Campanula, planting and care in open ground. Home flower Campanula: care tips

Campanula flower is indoor plant from the bellflower family. His distinctive feature are numerous bell-shaped flowers of white, blue or purple hue. The plant reaches a height of no more than 40 cm, most often found in an ampelous form.

The coast is considered the birthplace of the flower Mediterranean Sea, however, today it is widespread on all continents.

Quite a few varieties of wild, garden and indoor campanula are known. Most of them are not perennials; they live on average 1-2 years.

Varieties for home cultivation

Campanula is commonly used in landscape design, however, some of its varieties are suitable for growing at home. The following varieties are considered the easiest to care for:

I. Campanula equifolia

A plant grown in an ampelous form - its shoots hang down under their own weight. Blooms white and blue flowers, has small leaves.

II. Campanula Carpathian

A perennial variety of bluebells. It is distinguished by its rounded leaf shape and a wide variety of flower shades. Forms a rounded cap. It blooms throughout the summer, then there is a dormant period.

III. Campanula Blauranka

This variety is distinguished by large flowers and leaves, while the bush itself does not grow higher than 20 cm. The flowers are usually blue.

Flower care

No matter how beautiful a young campanula is, care at home greatly affects its condition. Especially important stage is planting a flower. At this moment, the plant must get used to the new environment and receive the necessary microelements for adaptation and growth. Let's look at how to plant campanula with your own hands.

Choosing a place to place a flower

Campanula grow best on a western or eastern window. Here they get enough sunlight, develop well and bloom for a long time. On the north window there is a risk of lack of lighting, so flowers need to be provided additional lighting special lamps. On a south window, flowers can get burned from direct sun rays. Protect them from the sun with a special cloth or paper covering the window.

Choosing a pot

Campanula grows in almost any pot. However, it must be taken into account that it root system develops quickly, provokes leaf growth and flowering. Therefore, the plant must be planted in a wide enough pot so as not to limit the growth of the flower.

Campanulas look best in the following types of pots:

  • ampelous round pots;
  • ordinary bowl-shaped pots made of clay or plastic;
  • “bathtub” or box-type pots for several plants.

The soil

To grow campanula, you will need loose soil that allows air to pass well to the roots of the plant. The best option is a mixture of peat and garden soil in a 1:1 ratio. This composition of the soil prevents moisture from stagnating in the pot; it evaporates quickly, but the roots have time to become saturated with water. Don't forget to place a layer of drainage material on the bottom of the pot.

Soil fertilization

During planting, the soil can be fertilized various compositions, stimulating root growth and flowering of campanula. Regular indoor fertilizers are suitable for this. flowering plants in dry or diluted form. The composition can be mixed with the soil before planting or watered after the work is completed.


Indoor campanula is very popular due to its ability to remain without watering for a long time. Even if the flower is not watered for 1-2 weeks, it will remain in good appearance and will not show signs of lack of moisture. The exception is care in the summer or when kept on a south window. On hot days, the plant must be watered and sprayed, since the soil dries out especially quickly at this time and the flower does not have time to “accumulate” moisture reserves.

Temperature and growing conditions

Growing campanula at home depends entirely on the microclimate where it is located. Since this plant is not perennial and flowering, the air temperature should be selected depending on the time of year:

  • Spring Summer. Shading, t - from +20 to +250C, frequent watering and spraying.
  • Autumn winter. Good lighting, t - about +150C, rare watering, no spraying required.

How does a plant reproduce?

Homemade bells are quite easy to grow from seeds, propagate by cuttings or by dividing the bush. In order not to lose the plant when its life comes to an end, new shoots are obtained from it and grown again. Let's look at how to grow campanula at home using convenient methods.


The most popular method of propagating bluebells is growing from seeds. Campanula seeds germinate quite quickly and do not require special care. This method allows you to plant flowers of different shades, rather than propagate existing plants.

How to grow bells at home from seeds?

  1. Prepare plastic cups with soil;
  2. Sow the seeds in a small depression from the surface of the ground;
  3. Place several seeds in a glass to ensure flower germination;
  4. Periodically spray the soil with a spray bottle, trying not to flood it;
  5. When the seeds germinate and the shoots produce at least three leaves, they can be transplanted into separate pots.


Campanula can be propagated using cuttings - cut leaves quickly produce new shoots. The procedure must be carried out in several stages:

  1. Cut a shoot from the bottom of the plant with two or more leaves;
  2. Place the stem of the cutting in a glass with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour - this will disinfect the cut site;
  3. Place the cuttings in containers with clean filtered water and wait for roots to appear;
  4. Prepare the soil and cups for planting cuttings;
  5. Cuttings with emerging roots should be placed in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm and made stable;
  6. If possible, make a “greenhouse” for the cuttings from cling film;
  7. Young shoots do not need to be filled with water - spray the foliage and soil surface with a spray bottle;
  8. Wait until a few new leaves appear on the plant (3-4 weeks after planting) and transplant it into a permanent pot.

Dividing the bush

House bells quickly restore damaged roots and shoots, so one of the ways to propagate them is to divide the bush. This method is used mainly for mature, overgrown plants when they become cramped in a pot.

