Indoor pomegranate when it bears fruit. Dwarf pomegranate - a beautiful and useful addition to the interior

Even at home today you can grow pomegranate, the dwarf form of which I really like. tree in room conditions It develops well, caring for it is not difficult, although it has its own characteristics. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to grow lush beautiful plant which will decorate your home.

In nature, pomegranate grows up to 10 m in height, at home its height varies between 30-100 cm, so it is easy to grow in ordinary apartment or a country house.

Among the plant varieties, the most popular are:

  • “dwarf Carthage” up to a meter high;
  • a miniature "baby" species, it grows up to 30-50 cm in height.

The shoots of the tree are strewn with oval glossy foliage. During the flowering period, which lasts from April-May to August, bright red pomegranate flowers up to 4 cm in length and 2-3 cm in diameter delight the eye. They have the shape of a bell or pitcher and are self-pollinating.

IN autumn period small, round fruits up to 5 cm in diameter are formed, the color of which can be either light orange or dark burgundy. Fruits with a hard, thin skin have a sour taste and contain many small scarlet grains with seeds.

Preparation for landing

Indoor pomegranate is grown by planting seeds house plant. Before sowing them, you need to prepare the soil.

To plant them you will need neutral, fertile, loose soil. A commercial composition for roses or begonias is suitable.

You can make the mixture yourself, using equal proportions of:

  1. sand;
  2. humus;
  3. turf and leaf soil.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of a wide, shallow pot, using pebbles or expanded clay.


To grow dwarf pomegranates, take hard, cream-colored seeds. They are washed, kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 12 hours, and dried. The seeds can be stored and used for 6 months.

Planting is carried out in the spring, then the seeds will quickly sprout. If you do this at another time, the process will be delayed.

The seeds are sown in the soil prepared in advance, deepened by 1 cm, covered with film and waiting for shoots. They appear within 2 weeks under the following conditions:

After the first leaves appear, the seedlings are picked into separate pots. When the tree reaches 10-15 cm in height, the shoots are pinched so that they bush better.


At home, pomegranate is propagated by cuttings and grafting.

Propagation by cuttings

This optimal method, because cuttings take root and take root without problems, while retaining the properties of the mother bush.

To propagate a pomegranate, you need to cut off its young shoots, which begin to become woody, with 4-5 live buds. You can carry out this procedure:

  • in spring;
  • in summer.

In this case, the cuttings take root faster.

Cut shoots are soaked using a growth stimulator for the rhizome. The lower part of the cuttings is cleared of buds and stuck into previously prepared soil. Planting is carried out at an angle, deepening the shoots by 3-4 cm.

When the rooting process is complete, new shoots appear. When this moment comes, each seedling is planted in a separate container.

Reproduction by grafting

This is an effective, albeit labor-intensive process. For the rootstock use any young indoor pomegranate. You will also need cuttings from a varietal, healthy, fruit-bearing tree.

Any grafting method can be used, for example:

  1. in a side section;
  2. into cleft

Features of care

After planting or propagating a pomegranate tree at home, it needs to be provided with quality care.


A pot of dwarf pomegranate is placed on the windowsill. If there is a lot of light, this will do:

  1. southern;
  2. eastern;
  3. west side.

On cloudy days, the dwarf pomegranate is illuminated with a phytolamp.


The pomegranate tree loves bright light, without which it begins to shed its leaves.

In summer, you can take the plant to the balcony, or in a private house - to the street. During the first few days he needs adaptation; keep him in direct sunlight little by little, gradually increasing the duration.


During the growing season, which lasts from spring to autumn, the plant requires an air temperature of 24-26 degrees. For the rest period it is reduced to 12 degrees. The rest lasts 1-2 months, its duration affects subsequent flowering and fruiting.

If it is not possible to reduce the temperature in the room, then a number of conditions must be met:

  • reduce the number of waterings;
  • place the pomegranate in a dark place;
  • remove leaves from the tree.


