How to change rubber bands on plastic windows. Repair of plastic windows

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If plastic windows begin to show through after several years of high-quality use, then the reason may be the wear of the seal. Therefore, various fittings and sealing rubber bands require special attention and care. Often, to eliminate the penetration of moisture and cold, it is necessary to replace the seal for. So, let's look at what types of seals there are and how to replace it so as not to disrupt the normal air circulation in the room.

Sealing materials are available in various configurations

Double-glazed windows for windows are a sealed and energy-efficient element of the functional arrangement of a room. A special sealing rubber is used where the sashes meet the frame. This element protects the room from dust, noise and cold air entering from the street.

Elastic bands for plastic windows look like cords made of elastic materials. When deformed, such material is compressed. When the thickness of the cord changes, the tightness of the sashes decreases.

Window seals perform the following functions:

  • protect from noise coming from outside;
  • prevent dust from getting inside. Installing gaskets will improve the overall level of cleanliness in the rooms;
  • promotes high-quality thermal insulation. Seals allow you to retain heat and even reduce heating costs;
  • provide protection from moisture. Rubber material does not allow water to pass through;
  • comfortable operating conditions for window structures and increased service life.

For your information! Even windows with built-in gaskets will need replacement after some time. It is recommended to reinstall after 5–6 years of operation.

When is it necessary to replace the seal in a plastic window?

Now let's figure out how to find out that the seal needs to be replaced plastic windows. In fact, it is not always necessary to carry out repairs after 5–7 years of service life of rubber gaskets. At proper care heat-insulating gaskets can last more than 10 years.

The need for replacement can be determined by the following signs:

  • the appearance of microcracks on the surface of the seal;
  • thinning of the elastic and flattening;
  • drafts in the room;
  • the occurrence of street noise;
  • condensation on the profile;
  • freezing of windows around the perimeter of the sashes.

Reasons for replacing seals

Sealing rubber bands can deteriorate under the influence of certain external factors: dust, dirt, humidity and direct sunlight. Without proper care, the material gradually loses its elasticity and can disintegrate and crumble. Because of this, the window begins to let in dust, see through and become dirty. The cause of problems with the seal may also be due to incorrect adjustment of the sash pressure.

How to check the closing tightness

Now let's find out how to check the tightness of the shutters. Most often, a thermal imager is used for these purposes, which allows you to find cold places.

The following methods will also help:

Types of seals by material, advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider different variants seals for and for plastic.

Silicone seals for windows

Expensive options include silicone products. The material is made from silicone rubber with the addition of metal. It is characterized by resistance to temperature changes. It is also worth noting the following advantages:

  • soft structure that does not lose its properties due to temperature changes;
  • resistance to humidity and aggressive chemical environments;
  • long service life;
  • there is no danger of ozone radiation.

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • significant cost;
  • susceptibility to mechanical stress.


There are also synthetic or ethylene-propylene types of rubber. The material is durable and reliable.

Rubber seals have the following advantages:

  • increased resistance to temperature changes;
  • high level of strength to mechanical deformation;
  • long service life;
  • not sensitive to influence sun rays.

It is worth noting the disadvantages:

  • a gasket with a sulfur additive may emit an unpleasant odor;
  • The material is attached only with glue.


Rubber gaskets are made from vulcanized rubber. Here are the advantages of the material:

  • a budget option;
  • increased level of tightness.


  • may lose performance due to temperature changes, dry out or crack;
  • deteriorate due to mechanical stress.
For your information! When choosing a material, you should choose products from Turkish or Finnish companies.


Gaskets made from this material are often already present in finished double-glazed windows. Thermoplastic gaskets have excellent springiness. The material contains polyethylene and rubber. It is worth highlighting some advantages of this option:

  • the material is welded, not just glued;
  • increased springiness;
  • not flammable;
  • safe for health.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • becomes unusable under constant mechanical stress;
  • does not have high elasticity.


If depressurization occurs, you can change the seal to polyurethane. This option will do for aluminum or other double glazing. The seal will increase the degree of sound insulation.

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • reinforced adhesive layer;
  • low cost;
  • good sound insulation;
  • preservation of the surface during dismantling.

Sealant for PVC windows

This material is made from a modified polymer. The sealant has a low cost.


  • can be welded during installation;
  • resistance to fire;
  • environmental Safety;
  • variety of shades;
  • increased level of springiness.


  • dependence on ambient temperature;
  • at low temperatures loses elasticity;
  • deforms under regular mechanical loads.

