What to plant in the shade - an overview of shade-tolerant crops. Shade-tolerant plants for the garden

Shady corners of the garden are a real problem for all gardeners. After all, no matter how hard you try to plan the site in such a way as to make the most productive use of the entire available area, there will be many corners that are not suitable for planting traditional and much-loved plants. Old trees, behind buildings or near a house on the north side almost always have shade and often such problem areas They look far from attractive and contrast with the design of the rest of the garden. And how I would like to extend and fill the unfavorable corners with lush blooming splendor! But owners of gardens in which the problem of shady areas arises should not despair. This problem can be solved not only with the help of decorative foliage plants, for example, ivy, but also with the help of magnificent shrubs, including flowering ones. Indeed, among these lush and long-lasting garden stars, there is more than one species that will happily become your own colorful and fresh wonder in the shade.

Before selecting shrub plants that can easily adapt to life in insufficiently bright light, be sure to accurately determine the conditions of the place where they will grow. So, all flowering shade-loving shrubs will need fertile, high-quality soil, rich, first of all, in humus. If you plan to fill a shady corner with shrubs next season, be sure to leave dry foliage in this place, which over the winter will turn into nutritious fertilizer and in a natural way will increase the nutritional value of the soil. If there is not enough dry foliage (for example, near buildings or fences), simply add humus or compost to the soil when digging. In such shady corners near buildings and walls, there is another problem: the soil in such specific conditions often turns out to be dry. Even when there are no plants growing there, mulch the soil and water it periodically to preserve the unique soil ecosystem and support the development of microorganisms. It is equally important to analyze the acidity of the soil: only by knowing exactly whether the soil in the selected area is alkaline or acidic can you choose the right shrubs. You should also dig planting holes for seedlings very carefully when it comes to filling shady places near large trees: cannot be damaged during planting root system plants already growing on the site. You can safely dig deep planting holes next to crops such as rowan, oak or pine, but near cherries and pears, on the contrary, you should work very carefully and carefully, literally “raking” the soil with your hands. Be sure to mulch the soil under shade-tolerant shrubs every spring, preferably with compost or dry leaves.

First in the “queue” of candidates to fill shady places with beautiful flowering are, of course, rhododendrons that prefer acidic soils. In terms of beauty and abundance of flowering, only a few plants can compete with them, and even those cannot boast of such beauty of individual flowers and variety of colors. True, these amazing shrubs of Asian origin will need quite specific conditions to grow. All rhododendrons grow in acidic soils, and only rare varieties can tolerate neutral soil (incarto group). In order to ensure sufficient acidity of the soil at the growing site, special acidic peat should be added to it. These shrubs also prefer moist, cool areas, where they bloom much more actively.

Brilliant, dark, rich green foliage, luxurious variations of variegated colors and a variety of sizes allow these impressive shrubs to be planted in both large and small gardens. Thus, large-flowered hybrid rhododendons can reach a maximum height of four meters in just a few years; they need large spaces. And other hybrids - Yakushiman rhododendrons - on the contrary, can settle in even the smallest place, because they rarely exceed 1 meter in height and are very compact in the structure of the bush. Evergreen species of rhododendrons have their advantage: they do not lose their attractiveness all year round. But the deciduous beauties are not inferior to them in beauty, and sometimes even surpass them in the splendor of flowering, behind which the leaves are practically invisible. Thus, Japanese rhododendrons, which many people habitually call azaleas, also do not grow above 1 meter, but create such a dense oriental carpet with a slight exotic character that they seem to be flowering pillows. Deciduous azaleas will feel great not near buildings, where in winter they look rather unattractive, but where the shadow is cast by trees and tall shrubs that remain decorative all year round, which easily compensate for the loss of leaves by rhododendrons with their winter splendor and greenery. And rhododendrons in their shade during the active season, and especially during flowering and in the fall, when they change into a bright crimson outfit, they will turn into real bright stars. As for evergreen rhododendrons, they can be planted anywhere in the garden with suitable conditions.

The palette of rhododendrons includes a wide range of shades from white to yellow, orange, red, purple, pink, lilac. When planting rhododendrons in the shade, take care of the correct combination of colors and colors, use all the available space to present flowering shrubs in all their splendor. So, combine bright shades with white and cream, purple with pink, yellow and red with light lilac. Create additional volume and emphasize the splendor of flowering with the help of color contrasts and variations in tonal saturation - and a shady corner will seem like the brightest place in the garden.

