Do-it-yourself beds made of plastic panels: description, instructions and reviews.

Special soil prepared according to special recipes, filled with fertilizers and nutrients, very often washed away by rain and water when watering. To prevent this from happening, experienced gardeners arrange fencing of the beds from special, and more often, improvised materials: slate, plastic panels, curb tape, boards. This article is all about constructing fences for vegetable beds do it yourself: instructions, photos, videos.

Fencing garden beds: what and for what?

Order in the garden is the first thing. It’s nice to admire the beds that are as straight as a ruler; well-groomed green vegetables that grow in neat rows; clean paths, not overgrown with weeds and not littered with heaps of spilled earth and sand. Taking care of a vegetable garden is not at all easy! Experienced gardeners install special fences for garden beds, fortunately this is easy to do with your own hands using available materials.

Fencing garden beds will help solve a range of maintenance issues at once.

Let's figure out why fences for garden beds are installed:

  1. Prevention of erosion of garden soil during watering or precipitation - in this case, the advantages of installing edges are obvious. Precious nutrient soil will not be washed out onto the paths, creating dirty puddles and drips.
  2. Possibility of creating a foundation for a temporary spring greenhouse ( warm bed) – when installing high sides of the fence, you can arrange a layered bed, which is suitable for a greenhouse. It is convenient to install arcs for stretching the film. The finished greenhouse will be completed carefully and professionally.
  3. Limiting the growth of weeds - by fencing the beds, the planting area is limited, which significantly reduces the spread of weeds and harmful plants. If the fencing elements of garden beds are dug to a certain depth, then the protection of the planting area from the spread of perennial weeds increases significantly - the edge of the bed becomes an insurmountable barrier for them. This way you can limit the growth of creeping wheatgrass and reeds, their root system spreads underground over considerable distances.
  4. Increasing the aesthetics of garden design - the beautiful frame of green beds and the cleanliness around them please the eye. Not many gardeners can boast in perfect order in your garden plot, although it is not difficult to make the edges of the beds with your own hands from waste materials.

Advice. When arranging beds in the garden, it is worth following certain rules; this will help the plants develop better, reduce maintenance costs, help save time, and also ensure a higher yield.

Bed sizes ( best option) should be like this:

  • Width – from 80 to 90 cm.
  • Length – any (depending on the capabilities of the individual site). I would like to note that very long beds are inconvenient to maintain, especially when it comes to watering. Therefore, the length of garden ridges should be limited to 4-6 meters.
  • Height - optimal height the side is from 10 to 15 cm.

Materials for fencing beds

Materials for fencing beds and building sides can be: brick, rubble stone, sheet metal, plastic panels, special fencing border tape, plastic and glass bottles, lumber, asbestos cement sheets, slate, metal slate. All these materials have their own positive and negative qualities, which should be discussed in more detail.

To fence the beds, you can use any materials that are available to you.

But the use of the listed materials for arranging the sides of garden beds has different budgetary basis: Thus, the use of used plastic bottles will not bring any costs to the gardener, but the purchase of a special border tape can significantly lighten the pocket.

Pros and cons of materials for fencing garden beds

Metal fencing– they are resistant to mechanical damage and easily maintain a given shape. Metal sheets cut with special metal scissors, so this can only be done by a person who has certain craftsmanship skills.

For several years, durable metal sides will serve faithfully, but the terrible enemy of metal, rust, will eventually completely destroy the fence. The situation is aggravated by constant contact of the protective circuit with water. Therefore, when installing metal fences, it is necessary to provide reliable protection metal from the spread of rust by painting the finished parts of the beds with protective compounds.

A negative quality of metal fencing is the strong heating of the structure under the influence of sun rays. On particularly hot summer days, the fence can heat up to +50 C.

Attention! Vegetables planted close to the side of the bed are severely burned when they come into contact with the fence.