To divide the bush, you need to follow this plan:

  1. Carefully remove the campanula from the pot and free the roots from adhering soil;
  2. Rinse the root system under running water;
  3. Using a clean, sharp knife blade, divide the roots into two equal parts;
  4. The cut areas can be treated with potassium permanganate or another antiseptic, but this is not mandatory;
  5. Plant the bells in separate pots and place them in a shaded place.

Daily care for Campanula

Caring for bells at home is quite simple and the main conditions that must be met are:

  • regular watering;
  • temperature regime;
  • daylight hours.

However, during long-term cultivation, it is worth thinking about other activities - pruning and replanting flowers, fertilizing and spraying the plant. Let's look at how to properly care for Campanula at home.

Fertilizing the plant

Bells need fertilizing during the period of active growth and flowering from March to August. During this period, feed the plant with fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants 2-3 times a month. You need to use small dosages or heavily dilute the fertilizer with water. IN winter period no feeding is needed.

Spraying leaves

It is advisable to spray campanula leaves only in the summer, when the flower suffers from the heat and moisture quickly evaporates from the soil. It is recommended to spray the foliage in the morning or evening, since at lunchtime the sun's rays are reflected in drops of water and can leave burns on the buds and leaves.

Pruning and rest period

During the cold season, Campanula begins a dormant period, when the plant gains strength for growth and flowering in the spring. Depending on the variety and conditions, it can begin from October to December.

At that time:

  • Trim the flower, shortening the shoots to 10 cm in length and leaving a few buds. Repeated pruning is done in January, then 5 cm is left from the shoots. Perform pruning with a sharp blade or scissors.
  • Place the flower in a cool place where the temperature can be maintained at about 15%. A good option is an insulated balcony where the plant will receive enough light.
  • Reduce watering to once every week or two. In cold soil, moisture stagnates longer, so the soil needs time to dry.


Unlike many flowering houseplants, campanula does not require annual replanting. The pot should be changed in two cases:

  • If Campanula was purchased in a store;
  • If the plant has grown greatly or you plan to propagate the flower by dividing the root.

When you buy an already adult campanula in a store, it definitely needs a transplant. The fact is that the soil in which it is planted is most often very poor or, on the contrary, overflowing with various growth stimulants. In such soil, a store-bought flower can stand for some time, but pretty soon the owners will see signs of wilting.

How to transplant Campanula? Let's look at it step by step:

  • Water the plant a little 4-5 hours before the planned replanting - this will make it easy to remove the root part from the pot;
  • Select nice pot with a tray - it should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one;
  • Prepare soil from peat and leaf soil, a mixture for drainage, fertilizer;
  • Remove the campanula by lightly spinning it in the pot and without separating the roots from the earthen ball;
  • Pour drainage into the pots (approximately 1-2 cm), partially fill it with soil;
  • Place the campanula in a pot and cover the roots with soil;
  • Water the plant - the soil will soften and fill the voids between the roots;
  • Place the bellflower in a shaded area for a few days and limit watering.
  1. Campanulae - no perennial plant and live on average 1-2 years. To preserve the flower, it can be propagated by cuttings;
  2. The pot should be wide, but not very deep, since the plant has a shallow root system;
  3. Campanula equifolia grows best in hanging hanging pots on the balcony or veranda.

Useful videos about caring for Campanula

Features of caring for bells at home in the video:

The video shows pruning campanula in the fall at the beginning of the dormant period:

The attractive appearance of the campanula and ease of care have made this plant very popular among gardeners. It is grown as open ground, and at home. Even an inexperienced florist can decorate his interior with this flower without much effort and time - the recommendations of our material will help with this.

Campanula is an unusually delicate and romantic plant, popularly nicknamed "bride and groom".

It is believed that campanula brings family happiness and comfort to the house. hearth and home. And this is not surprising, because unpretentious "bell" can decorate and enliven any interior.

Charming campanula

Campanula, called in Latin Campanula, meaning “bell,” is a member of the Campanaceae family. The plant is native to the Mediterranean.

It is interesting that among the many annual and perennial subspecies of Campanula, only one species has become widespread as a houseplant - Campanula equifolia or in Latin Campanula isophylla.

This is a plant with thin shoots up to 25 cm long, which creep or hang. The flowers, which bloom at the tips of the shoots, reach 4 cm in diameter and form a lush halo of “bells”.

The two most popular hybrids of indoor campanula are Alba And Mayi. The Alba variety is a plant with white flowers, popularly nicknamed "bride". And Mayi, in turn, is a campanula with blue flowers, called the “groom”.

Rules of care

Campanula is a delicate, but not at all whimsical flower that does not require complex care at home.

Choosing a location and lighting

Campanula has a love for bright things, but diffused light. She will really like to live on an east or west window. If you place the campanula on a south window, you will need to provide it with shading from direct sunlight.

On the north window there is a campanula, most likely will suffer from a lack of light, which will lead to elongation of the shoots and an increase in the spaces between the leaves, and this will worsen the appearance of the plant.

In summer, Campanula thrives at temperatures from 20 to 22 °C, and in winter - from 12 to 14 °C. Cool wintering provides the plant with best conditions to prepare for flowering.

Watering and humidity

In spring and summer, when campanula is actively growing and blooming, it requires abundant watering and constant soil moisture. However, in watering you need to know when to stop so that the water does not stagnate in the pot or tray.

