Astral world and astral entities - classification and description. Astral world

Nowadays there are many opinions about the so-called "Astral, mental, ethereal, etc." entities ". Many of those who are familiar with thin and astral worlds planets Earth and humans, at least once came across information about all kinds of strange creatures that are not visible to the human eye, ordinary vision, but actively interact with humans. Fairy tales, legends of the peoples of the world, manuscripts, esoteric treatises have preserved the legends about demons, genies, spirits, brownies, creatures of "evil spirits", elves, gnomes, devils, etc. creatures.

Many, to some extent, had the opportunity to touch the secrets of the subtle worlds and, at least once, to encounter astral beings. Some purposefully seek contact with representatives of invisible spaces, and someone directs all their aspirations to gain strength and power over such creatures, not knowing and not suspecting what is actually hidden behind a veil of secrecy. But, one way or another, each person sooner or later encounters something that is still unknown to him and not yet explicable.

Today we invite you to learn about not quite "higher" entities of the invisible astral worlds (many people call all invisible and subtle planes and astral worlds by mistake and / or ignorance "higher worlds"), but about the entities that live in the subtle planes of the planet and people who are also "invisible" to physical sight, the inhabitants of these worlds with great pleasure go to contact with a person.

The first sensation of something "otherworldly" appears at the moment when a person first experiences a state of an altered state of consciousness, going beyond the boundaries and frameworks of ordinary everyday consciousness.
How and how such a state can be achieved is another story (see: and), now the story is about what or who is "there", beyond the boundaries of our physical perception.

So. The first contacts with "invisible" beings and entities occur, as a rule, when a person is in a certain mental, emotional state.

Hearing voices inside your head, seeing strange creatures, paralyzing the physical body, energetic sensation of “someone's” invisible touches or obvious rough grasping of hands, feet, neck and other parts of the body, numbness and the feeling that something or someone “Enters” the physical body, “walks” in it, a sharp change in mood, forms and behavior, manifestations in the world, a sharp loss of energy, drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia, previously uncharacteristic thoughts and thought forms, etc. This state is not for the faint of heart. But, nevertheless, such examples exist. Refined psyche, various energy practices, tuning to the appropriate vibrations of brain activity, the development of human consciousness and subconsciousness, the energies that are present in the human energy structure, and even: actions that are not done according to conscience, wrong choices and wrong decisions, aggression, cruelty, violence committed and sustained in oneself and over others - all this contribute to such contacts.

Entities of the first type include a number of varieties and are the most common. They "stick" from behind to one of their chakras, less often to two and are located at a distance of several meters from the victim. They suck out energy through a channel that permeates the aura and enters one of the chakras. The constant energy deficit arising in it is the cause of most chronic diseases and mental imbalance, which do not respond to conventional treatment without eliminating the cause.

Types of astral entities of the first type:
natural subtle transformation: maflok
artificially created mental images: incubus, succubus

Let us consider in more detail these types of astral entities and how they are dangerous to humans.


These are the simplest energetic creatures that have only hints of the mind.

According to one of the versions, after the death of the physical body, the heavily contaminated human shells of the astral subtle body fall to the lowest astral levels, where accumulators and converters of coarse astral energies are located. Such "fallen souls" quickly degrade, turning into maflocks, and the intelligent energy of the remnants of consciousness, once human personalities, gradually disintegrates in these transformers, passing through involution. But in the Universe, the processes of involution and evolution go on simultaneously, therefore the lower astral essences can evolve, turning into more highly developed essences.

In the material world, their favorite habitats are garbage dumps, dumps, cellars, burrows, caves, slums, etc. They have completely lost all connection with the aspect of the soul and cannot process energy for their own sustenance. Therefore, without external energy supply from someone, the duration of their existence is from 30 to 50 days. To exist for a longer time, they need external sources of energy.

In other words, maflok feeds on negative energy of a person and affects his consciousness.
Under the control of a maflock, a person does not completely control his thoughts and statements, he commits actions, the result of which will be his own negative emotions. As a result, such a person can choose the shortest path to degradation - he commits negative, sometimes irreversible actions and deeds.

Maflocks can be transmitted from an infected person to other people through the so-called "evil eye" - a negative energy-informational impact.

