Where do you need to insulate natural ventilation pipes? How to insulate pipes for ventilation and what insulation to use

The need for use cannot be disputed. Installing ventilation completely will require a lot of costs, of course they will pay for themselves in the near future.

Still, you want maximum service life, so for this you need to know about the nuances of using certain elements.

You will have to take care of the safety of the connecting joints, the tightness of the solders, and also about one of the most necessary things - decide whether it is necessary to insulate the ventilation pipe, the main element of the entire system.

This question remains very important, since with the arrival of winter, the air temperature drops significantly and its humidity increases, which can play an unpleasant joke on your pipes.

Therefore, when asked why to insulate a ventilation pipe, the answer will be positive.

The existing risk of condensation, which in the future will become a problem both for the full functioning of your ventilation system pipes and the cause of dampness, mold and deformation of the plaster, will convince you that you still need to insulate.

Even a new one, when exposed to frozen water and temperature changes, can be damaged. Therefore, we will now tell you how to insulate a plastic ventilation pipe.

1 Installation of insulated ventilation pipe (insulation materials)

After you have decided whether it is necessary to insulate the ventilation pipe, you need to decide on the costly materials for the work and the optimal material for you. You also need to decide: make the insulation yourself, or buy an insulated ventilation pipe that will be made “to suit you.”

Obviously, with the first option you will save your money, and with the second, your valuable time.

The insulation has a device in the form of a shell-casing. It installs from outside pipes and connects to each other special materials, and is also additionally covered with a sheet of foil insulation.

What material to choose for pipe insulation

Also, there are enough big choice the insulation material of the ventilation pipes itself. The main condition here is that the material has an excellent thermal conductivity coefficient. You have the opportunity to choose between polystyrene foam, basalt fiber, mineral wool, polyurethane foam or polypropylene, as well as polyethylene foam.

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, polystyrene foam has a long shelf life, and it is also very resistant to erosion. The foam itself is environmentally friendly and has a symbolic weight, which makes it very convenient for insulating the air duct. In addition, its installation is not labor-intensive.

Also, low cost makes foam plastic the most common among insulation materials. Its main disadvantage is its poor resistance to fire, as well as its limited scope of application, since its use on bends is almost impossible.

It is also common to insulate ventilation using mineral wool, which is also a cheap material and, unlike foam plastic, has high fire safety.

At the same time, the installation of mineral wool requires high compliance with safety regulations (the material cannot be called environmentally friendly), as well as poor resistance to humidity. Insulating ventilation pipes with mineral wool will require labor-intensive installation.

Polyurethane foam and polypropylene foam are similar to polystyrene foam, but compared to it they have greater strength. At the same time, the price for this type of insulation is slightly higher. Insulated pipes using basalt fiber are also quite common.

Basalt layers can withstand extremely high temperatures and have good flexibility (which makes it possible to serve insulated flexible air ducts on almost any section of the pipe), and also have high strength and resistance to humidity. Insulated pipes for ventilation made of foamed polyethylene are installed using a few movements, have a low price and good strength.

If you are wondering how to insulate a ventilation pipe on the street with the most the right decision will become a material that has greater moisture resistance and heat transfer.

2 What types of ready-made insulated pipes are there?

You can make insulation for your pipes yourself, but if it is important for you to do everything in a short period of time, you have the opportunity to purchase ready-made insulation ventilation pipes. On this moment, on the market, there are many options for insulated pipes: metal, metal-plastic, plastic. You can also choose the insulation material for the finished pipe.

If you are faced with the task of insulating your home premises, the best option would be plastic product. This type insulated pipes have a long service life, and are also easy to transport and install. For a room with high temperatures, the best would be a metal alternative.

Insulated pipes can be made with. The price of an insulated ventilation system depends on its type, the thickness of the steel sheet, as well as the need for installation additional elements. Insulated galvanized steel ventilation pipes will become ideal option for areas with high temperatures.