EPDM and TPE seals

EPDM or ethylene propylene rubber is a material High Quality. One of the main advantages of this material– resistance to ozone influence. With proper care, such material can last more than 15 years.

EPDM Made from ethylene propylene diene material. This is a soft gasket with a pipe profile. The seal is placed between the sash and the frame.

TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) retains all its characteristics in all weather conditions. The material transfers well subzero temperatures and fits tightly to the profile. The gasket is not subject to deformation under loads.

Types of seals by type of installation

Sealing gaskets are also classified depending on the installation option. The following varieties are worth noting:

  • self-adhesive window seal is equipped with an adhesive layer, which allows you to install the product yourself;
  • sealants mounted on glue do not have a finished layer;
  • grooved ones are used for wooden windows and are used to increase operating characteristics.

When choosing self-adhesive products, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. Since expired materials quickly peel off from surfaces.

Marking of polymer, rubber and silicone seals for plastic windows

There are three main types of markings:

  • KBE – the teeth come in a modified (presence of a stiffener) and unmodified design;
  • Rehau distinguished by single teeth of a slightly curved shape;
  • Veka – the tooth is located at right angles to the base.

Replacing the seal in a plastic window with your own hands

The procedure for replacing seals on plastic windows with your own hands consists of two stages: preparation and installation work.Before installation, you need to prepare the place. First you need to remove the sash. To do this, the protective covers are removed from the hinges, and the pin is knocked out from the top canopy.

Preparatory work includes:

  • dismantling the old gasket using a narrow spatula;
  • the surface is cleaned of dirt, dust and remnants of old material.

Installation depends on the types of rubber bands fastened. You can see how the installation is done correctly in the table.

PhotoDescription of work
To replace the sealing gasket, you will need a sealant, instant adhesive, which should be gel-based. You also need to prepare a rag, an ear stick, stationery knife, scissors and wire cutters.
First you need to remove the old seal. It is recommended to pull the tape out from the corner area.
After this, the entire seal can be easily removed.
Then you need to remove the rubber gasket from under the loop. To do this, the sash should be opened at an angle. You need to open it 10 mm and pull the bottom edge.
Remaining material can be removed with a knife. You need to walk along the contour with a rag to clean the surface. Dirt in the groove can be removed with an ear stick.
One end of the new seal should be inserted between the sash and the hinge.
We stretch the piece to the middle of the sash.
The sealing material must be pressed down. In this case, the lock must be placed in the groove.
We stretch the seal around the entire perimeter. The rubber needs to be glued at the joint.
The ends should be aligned to form a right angle. The excess needs to be cut off.
Glue is distributed onto the two ends of the tape, but not onto the blades, but onto the lock area.
The ends are inserted into the groove and pulled together. The elements need to be pressed for a few seconds.

There are different options for replacing the sealing material. If you don’t know how to change the seal on plastic windows, then some methods can be seen in the video below:

Installing and replacing seals in wooden windows

For windows in wooden frames The following sealing options are used:

  • silicone gasket is an elastic material that is used in Food Industry and for medical purposes. This material comes in two types. Liquid silicone is distributed over the surface using a special gun. Rubber silicone is made in the form of flat strips;
  • self-adhesive sealant is a tape of various configurations.

When choosing a material, you should not choose thick gaskets, since windows or doors may not close.

The most popular manufacturers of rubber seals

Various manufacturers offer seals for plastic windows. The price also depends on this factor.


One of the first manufacturers of gaskets ok became a company Rehau . It offers products made from thermoplastic elastomer and ethylene propylene rubber.

Products from this manufacturer have the following advantages:

  • can be used over a wide range of temperatures;
  • tight pressure along the entire perimeter of the glass unit;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity;
  • the material can last for many years.

The cost of products depends on the specific configuration and material of manufacture.


The products of the German manufacturer are popular I Veka , existing on the market for more than forty years. The company offers sealing material for st. wood also for the window narthex.

It is worth highlighting the following advantages of the product:

  • resistance to deformation and durability;
  • resistance to humidity, severe frost and temperature fluctuations;
  • increased level of sound insulation and thermal insulation.


This company produces double-glazed windows and accessories for them. The advantage of the product is that the gaskets fit tightly into the groove. The product must be rolled in using special tool. The products are made from high quality rubber. Seals are ideal for improving operational properties windows made from different materials.

Russian manufacturers

You can purchase more budget options from domestic producers. Suitable products good quality offered by companies such as "Standard Prof" And "Obninskgazpolymer" .

Important! When choosing such products, it is worth considering that seals Russian companies may not be suitable for foreign-made double-glazed windows.

