Kohlrabi cabbage or everything you need to know about growing a “vitamin bomb.” Kohlrabi: varieties and cultivation

Kohlrabi- biennial vegetable crop. In the first year, it forms a thickened stem fruit, very similar to rutabaga or turnip with few leaves. Kohlrabi leaves are oval or triangular in shape with long petioles. The stem fruit has a light green or purple color depending on the variety. Kohlrabi produces seeds in the second year, like most cabbage plants.

The delicate-tasting and very juicy stem fruit of kohlrabi contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, it is not for nothing that this cabbage is called the northern lemon.

Kohlrabi varieties

Kohlrabi can have a round, flat-round or ovoid shape. The color of the stem fruit may be greenish or purple with a faint waxy coating. During growth, up to 30 leaves can grow on the stem, the bulk of which grows at the top, and in the lower part of the turnip the leaves are located very sparsely. The pulp of the stem fruit is always white regardless of external color.

The most tender pulp is found in white early ripening varieties of kohlrabi. But you can’t leave it in the garden too long, because it gets rough very quickly. The growing season of late varieties of kohlrabi is longer, and due to the fact that it is already cold in the fall, the stem fruits grow quite large.

Every year, thanks to the work of breeders, the number of kohlrabi varieties increases. Here are just a few of them:


An early ripening variety, it forms a white-green stem fruit weighing up to 0.5–0.9 kg, round in shape, with dense pulp and high taste. At spring planting the variety during ripening is resistant to cracking and lignification, with summer planting can be used for storage.


An early-ripening variety, it forms a dark purple stem fruit weighing up to 0.5–0.7 kg, flat-round in shape, with dense and juicy pulp and high taste. Used only for food consumption.

Vienna white 1350

An early ripening variety, it forms a large light green stem fruit weighing up to 2.5 kg, round in shape with juicy, tender and sweet pulp. When planted at several times, you can get 3-4 harvests for food consumption.

Deli red

An ultra-early ripening variety, it produces a red-violet stem fruit weighing up to 1.5–2.0 kg, round in shape, with dense and juicy pulp and high taste. The variety is resistant to flowering, does not outgrow when planted in spring, the stem fruit does not lose its taste, so the harvest can be harvested gradually, as it is consumed. Frost-resistant.

Blue Planet F1

A mid-season hybrid, it forms a bluish-green stem fruit weighing 150–250 g, flat-round in shape, with dense and tender pulp. The variety is suitable for storage.


A late-ripening variety, it produces a dark purple stem with a bluish bloom, weighing up to 2 kg, flat-round in shape, with juicy pulp and excellent taste. The variety is suitable for storage.


A late-ripening variety, it forms a large light green stem fruit weighing up to 1.5–2.0 kg, round in shape with juicy pulp. The variety is considered heat- and drought-resistant, suitable for long-term storage.

Growing Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi, like all cabbage plants, is a cold-resistant vegetable plant. Seedlings grown in open ground can withstand frosts down to – 2oC, and adult plants tolerate short-term autumn frosts down to – 8oC. And the early ripening and usefulness of kohlrabi makes it desirable at every dacha. The kohlrabi harvest can be obtained within 1 - 1.5 months after planting the seedlings.

To obtain an early harvest, seeds of early varieties of kohlrabi are used and grown through seedlings. Late varieties of kohlrabi can be sown immediately in open ground or grow seedlings in cold nurseries under film or agrospan.

To grow kohlrabi cabbage, you need to use only high-quality seedlings, because juicy, tender kohlrabi turnips can only be obtained from good seedlings. If it is very stretched, and besides, it has died, or has been overexposed, and the stem has become coarse, then you can’t expect a juicy, tender stem fruit: it will either not form at all, or will be unusable, fibrous and tough. Kohlrabi seedlings are ready for planting in open ground at the age of 30 - 35 days and have 3 - 5 true leaves.