The man under the control of the maflock:
noticing negative traits and qualities in other people, he does not try to understand these people, but condemns and blames, often argues with others and tries to impose his point of view on other people (even realizing that he is not right), which causes negative emotions in him, emotions are maflock food
when shopping in stores, most often he will purchase a low-quality product - spoiled, expired or containing substances harmful to his health. At best, a person will notice, but will not consume low-quality products, so to speak, feed the maflock with short-term negative emotions of disappointment and condemnation. The worst case scenario is that a person will not notice anything suspicious in the products and will use them. This immediately or gradually (not noticeable to the person himself) will lead to malfunctions in the work of organs or the whole body - causing pain. A person will either understand or find the cause of his illnesses and ailments, or, not knowing the cause, he will eliminate the consequence - the treatment of the illness, which leads to an unconscious translation of the illness into a chronic illness. It turns out a vicious circle
easily becomes attached to tobacco smoking, alcohol, drugs and many pharmaceuticals, the result will be the same - self-destruction

If you find it difficult to observe or control your thoughts, then most likely you are under the influence of lower maflocks.

This also applies to choosing dark thoughts or negative actions and focusing on them (for example, watching horror films, programs about criminal activities, etc.).
In any case, do not despair! Know that you are halfway to victory over these lower - dark entities, if you know about their existence and their possible influence on you!

The rest of the way you can overcome if you start to monitor your thoughts and try to control them - noticing negative feelings in yourself (our feelings are an indicator that signals danger) - immediately try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Thus, you leave the maflock without food to exist and he will be forced to leave you.

Test your astral body for the presence of a maflock, and if there is such contact, close it irrevocably, you can do it yourself

Succubus and Incubus.

Currently, the astral world of the planet is inhabited by such entities that have freed themselves (or survived) their creators and have become independent representatives of the dark lower astral worlds.

But modern man himself can easily "create" such an astral being without resorting to esoteric methods.
Incubi appear as a result of the creation of stable thoughts, unsatisfied sexual dreams and fantasies by females, succubi (Succubuss from Latin - prostitute) - seductive beauties from male virtual mental sexual experiences, incl. influenced by various erotic literature, videos with scenes of sexual intercourse, etc.

The more often a person fantasizes about sexual pleasures, the stronger the unrequited love and suffering from "unsuccessful searches for a real man" or "the same woman", the more he attracts these entities into his astral world.
As a rule, these entities appear at night, when a person is in a borderline state of half-sleep and is not able to resist the influence of an astral entity physically and to distinguish an astral being from an innocent mental image (in fact, it is far from harmless, since it is they who nourish and strengthen these entities ). In this condition, the victim is unable to form thoughts and words that end contact, and even paralysis of the vocal cords and body muscles may occur.

Directly during the virtual / astral intercourse, the victim experiences the highest degree of pleasure, which in no way diminishes the fear and feeling of confusion experienced at the same time.
It happens that incubus (conventionally - "men") simply suppress their victims, appearing in front of them in horrifying images and, nevertheless, bring the victim to a violent sexual "release". After an attack, a person's sexual energy is reduced to a minimum, the most accurate definition will be a squeezed lemon. Why? During natural intimacy, people exchange sexual energy with each other, filled with the energy of love, filling and complementing each other, it is not for nothing that some esotericists consider the energy of love to be the strongest and most pure. In the case of sexual fantasy and contact with the astral essence, a person only gives up his power, receiving nothing in return.

Giving up his energy to astral entities, a person loses his spiritual strength, and in the thirst for more and more new sexual contacts, a person becomes a voluntary donor slave for astral entities.

A succubus can come to men who are afraid / avoid real communication, etc., so they do not have sex with real women, but are content with virtual erotic fantasies, films, games, etc. A succubus (a formed stable thought form) is presented in the form of an experienced lover who fulfills all the innermost fantasies of a man, so the victim may like her astral visits. Despite the mixed feelings and sensations when visiting succubuss, the man again and again waits for the seductress, so that she would satisfy all his carnal desires. The arrival of a succubus is accompanied by tangible pressure on the chest, first and after copulation. Sometimes you can see the essence, but it is not clear as a person, but as a translucent substance, with very beautiful forms. If the astral entity has taken on a human form, then it will certainly be a beautiful woman who meets fantasies.

Incubus - the male version of the succubus - also belongs to the category of entities of the astral plane, but still somewhat different from its "sister". If a person goes to intercourse with a succubus voluntarily and even with joy, then the incubus can simply use its victim. Nevertheless, it happens that, experiencing fear and disgust, a girl still longs for repeated meetings with her tormentor. This is explained by the fact that the incubus is able to penetrate the victim's mind and extract from there hidden unsatisfied desires, in which the girl is afraid to admit even to herself. Embodying these desires, the incubus generates new ones, which only he can satisfy. An incubus doesn't have to be sexually attractive. He plays on deeper strings of the human soul than a succubus.

