How to weave a fence from twigs. Do-it-yourself wicker fence (from branches and boards) Many step-by-step photos

A wicker fence made of boards, or “Austrian wicker,” is an attractive and original type of wooden fence. The technology of such a fence is similar to classic weaving from branches. For work, planed boards are used, which can be positioned horizontally and vertically.

This is what a classic wicker fence looks like

This type of wicker fence performs not only a decorative function: it is also a full-fledged fence for protecting the site, which is easy to build with your own hands.

Pros and cons of a wicker fence made of boards

The disadvantages of a wooden fence include its short service life - 7–10 years.

Construction drawing of a wicker fence made of boards

Although this indicator depends on many factors: climate, region, soil characteristics and the impact of environmental conditions. With good and timely care wooden fence its service life can be doubled.

Installing a wicker fence from boards

Types of wicker board fence

  1. Fences up to one meter are used indoors, most often for fencing plants and creating borders;
  2. A meter fence is used to zone the territory of a house or cottage;
  3. Above one meter - a reliable fence with full protective functions.

Required materials and tools

Preparation of material and marking of the territory

Installation of poles

Making a fence from boards with your own hands is not at all difficult; the most labor-intensive part will be the installation of fence posts. The supports for a wicker board fence can be anything. Wicker in combination with brick and stone looks attractive and expensive, but such heavy supports need a reliable foundation.

If you install wooden or metal poles, it is not necessary to fill the foundation.

However, the structure made of boards has considerable weight and windage, therefore.

Wooden pillars

Metal poles

  • For protection against corrosion. Their upper part is closed with plugs;
  • A hole is dug 1–1.2 m deep and 20–25 cm in diameter;
  • The pole is installed, aligned vertically and in height;
  • The hole is filled one third of the way with sand and crushed stone layer by layer and compacted;
  • The remaining part of the well is concreted.

(23 ratings, average: 4,17 out of 5)

Wattle fence is a very colorful type of fence, which was created in ethnic style. In ancient times, a fence made of wattle, which was also called tyn, was a necessary attribute of every rural yard. Over time, people gradually abandoned such fencing and preferred more modern and durable materials: cement, metal, brick.

Wicker fence

Nowadays like this decorative element design, like a wicker fence, can be found not only in rural areas, but also in summer cottages, which can even be located in the center of a metropolis.

You can make a wicker fence with your own hands at your dacha, and it is not at all necessary to assign a security function to it - this fence can serve fencing for flower beds, gardens, flower beds, gazebos and recreation areas. A wicker fence is great for any decor, especially if you want to add detail. ethnic style. There are many master classes on making wicker fences on the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages

A fence made of twigs will give your summer cottage not only a rural look, but also some soulfulness. A wicker fence will look very good if you add some ethnic accessories to it.


To build a wicker fence you can take different material- these are not only branches, but also thin PVC pipes.


  • Doesn't last long;
  • Does not perform a security function, but is installed solely as decoration;
  • Fragile - with the slightest physical impact it can break.

Today, wicker fences can be found in ethnic restaurants and cafes, as well as on playgrounds and kindergartens. This fence is very beautiful, so it often serves as a decoration for recreation areas. It looks very original big city, where all the benefits of civilization are available.

In order for your improvised wicker fence to turn out beautiful and serve for a long time, you need to listen to these tips:

Preparatory stage

Material selection

If you have decided to make your own wattle fence from a vine, then you need get acquainted with some secrets for preparing material:

There is an opinion that the most suitable material will branches such trees, like birch, apple, walnut, willow, pine and dogwood. On the one hand, this is true, but you can build a good and high-quality wattle fence from any type of wood. Of course, it is better to give preference to flexible and long vines of shrubs and trees: a fence made of willow and hazel is the most the best choice. But you can experiment a little. For example, start weaving a fence using tufts of straw, reeds, turf, Amur grapes and birch. One-year-old young shoots of aspen are also suitable for wattle fence.

The great advantage of a wicker fence is that there is no need to go to a specialized store for materials for manufacturing, which is why the cost is very low.

To build a wicker fence you need elastic willow branches. After all, willow is the most convenient for weaving. The willow vine has great strength and also grows in any region of the country and in large quantities. Almost any type of willow is suitable for making a fence.

It is recommended to choose elastic and straight branches of bushes and trees that are concentrated near various bodies of water. It is generally accepted that these branches are best saturated with moisture; they have smooth surface and a small core.