If rhododendron amazes the imagination with an even carpet of small flowers, then hydrangea has the largest caps of inflorescences among shrubs. Reaching a diameter of 25 cm, these lush and lacy hats amaze the imagination and captivate with pastel, soft colors of white, blue, pink tones different variations color saturation. The main advantage of hydrangea over other shrubs for shady places is that it blooms when most shrubs “leave” from the garden scene. Hydrangeas display their iconic blooms from June until September, filling the summer with the lush splendor of elegant blooms. In the shadows, they seem not just shining, but fresh and bright islands of peace and quiet. In terms of soil requirements, hydrangeas and rhododendrons are similar: they need acidic, slightly moist soil and regular watering during drought. Not all varieties of hydrangea can successfully withstand harsh winters, so always plant these plants near buildings, and unstable types in containers rather than in open ground. The problem of frost resistance can be solved with the help of shelter non-woven material and spruce branches. And here tree hydrangeas will not disappear even in the deepest shade and will withstand severe frosts.

Unexpectedly, the common viburnum and its decorative varieties. Viburnum, unlike capricious rhododendrons, is absolutely undemanding to soil and requires only stable soil moisture when growing. Delightful varieties retain their decorative properties throughout the garden season, striking the imagination in an atypical way lush flowering, a bright autumn outfit and clusters of sparkling berries. Thus, the rather miniature variety “Compactum” will not exceed one and a half meters in height, but can boast of an amazing abundance of 10-cm creamy umbrella-shaped inflorescences, in place of which in the fall there are no less amazing berries, which viburnum of this variety last for a long time on branches and can become a real winter garden decoration.

But not only these three wonderful shrubs will decorate and refresh shady corners. Magnificent Mahonia initially delights with golden clusters of flowers, and closer to autumn - some of the brightest blue berries. Mahonia, being one of the most impressive autumn and winter berry bushes, is very easy to care for and tolerates haircuts well, which will help maintain a compact shape and stable dimensions.

Bells collected in drooping loose inflorescences of Eschynanthus remind many of lilies of the valley, but not with a reddish color. This shrub is good both in the spring, during the original flowering, and in the summer, when the lush mass of leaves seems incredibly voluminous, and in the fall, when the usual outfit changes to a fiery palette of bright decoration.

The golden and bright flowers of Japanese kerria seem to be glowing lanterns in the shadows. This beauty blooms at the end of May and brightens the beginning of hot summer, and with proper care it will delight you with repeated flowering in September.

Color also influences the effect produced, and the specificity of the shaded areas enhances optical illusions, which allows you to achieve amazing decorative ensembles. Thus, when choosing flowering shrubs for shade, preference should be given to white or light colors, which seem to glow from within and fill the dark corners of the garden with an illumination effect. The same effect can be achieved by variegated foliage with white or yellow patterns, such as variegated varieties of boxwood or ivy, which thrive in the shade and complement the effect produced by flowering shrubs the rest of the year. A yellow border along the leaves of the euonymus variety “Emerald’n Gold”, which changes in winter, will fit perfectly into such a picture. lemon color to pink; yellow-flowering witch hazel, which is decorated with amazing fringed flowers only in October.

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Many summer cottages have certain areas of natural light - well-lit sunlight and shaded. Very often, areas of the site located in the shade are partially used or remain completely empty, which not only looks inorganic, but sometimes leads to an irrational distribution of plants on the site. This article will talk about how to choose a suitable shade-loving plant for the garden who can feel comfortable in such conditions.

It is worth noting that the partial shadow cast by mature trees or small buildings at home does not frighten most plants, since during the day they manage to receive the required amount of sunlight. But it happens that in areas there are places that are completely sheltered from light and the plants in them are transferred, become less hardy, and often do not take root at all and die.

The issue of shading areas of a country house site becomes especially problematic for owners of small summer cottages, since in a small area you need to place all the necessary crops and desired plants.

On the issue of proper distribution of plants across the territory summer cottage should be taken quite seriously, since proper planting and different cultures The yield and, accordingly, the effort spent on growing plants will depend. Very often, beginners who are just planning planting and deciding where and how exactly the flower garden, vegetable garden and garden will be located face difficulties in this matter.

