Coconut palm at home. Coconut palm: proper cultivation of the plant at home

The coconut palm is a tropical plant belonging to the Palm family, the only species of the Coconut genus. The homeland of this plant has not been precisely established; it is assumed that it is Central America or Malaysia. All varieties are divided into two groups: dwarf and tall. The coconut got its name because of its resemblance to the face of a monkey: translated from Portuguese, coco means “monkey.”

The coconut palm is a tropical plant belonging to the Palm family, the only species of the Coconut genus.

The fruits of this plant, once detached from the tree, are able to travel across the sea for several months. The current brings them to new coasts, where they germinate and colonize the coastal areas of tropical islands. The coconut palm grows not only in the hot tropics: some gardeners know how to grow coconut at home.

Coconut palm fruit

Coconuts are sold peeled and sun-dried. Green fruits are not tolerated long-term storage and transportation. When purchasing, shake the coconut to check for liquid. If the splashing is not heard, then the coconut is stale. Dry nuts can be stored at a temperature not exceeding +5 °C. The opened fruit can be stored for no more than 2 days. For longer storage, the pulp can be frozen or dried.

The fruits are usually collected using a ladder, as the coconuts grow at the top of the palm tree. Monkeys are specially trained to help people get the fruits of this tree. They unscrew the coconuts and throw them down. Coconuts grow in groups of 15–20. They require 8–10 months to fully ripen, and this tree produces its first harvest at 7–9 years. 120 fruits per year – average productivity of this species.

The coconut fruit is usually called a nut, although according to botanical characteristics it is a drupe, which consists of several layers. What does a coconut look like?

  • exocarp – outer shell;
  • coir – fibrous shell;
  • endocarp is the inner hard shell.

The flesh of a coconut is its seed. This layer is filled with endosperm - a translucent emulsion white, which thickens and hardens as it ripens.

Coconut raw materials

The coconut palm is used in many industries, all its parts are used:

  1. Coconut water has antipyretic properties and quickly replenishes fluid reserves in the body. Coconut milk is used for sore throat. This effective remedy prevention of atherosclerosis. Coconut renders positive impact on the human reproductive system, supports immunity, improves brain function, and normalizes the state of the nervous system.
  2. Made from pulp coconut flakes used for preparing confectionery products. Coconut oil is also obtained from the pulp. It is added to shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, creams and lotions. From coconut oil they get margarine, make candles, and soap.
  3. Coconut husk is used as a substrate. The remaining peel is crushed and processed, obtaining ready-made nutritious organic material. This soil has high nutritional value.
  4. The wood is used to make furniture and flooring. Pacific Islanders use the leaves as roofing for their huts.
  5. Coconut fibers (coir) are used to make ropes, brushes, carpets, and as fillers for orthopedic mattresses. The high price of these products is due to the complex technological process their manufacture. The fibers are impregnated with latex to obtain monolithic block, which holds its shape and does not crumble.

Coconut fibers are used as fillers for orthopedic mattresses, as well as for the manufacture of carpets, ropes, brushes

Coconut fiber has the following beneficial properties:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ability to resist the formation of rot, the appearance of insects and microorganisms;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability.

Growing palm trees at home

A coconut palm grown at home will not bear fruit, but will serve as an ornamental plant.

  1. There is no point in germinating nuts bought in a store, because the endocarp, which is necessary for reproduction, is removed from them. Only unprocessed fruit will sprout.
  2. Soak it for 2-3 days to swell and saturate the fibrous layer. This is an imitation of a sea voyage after falling from a palm tree. IN natural conditions Coconut growth occurs when high temperature during the wet season.
  3. The main growing condition is a tropical climate. The plant loves moisture, warmth and sun, but it is better to protect the plant from direct sunlight.
  4. Use a shallow pot that is 1.5–2 times the size of the fruit in diameter. A quarter of the container should be drainage.
  5. The fruit is not completely buried, leaving a third on the surface. It can be planted both horizontally and vertically. At vertical placement the side with which the fruit was attached to the palm tree remains below.
  6. The soil should be kept moist at all times, but stagnation of water is unacceptable.
  7. For a coconut palm, the optimal temperature is from 22 to 30 ° C without direct sunlight. The lower threshold is 13–15 °C.