Kohlrabi is a long-day vegetable, so early varieties planted as early as possible, since it may bloom if planted later. Late varieties of kohlrabi are planted before July 15–20 in order to obtain a harvest in September - early October for winter storage. Mid-season kohlrabi varieties planted at the same time can be used for food, as they do not store well.

When planting in the ground, kohlrabi seedlings should not be buried; they should be planted as they grew in seedling boxes. When the stem is buried above this point, kohlrabi may not set a stem fruit, because it forms just above the root collar.

Unlike Brussels sprouts and cabbage, which require large area nutrition, kohlrabi can be planted tightly or used as an intercrop in beds with onions, late cabbage, tomatoes and even cucumbers. Kohlrabi manage to produce a harvest before they enter the fruiting phase.

All types of soil are suitable for growing kohlrabi, but it prefers neutral, nutritious loams. The fertility of sandy loam soils can be increased by applying organic fertilizers in the fall. Heavy clay soils the addition of the same organic matter will not cause much caking, their air conductivity will increase, and their moisture capacity will decrease. But acidic soils without prior liming cannot be used for all cabbage plants, including kohlrabi.

When planting kohlrabi, it is advisable to add 3 kg of humus or compost, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate, a glass of wood ash and mix it all well in a hole with garden soil. Plant the plant in this mixture and water thoroughly.

If you plant kohlrabi not as an intercrop, but in a separate bed, then it is better to plant it in two- or three-row ribbons with a distance between neighboring plants in a row - 20-25 cm, between rows - 30 cm, between ribbons - 40-50 cm .

Water the kohlrabi plantings as needed. The stem fruit of kohlrabi is set after 7-8 leaves on long petioles. During this period, cabbage consumes greatest number moisture. At this time, the soil should be kept moist, since drying out the soil can lead to a deterioration in taste or to cracking of the stem fruit. Mulch will help keep the soil moist and loose.

Kohlrabi is harvested when the stem fruit reaches a mass of about 100 g and has 7-8 cm in diameter. If kohlrabi is not removed in time, it will become rough and uneaten. Optimal timing The harvesting of kohlrabi can also be determined by the following sign: as soon as the stem fruit is ripe, you can make a scratch on it without much effort with your fingernail.

For winter storage, kohlrabi stem fruits are cleaned from the ground, leaves and excess roots are cut off and buried in boxes with sand and simply stored in boxes, baskets in cellars or basements at an air temperature of about 0oC and 90-95% relative humidity.

This type of unusual cabbage comes from the Mediterranean, but has already become widespread in Europe. In Russia, it is not yet very popular among gardeners, but in vain, because it contains great amount vitamins and essentials for the body useful substances. It is quite possible to grow kohlrabi on your own, and planting and caring for it in the open ground is not difficult even for a beginner. This amazing vegetable looks very similar to turnips and tastes like cabbage. Unlike ordinary cabbage, kohlrabi’s leaves are not considered edible, but rather the stem fruits growing close to the ground.

The color of the kohlrabi cabbage fruit can be purple, light green or crimson.

Kohlrabi is a biennial plant of the Brassica family, widely known and grown back in Ancient Rome. This culture is widely cultivated in China, many Asian countries and Western Europe. Kohlrabi is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, early ripening and high yield. Moreover, the harvest can be obtained within 2–2.5 months after planting.

The plant has large, dark Green colour the leaves that grow first. The edible root crop is formed a little later, and its taste is similar to cabbage stalks, but sweeter. Despite the close relationship with the white cabbage, colored and Chinese cabbage, radish, turnip and broccoli, kohlrabi contains much more vitamins and all necessary for a person useful substances.

Useful properties of this type of cabbage

Kohlrabi is used in nutrition for hypovitaminosis

The plant is a record holder for the content of biologically active components, proteins, glucose, salts and fiber. It includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins C, PP, A and E;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

Kohlrabi contains a special acid that interferes with the absorption of carbohydrates and prevents them from turning into fat.. Therefore, in the process of losing weight, nutritionists advise including this in your diet. healthy vegetable, but you shouldn’t lean on it too much so as not to harm the body.