The pomegranate tree requires a lot of water. It is watered as the soil dries.

You need to make sure there is no excess moisture, otherwise the plant will get sick. During the wintering period, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.


To maintain the desired level of humidity, you need to spray. They are performed:

  1. once a day during hot periods;
  2. in warm weather - 2 times a week.

These procedures improve appearance plants. During the dormant period, spraying is stopped.

Top dressing

Decorative pomegranate definitely needs feeding. It is carried out twice a month during the warm period. In this case they use:

  • in spring - nitrogenous compounds;
  • during the flowering period - mixtures containing phosphorus;
  • in autumn - potassium-containing fertilizers.

Once a month you will also need a comprehensive mineral composition. In the fall, fertilizing is done less frequently, stopping completely from December until spring.


To form beautiful bush, his good development pruning the pomegranate tree. Molding is carried out in 4-6 main shoots. Thin stems are trimmed so that each has 5-6 buds for foliage, and a cut is made above the topmost one.

In summer, only young shoots are pruned. This stimulates more luxuriant flowering.

You should not get carried away with the process so as not to lose a lot of crowns. This will weaken the tree.


Young plants that have not yet reached their maximum possible height are replanted every year. In this case, each time the size of the pot increases taking into account the volume of the rhizome.

Mature trees are replanted once every 3 years by transshipment. This will allow minimal impact root system.

Indoor pomegranate does not need special care, and in terms of decorativeness and beauty it will surpass many plants, becoming a decoration of the home garden.

Many children, and even adults, having eaten some tasty fruit and extracted a seed from it, become eager to grow exotic plant with fruits at home. Most often, citrus fruits are grown at home, but you can also plant other crops, for example, pomegranate. A small seed can turn into a real big tree that you will definitely be proud of. There are more than twenty varieties of pomegranate in nature; specially bred dwarf forms are usually grown in apartments.

About growing indoor pomegranate from seeds

These include low deciduous shrubs, reaching a maximum of a meter in height. These plants require a dormant period during which they shed their leaves. At this time, the owner must change the climate to a cooler one, up to five degrees. This kind of wintering is necessary for plants to fully life cycle. After it, the pomegranates are placed in lighted and warm places, waiting for buds and then flowers to appear on them.

Indoor varieties of pomegranate should be purchased in special stores, but if you want to achieve the appearance of a plant from a seed, purchase fresh and ripe fruit and cut it in half. Take the seeds and dry them on a flat container, such as a regular plate. In this case, be sure to take only whole seeds in a red shell. Pour warm fresh milk over them overnight.

At the same time, mix the soil substrate consisting of four parts turf land, two parts leaf humus, one part peat and one part sand. IN natural conditions pomegranate grows on salt marshes and dry rocky slopes, so we can draw conclusions about its unpretentiousness. The planting container must include good drainage, since the plant does not like waterlogged soil and stagnant water. The pomegranate root system is superficial, so it grows quietly in fairly small containers.

Before planting, moisten the prepared soil with settled water and spread the pomegranate seeds over it. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top. Place a piece of glass on top of the pot or pull it plastic film, then put it in a warm place. This area should not be sunny, but good lighting is nevertheless required.

The first shoots will appear in about a couple of weeks. They look like little white, hook-shaped sprouts, similar to worms. Try not to miss them, because after they germinate, you must move the plant to a lighted place. Remove the plastic from the pots and place the containers in a warm place.


In summer, it is recommended to take pomegranate outside Fresh air, for example, on the balcony. However, it is worth hiding it from direct sunlight. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, thoroughly soaking the earthen ball. Twice a month it is worth fertilizing with liquid complex fertilizers; spraying will also be beneficial. The plant does not need frequent replanting; this procedure is performed every year only with young plants, while adults are replanted only once every three to four years. Transplantation should be done in the spring after the buds swell.

