dark side. Here it all depends on us, whether we are disappointed, whether we are not desperate, whether the thread that keeps us from falling is strong.

Horoscope for 2017

A person can and should influence his own destiny! There is no use relying only on the past or present. In 2017, the Rooster’s understanding of the future, as well as our understanding of both future events and our direct participation in these events, will be an integral part of the reality of the changes taking place.

According to the horoscope, 2017 will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster, whose soft tread will surprise, delight, frighten and perhaps disappoint not particularly efficient representatives of the zodiac circle. Everything as usual! We have no right to demand manna from heaven falling into our palms from 2017; there is no point in relying on a miracle or secret knowledge. In 2017, pragmatism and realism are still unrivaled. What to do, the last few years have shown and proven in practice who is who, who has crumbs inside, and who has a truly solid foundation that does not change guidelines at the first changes in the conjuncture of surrounding events. Everything as usual! In 2017, we can only rely on ourselves and our own capabilities. Yes. Everything is as always!.. However, past mistakes did not disappear in vain. It was now, more than ever, that the main lesson was learned. So 2017 is an honest and frank period, a time without illusions and outdated dogmas. In this time period, everyone knows their place, everyone knows what they are worth, as well as what their opponent’s capabilities are worth. And although 2017 is not yet the beginning of a new era, new ideas are just emerging and require cutting, nevertheless, the choice of which side you are on must be made now (if not yesterday), of course, if you do not want this choice to be made for you... It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff! This is the main leitmotif of 2017.

So, let's take a look and analyze in detail what awaits us in 2017 from an astrological point of view. First of all, it should be said that according to the Eastern zodiac system (which is also sometimes called the Chinese Zodiac), the patron of 2017 will be the Rooster with the element of the year Fire, which automatically gives it the color red. In this case, the epithet “red” is synonymous with the epithet “fiery,” which is obvious even to Europeans, although it often turns out that the figurative systems of the East and West are fundamentally different. But this is clearly not the case, and the primary synonymous series that appears in our heads when we hear the phrase “red fiery rooster” is indeed fully true. Fury, aggressiveness, pressure, belligerence, but at the same time - the desire to stand out, selfishness, power. At the same time, of course, all of these definitions are quite relative; in each specific case, the position of our current (in relation to 2017) patron will be highly individual. However, it is clear that this time period will be incredibly active and dynamic. It will bring many positive moments, but there will also be enough difficult situations. At a minimum, it will be interesting, and the winners will be those who are used to acting and not reasoning.

In the eastern tradition, the Rooster is an incredibly diverse image. In addition to the obvious hot temper, impulsiveness, emotional instability and fury, he also possesses such qualities as responsibility, accuracy, generosity, and courage. In general, those born in the year of the Rooster usually combine all these aspects, although, of course, to varying degrees. But we should not forget that in our specific case (horoscope for 2017) we are talking about the Red Rooster, which corresponds to Fire. Fire is one of the primary elements that created the world. A flame can both give life (in particular, the ash that remains after the combustion process is completed and is an excellent fertilizer) and take it away (for example, forest fires that destroy all living things in their path). To a certain extent, Fire here is a symbol of justice, as well as law. That is why they say about the Year of the Fire Rooster in China that at this time everyone gets what they deserve. In other words, there will be a minimum of any spontaneous, sudden situations. The cause-and-effect relationship is obvious: income, the outcome of love affairs, career success - all this and much more will greatly depend on how we behaved at the previous time stage. Of course, our actions and actions throughout this year will also be important. Do not forget that the Chinese annual cycle does not fully correspond to the European one. Just like thousands of years ago, during the era of the great imperial dynasties, the Celestial Empire still uses a lunar calendar, in which the 2017 Year of the Rooster begins on January 28, 2017, and ends on February 15, 2018.

The sensual and psycho-emotional sphere will undergo significant changes in 2017. It is important to note that the Rooster is also a jealous person, and everyone who has lived in the village for even a short time knows this. How fiercely does this egocentric leader protect his hens?! In this sense, the upcoming stage of life will not differ from an ordinary rooster. But remember, jealousy can destroy many relationships, marriages, family unions, even those that seemed truly strong. There is no need to perceive this as a kind of test of fate; there is no subtext of this kind here. We are talking about a general emotional trend, which is enhanced by the fact that in 2017, the Moon, as well as (to an indirect, but still significant extent) Neptune and Pluto, will have a special influence on us, the inhabitants of the Earth. This will only add fuel to the fire, and you need to be especially careful about your words and actions. In addition, the Rooster always strives to take part in any conflict, he loves to criticize and does not hesitate to do so. It is important to understand this image, because in 2017, communication, communication as such, will be of decisive importance, in particular, in the process of resolving conflict situations. But even here you need, as they say, to know when to stop, because compromise is not always possible in the process of mutual concessions. Sometimes it is fair and natural to speak from a position of strength, and this often becomes the only right decision. This is what the Fire Rooster will teach us throughout the year, namely: aggressive diplomacy.