Kohlrabi should be consumed for the following problems:

  • high cholesterol;
  • tuberculosis;
  • swelling;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • constipation;
  • bronchitis and asthma.

You should not include vegetables in the menu if you have pancreatitis, increased acidity stomach and allergies.

Growing conditions and planting dates

The most preferable method of planting seedlings

Kohlrabi is quite picky about soil and location. But if you strictly adhere to the rules of planting and growing, you can get two harvests in one season. First, you need to decide on the place where the crop will be planted.


Kohlrabi grows best in areas with maximum sunlight. If it is in the shade for at least half the day, then you should not expect a harvest. The place for planting is chosen to be calm, quiet, high enough and not too wet (south or southeast). They begin planting kohlrabi in open ground in May, when the threat of severe frosts has passed, and can be continued in June and July.

The soil

The soil for such cabbage must be fertile, with good drainage and neutral or slightly acidic alkaline reaction. Before planting, the soil is prepared, dug up and fertilized with manure (3 kg/sq. m), wood ash and superphosphate with urea. It is better to plant kohlrabi in an area where potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin and carrots were previously grown.

This cabbage will not grow after any cruciferous crops.


The culture is quite adapted to climatic conditions middle zone Russia, that is, it tolerates cold well. In open ground, kohlrabi can grow until October, before the first frost.

Landing dates

You can grow vegetables either by sowing seeds directly into the soil or seedling method. To obtain an earlier harvest, kohlrabi is sown as seedlings in March. The second planting of seedlings can be done at the beginning of May, and the third - at the end of June, but without seedlings, directly into the soil. So, the first harvest is harvested in early June, and the second and third - at the end of July and beginning of October.

In the Moscow region, for example, you can get several harvests of kohlrabi cabbage by planting it at different times.

Planting seeds and seedlings in open ground

Most popular varieties kohlrabi - Jubilee and Viennese early
  1. Before planting, the seeds must be prepared and hardened. To do this, they are placed for 15 minutes in well-heated water (at +50°C), and then dipped in ice water for a minute.
  2. Next, the seeds are soaked overnight in a solution of a stimulating drug (Albit or Narcissus) at the rate of 5 ml/l of water. And in the morning they are wrapped in a damp cloth and wait for the first seedlings to appear.
  3. In the meantime, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for seedlings, consisting of equal parts peat, turf land and sand. The soil is pre-treated with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate or roasted in the oven.
  4. Germinated seeds are sown for seedlings at the very beginning of March. For planting, it is better to immediately use separate small cups or peat pots. Kohlrabi, like any other cabbage, does not tolerate transplantation very well, which damages the roots. The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm, covered with glass and placed in a warm place at constant temperature about +20°С.
  5. When seedlings appear, the glass is removed, and the pots with seedlings are placed in the cold (at +8–10°C).
  6. After 10 days, the temperature in the room with seedlings is again set to +18–20°C. Young sprouts must be regularly sprayed with water from a spray bottle and monitor the temperature. To avoid infecting plants with blackleg, they can be watered with a weak solution of manganese, but only once.
  7. If the seeds were planted in a large tray, then picking into separate containers is carried out when one large leaf appears.
  8. As soon as the seedlings have 2 true leaves, they need to be fed for the first time. This is done using a solution of complex fertilizer for vegetable crops(2.5 g/l water).
  9. A couple of weeks before planting outside, seedlings begin to be hardened off, gradually accustoming them to lower temperatures. There is no need to rush into planting in open ground, as cold weather will cause the plant to bolt.
  10. To plant young seedlings on the site, choose the evening or a cloudy, cool day. Dig small holes into which add 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 400 g of ash and 1 tsp. urea. For early varieties, the holes are placed at the rate of 70*30 cm, and for late-ripening varieties - 70*45 cm.
  11. It is impossible to bury seedlings too deep into the ground, so as not to cause early flowering and delayed plant development. The roots should be located close to the surface, and the seedling should be buried to the level of the cotyledon leaves.
  12. After planting, the soil is compacted, watered well and mulched with dry soil.

