How to propagate Monstera with aerial roots. Features of monstera propagation at home

Tropical jungle South America The first researchers were amazed not even by flocks of hummingbirds, colorful nature and amazing animals, but by fantastic vines. “It’s just a monster,” they said. So this name remained assigned to him forever. Monstera is a large and heavy vine that grows twining around a large tree. IN natural conditions it reaches 50 m in length. The carved leaves reach a meter in width. The researchers were shocked by the roots of monstrous length that grew through the bodies of people. this gave rise to legends that the vine hunts people. In fact, the plant grew through the bodies of those who died in the jungle.

But even in indoor conditions, Monstera looks very impressive. It is distinguished by huge fans of dissected leaves and long cords of aerial roots. Interesting not only appearance, but also its inner plant. The lateral veins are equipped with special organs that are capable of releasing droplets of water when high humidity. Monstera reproduction deserves special attention.

Plant varieties

The first thing that comes to mind is planting a plant using seeds. But flowering and fruit formation are observed only in one of the varieties. This is the largest representative of the family, which most often decorates the halls of organizations and apartments. Its name is Attractive or Delicious.

Monstera can also bloom in your home, giving a fragrant fruit that tastes like pineapple. But you will have to wait a whole year for ripening. After this, it will still take time to grow out of it. young plant. It turns out too long and difficult. The reproduction of monsteras of other species in this way is completely questioned, since they do not form a flower-veil and fruits.

Planting seeds

If you become the happy owner of such valuable material, then you can try to grow a young plant, observing it from the very first leaf. To do this, you need to build a small greenhouse, filling it with a mixture of sand and peat in equal quantities. Seeds must be germinated at a temperature of +25 degrees, under film. Every few days it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse and moisten the soil.

Shoots can be expected in three to four weeks. The first leaves of seedlings are not dissected, whole. Only after the fifth month will real, adult leaves grow. Now you can pick the seedlings. For now, they can remain in the common greenhouse. Propagating monstera by seeds is not a quick process. The root system of seedlings develops only after two years. By this time, the plant develops 5 regular leaves and 2-4 carved adult leaves.

Now you can transplant into separate pots for permanent place residence. Propagating monstera in this way takes a lot of time, but you immediately get a small plantation of young plants.

The easiest way

If you are not a professional gardener, then you are unlikely to want to spend a lot of time planting a seedling from a plant at the request of one of your friends. But if a side shoot starts to grow from the base of the stem, then this is the easiest way to get a new plant in the shortest possible time.

The procedure is quite simple, side shoots separated from mother plant, the sections are dried and powdered charcoal. It is recommended to propagate monstera at home before the beginning of summer. Perfect time- early April or May. The prepared shoot must be planted in a pot with a drainage layer at the bottom, as well as light and nutritious soil. The pot needs to be covered plastic bag and place in a bright, warm place for rooting. If necessary, the substrate is moistened and the greenhouse is ventilated. Rooting occurs very quickly. You will know about its successful completion when the plant produces new leaves.

Propagation by cuttings

Monstera vines are quite tenacious, so even a novice gardener can easily propagate his plant. Today we are looking at different ways, among which you can choose the most suitable one. Using cuttings, you can plant a young plant without special effort:

Rooting in water

If you want to use the method of propagating monstera by leaves, then it would be better to follow this technology. Rooting a leaf devoid of aerial roots in the ground is fraught with some difficulties. It may rot or be attacked by soil bacteria. In water, it most often gives roots faster, after which it can be transplanted into the ground.

The cut leaf should also be treated with charcoal to protect it from rotting. After this, it can be placed in water and covered with film. In about two weeks you will see the first roots. Now the plant is ready to be transplanted into the ground.

Liana rejuvenation

If the plant has become bald as a result of improper care, or has become very elongated, then it makes sense to carry out such a procedure. The outcome will depend on the condition of the vine and your plans for it. Surely you have heard about the reproduction of monstera. So, this root itself has a slightly different structure, but it helps maintain the strength of the plant during rooting.

  • You need to choose the socket that you will install. This could also be the top of the plant.
  • All roots that remain on it after replanting must be wrapped in damp peat and periodically moistened. When they are covered with new roots along their entire length, they can be trimmed and planted in the ground.