Incubus and Sukubu are not only powered by sexual energy. They also feed on the moral suffering experienced by the victim during sinful and often perverted intercourse.
Such astral entities are able to influence the life of the victim in such a way that situations will be created when the relationship with a real partner will be postponed or terminated for no particular apparent reason.

Test your astral body for a connection with an incubus or succubus, and if there is such a contact, close it irrevocably, you can do it yourself on

They look like a large black tick that has sucked on with its entire body. By directing their negative energies into a person, they excite negative emotional reactions in him and feed on their energies. This can go on for many years. Larvae are a "bright" representative of the second type of entities.


About the presence of larva indicates the presence of at least some of the following signs, especially if there is at least one of the first four:
- you have any addiction or bad habit. Especially if it does not bring you pleasure, but without it you can no longer
- you have any psycho-emotional problems. For example, depression, irritability, anger, fears, etc.
- you have exhausting dreams, be they scary, hectic or erotic
- in the morning you get out of bed tired and lethargic, so you have to drink coffee or resort to other doping to increase your tone
- you are worried about recurrent pain in the back of the head and back
- fingers and toes often get cold
- vision sometimes becomes kind of unclear
- sometimes there are painful or "sucking" sensations in the abdomen
- there is a cold or heaviness in the kidney area

How to diagnose the presence of a larva more accurately and which Technique to use to get rid of a larva you can learn

Symptoms of Gesture Relief:
- a wave of heat or chills will pass through the body
- warmth will spread down the back and the back of the head
- the toes of the hands and feet will become warmer
- there will be a feeling of warmth in the solar plexus
-the vision will cease to be clouded
- there will be a feeling as if some weight was removed from the back
- cases of headache will stop almost completely
- there will be a release from psycho-emotional problems
- getting rid of bad habits or addictions
- ending bad dreams
- wellness in the morning

Entities of the third type go inside a person. The disease manifests itself in the form of various forms of mental disorders. They do not respond to medical treatment and are eliminated with exorcism.

Another type of contact with dark entities is not uncommon. astral worlds... It is carried out by them through special subtle probes of various types (discs, cones, etc.), introduced into the aura of the human astral body above the Sahasrara or, less often, under .

The energetic connection of astral entities from the lower astral worlds to Muladhara more destroys the human energy system, but it does not occur as often as the connection of the "upper" ones: a channel goes up from the probe and then to the side to drain the taken energy.

The victim often feels his periodic suction, manifested in particular by headaches.

Serum energies introduced into a person often awaken psychic and healing abilities in him. Their realization through energetic contact with patients spreads this type of vampirism among the population.

Probe energetic connection often manifests itself in the form of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, occurring on a psychic level (telepathic or figurative) and carrying a certain, sometimes useful, knowledge. But it requires an exorbitant price.

The harsh imperative form of addressing a person, the inability for him to control the course of contact with his own will is a serious reason to doubt the purity of the source. Contact with the Loving Higher Forces of the Hierarchy of the Creator is always accompanied by Love and deep respect for man, for his freedom and independence. There is no violence, even in the most subtle forms, in the Divine worlds of the astral plane!

Contacts of the first, second and third types as well as the probe energetic connection of dark entities can be eliminated by well-known proven esoteric techniques.

But often, the terminated contacts with astral beings are renewed again after a while. How to be in this case?

What needs to be done in order for the termination of the "acquaintance" with the strange and dangerous creatures of the astral world to become final and without repeating the renewal you can learn in the lesson Sensitivity development practice number 16.

Who or what radically affects our lives? What energy contracts, bindings, mental agreements define our life and dictate what happens to us in this reality? What does interaction with the world look like with tz. energy processes? To what extent is what is happening inside and around us is part of our true divine plan for evolution, and what has become the "accidental" consequence of wrong thoughts, and most importantly, what can be done about it? About it.

Hello, friends. Recently, we have often come across information about out-of-body travel. On television, radio, in printed sources, it has become fashionable to touch upon the topic of leaving the physical body.

Some are seriously engaged in the study and application in practice of this phenomenon, while others are skeptical, perceiving such messages as a myth. Which category do you belong to?
We would like to invite you on an astral journey. Are you ready to plunge into the world of the unknown, not studied by science? If yes, then go ahead. Today we will tell you about the astral and what it is.