Germinating a coconut takes a lot of time - from 2 to 6 months. However, then the coconut tree will quickly grow. As the palm tree grows, it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. When the plant becomes large sizes, and transplantation will become difficult, you can replace upper layer soil with the application of organic fertilizers.

The leaves of the plant need regular spraying or installing a tray filled with expanded clay and water. This will increase air humidity.

We brought a whole coconut from the Maldives, is it possible to grow a palm tree from it at home? and how to do it? They kept it in a pot of soil for half a year, watered it, but it didn’t germinate. Maybe this is a hopeless endeavor?

The fruits of the coconut tree take a long time to ripen - within a year. The nut germinates if it is ripe and if created favorable conditions for the sprout to appear.
David Attenborough in his book “The Living Planet” wrote: “The coconut palm grows along the beaches of tropical islands and is slightly inclined towards the sea. When the ripe nuts fall, they roll down to where they are picked up by the waves and carried away with them. The nut floats, securely supported by a dense plexus of rough fibers surrounding a dense shell, under which the seed is hidden in a wide layer of pulp. Coconuts can float on the waves for several months, traveling hundreds of kilometers, before eventually being washed up on a virgin beach...”
Young coconut palm plants available commercially for indoor cultivation winter gardens, grown from coconuts or seeds.

Coconut palm at home: real or not?

The fibrous so-called "floating hull" of the coconut room conditions does not rot as quickly as in its homeland (after a long journey in warm salty water under the sun, thrown onto the hot wet sand of the coast). To speed up germination, try to create conditions for the coconut that are closest to natural (lots of bright hot light and constant warm humidity): immerse the nut halfway in a pot with a substrate containing a lot of washed sand. You can try watering and spraying the top of the nut with a weak solution of sea salt, which is sold at the pharmacy. Keep the substrate constantly moist, and place the pot with the nut in a greenhouse bag to maintain high air humidity. Bottom heating of the pot should speed up the germination of the nut. Place the “greenhouse” in the warmest, brightest place so that as much sun as possible falls on the nut - in spring it begins to get very hot. If possible, provide additional lighting for the nut when there is no natural light.
The roots and sprout grow through holes in the base of the coconut; the young sprout at first takes nutrients And fresh water made of walnut. Lots of light and warm wet air- an indispensable condition for the growth of a coconut palm, which, due to high requirements for living conditions, develops slowly and grows poorly in indoor conditions. Dry air causes the ends of coconut palm leaves to turn brown. In winter, it is additionally illuminated, the leaves are sprayed daily with soft warm water. The root ball should always be slightly moist. Palm trees are rarely replanted. From April to August coconut tree feed once a week. As you grow lower leaves palm trees die - this is a natural phenomenon, this is how the trunk is formed.

Dear flower growers! If you managed to germinate a coconut at home, please write down the conditions under which the germination took place and how long it lasted.

Ziborova E.Yu.

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It takes about 430 days for the nut to fully ripen. And to send it to the market and eat it, they are removed much earlier. After all, already at the age of about 150 days, coconuts contain maximum amount tasty liquid, which, moreover, remains cool inside the nut even in the hottest weather. Somewhat later, fat appears in this liquid, and it turns into the famous coconut milk, comparable in nutritional value to cow milk. And only after this does the development of hard endosperm begin, in mature nut occupying more than half of the internal volume But this, of course, is not a matter of one day. It is very difficult to determine what stage of ripeness the fruits lying on the counter are.


You choose a nut according to the principle “which one looks at me”, bring it home and plant it in a suitable size flower pot Plant flat, half buried in very loose, infertile soil. You can even plant it in clean sand. Coconut is sprouted in the “lying” position.