Fencing beds from natural wood features high environmental safety. However, wooden structures are quite expensive and short-lived.

Contact with water and damp soil takes its toll on lumber fencing. The tree is easily susceptible to development bacterial rot and fungal infections. Even protective operations carried out before installing a wooden border do not guarantee long-term operation.

Wooden borders can be easily painted in any color, so to create certain landscape compositions, especially if there is more in the garden wooden buildings in the same style, wood suits perfectly. It is worth remembering the fragility of wooden fencing for vegetable or flower beds.

Wooden fencing for garden beds

Plastic bottleswaste material, which doesn’t cost the gardener a penny. The bottles are installed manually, one at a time - they are dug into the edge of the beds. To maintain the correct direction and parallelism of the rows, you should first mark a line with twine, stretching it over pegs driven into the corners of the bed. The bottle fence is not durable - very often bottles get knocked out of the row, fall on their side and become deformed. Under the influence of the sun and precipitation, the plastic acquires a cloudy and dirty surface; the appearance of such a fence greatly reduces the beauty summer cottage.

Slate– this material is deservedly popular among gardeners. To fence the beds, slate remains are often used, which were formed after repair work on the roof. The fence is easy to install, it is not destroyed by exposure to water, precipitation, or low temperature. Slate heats up less in the sun than metal, so there is a risk of damage cultivated plants much lower when in contact with slate. Slate fencing fits perfectly into overall design garden plot.

Rubble stone– this material perfectly complements landscape design, fits harmoniously into the arrangement of any garden. Stone frames look especially impressive on flower beds and ridges. Laying rubble stone is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, and the cost of the material is quite high.

Advice. It is justified to arrange garden beds with a frame made of rubble stone if there are natural deposits of the material.

Plastic panels- the most popular option for framing vegetable beds today. Plastic panels do not warp from excess moisture, are not subject to rot, and their geometric dimensions do not change due to exposure to frost, sun, snow or rain.

Being lightweight, PVC panels are easy to transport. No special tools or skills are required to cut the material. When constructing the sides of garden beds, it is allowed to use used panels.

Zinc fencing

The disadvantage of plastic framing is the change in the density of the panel, its yellowing over time and exposure to adverse factors. Some panels begin to deteriorate (crumble) after a few years from exposure to frost and excessive insolation.

The low cost of PVC panels, wide availability and a wide range make this material attractive and widely used for gardening.

Border tape– very often used to frame beds in the vegetable garden and flower beds in the flower garden. The material has undoubted positive qualities:

  • Can be purchased at any garden store.
  • Availability various options coloring.
  • High specifications in terms of strength and reliability.
  • Easy to install and cut.
  • Possibility of framing polygonal and round beds.

Fencing with border strips

At high positive qualities There are a number of negative ones:

  • Some types of curb tape are made of plastic, which cannot withstand freezing temperatures.
  • The thin walls of the tape are often bursting with heavy soil, especially when constructing high beds.
  • High-quality border tape is highly expensive, while cheap analogues have low strength.

The choice of material for constructing the framing of garden beds remains with the owner of the summer cottage. Only he can make a decision that takes into account all the features of the beds and the design of the site. Technology of work on the installation of fencing materials different types The videos attached to the article are excellently demonstrated.

DIY beds: video

Arrangement of beds: photo

Many owners of private houses and garden plots are engaged in growing fruit crops. It is much more pleasant to observe plantings grown with your own hands than grass in the garden.

Planting fruits and vegetables in separate beds ennobles the area and makes it well-groomed. Every gardener thinks about landing fence, how to make it yourself and what materials to use?

What material is best to fence beds?

Fences for garden beds are used from various types, the main ones being:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • rubber;
  • slate;
  • brick.

Before deciding what to make the sides for the beds from, let’s consider the disadvantages of these materials.


The use of curbs made of galvanized steel with the addition of polyurethane will make the owners of the site forget about the fading of the material and its periodic replacement. fences differ high strength and a decent look.