What to do with the rest of the vine

Having lost the top, the plant will not die, but will begin to produce side shoots or grow new green mass. In both cases, this is a favorable outcome for the grower. Monstera flower propagation can become quite profitable business, so you can decide to cut maximum amount Cherenkov.

To do this, the monstera trunk is cut so that each piece has one or two internodes. These cuttings are laid out on moist soil, slightly deepened, but not dug in. Now your goal is to provide them with light and warmth, as well as a sufficient level of humidity. After some time, you can expect the first buds and roots.

Soil and pot

The success of reproduction will depend on how correctly you select the soil. Caring for a monstera at home is not too complicated, but if the soil in the pot is too dense and heavy, then all your efforts will be in vain. Can buy ready-made mixtures for decorative foliage plants, to which a little coconut fiber is added. If this is not possible, make the mixture yourself.

To do this you need to take three parts turf land and one part at a time leaf soil, peat, sand and humus. The result is a loose, nutritious mixture that retains moisture well. You can take a small pot for a young plant. And as you grow, pay attention to making the new one wider. Because aerial roots will descend from each internode.


The efficiency of monstera propagation depends on the correct conditions. Home care involves regular moisturizing soil and air, spraying leaves. Do not forget that this plant is a guest from tropical forests, where there is constant humidity. Drying out the soil is unacceptable. But the plant doesn’t like overflow either, that’s why they do it good drainage. Water only warm water. From spring to autumn you can do this every day, and in winter - as the top layer dries.

Air humidity should be at least 60%, so line the pot with peat and spray it regularly. The hotter the room, the more often you need to carry out water procedures.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

A large vine needs abundant nutrition. From March to September, the plant needs to be fed with complex mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. This should be done every 2-3 weeks. By the way, the dosage in the instructions is usually very large, feel free to reduce it by half. There is also no need to overfeed the plant. Adult plants can be added to upper layer soil humus or mullein. But in winter time There is no need to feed the plant.


The strong vine grows very quickly. At favorable conditions in the first four years it will need to be replanted annually. Each time the pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. After the age of five mature plant replanting is more difficult, and the procedure can be performed once every 3-4 years. But every year it is necessary to update the top layer of soil in those years when replanting was not carried out.

No problems are expected with a young plant. You need to shake the plant out of the old pot, inspect it and, trying not to disturb the earthen ball, move it into a new pot, sprinkling it with fresh soil. Typically, this procedure is followed by the appearance of lateral processes, that is, the reproduction of the monstera.

Caring for and replanting plants that have reached five years of age become more difficult. Now you need to take the pot for growth, about two buckets larger than the previous one. Be sure to install a support in the new pot, and then, together with your assistants, transfer the vine into it and add fresh soil. Water well and leave for a day. If the soil subsides, it can be added.

We provide rest in winter

Monstera does not have a pronounced dormant period. She doesn't shed leaves. Only when the duration of daylight hours decreases and the temperature drops does it stop growing. The plant is waiting for a new period of warm days to please you with rapid growth again. All winter period it can survive at a temperature of +16 degrees, scanty watering and lack of fertilizers. It will even be useful. A break for a month can already give the plant strength for further growth and development. After this, you can use artificial lighting to increase daylight hours and increase the temperature in the room. The plant will quickly begin to grow.

Instead of a conclusion

Monstera is one of the most interesting vines. With its openwork leaves it captivates all lovers of wildlife. It takes up a lot of space, making it a poor choice for tiny apartments. If there are no problems with this, and you really want to decorate your home, try to get planting material using one of the described methods and grow a monstera at home.

Monstera, being an exotic southern plant, perfectly adapts to regions with temperate climate and grows in many homes and offices, adding a unique flavor to the interior.

This evergreen vine grows in wildlife in the forests of Southern and North America and can reach a very impressive length - up to 100 m. What we see in apartments and official institutions is not what grows in the tropics. To grow monstera indoors, several decorative varieties have been bred.

In general, it cannot be said that Monstera is a capricious tropical plant; rather, it is unpretentious, but it requires the necessary conditions so that the plant feels protected and healthy.

