Geranium is blood red. Planting and caring for perennial blood-red geraniums

This beautiful flower is familiar to everyone. It can often be found in the summer months, with bright purple flowers decorating forest edges more often. But few people know that geranium, which contains many useful elements, is successfully used in folk medicine.

Botanical description of blood red geranium

Belongs to long-term family Geranievs, can grow up to 15 years. Quite tall mature plant reaches a height of 80 cm, but its usual length is 50 cm. Straight stems begin to branch into many others from the rhizome, their color is deep green.

Rod root system goes deep into the ground, the roots are knotty and fleshy. The leaves consist of several lanceolate-shaped lobes. Their color is the same as that of the stems; by autumn they can turn red. It is this property that explains the name of geranium, since its flowers acquire a purple-pink hue (but some species have a scarlet tint).

Flowering begins at the end of May; fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. Average term plant life is 12-15 years.

It is found in Russia and the CIS countries, in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Chemical composition of blood red geranium

  • Organic acids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • bitter substances;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • carbohydrates.

Features of growing blood-red geranium (video)

Medicinal and beneficial properties of blood red geranium

  1. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Able to stop bleeding, promote faster healing of wounds and scratches.
  3. Relieves swelling and spasms.
  4. Relieves pain, even headaches.
  5. Restores the functioning of the kidneys and large intestines.
  6. Calms nervous system, helps eliminate negative thoughts, depression and fatigue.
  7. Prevents the occurrence of blood clots.
  8. Improves blood circulation.
  9. Normalizes blood sugar levels.

It is advisable to use the flower in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Insomnia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • arthritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fever;
  • elevated temperature;
  • ischemia;
  • tachycardia;
  • dysentery;
  • depression;
  • arrhythmia;
  • diabetes.

But it is worth remembering that the remedy is not a panacea for all diseases, but only helps to improve the effect of properly selected treatment. Before use, you should consult a specialist and find out if there are any contraindications for use.

The use of geranium in folk medicine

Fresh raw materials

Blood red geranium is good because it can be used in fresh. It is enough to pick leaves in required quantity and mash them in a mortar or garlic press. The resulting paste should be applied to the sore spots and secured with gauze. Helps with:

  • Toothaches, headaches, and joint pains;
  • high blood pressure;
  • joint problems;
  • radiculitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • otitis.

10-15 minutes are enough for treatment, after which the mixture must be removed and the skin thoroughly cleansed.

Anti-inflammatory infusion

Take a container of any size, preferably glass. Pour fresh or dry raw materials, filling the jar 1 quarter full. Fill the remaining space with vodka or alcohol. Close the lid tightly. Place the infusion being prepared in a dry and dark place, and gently shake the bottle every 4-5 days. After 2 weeks, the healing agent will be ready. Dilute it with water 1 to 1, lubricate the inflamed areas with the tincture three times a day. Store it in the refrigerator.

Infusion for constipation

15 g of raw materials (crushed and dried) should be infused in 300 ml of water. After 8 hours the drink will be ready. Take it in equal portions throughout the day.

Universal tincture

Eliminates nervous disorders, acts as an antibacterial, destroys infections. Excellent healing of wounds. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials;
  • half a glass of vodka or 40 degree alcohol.

Mix the ingredients in a glass container and leave for 1 week. Afterwards, the vodka needs to be cleared of geranium. To use, dilute the liquid with water in proportions of 1 to 4.

Medicinal properties of geranium (video)

Honey water

Famous in folk medicine for its positive properties. Compresses with water can be applied to the eyes (relieves redness and inflammation, and also eliminates bags and circles), eliminates caries and bleeding in the gums, and also heals wounds on the skin.

  1. Grind 10-12 leaves.
  2. Add 1 tsp there. liquid honey.
  3. Pour in 250 ml of water.
  4. Shake the mixture thoroughly.
  5. Leave for 8 hours.

It is not necessary to strain the product. It can also be taken undiluted.

Universal decoction

4 tbsp. l. Boil dry raw materials for 1 minute in 500 ml of water. Then cover the dish with a lid and wrap it with a towel. Leave the broth for half an hour. Then remove the geranium.

Take 1 tbsp. after meals 3 times a day.

Root decoction

The root system of the flower also contains sufficient quantity useful elements, so this The decoction can also relieve many ailments.

  1. 2 tsp dry raw materials, pour 1 glass of boiling water.
  2. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes over low heat.
  3. Leave the brew for 1 hour.
  4. Strain and cool.