Such beds are created from environmentally friendly elements and will not harm the health of family members.

Galvanized steel has a number of advantages benefits:

The disadvantage of such a border– increased heating of the metal surface, which also affects the temperature of the soil.

Most gardeners do not trust this material due to the fact that metal barriers will destroy perennial plants in winter period. If you follow the landing rules, nothing will happen.

Upon landing perennial plants with a metal border, it is important to remember: the distance from the intended fruit to the beginning of the obstacle must be at least ten centimeters.

Plastic panels

Previously, wood was often used to fence a flower bed or plot, but with the development of new technologies, gardeners switched to new materialplastic panels.

Similar ones are used when creating multi-tiered beds and structures with a curved or elongated shape.

Installation is easy, and it does not require digging grooves; you just need to insert the panels into the ground. Such panels will last for many years and will be highly durable.

They have a number benefits:

  • ease of installation. Such panels are easy to install throughout the site in one day, unlike wooden pegs or bricks;
  • the material used in the manufacture of panels does not deteriorate under the influence of high and low temperatures;
  • increased strength in holding the site;
  • safety. Plastic is not natural material, but does not highlight harmful substances on plants. Even when exposed to sunlight, the surface of the product remains safe;
  • easy to care for.
  • To care for such a fence, simply wash off the stuck soil with a hose or wipe with a wet cloth.


Wooden fences easy to manufacture, therefore, both men and women can cope with their production.

This is one of the most common and sought-after materials, which has proven itself over many decades.

The disadvantage of this design is fragility. Wooden fences will have to be replaced once a year, and sometimes every six months.

For the simplest selection of flower beds or beds can be used wooden blocks . This design will last one or two seasons. It is used as a temporary structure.

The decking board looks elegant on the garden bed, but its price is high, and before installation it is important to decide what functions the material should perform: practical or aesthetic?

Ready-made wooden borders coated with paint or a special composition for added protection.

After installation, such sides attract the attention of neighbors and catch admiring glances, but over time the situation changes. After prolonged rains and abundant watering, the tree becomes covered with a layer of fungus and loses its former attractiveness.


Polycarbonate is installed by gardeners who care about the beauty of their garden beds, because this material can be purchased in various colors.

It is resistant to mechanical stress, but if you hit it with a hammer, a crack will form.

Its main advantage is considered to have increased fire resistance. IN open flame the sheet may melt. The flexibility of polycarbonate makes it accept various shapes. Most often used to create greenhouses and greenhouses.


The use of slate sheets significantly reduces the risk of damage to the fence by small rodents or natural phenomena. Increased fire resistance and its ability to resist damage from rain and snow has made slate a popular material for fencing garden beds.

Which material will be better and cheaper?

The choice of material for installing a border is varied; if a gardener actively participates in dacha life and can easily install a new fence when the old one is demolished, he is recommended to choose wooden fences as a basis.

If you want a fence cheap and sustainable to various damages and temperature changes, of course, you need to opt for plastic panels.

If you do not intend to constantly transfer fencing material from one bed to another and you want to achieve strength and durability, it is better to choose slate. It does not take much time to install, and its cost is low compared to other types of materials.

Optimal box height

sides at the curb must be at least twenty-five centimeters, if the beds are located on a flat surface with fertile soil.

For soil with abundant moisture or, conversely, dry soil, you need to raise the fences at least thirty or thirty-seven centimeters.

Very wide sides are impractical, unless, of course, they are part individual project for landscaping the garden.

Bed length is determined at the discretion of the owner: it can be from one meter to five meters or more. It all depends on the area and its dimensions. Depending on, the site line can be increased or, conversely, this possibility is not available.

Gardeners like to make sides with a cross beam for sitting down after work, but this is wrong. Water that gets into the beam contributes to the rotting of the material. The best option there will be rest on a folding chair brought from home.