The cost of insulated pipes for ventilation is directly proportional to the material of manufacture of the pipe itself, the insulation material, as well as the ratio of its necessary advantages (moisture, fire resistance, and heat-insulating properties).

2.1 Stages of pipe insulation

First of all, you need to measure the section of the pipe that you are going to insulate. Since ventilation pipes can have different lengths, thicknesses, and also have both a straight shape and various kinds bends, transitions, and connectors, all this must be taken into account when taking measurements.

The next step will be cutting the shell into the required sections and then connecting them together. Depending on the insulation material, as well as the conditions of the room in which the pipe is located, further installation will depend.

Now you are faced with the task of how to properly insulate the ventilation pipe. Before direct installation, it is necessary to remove dirt and dust. After installing the insulation, make sure that the layer is intact and, if necessary, additionally secure everything with a connector.

Now it remains to determine whether it is necessary to insulate the ventilation pipe on the roof and whether it is necessary to insulate the ventilation pipe in the attic. Of course it is necessary. The roof is the place where the pipe goes outside, which means it has direct contact with moisture, low temperature and direct atmospheric pressure.

The percentage of ventilation pipe demolition on the roof is the highest. The issue of environmental friendliness fades into the background; the main thing when installing insulation on the roof is good thermal insulation properties and ultra-high moisture resistance. Along with the roof, the attic too important area, through which the ventilation pipe passes, in most rooms.

If you need to decide how to insulate the ventilation pipe in the attic, the best material You will be served by foamed polyethylene, the installation of which will take you little time, as well as basalt fiber, which has a high thermal endurance and good flexibility, which will allow it to be used in indirect areas.

2.2 How ventilation pipes are insulated - video

Everyone knows why ventilation is needed - it provides the room with fresh air and normalizes the humidity level. But not everyone knows why they insulate ventilation pipes. Next we will try to answer this question, and also consider the types thermal insulation materials and methods of their installation on ventilation pipes.

Why insulate ventilation

Many people doubt whether it is necessary to insulate ventilation pipes, since they do not fully understand the meaning of this procedure. And it is done for one reason - to prevent condensation.

Condensation inevitably appears on an uninsulated air duct, which flows down the inner walls, flowing into the ceiling and main walls.

The consequences of this phenomenon are obvious:

  • The walls and ceiling become damp;
  • Mold appears;
  • The structure is gradually collapsing.

As for the effect of condensation on the ventilation duct, it depends on the material from which the air duct is made:

In addition, there is another unpleasant moment associated with the formation of condensation - frost freezing, which can occur outside the heated room, i.e. in the attic. As a result of this, the clearance in the pipe can drop from 100 or even 150 mm to zero in a few frosty weeks.

From this we can conclude that it is really necessary to insulate ventilation pipes, and for several reasons at once.

In the photo - insulated heat insulation pipe in the attic

Where to insulate ventilation

Depending on the type of duct design, its insulation can be performed in different areas:

  • If the ventilation pipe is routed through the wall, it must be passed through a heat-insulated sleeve. Insulation of the pipe is carried out up to the point.
  • In private houses, ventilation most often passes through the attic and goes out to the street through the roof or gables. In this case, the section of the air duct located in the attic is insulated.


Before insulating ventilation pipes with your own hands, of course, you need to choose insulation. Currently, there are quite a lot of thermal insulation materials on the market, which makes the choice somewhat complicated. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the requirements for insulation.

In this case, the highest priority are the following characteristics insulation:

  • Good thermal insulation qualities are perhaps the most important requirement.
  • Fire safety - in the event of a fire, the pipe should not become a conduit for the spread of fire.
  • Cost – it is desirable that the price of the material be affordable.

Now let's consider various insulation materials, which to one degree or another meet these requirements.

One of the most common types of insulation is mineral wool.

Its advantages include the following points:

  • Cheap - any other insulation costs more.
  • Fire safety.
  • Good thermal insulation qualities.

However, this material also has some disadvantages:

  • Quite a complicated installation.
  • Over time, the wool cakes and gaps form in the insulation.
  • When moistened, the thermal insulation qualities are lost.
  • The need to protect eyes and respiratory organs during installation. In addition, when mineral wool comes into contact with the skin, it causes irritation.