Quite often landing various trees carried out along the fence or fences. This approach is quite expedient, since with this arrangement the trees do not occupy a usable area, but here you need to take into account which side of the site is best to plant so that the shadow from the trees does not fall on large area summer cottage and did not interfere with the saturation of plants with sunlight.

If planting trees is only in the plans, then you need to take into account in advance in what places the plants that prefer will be located. maximum amount light, and where the area can be partially shaded.

Shrubs are also often planted along hedges and fences, but it is worth understanding that some of them will be in complete shade from trees that were planted earlier or the fence. Based on this, more the right option There will be planting of ornamental or berry bushes closer to the central part of the summer cottage, which will also serve as an additional division of the territory into zones.

Things are a little simpler with growing flowers, since for these purposes there are simple technologies for growing flowers at higher elevations or at vertical gardening and placement in hanging pots. Thus, flowers have the opportunity to receive required quantity Sveta.

In order to prevent possible problems When growing plants, one should distinguish between the concepts of shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants, since the former adapt and cope with existence in shaded areas, while others by their nature prefer to grow and develop in the shade. For a complete understanding, before planting a plant, it is recommended to study agricultural technology and take into account the requirements for the planting site.

It is worth considering that the shadow can be stable (constant), partial (the area can be shaded at a certain period of the day and illuminated at a certain time of the day, due to the passage of the sun) and diffused (light penetrates through the foliage and branches of trees).

In the dense, stable shade cast by trees, shrubs or buildings, elecampane, kupena, cordifolia, sedum, and European hoofweed will feel good. This light zone, combined with well-moistened soil, is perfect for planting dark geranium, hellebore, astilbe, black cohosh and primrose.

In those areas where the shade is scattered, for example, under old apple trees or nuts, it is recommended to plant spring navel, lupins, fragrant woodruff, and daylily. In such conditions, medicinal herbs such as lemon balm and peppermint. You also need to take into account that in addition to the shading and humidity of the place, the composition of the soil can affect the plant. For example, on sandstones or sandy loams in diffuse shade, creeping tenacious, violet, lily of the valley, periwinkle and kupena grow well.

Usually in the shade orchard They place various shrubs that do not require too much attention and develop beautifully.

In semi-shaded areas of the garden you can often find shade-tolerant rhododendron, which prefers just such conditions and does not like sunlight at all.

But it is worth remembering that this shrub should grow in partial shade, since in the complete absence of sunlight its flowering may not be so abundant and beautiful.

Viburnum, elderberry, hydrangea, ivy, clematis and virgin grapes are also considered shade-tolerant shrubs.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant flowers for the garden and flower beds

It may be difficult for some flowers to feel good in the shaded areas of a summer cottage, but they can do without sunlight at all.

Shade-loving perennials

Even for a novice gardener, it will not be difficult to grow a perennial of shade-loving flowers in your summer cottage. Among perennials great amount flowers that prefer shade. Due to the fact that there are incredibly many such types of shade-loving flowers for the garden, summer residents have the opportunity to plant not monotonous flower beds, but entire flower beds that will decorate the shaded landscape.

  • Badan is a perennial plant that likes full to medium shade, but while it can grow well in full shade, its flowering may suffer.
  • Early blooming daylily, a perennial that loves partial shade, and in strong shade its flowering is noticeably weakened.
  • Khosta is a plant that prefers to grow and develop in the shade. The only requirement is constantly moist soil.
  • Aconite feels quite good in the shade, but like the hosta, it prefers moist soil.
  • Lily of the valley- familiar and classic perennial flowers for shaded areas in summer cottages.
  • Astilbe- prefer partial shade and develop and grow well in it.
  • Dicentra- flowers that love partial shade and shade with moist soil.
  • Brunner- unpretentious and attractive perennial flowers that feel calm in any shade. But at the same time, Brunnera requires constant care, since the plant tends to grow quickly.
  • Blueberry and lily of the valley– classic plants for shaded areas of a summer cottage.

All varieties of pansies feel good in shaded areas; moreover, when planting them, you can achieve flowering from spring to late autumn.

  • Foxglove – biennial tall shade-tolerant plant that copes well with a small amount of sunlight, but provides normal condition plants are possible only if agricultural practices are followed.
  • Forget-me-nots – a shade-tolerant plant that is absolutely not afraid of full shade and has the ability to grow quickly, forming a whole carpet of flowers.

Choice annual plants for planting in the shaded areas of a summer cottage is very small, so many summer residents do not plant them on their plots so often, but there is still a certain number of plants that can please with their beauty.