In December, after the fruits have ripened on the tree, it will begin to gradually shed its leaves, thereby preparing for a dormant period that lasts for two to three months. The beauty of pomegranate foliage and flowering next year largely depends on how this important wintering time goes. Most optimal temperature at this stage it is ten to twelve degrees, but it is difficult to achieve in a city apartment. You can help the plant by drying its soil, removing any remaining leaves and placing the pot in the coolest window. Water the pomegranate in winter time needed very rarely. Small plants can do without a dormant period.

At temperatures ranging from twelve to sixteen degrees, the tree can survive the winter well. It stops growth processes and resets most green mass. If the temperature is higher, the plant will receive little light and will stretch out greatly, losing its decorative effect.

Towards the end of winter, buds will begin to bloom on the pomegranate. At this time, it needs to be moved to a fairly warm and sunny place and provided with frequent and regular watering. Soon the plant will be covered with thick and fresh leaves. Shortly before the start of intensive growth, be sure to remove all dried out and weak shoots, since buds can only form on annual shoots of sufficient strength.


After some time, the pomegranate forms a beautiful and very fluffy plant. It is quite easy to form, both as a tree and a bush. In order to grow a shrub, rejuvenate the plant from time to time, eliminating one trunk in favor of strong young shoots. In spring, it is necessary to trim young shoots, leaving from two to five pairs of leaves. This pruning encourages branching. The remaining trimmings can be used as cuttings.

Pomegranate is great for those gardeners who are interested in the art of bonsai. It lends itself perfectly to shaping; with the help of repeated pruning, pinching and bending the young shoots with wire, the pomegranate will acquire the desired shape, and the result will be simply unsurpassed.

Indoor pomegranate baby grows 40-90 cm in height. It has small light green narrow leaves, about 3 cm. They are located opposite.

The surface of the sheet is glossy. In autumn, the foliage turns yellow as the plant prepares for winter.

By winter, the foliage may completely fall off. There is no need to worry about this, as young leaves bloom on the branches in the spring.

On stressful situations Baby pomegranate also reacts by dropping its leaves. Therefore he needs to create as comfortable as possible conditions.

The shrub begins to bloom in the first year of life. The flowering period is from May to September. The flowers are large, approx. 4 cm in diameter, bright red.

They can be single or collected 5-7 in a bunch. One flower lives 2-3 days, after which it fades. Most inflorescences do not bear fruit. One hundred flowers can produce 3-4 fruits.

REFERENCE! To extend the flowering period, it is recommended to partially remove the fruits and leave no more than 2-3 pieces on the bush. Once every 3-4 years you can leave all the fruits.

The fruits grow small - about 5-7 see. Color can vary from orange color until deep red. The fruits are edible, but are rarely eaten. They are ripe In November.

You can visually see the indoor baby pomegranate in the photo below:

Home care

Caring for indoor baby pomegranate is easy. It is quite unpretentious, and also grows quickly.

Care after purchase

After purchase, an indoor pomegranate needs to adapt to new conditions.

In order for him to get used to it as quickly as possible, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions.

First of all, a place for permanent growth is selected. It must be well lit.

Lack of light has a negative impact on your general condition.

One more prerequisite is to observe the temperature regime; sudden changes should not be allowed.

The adaptation period may last 1-3 weeks. After its completion, you can transplant the pomegranate into a new pot with prepared soil.


The pruning procedure is best done in February, before the buds open. It is necessary to remove small young branches by cutting at an oblique angle. By trimming excess branches, branching is stimulated.

You need to be careful when pruning. Baby pomegranate sprigs are different fragility, you need to try not to damage the desired shoots.


IN winter period During dormancy, watering is reduced to a minimum. Enough once a month. At the beginning of spring, you need to gradually increase the amount of water. Upper layer should be slightly moist.

During the summer months, the soil should be moistened regularly. You need to monitor the condition of the soil in the pot. Overmoistening or drying out will negatively affect the condition of the bush. When experiencing stress, it can drop buds and leaves.