If you have double glazing from famous manufacturer, then you shouldn’t save, but it’s better to purchase accessories for plastic windows from the same company.

Seal gasket care - basic rules

Regardless of the choice of gasket option, certain maintenance is recommended to improve service life. Here's what to do:

  • flushing. Sealing products should be wiped with a sponge or cloth soaked in LOC or Edelweiss. Silicone seals require cleaning much less frequently than other options;
  • lubricant. It is recommended to use solutions containing silicone. Vaseline or any oil is not suitable for lubrication;
  • removing dirt. It is necessary to clean dirt from under the seals. This can only be done with a soft object, since using a screwdriver or knife will reduce service life.

To care for fittings and gaskets, special sprays are required.

For your information! Cleaning should be done no more than twice a year. You can also take advantage of cleaning offers from various specialized companies.


Good day, everyone! I have a childhood friend with whom I played ball in the yard. We still communicate.

He works as a consultant in the construction industry mall and often tells funny stories about customers.

One of the hot topics is the purchase of window seals. Usually when people come for them, they first of all focus on the color.

Although the quality of seals for plastic windows varies greatly, which puzzles my friend.

Replacing the seal on plastic windows is not a difficult task and can be done by every owner.

But before proceeding directly to installation, you need to select the seal itself, and after installation it must be periodically maintained. If you do this correctly, your seal will not need to be replaced for a long time.

The seal is an elastic rubber tube that runs along the entire perimeter of the window profile. It serves to better fit the sash to the profile and prevent cold air from penetrating into the room.

When the seal is deformed, the heat-shielding properties of the window are reduced and condensation may appear on the glass.

The seal can be of three types: EPDM, TPE and VMQ. These markings are used to internationally designate seal material. How do you understand that the seal (rubber band) on the windows needs to be replaced? Seals need to be changed at least once every 5-7 years.

You can find out that they need replacement by the following signs:

  • There is obvious damage.
  • There were drafts in the apartment.
  • Street noise became much more noticeable.
  • The appearance of condensation on the glass.
  • The joints between the window and the window opening began to freeze.

How to choose a seal?

As already mentioned, window seals can be of three types: EPDM, TPE and VMQ. TPE sealant is not resistant to severe frosts, and VMQ is too expensive, so sealant labeled EPDM is most often used.

It is resistant to strong temperature changes, retains elasticity after long-term use, and is not affected by most types of alkalis and acids.

In order to speed up the process of replacing the window seal, many people purchase a product with an adhesive side.

According to the principle of its action, such a seal resembles ordinary adhesive tape. It is used only for additional sealing of the seam between the window opening and the profiles and is not suitable for sealing the sash.

The standard seal consists only of rubber and is shaped exactly like the grooves (recesses for the seal around the perimeter of the profile). In order to choose a high-quality seal, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose a sealant brand that is recommended by the window manufacturers themselves.
  2. Buy the product in large construction stores, not in markets.
  3. Before purchasing, check the seal for elasticity.


A high-quality seal should be soft, bend at any angle and not lose its shape.

Main replacement steps:

  1. Removing the old seal. In order to remove the old seal, just take it in the middle and pull. The seal is most often inserted into the groove without glue, so removing it will not be difficult.
  2. Surface treatment. Processing the profile and grooves The entire profile and especially the groove are washed soap solution, and then wiped with alcohol or any other degreasing liquid. This is necessary in order to completely remove all possible contaminants.
  3. Gluing corners. If you are using a seal with an adhesive strip, this step is not necessary. In the case of a conventional seal, this measure is necessary for strong attachment to the profile. Construction, PVA or silicone glue is applied to the corners of the profile, while it dries you can start preparing the seal itself.
  4. Seal measurement. If you are using sealant marked TPE and VMQ, you will have to make several cuts for each side. The EPDM seal can be bent at the corners of the profile without fear of it losing its properties, so you only need one strip.
  5. Installation of the seal itself. Then the seal is inserted into the grooves. This can be done by hand, but much faster if you use special tools. Installation of the seal in the grooves At this stage, the replacement of the seal (elastic band) in plastic windows is completed.

How to care for the seal?

Improper care and operation reduce the service life of the seal and the window itself several times. In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wash the profile and seal periodically with a non-abrasive detergent(no hard particles).
  • Avoid contact with alcohol, paint and varnish materials, acids and alkalis on the seal.
  • Monitor the humidity in the room and near the window, and prevent freezing.
  • Periodically treat the sealant protective equipment(you can read more about this in the article “How to lubricate the seal of a plastic window”).