In autumn, watering the campanula should be gradually reduced so that the plant can prepare for rest.

In winter, when it is desirable to keep the campanula cool, it needs to be watered very rarely (once or twice a month).

Campanula is not at all picky about air humidity. However, in the hot season and when living next to a battery in winter, it won’t hurt to regularly spray the plant.

Water for irrigation and spraying The campanula should be at room temperature, as well as soft and settled.

Flowering and dormancy

Campanula flowers can be white, purple or blue. In order for flowering to be abundant and long-lasting, it is necessary to promptly remove wilted “bells”.

In the summer, a good solution would be to keep the campanula on fresh air in partial shade. Interestingly, when placing the plant on a south-facing window in winter, it may bloom.

In autumn, when daylight hours become increasingly shorter, Campanula stops its growth and goes into state of rest. To best prepare it for rest, it is recommended to cut off extended branches and keep the plant cool.

In spring it is necessary to return the plant to warm room, remove dried shoots, and gradually increase watering.

Transplantation and feeding

Campanula likes to grow in loose soil that allows its roots to breathe freely. For planting, you can use ready-made soil for beautiful flowering plants or make the following mixture:

  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part peat soil;
  • 1 part humus soil;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

Replant Campanula follows every spring. However, the plant does not have much long term life, so you can plant new cuttings every year. On average, a campanula lives indoors for a year or two, and then it needs to be updated.

Very important so that at the bottom of the campanula pot there is a layer of drainage a third of the container high.

Campanula is perfect for growing as hanging plant in hanging containers and flowerpots. For a strong campanula root system, a wide rather than deep pot is needed.

In spring and summer you can feed campanula fertilizer for flowering plants once every two weeks.


Campanula is able to reproduce:

  • Cuttings. This is the simplest method, in which it is important to use cuttings only from the bottom of the shoots. The rooting process in a peat-sand mixture is not difficult. Before complete rooting, you should not water the cuttings; it is better to simply spray them. When the cuttings grow to 10 cm in height, you need to pinch them to provoke the growth of side shoots. Cuttings planted in summer will rest in autumn and winter, and may already bloom in January or February.
  • Seeds. Very small campanula seeds must be planted in containers with soil, evenly distributing them over the surface and lightly dusting them with the same soil on top. The seedlings do not need watering; spraying is more suitable.
  • Dividing the bush. In spring, you can remove the overgrown plant from the pot and divide it into two or three parts with a sharp knife. It is important not to shake off the soil so as not to damage the roots. When planting campanula, you do not need to deepen it too much.

Plant diseases and pests

A common problem with campanula is “ gray mold", which occurs from excessive watering and too high humidity air. When the roots rot, the plant becomes lethargic and the soil smells unpleasant. It is necessary to remove the affected parts and replant the plant, while reducing watering.

Campanula pests that need to be controlled with insecticides:

Professionals will tell you how to care for a campanula (bellflower) flower at home in the video below:

As you can see, the campanula is a gentle and unpretentious creature. It is enough to provide her with suitable conditions and take care of her from time to time - and the campanula will give you lush scattering of beautiful flowers, turning your home into a fabulously beautiful garden.

Campanula (or bells, balabolka, keys, Adam's staff) takes pride of place among all the abundance garden plants. You can recognize the flower by its delicate bell-shaped flowers and bright green foliage. It was for such an elegant outfit that the campanula was nicknamed “bride-groom”. You will learn everything about the campanula flower from today’s article.

Campanula is a large genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Campanula family. The homeland of bells is the Mediterranean. In nature they grow well in conditions temperate climate- in the Caucasus, Asia and Siberia, North America. Campanula is a perennial, but there are also biennial varieties.

The habitat of bluebells is varied. They fill meadows, forest edges, steppes, and some species can be found on rocky areas and wastelands in the Alpine mountain belt.

The name of the Campanula plant has a scientific interpretation. It comes from Italian. campana, which in translation sounds like “bell” and fully characterizes the appearance of the flower.

  • The corolla of the plant has a clear bell-shaped shape, the inflorescences are paniculate, less often single-flowered. They can be simple or double, reaching 2-6 cm in diameter. The leaves are beautiful green, whole, single.
  • Bells are simple and at the same time exquisite plants; in color they are painted in pastel and bright purple, white, and lilac colors. During the flowering period, in addition to the beautiful spectacle, you can catch a light sweetish aroma.
  • The stems of Campanula garden can be dense and straight or thin and curly. The height of the shoots varies between 40 and 150 cm and is determined by varietal characteristics.
  • The flowering of bluebells lasts throughout the summer season and often lingers until the end of September.
  • The Campanula fruit is a capsule with several slit-like holes (usually 4 or 6).

Many varieties of bells are endangered. They are collected en masse for bouquets, mercilessly destroying their places of growth. 12 species have already been included in the Red Book.

Types and varieties of Campanula

There are 440 species of Campanula, which have been studied and described in detail. But only a few dozen are popular in gardening. Let's get acquainted with the most beautiful of them.

Campanula Bell of Pozharsky

A low twenty-centimeter perennial found in the Balkans. It has creeping stems that spread 30 cm wide. The leaves are large and round, the flowers resemble graceful stars or small bells. It blooms throughout July, the color of the buds is soft blue, lavender, pinkish.