  • Balsam does well in partial shade, but in full shade the plant may experience a lack of flowering.
  • Begonia everblooming Suitable for shaded areas of the garden or flower bed.
  • Sweet tobaccobeautiful plant, which feels good in diffused light, for example, a good place for such a plant would be a young garden, where foliage and branches are able to transmit sufficient quantity sunlight.

An excellent solution for arranging a shady spot in the garden is to turn it into a cozy relaxation area. It will be so pleasant to be here during the sweltering heat. To make a shady corner beautiful and comfortable, you will need to select special plantings for it.

The brightness and beauty of certain types of shrubs helps create not only beautiful plot, but also the right mood for the day

All plants need light for good growth and development. But the requirements for the degree of illumination may be different. All plants can be divided into:

  • Shade-loving;
  • Shade-tolerant;
  • Photophilous.

This way, a light-loving shrub planted in the shade will not die, but it will not please the eye with lush greenery. Therefore, for those areas of the garden where there is little sun, it is necessary to select shade-loving shrubs that can develop well in low light conditions.

Differences between shrubs and trees

Shrubs for landscape design are always in well-deserved demand. Therefore, nurseries will always offer you a large selection of these wonderful plants. They are usually not expensive and you are guaranteed to buy attractive plants for your garden.

There are transitional forms between a bush and a tree. The main difference is the presence of a central trunk, from which numerous branches extend. For example, hazel, holly, some willows, and hawthorn can be grown in either tree or bush form. It all depends on pruning and growing conditions.

Thus, dark crimson forest beech, if periodically pruned and growth adjusted, turns into a shrub and can be used to form a beautiful hedge. Such a hedge will not shed its brown leaves in the winter. If allowed to grow freely, it will turn into a tree.

Choice of shade-loving inhabitants

To achieve the desired result, you need to take the choice of shrubs seriously. Some plant species require special soil composition. For example, rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias like acidic soil.

Since most shade-tolerant species come from forests, when planting them, it is necessary to take care of the composition of the soil. The soil mixture should be fertile and neutral in acidity. In this case, the plants will easily take root and quickly turn into a lush bush.

It will be less expensive to choose shrubs for your garden that grow well in your region. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time creating conditions favorable for them.

Think about where to plant the plants in advance; they should not be crowded. Select shrubs based on their height. Shade-loving low-growing ornamental shrubs are good for decorating and strengthening embankments. The shape and size, as well as flowering, of most shrubs are controlled by regular pruning of branches.

The space between the bushes can be filled creeping plants or shade-tolerant flowers. This is both beautiful and will prevent the soil from drying out too much. Lilies of the valley will look very good. In spring they will delight you with delicate and fragrant flowers, and in summer and autumn - with juicy, beautiful leaves. Lily of the valley has the ability to grow quickly, and you don’t have to think about planting additional ones every year.

Twilight plants

A special decoration of the bushes are the juicy, colorful fruits, which, however, are not always edible

Many types of honeysuckle are shade-loving shrubs. Special attention deserves Tatarian honeysuckle, unpretentious and beautifully blooming, having many garden forms, differing in the color of the petals (from white to bright red).

No less attractive is the rare alpine honeysuckle with bright red fruits and a very dense crown.

The amazing "Poppy" can grow as a small tree. Edible honeysuckle is also popular, which is more valued for its early, piquantly bitter and very healthy berries.

Hazel and euonymus

The well-known common hazel grows well in the shade. For decorative purposes, it is better to use cultivated garden forms with different leaf colors.

Euonymus can be in the form of shrubs or small trees. They attract attention especially in autumn due to their bright original fruits and beautiful leaf color. Euonymus warty has pink fruits and leaves. And the winged euonymus has crimson-red tones.

Viburnum and elderberry for a shady garden

Various types of viburnum are also characterized by high shade tolerance. They are decorative at any time of the year. Viburnum common – a good choice for garden. And its healing fruits help with many diseases.

An evergreen, winter-blooming viburnum, laurel foliage is attractive with its white and pink flowers. Ideal for cultivation by inexperienced gardeners.

Elderberry - many shrubs of this genus have long been used as ornamental, food, and medicinal plants. Red or cluster elderberry is particularly unpretentious and can also repel mice well. The fruits of black elderberry are edible. It is advisable to plant this type of plant in a place protected from the wind.