The main role in the sound and heat insulation of plastic windows belongs to the seals that run along the entire perimeter of the window.

Even with proper care, sealing rubber can dry out and crack, as its service life is usually 3-4 years. Replacing the seal allows you to solve the problem of sound and heat insulation.

In what cases is it necessary to replace the seal?

Owners of plastic windows often forget about preventative care behind window structures, which leads to a decrease in their performance characteristics.

Replacing seals helps solve problems such as:

Condensation Formation

Sometimes condensation on windows is caused by a poorly closed window.

The seal wears out over time, the sash does not fit tightly to the window, resulting in the temperature of the inner glass being lower than it should be, which leads to the formation of condensation in a limited area.


During severe frosts, plastic windows may freeze and ice forms on the inner surface of the PVC profile. The problem may be caused by partial or complete wear of the sealing rubber. Replacing the seal allows you to get rid of freezing of the window.


A draft moving around a room can often be caused by the fact that the window is not closed tightly, and this, in turn, is a consequence of a worn seal. By replacing the sealing rubber, you will return the windows to their original thermal insulation properties.

How much does it cost to replace a seal?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. The fact is that the cost of replacement is influenced by many factors. The design of the window and its perimeter, the type of sealing rubber, etc.

At the same time, we can say for sure that replacing plastic window seals will not cause serious damage to your wallet. By contacting the company’s specialists, you can easily, simply and inexpensively return your original performance characteristics to your windows.

Replacing the seal yourself - is it possible?

Replacing the seal on a plastic window yourself is quite difficult. It is necessary not only to have special skills, but also to understand the types of sealing rubber.

The fact is that there are currently many types of seals on the market, each of which is intended for one or another window system, so choosing tires can be problematic for an unprepared person.

Direct replacement of the seal is also sufficient complex process for the layman.

If you do not have special knowledge and skills, we recommend that you contact a specialist service center, who will not only complete the work quickly and efficiently, but also provide a guarantee for it.

Otherwise, you risk damaging the glass unit or plastic profile, and their repair will cost much more. You can order the production and installation of plastic windows of any design, as well as all types of repair work.

Replacing the seal, adjusting the window, repairing fittings, and many other types of work are completed within one day. The specialist will arrive to you at a time convenient for you and at as soon as possible will restore your plastic window.


Reasons for the need to replace seals

The technical rubber from which seals for plastic windows are made is designed for 10 annual cycles. But in fact, they last less due to incorrect adjustment of the window frame clamping device.

  • Natural aging under the influence of temperature fluctuations and sunlight;
  • Poor quality initial installation;
  • Deformation as a result of the elastic falling out of the special groove;
  • Not high-quality processing window corners;
  • Hardening of low-quality technical rubber.

Helpful advice!

At least once a year, usually after winter, it is necessary to wipe technical rubber with a special solution.

Replacing seals on plastic windows:

  1. Purchasing exactly the brand of seal that fits the profile of a particular window;
  2. You need to practice on an old seal;
  3. You need to start inserting the seal from the side of the window that is on the curtains;
  4. “Start” is best glued to plastic;
  5. The insulation is inserted without tension, only a small amount of tension is given at the corner so that the rubber does not “chew” during the opening and closing process;
  6. The “end” of the seal fits tightly to the “beginning” and is also glued.


To determine the condition of the sealing rubber of your window, you can either call a specialist or assess its condition yourself.

To do this, you just need to visually inspect the seal around the perimeter of the entire window.

If you notice that in some places it has become dry), severely deformed and cracked, then most likely your window needs to replace the sealing rubber.

In order to avoid such defects in the window seal in the future and significantly delay its replacement, it is recommended to follow several rules when operating the window:

  • try to avoid heavy pollution sealing rubber;
  • periodically (preferably 2 times a year) clean and lubricate it;
  • Do not wipe the window seal with liquids containing alcohol or acetone (most often this mistake is made when wiping window glass with such liquids).

Cleaning the window seal

The degree of contamination should be checked both on the surface and inside (between the petals). The internal cavity of the window seal also needs to be cleaned of dirt and then lubricated. Follow these simple rules and your windows will last you much longer!

Why is it better to entrust the replacement of window seals to specialists? If you do not have experience in replacing window seals and do not have the special tools required for this procedure, then we strongly do not recommend trying to do it yourself!

And that's why:

Firstly, for a window you need to be able to select a similar seal, and then also find it (which is not so easy to do due to the fact that sealing rubber for windows is almost never sold at retail).