The species is quite hardy and tolerates shade and frosts down to -40⁰C. A well-known variety of this species is “Blayranka”. It has star-shaped flowers, 2-3 cm in diameter, and dark green foliage.

Campanula Carpathian

The flower was first discovered in the Carpathian forests, hence its name. Perennial up to 35 cm in height. The petiole leaves are small and collected in a rosette, the basal leaves are larger and ovoid in shape. Cup-shaped flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter, their color is sky blue, snow-white, violet. Several beautiful varieties have been developed:

  • "White Wonder" is a terry campanula. Large flowers look like a fluffy violet, which stands out among the green leaves. Often grown as an indoor crop.
  • “White Star” is a highly decorative variety; it has large, semi-open, milky inflorescences.
  • “Blue Wonder” is another potted variety of terry campanula with violet-colored inflorescences.

Campanula nettlefolia

A beautiful honey plant with leaves reminiscent of nettles. In addition to being highly decorative, bells are distinguished by medicinal properties and are used to treat colds. Also, the young greens of this campanula are used in cooking for making soups and salads. Grows up to 70-100 cm in height, leaves are ovate, veiny; the flowers are small and colored snow-white, pale blue or purple colour. Flowering duration is 2.5 months.

Peach leaf campanula

A perennial variety with wide, bell-shaped flowers of white or light blue color. The stems are erect, mostly bare, reaching a height of 90-140 cm. The leaves are dark green and narrow. Flowering period: June-July. Among the varieties stand out:

  • "Alba" is a royal variety with luxurious snow-white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • “Cerulea” is a variety with a fragile, erect stem 60-70 cm high; the inflorescences are large, blue-violet, collected in racemes.

Lactiflora Campanula

White beauty with tall branched stems. They display numerous milky buds collected in pyramidal inflorescences. This is the tallest (up to 170 cm) and hardiest type of bells, the bush of which can grow up to 150 cm in diameter.

They come in two colors: purple with a white center or blue with a beige neck. This is a very fragrant, beautifully flowering species with long flowering. Most famous variety―Paradise. This is an unpretentious bell with increased frost resistance. The variety forms a large spherical bush with large funnel-shaped flowers of different shades: from delicate milky to dark purple.

Campanula crowded

Compact appearance with a branched stem up to 35 cm. The flowers are large, cup-shaped, 4-5 cm in diameter. The leaves are rich green, ovate, the color of the buds is light blue, milky, violet.

  • “Superba” - the variety blooms until last days August, grows up to 40-45 cm, the buds are large, pale white.
  • "Akaulis" is a low-growing hybrid with blue-white and blue-violet bells.

Campanula, planting in open ground

It is better to plant Campanula using the seedling method, but good result gives and seed propagation. This is done at the end of spring or in the first days of summer. It is better to choose an open part of the garden, not blocked tall trees, dense bushes, structures. If you need to plant an already mature bush, this can be done in the fall, namely in October, so that the plant can take root successfully and prepare for the winter cold.

Sowing Campanula seeds in the ground

Having decided to propagate bells using the seed method, you need to take into account that seeds are sown in open ground either in May or in October. In the dug-up bed, you need to form grooves, sow the seeds and cover them with 3 cm of soil. With the arrival of spring, young shoots are thinned out and, if desired, replanted.

To grow campanula, the seeds are sown in pots with light, moist soil, without planting deeply. This should be done in May-June. It is better to use homemade soil, which consists of three parts turf, six parts humus soil and one part sand.

Then the containers are covered with film and periodically moistened with a spray bottle. After two weeks, the first shoots hatch, which after 19-21 days can be picked and transplanted to a permanent bed in August.

Advice! Campanula seeds do not need preparation, so they are immediately sown in the soil.

Selecting soil and planting campanula seedlings

Young shoots need to be planted in a prepared bed. The soil should be dug up and free of weeds. If the soil in the area is heavy, you need to add sand and humus. Since Campanula is prone to fungal diseases of the rhizome, manure and peat are not recommended.

You need to choose a place for the flower bed that is spacious, not swampy, and sunny. For shade-loving varieties, an area with light diffused light, but without obstructions, is suitable.

Although bells are very moisture-loving, they prefer loamy soil without stagnant water, so drainage is necessary. If the soil is acidic, you will have to liming it.

The distance between seedlings depends on the type: for dwarf bells - 10-12 cm, for medium-sized ones - 20-25 cm, for tall ones - 50-70 cm. Plants are planted in prepared holes 8-10 cm deep, then the soil is trampled and watered, and seedlings are protected from the sun. For the winter, young bushes should be covered with spruce branches or leaves.

Advice! Blue-violet colors of bells are just a godsend for blooming garden. This dignity can be emphasized by a successful floral “neighborhood” with roses, clematis, aquilegia, iris, and echinacea.

Campanula, garden care

Bluebells boast endurance and unpretentiousness. Therefore, if you provide the most basic care, they bloom profusely, rarely get sick and live about 6-8 years.

Rules for watering and loosening the soil for campanula

The bell needs large volume moisture, but it should be supplied in a rationed manner as the soil dries out. Therefore, it is necessary to properly organize watering so that the plant does not dry out and at the same time not rot from excess water.