Hydrangeas, Mahonias and Mexican Jasmine

Hydrangeas will perfectly decorate an area in partial shade. They begin to bloom in early summer and until autumn. Their beautiful, large inflorescences will also be attractive in dry bouquets. Not capricious and easy to care for - tree hydrangea. The most spectacular and suitable for growing, for example, in the middle zone is paniculate hydrangea.

Its large-flowered form, “Grandiflora,” is especially noteworthy. Bretschneider's hydrangea looks beautiful with large white flowers, which then turn purple.

Mahonia holly - compact evergreen shrub with beautiful shiny feathery leaves. In early spring it is decorated with bright yellow inflorescences, and in early autumn - with dark blue edible berries.

Shade-loving shrubs also include Mexican jasmine with orange-scented flowers. After spring flowering it can be pruned short.

Cherry laurel, keria and cotoneaster

flowering shrub

Evergreen shade-loving shrubs include cherry laurel with glossy, dense leaves. In June it is decorated with clusters of fragrant white flowers. It's pretty rare plant for gardens in the middle zone due to low frost resistance. For reliable wintering it must be covered.

Keria japonica is characterized by long spring-summer flowering, and sometimes repeated autumn flowering. True, keria blooms better in the sun. But it also feels pretty good in the shade. Blooms with large yellow inflorescences.

The "Pleniflora" form is distinguished by its magnificent double petals. Keria does not tolerate frost well and therefore for the winter it is better to cover it and protect it from the cold wind.

Cotoneaster is a deciduous or evergreens. These shrubs are very diverse in shape and size. They can be six-meter trees and low-growing shrubs.

Remain on the bush for the winter or fall off. Despite such differences, cotoneasters have common features for which they are valued and loved. All plants have very beautiful leaf colors in autumn and elegant fruits. The shrub blooms in May-June. White flowers emerge from pink buds.

What else can I plant in the shade?

All types of this plant are unpretentious and do not require special care(except for pruning overgrown branches) can grow anywhere. For the middle zone, male derain or dogwood is suitable. It is advisable to cover young plants for the winter.

You can also use:

  • Thunberg's barberry;
  • Black elderberry;
  • Mock orange crown;
  • Viburnum foliage and other types of shrubs with golden yellow foliage.

Tatarian honeysuckle and cherry laurel are well suited for growing hedges. If the place on the site is not only dark, but also dry, then it is better to plant Tatarian honeysuckle and viburnum gordovina. This type of honeysuckle has forms with different flower colors, and viburnum has yellow-variegated wrinkled leaves.

Coniferous garden guests

Ornamental shrubs

Plant several varieties of low-growing coniferous trees in your garden. Trees coniferous species universal and suitable for any garden. They can be used in single plantings and in various compositions.

Conifers do not require special attention and complex care. If you purchase a winter-hardy tree, you will not need to cover it every fall. Only in spring it is necessary to slightly shade from the scorching sun if the tree is not planted in the shade. Coniferous trees do not need frequent feeding.

Yew and juniper

The pointed yew is a coniferous plant and the most shade-tolerant of all trees. It got its name from the sharp spines at the end of the needles. It grows very slowly and is quite winter-hardy. Small decorative forms of this plant overwinter best, but require protection from the aggressive spring sun. In our climate zone, this is the only type of yew suitable for cutting.

Juniper - a useful genus coniferous plants. Today there are many low-growing varieties. As they grow, they look very impressive. Creeping junipers are very beloved and popular in America. And now they are conquering Russia.

There are junipers of both medium and tall sizes. The common advantage for all is unpretentiousness and frost resistance. They are not picky about soil composition and are able to withstand drought better than other conifers. They love pruning, so in mid-summer they prune creeping forms and plants in hedges.

Shrub pruning

To stimulate flowering, many shrubs need pruning. So blooming in spring Deciduous shrubs are pruned immediately after flowering. It is necessary to cut off shoots with faded flowers to speed up the growth of new ones.

After pruning, young shoots with new buds and buds appear in a short time. Shrubs that bloom in late summer are pruned in spring. Immediately after such work, flowers appear on the growing young shoots. Pruning should be done short so that more new flowering shoots appear. Winter-blooming shrubs are pruned immediately after flowering in early spring, removing damaged and dead branches.

lazy garden

Very often, many people dream of having a flowering, fragrant, bright and memorable plot. But at the same time it does not require constant attention, long term care, endless weeding and loosening of the soil. Fantastic? No. Your dream garden can become a reality using very simple tools. And you won’t have to wait years for maturity and splendor. You just need to pay attention to the bushes.