  • Monstera tolerates well room conditions, if you place it in the corner of the room, and not only because the vine is large. She doesn't like it straight sunlight, so the corner of a bright and spacious room will be for her ideal option. Too much a dark room also not quite what you need, although it is the shadow from tropical trees provides cover for the plant from the scorching sun.
  • It is clear that relatives living in the tropics cannot live without moisture, so this decorative tropical plant should be watered well and often. This crop is in dire need of constant moisture, but under no circumstances should it be overwatered, otherwise the stems and leaves will begin to rot, and the plant will begin to become very sick and wither. In warm weather, Monstera is moisturized abundantly, but in winter the dose of water should be significantly reduced.
  • Very important point is to moisten the foliage and trunk from a spray bottle or using a sponge or damp cloth. But if not high temperatures indoors, this cannot be done, otherwise the leaves and stems of the overseas vine may freeze and dry out.
  • Many people ask why the tips of the leaves dry out? The answer is very simple: often during the cold period the plant remains standing near the radiator or heating devices, and the moisture in their container instantly evaporates, it becomes difficult for the plant without a normal amount of moisture and the leaves begin to dry out. If the radiators in the room are mercilessly hot, it is best to move the pot with the plant away from them.
  • The young plant grows quite quickly and does not require any additional fertilizing. An adult monstera, on the contrary, is quite demanding of fertilizers and responds well to them. You should apply both organic and mineral fertilizers, since in their absence the plant grows more slowly.
  • Liana flowering at home is considered a very rare occurrence. In order to wait for this unusual process, the plant should be created almost ideal conditions. Liana blooms beautiful flowers cream-colored, in the wild this happens every year, but not everyone is able to see its flowering in an office or home environment.

In general, raising and caring for the overseas guest is not difficult; it is quite unpretentious and not capricious. It grows quickly, does not require special manipulation and responds well to kind treatment.

How to propagate monstera: several available methods

You probably could see that the plant has aerial roots, which it throws out in order to find additional moisture and nutrition. So, they are the main planting material for propagation, of course, together with a shoot that has at least one leaf.

The shoots and shoots that arise from the sides of the vine, as a rule, appear in spring period. You should take the shoot along with the hanging root and immediately plant it in specially prepared soil. The soil should consist of turf and leaf soil and sand.

If another method of propagation is by cuttings in this case, it is necessary to cut off the top of the vine, which has 2-3 leaves and an internode. It makes sense to use children, which are located in the lower part of the trunk. They also have one mature leaf and an internode. In this case, in order to get roots, the cuttings are first placed in water.

Some gardeners plant the cuttings in the ground, but in this case it is necessary to ensure that it is constantly moist. As soon as one new leaf forms on the cutting, it can be transplanted to a permanent place in a separate pot with necessary composition soil. Cuttings with rudiments of aerial roots are best suited for rooting and development.

Propagation of the plant using seeds is not productive enough. This is due to the difficulty of obtaining good planting material In addition, for seeds, even if they have excellent germination, special conditions are required - an abundance of heat, sun and moisture, as well as the fertility of the substrate.

If you want to experiment with planting seeds and get a positive result, you need to:

  • prepare the soil, which should consist of leaf, turf layer of earth, peat and sand;
  • moisten it well and sprinkle it with potassium permanganate;
  • sow seeds to a depth of no more than 1-2 cm;
  • cover the container with glass or a plastic bag, creating greenhouse conditions;
  • it is necessary to periodically ventilate, otherwise the seeds will rot;
  • shoots will appear no earlier than in a month and a half;
  • after the young seedlings have become quite strong, they should be transplanted into other, separate pots;
  • The first leaves of a young plant usually appear no earlier than after 7 months.

There is another option for breeding monstera, but it is quite difficult and does not always end in a positive result. Growing a plant from its leaves is not always justified, since rotting often occurs and the leaf dies. But, for those who want to take a risk, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • several leaves should be cut and prepared for the saz, so out of a dozen, at least one or two can give roots;
  • you will need a container of water into which all the leaves are placed until roots form;
  • There is no need to rush here and plant the plant immediately when the first roots are present; it is better to wait until the moment when root system will get stronger and grow;
  • Only after the formation of several strong and thick threads of roots can the leaf be planted in the ground.

It is worth saying that monstera propagation ends successfully in most cases, regardless of which method is chosen. Young shoots take root well in the place of their new “home”. Of course, it is best to transplant in warm weather, since it is easier for the shoot to adapt and stress is much easier to bear. If you decide to carry out manipulations in cold weather, then you should play it safe and cover the shoots with a jar or bag, this will create more comfortable conditions for adaptation.