Video on planting in the ground

  1. When planting seeds in a seedless way they are carefully placed in grooves to a depth of 2–2.5 cm. This cultivation option is suitable only for late varieties of kohlrabi, and seed planting begins in mid-June.
  2. As they grow, young plants are thinned out, leaving the strongest ones, and the distance between them should be at least 30 cm. Before planting the seeds in the soil, you need to add a little humus or compost (but not fresh manure).

Growing experience on video

Further care and cultivation

Kohlrabi does not require care special effort and consists of regular watering, weeding, loosening the soil and feeding the plant. Already with the appearance of 7 real large leaves The stem begins to form and careful hilling is required.

As soon as the seedlings are planted in open ground, they must be watered regularly, every other day. Watering should be moderate, and when the plant is strong enough, water it no more than once a week. It is important to ensure that the soil around the cabbage is always moderately moist.. Immediately after watering, you can weed and loosen the soil in the beds and rows.
Kohlrabi seedlings may stretch due to lack of lighting

If the soil is prepared in advance and all the necessary fertilizers are added to it, then there is no need to additionally feed the plant. The maximum that can be done is to sprinkle the soil under the leaves with wood ash. It is also necessary to take into account the composition of the soil on the site. On sandy loam soil, you will have to add 25 g of potassium, superphosphate and nitrate per square meter in advance (before planting seedlings or seeds). m. If the site was not previously fertilized, then you will need to apply all these fertilizing, dissolved in a bucket of water, a week after planting the seedlings in the ground. The first hilling is carried out 3 weeks after planting, and the second after another 2 weeks.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Like any other cabbage, kohlrabi suffers from false and real powdery mildew, clubroot, black leg, bacteriosis (mucosal and vascular), dry rot. Slightly less common are ring black spot, Alternaria, mosaic.

Pests affecting kohlrabi:

  • wireworms;
  • cabbage flies;
  • cruciferous and black flea beetles;
  • scoops;
  • whites;
  • tobacco thrips;
  • rapeseed bugs and flower beetles;
  • cabbage aphid;
  • slugs;
  • moths;
  • mole crickets;
  • mole;
  • wavy flea beetles;
  • cabbage bugs.

As preventive measures To combat diseases, all plant remains are completely removed from the garden, the area is plowed, and the right technology growing. Seeds must be purchased from trusted places, they are pre-treated and hardened, and the most disease-resistant varieties of kohlrabi are selected.
Gray rot, which affects kohlrabi root crops, appears from excessive watering and high humidity

To minimize the risk of pests, it is important to follow correct crop rotation, harvest on time and dig the soil deeply for the winter.

If, despite all efforts, it was not possible to avoid the attack of pests, then the plant will have to be treated with special insecticides (Karate, Corsair, Decis, etc.). Dilute and use them according to the instructions. Fungal diseases Fungicides (Fundazol, Topaz) are excellent for treating, but more serious viral diseases, are not subject to treatment. In this case, the entire crop will have to be destroyed and the soil thoroughly disinfected. Do not forget that the use of any, even the most harmless chemicals is undesirable. This can be hazardous to the health of a person who consumes processed vegetables.

How to store the harvest

Before storing, be sure to tear off all the leaves.

Kohlrabi is ready to eat 2 months after planting. In this case, the size of the stem fruit should not be less than 8–10 cm in diameter. But you shouldn’t delay harvesting, because an overgrown vegetable will be too tough, fibrous and tasteless.