Today's choice ornamental shrubs so huge and diverse that it allows you to create a beautiful garden that does not require constant care. Shrubs go well with each other and with almost everything garden plants, so the design possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Shade-loving shrub

Shrubs do not lose their decorative value throughout the season, and many even in winter.

Even if the predominant color of the foliage is green, growing young shoots and leaves can be of different shades: bronze, pink, reddish, purple, etc.

Shrubs will create a wonderful backdrop for alpine slides and flower beds. And with proper selection, they will decorate the garden all year round.

Bushes for garden decoration

In the garden, bushes can perform cleanly decorative role and please the eye. They can bloom for a long time: from early spring and until late autumn, and some even in winter. Unusual variegated leaves of shrubs, bright berries and fruits, colored bark, evergreen leaf cover - all this will help the garden maintain its beauty and uniqueness all year round.

And some bushes can even be grown in pots on the balcony, for example, lavender, arctic, camellias. The flowerbed looks beautiful when it has plants of different heights. This can be achieved by using different types of shrubs.

If the bush has grown greatly and it has become crowded, it can be replanted. To do this, remember a few simple rules. Deciduous trees are replanted between autumn and spring. Large bushes need to be replanted when they have just begun to shed their leaves.

It is better to place beautifully flowering shrubs in a shady or semi-shaded area of ​​the site. Don’t forget to regularly feed your green pets with complex fertilizers, take care of them, and in gratitude they will delight you with long and lush flowering.

It does not always happen that the territory of a summer cottage is ideally illuminated by sunlight. Very often, only certain areas receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays. The reason for this may be trees or shrubs growing in the garden, which give excellent harvest, but block the sun from the plants planted under them. But you really want the entire territory to be beautiful and original. There is an exit - shade loving shrubs for garden perennials, photos and names of which we invite you to consider in this article.

Shade-loving shrubs perennial. Photo

Shade-loving shrubs for the garden - choosing the right ones

First of all, it is worth noting that shade-loving perennials can be divided into three groups: flowering, berry-bearing and decorative-deciduous. All of them have both advantages and disadvantages, but some, in addition to aesthetic beauty, also bring benefits, producing tasty fruits. Experts advise purchasing seedlings only in specialized and trusted stores and not giving preference to spontaneous markets, since the quality of such planting material leaves much to be desired. Consider the most popular and popular varieties perennials that are accepted even in the shade:

Shade-loving flowering shrubs:

Rhododendron, photo
  • Quite popular among summer residents. This plant will decorate any area thanks to its lush white blooms and also pleasant aroma. Its main advantage is the absence of strict requirements for the location and composition of the soil. Jasmine grows well in any conditions, is drought-resistant and will not disappear even in very cold winters. The only thing you have to consider is regular pruning to maintain good shape.

Berry bushes

This type of perennial is ideal for those who want not only beautiful, but also useful plants.

  • Famous plant in eastern countries. It grows quickly, does not require complex care, overwinters well and tolerates lack of moisture. It has beautiful small leaves, which in autumn change color from green to bright burgundy. main feature barberries are delicious berries that are successfully used in preparing various dishes.

  • Few gardeners know that gooseberries grow just as well in the shade as they do in the sun. In addition, the plant does not need abundant and frequent watering, tolerates drought well. But you can enjoy not only a green plant, but also tasty and juicy berries, which make excellent jam.

  • . This shrub will only grow well in non-acidic soil, so if your soil does not meet these requirements, add some sand to it. Beautiful nuts will become the most anticipated fruit in your garden.

Ornamental shrubs

This group of plants includes the largest variety of shrubs. If you plant them on yours, then you can always enjoy the beauty, regardless of the weather and time of year:

  • . An amazing shrub with bright lemon foliage. Such a plant will look great both in a single planting and in the vicinity of any other shrubs. Does not require complex care, tolerates winter and lack of moisture well.

  • . An unpretentious and fast-growing shrub that pleases with its beauty even in winter period time. Bright leaves will certainly transform and refresh appearance your garden, adding elegance and a certain charm to it.

  • . A favorite plant of many, which belongs to the type of evergreen shrubs. If you take care of regular watering, you will definitely be able to enjoy abundant flowering and good growth.