I knew for a fact that I was dreaming. And at the same time, I saw and heard everything that was happening around. The curtains quietly swayed, blown by the wind from the open window, it was stuffy. From the street came the shrill chirping of crickets and cicadas. The light of the moon flooded the room, making it as bright as day. Although I knew intellectually that it was night. It was so easy for me. The starry sky attracted with its luminous dome. I understood why it was so easy for me, I was weightless, I flew out the window, inadvertently hitting the white curtains, from which they pulled after me, scattered out of the window like a bride's veil. This feeling cannot be described in words as it is beyond the control of ordinary sensations. I realized that I was dreaming, that I was lying on the bed in the middle of a pile of crumpled sheets ... or was it my body that was sleeping? But incredible lightness was present in my whole being, giving an unforgettable feeling of free flight and unlimited freedom ...

In the morning, remembering my night trip, I thought it was just a dream. For a while, I forgot about him. But exactly until one day I accidentally stumbled upon information about astral travel on the Internet. So that's it! It was a spontaneous exit to the astral plane. Then it became interesting to me, because such an experience can be repeated. I began to study this issue. And here's what I learned.

Astral world

The very word "astral" came to us from the Greek language (from the word "asteri" - a star). This concept is widely used in occultism, magic, philosophy, esotericism, alchemy (in the past).

This is a kind of subtle world. We live in a dense world. Our body, objects around us, you can touch, see, feel. This cannot be said about the subtle world. Our subtle (or astral) body, in contrast to the dense, is a shell invisible to the ordinary gaze, it is often called the aura, which "stands" between the soul endowed with the mind and the physical body of a person.

The astral world includes several levels. Its lowest levels are called "ether". There is such a thing as "etheric vision", when people can see the shapes, colors and even some living beings that live in the astral world (albeit at its lower level).

References to the astral body can be traced through the centuries, starting from antiquity.

The ancient Egyptian sages were sure that two spirits live in a person who are capable of leaving the body at any time. This is an astral double (Ka) and a soul (Ba), which have the ability to live an independent life.
Plato believed that life on earth is only a pitiful semblance of the possibilities that are open to the spirit separated from the body.

Representatives of the Theosophical Society, founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, adhere to the doctrine that the physical body is not a single component of human essence. Everyone has at least seven bodies.

Hemingway in Farewell to Arms! described his own experience of out-of-body travel through the hero of the book. After injuring his legs, he felt (perhaps it was a painful shock) how his soul or something else slips out of his body, just like a silk handkerchief is pulled from a pocket by the tip.

One of the most famous practitioners of astral travel, the American Edgar Cayce was engaged in out-of-body exits in order to diagnose patients who were hundreds and even thousands of kilometers away. During such sessions, Cayce forbade those present to move around the room or move objects, as he feared that the "silver cord" - the thread connecting his subtle and physical body - might break.

According to special studies conducted, approximately twenty percent of the world's inhabitants have had an out-of-body travel experience at least once in their lives.

Skeptics consider such travels to be nothing more than hallucinations, and the theory of astral travel itself is parascientific. But the question arises, is it really possible that so many mentally healthy people have the same hallucinations?

It turns out that when entering the astral (it is also called astral projection), the subtle body is separated from the physical and travels freely. With this, everything is clear. But is it possible to achieve this consciously, and if so, how?

Are astral travel dangerous?

All people are thinking beings. It is the mind that unites our soul and body. Those connections that exist within us are invisible and imperceptible in real life, and their astral substance, which is in us, forms them.

Thanks to these connections, during out-of-body travel, our astral body is not completely separated from the physical, therefore breathing, cardiac activity and other body functions are preserved. But part of the astral substance will still go with your subtle body. It is thanks to him that the ability of consciousness to act on the astral plane is preserved.

And beginners, those who are first practicing the experience of such travels, should be careful not to "grab" too large a "portion" of the astral substance. As a rule, with practice, comes the ability to spend the optimal amount of energy for such outputs.

Any person in real life emits astral substance and draws it from external sources. Sometimes you can hear about some people that his "energy is in full swing" or he is "full of health." In the subtle sense, in this case, we are talking about the astral substance, "released" into the material world.

It is interesting that a person who is limited in his material world, for example, by deafness, dumbness, blindness or paralysis, does not experience such difficulties in his astral body, that is, he is subject to all the functions that his physical body lacks.

Fears of this kind often arise: “what will happen if I cannot go back?”, “How to return to the body?”, “How to find my way back?”.

We hasten to inform you that after you start practicing out-of-body travel, at the initial stages you will be occupied with another, completely opposite problem "how to stay out of the body?" Because you will be pulled back to the physical world with tremendous force, throwing you out of astral projection. But with targeted training, this problem will disappear.