After flowering ends, the plant needs abundant watering. Since the process of flowering and fruit ripening takes a lot of energy from the plant, it needs nutrition.

Foliar spraying is very important during the summer months. Water for this purpose should be room temperature and definitely defended.


Indoor pomegranate should be planted in the spring.

At home

For proper development, baby pomegranates must be planted in previously prepared soil. To do this, mix in a 2:1:1:1 ratio:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • humus (peat);

Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, consisting of expanded clay or crushed red brick.

In the garden

On summer period indoor pomegranate can be planted in the garden. The soil needs to be prepared before planting. It should be loose with good water permeability. To do this, sand, fine sawdust and peat are mixed into the garden soil.


The young plant is subject to annual spring replanting. Upon reaching the age of three, this procedure can be performed once every 2-3 of the year. When replanting, a new pot must be taken to 3-4 cm in diameter more previous one.

Growing from seeds

Let's look at how to properly grow indoor baby pomegranate from seeds.
It is advisable to buy seeds for planting in a store or a trusted supplier. If the seeds are of high quality, then the first flowers will appear in the year of planting, and the fruits will appear after 2 years.

You can try to grow a shrub from the seeds of the fruit. But the probability of seedlings appearing is very low. Seeds remain viable for up to 6 months. Seeds are sown in April in seedling boxes to a depth of 0.5 cm.

Seeds remain viable for up to 6 months. Seeds are sown in April in seedling boxes at depth 0.5 cm.

To plant seeds, sand and peat are mixed in equal proportions. Seedling box cover with film and leave in a room at a temperature 25-27 degrees. Periodically, the film must be lifted for ventilation and watering.

In 10-14 days the first shoots will appear. After the formation of 3-4 leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.


An effective method of reproduction is cuttings. In summer, a lignified twig with 5-6 buds is cut off and placed in a container with water or wet sand until roots appear.

You can immediately plant it in the ground at an angle to a depth of 3 cm. The planted cuttings are covered glass jar to maintain the required humidity. Through 2 months rooted cuttings are transplanted into permanent pots.


In summer, the favorable temperature is considered 20-24 degrees. At higher temperatures, the plant is regularly sprayed. In autumn you need to reduce the temperature to 16-19 degrees. From November to February the plant is in hibernation. For this period temperature regime should be maintained within 10-12 degrees.

REFERENCE! Indoor pomegranate tolerates temperatures as low as -5 degrees.


Pomegranate - photophilous bush. Can be placed near eastern, southern or western windows. In summer, it is advisable to take the pot with the plant to the balcony or loggia. Main protect from direct sun rays.

Benefits and harms

All parts of the pomegranate from roots to fruits contain useful material and are considered healing.

Pomegranate is rich in organic acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Also in it a large number of vitamins and microelements, tannins and alkaloids.

Pomegranate juice has a restorative effect on the body. It is also a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

The juice is consumed to improve appetite, replenish vitamins, and rejuvenate the body.

Prohibited Use for people with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis. It is also not recommended for children under 2 years of age and pregnant women.

Diseases and pests

An excess of moisture can lead to rotting of the roots, and a lack of moisture can lead to the leaves drying out and falling off. The plant may also be affected scale insect or spider mite . You can get rid of them using a soap solution with a small addition of alcohol. If the damage is extensive, it can only be saved with the help of chemicals.

Indoor baby pomegranate, with proper care, will become not only a home decoration, but also a healer. There are many folk recipes to get rid of various ailments. But the best part is being able to grow an edible fruit on your windowsill.

Ornamental plant indoor pomegranate (Punica) is the most unpretentious dwarf shrub for growing on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. In the homeland of the pomegranate, in countries with hot and humid climates, it is planted in open ground, decorating lawns with perennial deciduous shrubs. The ornamental plant is quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil and does not require frequent watering. During the flowering period, it is almost completely covered with red inflorescences, which ripen into small pomegranates - a symbol of passionate love among the ancient Greeks.