The product can be wiped onto your face. It perfectly cleanses the skin and gets rid of acne and redness.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

  1. You can use all parts of the plant, so do not forget to dig up the rhizome of the flower.
  2. Choose a place where flowers grow, far from civilization. Make sure there is no road nearby! Pure geranium will make truly healing raw materials.
  3. Prepare the above-ground part in June and July, when active flowering occurs.
  4. Harvest the root system in September, after the seeds have ripened. It is then that beneficial microelements are most concentrated.
  5. Do not collect the flower after rain or during dew. Geraniums must be dry; wet grass may begin to rot even before drying begins.
  6. Chop the prepared raw materials with a sharp knife or scissors. Place the flower on a thin cloth or paper in a 1 cm layer.
  7. Choose a place for drying, it should be in the dark, in a room where air will constantly circulate.
  8. Stir the plant approximately every 3 days.
  9. The finished flower will acquire a gray-brown color with a faint green tint. It should break easily. Drying will take approximately 2 weeks.
  10. Store raw materials in containers with a lid. Shelf life – 1 year.

Contraindications and harm of geranium

It is not advisable to use geranium during pregnancy or lactation. Test yourself for individual intolerance; to do this, just apply 1 drop of geranium essential oil to the skin and leave it for 24 hours. If there is no redness, irritation or pain in this area, then there is no allergy.

Use geranium-based products with caution for the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • thrombophlebitis (if already present, then the flower can worsen the situation;
  • ulcer.

Geranium in cooking

During the Middle Ages, many decorative flowers used for food. Geranium was no exception; it was used as a seasoning. Its aroma stimulated the appetite, and milk boiled with grass calmed and helped to fall asleep faster.

Varieties of geranium (video)

The smell of the flower goes well with fish, meat, and also adds a piquant note to desserts.

Blood red geranium has many uses. It can not only be treated, but also used in the preparation of any dishes.

Geranium is undoubtedly one of the most common and interesting plants grown on the windowsills of our apartments. Flowering bushes can be found on almost every windowsill. To make geranium delight you with its splendor, you should familiarize yourself with information about species diversity and the intricacies of flower care at home.

Indoor geranium is the colloquial name for pelargonium. Geranium is grown as outdoor plant. They are connected with pelargonium by external similarity and belonging to the same plant family. The homeland of the houseplant is the hot lands of South Africa. About 80% of the wild species of this flower grow in the Cape Province. In some sources, India is listed as the birthplace of pelargonium in the old fashioned way. However, scientists have proven that the plant was only exported through India.

The flower first came to Europe more than 400 years ago. The Triste variety was brought to England, which has an intense aroma that intensifies at night. Initially, the flower was used as a living air freshener for rooms.

In the 20th century, pelargonium became the subject of mass hybridization. Breeders have developed many hybrids that differ in the shape of the flower and leaves. Thanks to active breeding work color palette pelargonium, which initially has purple and purple flowers, expanded to several dozen colors. Today, pelargonium is considered one of the most popular indoor plants. In Britain there is a Society of Pelargonium and Geranium Lovers. The Company's activities cover a global scale.

Characteristics of indoor plants and species diversity

Pelargonium – herbaceous plant or subshrub of the Geranium family. The plant is a perennial. The flower is characterized by the following botanical features:

  • creeping branched stems;
  • petiolate leaves various shapes shades of green;
  • single or multi-flowered inflorescences of various colors and shapes.

More than 250 species of plants are known. The most common types are:

  1. Fragrant. The inflorescences are small, of various shapes and colors. The leaves are very dissected. Surface sheet plates rough to the touch. The color is represented by several shades of green. The leaves are scented. Depending on the variety, they can emit an aroma similar to the smell of lemon, apple, coconut, etc.

  2. Angel. The inflorescences resemble a flower pansies. The color is varied. Most often it is presented in two shades of the same color or combines 2 different colors. The leaves are heart-shaped and have a discreet green color.

  3. Unique. Most varieties are terry. The color of the petals is very bright, the shades are varied. Characterized by heavily dissected leaf blades. The color of the plates is also very bright.

  4. Succulent. Most varieties are terry. The color of the petals is very bright, the shades are varied. Characterized by heavily dissected leaf blades. The color of the plates is also very bright.

  5. Royal (English). It has many hybrids with a variety of flower and leaf shapes. The color is presented in a wide palette of shades. There are both monochromatic and variegated representatives of the species. Characterized by large size bush.

  6. Ivy-leaved (Thyroid). It is distinguished by elongated shoots, thanks to which the plant is grown as a hanging plant. Has a wide varietal diversity. Most varieties have a color that combines 2 or more colors.

  7. Blood red. The leaves are round and corrugated. Many varieties have a brownish transverse ring on the green background of the plate. Bright red flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences. Some hybrids are distinguished by their terry nature.