Secondly, When removing the old sealing rubber and replacing it with a new one, you will need to disassemble the window (remove the sashes and unscrew some parts of the fittings).

Third Without having a special tool at hand, you risk losing not only a lot of time and effort, but also damaging the window.

Types of window seals

The main materials from which window seals are made:

  • Synthetic rubber (EPDM). the most common material for seals. It is a porous rubber with high elasticity and mechanical “memory”. Withstands temperature changes from -50º to +100ºC.
    Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE).
  • Silicone rubber. Seals made of this material are softer and have the longest service life. Operating temperature from -60º to +150ºC.
  • Vinyl polyurethane. It is a material with open pores. Vinyl polyurethane insulation protects very well window units from dust and dirt, but they do not last long.


From the life of rubber seals

Plastic windows are a single mechanism, all the details of which are important and carry their own functional load. The window seal performs the function of sealing the sash, protecting the house from noise, moisture and cold air. Old, cracked sealing rubber may be the cause of the blowing.


Regardless of the quality of the window profile and the included window fittings A window seal that is of poor quality or has become unusable over time can negate all efforts to adjust the window for ventilation.

The photo taken with an infrared camera shows that the coldest parts of the window are the corners of the sashes. In this case, “bumps” appeared in the places where the seal was bent - the consequences of a stretched sealing gum.

First of all, the external window seal fails, as it is susceptible to external atmospheric influences. But there are exceptions, for example - renovations were carried out on the premises.

Construction dust, all kinds of paint fumes, varnish, solvents, etc., lead to the seal drying out and losing its elasticity, which, in turn, leads to loss of window tightness.

However, it is necessary to change both sealing circuits (on the frame and on the sash). If you replace only the outer contour of the seal, the pressure on the inner one will weaken significantly.

The need to replace the seal may be caused by the following factors:

  • poor-quality factory installation of window seals;
  • untreated seat for the seal at the turning points (at the corners);
  • installation roller, stretching window seal, sometimes lead to the formation of “bumps” at the turning points
  • window seal;
  • lack of proper care;
  • deformation of window hinges;
  • a cheap analogue of an elastic band (in this case, problems will arise after 5 years of use).

Large volumes of work, initially low quality windows and repair and finishing work indoors - all this leads to the fact that sometimes at the moment the apartment is handed over by the developer, the window seal needs to be replaced.

An experienced craftsman of our organization will replace the seal of plastic windows manually, without stretching the elastic, having previously treated seats, which eliminates the formation of “bumps” on the window seal.

How can you tell if your window seal has become unusable?

A suitable sealant has a rich color, it is soft and elastic. If you see that the rubber has dried out, cracked, or “bumps” have appeared at the corners, it’s time to replace the seal.

A modern seal for plastic windows made of EPDM synthetic rubber is designed for 9-11 years of operation. However, this figure is given taking into account correct factory installation, average load and timely maintenance.

Therefore, twice a year, the surface of the window seal must be wiped with a damp cloth and treated with silicone grease, which forms a highly elastic film on elastomers (APKT, EPDM) and has water-repellent properties.

At regular care, replacement of plastic window seals can be delayed for 5-6 years. In addition to the seal replacement service, you can order from us a maintenance kit for white hard PVC windows, which includes lubricant.

Myths about seals

  1. Life time. Information on the service life of the sealing gum varies from 1 to 25 years. The manufacturer claims 10 years of operation. Such a golden mean.
  2. Thicker. Some window repair companies advise replacing the seal of plastic windows with a thicker one, supposedly the pressure will increase and the blowing will disappear. In fact, a thicker sealing contour will only worsen the situation, increasing the load on the hinge group and the window locking hardware.
  3. Universal seal. There is no universal seal for plastic windows. Clearance for sealing in PVC windows varies from 2 to 7 mm.
  4. Replacing the seal yourself. Like, what is the money for, five minutes of work, etc. To replace the seal of plastic windows you need: materials, tools, skill and free time.

For example, in order to remove the sash you will need a special key, and the elastic is sold in bulges from 300 to 500 meters. In addition, the seller will try to sell you Polish or Russian seal, the quality of which, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.


Replacing window seals

The rapid and widespread spread of plastic windows in our country is understandable. They provide excellent thermal insulation, are very easy to maintain, and have a fairly long service life. After heavy wooden frames, cleaning a plastic window is a pleasure.

In winter, the sashes fit very tightly to the frame; they do not need to be insulated. However, this miracle of modern life also needs care. Plastic windows not only need to be washed, like all other windows. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the fittings and the rubber seal.

Helpful advice!