Indoor pomegranate. Care

Varieties of indoor pomegranate

For home floriculture several adapted varietal species indoor pomegranate:

They vary in height (from 30 cm to 100 cm) and the size of the fruit (5-7 cm in diameter).

Secrets of caring for indoor pomegranate

Lovers of indoor potted flowers value the decorative dwarf plant not only for its exceptional external qualities, but also because caring for indoor pomegranate does not require special skills. If you follow some rules and create a minimum of conditions for the dwarf shrub, it will thank you lush flowering from November to the end of January.

In summer, indoor pomegranate “lives” perfectly in the garden or on the balcony. To avoid leaf burns, do not plant it on sunny side. The best place- east or west side shaded by trees.

Caring for indoor pomegranate at home. Photo

In the hot season, the plant requires abundant glaze and spraying.

In order for the mini-shrub to increase the number of green leaves for caring for indoor pomegranate at home, it is better to choose nitrogen fertilizers , and in order for fruits to appear - phosphorus additives. Choose mineral mixture You can go to any specialized flower shop.

The loss of leaves from a plant may not always be a sign of poor health. Before winter, pomegranate sheds its leaves, freeing itself from dense greenery. At this time it is necessary feed its potassium fertilizer.

Caring for indoor pomegranates is different for adults and young ones. Young plants need watering more often, while older plants can be watered once every 10 days.

For wintering a place that is not hot is better suited, even glazed loggia. An important requirement is the absence of drafts and very low temperatures;

At transplantation plants should choose black soil with the addition of turf. Complex soil is ideal;

At the bottom of the pot into which the plant is transplanted, it is necessary to place drainage so that the roots do not rot.

Bush formation

At proper cultivation indoor pomegranate, the plant will look beautiful and original. To achieve an aesthetically pleasing shape and a neat appearance, flower growers trim off excess shoots and form a bush. It is best to carry out pruning at the beginning of active growth time or before wintering - in spring and autumn.

Caring for indoor pomegranate at home involves pruning:

  • dry twigs;
  • fattening (not developing) shoots;
  • branches that grow towards the depths of the bush.

External shoots, if they are healthy, should not be pruned. To get a beautiful, full-fledged bush, it is better to start pruning for formation on adult plants that are already more than 3 years old. Young pomegranates must be replanted indoors. This is done annually to replace depleted soil with fresh one.

Secrets of propagating indoor pomegranate

Dwarf shrub is a fairly common plant that can be purchased at any flower shop and, after being brought home, transplanted into a suitable pot. But it is much more interesting to grow this flower yourself, especially since it reproduces well both from cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by seeds

Growing a plant from seeds is very simple. The main thing is to create for him the right conditions. Florists recommend taking seeds young plant, they have great vitality and germinate better.

Pour any store-bought plant growth stimulant into a small bowl and soak the seeds in it.

When they swell, plant them in the ground, covering the container with soil with film.

Remove the polyethylene when the first shoots appear, and place the container itself on the windowsill on the sunny side.

A stronger plant can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Propagation by cuttings

Reproduction and cultivation of indoor pomegranate from cuttings has one secret. If you do not choose the right branch for cuttings, the plant will not bear fruit. To take a cutting, select a fruiting branch that already has small pomegranates on it.

Place the cuttings in a jar with a growth stimulator.

When the lower cut swells, remove the cutting and replant it in a container with soil, covered with film.

As soon as new shoots appear on the branch, the film can be removed and the pot placed in a well-lit, warm place.

When the plant begins to form and young branches appear, pomegranate shoots need pinch. In this case, it will increase the number of branches and will be lush and beautiful. They don’t do this only if they plan to use the flower as a bansai.