If you want to use straw, then give preference to rye straw - this type is more durable and has long internodes. If you soak it well and correctly, it will retain its flexibility and become more elastic and suitable for making a wicker fence. In addition, she has beautiful color and, if necessary, can be very easily painted with aniline dyes.


The first step is to decide on the material that will be used for weaving the fence. Then choose the location and decorative elements.

The wattle fence itself consists of a support (base) and rods.

Preparing the base

Preparation of rods

The main requirement for them is elasticity.

  • If you do not have freshly cut twigs, do not forget to soak for a day in advance those that were cut a long time ago. But you shouldn't keep the rods in water for a long time- they may darken.
  • They can also be softened with steam. To do this, they need to arrange a steam bath, then they will gain additional flexibility. They can also be placed under damp burlap.
  • It is possible to paint the rods in any desired color - with vegetable dyes or paints. For example, get yellow fences can be done through onion peel and birch leaves, and brown - using a decoction of black alder. You can also use stain and potassium permanganate.
  • Before starting staining it is necessary remove tannins- they are found in the bark of many plants. To do this, you need to dip the branch in soap solution for a few hours.
  • If you do not need to paint the branches, then you do not need to clear them of bark. The wattle will retain its natural appearance.

Horizontal wattle fence

Vertical wattle fence

Detailed and visual master class vertical and horizontal weaving The fence can be found on the Internet.


  • It is generally accepted that cornflowers and sunflowers have always been planted near a wicker fence, but this is just a classic decoration for such a fence. In fact, a sunflower can be artificial.
  • Chamomile, asters, late chrysanthemum, nasturtiums and delphinium look very beautiful near the fence.
  • A wicker fence also serves as an excellent support for climbing plants.
  • Set up a colorful bench, which will be made of boards and stumps;
  • You can hang shoes, clay pots and anything else you want on the pegs!

Wicker fence

We form our first impression of a house or dacha even before we enter the property, sometimes before we even see the house itself. The first thing that catches your eye is the fence. Everything else comes after, and the first impression is from the fence. Some, albeit inexpensive, but attractive, make you want to stop and look: original ideas always attract the eye. One of the most interesting is a wicker fence or wattle fence. Moreover, they are woven not only from vines or branches: there are braids made from boards, and others from PVC rods. They all look different, but interesting and unusual.

What is a wicker fence made of?

Let’s immediately make a reservation that there are two types of wicker fences - “wattle fence” - made of branches and “wicker” - made of boards. The manufacturing technique is very similar, which is why both are classified as wicker fences.

This is a wattle fence made of twigs or branches

This is a wicker fence made of boards

What is wicker made of?

Now let’s talk about what such fences can be made from. A fence made of boards - Austrian wicker - is most often made from pine boards 20-25 mm thick, width - about 100 mm. The material is most often pine. It is more affordable and contains a large number of resins, therefore has a longer service life. But to extend its “life” it would be useful to paint it with compounds with antifungal properties.

The posts for such a fence are made from timber of at least 80*80 mm, but are more durable from profiled pipe. Size 60*80 mm or 40*80 mm, you can take square ones. Depends on how you attach the board. The span between the supports is 2.5-3 meters, and between them an intermediate one is placed - made of timber 40 * 40 mm or so. The exact span is determined by location and often depends on the flexibility of the board.

To prevent metal pillars from spoiling the picture, they are covered with boards, which are fastened through with pins and washers. You can make a base and pillars from brick, and between them - a wicker - vertical or horizontal - depends on your wishes.

What to use for wattle

Pleni is made from young one-year-old shoots of several types of wood:

  • willows (concrete);
  • hazel (hazel);
  • willows (krasnotal);
  • aspen;
  • birch;
  • PVC rod.

The best are willow and hazel. Their core is dense, which is why the service life is solid. Other breeds quickly lose appearance and strength.

PVC wicker - durable and quite attractive

The PVC fence rod appeared only a few years ago. And although it is not natural, it is in good demand: wood, even treated, loses its attractiveness after a few years. Plastic is not afraid of either the sun or frost, long time does not change its appearance. Its disadvantage is that you need to buy it, while the vine can be cut.

Preparation of rods

"Cleaner" for bark

The shoots are being harvested in early spring or late autumn, their thickness is from 1 cm to 3 cm. For small fences - up to 1-1.2 m in height - tonic rods - 1-2 cm are used, for higher ones - those that are thicker.

It is better to clean the bark on the rods and cover them with stain or wood oil. Brown color can be obtained by soaking the rods in potassium permanganate, gray - in copper sulfate.