Depending on the shape of the flower, geranium is differentiated into simple and double types. Based on the type of flower basket, the following types of pelargonium are distinguished:

  • Rosaceae;
  • star-shaped;
  • cactus-like;
  • tulip-shaped;
  • bird eggs;
  • speckled;
  • cloves;
  • phlox-shaped.

According to the size of the bush they distinguish the following types plants:

  1. Standard (above 25 cm).
  2. Dwarf (15-25 cm).
  3. Miniature (up to 15 cm).

Some types of pelargonium can be found on garden plots. Growing this crop in a flower bed is permissible only in the warm season. For the winter, flowers are transplanted into pots.

Secrets of caring for geraniums at home for beginners

Geranium cannot be called capricious plant, therefore for experienced flower growers It is not difficult to grow a flower at home. For beginning gardeners, there are several recommendations for caring for this plant.


Pelargonium requires bright, indirect light. The optimal length of daylight for a plant is 12 hours. It is recommended to place the flower on window sills if the windows face west and east. On the south side it should be shaded with a curtain. On the north window or in the back of the room, the flower will need additional lighting with phytolamps.

Lighting affects appearance geraniums Lack of light provokes stretching of shoots and shredding of leaves. The flower loses its decorative effect and looks unkempt. Excessive direct sunlight may cause burns on the leaves.

Temperature and humidity

Growing geranium requires compliance temperature regime. During the period of active growth, the plant is kept at room temperature. During rest, the temperature is gradually reduced to 15 degrees.

On a note!

Pelargonium does not tolerate drafts well. It is advisable to place the flower away from heating devices.

The plant does not require the creation of conditions high humidity. Nevertheless, it is recommended that everyone spray the flower and the air around it. This is especially true for varieties with pubescent leaves, from which it is difficult to remove accumulated dust. Spraying is carried out with water for irrigation room temperature. Domestic water may cause an unaesthetic coating to appear on the leaves and petals of the plant.

Watering and fertilizing

During the growing season, geranium needs plenty of moisture. It is watered as the top layer of soil dries. Water for irrigation should be warm and settled. It is advisable to use rainwater. Watering is done using the overhead method: moisten the soil under the bush. A lack of moisture can cause yellowing of the leaves, and its abundance can cause the development of rot.

During the period of active growth, the flower needs fertilizer. At this time it is fed 2 times a month. In winter, geranium rests, so it does not need growth stimulation. Used as feed mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. The use of universal mixtures is acceptable. It is desirable that the composition be dominated by potassium and phosphorus, which promote flowering. Nitrogen fertilizers are aimed only at increasing green mass.

Diseases, pests and methods of combating them

Pelargonium rarely gets sick. Most often, diseases appear as a result of improper flower care. The most common diseases are:

Name Reason for appearance Symptoms Treatment
Blackleg Using non-sterile instruments, reusing soil and pot. Blackening of the stem at the base. After a few days, putrid mucus appears in this place. Cannot be treated.
Botrytis Waterlogging of the soil and poor air exchange. Gray coating on all ground organs of the plant. When shaken, it becomes dusty. Later, the affected parts darken and die. Removal of all affected parts of the flower and repeated treatment with fungicide.
Root rot Yellowing of leaves and shoots with further drying out. Rotting of the plant's root system.

Geranium may suffer from attack harmful insects. These include the following pests:

  • scale insect;
  • spider mite

You can get rid of aphids by treating the bush with a concentrated aqueous solution of baby or natural laundry soap. Spider mites and scale insects can only be gotten rid of using insecticides.

When and how to prune geraniums to form flowers

Geraniums need annual pruning. Without shortening the stems, it stretches and loses its attractiveness. It is recommended to prune the plant in the fall. At this time, the growing season ends, and accordingly, new leaves no longer appear.

Annual pruning of geraniums is performed for:

  1. Stimulates the growth of new shoots.
  2. Crown formation.
  3. Stimulation of flowering.

Some types of geraniums require additional pruning as they develop even during the dormant period. Additional pruning is carried out no earlier than spring. During hibernation, the flower is weakened. Winter pruning can be detrimental to the health of the plant. And shoots cut at this time are not capable of rooting.

Experts recommend leaving only stems growing from the root on the bush. Axillary shoots must be removed. Only 5-7 leaves are left on the stems, the rest of the shoot is cut off. But even deep pruning cannot harm the plant, since there are a lot of dormant buds on the bare stems.

In addition to the planned procedure, dried leaves and inflorescences should be removed from geraniums during the growing season. Dead parts interfere with normal air exchange.

How to propagate and replant geraniums at home?