Instructions for insulating an air duct with mineral wool are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to wrap the pipe with mineral wool.
  • The heat insulator is then wrapped in aluminum foil. If external insulation is performed, then instead of foil, a galvanized casing should be used.

More convenient to install is ready-made insulation for ventilation pipes, made on the basis of glass wool.
The product is a multi-layer corrugated sleeve made of aluminum foil, between the layers of which there is thermal insulation material.


This insulation is ready-made, made of dense foam.

Among its advantages we can highlight the following points:

  • Simplicity and ease of installation.
  • Low cost.
  • Over time, the material does not lose its thermal insulation properties. They are not affected by humidity fluctuations.

As for the shortcomings, there are only two significant ones:

  • Polystyrene foam burns well and at the same time releases toxic substances;
  • The foam shell can only be used for flat areas ventilation pipes.

It is extremely simple to carry out insulation with this material - you need to put two halves of the heat insulator on the ventilation pipe and squeeze them so that the tongue-and-groove connection is fixed.

When insulating a long-length air duct, the insulation halves are installed with a slight vertical displacement, which ensures their bandaging.

Polyurethane foam and polypropylene foam

These insulation materials are in many ways similar to foam plastic, however, there are still differences and they consist in the following points:

  • They have greater mechanical strength than polystyrene foam.
  • Their cost is higher.
  • Fixation of the halves is carried out using a bandage, which is most often used as a knitting wire.

Thus, if the cost of the material does not matter to you, then insulate the air duct better than polyurethane foam or polypropylene foam.

Here, perhaps, are all the insulation materials most suitable for these purposes.


Insulation of ventilation pipes in the attic is mandatory procedure, which ensures not only the normal functioning of the system at any time of the year, but also the safety of the entire building. As for the choice of insulation, you can give preference to any of the above options.

From the video in this article you can get Additional information on this topic.

Low temperatures harm not only living organisms, Appliances He is also afraid of hypothermia. And most often the owners of private houses, country houses or summer country houses are faced with the problem of insulating the hood. Every owner should be able to properly insulate a hood with his own hands. Such measures will ensure the safety of the air purification system.

Insulation of the hood is an important process that ensures the safety of the system

Why is it important to insulate the exhaust system?

A ventilation system is a set of equipment designed to circulate air in a room. Air masses are transported through ventilation ducts, which are located inside the house (under the ceiling, in the attic and roof) and outside. But this process accompanied by a number of problems:

  • heat loss due to air exchange;
  • high level of vibration and noise;
  • condensation accumulation.

To avoid such problems, it is better to insulate the ventilation. Let's look at how to insulate a hood in a private house with your own hands.

Advantages of insulation

The difference in air temperature outside the room and inside the ventilation is the cause of condensation. The accumulation of moisture on the surface of pipes leads to icing of pipes in winter time. Associated problems are corrosion metal pipes, settling of water drops on the walls of the house (with further manifestation of fungus), reduction of pipe clearance due to freezing. Insulation on the ventilation ducts prevents condensation.

Air turbulence together with the operation of fans are the causes of noise. Insulating ventilation will reduce this irritating factor.

Insulation will reduce the noise level that occurs during operation of the hood

Correctly selected air duct insulation reduces heat loss, since the heat exchange between cold air outside and warm air inside the ventilation shaft is minimized.

In share modern elements ventilation insulation is provided by the manufacturer. There are hoods and air ducts that already have insulation. Take this factor into account before purchasing and installing ventilation, because this way you will initially save on further insulation.

Where to insulate the pipe?

If you decide to insulate a ventilation pipe in a private house, remember one rule - first of all, insulate places where there is a temperature difference. These are pipe exits to the outside of the building, the place where the pipe passes through the ceiling, and the air duct in the attic must be fully insulated.

Before starting insulation, it is necessary to find the “dew point”. This is the place where the wall temperature changes ventilation duct. The insulation is laid from this point.