  • What are the best perennial plants to plant in…

We all know from school that plants require sufficient sunlight for normal growth and development. Without going particularly deep into the jungle of biology, we often mistakenly believe that trees, shrubs, vegetables and vegetables cannot grow, bloom, or bear fruit in the shade. ornamental crops. Therefore, we simply impoverish both ourselves and the appearance of our estate by not planting anything in the shade of the house or fence. In the meantime, in any region, even with the harshest climate and short summers, you can choose shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants, which will decorate the facade of the house and the line of the continuous fence.

Most shade-loving plants are consistently decorative throughout the warm season. However, they are not distinguished by abundant or very lush flowering. All their beauty lies in the unusual color of the foliage and the shape of the bushes.

Shaded areas of the dacha or country house are very different from each other. Some of them are illuminated by the sun for only a few hours a day, while some receive only passing rays. And there are also those where the sun never looks at all. What to plant along the fence if your favorite plants simply don’t want to grow in the shade?

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving trees

Only a small number of trees can be planted between the house and the fence, that is, where there is least sunlight. It is difficult to grow and develop well in such conditions. However, there are tree species that will brighten up a shaded corner on your property. A little patience in studying this issue and you will know which trees to plant along the fence to improve the appearance of the entire estate.

Although most coniferous plants prefer sunny open spaces, among them there are specimens for planting in front of a house or fence, where there is little sun. The following shade-tolerant conifers are most often planted on the street side:

  • Pointed yew "Nana". This compact tree will thrive in areas that receive only a short amount of sun. Small sizes(height - up to 90 cm, crown diameter - from 0 to 90 cm) allow you to plant this variety of yew in front of the house from the street, as well as between the house and the fence. Yew Nana grows slowly, prefers moist, loose soil. It’s great if the snow cover in the region in winter is very high.

Pointed yew "Nana"
  • Siberian fir. The shade-tolerant plant thrives in the northern regions of our country, where it is widely used by landscape design specialists. Until the age of ten it grows slowly. The decorative value of this fir variety is especially evident in the spring, when young cones have a purple tint, and the male oval inflorescences are brownish-red or yellow with a red tinge. Siberian fir can grow well in sunny places. Therefore, it can be used to decorate a corner where the sun gives way to shadow during the day.
  • Viburnum common. This woody flowering plant does well in the shade. Low-growing trees reach a height of no more than 90 cm. Viburnum can be planted as a hedge in front of the house on the street side, replacing the usual fence.

Kalina common variety"Roseum"
  • Rowan. The trees, decorated with clusters of bright umbrellas with berries, are unpretentious to their growing conditions. With their help, they create beautiful contrasting compositions. Rowan can be safely planted in a corner where other plants do not take root well.

What shrubs to plant in the shade

Landscaping the shady side of a personal plot can be done with the help of fruit and flowering shrubs. It is better to use species that are accustomed to the local climate for this purpose. The most popular shrub plants that grow well in shaded areas:

  • Hydrangea paniculata DVP Pinky. Flowering bushes can be planted in a corner where Sun rays penetrate only in the afternoon. Flowers in the form of fluffy panicles grow very high. At the beginning of flowering panicles have White color, and as they ripen they gradually turn pink from the base until they completely turn bright pink. Single bushes will look great near the house. They can also be used to form a luxurious hedge.

Hydrangea paniculata DVP Pinky
  • Black and red elderberries have excellent decorative properties. They are unpretentious in care, practically do not get sick and tolerate not only the lack of bright light, but also harsh climatic conditions.

Red elderberry
  • Red and black currants. In the southern regions, these fruiting bushes will feel good only in the shade. Currants love moisture, so in strong sun they can simply die. IN Middle lane These shrubs are also best planted in shaded areas, but it is worth considering that the fruits will ripen later.

Red currant berries
  • Raspberries in a dark patch of garden will produce many large and fragrant berries. It can be placed between the house and the fence. And the place will not remain empty, and will be used practically.
  • Irga in nature grows under the forest canopy, so this shrub will feel great in the shady area of ​​the garden. And a seemingly useless place in the garden will turn into a productive berry conveyor belt.