Indoor geraniums are propagated by cuttings, sowing seeds and dividing the mother bush. Below is a description of the algorithm of actions of each method.


To obtain a new flower from a cutting, follow these steps:

  1. A cutting is formed from the cut stem: 3-5 leaves are counted from the top, the rest is cut off with an oblique cut.
  2. The cuttings are dried in the shade for 2-3 hours.
  3. The container is filled with a mixture of turf land, peat and sand in equal parts.
  4. The cut area on the cutting is treated with an antiseptic. In the same place it is rooted in moist soil.
  5. To make the bush fuller, you can pinch the top.

Caring for a cutting is practically no different from caring for an adult geranium. The only difference is daily spraying until rooting, which occurs 2-3 weeks after planting. When the cutting produces a couple of full leaves, it is transferred to a pot filled with soil suitable for geraniums.

Cuttings are the most optimal way to propagate a flower. After pruning, a mass of shoots remains that can be used as material for cuttings.

Dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush involves the following actions:

  1. A part of the rhizome with a shoot is carefully cut off from the mother bush using a sharp, disinfected instrument.
  2. All damaged parts of the plant are treated with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal.
  3. The cut piece is placed in the ground (you can increase the amount of peat if desired).

A baby is cared for in the same way as an adult plant. If additional peat was used during planting, fertilizing is introduced no earlier than a month later. The advantage of this method is speed and almost one hundred percent probability successful rooting. The disadvantage is the small number of new plants.

Seed propagation

Breeding a new flower from seeds involves the following steps:

  1. A container with high sides is filled with a mixture of turf soil, peat and sand (1:1:1).
  2. Fresh pelargonium seeds (no older than six months) are sown in moist soil. The seeds are not sprinkled on top. It is enough just to “trample” them a little with your fingers.
  3. The container is covered transparent film and placed in a room with a temperature of 22-25℃.

Seedlings need daily spraying and ventilation for half an hour. The first shoots appear after a couple of weeks. Stronger pelargoniums are planted in separate pots along with a ball of soil, so as not to damage the fragile roots.

Seed propagation allows you to obtain a large number of units. Minus this method is the risk of loss of a varietal characteristic.


Geranium does not tolerate transplantation very well. That's why complete replacement soil is produced no more than once every 2 years. The flower is transplanted using the transshipment method, without violating the integrity of the earth ball. If replanting is not planned this year, simply add a little fresh soil to the flower.

Usually transplantation is carried out in the fall. The pot should not be too spacious, otherwise the plant will devote all its energy to developing the root system to the detriment of flowering. A drainage layer must be lined at the bottom of the pot. There is a special soil mixture for geraniums, consisting of peat, sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions.

Is it possible to plant geraniums in open ground in summer?

Of course, the flower feels more comfortable in the fresh air. But for this it is not necessary to disturb him with transplants. It is more advisable to simply take out the pot and install it under any fruit tree.

Why geranium for a long time can't open the buds?

The problem of non-opening buds is associated with a lack of fertilizer. During the flowering period, the plant requires a lot of strength, so feeding should be introduced at least 2 times a month.

Indoor geranium is a beautiful flowering indoor plant. As long as you follow the care instructions, growing a flower is not a hassle. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, geranium is valued for its ability to purify indoor air and medicinal properties.

IN Lately To decorate window sills and flower beds, the geranium plant, a low-maintenance plant, is more often used, a photo of which can be seen later in the article. Growing this plant is a pleasure.

Description of the plant

Geranium is the most famous indoor flower. It is easy to care for and breeding it will not be difficult. There are a large number of species growing in the world. It can be either annual or perennial. The stems reach a height of up to 0.5 m. The leaves are dark green, decorated with a pattern or border. The leaves are characterized by a mint or lemon aroma. The flowers are large and very beautiful. It's not only home flower, it also grows in conditions wildlife. Found in Europe and the Caucasus.

Almost every variety needs moisture. For a flower to grow well, it needs care. The shrub is resistant to winter frosts and prefers neutral, slightly acidic, and acidic soils.

Important! The main condition for growing any variety of geranium is the absence of stagnation of water.

The plant loves illuminated areas; if it does not have enough light, flowering decreases, and the leaves and flowers fade.


U of this flower a bunch of beneficial properties for the human body. For example, special substances are released into the air that have a detrimental effect on various microbes.

Leaves, stems, flowers and even roots have healing properties. Products based on geranium are characterized by a positive effect on the body due to their healing composition. These include starch, gallic acid, gum, pectin, and tannins.

This plant prevents the release of fluid. It is actively used for bleeding, pharyngitis, insomnia, intestinal disorders and dysentery. In addition, it helps relieve fatigue and helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Important! Flowers in any form are contraindicated for pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and the elderly.