The main danger is that with the wrong approach, with insufficient preparation, those energies with which your subtle body can “collide” in the astral plane may be too “heavy” and unbearable for it, as a result of which the loss of a large amount of astral substance is inevitable (for the physical body, this is equivalent to energy depletion).

The misinterpretation of new sensations by an untrained psyche can cause enormous fear beyond description. In some ancient teachings, this fear was associated with monsters and monsters.

How to get out of the body?

Astral exits are often used by magicians, psychics, occultists to communicate with the souls of the dead or to search for missing people, to help the investigation and for healing. But this is often practiced by charlatans who imitate out-of-body travel and, thus, mislead their clients in order to obtain material gain.

Just practicing astral exits without special training is not prudent and dangerous (and we are obliged to warn you about this). After all, you do not want to experiment on yourself "at random", hoping for a fluke.

We will walk you through the basic steps that need to be applied. But all these techniques are just information that everyone can modify, as they say, "for themselves." From them you will simply learn the basics and grasp the general meaning.

1) A place where nothing and no one will bother you. It is better if there is enough free space in this place, you will be there alone. It shouldn't be too hot or cold there. In short, being in this place should not cause any discomfort;

2) The posture in which astral projection is performed should be comfortable. You can do this while standing, lying or sitting. Condition: Do not cross your arms or legs. The limbs should be straight and relaxed. You need to try to completely relax;

3) Breathing should be deep enough, but slow and calm. This is how they usually breathe in a dream. It is better to close your eyes.

4) This step takes imagination. Imagine a huge white luminous sphere above your head. Dissolve in this light. A ray of light passes through your body, filling you with warmth, love and tranquility, the light comes out of your chest at the level of your heart chakra. A white glowing aura forms around you. Immerse yourself in this state. Feel how your brain begins to function on a different psychoenergetic level.

5) Dissolving in the light, understand that this light is your astral body. Separate it mentally from your physical body. With your mental eye, you will see the light in the shape of your body (maybe a little fuzzy) rises up. Feel yourself in this light.

6) How to get out of the body tell the first five steps, and when you come back, do not forget to "pull" your subtle body and all the astral substance. Let the light come back to you (imagine this) and form your shell, enter back into your body through the heart chakra.

click to enlarge the picture
(image will open in a new window)

Try this technique, if it doesn't work right away, don't worry. The first time, you may be able to get out of your body for just a split second. But don't be discouraged, practice this for a few days. It will be easier to hold on each time. You will be able to dive deeper into the astral plane. Just don't be too zealous, such an experience should be enjoyable, not fatigue. You shouldn't feel tension or tear. This is akin to meditation, after which you feel a surge of strength and energy.

Additional information and a wide variety of out-of-body travel techniques can be found in printed sources, starting with the treatises of the ancient Indian sages, the writings of Platnus and Aristotle. From more modern authors, it will be useful to read books by Mikhail Raduga, Phillips Osborne, Helena Blavatsky, Richard Webster and others.

Share information with your friends, do not forget to subscribe to our updates, so as not to miss anything interesting. Good luck, and interesting journeys, not only astral, but also real.

The astral world is the world of mental-sensory projections of consciousness. What can happen to a person in this world largely depends on his individual symbolic series, his patterns and stereotypes, as well as his ability to control his condition through intellect and will. The astral world is a world of dreams, fantasies, visions, but also illusions and fears.

The astral world is the next level above the level of the material kingdom of nature. It corresponds to the chakra of desires - Svadhisthana and the emotional plane of the soul.

In spiritual traditions, the path never began from the astral world. The first step on the path of soul development was the ascent of consciousness to the level of the causal or cause-and-effect body. This level corresponds to knowledge about the Law of Karma, comprehending which consciousness begins to see the connections between all the phenomena of the world. Here the student absorbs the wisdom of the classical Christian commandments: he learns love, acceptance, gratitude.

Only after comprehending the ethical principles and laws of the world, the neophyte returns back to Malkuth - the kingdom of material nature, and from there he continues to cognize the world of astral forms.

Astral world and magic

The level of the astral world includes practical magic with rituals, ceremonies, objects of power and spells. At this stage, the application of knowledge in practice and interaction with space begins.

