Maximum boiler power in a private house. Calculation of heating boiler power

There are currently quite a few big choice heating devices, with which you can effectively organize the system autonomous heating. The desire of consumers to reduce dependence on centralized heat and energy services is understandable. Saving money spent on gas heating, is a significant factor that residents of private houses pay attention to.

In addition, it is not always technologically possible to connect to a centralized gas supply. In such a situation, boiler technology operating on solids plays the main role. A powerful solid fuel boiler is an excellent alternative to gas equipment. Manufacturers have managed not only to improve the manufacturability of heating equipment of this type, but also to achieve a significant increase in efficiency solid fuel units. Great power and high coefficient useful action solid fuel boiler working for various types fossil and organic fuels, make such devices in demand and popular.

An important aspect for choosing the right heating device for your own needs, is the calculation of the boiler power. Let's look in detail at how to do this and what you should pay attention to.

Why is it necessary to calculate the power of a heating device?

The appearance of the heating equipment and the high technological characteristics stated in the technical passport give only a superficial idea of ​​the technical capabilities of a solid fuel boiler. The main parameter influencing your choice is the power of the device. In pursuit of it, we sometimes make hasty conclusions and overpay, purchasing powerful units that do not meet the real requirements and assigned tasks.

Price-quality + thermal output, the ratio is of decisive importance for any heating equipment. Manufacturers offer consumers heating boilers of the most different models, each of which corresponds to certain operating conditions. Despite this, in each individual case it is important to have an understanding of how the heating device should work and how the resource of the heating unit will be spent. Designed to suit your needs and design features room operating parameter heating device on solid fuel, correct installation equipment will allow you to remove the system home heating for optimal operating mode.

Many consumers are wondering. How to independently calculate the power of your own solid fuel boiler, so that in the future there will be no problems with the operation of the heating system. There is nothing complicated. With a minimum of knowledge and effort, you can obtain preliminary data that gives an idea of ​​what kind of heating device should be and how best to heat it.

Heating boiler power - theory and real facts

A heating device operating on coal, wood or other organic fuel performs a certain job related to heating the coolant. The amount of work of boiler equipment is determined by the volume of heat load that a solid fuel boiler can withstand when burning a certain amount of fuel. The ratio of the amount of fuel consumed, the amount of thermal energy released at optimal operating modes of the equipment is the boiler power.

A heating unit that is incorrectly selected for power will not be able to provide the required boiler water temperature in heating circuit. Low-power solid fuel devices will not allow the autonomous system to fully meet your needs in terms of heating your home and ensuring the operation of the hot water supply. There will be a need to increase power standalone device. A powerful device, on the contrary, will create problems during operation. You'll have to pay design changes into the existing heating complex to reduce the thermal load of the solid fuel heating device. Why waste precious fuel if there is no need for so much heat.

For reference: Exceeding the boiler power of the technological parameters of the heating system leads to the fact that the coolant in the circuit will disperse impulsively. Frequent switching on and off of the heating unit leads to excessive fuel consumption and a decrease in the operational capabilities of heating equipment in general.

From a theoretical point of view, calculating the optimal operating mode of boiler equipment is not difficult. It is generally accepted that 10 kW is enough to heat a living area of ​​10 m2. This indicator is taken taking into account the high thermal efficiency of the building and standard design features of the building (ceiling height, glazing area).

In theory, the calculation is made based on the following parameters:

  • area of ​​the heated room;
  • specific power of heating equipment for heating is 10 kW. m, taking into account the climatic conditions of your region.

The table shows the average parameters of boiler equipment used by consumers in the Moscow region:

The thermal load parameters look optimal on paper, in theory, which is clearly not enough in relation to local conditions. The selected unit in reality should have redundant capabilities. In reality, you need to focus on equipment that can operate with a small power reserve.

On a note: The excess power of a solid fuel boiler will allow the entire heating system in the house to quickly reach optimal operating conditions. The additional resource should exceed the calculated data by 20-30%.