How to grow coconut on a windowsill?

Place it all in a bright, warm place. It is advisable to provide bottom heating Further care for sowing is to maintain the soil in the pot in a constantly moist state. Now - the main thing: if over the next five months the condition of the sowing does not change, we can say with complete confidence that the nut is not ripe and throw it away


For germination, the nut is placed in hot water, constantly maintaining its temperature at 60-80 degrees, or in wet sand or peat at a temperature of 25-30 degrees, while burying the nut into the substrate no more than halfway. At the base of each nut there are three germinal pores ("eyes"), which look like small depressions. But only one of them serves for the emergence of a seedling.

It takes 1 to 2 months for a fresh, mature nut to germinate. After the roots appear, the nut is transplanted into a pot at the same depth and in the same position in which it was before.

How to care for coconut palm at home. Coconut palm: reproduction. Coconut palm: replanting. Coconut palm: cultivation. Conditions necessary for growing palm trees.

COCONUT PALM (Cocos nucifera)

The coconut palm has very sparse, long leaves grouped in pairs, forming a frond. The frond emerges directly from a nut lying in a pot and half buried in the soil.

As the plant develops, the lower branches die off and new ones appear at the top of the main stem; thus, over time, a palm tree trunk is formed.

The coconut palm grows very slowly, and is usually bought as a curiosity. The main condition when caring for it is to ensure that the nut does not rot. Under no circumstances should water come into contact with it - neither during watering nor when spraying.

Coconut palm. Conditions of detention

Illumination: full sunlight.

Temperature: in winter - not lower than 18 °C. In summer, the plant tolerates temperatures up to 27 °C.

Coconut palm watering: make sure that the soil is always slightly moist; In summer, water the palm tree 1-2 times a week. Do not allow water to come into contact with the nut and do not leave the pot sitting in a tray of water.

Air humidity: Mist regularly as the coconut tree needs high humidity. When spraying, remember that drops of water remaining on the leaves can cause burns. Place the pot in a tray of wet pebbles or place it in a container of damp peat moss.

Palm tree feeding: in summer, every 3 weeks, feed the palm tree with fertilizers for indoor plants, diluted with water. Use half the concentration recommended by the manufacturer.

Palm soil: mixture of 2 parts clay soil mixture with 1 part peat and 1 part sand. If possible, add a little vermiculite (2 tablespoons per 17cm pot). Good drainage is necessary.

Palm tree transplant: when the old pot becomes too small, transplant the palm tree into the next largest pot.

Coconut palm at home

Alternatively, replace only the top layer of soil (about 3 cm) with fresh mixture to avoid damaging the roots. A very large plant (about 2m tall) may require a heavier 3-part mixture clay soil, 1 part peat and 1 part coarse sand.

Care appearance palm trees: Gently wipe the plant with a damp sponge. Never use leaf polish.

Coconut palm. Features of care

After drinking. Check the condition of the soil: if it is dry and crumbly, the plant needs watering. The soil should be slightly moist. Pour water into the pot very carefully so that it does not get on the nut. After 15 minutes, pour out excess water from the pan.

Tags: palm tree care, palm tree, indoor palm tree, coconut palm

The coconut tree does not grow in our climate, but you can try planting it in a pot. It perfectly complements the interior of any room.

The coconut tree grows in hot climates

Growing a tree requires knowledge, which must be relied upon when choosing a fruit and planting it.

Natural habitat

The coconut palm grows in countries with tropical climates. The tree is native to Malaysia, but can be found in some coastal regions of Africa, North and South America(Brazil), etc.

The peculiarity of the tree is its fruits. Many nuts have kernels inside, but this plant has coconut water inside the fruit, which has a pleasant taste and is very healthy.

What does a palm tree look like:

  • height 14 m;
  • wide shaggy trunk;
  • rosette-shaped crown;
  • the leaves resemble a bird's feather;
  • small flowers.