The meaning of such a sequence of paths is obvious. The reality of the astral world is unstable and changeable, in contrast to the world of the physical form. Many have noticed how feelings and emotions intensify in dreams. And how does space in a dream instantly realize all our fears and fears? One who is not strong in spirit, interacting with the astral world, risks falling victim to his delusions. It is not without reason that the astrological symbols of the astral world are the Moon and Neptune - the planets of illusion and deception.

When working with the astral worlds, ignorance and ignorance of ethical laws can lead to their violations and corresponding consequences. As long as contact with the astral world takes place on an unconscious level, for example, during a normal sleep, there can be no disturbances, since there is no conscious impact on reality. But when there is awareness, there is responsibility for every change made to reality.

Lucid dreams and astral exits

Astral exits are also related to the practices of the astral world. These practices are associated with out-of-body experiences. They are distinguished only by their attitude to objective physical reality.

The astral exit is tied to reality, a lucid dream unfolds in alternative worlds. Sleep is a product of the dreamer's unconscious mind. And astral reality is one of the energetic layers of the objectively existing material world.

Lucid dreams are considered safer for practice, since in this case there is no splitting of the energy structure of the human soul - consciousness does not leave the body and interacts with the astral worlds through its own mental projections.

During the astral exit, the consciousness leaves the body, although it remains connected with the energy channel. If during the exit, something happens to the body, the connecting channel may collapse and consciousness will lose contact with physics. Although, such cases are exceptions. Usually, if something starts to go wrong during the practice, defense mechanisms are triggered and consciousness urgently returns to the body shell. At the same time, the presence of protective mechanisms does not exclude the need to maintain caution and follow the principle of the "golden mean" in practice.

From the story of the practitioner of astral travel, you can draw your own conclusions. Oleg got into the astral plane for 25 years after long attempts. Further, about the astral world, what it is will be told on his behalf.

“I tried for a long time to get out of the body, but all attempts were in vain. Now I understand that this was due to a lack of knowledge.

Getting up early in the morning without an alarm clock, I wandered around the apartment for a while. When I went to bed, all muscles were as relaxed as possible. After a couple of minutes I began to see images, various pictures flashed in front of me, but I held on to my mind as hard as I could and tried not to fall asleep. During one of the looks, I decided to get up. It turned out to be difficult to climb, as if I rolled forward.

I started feeling everything around. I was struck by the reality of feelings. After that I woke up. But now I realized that everything is real, and continued my practice. You don't get out every time, you need a certain predisposition of the mind.

Now I sometimes travel to my favorite places, I spend this time thinking about certain situations. This helps me to stay more balanced in my everyday life and sometimes see how this or that situation will end. I think with practice I can stay there for a longer period. Great concentration is needed to stay in the astral world "

Astral world what is it?

The topic is quite confusing, there are many versions and sources. Astral is an existing place, it is not a dream and not a person's fantasy. If two individuals enter it at the same time, then they will meet each other. In the astral plane, you can move to any point on the planet and in any time period. There you can find higher and lower beings, deceased relatives.

You can get into the future and see what will happen in a certain period of your life. But it is impossible to change something or influence events.

There are often cases when a person loses interest in life after astral travel. It should be understood that the astral is just a projection of the entire information field, you cannot live your life there.

Astral travel is the separation of the soul from the body, accompanied by a hum in the ears, heaviness and other unpleasant sensations. Both when leaving the body and on the journey itself, there will be an unpleasant feeling of fear or anxiety. Often, people going out into the astral plane do not leave the limits of their room, because of a feeling of anxiety.

Astral body

It is not the soul that leaves on a journey to other worlds, but the astral body. As you know, a person consists not only of a soul and a physical shell. It contains 7 bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, casual, buddhic and atmic. Science has come closest to the astral body at this moment in time. Perhaps in the near future, new opportunities will open up for everyone.

Therefore, you should not be afraid not to return or oversleep the morning. The body fully continues its work and after awakening the astral body returns to its place.

If during the journey the body dies due to illness or someone kills you in reality while you are sleeping, then the astral body will not be able to return back. Therefore, a person in old age or with poor health should not engage in such practices.

Astral World Evidence

The astral world exists in the same way as the astral body. There are many facts of clinical death, after which people talked about their travels to other worlds.

In an BBC film about clinical death, you can see the story of one woman who underwent complex brain surgery. During the operation, she had to be killed, that is, introduced into clinical death. But even the death of the brain, the woman, separated from the body, heard and saw everything that was happening. After telling the doctor about the dialogues that were heard, he confirmed that this was exactly what happened.

Many esotericists in their books confirmed the presence of the astral plane and went there themselves, whether it is worth believing them, the decision of everyone.