You can also use unrooted shoots, but then the bark will begin to peel off and the appearance will be unattractive. It is more convenient to strip the bark using a split thick branch or a “cleaner” (see photo). It is easy to make from a suitable sized piece of branch.

If you plan to make a fence later, bunches of branches are placed in the basement. Before use, the rods are placed in a container with water for a week, topping it up periodically. The rods swell, their elasticity returns, and the bark is easier to clean. If the process is too difficult, you can soak the branches for another week. It should go easier. To really make it easier, you can keep it over steam. Then the bark is removed as banana peel, but the “hovering” process itself causes difficulties.


The basis of any fence is pillars. They can be made from thick, even branches or trunks of young trees. Diameter - about 5 cm and more if you are planning a high fence. They are buried or hammered to a depth of at least 50 cm, the installation step is about 50 cm, it can be more or less - depends on the degree of flexibility of the prepared vine.

To make the poles last longer, they are treated with bactericidal impregnations, the ends are burned over a fire (the old-fashioned method), dipped in hot bitumen, and soaked for a couple of days in a solution of copper sulfate.

If you are installing a wicker fence for the outer fencing of the area, use better timber or metal pipes. If the weaving is horizontal, the cross-section of the tube does not matter - in the sense that both round and square will do. Even a round one will be easier to work with. And when vertical weaving it is more convenient to install pillars from profile pipe. Cross members are attached to them, and it is easier to do this on a flat edge.

Types of weaving

Then, having made a couple of fences, you can move on to more complex designs. There are several diagrams in the photo.

How to make a wicker fence yourself

We will consider the simplest option - ordinary braid. To begin with, you can practice on a small piece - you will master the technique, then you can start serious construction. For example, for training, you can make a fence for a garden bed or flower bed.

Horizontal weaving

We drive six more or less thick pegs into the ground with a distance of 30-40 cm. We take the first vine and lay it in a “snake” pattern, intertwining it between the posts. The vine alternately bends around the posts, first in front, then behind.

We place the second rod in mirror image to the bottom. If it starts at the back, then lay the next one at the front.

If there is a need to connect two vines, this is done on the nearest pole. The next one is simply laid as a continuation of the previous one. And the protruding ends are cut off after everything is assembled.

The third, and all odd rows, are laid as the first, fourth and even - as the second. In general, we alternate starting from the front of the pillar, then from the back. Periodically, at the intersection of the vines and near the pillars, they knock with a mallet - a wooden hammer, compacting the rows.

That's what it is horizontal wattle fence. It can be continuous, or it can be a shield. With continuous weaving, pillars are installed along the entire perimeter, and vines are woven between them, one after another. It turns out to be an almost solid wall - the ends are brought out to one side and there they are cut at an angle so that it is not visible.

If there is no thick vine, you can put a whole bunch of thin branches at a time. It’s unlikely that anyone will remove the bark from them, and a solid fence won’t work either, but a small fence is easy. Such a fence made of twigs looks decorative; making it yourself is probably even easier.

At panel manufacturing make sections of some length. Install required quantity stakes - 4-6 pieces, vines are woven between them. After reaching the required height, the ends sticking out on the sides are cut off.

If necessary, the edges of the rods are nailed to the stakes. The resulting shields look like those in the photo. The sizes can be different - more or less depends on the desire and type of fence.

When the required number of shields has been collected, they are installed in place by driving the pointed ends into the ground. Nearby pillars can be tied together for greater stability. The result is a panel wicker fence. For an example of assembling fence panels, see the video.

Installation of a panel fence can also be done using metal poles. No special technologies:

  • we drill holes below the freezing depth,
  • throw in a bucket of crushed stone, compact it,
  • We put up a pole, set it in height and check the vertical;
  • concreting;
  • We attach ready-made shields to the post.

One of the options for such an installation is in the video.

The same technology is used to make a wicker fence from boards. They just braid the boards and make the span between the pillars larger.

Vertical weaving

The rods in a wicker fence can also be positioned vertically. In this case, three to five crossbars are nailed to the pillars. The first crossbar is about 10 cm from the ground level, and then with the required step.

They weave like this: one end of the rod is pressed into the ground, for example, on the side closest to you. Then they bend, alternately stretching between the bars. The next shoot is placed on the other side. It turns out to be a mirror image of the previous one. So they alternate - in front/behind.