The zodiac signs of the Western horoscope, which belong to the element of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), will naturally receive special bonuses in 2017, but you need to understand that greater opportunities always lead to more restrictions in other directions, and greater strength to greater responsibility. In other words, these people will really be lucky, more than once, and not even twice, but they will also have to work twice as hard as others, otherwise their unrealized potential will destroy them. And Pluto will definitely try to do this, because it’s not for nothing that he bears the honorary title of the Dark Planet, and it’s not for nothing that our ancestors called this planet Viya’s Earth. In turn, the signs of the element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will find themselves in a less positive situation, that is, circumstances will not be favorable everywhere. But the demand from them will also be lower, in other words, there will be no need to resolve any truly large-scale, let’s say, fundamental conflicts on which the fate of the world will depend. But the Rooster will still not give any concessions, because, after all, the element of the current period is radically opposite in relation to the element of Water and certain difficulties are natural here. As for the air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) signs of the Zodiac, only the most general trends indicated above are valid for them, and only this is worth focusing on.

In general, 2017 will be successful for businessmen, athletes and military personnel, in general – for people of action. If you are used to doing first and thinking later (figuratively speaking), if thinking drives you into severe melancholy, and dynamic activity gives you strength, then the Red Rooster will like you. Entrepreneurship, hard work, generosity and honesty are the key positive traits of this period. Fanaticism, self-centeredness and rudeness are weaknesses that you will have to get rid of.

The 2017 horoscope foretells an interesting year for all zodiac signs; there will be many unusual impressions. Are you wondering how the next year will affect your life? Read the horoscope for your sign and find out what the stars promise you good luck in, what difficulties you will have to face, how relationships, love and financial circumstances will turn out. Look for a fair wind in your sails and make the most of all the opportunities that lie ahead.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aries

An interesting year awaits Aries. Representatives of your sign will feel an innovative impulse that encourages them to make changes, something fresh and romantic in their lives, to rebuild it or renew it, to remake themselves. This will be a time of defining new priorities, building new concepts, the foundation of which was laid during previous years. Many of you will abandon outdated stereotypes and decide on something new.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

The year promises to be very busy for Taurus. Opportunities will constantly appear, and your task is to notice them in time. Amazing changes will occur in life and worldview; cherished dreams may come true. However, you should not rely only on the stars and luck, because inaction will not bring results. Choose responsibility and integrity as your guiding light.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

For Gemini, the year brings opportunities for growth and progress in various areas of life. Career achievements are expected, relationships with friends and relatives will be warm and positive. The stars will help you, but don’t forget about your contribution - do your best to make all your wishes come true. The romantic component of life promises to be quite stormy and varied, because until October 2017, Jupiter, the planet of luck, is in Gemini’s house of love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

2017 will be an important year for the Cancer home and family. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is in your sign's family sector for the first nine months, promising you great opportunities to improve your quality of life. The influence of Jupiter can be expressed in the purchase of an apartment, construction of a house, renovation, expansion or modernization of housing. It is possible to move to a larger house or purchase durable goods that increase the feeling of comfort. Some of you are expecting a change of residence, moving to another city or even country.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

Lviv will have a successful time when you can reach new heights. However, to do this, you need to intensify your energy in order to take advantage of the favorable opportunities that the stars provide. Representatives of the Leo sign have the support of Saturn and Uranus, two slow planets that enhance your potential. The period is favorable for your career, especially if you do not refuse new opportunities. In addition, on a personal level, you will achieve what you strive for.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo

The year is marked by mixed influences for Virgo. It can bring a lot of trouble, but even more joy. Representatives of your sign are known for excellent analytical skills, so it will not be difficult for you to follow the right course. You will be able to bring harmony into your life, find reliable friends and conquer new heights. Until October 2017, the planet of luck, Jupiter, remains in your money sector. This is a good planetary position, promising growth in material and financial terms.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra

This time promises to be quite favorable for Libra. The planet of luck, Jupiter, remains in your sign Libra until October 2017; its influence is positive in many respects. It's time to make your deepest dreams come true. Jupiter gives you self-confidence, energy and vitality, and brings success. You will feel that life becomes fuller and more prosperous. Focus on the goal and take action, and then what you want will become yours. Connections with foreign countries and foreigners will be beneficial for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

2017 will be a fairly stable year for Scorpio. Many of you will be focusing your efforts on professional development. As for relationships with friends and family, they will develop calmly. In your personal life, your significant other may cause some concern. Misunderstandings related to the partner’s short-sightedness cannot be ruled out, although serious problems are also not expected. Romantic Neptune is located in Scorpio's house of love, inspiring hopes and promising the joys of love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