Insulation is carried out both inside and outside the building. In the first case, it is technically difficult to carry out insulation, but the material used does not require protection from physical impact. To save bandwidth, an increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the air ducts will be required. The insulation is covered with a durable film with smooth surface, which helps reduce the resistance of the moved air. To avoid absorption of moisture by the insulation, it is better to use a vapor-proof material.

Vapor barrier will also be required when external thermal insulation. But, unlike interior work, you will need a water barrier and mechanical protection. Don't forget fire safety: Thermal insulation material is a good catalyst for the spread of fire. Make your choice of ventilation insulation in favor of non-combustible materials(mineral wool, glass wool, basalt fiber).

How to insulate ventilation?

Modern consumers have the same requirements for thermal insulation materials: functionality, price, fire safety. But you need to know how to insulate the ventilation system safely and inexpensively. Therefore, manufacturers provide a wide range of materials for insulation different forms and properties:

Mineral wool is a cheap but effective material

In its standard form it has the form of mats, but for pipes it is more convenient to use a cylinder made of the same material. Thermal insulation of air ducts using cylinders reduces material consumption and speeds up the process of installing insulation.
  • price (cheapest material);
  • high level of fire safety.
  • difficulty during installation;
  • caking of the material over time;
  • decrease in thermal insulation properties when wet.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam

Cheap and durable material. Easy to install, available in the form of plates and cylinders, which are fastened with a tongue-and-groove connection. But this material has a number of disadvantages: flammability (easily ignites and releases toxic waste during combustion), fragility (absolutely does not tolerate mechanical stress) and lack of elasticity (cannot be bent to obtain the desired shape);

Polyurethane foam - in properties and indicators is almost identical to polystyrene foam, but has one advantage - high mechanical strength. The material itself is more expensive than polystyrene foam; moreover, when installing the shell, a wire bandage is used. This factor significantly increases the cost of installation.

Foamed polyethylene (penofol) is produced in the form of split tubes covered with aluminum foil, the diameter of which is selected to match the desired exhaust pipe. This material is easy to install - just put it on the insulated pipe. The main advantages of such insulation are strength, moisture resistance and price. The aluminum coating gives the material dust-repellent properties, increases thermal insulation ability and reduces the likelihood of ignition.

Basalt slabs do not ignite or ignite

Basalt slabs do not rot and do not burn, but you will need an additional vapor barrier and a layer of waterproofing.

Regardless of the choice of material, there is a certain algorithm for installing insulation.

First of all, the pipe is cleaned of dirt and dust. The second step is to find the “dew point”, which will make it clear where the temperature changes inside the ventilation system. Then the insulation itself is installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. After completing the insulation, it is necessary to check the entire installation for defects - missing places, weak fasteners, etc.

For ventilation insulation rectangular section use slabs or rolls of mineral wool or basalt fiber. To attach the plates, steel wire and foil adhesive tape are required. Be sure to use the funds personal protection when working with this type of material! This will help protect your eyes and respiratory system from particles of materials.

You can insulate the ventilation system in a private house with your own hands, but if you are not confident in yourself, contact insulation specialists. The specialist will analyze the existing ventilation, take measurements of all pipes, hoods, advise and select the material that is suitable for your home.

If you decide to do the work yourself, it is worth remembering the main points:

  1. Conduct a detailed analysis of the air ducts and find the “dew point”;
  2. Study the properties of the material chosen for insulation;
  3. You should not skimp on the quality of materials if you want to get the desired result;
  4. Remember about safety precautions when working - use PPE (goggles, respirators, gloves).

A properly insulated ventilation system will last long years with added functionality. There will be less need for repair of individual parts.

The main purpose of the ventilation system is to create a favorable atmosphere inside the building. The ventilation pipe included in its composition requires mandatory insulation during the cold season.

During operation, the ventilation pipe heats up under the influence of exhaust air and is simultaneously blown with cold outside. As a result, the walls of the structure become covered with condensation. Moisture collects in droplets of water and flows down the pipe, causing destruction as building structure, and the pipe itself.