The actual load indicators of solid fuel units depend on the totality of the most various factors. The climatic conditions of the region in which you live may make adjustments when choosing a heating boiler. For middle zone The following power parameters of boiler equipment are considered optimal:

  • one-room city ​​apartment– boiler with output load 4.16-5 kW;
  • For two-room apartment– equipment rated at 5.85-6 kW;
  • for a three-room apartment it will be enough to have a unit of 8.71-10 kW;
  • four-room apartment, residential a private house They will require a boiler with parameters of 12-24 kW for heating.

Important! When it comes to installing solid fuel boiler equipment in private homes and suburban residential buildings, it is necessary to focus on devices with greater technological capabilities. To heat and provide hot water supply to a residential building with an area of ​​150 m2 or more, you will need to install a solid fuel boiler of 24 kW or more. It all depends on the intensity of work heating system and the volume of domestic needs for hot water.

It is always necessary to choose heating equipment individually, based on calculated data and your own needs.

Options for calculating the power of solid fuel units

The accuracy of your calculations depends on taking into account all the factors and indicators that we paid attention to above. For greater clarity, you can follow a number of steps that will give you an idea of ​​how this is done.

The specific power of the heating device is indicated by the letter W. For regions of our country with a harsh climate, this parameter is 1.2-2 kW. In the southern regions, the specific heater value varies between 0.7-0.9 kW. The average value in this case is 1.2-1.5 kW.

First, we determine the area of ​​​​the premises to be heated. Next, we divide the obtained area data by the specific power of the boiler installed in a house in a certain area. We divide the resulting result by 10, based on the theoretical ratio of the expended power of heating equipment to heat 10 square meters. meters.

For example: we calculate the maximum load of a coal-fired heating boiler for an average residential building with an area of ​​150 m2.

  • Living space is - 150 sq. meters.
  • The specific power of the heating apparatus for heating 10 m2 is 1.5 kW.

We use the following formula for work: W = (150 x 1.5)/10. As a result, we get 22.5 kW. The resulting value is Starting point in order to select an autonomous solid fuel boiler, taking into account the technological capabilities of the heating system and your own household needs.

On a note: having found similar model heating equipment, add 20-30% power to increase the technological capabilities of all heating equipment. The load on the hot water system and the comfortable temperature in the house depend on the number of residents in the house, provided that the boiler operates at optimal conditions.

The optimal choice of heating equipment - the nuances and subtleties of the issue

Having found out for yourself the necessary power parameters of the solid fuel boiler that will be in your home, you can begin to design and install the heating system. You should be aware that the declared data on the thermal load life of the equipment affect the cost of the unit. Heating devices low power have limited technological capabilities and are designed mainly for heating small areas. It can be country houses, saunas and country-style guest buildings.

If necessary, the question arises of how to increase the functionality and efficiency of a solid fuel device. In this case, there are reasonable technical and engineering solutions, with the help of which an increase in the boiler’s performance will give a tangible effect.

On a note: The efficiency of the device can be significantly increased by installing an additional heat exchanger in the chimney, which will receive heat from volatile combustion waste escaping into the atmosphere. An economizer (additional heat exchanger) will give an increase of 20-30% to the rated power of the boiler equipment.

Use for autonomous heating of residential buildings solid fuel boilers high power is impractical. Such equipment is cumbersome and requires a special room for installation large area. Considering the size and enormous power of industrial boiler equipment, one should remember the significant consumption of fuel resources.

This technique is ideal for heating in industrial scale. A lot of heat will be required when heating large industrial facilities and structures. Solid fuel units with a large thermal load are installed at enterprises.


Selecting heating equipment is a complex and responsible task. You should not immediately pursue models of solid fuel units that have more power. In some cases, for heating a residential building, installing a unit with output parameters of 24-36 kW is sufficient. At a temperature outside the window of -30 0 C, such a boiler will make it possible to create a temperature inside the room of +20-22 0 C and heat water at DHW system up to 40-45 0 C.

In each individual case, you can make a choice in favor of one type of heating technology or another.