Slate installation instructions

After roofing, there are often pieces of material left that can be used in the design of garden beds.

For work it will be necessary slate, metal rods and shovel. Before starting work, the slate should be prepared: you need to cut the material to the height required for installation. To do this you should use circular saw with a stone attachment.

A standard sheet of corrugated slate is one meter seventy-five centimeters. It is cut into as many pieces as necessary to create a barrier between the honey beds.

The cuts will be straight if you use chalk and draw lines.

The soil is also prepared for installation. The soil is watered abundantly, especially in those places where the material is planned to be placed. A trench is dug along the perimeter of the proposed bed and metal rods are inserted.

The prepared pieces of the product are inserted around the perimeter of the bed in such a way that so that the wave overlaps, and the upper edge is pressed with a block. Rebar posts are installed along the edges of the product to provide stability to the structure.

When installing, observe the diagonal and use a level. When the material is installed, it is compacted and sprinkled for greater stability, and excess pieces of earth are removed.

Spacing between rows compact thoroughly, A vacant plots should be covered with concrete or gravel.

When working with slate the following rules must be followed:

  1. Slate can be cut into two halves or into pieces. The width of the bed will depend on the cutting option.
  2. To prevent the material from spreading in different sides, his fastened with metal corners, which are subsequently treated with an anti-corrosion coating.
  3. Work on installing slate must be carried out with care so as not to damage the skin of your hands and the material. Metal corners Can close with plastic bottles.

Installation of beds made of plastic panels

Plastic panels will serve the owner of the site long years , unlike metal and wooden beds. It will not rot or decompose in the ground, which is important for a reliable product.

Gardeners are happy to use such material, primarily due to its low cost. Installation of panels should be done by a novice professional competent scheme, eliminating the presence of inaccuracies.

Installation of beds made of PVC panels should begin with measuring the future space for planting and if used plastic tape, it needs to be cut to the required size.

If the choice is made in favor of a plastic fence, then the excess parts need to be sawed off. You need to cut in accordance with the measurements so as not to damage the excess part of the surface of the material.

If plastic tape is used, cut it the parts are connected together with a stapler. In other cases, such an operation will not be required.

Tape trench It is done with a shallow depth; for other types a trench is not needed.

The plastic tape is immersed in pre-dug soil, and the installation of the panels is completed. When choosing other plastic elements, such as, for example, it needs to be strengthened with metal pegs at the edges for structural reliability.

No pegs fence won't last long, and its further replacement cannot be avoided.

How to make inexpensive framing of beds using border tape, watch the video:

Fencing with metal structures

Metal fences for the garden bed give it a rectangular shape. For work, it is allowed to use leftover metal and corners. The edges can be folded special tools or put a cut hose on the edges of a metal product.

An important detail: the material is treated with a special anti-corrosion compound to avoid its premature wear. Paint is also suitable for these purposes.

You can buy it already ready beds , which need to be assembled as shown in the instructions. Manufacturers claim a high service life of such products - more than twenty years. But it is much cheaper and more pleasant to build such a structure yourself.

The work will consist of several stages:

You can install it yourself by following sequencing: The length of the product should be within three 4-6 meters. It is better to make the height from 35-70 cm.

High sides will protect the plants from access by animals who are not particularly concerned about the well-being of the vegetables on your site.

Before installation, you need to determine the shape that the future bed will take. From this depends on the amount of material to create a design.

  1. At the corners of the proposed perimeter of the bed driving metal pipes.
  2. Along the marked area for the garden bed pull the rope.
  3. Where the fence is installed digging a trench with a maximum depth of 10 cm.
  4. Strips of metal are inserted into the trench and strengthened from above with hammer blows.
  5. By outside products install pegs for additional support.
  6. The whole structure connected by welding machine, if the novice master does not know how to use welding techniques.
  7. It is allowed to use a drill on the metal surface and screws. It is the design made with a drill that will help move the metal fence to another place, if necessary.