But the best proof is personal experience, which anyone can get with some effort.

Astral world and mental world

The astral world is a display of images, and the mental world is of thoughts. It is very easy to confuse them. As images differ from thoughts, so these worlds differ from each other.

The mental world is considered a higher level. To get there you have to work hard on yourself. The higher astral is the mental dimension. Only spiritually developed people with high concentration can enter there.

It is believed that the higher astral or mental is paradise.

Since the astral world is a kind of projection of our world, it is very similar to our planet. There may be identical cities, countries, small or huge differences. On the lower astral, forms can be changed by an effort of will, therefore, it is rather difficult to describe this place specifically. One thing is clear for sure - it is very similar to our world.

The lower astral can appear before a person as a figment of his imagination. In the lower astral, you can modify the shapes of objects, create something new and play with your imagination in every possible way.

Going out into the astral plane, you can move to anywhere in the world with the help of just one thought, all that is needed is concentration.

You can often hear eyewitness stories about how they saw our planet from the side, being in the astral plane. The destination when entering the astral plane depends on the level of spiritual development of a person and his desires. He can wake up in his room, in a place from childhood memories, anywhere in the world.

3 ways to see the astral world

The subtle world is interesting to almost everyone, everyone sees dreams and wants to learn a little more about the other world.

There are several exit techniques.

The first way

Fall asleep in an uncomfortable position for you. If you sleep on your back, lie on your stomach, or vice versa. The state should be calm, not agitated. The attitude should be indifferent. If you cling to the idea of ​​getting out, you never really get out of the body.

Closing your eyes, you must begin to peer into the bottomless void. This should be done until images or pictures appear. After them, vibrations will appear in the body.

At this moment, you must immediately rise. You shouldn't think about how to do this, the main action is. If you can't get up, you can roll from the bed to the floor, many find it easier to roll. This is an important point!

At the same time, people often confuse reality and astral. Waking up already in the astral plane, they believe that they just got out of bed and lie back. After that, they wake up in reality with a sense of a missed moment.

If you miss the vibrations and do nothing, you will fall into sleep paralysis, and this state is very unpleasant.

Second way

In the evening, going to bed, you need to relax and close your eyes. Then falling asleep, half asleep, you need to raise your hands and see them. In reality, in this case, the muscles will be completely relaxed, and the real hand does not move anywhere, the eyes are closed.

When a fuzzy image arises, you need to rub your hands together with all your strength. When the image is clear, you will have to immediately roll out of the physical body.

Third way

Twisting around its axis. Falling asleep you need to imagine how your body makes an infinite number of turns in one direction or another. The faster the better. The more turns, the easier it will be to get rid of the shell. You can alternate all three methods while falling asleep in a beat of 15 seconds for the best effect.

Sleep paralysis

Paralysis occurs during exiting the body in the event that a person could not jump out of the shell in time and got stuck in it.

The body will be paralyzed, fear will arise due to the feeling of uncontrollability of the body. Otherworldly sounds and possibly even images will appear. Sometimes there is a feeling of suffocation and terrible fear. At such a moment, you cannot panic, this will only aggravate the situation, you should relax and just wait until the body wakes up.

Sleep paralysis is quite common. There are many legends from different nations about demons or witches who sit on their chests in the middle of the night and frighten people, trying to strangle them. In fact, this is due to the fact that the person woke up during sleep. When we sleep, we have a condition called muscle atony, which prevents body movements and paralyzes the body while we sleep. When we wake up during sleep, we get this kind of sleep paralysis. This state lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

Is the astral world dangerous?

When the astral body travels through other dimensions, no entity can harm it. Provided that a person has a strong psyche and is not afraid when he sees this or that essence.

Guests from the lower strata also exist in the real world. Invisibly for us, they are attracted to places of accumulation of envy, lust, anger. Gradually, they begin to influence people, making them slaves of earthly pleasures and vices. It should be understood that the subtle world is always present in the everyday life of a person. The fact that we do not see him does not mean that he does not exist.

At the lowest level of the astral there are entities of the same level of development as a person. You cannot destroy anything in that world or try to harm entities, the consequences can even pass into everyday life.

Contact with the astral world

Once at the lower level, you can find various entities from myths and legends. From vampires to werewolves. There are also bad souls here who could have sinned greatly during their lifetime. Travelers just like you. Also there you can meet various magicians who travel around the worlds in order to study abilities.

The astral plane has its own laws, but each person sees it a little differently. This is due to the peculiarities of the perception of the world. In our daily life, we also see the world differently.