Wicker fence with vertical weaving

Since the vine has a noticeable difference in size at the top and near the root, they are turned in pairs, either up with a thick edge, or down. Then you get the same density at the top and bottom. If you don’t do this, it will turn out thick at the bottom and sparse at the top. How to weave a vertical fence, watch the video - a master class from a man who has made more than one wicker fence with his own hands.

They also make a vertical wicker fence from boards. Just so that it looks organic, and to extend the life of the boards, the tops are covered with a board stuffed on top. The ends are nailed to it. This also allows you to secure the boards, which is useful in this option - sometimes the loose ones fall out.

You can also attach boards to the bottom crossbar. Only either from above or from below: so that the wood does not move when the humidity changes. Another point: if you make it from a damp board, it is worth considering that if you first assemble everything without gaps, after drying you will have 1 cm gaps between the boards. This applies to both the horizontal and vertical model.

The upper and lower crossbars can be made of profile pipe. It's more reliable material, which also guarantees greater stability.

Photo ideas

Many people think that a fence made of woven twigs and branches is just a decorative fence that cannot fully protect the site. If you look at next photo, this can be doubted. Wow, such a fence, and almost opaque.

The main thing in this matter is a thorough approach. Place the pillars and braid everything very tightly between them. The service life may be short, but the costs are minimal. Moreover, both material and temporary.

If ordinary weaving is already easy, you can try and do something extraordinary. For example, a wicker fence made of branches located diagonally. And you can’t call it a frivolous building either.

There is one more interesting way weave - braid. Having practiced on small areas, it will be possible to do something on a larger scale.

If you need decorative fencing in the yard, garden, or vegetable garden, a fence made of branches can be made thin. They even use fairly thick branches, but you need to work with them right away, before they have time to dry, or they won’t bend later.

By the way, if you use freshly cut willow twigs and stick them into the ground, after a while you can get hedge: Willow is taking root well. Something like the following might turn out.

When planting hedges, use the same weaving technique. They just mold it from rooted shoots. After they become woody, you will get a very reliable fence. It's not easy to break through.

Not only a fence can be made of wicker. There are a lot of interesting things, it turns out: gazebos, huts, elements of garden decor.

Wicker fencing has its pros and cons, main advantages four:

  • Beautiful appearance. Weaving allows you to make a fence a real work of art. High and low fences with various types weaving can be a wonderful addition to the design of the site.
  • Environmental friendliness. A wicker fence made of wood is environmentally friendly. When creating such fences, substances hazardous to humans are not used.
  • Low cost. If you make a fence yourself from wood from your own plot, then you can do without waste at all. But if you purchase ready-made fences, the price will depend on the material, the height of the product and the types of weaving.
  • Ease of construction. You can decorate the area with wickerwork yourself, without resorting to the help of special companies.

Despite its low cost, beauty and environmental friendliness, a wicker fence also has significant shortcomings:

  • Lifetime. The fence does not last long and is susceptible to wind, rain and snow.
  • Not a permanent building. If you decide to build a wicker fence on your property, you should know that it will only serve a decorative function and will not protect you from uninvited guests.
  • Complex repair. If at least one element of the fence breaks, you will have to disassemble the entire structure or section. The difficulty of repair is a feature of all wicker products.

Before installing a wicker fence, remember its advantages and disadvantages, pay attention to its service life and repair features, ease of construction and environmental friendliness.

Types of wicker fences

Fences differ in height, weaving method and appearance.

Wicker fences can be of three types in height:

  1. High hedges(not lower than 2 meters) can become reliable protection plot. Such a fence will be a permanent structure if the pillars are made of stone and a wicker fence is installed between them.
  2. Low fences, height does not exceed 50-70 cm, intended for decorating flower beds, used as an element landscape design.
  3. Wicker fences about 1 meter high installed for zoning the site. For example, to separate a recreation area with a swing, table and benches from the rest of the area.

According to the method of weaving, hedges are divided into:

  • Horizontal- the most common and easiest to implement. Such fences are more durable than vertical ones.
  • Vertical It’s difficult to make fences yourself without experience in weaving, but craftsmen create real works of art by decorating the fence with complex patterns.

Wicker fences are distinguished by the method of creation and use:

  • A wicker fence with a height of less than 0.7 m is attached to a ready-made base; professionals use a metal one to increase its service life.
  • Flat wattle fence is installed in sections, one length is about 2 meters. This weaving option is easier to repair, and if necessary, one of the parts can be completely replaced.
  • Rounded decorative wickerwork is more often used for flower beds and flower beds as decoration.

What is wattle made of? Wicker fences can be made from almost any flexible materials . The most short-lived are cattails and reeds.