  8. The resulting design sprinkled with soil for additional fixation.
  9. Into the resulting box lay dry tree branches, leaves and bushes. Next, add soil with additional fertilizer in the form of compost.

Important to remember
that the metal edges of the product can cause harm to human skin or the gardener’s clothing. To increase safety on site, it is recommended to use plastic bottles to cover the edges of the border.

Any of these fences can be made if you study in advance all the rules for installing and caring for this decorative product.

The video below demonstrates the installation of a finished structure made of galvanized steel, which you can buy in a store and save time on making it yourself:

The organization of garden space can be different, but fencing for beds, bushes or flower beds will easily fit into the landscape design. The designs are practical, you can create them yourself using suitable technology and choosing materials.

Types and features of fencing

The fences used in the garden area are varied and differ in appearance, design, and materials. The main purpose of any option is to provide plant protection from weeds or flooding and crop separation. From an aesthetic point of view, fences are also important, because they allow you to properly organize the garden space and decorate the area.

Fences help maintain order in a summer cottage

For beds

Beds are present in many garden plots. For separation garden crops To ensure order at the dacha, we need borders for the beds. They can be made from various materials, but all designs are easy to do with your own hands. It is important to use high-quality and environmentally friendly materials. Otherwise, the plants will not develop as efficiently as possible, because many artificial materials unsafe for them.

Wooden sides

Fences for plant beds are often made of wooden borders. This option is practical, easy to create and allows you to neatly divide the beds. The structures must have parameters equal to the parameters of the bed. Wooden crafts in the form of a box, they are made from boards with a thickness of 2 cm. The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, treated with a wood antiseptic or painted. When choosing a material, it is best to give preference to larch, as it is more durable. Pine or other elements will also work, but processing is always necessary.

Wooden fencing is practical, environmentally friendly and simple, but has the disadvantage of fragility. Under the influence of moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature changes, wood becomes cracked, deformed, or rots. Therefore, the boards need to be treated with antiseptics or painted.


Simple slate products are easy to make with your own hands if you already have the material. Old slate removed from the roof when replacing the roof is often used to create edges. The canvases are cut into long elements, the height of which corresponds to the thickness of the soil layer of the bed. The main advantage of this option is the availability of the material. The disadvantages are that old slate is very fragile and releases harmful components into the soil.

When creating sides, you need to additionally strengthen the slate elements with reinforcing angles or rods. They are installed along the length of the bed every meter; the rods seem to support the slate parts. Appearance The application of such fencing is quite laconic; the structures can be painted with compounds intended for outdoor use.

Metal fencing

Reliable fences for garden beds can be made from corrugated sheets or sheet metal with galvanized or polymer coating. The cost of such structures is high, but if such material exists, it is important to know its features. The sides are strips of metal that are fastened with special corners. A protective corner is also fixed along the upper edge, making the operation of the structure convenient, because the edges of the sheets are sharp.

Metal structures quickly heat up in the sun and contribute to the heating of the soil. This should be taken into account when using metal to separate beds.

Video: beautiful fences for garden beds, a selection of ideas

For bushes

Bushes of raspberries, currants or other crops need additional support, as their branches spread widely and lose their shape. For this purpose, fencing made of wooden blocks is used, water pipes PVC, metal and metal-plastic pipes. In any case, the structure consists of supports that go deep into the ground and provide stability to the fence. The branches of the bushes are supported using the upper part in the form of a hoop. This option is universal, in demand and easy to use.

Pegs and strong rope are often used as an easy option. Supports are installed in the ground around the circumference of the bush, and then the rope is pulled. The height of such a structure should be slightly less than half the bush. The structure allows you to raise the lower branches and make caring for the plant simple and easy.