What else you need to know about growing monstera at home

IN comfortable conditions Monstera can grow up to 2.5 - 3 meters, for this reason there is a need to transplant it into a larger container. If this is not done, the vine will stop growing and gradually die. How to transplant correctly so as not to damage the plant:

  • for a young plant, replanting should be carried out 2-3 times over two years. This need is due to rapid and active growth;
  • after 4 years, the flower again needs to “move” to a new place, into a more spacious pot;
  • Monstera over five years of age should be replanted every four years;
  • an old plant should not be disturbed, the best option There will be fresh soil added on top of the roots.
  • The soil should consist of turf soil, humus and sand, some add sphagnum moss. You can also use ready-made soil for palm trees, which is sold in stores. Drainage is mandatory.

The main thing when replanting is to follow the rules and not harm the plant. The roots need to be properly covered with soil, so that the flower is well strengthened and does not tumble. To do this, use a support or tie the plant with a rope to a wall or ceiling.

Aerial roots are directed into the soil, so the plant receives additional nutrition and fresh shoots may appear. If you follow all the rules, the flower will be lush and very attractive. An old plant can be trimmed off the top and rooted, but young monsteras should not be trimmed.

That's all the basic rules for caring for monstera indoors. As you can see, it doesn’t require anything supernatural, just follow the generally accepted rules for all indoor plants. It will perfectly decorate an apartment, office or official institution, and will become distinctive feature and the highlight of any space.

Video about monstera propagation at home:

Many domestic flower growers fell in love with indoor plant monstera, the reproduction of which will not be difficult. Even a beginner can cope with this task. This tropical plant It has long taken root in city apartments and does not require special care.

Since monstera grows several meters in height, it is best to breed it in spacious halls with high ceilings. It is very important to know how monstera reproduces.

Propagation method by cuttings

The easiest way to propagate monstera at home is with the help of cuttings. To do this, use the top of the stem or its middle part.

To get a new plant, there must be at least one bud on the cutting.

Before planting, the cutting should be rooted, for which it is lowered into a container with opaque walls filled with clean water. The procedure for rooting is as follows:

In water, root shoots form in 2-3 weeks. For Monstera to grow healthy, it needs special soil. You can make it yourself. To do this, take turf soil, peat, sand and humus in equal proportions. In some cases, turf land can be taken in double quantity.

The disadvantages of this method of propagation include some imbalance in development - the young plant will actively develop the root system. Only after the roots are fully formed will shoots and leaves begin to grow. To speed up this process and harmonize development, it is useful to feed the monstera with growth stimulants.

Rooting shoots in the soil

Monstera can be propagated by rooting regrown shoots in the soil. The action algorithm should be as follows:

  1. A pot of peat or sandy soil.
  2. In order for a young shoot to take root well, it needs to be provided with enough heat and moisture. The soil temperature must be at least 28 degrees. You can create such a microclimate using film or glass.
  3. In such a greenhouse, the cuttings must be kept for 3-4 weeks. During this time it will have time to take root well.
  4. After the plant forms strong roots, it can be transplanted into another pot.

Another propagation option would be to place the cuttings horizontally. To do this, a shoot with two or more buds is cut off and placed on the soil surface. This method will require a light substrate - hydrogel or sphagnum moss will do. It is not necessary to sprinkle soil on top of the shoot. It is important that the buds come into contact with the surface of the substrate. The planted cuttings must be watered and sprayed. Further technology is completely similar to growing in a vertical position. You can replant a young plant after it has formed roots and young leaves.

Vertical propagation option may have one significant drawback- the stem at the base remains thin and breaks easily. To cope with this problem, you can make a special support for the young plant or immediately use thicker cuttings.

Very often, when pruning a plant, apical shoots remain. They can be used to propagate monstera. The shoot is treated with a root growth stimulator and left in water for 2 weeks. Then it is transplanted into the ground in the usual way.

Reproduction of monstera by leaf

Flower growers consider the propagation method using leaves to be less reliable and effective. It is usually used when a sheet accidentally breaks off. In this case, place it with the petiole in water and wait for the roots to appear. In order for the leaf to take root in the soil and become a full-fledged plant, you will need to grow a lot of roots. For rooting in water, it is recommended to choose a larger jar.