You can store kohlrabi in the refrigerator, where it will not lose its properties for a month. It is wrapped in damp cloth and placed in plastic bag(without tying). Suitable for longer storage late varieties, and they are collected from the garden only in October, with the first frost. When harvesting, the roots of the vegetable are not cut off, but it is better to get rid of the leaves, leaving about 2 cm near the fruit itself. Kohlrabi are placed in large boxes, sprinkled with coarse wet sand, and placed in a cold cellar (at about 0°C). In this form, vegetables will remain fresh for 7-8 months.

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Kohlrabi cabbage is similar in taste to white cabbage, but does not contain bitterness. It is sweeter and juicier. Kohlrabi is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, calcium, ascorbic acid, it is a dietary product. This cabbage easily tolerates frosts down to -4 °C and grows in almost any soil.

Due to its good frost resistance, kohlrabi is planted quite early. To harvest cabbage several times, seedlings need to be planted in 2-3 doses in the spring, and seeds in open ground - in May, mid-June and July 15.

It is better to purchase ready-made kohlrabi seedlings, but they need to be sown in January. This is suitable for owners of heated greenhouses. Seedlings purchased in late January - early March can be planted in warm greenhouses. In the second half of March, seedlings should be planted under film.

If you plan to plant kohlrabi in April, you can grow the seedlings yourself. But this must be done in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Seeds should be planted from late February to mid-March. Harden the seeds and plant them at a depth of 1 cm (3 g of seeds per 1 m²). To obtain a multiple harvest, seeds must be sown at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

Seedlings of early varieties of kohlrabi should be planted in open ground at the end of April; the plants should be 30 days old. Place a handful of humus in the planting hole, plant the sprout, water and mulch. Planting depth 5-7 cm.

Kohlrabi does not like excess moisture. It should be watered frequently, but in small quantities. Insufficient watering will affect the taste. The soil must always be moist, otherwise the stems will crack. It is necessary to loosen the soil regularly, but not hill up. It's better to feed organic fertilizers or herbal infusion. The only enemy of kohlrabi is the cruciferous flea beetle. For treatment, you cannot use chemical fertilizers - only ash. The plants need to be watered, the ash sifted through a sieve and sprinkled on the leaves.

Kohlrabi should be harvested when the stem fruits reach 7-8 cm in diameter. Early varieties can be eaten with the leaves. For later varieties intended for storage, cut off the leaves, dry the fruits and put them in the cellar, sprinkled with sand in layers.

Kohlrabi is the original variety of cabbage. It grows unusually and has many useful properties. To have such an unusual vegetable in your garden, you need to study kohlrabi cultivation and care.

Kohlrabi has an attractive appearance and a large number of useful microelements

General characteristics of kohlrabi

Popular kohlrabi in Western Europe, Central Asia, China, Turkey. We grew it here, in most cases by amateurs. Now this variety of cabbage is gaining popularity here too; it can be grown even in Siberia. She has good taste qualities, contains a large amount of vitamin C, no less than lemon. Sometimes it is called “northern lemon”. More distinctive feature is early maturation. This happens earlier than with regular cabbage. If you want to have such cabbage all season, it is advisable to use not only early varieties, but also middle and late ones.

The stem fruit of kohlrabi is used as food. It tastes like a stalk of regular cabbage, but is more tender and sweet. The vegetable ripens quickly, so you must not miss the moment to enjoy it to the fullest. The fruit is ripe if it has a diameter of 8-10 cm and a weight of 90-120 grams. If the cabbage sits too long, it becomes rough and tough. A fruit that has reached 6 cm will have the most delicate taste. But there are varieties when overgrowth does not affect the density and rigidity of the cabbage.

Kohlrabi is an unpretentious crop and can grow in any place in the garden. Therefore, it can be grown at home.