Many people believe that it is very difficult to get pomegranates to bloom indoors, much less to produce fruit. In fact, this is not true. If you properly care for the plant, even a small pomegranate can bloom in the first year. As for the flowers, few people know that pomegranates have male and female flowers. You can distinguish them by examining the base. In male flowers it is thin, while in female flowers it is thicker. In addition, male flowers fall off almost immediately after opening, while female flowers become rounded during flowering, forming a pomegranate fruit.

You should not wait for flowering and fruit formation on young, newly emerging branches. As a rule, they appear on the longest, most mature shoots. Knowing all these simple secrets, you can easily grow a “passion flower” on your windowsill.

In nature, pomegranates are trees ranging from 2 to 5 m in height with a wide spreading crown. Wild pomegranate bushes are rare. That doesn't mean it's beautiful plant not suitable for a small greenhouse or a cozy apartment.

Baby is a pomegranate variety that is easy to grow at home.

Growing pomegranate at home is as easy as planting any other unpretentious plant. Most suitable for growing indoor varieties pomegranates: baby and dwarf carthage.

Short description

Garnets belong to the Derbennikov family. The plant got its name due to the structure of the fruit: from Latin word granatus (grainy). The name of the genus comes from the historical area where the pomegranate (punicus-Carthaginian) was first discovered.

In Carthage, the pomegranate was often called the Punic apple, and for local residents he was the personification of a happy marriage. The ancient Greeks identified pomegranates with fertility, and in Persia it denoted a symbol of passionate love.

At all times and regardless of the place of growth, people greatly appreciated the decorative qualities and amazing beneficial features this fruit.

Appearance of the plant

Indoor baby pomegranate is a small shrub from 30 to 50 cm in height. The leaves are elongated and grow in small, even groups. The trunk is small, branched, light brown in color. There are many branches, they are thin with small thorns.

Flowering is abundant, lasting from March to November, depending on the strength of the plant and the conditions of its maintenance. The flowers themselves are large, bright purple, arranged in a single order. They grow up to 7 cm in size, have six petals, and are barren in the first year.

In the first 2–3 flowering periods, the buds should be completely cut off: they deplete young tree, but they don’t bear fruit. Their formation occurs only 3–4 years after planting in a permanent pot.

Potted pomegranate fruits

The variety assumes light fruiting, despite continuous flowering even during fruit ripening. If more than 7 ovaries have formed on the bush, then it is better to leave no more than 5 for ripening, since the plant, due to its size, may not have enough strength to feed them.

Baby's fruits:

  • small size, no more than 4 cm in diameter;
  • have the taste and color of large pomegranates;
  • contain no less nutrients than other members of the family;
  • quickly set and ripen (from 3 to 4 months).

Baby pomegranate fruits are small in size

Fruiting takes away most of the plant's nutrients, depleting it. On next year it will be less abundant.

Growing at home

Reproduction of indoor baby pomegranate is possible in two ways: from seeds and by rooting cuttings. Both of them give good germination rates, but most novice gardeners prefer seed material; it does not require an adult parent plant.

Planting seeds

The germination rate of pomegranate is stable, more than half of the planted material is accepted, so it is enough to buy just one package. Viable seeds for planting are also obtained from fruits grown independently.

Growing baby from seeds is easy:

  1. After purchasing, the seeds must be soaked for a day in a weak solution of a growth stimulator based on vermicompost. This will significantly increase the germination percentage.
  2. Dry and start planting. To do this, take a small pot of peat soil and deepen the seeds by 2 cm.
  3. Cover with cling film or plastic lid. It is important to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. We put it in a bright place, the shoots appear quite quickly.

Keep an eye on the soil; it should be moderately moist. Watering is necessary regularly, but not excessively. An abundance of water will cause the seeds to rot, and they will not sprout in overdried soil.

Ventilate the greenhouse every day for 20 minutes. Only when the shoots have 4 main leaves is the film removed for good.