To prevent the seal from drying out and cracking (namely, it is responsible for the tightness of the window), it must be cleaned of dust and dirt and lubricated twice a year with silicone grease. If you don’t do this, then sooner or later you will have to replace the seals on your windows.

Repairing windows yourself is quite simple. To replace the seals on windows, you only need the simplest tool, which is found in every apartment.

You will need:

  • rubber compressor
  • scissors

We purchased the seal from a factory where plastic windows are produced. The glue needs to dry quickly. Silicone grease can be purchased at auto parts stores.

Seal replacement technology

  1. We are counting required amount seal. To do this, we take into account that there are two sealing contours on the window: external (on the frame) and internal (on the sash).
  2. We measure both circuits and calculate the required quantity. We purchase the required quantity linear meters seal.
  3. Next is the actual work. Open the window and remove the old seal.
  4. Carefully wipe off dirt and dust and let dry.
  5. Insert the rubber into the groove for the seal and press it in a little.
  6. Please note that the seal must be inserted from the top, from its middle.
  7. The seal fits in easily, with virtually no effort. Difficulties may arise in the corners - you need to carefully make a turn, and in the place where the top hinge is attached to the sash.
  8. There is no need to tighten the seal, just insert it carefully.
  9. When the entire circle has been completed, the seal is cut off with scissors and the joints are glued together. We glued it with instant superglue.

The seal replacement is complete. It makes sense to do this at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, before we close the windows for the winter. In the spring you will need to lubricate the seal with silicone grease and repeat the procedure in the fall.

Many people think that the seal does not need to be changed, and if it is necessary, then only when completely replacing the entire window. This is wrong. When it comes to replacing the seal, it is important to understand that this can be done with your own hands or with the help of a specialist.


Plastic windows have replaced classic wooden ones, displacing them due to a number of advantages. Thanks to them, homes have become warmer in winter and cooler in summer, street noise does not disturb the atmosphere home comfort, and the boys playing football in the yard no longer cause concern to the housewives. The rubber seal for plastic windows plays a big role in ensuring their functioning at the proper level. If you want to extend the life of your windows, then you should pay special attention to operation and timely replacement; this is small, but extremely important detail plastic profile.

What is a seal?

This is a layer of special material, which runs along the perimeter in specially designated recesses. Outwardly it resembles a cord in the shape of a parallelepiped with special protrusions for fastening. Made from rubber polymer material or polyethylene. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, the rubber seal for windows is considered the most universal; it is ideal due to its resistance to temperature changes, high level sealing and durability.


With proper care, the rubber seal can last up to 10 years. Achieving this is not at all difficult - you just have to stick to it simple rules care

  • Clean the entire profile inside and out at least 2 times a year: before and after cold weather;
  • Carefully remove dirt accumulated during bad weather using a sponge, soft cloth or regular rag;
  • After cleaning, a lubricant for rubber seals, or, in its absence, glycerin, would be appropriate as a lubricant.

Do not use greasy detergents when caring for the profile - they can damage the harness;
Do not clean in bad weather - there is a high probability of moisture getting in and the subsequent development of fungus, dampness and pathogenic bacteria;
Carry out repairs and other work that involves a large number of dust, when closed windows to avoid contamination of the profile from the inside.

Lubricants for rubber seals

Only silicone lubricant is used for rubber seals. Applied immediately after washing the profile, it significantly increases the moisture-repellent properties of the window and protects its elements from corrosion. The principle of its operation is to create a thin layer of silicone, which completely covers the surface with inextricable molecules and makes it more slippery, resulting in external environment decreases significantly.

It is prohibited to use VD 40 grease to lubricate rubber seals.

It also helps maintain the elasticity of the seal, preventing mechanical damage and freezing during low temperatures. Prices for silicone lubricants are not high: from $3 per bottle. Agree, it’s not such a big amount to extend the service life of a window by 10 years. And given the universal nature of the lubricant, you can use it for your other mechanisms: doors, bicycles, car parts, household appliances. The most common manufacturers on the market are SILICOT, LIQUI MOLY, CAR-REP, XADO.

How to improve the effectiveness of the seal?

You already have a high-quality seal - a self-adhesive rubber band will perfectly help it in the fight for heat! They are very versatile (can be glued not only to windows, but also to doors, wall corners), last a long time, and do not allow moisture and foreign odors to pass through. As a rule, they are mounted on top of the frame at its joints with walls or. When installing, follow this algorithm: clean the surface from dust, degrease it with alcohol or acetone; cut the seal to the required length; delete protective layer, press the cord tightly to the surface and leave it for 2 hours.