The maximum service life is 4 years, then they dry out and quickly collapse. Much more often, vines and willows are used to create wickerwork, in last years Particularly popular are fences made of boards, which not only have a beautiful appearance, but also high degree reliability. Companies that manufacture wicker fences can offer products made from PVC, which, although not a natural material, is strong and durable.

Willow wicker fences

Willow branches are flexible, pliable and durable, they are used to weave bodies, baskets and, of course, fences. Before starting work, the material needs to be prepared. Steam the rods until they become flexible.

You can weave willow fences vertically or horizontally. The second option is especially interesting. First, horizontal supports are made, then willow branches are installed vertically, burying the ends in the ground. After some time, the willow will turn green, it will seem that nature itself created the fence.

In order for willow wattle to last as long as possible, the tree needs be sure to treat with an antiseptic, and dig at the installation site drainage trench and replace the soil with sand.

Wicker fences made of vines

Vine are flexible and long branches of trees and shrubs that are used to create fences and even build residential premises. Wicker wicker is popular due to its aesthetics, naturalness and beauty.

To make the fence reliable and last longer, it is important to comply with several requirements:

  • To give flexibility and make it easier to work with the material, the rods are soaked in hot water or leave for some time in a steam bath. After this, you need to immediately start weaving, and when the vine dries, it will become strong and keep its shape perfectly.
  • The size of the rods also matters. For small decorative fence It is better to choose branches no thicker than 2 cm; for high wooden wicker fences - from 2 to 3 cm.
  • Before starting work, you need to remove the bark from the vine and treat the branches antiseptics, solution of iron sulfate, varnish, stain, potassium permanganate.

Vine is often used for making decorative fences, which complement the design of the site, divide it into zones or decorate a flower bed.

Wicker fence made of boards

A wicker fence made of boards can perform not only decorative, but also protective functions . It is reliable and able to protect against unauthorized people entering the site.

For production, planed boards and poles (metal, wood or concrete) are used. The structure is held together by the tension of woven boards, but screws and nails can be used for reinforcement.

After construction, there is usually a small gap left at the bottom; it is filled with brick or stone.

They are especially popular wicker elements from boards in a brick fence, performing a decorative function. If you decide to build a wicker fence from boards yourself, then get ready for difficulties and be sure to find an assistant; it is extremely difficult to build such a structure alone.

PVC wicker fence

Usually a wicker fence is associated with wood and natural material, but in recent years it has also been produced from PVC, with a number of advantages:

  • Durability. This is the main thing PVC difference from vines, boards and willow. PVC has protective covering, modern painting and primer, this allows the fence to be used for several decades. During this time, the structure will not lose its attractive appearance.
  • Installation mobility. Anyone can create and install a plastic fence. Lightweight construction and convenient for transportation.
  • Convenient operation. Unlike wicker fences made from other materials, PVC structures do not fade in the sun, they do not react to temperature changes and humidity. In order for the fence to maintain its ideal appearance for a long time, it is enough to wipe it regularly special means. Metal parts must be regularly treated with anticorrosive.
  • Rich the lineup . You can choose any fences color range, which will ideally complement the landscape design of the site. It is also important to pay attention to the pitch and size of the PVC cells, which give the fence an unusual appearance.
  • Acceptable cost. Due to the ease of manufacture, PVC fences have a low price.

Prices for wicker fences

Prices for wicker fences depend on the material, from which it is made, the height and type of weaving. The cost of a fence made of willow or vine about 1 meter high - from 500 rubles per linear meter and higher.

If you decide to decorate your area with a fence made of willow or vine, then you can do it yourself and for free. To do this, it is enough to prepare willow branches and stakes on which the fence will be held.

The cost of fences made of boards and PVC is from 750 rubles per linear meter.

DIY wicker fences

You can decorate the area with a wicker fence yourself. This will save you money and have fun. To make your fence original, you can master several types of weaving and think about additional accessories.

The easiest way to make a wattle fence is from willow or vine, it is more difficult to master the technology of making a fence made of wood and PVC. To do this, you will need special tools and assistants; it is difficult to weave from these materials alone.

Read more about how to make a wooden wattle fence yourself.

Wicker fences. Photo and video

Wattle - a real work of art. A variety of models, weaves and materials allows you to choose perfect option decorating your site. A wicker fence can become a reliable protector, a bright decorative element or a zone separator on a site.

A wicker fence as a protective structure is rare, but in landscape design it is an indispensable element. Wattle can be ordered from specialists or made independently from wicker, willow, boards or PVC.