You can use rain or well-settled water; you should water the campanula after sunset. The frequency of watering is determined according to weather conditions. During periods of drought, it must be increased, otherwise the flowers become smaller, the leaves lose their brightness, and the growth of the plant stops.

After each watering, the soil must be loosened. To slightly reduce moisture loss, the soil around the campanula is mulched with pine litter.

After the last bud fades, watering is reduced to 1-2 times a week, and with the arrival of cold weather, two or three waterings per month will be enough.

Fertilizer schedule for campanula

All garden forms Campanulas need nutritious soil and regular feeding. Fertilizers need to be applied at least three times per season:

  • In May-April, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, which ensure good foliage development.
  • At the stage of bud formation - best choice there will be complex mineral compositions.
  • Flowering period - apply fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Pruning, replanting and dormant period of campanula

Bells usually bloom in the second year of life. They often produce several flower stalks at once. It's very draining young plant, therefore, it is better to trim off the excess flower arrows so that the campanula can fully strengthen.

Growth activity and abundance of flowering are affected by the flow of oxygen to the rhizome. Therefore, it is important to regularly loosen the soil near the roots and remove weeds in a timely manner. Also, do not forget to remove faded inflorescences.

Bluebells react capriciously to transplantation. If there is such a need, it is better to transplant at the end of summer. When digging up a bush, always leave an earthen ball on the roots to reduce their trauma to a minimum. After 19-21 days you need to feed the roots.

The campanula bell tolerates frosts well, but for this it needs preparation. Experienced gardeners It is advised to cut off the above-ground part before the arrival of winter, leaving stems 10-15 cm long. Such care will allow the plant to quietly overwinter, and next year release strong young shoots.

In regions with harsh winters, it is better to cover the bells with leaves or other fragmentary material. But in the spring it needs to be removed quickly so that the flower does not die out.

How to deal with pests and diseases of Campanula

Common Campanula diseases are associated with excessive watering of the soil. As a rule, this leads to the development powdery mildew, fungi, nematodes. To treat a diseased plant, copper preparations, foundationazole and a solution of potassium permanganate are used.

Among the pests on bell bushes you can see slugs, slobbering pennies, ants and aphids. To neutralize them, you have to use an insecticide, an infusion of garlic.

Campanula, propagation by cuttings and dividing the bush

Bells reproduce well by the vegetative method - by cuttings and dividing the bush.

To grow a plant from cuttings, young shoots are cut off in early April. They are immersed in a loose substrate and covered with a glass or plastic container on top. After four weeks, rooting occurs and the cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Dividing the bush is carried out on plants older than 3-4 years. Between May and August, large healthy bushes are dug up and carefully divided into fragments. Then each new bush is checked for the presence of roots and buds, and then planted in the ground.

Knowing all the intricacies of growing campanula, you can enjoy the exquisite flowering of this beauty all summer long. With its help, you can revive even the most faded areas of the garden by placing bright colors summer.

Campanula, photo

Variety blueOne

It's nice to have flowering plants in your apartment or garden. They create a pleasant atmosphere. For beginners, you can pay attention to a flower like campanula. It is easy to care for and does not require any special hassle or knowledge of floriculture.
Due to the shape of the flowers, it is popularly called a bell. It is generally accepted that if campanula with blue and white flowers grows in the house, it will bring happiness and good luck.

History of the Campanula

Varieties of campanula (bellflower)

It is difficult to determine the exact time of its appearance. Since ancient times, this flower has been a favorite indoor plant for women. It was also planted in flower beds near the house. The hanging shoots of campanula looked harmonious on the balconies. They were grown in special pots attached to outside balconies.
The plant belongs to the bellflower family. It can be either annual or perennial. It also occurs in wildlife, for example, in the southern part of the European continent. Many species of Campanula have been cultivated and planted as decorative decoration. The varieties used for growing in the garden are: Alba, Maya, Makrantu, Bruntwood, Superba and Akulis.

Only a few of its species are primarily planted as indoor flowers. Commonly used are Campanula terry and Campanula equifolia. Planting and caring for this plant is accessible even to novice gardeners.

Description of the appearance of the plant

Campanula stems are creeping and reach 50 cm in length. But varieties that are grown in open ground can grow up to 1.5 m. They are strewn with small flowers, the bell is usually no more than 4 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers can range from white to purple.

Campanula care

Have you decided to get yourself a plant like campanula? Caring for this flower at home will not be difficult. The purchased flower should be planted in a pot with large diameter, since the roots of this plant grow quite quickly in width. Loose soil is required to ensure free growth of the root system. You can prepare the soil composition by mixing humus in equal proportions, leaf soil and sand.

Choosing a place for a flower pot

Campanula prefers a bright room. But growing in direct sunlight does not suit it. This can lead to the plant wilting, leaves curling and drying out.
If the plant does not receive sufficient lighting, the stems stretch and the distance between the leaves increases, which spoils decorative look campanula.
The best option– a room with windows facing east. However, it is not recommended to place pots with plants on the windowsill. It is better to install a flower stand near the window opening. This will allow the flower to grow quickly. Soon the entire stand will be decorated with original bells.
Alternatively, you can hang a pot with campanula on the wall near the window.
With a change in the direction of the light flow, the campanula turns its open flowers towards it. It is not recommended to turn the flower in opposite directions, as this may negatively affect its flowering.