Sensations and contacts are absolutely real, the fact that the world is invisible does not mean that it is not there.

If the astral body gets to the highest level, we can say that it has got to heaven. But the path upward is open only to the brightest and wisest souls, a small number of people have been there.

Astral world of cats and dogs

Everyone has heard stories about animals that came to the owner through thousands of kilometers. Or even after death they visited him. These are not fictions. Animals often travel to astral worlds and feel much more confident there than people.

After death, animals also go to the astral plane and continue to dwell there. It is not for nothing that the cat is considered a guide to the other world.

Animals can become your companions on your journey through the subtle world. To do this, it is enough to call the astral body of the animal to yourself during the journey. This usually happens easily and without a hitch.

Safety when working and traveling in the astral world

A person's strong faith and his moral principles will act as protection in the subtle world. Gradually, when a person gets stronger, his strength will increase, and the entities will not have such an effect on his soul.

To avoid the consequences, you should follow safety precautions:

  1. Do not go to the astral plane for a long time until the practice becomes something familiar.
  2. Do not attack entities, do not destroy the place of residence and do not think of yourself as great. You are just a guest there.
  3. People with strong mental health should go to the astral plane.
  4. You cannot be afraid. Fear is the only way spirits can do harm.
  5. Each entity can be directly asked who it is. Since the appearance can be deceiving. She has no right to lie, but she can evade or simply hide.


Many people fail to stay in the astral plane or just get there. Do not get upset in such a situation, mentally weak people, as well as unprepared people, are not allowed into the astral plane. In order to get there, you need to have a strong psyche and moral readiness. The consequences of being there can easily affect daily life. This is a serious and responsible journey where two worlds collide.

Also, only those who really want it, who can break through the wall and force themselves, will not be afraid and will be able to survive all the experiences, get there.

Therefore, if the thirst for travel burns in your heart, then you will succeed, the only question is in the practice and the regularity of its implementation.

The Astral World is a kind of conditional place, outer space, where the human soul can enter, stay there for some time, experience a lot of sensations, and then return to the physical body again, preserving full memories of all the experiences received. it can be involuntary, which happens at most once or twice in a lifetime, and arbitrary - that is, arising at the request of a person.

Does the astral world exist?

The astral world is something that no skeptic can believe, who tend to reject anything that cannot be touched. In addition, in order to achieve an exit into the astral world, you need to find a teacher for yourself and master the methods of entry and exit for a long time. Some people get it in the first week, while others take several weeks. And the only way through which skeptics can believe in the astral is to get into it. Although hardly anyone from the bottom dares to spend so much time on this venture.

And for those who admit the existence of the unknown, the astral world has long ceased to be something from the category of miracles. The astral world and its hierarchy become clear literally from the very first sessions, and each time the journey becomes more and more interesting.

Levels and beings of the astral world

Most importantly, remember that the diversity of the astral world is limited only by what you believe in or are able to believe. The space of the astral world has seven levels. They differ in varying degrees of density and vibration levels. The astral space of the Earth is incredibly large, and you are unlikely to ever get bored there.

The first level is the highest astral, the seventh is the lowest. This is due to astral beings, demons and the secrets of this world: the higher the level, the stronger the vibrations of the creatures inhabiting it.

The lower planes are incredibly similar to our reality, but the higher you rise, the more changes you will notice. The levels are divided into three categories - in the first levels 1-3, in the second - 4-6, in the third - the 7th level (the kingdom of sin and vice, hell). In the astral plane, each thing is visible not from the side of the gaze, but from the inside, from all sides at once. This does not come immediately, but with experience.

How to get to the astral world?

The question of how to enter the astral world often comes up against banal fear. Even if you are incredibly thirsty to know this wonderful world, you can still be afraid of getting some kind of moral trauma, and this feeling will not allow you to enter the right state and embark on a journey. But remember, if you do everything right, you cannot hurt yourself. And if you have a desire, will, time and place, then you will certainly master the exit to the astral plane.

Before entering the astral world, you need to find out how strong your will is. It is necessary to learn how to completely turn off thoughts. Place the watch in front of you and stop the thought process. If you cannot hold on for even a minute, it will be extremely difficult for you, and if you calmly remain without thoughts for about 10 minutes, everything will be easy for you. Train your will to stop thoughts - this is great. A week before the planned release, do not eat meat, do not have sex, read books on esotericism and give up worldly worries. Practice thought stopping.

So, the process itself:

This is very easy if you have previously learned how to turn off the internal dialogue. Start practicing with a teacher only!