Common diseases

Growing bushes does not present any difficulties. The plant rarely gets sick. The most common diseases of geranium are brown spot and powdery mildew. To prevent geranium from getting sick, it must be cut after flowering. If the plant does become sick, the diseased leaves must be cut off and burned.

Varieties with names and photos

There are many types of geraniums, both garden and indoor. They differ in flowering time, growing conditions, and height.

Types of geraniums by height:

  1. Short. The height of the plant is below 0.5 m. This includes ash, Dalmatian, large-rhizome, and Himalayan geraniums.
  2. Tall. Plants in height from 0.5 m. These types include: magnificent, flat-petaled, forest, red-brown, meadow, Georgian.

Geranium is divided into the following groups:

  1. Royal.
  2. Variegated.
  3. Succulent.
  4. Fragrant.
  5. Ampelous geranium.
  6. Zonal.

Let's take a closer look at some plant species.

The royal variety is distinguished by its size and brightness of colors. In addition, this plant is very fastidious in care, which confirms its name. The flowers come in different shades: from white to purple. The flower feels comfortable indoors with high humidity, however, does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The average height of the bush is 60-80 cm. It blooms quite beautifully, but does not last long.

This variety got its name because its flowers resemble small tulips, and this is its main difference from other varieties of geraniums. The flower of this species does not exceed 1 cm in length. On 1 stem there is 1 inflorescence of approximately 50 flowers. The colors of the flowers vary: from light pink to burgundy. Usually inner part petals are darker than the outer one. The leaves are shiny and hard to the touch. Plant height varies, 30-70 cm.

Indoor geranium is divided into types:

  • ampelous (curly);
  • bush (low).

The flower has a powerful stem approximately 60 cm high and dissected leaves. The inflorescences are located at the tips of the shoots and are characterized by an umbellate structure.

This variety is characterized by abundant flowering from early spring to mid-winter. The flowers of the plant are different colors: red, yellow, white, etc.

This variety is very easy to care for and, as a result, is popular. This garden view It has a well-developed rhizome. The leaves of the plant are covered with villi and have an aroma, due to which the plant got its name. The flowers are small, collected in white-pink umbels.

This perennial plant grows in countries with temperate climates in deciduous and coniferous forests, in meadows, and mountain river valleys. This species has a short root, a hard, strong stem, five-parted dense leaves and umbrella-shaped flowers. The species is known for its medicinal properties.

Blood red geranium

Red geranium has a fleshy and rather long root. The bush reaches a height of 10-50 cm, acquires an attractive lush shape up to 0.5 m wide. The stem is hard, densely leafy. With the arrival of autumn, the stems of the flower, as well as the leaves, become bright red, thereby justifying the name. The flowers consist of 5 petals, single or semi-double. Flowers range from light pink to red.

This ornamental plant is characterized by delicate and very beautiful flowers. There are both annual and perennial varieties. garden flowers are popular in different countries. The flowers come in a variety of shades other than orange and yellow.

This plant has a hanging form. The plant got its name from the shape of its leaves, which resemble ivy leaves. They are hard to the touch. The variety is characterized by long, hanging branches. The bush can reach 1 m in length.

Geranium is magnificent

This variety is a hybrid garden bush, reaching a height of up to 50 cm. This plant begins to bloom at the beginning of summer. The flowers are lilac. In autumn the flowers turn wine red, orange and yellow flowers. This species does not bear seeds and reproduces strictly vegetatively.

This type is distinguished by bright decorative leaves and flowers. There is a border along the edge of the leaves. This subshrub reaches a height of 0.8 m. Rosebud geranium is grown both at home and in gardens. The plant blooms throughout the summer. In autumn, the plant is dug up, trimmed and left in a cool place.

Pelargonium and geranium difference

Due to different genetic characteristics, these plants cannot be crossed with each other. Pelargonium comes from southern countries, and geranium is a native of the north. For this reason, geranium can bloom at a temperature of +12 degrees, and pelargonium blooms only in greenhouse or apartment conditions. Pelargonium is usually grown in apartments, while geranium thrives even in gardens.

Proper care

In order for the plant to grow well, it is necessary to make a flower garden correctly, and weeds will not grow near the bushes. At the end of spring, it is recommended to weed the plant. In addition, in May it is necessary to loosen and fertilize the soil. Subsequent care consists of watering the bush.

Important! When the shoots begin to fade, they need to be cut off. Some species need to be tied up.

These flowers reproduce in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively.

The bush bears fruit well. Seeds from ripened fruits are spread throughout the entire territory, so collecting them is difficult. Seeds collected in August can be sown immediately and will form seedlings before the start of winter.