How coconuts grow: the fruits form groups of 15–20 pieces. Inside they contain coconut water, which tastes good. The coconut is a drupe with a diameter and length of up to 30 cm. The outer skin is thin and consists of fibers that hide the hard shell. The seed is white in color and has a hard structure.

Coconuts are the fruit of the palm tree

Coconut varieties

The coconut palm is the only species of the Cocos genus. In natural climates you can find several varieties:

  • dwarf;
  • average;
  • tall.

You can also meet ornamental plants small sizes, but their fruits are unfit for consumption. They are distinguished depending on the color of the nut: brown, yellow or orange.

Fruit different varieties They differ not only in color, but also in shape and size. In its natural environment, a palm tree can reach a height of about 30 m, and at home no more than 6 m.

If you decide to get a tree at home, then it is better to choose small-sized varieties, since tall ones live no more than 7 years in indoor conditions.

Coconut planting method

How to grow coconut: There is only one way - with seeds. For planting, unpeeled ripe fruits that have not been processed are selected. They should have sufficient quantity juice

How to plant a coconut:

  1. Place the nut in water for several days. This will create natural conditions for its germination.
  2. Optimum temperature 30 °C. Humidity should be high enough.
  3. When the nut germinates, it is moved to a tub with nutrient soil. Only half of the nut is buried in the soil, and the second part with the sprout should be located at the same level with the ground.
  4. The coconut palm is not picky about the composition of the soil. In its natural environment it even grows on sand. To obtain good tree, the soil should be light and loose. If desired, humus or peat can be added to the soil. The diameter of the planting container should be twice the size of the nut.

The tree grows slowly, but correct landing and care can speed up this process. This is a tropical plant that is not adapted to our conditions.

Coconut should be germinated before planting

Coconut Tree Care

Lighting is the main condition for growing coconut. But this does not mean that it should always be in direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will dry out and fall off. You need to choose a place where there is enough light, but no direct sunlight. A shaded balcony works well. LED lamps can be used.

The room temperature should not fall below 15 °C. If this happens, the tree will die. Air humidity for this tropical plant should be 75%.

Spend the winter wet cleaning in the room where the plant is located. Place a container of water next to it and spray it regularly. Water should only fall on the leaves; a wet nut will begin to rot. The palm tree needs regular watering.

If the coconut tree is young, then water it every day. An adult palm tree requires less water. The coconut should be replanted regularly for the first five years, and after this period, humus should be added to the soil.

A young coconut should be watered every day


The coconut palm grows very slowly at home; fertilizers are applied to speed up the process. You can use both organic and inorganic fertilizers. You can use bulk and liquid products.

Feeding begins in the spring and ends in the fall. In winter it is stopped, the amount of watering is reduced in order to remain dormant and begin to grow in the spring.

If the coconut tree was initially planted in soil rich in vitamins, then no fertilizer is applied for the first few years.

Coconut tree pests

Improper care and planting lead to diseases or pests. If we plant a plant incorrectly or water it more often than it should, we provoke problems.

These insects often attack the coconut palm:

  • scale insect;
  • mite;
  • mealybugs;
  • thrips;
  • false scale insects.

You can fight them with products that are sold in gardening stores or you can make them yourself.

Prevention should be carried out, planting and care rules should be followed, and the soil should be treated regularly. copper sulfate, and the leaves of the plant with a soap solution.

Coconut, the first difficulty you will have to face is acquiring seed material. An ordinary coconut bought in a supermarket is unlikely to germinate. The fact is that coconuts are harvested for consumption at the stage of milk maturity. A ripe coconut has hard, inedible flesh, and the liquid inside it acquires a not very pleasant smell.

A way out of the situation could be a coconut brought from the southern latitudes, which managed to ripen and fell to the ground on its own. But even in this case, you shouldn’t delude yourself too much. The coconut palm naturally grows up to 30 meters; it is difficult to imagine a room in which it could fit. In addition, after a couple of years, most coconut palm sprouts do not survive and.