The advantages of bush stands are as follows:

  • preventing crop rotting, since the lower branches of the bushes do not touch the soil;
  • ease of watering and caring for plants;
  • more convenient harvesting;
  • simplicity of designs from various materials;
  • preventing the growth of bushes;
  • the ability to form the required shape of the bush.

The disadvantage of this design is that it cannot be used for very voluminous bushes with heavy branches. In this case, more preferable reliable options, having reinforced supports and square shape. Such products can be made of metal or wood, metal-plastic pipes.

Fencing front gardens and flower beds

A front garden or flower garden can be open or closed. In the first case, fences are not used, and in the second, a fence is necessary. In this case, the design separates ornamental plants from the rest of the site and complements the landscape design of the area.

You can separate ornamental plants using a variety of wooden structures. A classic low picket fence is a universal option for any site. And also effective metal fencing, which are made from strips of metal coated with a polymer colored coating. Wrought iron fences for the front garden look beautiful, but are expensive.

Any option for fencing a flower bed or front garden must be beautifully designed, because the decorative function is important when using such structures. The height is calculated depending on the size of the plants that need to be separated from the main area.

Supports for grapes

Grapes are often grown for decorative purposes. For this you need pergolas or horizontal trellises. Such structures can be in the form of a gazebo, bowl-shaped or arched. Wood is often used as a material for manufacturing, as it is environmentally friendly and easy to use.

It’s easy to make trellises from wood with your own hands, but when using metal elements You need a welding machine, fasteners with anti-corrosion coating and other parts. Wooden elements treated with stain and varnish are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws, creating a structure of the required shape. In any case, the sizes of the trellises are selected depending on their location. It is possible that the finished gazebo on the site will serve as a support for the grapes.

Video: making trellises with your own hands

Preparation for installation

To create any fence or small enclosure, it is important to calculate its parameters. Dimensions depend on the type and purpose of the structure. For example, fences for flower beds often do not exceed 50 cm in height, but for ornamental shrubs taller structures are needed. The length of the fence depends on the perimeter or circumference of the flower bed, but you should not place the structure close to the outermost plants in the flower garden. You need to step back about 30 cm from them, which will ensure comfortable care and proper development of greenery.

Before constructing the fence, you can draw a diagram showing the shape and design parameters. And also the diagram shows the location of the main supports in the form of columns, the distance between them. This will allow you to calculate required quantity material and determine installation features.

How to choose material

Sides or a small fence can be made from a variety of materials. When choosing, you should be guided by the purpose of the fence. For example, laconic, easy-to-use and environmentally friendly wooden borders are best suited for arranging beds. You can separate the shrubs or flower garden with brighter and original options. Available elements are also suitable for this purpose. In any case, the quality of the material must be high, and installation technology should also be taken into account.

The base for the fence can be made of the following materials:

  1. Plastic bottles. Will need a large number of parts, which depends on the length of the fence. The bottles should have approximately the same bottom size, and for installation they just need to be deepened into the ground around the perimeter of the flowerbed. The containers should be filled with sand for greater strength. Pre-painting in bright colors will make such a fence unusual and beautiful.
  2. Polycarbonate. From segments cellular polycarbonate, colored or transparent, it’s easy to make a fence for a flower bed. The ends of the elements must first be coated with transparent sealant or silicone, and after drying, the parts must be deepened into the ground along the perimeter of the flower bed. The segments are glued together with transparent glue for exterior use.
  3. Wooden boards, picket fence. There are many options for fences made of wooden elements. Designs of any shape can be easily made bright and original, or you can create practical borders for a garden bed.
  4. Concrete slabs are convenient for durable fencing. Elements of the same size are deepened into the soil along the perimeter of the flower bed. The soil around the fence should be compacted well.

Before choosing any material, it is important to pay attention to its quality. Polycarbonate and concrete products are expensive, but reliable and durable. Boards and metal profiles require anti-corrosion treatment, which will make them more practical. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.