Like other methods, leaf propagation has its disadvantages:

  1. Roots form slowly. To get a full-fledged root system, you will have to wait at least a month.
  2. The leaf may wilt before the roots begin to grow.

Monstera roots do not like sunlight, so the jar should be opaque. After the roots have formed, they are transplanted into a pot with soil. The composition of the soil is the same as with other methods of propagation.

To make this propagation method more effective, it is better to use leaves with aerial roots. This method is considered natural for the plant. Wet moss is attached to the roots, leaving small holes for growth and watering. Moss needs to be moistened regularly. After the roots grow quite large, they are carefully cut off along with the leaf and planted in a new pot.

Propagation using seeds

This method is rarely used due to its low efficiency and high labor intensity. For sowing you will need a container with light soil that is well saturated with air. You can use sphagnum moss in small bags.

The seeds must be fresh. If they have already lain for a long time, there is a high probability that they simply will not sprout. In order for the monstera to begin to bloom and then produce fruits and seeds, it needs careful care.

The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 4-5 cm. The soil with the crops is watered abundantly and covered with glass or film. The air temperature in this greenhouse should be maintained at +25 degrees. The soil must be watered regularly and the greenhouse must be thoroughly ventilated.

The first shoots usually appear within a month. After the seedlings grow up, they need to be planted in separate pots. The first leaves of young plants will not be divided. The characteristic feathery foliage will appear no earlier than in 5-7 months.

Optimal conditions for rooting

The rooting of Monstera occurs rather slowly, but then the indoor plant develops quickly. An adult monstera is quite large. This should be taken into account when choosing a room and pot when replanting. The roots of the flower grow very quickly and can even grow into drainage holes.

Temperature and humidity of air and soil are also important. The higher it is, the larger and more beautiful the foliage grows. The light in the room where the monstera grows should be quite bright, but direct rays should not fall on the leaves so as not to cause burns.

At proper lighting Beautiful patterns are formed on monstera leaves, and their color becomes deep and rich. As the flower grows, it can be gradually moved to a more shaded place - for an adult plant, abundant lighting is less important.

Pruning and replanting monstera

As the plant ages, it requires a rejuvenation procedure. Its vine stretches upward, and the foliage on the lower part falls off.

To rejuvenate the monstera, you need to trim the top in the spring. After some time, the plant will begin to produce young shoots.

Right managed care Monstera requires replanting every year for the first 4 years. Then it will be enough to replant the flower every 2-3 years. The size of the pot should increase with each transplant. The lower third of the pot's volume should be occupied by a drainage layer.

To replant monstera, you can use the mixture as for propagation or purchase universal soil at the store. You can use ready-made substrate for palm trees. If you care for a flower correctly, you can grow very beautiful liana with unusual carved leaves. The main thing is to provide the plant sufficient quantity moisture, heat and bright diffused light.

Monstera is a tropical plant, but is successfully grown by gardeners as indoor flower. The liana is distinguished by its intensive development and low maintenance requirements, easily tolerates transplantation and reproduces well. At home, young monsteras can be grown from cuttings, using leaves or aerial roots. If all rules are followed, reproduction will take place efficiently and quickly.

Propagation of monstera by cuttings

There are several ways to propagate tropical monstera. One of the simplest and most popular is using a cutting, which is taken from the top of an adult or cut from the middle of the stem. When preparing planting material, it is important to ensure that it has at least one bud. Then the prepared cuttings are rooted in water or directly in the soil.

Monstera cuttings

The step-by-step process of rooting in water is as follows:

  1. 1. The cuttings are treated with any root formation stimulator.
  2. 2. Immerse one third in water.
  3. 3. Leave for several days until at least 3 roots are formed.
  4. 4. Transplant the cutting into the ground.

Rooting monstera in water

The soil for planting monstera should consist of equal parts peat, sand, turf soil and humus. This mixture can be used for any method of plant propagation. In some cases, the amount of turf soil is doubled.

Another way to root a prepared cutting is to plant it directly in a pot with peat or sandy soil. For creating greenhouse conditions it is covered with polyethylene and kept at a temperature of +28 degrees and above. Periodically, the cover is removed and the cuttings are sprayed to create high humidity.