Using the second method, you can propagate pomegranate using the parent plant as a donor, for this:

  • Several side shoots are cut off from the fruiting branch. It is important that there are at least 5 buds on each cut, with the expectation that the bottom 1–2 will have to be removed;
  • the cuttings are soaked in a rooting stimulator for several hours (from 3 to 5) with the lower end;
  • planted in prepared moistened peat soil to a depth of 4 cm;
  • cover with cling film or a jar according to the diameter of the container;
  • open slightly several times a day for ventilation and watering.

Cuttings take root quickly, as evidenced by the appearance of new buds and the blooming of old ones. As soon as they begin to open and give the first leaves, the film is removed, and the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. The cuttings need to be transplanted into a new pot after six months, replacing the peat in the mixture with sand.

Plant care

In order for a plant to bloom profusely and bear fruit, it needs special conditions, observing which it will become a worthy decoration of any home. Caring for pomegranate decorative tree at home it is not difficult; even a beginner can handle it if he studies the characteristics of the variety in detail.


The homeland of pomegranate is hot countries, so the plant needs long daylight hours. A clear sign of lack of illumination is the flight of leaves.

Ideal permanent place a south window will be suitable for the pomegranate tree: it does not require shading even during hot midday hours.

From mid-spring, as soon as the frosts have passed, it is better to take the plant outside open air: on the balcony, veranda or garden. Needs to be placed in sunny position warm corner, where he will not be afraid of drafts.

Although pomegranate is not afraid of direct sunlight, it is better to place it in the shade for the first few weeks outside, gradually accustoming it to bright light. The plant will get used to the new conditions and the foliage will not get burned.

In early or mid-autumn, when frost sets in, the pomegranate must be brought indoors for the winter.


Despite the fact that pomegranates easily tolerate even elevated temperatures and drought, they do not feel comfortable in them. The optimal temperatures are from +24 to 26 °C in summer, and in winter from +10 to 12 °C. At temperatures below +6 °C the plant dies.

With the modern pace of life, most gardeners do not have enough time to constantly monitor changes in temperatures in the room, so the pomegranate is moved to a dark place, the leaves are removed and watering is significantly reduced.

Required soil

It is best to use ready-made peat soil for seeding and cuttings, but for the future life of the plant it is necessary to select neutral soil. The mixture is purchased at a flower shop, the most suitable one marked PH 7 (most often it is soil for roses).

There is no need to buy a lot of soil at once, since the plant does not require large volume: in the first year, half a pot is enough for him, then until he reaches 5 years of age, it is increased by 0.5 annually.

When the pomegranate is fully formed, select a container of 4 to 5 liters for it.


Stagnation of water at the roots is detrimental to the plant, so it is necessary to provide it with good drainage. You need to water the pomegranate abundantly, but infrequently, waiting for periods of drying of the top layer of soil. It’s easy to check whether a plant needs water: take a toothpick and lower it a few centimeters into the ground. If wooden stick dry, the pomegranate needs to be watered.

It is necessary to adjust the application of liquid to the soil depending on the time of year and periods of active growing season of the plant. In spring, you need to water more abundantly to saturate the plant with moisture during active sap flow. When the first fruits appear, do this with caution, as oversaturation will lead to their cracking.

In summer, abundant watering of the tree is simply necessary, especially if it is standing on the street under straight sun rays. The plant also reacts positively to spraying on a hot day. Water for irrigation and moistening must be settled, soft, and at room temperature.

In winter, pomegranates need to be watered once a week; if you do this more often, drainage will not help and the roots will rot.

Fertilizer application

During active growth of a plant, it needs fertilizers. They are added every two weeks so that the flowers and ovaries do not take everything nutrients at the pomegranate. It does not need any specialized fertilizers; those used to fertilize flowering indoor plants are suitable.

Baby needs feeding. Universal fertilizers for indoor plants are suitable

The only condition: they should not contain chlorine, as it can greatly weaken the delicate root system of the pomegranate.

Before the flowering period, the plant must be watered twice with nitrogen-containing fertilizer. This will help form a strong crown.

The following fertilizers are also suitable for garden flowers:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • urea.