This plant must be protected from extreme heat. In summer, you can take it out of the room. If this is not possible,
then it is necessary to ensure constant influx fresh air. The most acceptable temperature for growing it is about 20-22 degrees.
In winter, it needs to be removed away from heating appliances and radiators, and also ensure that the air temperature near the flower does not rise by more than 15-20 degrees.

Required indoor humidity

Unpretentious campanula does not require a special moisture regime. It easily adapts to the usual irrigation regime. It does not require additional spraying or installation of special trays with water. Spraying is used only in case of elevated temperatures.
Abundant watering is required during the activation of growth and the appearance of flowers. The soil is moistened abundantly, but the water should not stagnate.
IN autumn time watering is reduced. One watering per week is enough. In winter, the plant requires even less moisture. Watering at this time of year is reduced to once a month.
If you did not have the opportunity to water the campanula in time, then do not worry. This flower can withstand up to 2 weeks without watering in the summer. At the same time, the leaves and flowers do not dry out. But you should not experiment, since frequent breaks in its hydration can harm the plant.


During the growth and flowering of campanula, you need to fertilize the soil in the pot. For this purpose, you can purchase fertilizers for flowering plants. ornamental plants, for example, "Success" or "Master". Instructions for use are included with the products. But there is no need to fertilize more often than every 2 weeks.

Flower care in autumn-winter

From the end of September, the plant stops its growth phase. From this time until spring it is dormant. During this period, the plant needs moderate watering. Fertilizers are not applied in the autumn-winter season.

Maintaining the temperature regime and light is almost all that the campanula needs at this time of year.

With the onset of spring days, you should water more intensively, and the flower pot should be placed in a warm place. Perhaps some branches will dry out. But don't worry - this is a normal process. Dry beds are removed.

Campanula replantation process

Like most plants, this flower is replanted in spring. There is no need to disturb the campanula with this procedure again. This is a kind of stress for the plant. Gardeners advise replanting into a large pot only if the flower does not have enough space in the old one.
The transplant is carried out as follows:
a layer of pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the pot to provide drainage properties;
then the soil is placed, prepared from the same amount of sand, humus and leaf soil;
The plant is planted in the prepared soil and watered with water.

Methods for propagating bells

Campanula can be propagated in three ways:
dividing the bush.


The simplest and most frequently used method is using cuttings.
This type of propagation is carried out in the spring, when the young shoots have reached 10-12 cm. This cutting is carefully broken off and placed in a container with water or in well-moistened soil with a high sand content. As a rule, planted cuttings quickly take root and do not require special care. The main thing is that the soil in the pot does not dry out and the air temperature is within 20-25 degrees.
After 2-3 weeks, the pot with the young plant can be placed on the windowsill. This will give impetus to more rapid development and bush growth.


Reproduction by seeds is also carried out in spring. It's better if it is early spring. Since the seeds are very small, they are sown in small containers and sprinkled thin layer land. Watering the seeds is not required. It is enough to lightly spray the soil until shoots appear. Seedlings should be planted in separate pots when they grow to 10-15 cm and have 3 leaves.

Dividing bushes

The division of the bush is carried out after the end of its flowering. The dug out bush is divided into several parts, which are planted in prepared soil. For garden type Campanula, this process must be carried out no later than September, because the plant needs time to take root.

Controlling Campanula Diseases

The main cause of disease is improperly organized irrigation regime. With abundant and frequent watering the plant begins to rot. This disease is called gray rot. In this case, not only the root system is affected, but also the above-ground part of the plant. The soil begins to emit a foul odor.
At the first sign of such a problem in a plant, urgent measures must be taken. If the process began recently, then the plant can still be saved. It is necessary to cut off parts of the plant affected by the putrefactive process, and then transplant it into another pot. Watering should be reduced after this.

Getting rid of pests

Campanula can be affected by spider mites. Control of this pest should be carried out by spraying the plant insecticide: Fitoverm, Sunmite or Flumite. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Instructions for use are indicated on the packaging of the product.
You can try to get rid of spider mite using home methods. The humidity in the room should be increased, since this pest cannot tolerate high humidity, and then the plant is sprayed soap solution. It is especially important that it gets on the lower part of the leaves.

We hope that the article will inspire you to purchase this plant. Perhaps you are using your own method of growing campanula. We will be glad to see your comments on this matter.

Campanula (Campanula isophylla), which we usually call “Bride and Groom,” already experienced its peak of popularity several decades ago. Then, for some reason, the people's love subsided and now it can be difficult to get seeds or sprouts of this indoor flower. The lovely campanula bells come in purple and white. They are often placed in one flower pot; this composition looks very cute - a campanula mix.

Features of cultivation

Campanula belongs to the large family of bellflowers, but at home only two species are grown - Campanula brittle and Campanula equifolia. Ampelous plants are compact, bloom profusely and have long shoots with alternately arranged small rounded leaves with jagged edges. In late spring, the equal-leaved bellflower produces white flowers, while the brittle bellflower produces blue flowers. Flowering lasts until October-November. Caring for bells is not difficult, but some features must be taken into account.