The growing season of the crop is very short, which makes it possible to have 2-3 harvests per season. But the fruits will be of better quality where the soil is moist and fertile. In unfavorable places, it is more useful to sow early varieties in a greenhouse or under film. Preference is given to soils enriched with humus. This is a biennial plant and it grows like this:

  1. In the first year of growth, a compaction is formed from the stem, which is called a stem fruit. Its color is light green or purple.
  2. In the second year, a flower stem and seeds are formed.

In one season you can harvest up to three harvests of kohlrabi

Features of kohlrabi varieties

To obtain early kohlrabi fruits, it is better to use Vienna white or Optimus blue.

Vienna White is a very early ripening variety, while Optimus is less harsh. Early varieties are grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. For autumn and winter use of cabbage, late types of kohlrabi are used. Such varieties are often used as food for domestic animals and birds throughout the winter.

Early varieties actively develop on moderately moist loamy or light loamy soils. For late species, loamy and floodplain soils are suitable.

The important thing is that such a crop does not need organic mineral fertilizer. Humus and compost are better here.

Kohlrabi is often planted to compact the garden bed, so it is good to combine it with late varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Replanting is done after harvesting early crops: radishes, lettuce, spinach, etc.

Kohlrabi grows well with tomatoes and cucumbers

Sowing and planting seedlings

How to grow kohlrabi cabbage at home? Grow from seeds.

You can sow in three stages:

  1. To obtain early harvest, in the period from March 10 to 20, they begin sowing seeds in greenhouses. The seeds are sown in holes 1 cm deep. Seedlings are planted when the cotyledons are developed into pots with humus. Planting seedlings in the ground is done if there are already 4-5 leaves. This is approximately from April 25 to May 5. And from June 5 to June 10, expect a harvest.
  2. It is advisable to sow seeds for seedlings for the second time from May 1 to May 5. After 30-35 days, the seedlings are planted in open ground. You can harvest until July 30th.
  3. The third time is sown from June 20 to June 25. Already before the first of August, the seedlings are planted in the ground. By the first of August, seedlings can be planted. In early December you can harvest. These should be late varieties, which are usually purple in color.

Seedlings should be planted in open ground with a gap of 15-20 cm between seedlings and 25-30 cm between rows. This type of cabbage is allowed until mid-summer. In order for sprouts to sprout from seeds faster, you need a temperature of +18-20 degrees, then you can lower it, but not lower than 12 degrees.

It is important to plant seedlings higher so that stem fruits can form. It is useful to pour a few tablespoons of wood ash into the holes for planting in the ground and mix it well with the soil.

If done early boarding into the ground, you need to cover the seedlings non-woven material. Low temperatures slow down the growth of cabbage, although kohlrabi can withstand light frosts normally.

If you plant cabbage in a greenhouse, you need to place the seedlings more densely. The most optimal temperature+18 degrees. At a temperature of +20 degrees, the greenhouse is periodically ventilated. After a month, you can plant the seedlings in open ground.

Kohlrabi seedlings do not tolerate low temperatures

Kohlrabi care

Humidity is of particular importance. Lack of water creates stem cracks and stiffness. If the root crop is constantly growing, this is a sign of proper development.

Frequent loosening of the soil is important, but you should not roll the soil to the root to avoid wormholes and cracks.

Kohlrabi is often susceptible to clubroot disease. Sometimes you need protection from cabbage flies and butterflies. To prevent this from happening, early sowing is necessary. Young seedlings can be damaged by the snail. For protection, it is necessary to sprinkle lime around the vegetable, and if rodents have already attacked, treat it with Fitoverom.

The fertilizers used are the same as for regular cabbage. Only the dosage is reduced by three times.

The first feeding is done at home from a solution of 0.5 teaspoons of urea with 10 liters of water.

Only when two weeks have passed do they make the second feeding effective.

After twelve days, dilute a third of a teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate with 10 liters of water.

When there is excess moisture, you need to sprinkle wood ash around the vegetable.

In spring or autumn, when digging the soil, it is useful to fertilize it with humus or compost.