If the above arguments still do not frighten you, you came across a sprouted coconut in a flower shop and want to try to tame it, or you were brought a coconut from the south, then no.

Immerse the coconut halfway in wet peat with the soft eye facing up, cover with film, create a temperature of about 25°C and start waiting. Ventilate the fruit periodically to prevent mold from appearing. It will take a long time for a coconut to germinate, from 2 months to six months. But after that it will quickly grow.

The pot for the coconut plant should be large, at least 12-15 liters. The soil should contain about 40% sand and you will have to constantly maintain high humidity and temperature. Dry air can cause coconut leaf tips to turn brown. Water that is too hard can also cause leaf damage. On the other hand, overwatering a coconut also causes the roots of the plant to rot.

Some people are very attracted to exotic things, which is why you can increasingly find interesting plants in apartments or houses. If your dream is a new palm tree, then it may well become a reality. Grow so much interesting plant it is possible, and it can even bear fruit, if, of course, you care for it properly.


As soon as you bring your purchase home, determine the location where the palm tree will be located. It must be sunny and bright. IN winter time year, install fluorescent lamps, otherwise the coconut tree may simply die due to lack of lighting. But in winter, the room temperature should be 5-7 degrees lower than in summer.

Water palm tree water as needed room temperature. Try to maintain constant humidity, do not allow the soil to become dry and crack. Don't forget to irrigate periodically palm tree from a spray bottle, it needs moisture, which also comes through the leaves. The humidity in the room should be high, it is best to use special ones.

Feed palm tree once every 7 days, and

The coconut palm belongs to the Palm family. This is a very tall (up to 30 m) plant with a round crown formed by long (up to 6 m) leaves. The trunk reaches almost half a meter in diameter.

It blooms with almost two-meter long light yellow panicles, on which drupes are subsequently tied - fruits measuring about 30 cm in length and weighing up to 2.5 kg, which are usually called coconuts. The habitat is the oceanic coasts of the tropics.

Did you know?In the Maldives, the coconut tree is the official state symbol and is also depicted on the coat of arms.

Malaysia is considered the birthplace of this plant, and it is most widespread in Indonesia, which is largest producer coconuts.

Subspecies of coconut

There are several subspecies of coconut. The most common indoor plants you can find are:

Subspecies differ in height: typica (tall) and dwarf - nana.


If you decide to grow a coconut from a nut, you will need to do the following:

  1. Choose a suitable fruit: only ripe, never peeled. Shake it - you should hear a splash of liquid.
  2. Soak the coconut for three days in water.
  3. Provide conditions close to greenhouse conditions: high humidity and temperature (about +30 °C).

Planting a coconut

Once your nut has sprouted, it's time to plant it in a pot.

The sequence is:

  1. Prepare the container. It should be a wide pot with a volume twice the size of the nut. Be sure to make a hole in the bottom - excess water will drain through it (accordingly, a tray is needed).
  2. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom (expanded clay or shards will do).
  3. Fill with soil mixture. The substrate must be well-drained and loose. The optimal mixture is special soil for indoor plants mixed with sand.
  4. Bury the nut halfway into the ground.
  5. Maintain the desired temperature, humidity and lighting levels.
  6. Bring in organic fertilizers and fungicides (once every 4 weeks).
  7. As the palm tree grows and develops, transplant it into a larger pot. In this case, the soil around the roots must be preserved; the shells must not be removed.

The coconut palm is not the most difficult plant to care for, but it is not the easiest either. For beginners who have never grown anything more complex than chlorophytum or geranium before, it most likely will not be suitable. Although the plant itself is quite unpretentious.

Important! The coconut palm is very sensitive to dry air and drafts. In an apartment, it should not be placed in the passages and it is not recommended to overdry it.


Coconut is light-loving. Shade is contraindicated for him, although partial shade is acceptable. Diffused lighting is best. Direct Sun rays can burn young plant, but with age it becomes resistant to their effects.