The rooting process takes from 3 to 4 weeks, after which the specimens need to be planted in permanent pots with prepared soil. During this time, the young plant has time not only to sprout a few roots, but to develop an entire root system, so when moved, it quickly takes root and develops well.

Propagation using a leaf

One of possible ways propagating a flower and getting a young monstera is growing from a leaf. This method does not always lead to a positive result, but it is advisable to use it if the leaf of an adult plant breaks off for some reason.

For rooting take a large glass jar(best two-liter). Having filled it with water, lower the leaf into it, petiole down. In a few days shoots will appear. It is necessary to wait until the root system develops, since for successful rooting the leaf requires a lot of roots. Then it needs to be planted in a pot - in a permanent place.

Propagation by aerial roots

Grow a tropical vine using air layering or roots is most reliable, since this is how it reproduces in its natural habitat. The only problem is that you need to create the right conditions for this.

Monstera propagation by air layering

An adult plant is examined and a shoot with the strongest aerial roots is found. Sphagnum moss is tied to them and constantly sprayed to provide moisture. To preserve water longer, moss and trunk are tied in a circle plastic film, creating a small greenhouse. Wrap it loosely so that the roots have room to grow. In this way, a root system is formed on a layer without cutting off the cutting from the mother specimen. Usually, during the formation of roots, an additional leaf grows on this part. When the root system has developed well enough, the branch is cut off from the stem and transplanted into a separate pot.

Instead of moss, you can immerse the roots in a small plastic container with water. It needs to be tied to the stem.

Possible problems during rooting

The reproduction process is not always successful. In some cases, rooting takes too long. This is due to the fact that a young plant first builds up its root mass, and then devotes its energy to forcing new shoots and leaves. To speed up the process, the cuttings should be watered with a solution of a special growth stimulator. The problem can be avoided if you do not rush to replant it to a permanent place. You need to wait until the formed roots grow well. The more strong roots the cutting has, the faster rooting will take place in a permanent pot.

Other possible problem- this is the growth of the vine at the top. At the same time, in the lower part the cutting remains as thin as when planted. As a result of such development, the bush may break. To avoid this, you need to immediately use a thick stem for cuttings. When young shoots appear, you need to put supports under them. Another way to solve the problem is to bury the plant in the ground as much as possible. To do this, add soil if the size of the pot allows, or simply transplant the monstera into another container, digging it in to the maximum possible depth.


Young tropical monsteras take a long time to take root and take root in the soil, but subsequently grow quickly. An adult specimen is a large spreading bush, which must be taken into account when choosing a permanent pot. Even small cuttings should not be planted in a small container, as the plant's root system will quickly develop and will soon emerge from the drainage holes.

In order for a young plant to be large and attractive, it is important to maintain optimal temperature. The higher it is in the room, the bigger size leaves are formed. In addition to temperature, it is necessary to create high humidity for successful development. To do this, young plants need to be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle or placed cups of water next to the pots.

Tropical vines need to be watered abundantly. Especially a lot of moisture is required for plants with early spring and until the beginning of autumn. At this time, the soil in the pot should always be moist. With the onset of autumn, watering is greatly reduced, and in winter it is kept to a minimum. For this purpose, use only settled water at room temperature.

During the growing season (from spring to autumn), the vine must be periodically fed, using complex mineral fertilizers according to the instructions. Feeding is carried out twice a month.

After transplanting, the pot with the rooted cuttings is placed in a well-lit place, but protected from direct contact. sun rays. Under such conditions, the foliage becomes a rich green color and acquires a characteristic pattern. With age, the need for intense lighting decreases, so plants are moved to a shaded place.

This large tropical plant belongs to the aroid family and is a liana. In the tropics, vines grow throughout Brazil, Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, and after being imported into Southeast Asia successfully developed this territory, which indicates the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Features and types of plants

Lianas have aerial adventitious roots, a long thickened stem, and small flowers that are collected in a cylindrical cob. They don't have an "autumn" season, they bloom and grow all year round, always green. Exist different kinds vines: Magnificent, Borgisiana, Variegata, Monstera pierced and others. They have leaves various shapes and different degrees of color intensity, vary in size.

At home, the vine has to be given a vertical shape by installing supports. It is desirable that all aerial roots reach the soil - for this, separate bags with soil mixture are secured under them.