Campanula in natural conditions grows in the mountains, so the domesticated variety requires light and does not tolerate excessive moisture and fertile soil. Stagnation of water has a detrimental effect on this flower. When choosing soil for planting campanula, choose loose soil with limestone.

Active feeding is contraindicated for rocky plants. The desire to “feed” a houseplant to its fullness leads to the fact that it begins to wither, stops flowering and may die.

Planting Campanula

Flower shops sell industrially distilled plants. You cannot leave flowers in the substrate, since it is not soil, but a mixture of fibers for hydroponics. It is convenient to grow flowers for sale and transportation using this method - twice a day, “washcloths” are dipped in a weak solution of hormones and fertilizing. With this lifestyle, the flowers grow quickly and bloom profusely, but at home you will not be able to provide the campanula with similar care. Roots deprived of abundant feeding quickly dry out, and often a plant that is not planted in the ground in time dies.

Attention! Provided the usual humidity is maintained, campanula can live in a factory pot for about a month, but after that it stops blooming and loses color. This is an alarm signal - an urgent landing is needed.

Planting methods

The roots are usually intertwined so tightly that they cannot be separated. But campanula does not have a central root, so you can use a knife to cut the root ball into several parts. Do not remove fertilizer granules from the soil; they will not interfere.

Advice: In nature, campanula grows on rocky soil, so the roots must breathe - select loose soil. The roots will actively grow, so the flower pot should be spacious, but not deep.

Place each part of the plant in a pot with drainage and cover with loose soil. Water not too generously, and place on the windowsill so that the flower has a lot of light and air.

When planting, you can place a white and a blue flower in one pot - they get along well, and this combination will look impressive.

Soil for campanula

The best soil for planting will be a loose and breathable, slightly alkaline mixture. You can buy ready-made soil for flowering plants or prepare a mixture yourself from an equal ratio:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat soil;
  • humus soil;
  • coarse sand.

Place broken tiles at the bottom of the pot and do not forget to look if there are any drainage hole. The flower will die if water stagnates at its roots, so if the pot is solid, make a hole in it.

Caring for Campanula is simple; even novice gardeners can easily learn how to maintain the flower in excellent condition. The delicate home flower is unpretentious and does not require special attention, but a truly beautiful campanula will only be in comfortable conditions for it.

Location and lighting

The sissy campanula does not tolerate drafts at all. Do not place a flower pot on a windowsill if there are gaps in the frames - this will destroy the plant.

Campanula will delight you lush flowering only in plenty of bright light. If there is insufficient lighting, the stems will stretch, the distance between the flowers will increase, and the bells will lose their main charm - full inflorescences. Direct rays of the sun are also not suitable, especially on hot days. This flower can turn towards the light. If you do not provide it with equal lighting from all sides, the shape of the bush will become deformed. Just don’t need to sharply turn the campanula 180° - this will worsen flowering. Rotate the flower gradually. The best option is hanging planter or a stand between the windows.

Air humidity

The flower is unpretentious to humidity, but in hot summers or in a heated room it must be sprayed, and a small cool shower will not hurt. Combine hygiene procedures with cleaning dried leaves and flowers, do not let the plant get dusty, and the bells will delight you for a long time.

Attention! Water and spray the flower with soft or settled water at room temperature.


Campanula lives well with normal room temperature. With sufficient humidity, the plant does well indoors. In winter, it is advisable to remove the flower away from hot radiators, otherwise the flower will not rest and may not bloom in the spring.

Optimal winter temperature from +5 to 15оС. Such conditions can be created in a glazed loggia or on the veranda. A window sill is also suitable, provided that the frames do not allow cold air to pass through.

How to water correctly

During the spring-summer period of active flowering, campanula needs regular watering; the soil should not dry out. But you should not overdo it with watering, since water stagnating in the roots and in the pan will destroy the flower. With the onset of autumn, watering is gradually reduced, preparing the campanula for winter rest. During wintering, watering is sharply reduced to once or twice a month.

Feeding and fertilizing the flower

Campanula is sensitive to feeding and thanks with new shoots and thicker foliage. Fertilize during the period active development(spring-autumn) once every two weeks. Observe how Campanula reacts to feeding, reduce the concentration if necessary. Organic fertilizers can damage the flower, especially if the saturation is too high. If your campanula tolerates fertilizing well, alternate organic and inorganic fertilizers twice a month. Fertilize should be done one hour after watering.

Advice! Slightly alkaline (neutral) soil for bluebells should contain humus. Lime should be added to the acidic soil mixture.


This is an important part of caring for bells, since without pruning, flowering in the spring may not occur or will be extremely scarce. Shoots in the fall are cut by a third, and the longest ones by half. In early spring or at the end of winter, it is useful to sprinkle the cuts with charcoal powder.

Lignified shoots will not bloom; the flower can be revived to a new life by cuttings.


The “Groom” and “Bride” are replanted every spring. Campanula roots grow actively, while the soil is depleted, so replanting in March is impossible. You can use a store-bought universal mixture as soil or prepare the soil yourself. Soil composition: equal parts turf, leaf and humus soil, and the same part of sand. Be sure to line the bottom of the pot with drainage and sprinkle it with soil. Carefully shake off last year's soil from the roots, place the plant in a pot and add soil, lightly squeeze with your fingers and water.