Ways to protect ventilation pipes from cold

You can protect ventilation from exposure to cold air yourself, without turning to professionals for help. However, there may be a problem with how to insulate the ventilation pipe.

Thermal insulation can be done using the following materials:

  • Mineral wool.
  • Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene boards.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Basalt fiber.

Insulation can be applied to the pipe in the following ways:

  • In the form of a shell.
  • In the form of a cylinder and half-cylinder.
  • In the form of a cord.

Mineral wool protective sheath

An insulated ventilation pipe is obtained as a result of working according to the following algorithm:

  • Dust and mud deposits are removed from the pipe.
  • Wrap with one layer of mineral wool.
  • Additionally, they are wrapped with one layer of foil insulation. This will prevent the cold from penetrating inside.
  • The resulting joints are glued aluminum tape to obtain a single integral insulation. You can also use special brackets or locks.

When working with mineral wool, you should be careful, as small particles of this material can get into your eyes or Airways. It is recommended to wear goggles and a respirator for protection.

Insulation of ventilation pipes with foam plastic or polystyrene foam

The use of expanded polystyrene as insulation reduces the formation of corrosion, which allows you to extend the operational period of insulated pipes for ventilation.

The foam shell can be installed without special preparation; to do this, you must follow the instructions:

  • Measure out required sizes future shell and cut with a knife or saw.
  • Place the shell parts on the pipe, making a slight offset relative to each other.
  • The side locks of the tongue-and-groove insulation are closed.

The use of such a shell allows, in the event of an emergency, to easily remove the insulation and then install it back.

Polyurethane foam insulation

This type of insulation is produced in a similar form to expanded polystyrene. However, polyurethane foam has a lower ignition rate and lower thermal conductivity.

Thermal insulation of ventilation pipes with this material is carried out in the following order:

  • Cut the polyurethane foam into half-cylinders of the required size, making small allowances.
  • Install the blanks onto the ventilation pipe.
  • Tighten the connections using bandages.

Using foamed polyethylene as insulation

Household ventilation pipes are most often insulated using polyethylene foam. This material is a ready-made shell that can take the shape of a pipe and insulate it from the cold.

Insulation of a ventilation pipe on the roof is as follows:

  • Measure out required quantity material.
  • The shell is cut along a special seam.
  • Wrap the pipe.
  • Seams and joints are glued together with a special adhesive or assembly adhesive tape.

Foamed polyethylene does not pose a danger to humans, since no release is observed during its use. harmful substances, and the material itself fully complies with environmental standards.

Insulation using basalt fiber

Basalt wool can be used for insulation of both ventilation and gas pipes.

For execution thermal insulation works You should use this reminder:

  • First, the pipe is wrapped with basalt fiber.
  • A layer of aluminum foil is placed on top of it, secured with wire.
  • Using soft wire, sew the longitudinal seam.
  • The entire structure is secured with bandage buckles made of aluminum or packaging tape.

Fastening basalt insulation can be done not only with ordinary wire; for this you can also use:

  • Annealed black wire with a cross section of 2 mm.
  • Galvanized wire of the same diameter.
  • Stainless steel wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm.

To support the insulation, buckles can be made from galvanized steel wires with a diameter of 0.8 mm.

Basalt fiber used for pipe insulation ensures uninterrupted operation of the system and maintains its shape when exposed to sudden temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and various microorganisms.

In addition to answering the question of whether it is necessary to insulate a ventilation pipe, we can say that performing thermal insulation in compliance with all norms and rules will prevent frequent repairs and reduce the risk of an emergency.

It is necessary to understand that when talking about such a process as thermal insulation of air ducts, one must take into account the fact that these elements of the ventilation system are divided into domestic and industrial. The former are used in air exhaust systems of residential and office buildings, the latter in industrial facilities or in buildings with an extensive ventilation network, where powerful fan units are used. For example, in the buildings of train stations, airports, shopping centers. Accordingly the approach to thermal insulation in each individual case will be individual.