Direct sunlight in the middle of the day. To maintain the symmetry of the crown in case of light from only one angle, the plant should be rotated 2 times a month.

Required temperature

Palm trees love warmth. She feels best in the temperature range from +26 to +28 °C. Below +16 °C it stops growing. It will survive short-term drops to zero, but below that, guaranteed death awaits it.

Watering a palm tree

You cannot overwater the plant. The frequency of watering is determined by the condition of the soil and the time of year:

  • mid-spring to late summer - do not allow the soil to dry out;
  • winter - water when the soil dries out.


The plant does not require excessive feeding.
You can choose from two options:

  1. Once a year, place granular fertilizer in the soil. He's giving back slowly useful material. It is better to do this in the spring.
  2. Use specialized solutions for palm trees. Frequency - once every 3 weeks. The application period is April-August.

Foliage trimming

You need to cut leaves from a palm tree, but only in two cases:

  1. If the leaf is completely dry.
  2. If the sheet is broken.

Leaves that have changed color, turn yellow, or dry out do not need to be touched; the coconut takes nutrients from them. Wait until it dries completely, then cut it. You can also trim off the very tips of the leaves if they have turned brown, but you don't need to touch the leaf itself.


Palm trees are replanted for several reasons. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics that affect the process.

1. As it grows - when the plant becomes cramped in the pot.

Determined by the following criteria:

  • growth arrest;
  • stagnation of water on the surface;
  • protruding roots.

Young palm trees are replanted once a year in April, large ones - once every 2-3 years. The procedure is standard: the plant, along with a lump of earth on the root system, is transferred into a larger pot (15-20% larger than the previous one).

Important!When transshipping, it is strictly forbidden to bury the plant and damage the trunk, otherwise the palm tree may die.

Video: transplanting a coconut

2. To replace the soil - if the substrate is old and/or deteriorated. Determined by the following criteria:

  • white coating on the ground;
  • bad smell;
  • Water absorption became worse.

In this case, you need to replant into a pot of a similar size (you can use the same one, after washing it first).

3. If the palm tree rots. It looks like this:

  • the barrel is easily loosened;
  • The soil is constantly wet and emits an unpleasant odor.

In this case, during the replanting process, you should also trim off the rotten roots.

Coconut tree propagation

Coconut reproduces in two ways:

  1. From a drupe (walnut). Only one plant germinates. This is the main type of reproduction.
  2. By shoots. It occurs rarely, only when a daughter shoot appears in an adult tree.

Pests and diseases of coconut palm

Indoor plants have a lower risk of disease or pest damage than those growing indoors. open ground, but it is there. Below are the most common problems that a palm tree owner may encounter.


The list of pests that can attack coconut is pretty standard. They are the ones that most often grow on indoor plants.

These include:

All of them are exterminated with special preparations (insecticides). Before purchasing a product, be sure to check whether it is suitable for use in residential premises.


There are few diseases in the coconut palm, but they are very serious:

  1. Phytoplasma infection. External manifestations - the crown turns yellow from bottom to top. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to cure the plant; you will have to throw it away.
  2. Black and pink rot (spore damage). The plant is weakened, shoots, leaves, and sometimes the trunk are rotting. There are (depending on the type of infection) putrefactive masses of dark brown, black or pink flowers. The plant is treated with fungicides: treatment once every 7 days until complete recovery.

As you can see, growing your own coconut tree is a rather labor-intensive task, although very interesting. If you manage to do this, then you will be able to enjoy own home your own personal paradise.