Important! Winter is considered the best time for planting.

The seedlings must first be planted in a special nursery. Formed bushes are planted in the flower garden. The most simple easy and a successful way of growing is propagation by dividing the bush. It is recommended to do this with the onset of spring or late summer.

Essential oil

From leaves perennial varieties By distilling with water steam, they make a colorless essential oil, the aroma of which resembles the aroma of a rose. This flower can cure depression, inflammation of the throat, nose and ears.
Essential oil is an excellent antidepressant and pain reliever.

  1. With its help, mental as well as physical activity increases.
  2. The oil can restore the skin after frostbite and burns.
  3. The oil is characterized by its ability to normalize blood pressure and blood circulation.
  4. It is used to treat neuritis and neuralgia.
  5. Geranium oil normalizes hormonal background female body.

Important! Essential oil should not be taken for more than 2 weeks. Do not take the product on an empty stomach.

This is useful and beautiful plant can often be found on window sills, balconies, gardens.

The plant forms a magnificent, rich picture in the garden bed. The period of growth and development is quite long. In one season, only one generation of leaves grows. They are able to overwinter, however, according to other sources, it is better to leave geraniums to overwinter without green leaves.

Reference! The stems reach a height of 20-50 centimeters and are usually covered with long hairs. The base of the stems and lower leaves most often turn red in the fall. The leaves are also covered with hairs and are divided into several deep lobules.

The flowers bloom one or two at a time, the petals on them are oblong and blood-red. The fruits have the ability to crush and disintegrate into single-seeded parts. Blood red geranium blooms in June-July, fruiting begins in August-September. According to other sources, it blooms from mid-June until the very end of August. Occasionally the plant self-sows. Self-sowing plants bloom in the second year.

Popular varieties

Let us list the most common varieties of geranium in Russia.

Maverick is the most diverse variety in terms of colors and shades. Despite its small height (20-30 cm), it has fairly large inflorescences (up to 15 cm). It has beautiful two-color hemispherical flowers. Suitable for both open ground, and for keeping at home. Calmly tolerates temperature fluctuations.

Amazingly different long flowering, therefore ideal for landscape design. The flower is two-color, decorated with white eyes. The bush is very compact, suitable for hanging planters. Another advantage of this variety is that it germinates very quickly: within one week.

Bulls Eye is a very unpretentious geranium. However, it is more suitable for growing at home.

It has a distinctive appearance from other varieties due to its two-color loose leaves. Has a pronounced mint aroma.

Tornado is the only weaving species. Perfect option for creating hanging baskets. In addition, it has a slightly audible lemon aroma. This variety of geranium is considered one of the most popular. The flower looks very impressive due to the fact that it grows with large hanging stems and blooms for a long time and luxuriantly. The plant has ivy-shaped leaves, which makes it look very impressive.

Check out the photo of geranium.


When choosing a place for planting, you should remember that geranium is one of the most unpretentious plants, so it will be accepted both in open ground and in an indoor pot. Lighting should be 5-6 hours a day, but these numbers can change by one or two positions in both directions. However, you should not plant the sprout in open place, where in summer there will be lighting from morning until evening. The rule here is: the main thing is not to overdo it.

Attention! Geranium does not like a lot of moisture and marshy soil, from this a variety of diseases can develop. If you decide to plant a flower in an indoor pot, make sure that the pot is spacious for the roots.

Experienced flower growers recommend replanting in the spring after all winter frosts, then you can expect to bloom in summer. Geranium loves loosened and nourished nutrients soil. Don't forget this. Give each shoot its own “house”, the distance between them depends on the variety (from 15 to 60 centimeters).

The hole for the plant should be twice the size of the pot in which it grew. So, for example, from a 20-centimeter pot, a shoot should be transplanted into a 40-centimeter hole. If you decide to grow blood red geranium from scratch, that is, from seeds, then plant them directly in the soil. But it will be better if the seeds first stay in a pot, where the roots grow and strengthen, and then the grown plant can be taken out into open ground. When you cover a flower with soil, do not cover its stem, as this may cause the entire flower to rot.

As mentioned above, geranium is an unpretentious plant and does not really like wet soil, but this does not mean that you can safely forget about it, especially during dry periods. Outdoors, water the flower until the soil is completely moistened, and in an indoor pot until water begins to pour out of the pot.

Certainly, all living things love fertilizer and geranium is no exception. Remember this, especially in spring.