Higher boiler power may be required in peak situations, when climatic conditions force the heating system to work in increased mode. However, such situations are not systematic, and most For some time, your heater will operate at reduced settings. If you expect high consumption hot water for domestic purposes, then you should immediately focus on equipment of higher power. In modern private homes, more than 50% of the power of heating equipment is used to provide hot water inhabitants of the house. Connecting a “warm floor” heating system also forces you to pay attention to boiler equipment with higher power.

You need to select a boiler not only based on its actual power. The operational capabilities of heating equipment, the method and quality of maintenance of boiler equipment play a role here. Using the optimal type of fuel for your heating equipment, the presence of automation will allow you to achieve normal operation solid fuel boiler.

To ensure a comfortable temperature throughout the winter, the heating boiler must produce the amount of thermal energy that is necessary to replenish all heat losses of the building/room. Plus, it is also necessary to have a small power reserve in case of abnormal cold weather or expansion of the area. We’ll talk about how to calculate the required power in this article.

To determine the performance of heating equipment, you must first determine the heat loss of the building/room. This calculation is called thermotechnical. This is one of the most complex calculations in the industry as there are many components to consider.

Of course, the amount of heat loss is influenced by the materials used in the construction of the house. Therefore, the building materials from which the foundation, walls, floor, ceiling, floors, attic, roof, window and door openings are made are taken into account. The type of system wiring and the presence of heated floors are taken into account. In some cases, they even consider the presence household appliances, which generates heat during operation. But such precision is not always required. There are methods that allow you to quickly estimate the required performance of a heating boiler without plunging into the jungle of heating engineering.

Calculation of heating boiler power by area

For a rough estimate of the required performance of a heating unit, the area of ​​the premises is sufficient. In the very simple version for central Russia, it is believed that 1 kW of power can heat 10 m 2 of area. If you have a house with an area of ​​160 m2, the boiler power for heating it is 16 kW.

These calculations are approximate, because neither ceiling height nor climate are taken into account. For this purpose, there are coefficients derived experimentally, with the help of which appropriate adjustments are made.

The specified norm is 1 kW per 10 m2, suitable for ceilings of 2.5-2.7 m. If you have higher ceilings in the room, you need to calculate the coefficients and recalculate. To do this, divide the height of your premises by the standard 2.7 m and obtain a correction factor.

Calculating the power of a heating boiler by area is the easiest way

For example, the ceiling height is 3.2 m. We calculate the coefficient: 3.2m/2.7m=1.18, round it up, we get 1.2. It turns out that to heat a room of 160 m 2 with a ceiling height of 3.2 m, a heating boiler with a capacity of 16 kW * 1.2 = 19.2 kW is required. They usually round up, so 20 kW.

To take into account climatic features There are already ready-made coefficients. For Russia they are:

  • 1.5-2.0 for northern regions;
  • 1.2-1.5 for Moscow region regions;
  • 1.0-1.2 for the middle band;
  • 0.7-0.9 for the southern regions.

If the house is located in the middle zone, just south of Moscow, a coefficient of 1.2 is used (20 kW * 1.2 = 24 kW), if in the south of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, for example, the coefficient is 0.8, that is, less power is required (20 kW * 0 ,8=16kW).

Heating calculation and boiler selection - important stage. Find the power incorrectly and you can get the following result...

These are the main factors that need to be taken into account. But the values ​​found are valid if the boiler operates only for heating. If you also need to heat water, you need to add 20-25% of the calculated figure. Then you need to add a “reserve” for peak winter temperatures. That's another 10%. In total we get:

  • For heating a house and hot water in the middle zone 24 kW + 20% = 28.8 kW. Then the reserve for cold weather is 28.8 kW + 10% = 31.68 kW. We round up and get 32 ​​kW. If we compare it with the original figure of 16 kW, the difference is twofold.
  • House in Krasnodar region. We add power to heat hot water: 16 kW + 20% = 19.2 kW. Now the “reserve” for cold weather is 19.2+10%=21.12 kW. Round up: 22 kW. The difference is not so striking, but still quite significant.