Reviews from the network

CARE TIPS Do not use leaf polishing agents Temperature: All types of coconut palm are heat-loving; coconut is kept at a temperature of 20-23°C both outdoors and indoors. It is advisable in the summer to move the tub with coconut to the balcony or garden, to a place where the hottest midday sun rays do not fall on it. If the coconut is kept indoors all year round, then in the summer it needs to be provided with good ventilation. Lighting: Bright diffused light, shaded only from the hottest sun. The room is provided with the brightest place. Watering: In summer (from May to September) water abundantly, then moderately. From May to August, fertilize every two weeks. Air humidity: Coconut loves very humid air, so regular spraying is necessary, especially in summer and winter. heating season. The leaves are periodically wiped with a damp sponge. Transplantation: He really does not like replanting, so it is replanted only when the roots fill the entire pot or tub and begin to crawl out of the container. Soil - 2 parts light clay-turf, 2 parts humus-leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part rotted manure, 1 part sand and a little charcoal. Reproduction: Seeds (walnut) are possible only with warm temperatures and high air humidity.

Very difficult to care for, God forbid if it doesn’t die. In short: coconut needs soil enriched with loose, not rocky, humus - fertile soil mixed with coarse sand. In the spring, very carefully transfer the plant into a large pot or simply replace the surface layer with fresh soil. From May to the end of August (at the hottest time), the plant should be in a well-ventilated, semi-shaded room; the leaves should be sprayed frequently, but not with hard water. In spring and summer, water moderately and add a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month, but in winter you need to water much less frequently. The temperature is not lower than 15-17 degrees. Wipe the dust off the leaves with a cloth. In indoor conditions, the plant cannot develop properly and therefore does not live for a long time. Well, good luck.

Instructions 1 If you want to plant a coconut, the first difficulty you will have to face is acquiring seed material. An ordinary coconut bought in a supermarket is unlikely to germinate. The fact is that for consumption, coconuts are removed from the tree at the stage of milk maturity. A ripe coconut has hard, inedible flesh, and the liquid inside it acquires a not very pleasant smell. It takes about 430 days for the nut to fully ripen. And to send them to the market and eat them, they are removed much earlier. After all, already at the age of about 150 days, coconuts contain the maximum amount of tasty liquid, which, moreover, remains cool inside the nut even in the hottest weather. Somewhat later, fat appears in this liquid, and it turns into the famous coconut milk, comparable in nutritional value to cow's milk. And only after this does the development of hard endosperm begin, which in a mature nut occupies more than half of the internal volume. But this, of course, is not a matter of one day. It is very difficult to determine at what stage of ripeness the fruits lying on the counter are. 2 A way out of the situation could be a coconut brought from the southern latitudes, which managed to ripen and fell to the ground on its own. But even in this case, you shouldn’t delude yourself too much. The coconut palm grows up to 30 meters in natural conditions; it is difficult to imagine a room in which it could fit. In addition, after a couple of years, most coconut palm sprouts cannot withstand home conditions and die. 3 If the above arguments still don’t frighten you, you came across a sprouted coconut in a flower shop and want to try to tame it, or you were brought a ripe coconut from the south, then why not. 4 Immerse the coconut halfway in wet peat with the soft eye facing up, cover with film, create a temperature of about 25°C and start waiting. Ventilate the fruit periodically to prevent mold from appearing. Bottom heating of the pot should speed up the germination of the nut. Place the “greenhouse” in the warmest, brightest place so that as much sun as possible falls on the nut - in spring it begins to get very hot. If possible, provide additional lighting for the nut when there is no natural light. It will take a long time for a coconut to germinate, up to six months. But after that it will quickly grow. Now - the main thing: if over the next five to six months the condition of the crop does not change, we can say with complete confidence that the nut is not ripe. And throw it away. By the way, this must be done very carefully. In case of destruction of a nut in the house, persistent odor the spilled liquid will remind you of what happened for another five months. 5 The pot for the coconut plant should be large, at least 12-15 liters. The soil should contain about 40% sand and you will have to constantly maintain high humidity and temperature. Dry air can cause coconut leaf tips to turn brown. Water that is too hard can also cause leaf damage. On the other hand, overwatering is also dangerous for coconuts; the roots of the plant begin to rot. 6 As you can see, growing coconut is not an easy task and the chances of success are not that great. But if you still manage to grow a palm tree from a coconut, you can confidently be considered a professional among plant growers.