Remove dead flowers in a timely manner so that the plant has the opportunity to grow again with renewed vigor. Get rid of dry stems ( characteristic feature theirs is Brown color) to prevent the appearance of a fungus that multiplies on dead and dry parts of the plant. Every 3-4 years, geraniums must be divided. You yourself will see the need for this when the flower expands its boundaries to those that were not planned by you. It is very simple to separate this green miracle: to do this, you need to take it out of the ground with its roots and divide the roots into several parts.

In the fall, it would be a good idea to prune geraniums, leaving at least two lower leaves . But if you don’t do it before frost, you can fix it in early spring.

Important! The exception is the large variety royal geranium, to which pruning can only damage and reduce the abundance of their flowering.

Diseases and pests

The most common danger for of this plant the soil may become waterlogged, especially when low temperatures. In this case, the leaves wither and appear yellow spots. as well as mold caused by fungus. Affected leaves should be removed and the plant should be provided with access to fresh air. Swampy soil can also cause the stem to turn black. This disease cannot be treated, but the sore spot is removed, followed by replacement or treatment of the soil.

Often the flower can be attacked by mites, aphids or whiteflies. Careful treatment of the leaves, especially on the underside, with chamomile infusion can help here. After 2-3 hours, be sure to wash it all off.

But sometimes moisture may not be enough. The dry edges of the leaves will tell you this. The loss and yellowness of the lower leaves indicates a lack of light or that it is time to change the pot to a more spacious one. Often the reason yellow leaves banal: adaptation to a change of place or after a transplant.

Many people wonder: why doesn’t geranium bloom? We answer:

  • the plant is cold or lacks light;
  • the soil is not suitable (you can eliminate this problem by purchasing a special substrate for geraniums or preparing it yourself);
  • the pot is already very spacious (in this case, you don’t have to worry and don’t do anything, just wait until the root system fills all the empty space, and then it will come to flowering);
  • you simply forget to trim the geranium, and timely “haircut” is the key to abundant flowering;
  • fertilizers are supplied irregularly.

The last trouble that can happen to geraniums is that they may start to dry out. If the geranium begins to dry out, you have two options.:

  1. or water it more often;
  2. or save the plant from fungal disease rust ( characteristic features– the leaves become red-brown, and then dry and fall off): for treatment, the leaves should be sprayed with a five percent solution of Bordeaux mixture or treated twice with phytosporin with a break of 7-10 days.

Propagating this plant by seeds is not that difficult. Usually, store-bought seeds produce excellent flowering. However, you should not expect the same effect from seeds collected from your own geraniums, since often hybrid varieties at seed propagation lose maternal characteristics. You need to sow the seeds in moist, loose soil.

It would be a good idea to treat the seeds with a light solution of potassium permanganate. Before germination, you will need to cover the seeds with glass, thereby forming a greenhouse. After the first 5-6 leaves appear, you can plant the shoots in pots. In order to propagate geranium by cuttings, you need to stock up on 5-7 centimeter shoots with 2-3 leaves.

Note! Freshly cut cuttings should be dried for 24 hours, the cut area should be sprinkled with crushed coal and planted in pots.

Some gardeners recommend strengthening the cuttings in coarse sand, and it should always be moist, but under no circumstances should water get on the stem or leaves, as this can lead to rotting. After the roots of the cuttings appear, feel free to plant them in open ground. The variety is suitable for open ground Garden geranium Striatum (striatum).

Medicinal properties

Geranium is a plant that can rightfully be called medicinal. It contains a large amount of tannins (fresh flowers up to 16%), carotene, vitamin C, bitter, resinous, mucous substances and other compounds.

An infusion of herbs helps with diarrhea in both adults and children, with urolithiasis, rheumatism, and gout. Helps stop bleeding, is used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and for the treatment of skin diseases. Local baths are taken with herbal infusions for bone fractures, lotions are prepared for cuts and ulcers, as well as ulcers. Decoctions of geranium are used to rinse hair in case of severe hair loss. The substances contained in geranium have an analgesic and antiseptic effect, as well as the ability to dissolve salt deposits. Contraindications for the use of geranium include pregnancy, lactation and gastrointestinal problems.

So, if you are looking for an unpretentious flowering plant, which also have many medicinal properties, you simply must turn your attention to geranium. It will delight your eye both in the house and on the street, causing admiring glances from your guests and people simply passing by.

Every year in the country the number of families who are unable to experience the greatest joy on the planet, that is, becoming parents, increases. According to statistics, every fifth family faces this problem. In this case, every woman thinks that it is her fault, but this is not so; now men often suffer from infertility. Do not despair, medicine does not stand still, and in folk medicine there are methods that our grandmothers used to treat infertility. A flower like red geranium is sometimes the only possible effective way for the treatment of infertility.

Infertility is divided into two groups: primary and secondary. is suspected if a couple has been sexually active for a year or a year and a half without using contraception, but the woman has never become pregnant.