How to replace the rubber seal?

Alas, perpetual motion was invented only in the works of philosophers and science fiction novels. And an eternal seal is even more unrealistic. Sooner or later you will still have to change it. This will be indicated by the following “symptoms”:

  • More frequent drafts;
  • Dampness on window sills and walls adjacent to the window;
  • The appearance of mold and mildew on the rubber parts of the window;
  • The seal appears swollen, dry and flaking;
  • In winter on a frame or internal parts icing appears on the windows.

Such signs indicate that the part has expired and that it simply cannot withstand the loads placed on it. In this case, it is necessary to replace the rubber seal. How to do it?

  1. Buy a new seal. If you have a profile from a well-known company (VEKA, REHAU, KBE), choosing one in accordance with the design will not be difficult. However, when using third-party profiles, you should either consult a specialist or try to find an analogue. So, KBE seals are suitable for Virtage, Novotex, Proplex, and REHAU for Montblanc and Brusbox;
  2. Get rid of the old tourniquet. Using scissors, pry up its edge and carefully pull it out of the grooves. Carefully clean the vacated recesses so that the new cord fits snugly into them;
  3. Apply glue evenly to the corners of the frame;
  4. Insert the cord into the grooves and run along the entire frame without cutting;
  5. Remove any unnecessary residue with scissors;
  6. Seal the junction of the ends of the seal.

Don’t be afraid of the myths that seals are sold only in huge kilometer-long rolls. You can also purchase it at retail.

You should not buy a tourniquet that is wider than the original one. This will only make it swell and crack faster. To further protect areas with potential cracks, it is better to use the self-adhesive sealant described earlier.

Company "Window Doctor" offers services for replacing the seals of plastic windows in Moscow and the Moscow region. Replacing rubber bands in PVC windows in combination with adjusting the sashes will restore the nominal tightness and provide thermal and sound insulation. When ordering complex works, a guarantee against blowing is provided for 1 year.

Replacing the seal on plastic windows

  • Seals are replaced manually(the elastic is not stretched by the laying roller);
  • we only use original German or Austrian seals(depending on the type of profile);
  • We change it right away 2 sealing circuits;
  • Materials match GOST 30778-2001"Sealing gaskets made of elastomeric materials for window and door blocks. Specifications"
  • Discounts for pensioners - 10%.

Price: 150 rub./linear m.

In the window segment of the construction market you can find hundreds brands PVC profiles. However, almost all profile systems can be divided into 3 groups:

  • KBE-shaped (KBE, Proplex, Novotex, VITRAGE, etc.);
  • REHAU-shaped(REHAU, Montblanc, BrusBox, etc.);
  • VEKA.

There are, of course, exceptions, but in general, most profiles are copied from these brands. Consequently, the seals in such windows are completely interchangeable.

Window seal KBE
150 rub./linear meter

Window seal REHAU
150 rub./linear meter

Window seal VEKA
150 rub./linear meter

Prices for repairing plastic windows

From the life of rubber seals

Plastic windows are a single mechanism, all the details of which are important and carry their own functional load. The window seal performs the function of sealing the sash, protecting the house from noise, moisture and cold air. An old, cracked rubber seal may be causing leakage.

Regardless of the quality of the window profile and the supplied window fittings, a window seal that is of poor quality or has become unusable over time can negate all efforts to adjust the window for ventilation.

The photo taken with an infrared camera shows that the coldest parts of the window are the corners of the sashes. In this case, “bumps” appeared in the places where the seal was bent - the consequences of a stretched sealing gum.

First of all, the external window seal fails, as it is susceptible to external atmospheric influences. But there are exceptions, for example - renovations were carried out on the premises. Construction dust, all kinds of paint fumes, varnish, solvents, etc., lead to the seal drying out and losing its elasticity, which, in turn, leads to loss of window tightness.

However, it is necessary to change both sealing circuits (on the frame and on the sash). If you replace only the outer contour of the seal, the pressure on the inner one will weaken significantly.

The need to replace the seal may be caused by the following factors:

Defects in compaction rolling are especially noticeable in most Moscow new buildings. Large volumes of work, initially low quality windows and repair and finishing work in the room - all this leads to the fact that sometimes at the time the apartment is handed over by the developer, the window seal needs to be replaced.

An experienced craftsman from our organization will replace the plastic window seal manually, without stretching the rubber, having pre-treated the seats, which eliminates the formation of “bumps” on the window seal.

How can you tell if your window seal has become unusable?