All nitrogen-based fertilizers stimulate active growth of green mass.

Pomegranate also responds well to application organic fertilizers, the best of them (based on the experience of flower growers):

  • fresh cow dung;
  • dried bird droppings;
  • a strong decoction of nettle leaves;
  • dandelion infusion;
  • diluted wood ash.

Baby responds well to feeding with dandelion infusion

It is necessary to fertilize the plant in cloudy weather, be sure to spill the soil before doing so. Any water that accumulates in the tray must be drained.

In autumn, the plant needs less fertilizing; fertilizers are applied once every two weeks. This will properly prepare him for hibernation.

Rest period

After the fruits have fully ripened, in mid-November, the pomegranate sheds all its foliage and enters a state of winter dormancy. For it, complete flight is completely normal, and if the wintering goes according to all the rules, then in the spring the green mass will grow abundantly again.

The rest period lasts from 2 to 3 months. At this time, the plant needs to maintain a certain temperature in the room, the ideal range is +10–12 °C, it is also important that the air is dry. If there is no special place in the house for the pomegranate, then it is better to leave it in its original place, separating it from the battery with a screen.

It is important that the soil is completely dry before overwintering in the pot. During the winter, the plant needs to be watered only 3-4 times, with an exception made only for very young trees, they need moisture every 2 weeks.

Some gardeners claim that pomegranate does not require a dormant period and high temperatures indoors during winter do not have any effect on the future harvest.


Plants under 3 years of age require an annual increase in the pot by several centimeters and renewal of the soil. After reaching this age, pomegranates need replanting much less frequently (once every 2–3 years).

The process is simple: it is done by transferring from one pot to another. This is done in the spring, before the flowering period, then it will be more abundant.

Crown formation

The process of pruning pomegranate before the growing season is harmless to it. By removing weak or dried shoots, the owner helps the plant become healthier and begin to bloom with renewed vigor. The tree has flexible branches and can be easily directed in the desired direction.

How to trim correctly:

  1. On each shoot, 5 buds are left, the rest is cut off.
  2. It is necessary to form 4 to 6 main “skeletal” branches.
  3. Trim off excess root growth.

You need to be very careful when forming the crown so as not to break the fragile branches. It is also impossible to cut the plant too much, as this will weaken it and flowering will be weak.

Diseases of indoor pomegranate baby

The plant has weak immunity, so it is susceptible to various pathological processes that are easy to stop. It is only important to understand what needs to be dealt with, and then choosing the most effective method of elimination is not difficult.

Pathology Description Treatment methods for pomegranate
Powdery mildew Infection with harmful fungi causes white plaque and then the formation of brown balls on the surface. Grenades suffer powdery mildew due to insufficient ventilation in the room; temperature changes; humidity changes; infection by airborne droplets from other plants. If the stains have just appeared, a weak solution of sodium carbonate and soap and water will help. The disease is advanced - necessary chemicals: topaz, home, speed.
Branch cancer The bark is severely cracked and swollen along the edges of the damage. The disease can appear after mechanical damage or severe hypothermia of the flower. It is difficult to cure the plant, the best way out - complete removal damaged branches using a sharp knife, followed by treatment of the wound. They put it on her thin layer garden var.
Spots on leaves The color of such foreign inclusions varies and ranges from yellow to brown. Their appearance indicates waterlogging of the soil. The plant needs to replace the soil. If there are rotten parts of the roots, they are also removed. The cut must be treated with crushed charcoal.
Whitefly, aphid Harmful insects appear on the flower from the cereal that we ourselves bring into the house. They feed on leaves, actively reproducing. Such proximity not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also significantly weakens it. If the insects have just appeared and there are only a few of them, you can try to remove them manually using tape. The larvae are removed soap solution, they wipe the affected leaves with it. You can also use chemical insecticides: karyuofos, fitoverm, spark. But before treating with drugs, it is necessary to protect the root system, so the soil is covered with polyethylene.