Table: pros and cons of materials

Plastic bottlesAvailability, easy installation and operation, possibility
creating any garden bed design.
Low strength, large quantities required
elements, reinforcement for bottles is necessary.
PolycarbonatePracticality and accessibility, simple mounting, variety
colors, durability and comfort.
It is important to process the ends of cellular polycarbonate,
high price.
WoodPossibility of creating any fencing option, accessibility,
ease of installation and operation, versatility for any
climatic conditions.
Antiseptic treatment or staining is required,
fragility in the absence of treatment.
Concrete or stone slabsReliability and durability, simple installation, practicality and convenience
in operation.
High cost, requires a large number of elements.

Calculation of quantities of materials and tools

When constructing a fence from boards for a flower garden, you need to determine the height of the structure, which depends on the size of the plants. A fence about 40 cm high is suitable for most flowers. After this, you need to retreat 30 cm from the outer plants and measure the perimeter of the flowerbed. The resulting indicator is the length of the fence. A picket fence requires support posts, cross slats and slats. The distance between the pillars is 1 m, and between the slats is about 5 cm. In this case, the width of the slats should be about 10 cm. For a structure with a height of 50 cm, two cross beams. Thus, for every 100 cm of fence, approximately 7 slats are needed.

A fence for a flower garden can be made from ready-made picket fence sections, which can be wooden, plastic or metal. To do this, you need to determine the length of the fence and, depending on this, select the number of finished sections.

For self-installation wooden fencing you will need the following tools:

  • tape measure and building level;
  • shovel and crushed stone;
  • nails or screws;
  • hammer or screwdriver;
  • brush, wood preservative, paint.

Before work, you need to prepare the picket fence by sawing the strips into elements of the required length. The transverse logs should be a little more than 1 meter long, since the distance between the supporting posts is 100 cm, but the bars must be attached to supports.

Installation of fencing for a flower garden

Before work, apply to everything wooden elements antiseptic intended for wood. This will preserve the quality of the material and make the work easier. For this purpose, you can use stain, which can be of various shades of natural wood. If the boards are very rough, then they need to be sanded before processing. sandpaper with medium size coating. After this, you need to remove the dust and apply a protective agent.

Drying of the product takes several hours, and the exact time is indicated in the instructions. After this period, you can begin installation, which includes the following steps:

  1. With pegs and rope we mark the line of the future fence and the place for support pillars. Using a shovel, we make 40 cm deepenings for supports, the height of which should be about 1 m. We pour sand in a 5 cm layer at the bottom of the holes, install pillars, fill them with crushed stone, and compact them with soil on top.
  2. You need to attach the fence slats to the transverse joists, maintaining the distance between them. Nails or self-tapping screws are used for fixation, and the evenness is checked. building level. It is worth considering that the fence is assembled in sections, installing each section one by one. The planks must be attached to the joists with a distance of approximately 5 cm from the edge.
  3. The prepared sections are fixed to installed poles using self-tapping screws. Levelness is checked using a building level. In this case, the lower edges of the planks should not come into close contact with the soil. The distance between the soil and the sections should be about 3–5 cm.

Bush fences

Raspberry bushes, currants and other garden crops need fencing or convenient support to allow the plants to develop comfortably. One of the simplest options is the design from PVC pipes, which has rectangular shape. For work, pipes with a diameter of about 20 mm are required, as well as corner fittings that allow you to connect all the elements.

You can make a fencing for bushes with your own hands using welding machine for PVC pipes. And also pieces of products are needed. Their length corresponds to the height of the structure (depending on the parameters of the bush). The diameter of the fittings is selected depending on the parameters of the pipes. After cutting the elements, you need to make holes near the bush, in the corners, up to 30 cm deep. The frame of the future fence is welded using a machine, connecting long sections with fittings. The structure is installed in the holes, compacting the soil.

Grape support

Growing decorative or actively fruiting grapes requires the creation of supports or trellises. In the first case, any structures that allow the vines to grow easily are appropriate. For example, a small gazebo with lattice walls will provide beautiful weaving of stems.