Let's start with the fact that there are certain building codes , for which thermal insulation measures are carried out. They are determined SNiP 2.04.14-88, which clearly indicates where and how ventilation insulation should be carried out. This primarily applies to unheated rooms and streets.

Thermal insulation of the ventilation system is carried out for one single purpose - do not reduce the service life of air ducts.

The thing is that ventilation itself is the ventilation of rooms, in which the air inside the building moves at a speed of 1 m/s. And for this to happen, you need to install two holes (or more), in one of which Fresh air from the street comes into the building, from the second the waste is thrown out. So here it is the entire structural part of ventilation is a diagram of air duct decoupling, working for exhaust, that is, warm air from the building will move through them.

In unheated rooms or outdoors warm air will begin to condense, forming moisture on the inner walls of the ducts made from steel sheet. Happening corrosion of metal, which leads to rapid failure of the entire system. Insulated air ducts prevent contact warm air with a cold environment, which means there is no condensation.

SNiP rules clearly stipulate what kind of insulation and what thickness should be used in order to create all the conditions for high-quality and efficient work ventilation systems. And since modern market offers a huge variety of thermal insulation materials, you need to understand them and determine the best insulation for ventilation pipes.

How to insulate

To answer this question, it is necessary, as mentioned above, to divide ventilation systems into two categories. The first includes utility networks in private homes, shops, restaurants and other consumer service points. That is, where she herself ventilation system- This is a small and not very branched pipework. Does she work or natural way removal of air, or forced air removal using fans. The second category is industrial ventilation networks. They relate only to the compulsory system.

Insulation for domestic ventilation system

There are several traditional materials, which have proven for many years that they are not used in vain:

  • glass wool mineral wool;
  • foamed polyethylene (penofol), covered with foil;
  • polystyrene foam, which today has been replaced by polystyrene foam boards;
  • asbestos boards or mortar.

All of the above insulation materials belong to the group budget options. The first two positions are fibrous with a high hygroscopicity rate, that is, they quickly and easily absorb moisture, which simply destroys them. That's why important condition use – waterproofing over insulation. This is especially important if the insulation for air ducts is used outdoors. Previously, roofing felt was used for protection; today, special membranes with a foil surface are used.

As for the slabs, they are installed if the air duct has a rectangular cross-section.

Asbestos solution, like cotton wool, can also be applied to rectangular pipes, and round. If it is used outdoors, then required condition– installation of a box that will cover the insulation from mechanical stress. Roofing felt or tin is used as a box.

Insulation for industrial insulation

Here you can also use all the materials indicated in the previous section. But there are also unique technologies. Therefore, when the question is raised about how to insulate ventilation pipes, for example, in a factory, it is suggested several additional options.

  1. Use of polyurethane foam. This is a two-component mixture that is foam. It is applied under pressure to the air ducts, to which it easily adheres and envelops.
  2. Ready-made thermally insulated air ducts. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but quickly became popular by reducing labor costs and increasing the speed of installation work. Manufacturers today offer air ducts with different thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, penofol.

Self-adhesive insulation for indoor air ducts

I would like to dwell separately on self-adhesive insulation for ventilation, as on Very convenient option do-it-yourself work. First of all, it is necessary to indicate that this penofol grade "C". On one side, foamed polyethylene is trimmed with foil, on the other plastic film, on which it is applied adhesive composition. The latter is covered with another layer of film, which is removed before installation.

Self-adhesive thermal insulation material is simply cut to the required size, which should correspond to the perimeter of the air duct, and then they cover the pipe with it, pressing it with their hands to its surface. The edges of the insulation are overlapped up to 5 cm and covered with foil tape.

Installation of thermal insulation

Let's consider several thermal insulation materials in terms of answering the question of how to insulate ventilation pipes in a private house. With penofol everything is clear, let’s immediately say that this is the simplest option.