A suitable sealant has a rich color, it is soft and elastic. If you see that the rubber has dried out, cracked, or “bumps” have appeared at the corners, it’s time to replace the seal.

Caring for rubber seals

Modern seal for plastic windows made of synthetic rubber EPDM is designed for 9-11 years of operation. However, this figure is given taking into account correct factory installation, average load and timely maintenance. If the conditions are not met, the service life may be reduced to 5 years.

Therefore, twice a year, the surface of the window seal must be wiped with a damp cloth and treated with silicone grease, which forms a highly elastic film on elastomers (APKT, EPDM) and has water-repellent properties. As an alternative, you can use glycerin (available at any pharmacy).

With regular care, replacement of plastic window seals can be delayed for 5-6 years.

In addition to the seal replacement service, you can order from us a maintenance kit for white hard PVC windows, which includes lubricant for plastic window seals.

Myths about seals

In conclusion, let us give the following analogy: whatever good refrigerator, or washing machine, seals that have become unusable will call into question the reliability and practicality of the entire mechanism.

Note: There is a discount program for pensioners for replacing plastic window seals.

Replacing the seal on plastic windows is a very simple matter and every owner can do it. But before proceeding directly to installation, you need to select the seal itself, and after installation it must be periodically maintained. If you do this correctly, your seal will not need to be replaced for a long time.

What is a seal?

The seal is an elastic rubber tube that runs along the entire perimeter of the window profile. It serves to better fit the sash to the profile and prevent cold air from penetrating into the room. When the seal is deformed, the heat-shielding properties of the window are reduced and condensation may appear on the glass.

The seal can be of three types: EPDM, TPE and VMQ. These markings are used to internationally designate seal material.

How do you understand that the seal (rubber band) on the windows needs to be replaced?

Seals need to be changed at least once every 5-7 years.

You can find out that they need replacement by the following signs:

1) Clear damage is visible.

2) Drafts appeared in the apartment.

3) Street noise has become much more noticeable.

4) The appearance of condensation on the glass.

5) The joints between the window and the window opening began to freeze.

How to choose a seal?

As already mentioned, window seals can be of three types: EPDM, TPE and VMQ. TPE sealant is not resistant to severe frosts, and VMQ is too expensive, so sealant labeled EPDM is most often used. It is resistant to strong temperature changes, retains elasticity after long-term use, and is not affected by most types of alkalis and acids.

In order to speed up the process of replacing the window seal, many people purchase a product with an adhesive side. According to the principle of its action, such a seal resembles ordinary adhesive tape. It is used only for additional sealing of the seam between the window opening and the profile and is not suitable for sealing the sash.

The standard seal consists only of rubber and is shaped exactly like the grooves (recesses for the seal around the perimeter of the profile).

In order to choose a high-quality seal, you must adhere to the following rules:

Choose a sealant brand that is recommended by the window manufacturers themselves.

Buy the product in large construction stores, not in markets.

Before purchasing, check the seal for elasticity.

A high-quality seal should be soft, bend at any angle and not lose its shape.

Replacing the seal on plastic windows: stages

To remove the old seal, just grab it in the middle and pull. The seal is most often inserted into the groove without glue, so removing it will not be difficult.

2) Surface treatment.

The entire profile, and especially the groove, is washed with soapy water and then wiped with alcohol or any other degreasing liquid. This is necessary in order to completely remove all possible contaminants.

3) Gluing the corners.

If you are using a seal with an adhesive strip, this step is not necessary. In the case of a conventional seal, this measure is necessary for strong attachment to the profile.

Construction, PVA or silicone glue is applied to the corners of the profile, while it dries you can start preparing the seal itself.

4) Measuring the seal.

If you are using sealant marked TPE and VMQ, you will have to make several cuts for each side of the profile.

The EPDM seal can be bent at the corners of the profile without fear of it losing its properties, so you only need one strip for the entire perimeter.

In order to measure the required length of the seal, simply attach it to the groove and cut off the excess.

5) Installation of the seal itself.

Then the seal is inserted into the grooves. This can be done by hand, but much faster if you use special tools.

At this stage, the replacement of the seal (elastic band) in the plastic windows is completed, now it will last at least another 5 years.

How to care for the seal?

Improper care and operation reduce the service life of the seal and the window itself several times. In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

1) Wash the profile and seal periodically with a non-abrasive detergent (without hard particles).

2) Do not allow alcohol, paints, acids or alkalis to come into contact with the seal.

3) Monitor the humidity in the room and near the window, and prevent freezing.

4) Periodically treat the seal with protective agents (you can read more about this in the article).