IN Lately has gained great popularity in the exterior of country landscape design country style. In this regard, many craftsmen began to make wicker fences with their own hands, wooden gazebos, benches and much more. Quite often, in order to get a natural effect, when decorating summer cottage wattle is used. Making it yourself is quite simple. To do this, just look at the proposed photo examples of various wicker fences and carefully study the master class.

Types of wicker fences

The eye of any summer resident will be pleased with a decorative wattle fence made with his own hands in one summer. The main value of such a fence is that it can be done practically from any available material. To make a wicker fence you can use:

Wicker fences differ not only in the material they are made of, but also in the method of weaving.

The classic way to weave a decorative hedge is horizontal laying of branches between supports However, to make a more unusual fence at your dacha with your own hands, you can use other types of weaving.

All types of wicker fences can be seen in the photo.

Choosing a wicker fence material

The service life of the fence will depend on the correctly selected material. So, for example, if the fence is built from reeds, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will last no more than four years. A more durable wattle fence for your dacha will be from vine, hazel or willow. It can last for more than 10 years, especially if the material is treated with antiseptic compounds.

The vine can be purchased at nurseries. For making an openwork fence, thin branches with a diameter of up to one centimeter are best suited.

Material for decorative fencing You can prepare it yourself, saving flexible bending branches after pruning trees in the garden. For work, you can use twigs of chokeberry, cherry, plum, pear, and apple trees. It is best if they are up to two centimeters in diameter. In this case, the weaving will be dense and the fence will have no gaps.

Particular attention should be paid to the base of the fence, which should consist from stakes with a diameter of over five centimeters. If you plan to install a high fence, then you will need to take steel supports as a basis.

Features of rod preparation

To make a wicker fence with your own hands, prepare long, even branches. They need to be dried and tied into bundles.

To make the branches more flexible, they can be boiled in water or treated with steam. In addition to flexibility, “boiling” will give the vine branches a brown tint. To obtain a brighter, rich color, crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water.

If possible, the rods can be cleared of bark and treated with hydrogen peroxide. The result of using this material will be a very beautiful white fence.

Using iron sulfate, branches can be given greyish-brown tint, and stain can be used to paint a fence in almost any color.

In order to remove the bark from the twigs, you can use nippers or special tool- a pincher. It is very easy to remove the bark from branches that have stood in water for about a week.

Removing bark with your own hands is a long and labor-intensive process, so it is recommended to first prepare a comfortable work place.

How to make a wattle fence with your own hands?

Having selected and prepared the material for the wicker fence, you can begin its construction.

First of all, supports are dug in, which can be stakes, metal pipes or wooden posts. The stakes should be buried 30-40 cm into the ground. If the prepared rods are very thick, then the hole should be at least 50 cm deep. Step between supports must be done at 50-60 cm.

To ensure that the fence stands level during operation, support pillars in the upper part they are fixed with even strips, which are removed after the weaving is completed.

Weaving starts from the bottom row and gradually rises to the top. It is recommended to place the first row 5-10 cm above the ground. This will save the wattle fence from putrefactive processes, and it will last longer. The branches are alternately drawn between the supports so that the result is a figure 8.

The ends of the rods are secured with wire prepared in advance, and the tails are cut off with a knife. In the last row, the ends of the branches are tucked along the stakes.

To make the appearance of the fence attractive, the ends of the blanks must be placed only By inside fencing.

A homemade wicker can be decorated with artificial sunflowers, clay pots or other items that suit the rustic style.

How to make a “living” hedge?

Fenced summer cottages look beautiful ornamental shrubs. However, they require careful care, which includes crown formation and annual pruning.

A “living” hedge can be made from willow, which is unpretentious and responsive to care. To do this, in early spring, the rods are cut off and placed in water. Within 3-4 weeks, the cuttings should have roots and can be planted. This is best done in May, when the weather is favorable.

To mark the area under the fence, it is recommended use pegs and twine. Since willow is a moisture-loving plant, the best option for planting petioles there will be a groove from which water will not flow to the side. At the same time, throughout the entire summer season you will need to ensure that the soil is always moist, but not swampy.

When planting rods, they need to be woven together in the form of a mesh. Such a “living” fence will delight its owners with its appearance all year round.

A wicker fence made with your own hands will become the pride of the owner and business card summer cottage plot. Of course, such a fence is more decorative, and its strength is inferior brick fences, but it gives a feeling of something unusual, kind, old.