Suspects when a couple was sexually active without using contraceptives, and pregnancy was noted. Often in this case the cause is the husband's infertility.

Geranium amazing plant, it has a centuries-old history, and a huge number of useful properties, because of which it is often used in medicine. Geranium has several other names, crane's grass or crane's nose.

Geranium received them because of its resemblance to the beak of a crane, and the word geranion itself is translated from Greek as crane. The perennial geranium is the most popular houseplant, in part because of its wonderful fresh scent and ease of care.

In medicine, geranium began to be used with mid-19th century. It was used to eliminate many ailments. Scientists have conducted a number of experiments that have proven the antibacterial properties of geranium. Drops of water that contained staphylococcus bacteria were applied to the leaves of the plant. After just a few hours, all the bacteria were dead. Indoors, geranium kills all pathogenic microbes, and its smell repels insects. Geranium essential oil is used to reduce blood pressure.

And fresh leaves are used to treat wounds and ulcers due to their disinfecting properties. Also, if you put a fresh leaf on your tooth, it can relieve you of toothache, and for young children who are still teething, geranium leaves are applied to the outside of the cheek to relieve pain.

Geranium is used to treat heart diseases, hypertension, it improves blood circulation. Geranium extract is used to improve the functioning of the kidneys, gall bladder and liver. Drops of geranium juice will help with a runny nose. And geranium for infertility has been used by our ancestors since ancient times.

Red geranium for infertility has been effectively used in folk medicine for many years. And for headaches, painful menstruation and hormonal imbalances, the latter can cause infertility, use geranium oil.

How did our grandmothers treat themselves?

Nowadays, many young people do not take traditional medicine seriously, relying only on modern means. But we should not neglect the wisdom that our ancestors give us. A huge number of women and men were able to cure infertility using folk remedies. Unlike sometimes expensive medicine folk remedies available to everyone.

There are a huge number of herbal mixtures and decoctions, the listing of which would take a lot of time, but among others, one can highlight one plant that has a huge list of beneficial properties and helps solve the problem of infertility. This plant is blood red geranium.

Blood red geranium for infertility is popular even in our age of advanced technology. When traditional medicine shrugs its shoulders helplessly, traditional medicine comes to the aid of infertility treatment with the miraculous blood-red geranium.

Blood red geranium will help cope with infertility not only for women, but also for men. It has a number of useful properties in its arsenal. Her infusion has the following medicinal effects How:

  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Normalization of blood circulation;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Analgesic effect;
  • Stimulation of spermatogenesis;
  • Astringent effect;

For treatment, you should not use zonal pelargonium, which is used to decorate a room, but it does not have any healing effect.

To treat infertility, you should use only fragrant and pink pelargonium, the medicinal properties of which have been proven.

But not only geranium is needed for treatment the right kind, you should follow a small list of rules for collecting medicinal geraniums:

  • Geranium flowers and grass should be collected only during the period of active flowering of the plant;
  • Plants that are two years old or older should be used for collection;
  • Preparations can only be prepared in early autumn or spring, at this time you can also pay attention to the roots of the plant, they also have many useful properties;
  • The place where the collection will take place must be environmentally friendly. Not worth it, collects near factories, highways, landfills, and railroad tracks.

Blood red geranium is used by men in the form of a tincture for infertility. It will require a small amount of recently collected flowers. They are poured with one glass of unboiled water, and the paste is placed in a dark place for 10 minutes. After time, filter the infusion through gauze folded several times, or a fine strainer. The resulting infusion should be taken every day by both spouses.

Geranium oil for infertility

In women, infertility can often be caused by a malfunction menstrual cycle. In this case, it is worth using essential oil. Geranium contains phytoestrogens, which affect hormonal levels and pain during menstruation.

In addition, geranium oil is considered a natural aphrodisiac. Geranium oil is often used for infertility in folk medicine. Many healers recommend it to cure this illness. And it helped most people to cure infertility.

  • Aroma medallion: 3 drops;
  • Aroma lamp: for 10 sq. meters about 3-4 drops;
  • Massage with essential oil geraniums Mix 30 ml. massage oil with 7 drops of geranium oil;
  • Baths with geranium essential oil. For one bath, 7-8 drops of oil;
  • Oral use: with 100 ml. honey or jam, mix 7 drops of geranium oil. Use 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. You can wash it down with juice with pulp, kefir or fermented baked milk;

When using, you should adhere to a number of rules to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • The course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks;
  • Do not take on an empty stomach, but when used internally may cause slight heartburn;
  • After application to the skin, it may cause a slight tingling or burning sensation. This is a normal reaction of the body;