A favorable period awaits Sagittarius. You will be able to realize your ambitions, planetary energies will have a positive impact on all aspects of life. At the same time, you need to remember that the stars do not guarantee success in everything, they will help if you decide to act wisely and show persistence. To achieve success, the horoscope advises you to focus on the most important tasks. It is undesirable to scatter your strength in different directions; it is better to choose those that you feel confident that you can handle. This year could be very successful for love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

The 2017 horoscope portends a successful time for Capricorn. Perhaps the astrological influences of recent years have made you nervous, but this year everything will calm down, achievements await you in all areas of life. Relationships will return to normal, and a fresh wind of positive change will blow in your direction. Favorable circumstances will arise for career and financial growth. Jupiter, the planet of great happiness, is in Capricorn's house of career, so you have high aspirations and grand plans.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

For Aquarius, the year may be happy and successful. You will take a significant step forward in your career, the influence of the stars is on your side. You need to study, gain new knowledge and experience, and then you will be able to create favorable situations yourself or take advantage of good chances. You will be pleased to notice that people will become more friendly towards you, they will look at you with respect and appreciation or with love, if it comes to personal relationships. Many of you will receive offers to participate in projects that will turn out to be very profitable.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

For Pisces, the period may turn out to be quite successful. You will be able to direct your energy to the implementation of the most daring projects without fear of loss. No one and nothing will stand in your way, success awaits you. There are chances to earn big money and improve your financial situation. However, the stars advise remembering that moderation is important this year, so you need to set priorities and not try to get everything at once.

The owner of 2017 according to the eastern calendar will be the Red Rooster, who is famous for his energy, determination and some selfishness. Red (Fire element), the color of the ruler of 2017, says that all the character traits inherent in the Rooster will be twice as strong as usual. The Rooster will reward representatives of all signs of the Zodiac with accuracy, enterprise, the ability to find a way out of any situation, quickly and effectively solve all problems, as well as generosity and pedantry unusual for most. Such qualities will help you look at your life and what is happening around you from the outside, which will be very useful in making future plans and setting goals. This approach will promote the practicality and rationality of every action, every action and decision. Clear and thoughtful steps will lead many representatives of the zodiac circle to the goal that they set for themselves at the beginning of 2017. The horoscope for 2017 advises not to restrain yourself in your desires and not be afraid to dream, but at the same time it is better not to set yourself impossible tasks and unrealistic plans. Correctly and accurately calculating your own strengths and capabilities will increase your chances of success several times. Therefore, it is necessary to make only those plans whose implementation you can be sure of.

Do not forget that the Rooster is an owner, he clearly knows the boundaries of his possession and will defend to the death his rights to what belongs or should belong only to him. This trait will affect all aspects of life in 2017. In business and in the professional field of activity, this will be reflected in the fact that many representatives of the Zodiac signs, who are confident that they have earned an increase in salary or career growth through honest means and hard work, will do everything to achieve justice and get theirs. The same applies to your personal life. If a person believes and is confident that he deserves happiness and reciprocal feelings, then he will do everything possible to achieve return. One of the manifestations of this quality can be jealousy, so astrologers advise controlling your emotions and being guided exclusively by verified facts.

Horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac

Horoscope for 2017 for women

From the first month of 2017, representatives of the fair sex will experience a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions associated with incredible luck in business and harmony in relationships. Due to his assertiveness and determination, 2017 during this period will be marked by great success. It will be somewhat easier for women to achieve their goals and realize their plans than for men. Strength of character, belligerence, masculinity and inflexibility will open up new and wider horizons for them. And women's cunning, sophistication and charm will help you easily and quickly achieve your final goal and enjoy your victory. The horoscope recommends that the fairer sex not play too much, relying only on luck and reconsider their life principles and priorities. It is possible that some women will reassess their life values ​​and begin to look at the world differently. It is especially important that many who were previously tormented by doubts, who could not find their calling and understand themselves, already in the first half of 2017 will be able to clearly define their goals, desires and draw up a specific action plan for the near future. The main thing is to remain rational and practical. This autumn will be the time when every girl and woman will be able to reveal her feminine side through creativity. It is during this period that the position of the planets will have a beneficial effect on the development of creative potential, fill you with inspiration and add strength and energy to conquer new heights.

Horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs for women

Horoscope for 2017 for men

For the stronger sex, 2017 will be marked by a period of great achievements, conquests and strengthening of authority, but due to the dynamism and energy that will fill this entire period, many representatives of the Zodiac signs will want everything at once. This idea should be abandoned. The Rooster is in solidarity and tolerant with those who take up a task and bring it to the end. If your plans for this year are grandiose and your goals are simply huge, you need to concentrate your attention on the highest priority items and persistently strive to bring them to life. This will help you rationally distribute your energy, without wasting it on all sorts of trifles, and achieve maximum results. Men will strive to conquer new possessions not only in business and work, but also in personal relationships. This approach will help to realize everything planned, and at the end of the year, many representatives of the stronger sex will count their achievements, enjoy their own self-sufficiency and plan their future, starting from what has already been achieved.

Horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs for men