Insulation with mineral wool

Insulating a ventilation pipe with mineral wool requires the manufacturer to understand that this material is hygroscopic. Therefore, all work is carried out in the following order.

  1. All piping turns around waterproofing membrane without cracks or gaps. Completely sealed coating.
  2. Mineral wool is wound overlap relative to the laid strips. The thickness of the installation is determined by the above-mentioned SNiP.
  3. Wrapped on top another layer of waterproofing.
  4. If the air duct runs outdoors, then a box, better made of tin.

By the way, installing ducts is a prerequisite for assembling an outdoor area, which will ensure not only protection of the system, but also effective air exchange inside the building.

If the ventilation pipe is not round section, but rectangular, then you can use it for insulation mineral wool in mats. They are pruned under required dimensions, cover the pipe with them and tighten them with a clamp, tape or binding wire. Waterproofing must be installed. Here it is important to place the pieces of cotton wool tightly so that there are no gaps between them. The most uncomfortable place is external corners air ducts. Them after pulling the main thermal insulation coating filled with pieces of material cut from the mat to the required dimensions.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is a slab material, so it is used for insulation rectangular hood. The technology for thermal insulation of ventilation pipes is exactly the same as in the case of mineral wool mats. The only thing that can be noted is optional installation of waterproofing layers, that is, they cannot always be used. It all depends on the density of the material used, which varies between 40-75 kg/m³.

The denser the material, the higher its ability not to absorb moisture.

For example, for PPS-40 it is better to lay waterproofing; for PPS-60 it can no longer be used. And one more point regarding the insulation of ventilation pipes in the attic, as in unheated room. This tight joining of insulation boards with filling of cracks and gaps with polyurethane foam .

Thermal insulation with polyurethane foam

As mentioned above, polyurethane foam is mainly used for insulation of ventilation ducts at industrial facilities. This pleasure is not cheap; moreover, the work requires special equipment with which the two components are mixed.

Today, thermal insulation manufacturers offer compact installations, which are now used for insulating ventilation pipes on the roof, in attic spaces private houses. They are sold in construction stores, and the total set weighs only 30 kg. This setup is enough to foam small size piping.

The main task of the work manufacturer is to strictly comply with the rules and requirements for using the equipment, taking into account safety standards. Before insulating a ventilation pipe with polyurethane foam, you must study the instructions for use and strictly follow its requirements.

Thermal insulation cylinders

Insulation of ventilation pipes can be carried out using special cylinders (shells), which are made of mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and polyethylene foam. They are used only for round pipes. They are selected by diameter and come in several varieties:

  • One-piece with a longitudinal section;
  • Consisting of two parts;
  • Three;
  • Four.

The type of cylinder is selected taking into account the diameter of the air duct. The larger it is, the more parts at the shell. Eg, plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, which is often used in the ventilation system of private houses, is closed with a cylinder in the first position. It is simply opened along the gap and put on the pipe, secured with tape.

Insulated pipes for ventilation using this technology are a guarantee of their effective protection, plus ease of work. It must be added that the outlet of the air duct to the street, as well as the street area, can be insulated with cylinders. The only requirement is the installation of a protective box.

As for the price component of the insulating material, it should be noted that The cheapest shells here are made of mineral wool, polyethylene and polystyrene. The most expensive polyurethane foam. Today manufacturers offer material of this type made of foam rubber. Insulated ventilation pipes with them are the best, but very expensive option.


So, when choosing insulation for ventilation pipes, you need to consider shape and size of the latter. Don’t forget about the simplicity of the work carried out if you do it yourself.

It is better to give preference to penofol than to mess with polystyrene foam boards, cutting and adjusting them to the size of the air ducts.

Of course, the price of thermal insulation for ventilation will also play an important role. Therefore it is recommended choose best option price/thermal conductivity ratio. Let's return to the thermal insulation of air ducts with penofol. For example, the thermal conductivity of mineral wool-penofol: 0.045-0.049 W/m K, that is, almost the same. Price of mineral wool-penofol per 1 m²: 1200-100 rubles. So much for the difference.