If kohlrabi is not watered well, it will crack.

How to properly store kohlrabi?

To be able to eat kohlrabi in winter period, it is necessary to properly store the fruits.

This culture can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month. To store it at home in winter, you can grate it on a coarse grater and put it in the freezer in a plastic bag. This way cabbage can be stored all winter.

To store a whole fruit at home in winter, you need a good cellar. Only late varieties are suitable for this purpose. Kohlrabi is cleared of leaves, laid in three rows, sprinkled with sand. You can store cabbage in winter when the cellar has the correct humidity and temperature:

  • temperature should be 0 degrees;
  • humidity is 95%.

When the temperature in the cellar is “+” and the moisture is below 95%, the crop may simply dry out or begin to sprout. It is impossible to store kohlrabi in such a cellar in winter, as the harvest will deteriorate.

Kohlrabi cabbage is a plant of the Cruciferous family, subspecies white cabbage. It differs from the ordinary one in that the bottom of its stem is much thicker. This part of the plant resembles a turnip in appearance, which is why kohlrabi cabbage received the name “stem turnip”. It also differs from ordinary cabbage in taste - it is sweeter and juicier.

Despite the fact that kohlrabi is less common than ordinary garden cabbage, it is extremely healthy. It contains microelements such as sulfur and potassium. In addition, this cabbage is rich in vitamins B, as well as PP and C.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all difficult to grow. Of course, there are some differences between caring for kohlrabi and regular cabbage, but they are minor.

So let's start with this: its seeds are not planted immediately in open ground. They first need to be germinated at home or in a greenhouse.

Seed preparation

Before planting, you first need to soak them in warm, but not hot water, for a quarter of an hour, then hold in cold water about a minute. Now they are filled with a solution of microelements and left for the whole day. After this, they are thoroughly washed in water. room temperature and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Now that the seeds are almost ready for planting, they are dried. To do this, you need to spread them on paper in a thin layer and leave them in a sunny place for a while. Now we need to pay attention to the quality of the land.

The soil should be ideal for kohlrabi cabbage. It's best if it's a mixture equal amount turf soil, peat and sand. It is not recommended to use humus. Also you can't take the old land. If you do not follow these rules, your attempt to grow kohlrabi will most likely be unsuccessful.

How and when to plant seeds

If these are early varieties of kohlrabi, then this procedure should begin in the first half of March, but if this is a late variety - at the end of February. In order for the seedlings to be fully functional for planting in open ground, the following conditions must be met:

  • The distance between seeds should not be less than one centimeter.
  • The gap between the rows should be at least three centimeters.
  • The temperature in the greenhouse should be at least 20 degrees in the first seven days.
  • As soon as the seeds sprout, you need to temporarily reduce the temperature to 8-9 degrees (if the seedlings are grown not in a greenhouse, but at home, you can take them out to the balcony). This is done for three days.
  • Then the temperature is returned to its previous level.
  • If the room is warmer than 18-20 degrees, the seedlings need additional light, otherwise the sprouts will stretch.

Transplanting sprouts and further care for them

Transplantation of sprouts is done when they are already too large to be in one container together. They usually reach this size on the ninth day. Before this procedure kohlrabi cabbage sprouts are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect them from the appearance of diseases such as blackleg. Now vessels measuring about 6x6 cm are prepared. The soil is taken the same as at the very beginning. The sprouts are buried in the ground up to the cotyledon leaves.

As for the temperature, it should be between 18-20 degrees throughout three days. There should be a lot of sunlight during this period, therefore, if seedlings are grown at home, you need to place the containers with the sprouts on the windowsill.

When the first pair of true leaves appear on the sprouts, they should be sprayed with a solution of complex fertilizers. The same procedure is repeated after seven days. Further, throughout the entire period of growing seedlings, it is necessary to maintain optimal conditions for her: the temperature should be 18-20 degrees, sunlight should be enough.