Advice! Campanula does not live long - only a couple of years. Therefore, it is advisable to update it annually with new cuttings..


Campanula can be propagated by cuttings, seeds or dividing the bush.

  • For cuttings, select several healthy branches and place them in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate for 7 hours. Then place the cutting in a cool place clean water. When the roots grow, plant the branch in the ground and cover glass jar for three weeks to create for the young creature greenhouse conditions. Remove the jar for a couple of hours every day.
  • Propagation by seeds is a little more difficult and takes longer. You can buy a bag of seeds at a specialty store. In early spring, sow the seeds in a tray with soil, but do not bury them deeply to allow air access. Spray the “bed” with a spray bottle. When the sprouts hatch, transplant them into flower pots.
  • The bush is divided in the fall. At the end of flowering, cut off all the green part down to the root and wait for new sprouts to appear. Dig up a bush and divide it into several parts with a knife. Plant the parts in pots and water them regularly, but not abundantly. If the plant is not rejuvenated, it will lose its attractiveness and die.


Everyone likes flowering campanula bushes. The five-petal flowers resemble bell stars and cover the plant so thickly that the leaves are almost invisible. Flowering continues from spring to autumn, and during this time the plant needs regular watering, fresh air and spraying. Pick off dried flowers and leaves.

Advice. If you notice that the leaves have turned pale or yellowed during the period of active growth, urgently move the campanula to the shade.

Care after flowering

In autumn, flowering gradually stops and watering should be reduced. The plant goes into a dormant state. Shorten the shoots to 10 centimeters, remove faded inflorescences and find a cool place for flower pot. In winter, watering the plant twice a month is enough. In spring, gradually increase watering, cut off dry shoots and move the flower to a warm place.

The cause of many plant diseases is improper care. Campanula also suffers from our inattention or illiteracy.

Gray rot

The causative agents of this disease are fungi. Favorable conditions for their occurrence it becomes high humidity air and excessive watering. The disease can be diagnosed by unpleasant smell soil and plant wilting.

overcome gray rot There is only one way - to immediately remove all diseased parts and urgently transplant the flower into a new pot.


An insecticidal solution will help defeat the scale insect. Treat the soil and plant with it. Be sure to isolate the sick campanula from healthy neighbors until complete recovery.

Spider mite

An insect that lives on window sills with house flowers. The following signs allow you to diagnose the disease:

  • multi-colored spots on the leaves;
  • white dots on the underside of leaves;
  • white cobwebs between leaves and stem.

You can get rid of this scourge in the same way as you can get rid of scale insects. Try using folk method and treat the soil and plant with a soap solution. Insects are stubborn, so treatment sessions will have to be repeated several times.

Advice! To prevent spider mites from appearing, spray your home flower with water daily.

Common Campanula varieties

  • Campanula blue - “groom” and white - “bride”. This is the most beloved by flower growers, Campanula equifolia, varieties Maya and Alba. This home flower looks most impressive in hanging flowerpots.
  • Campanula Carpathiana comes in blue, blue, purple and white. This variety is grown on personal plots and flower beds.
  • Campanula terry - hybrid variety. The flower is very beautiful, but it is difficult to take root at home; it feels better in the garden.
  • To keep terry campanula in room conditions, re-root it with cuttings. A new plant grown in this way usually takes root much more easily.
  • Fertilize campanula only during its awakening - in the spring. After the first inflorescences appear, fertilizing should be light so that the roots do not burn.
  • Water and spray the plant in the morning or evening, otherwise moisture in the sun will burn the leaves.
  • If the leaves curl, move the pot out of direct sunlight and into the shade.
  • Too long stems are evidence of insufficient lighting.

Answers on questions

How long does Campanula live at home?

Lifespan herbaceous plant small, after a year or two the flower disappears. But you can save campanula if you renew it and propagate it from cuttings.

Is Campanula poisonous?

There is no information about the toxicity of this plant. It has been observed that pets are rarely interested in bluebells, so you can grow the flower without fear that your cat will eat it.

Why doesn't it bloom?

Bells stop blooming when there is a lack of light, and in too bright sun the flowers fade and wither. Pay attention to moderate watering. It is generally accepted that in summer the campanula can be watered as often as desired, but the water must have time to evaporate. Drying out is detrimental to bells. Signal of a critical moisture deficit - the soil lags behind the wall of the pot. Feed the plant, remove dried leaves and place it in diffused light.

Why does campanula dry out?

The flower dries from direct sunlight and insufficient watering. If the bell is in a heated room in winter, spray it and wipe off dust from the leaves. In summer, a shower will also not hurt, but the drops should not be allowed to remain in the bright sun - the plant will burn.

How is the winter going?

In the fall, when flowering ends, you need to reduce watering. Gently loosen the soil and moisten it little by little so that it does not oversalt. You need to water Campanula during the winter carefully; overwatering will lead to the death of the plant, but spraying slightly warm water should be continued. It is not advisable to leave the flower near heating devices, the best place for wintering - south window. Optimal temperature– +15-17оС. After flowering, cut the shoots by 1/3.