Installation simple option The trellis involves the installation of two supports made of 50x50 mm beams, the distance between which is determined depending on the required width of the structure. A fixing block is attached to the upper ends, and then thin slats are mounted in the form of a lattice. All parts are pre-treated with stain or other antiseptic. Ready design Can be varnished for exterior use.

Video: how to make a simple fence for a garden bed or flower bed

Fences or fences will provide anyone garden plot order and aesthetics. Simple designs are easy to make with your own hands by choosing high-quality materials.

How to make beds from boards at the dacha in order to get not only a well-groomed, neat garden, but also practical benefits? Design garden plantings The easiest way to do it yourself is with wooden borders.

This is what homemade beds from boards look like

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden beds

The disadvantage of wood is rapid deterioration, especially with constant contact with water and soil. However, if you treat the material with protective antiseptics, you can extend its service life by 10 years or more.

What wood to choose for boards

You can use any boards for fencing beds: slab, timber, edged material, clapboard.

Step-by-step instructions for making beds from boards

The choice depends only on how much the buyer is willing to spend on decorating the beds.
  1. Oak and ash. Highly strong and durable material with excellent rot resistance. However, they are also expensive.
  2. Larch. Great choice– larch has high strength and resistance to humid environments.
  3. Cedar. Wood coniferous species the best option for wooden bed in the country. Good balance between affordable cost and high quality.
  4. Pine. Pine boards are inexpensive, but do not have a long service life.
  5. Acacia. Sufficiently strong acacia boards can be used for arranging beds.

Wood processing and protection

To extend the life of a wooden bed, you should treat the boards with protective compounds:

Dimensions of board beds

Everyone chooses the shape and size of the beds according to their own taste and the space available in the greenhouse or plot. Eat general recommendations according to the size of the fence, at which garden bed will be most effective:

  • width from 90 to 120 cm;
  • height from 15 to 50 cm.

The length of the fence can be any, however, if it is long, it is advisable to supply the bed with additional supports. The width of the bed is the most important parameter. It is best to organize the area so that there are no more than two rows of crops in the garden bed. Firstly, with such planting, all seedlings will receive enough sunlight and air. Secondly, a bed that is too wide is difficult to care for and water.
The height of the bed is chosen arbitrarily, as long as caring for it is not difficult.

Scheme with dimensions of beds made of boards

Depending on the type of soil and type of crops given following tips according to the height of the fence for plants:
  1. If the soil at the dacha is fertile, the bed can be low - 15-20 cm. If the soil is rocky or unsuitable for planting - from 30 cm. Some gardeners make the height of the beds to waist level so as not to bend over when working.
  2. The height of warm compost beds should be at least 50 cm. Raised beds with compost will reliably protect plant roots during spring from unexpected frosts.
  3. For early ripening crops, radishes, lettuce, and onions, it is better to use beds higher than 20 cm for their rapid ripening.
  4. If you plan to grow potatoes in the beds, their height should be at least 40 cm.

Installation of a simple box made of boards

The design of the fence for the beds is quite simple and can easily be done with your own hands. To work you will need simple equipment and materials:

Instructions for making a box for a garden bed

  • boards – 2 short ones of the same length and width, 2 long ones;
  • wooden posts made of timber, pointed on one side - 6 pieces;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • wood screws or nails;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • roulette and level.

Work order:

A wooden garden bed of simple design is ready. You can fill it with soil and plant fruits and vegetables.

Do-it-yourself raised or raised bed

Raised beds have many advantages over traditional beds:

Raised beds, with all their undeniable advantages, also have disadvantages:

  1. You will need some basic carpentry skills and knowledge to build a raised bed with your own hands.
  2. High beds dry out faster than classic ones, so if there are problems with sufficient quantity water for irrigation, such beds can become a problem.