A day before the rain, the plant can predict rainy weather - excess moisture appears on the leaves and flows down in large drops - sticky juice appears on the edges of the leaves. For its ability to “cry”, the vine is also called “Crybaby”. There is another name - philodendron.

In the apartment, Monstera enriches the air with oxygen and humidifies it. From a bioenergy point of view, the vine helps create harmony in relationships and extinguishes quarrels.

How does monstera reproduce?

This method of propagating vines - by aerial roots - is used most often by flower growers. Shoots with the strongest aerial roots are found, and moss is placed in a bag under it, which should be constantly moist. That is, they create a kind of greenhouse that helps the shoot take root faster. When the number of roots increases, you will notice that the shoot is ready to exist separately - adult leaves of a characteristic dissected shape appear on it - the cutting can be cut off from the stem and planted in a separate container.

The bag of soil should not tightly cover the roots - they must be given the opportunity to grow and develop. The bag is strengthened on the main trunk.

You can do without moss - immediately plant the roots in the ground, without tearing them away from the stem, and as the leaves develop, see if the young vine is ready for independent life. In this case, pots with soil are also fixed to the plant or to supports.

How else does monstera reproduce at home? Cut off the apical cutting and place it in water so that it takes root. When there are at least 5 roots, you can transplant the young shoot into the ground. Many house plants reproduce in this way. Popular beliefs It is recommended to break off the twig so that the owner of the flower does not notice the action, they say - it will grow better this way. It will not be possible to tear off the top of a monstera secretly.

Very interesting way planting with stem cuttings or their pieces. It is enough to take a piece of stem with buds - there should be at least 2 of them - and prepare soil mixture lighter than regular soil for an adult plant.

It is necessary to make a drainage layer in it. Sometimes it is advisable to purchase a hydrogel - in this case it will be possible to observe rooting.

The seedlings must be placed on the ground with their buds down - you don’t even need to sprinkle soil on top, and water them abundantly. Within a month, young shoots will appear. The leaves in them will not be adults - they resemble hearts on a young vine. It will take about 3 months for a crybaby to grow up.

Cuttings can also be planted vertically in the ground, then rooting will occur faster.

How does monstera reproduce by leaves? Not very good, the leaves often wither. This method can be recommended if, after an unsuccessful test, it is possible to try again - it is not recommended to buy sheets at a flower show, there is too great a risk that the attempt will fail.

Almost all houseplants reproduce by leaves in the same way - they are placed in water and wait for roots to appear, then planted in the ground. If you compare the method with the others, it is the longest in terms of time.

Philodendron also reproduces by seeds, but they, like fruits, cannot be obtained at home.

To form delicious fruits with the taste of pineapple and seeds, a greenhouse with tropical climate conditions is necessary: ​​the necessary humidity and a certain soil composition with natural acidity.

For a vine to grow from a seed, special conditions not required. After planting the seeds, it is enough to moisten the soil abundantly - but there should be no puddles, and ensure constant temperature– above 24ºС. The seeds usually hatch within 1.5 months.

The nuances of growing vines

Biologists do not recommend growing monstera at home if you have small children or animals. The aroid family belongs to poisonous plants, and although no cases of poisoning have been recorded, the likelihood of developing allergic reactions in weak organisms is increased. All work on propagating the crybaby or wiping the leaves should be carried out with gloves; chewing the leaves in moments of deep thought is not recommended.

Before transplanting, you need to take care of the necessary soil composition:

  • drainage layer;
  • a layer of peat mixed with humus;
  • a layer of sand at least 3 cm thick.

When rooting cuttings, they can first be planted in sand for adaptation, and only then transplanted into the ground.

After placing a cutting or young shoot there, the soil must be constantly moistened and maintained indoors comfortable temperature– from 22 to 25ºС, provide diffused light to the developing plant. It is advisable to make a mini-greenhouse - cover the top of the sprout with a jar or plastic bag. If there is not enough light, the growth of the vine slows down and the beautiful dissected leaves change into solid, heart-shaped ones.

New plants may generally stop growing and not shed their leaves.

Watering during propagation is not enough - cuttings or shoots must be sprayed at least 2 times a day.

Mini-greenhouses are removed when the first adult leaves appear.

Monstera must be fed with complex fertilizers for the aroid family - sometimes the packaging says: "For tropical vines". Young plants extra food must be administered every month; for adults, feeding once every 2-4 months is sufficient.