The space in front of the house is often not used in any way due to the fact that the sun does not reach there most of the day. However, there are a number vegetable crops, which should be grown in the front garden or near the fence on the street side. Help to implement the project:

  • Perennial onion varieties. A very practical option, because in addition to lush greenery, it has decorative properties. For example, chives have huge lilac caps that attract bees.
  • Beet. Tolerates shade quite well. The root vegetables will be small but sweet. But not everyone likes coarse, large beets.
  • Rhubarb. If you water it regularly, there will always be luxurious bushes of this plant along the fence.
  • Cheremsha. In early spring, people rush into the forest to collect young and very healthy wild garlic. If it grows well under trees, then it is quite possible to grow it on your site, where light-loving plants do not want to grow.
  • Borago. Borage grows best where there is little direct sunlight. You don’t need special care for her, she’s not afraid spring frosts, and is practically not susceptible to diseases and insect attacks. By planting it in front of your house, you can provide yourself with the necessary vitamins.

Borage borage
  • Greens and herbs. Any greens you like will produce well in the shade. It is important to provide it with moisture and reserves can be made even for the winter.
  • Horseradish. Spicy foliage is actively used by housewives for winter preparations. And it grows equally well both in the sun and in shady areas.

Perennials for the shade garden

It is among perennial plants that most of all are those that prefer areas protected from sunlight. Thanks to this diversity, you can create flower beds, flower beds, mixborders and place them in the shade, either from the street or from the courtyard. Experienced gardeners I especially love these plants:

  • Hosta grows best away from the sun. And with good soil moisture, its foliage will be simply magnificent, which, depending on the variety, can be monochromatic or variegated. The choice is great. Hostas combine well with other perennials and annuals.

Hosta in the flowerbed
  • Lily of the valley is a classic plant for shaded areas of the garden. Flowers in the form of bells will especially delight you in early spring, when they are especially decorative.

Silver lily of the valley
  • Astilbe japonica "Bonn" prefers moist soils. Flowers of bright carmine color are shaped like curls. Astilbe needs shade in the afternoon.

Astilbe Japanese variety"bonn"
  • Meadowsweet will fill the most seemingly lifeless areas with the aromas of summer. Flowers of the “Nana” variety delight the eye with a deep pink hue. Meadowsweet prefers moist, well-drained soil.

  • Brunnera tolerates any degree of shade very well. It is worth considering that it grows very quickly. Therefore, it is better to plant it in places that require urgent and abundant landscaping.

Brunera sibirica
  • Ferns. Without this plant shady garden there's simply no way around it. It goes well with other types of plants. Prefers moist soil.

Popular biennials for shaded areas

If you don’t plan to admire the same picture all the time, but also don’t want to replant plants often, you can stop at biennial plants, which grow quite well without an abundance of sunlight.

Best suited for this purpose Pansies. U different varieties The flowers of this plant have bright, rich shades. If you sow several varieties at once, you can achieve their flowering throughout the warm season.

Pansy (violet tricolor)

An entire carpet can be created from delicate forget-me-nots. They disperse on their own and grow well without sunlight. And the flowers of a blue hue are pleasantly pleasing to the eye.

Beautiful carpet of forget-me-nots

Foxglove thrives in the shade of a fence, house or trees. But it will delight you with its decorative effect only if agrotechnical rules are observed.

Foxglove (digitalis)

What annuals to plant in the shade

Among annual plants, there are not many representatives that can tolerate the lack of sunlight. For this purpose you can use:

  • Balsam. It will grow well in partial shade. In the complete absence of sun, flowers will not please you.

  • Fragrant tobacco is a luxurious plant that best reveals all its decorative properties in diffused light. It can be placed between young trees.
  • Begonia everblooming looks beautiful in shaded flower beds and in single plantings.

On a note

Before choosing plants for a shady area of ​​the garden, a corner of a house or a line along a blind fence, you need to assess the degree of illumination of the area using the following indicators:

  1. Penumbra - a place where the sun's rays fall in the morning or evening and illuminate the area for only 4 - 6 hours
  2. Shade – areas illuminated from 1 to 4 hours, or receiving diffuse sunlight
  3. Deep shadow is a place where sunlight penetrates for only 1 hour, or does not reach it at all.

Having decided on the level of illumination of the area, you can begin to study plants that prefer to grow in the shade, or simply tolerate it well. In other words, the choice must be made between shade-loving and shade-tolerant representatives of the flora. A little patience, and even the most abandoned areas of the garden and a piece of the street in front of the house will become a real paradise!