From the examples it is clear that at least these values ​​must be taken into account. But it is obvious that when calculating the boiler power for a house and an apartment, there should be a difference. You can go the same way and use coefficients for each factor. But there is an easier way that allows you to make corrections in one go.

When calculating a heating boiler for a home, a coefficient of 1.5 is used. It takes into account the presence of heat loss through the roof, floor, and foundation. Valid for an average (normal) degree of wall insulation - masonry with two bricks or building materials with similar characteristics.

For apartments, different coefficients apply. If there is a heated room on top (another apartment) the coefficient is 0.7, if there is a heated attic - 0.9, if there is an unheated attic - 1.0. You need to multiply the boiler power found using the method described above by one of these coefficients and get a fairly reliable value.

To demonstrate the progress of the calculations, let's calculate the power gas boiler heating for an apartment of 65m2 with 3m ceilings, which is located in central Russia.

  1. We determine the required power by area: 65m 2 /10m 2 = 6.5 kW.
  2. We make an adjustment for the region: 6.5 kW * 1.2 = 7.8 kW.
  3. The boiler will heat the water, so we add 25% (we like it hot) 7.8 kW * 1.25 = 9.75 kW.
  4. Add 10% for cold weather: 7.95 kW * 1.1 = 10.725 kW.

Now we round the result and get: 11KW.

This algorithm is valid for selecting heating boilers using any type of fuel. Calculating the power of an electric heating boiler will be no different from calculating a solid fuel, gas or liquid fuel boiler. The main thing is the productivity and efficiency of the boiler, and heat loss does not change depending on the type of boiler. The whole question is how to spend less energy. And this is the area of ​​insulation.

Boiler power for apartments

When calculating heating equipment for apartments, you can use SNiP standards. The use of these standards is also called calculating boiler power by volume. SNiP sets the required amount of heat to heat one cubic meter air in typical buildings:

Knowing the area of ​​the apartment and the height of the ceilings, you will find the volume, then, multiplying by the norm, you will find out the power of the boiler.

For example, let’s calculate the required boiler power for premises in a brick house with an area of ​​74 m2 with ceilings of 2.7 m.

  1. We calculate the volume: 74m2 *2.7m=199.8m3
  2. We calculate according to the norm how much heat will be needed: 199.8*34W=6793W. We round and convert to kilowatts, we get 7 kW. This is what will happen required power, which the thermal unit must produce.

It is easy to calculate the power for the same room, but in a panel house: 199.8*41W=8191W. In principle, in heating engineering they always round up, but you can take into account the glazing of your windows. If the windows have energy-saving double-glazed windows, you can round down. We believe that the double-glazed windows are good and get 8 kW.

The choice of boiler power depends on the type of building - for heating brick buildings it is required less heat than panel ones

Next, you need, just as in the calculation for a house, to take into account the region and the need to prepare hot water. Corrections for abnormal cold weather are also relevant. But in apartments, the location of the rooms and the number of floors play a big role. Walls facing the street need to be taken into account:

After taking into account all the coefficients, you will get enough exact value, which you can rely on when choosing heating equipment. If you want to get an accurate thermal calculation, you need to order it from a specialized organization.

There is another method: to determine real losses using a thermal imager - a modern device that will also show the places through which heat leaks are more intense. At the same time, you can eliminate these problems and improve thermal insulation. And the third option is to use a calculator program that will calculate everything for you. You just need to select and/or enter the required data. At the output you will receive the calculated power of the boiler. True, there is a certain amount of risk here: it is not clear how correct the algorithms are at the basis of such a program. So you still have to at least roughly calculate it to compare the results.

We hope you now have an idea of ​​how to calculate the boiler power. And you don’t get confused about what it is and not solid fuel, or vice versa.

You may be interested in articles about and. In order to have general idea Watch the video about mistakes that are often encountered when planning a heating system.

Selection of a gas boiler of optimal power is possible only after calculations. The technical documentation for boiler equipment indicates its thermal power - TMK. This parameter means the power that the boiler is capable of transmitting to external devices (heating, ventilation, domestic hot water preparation), taking into account its efficiency. But this value in no way informs the user what area can be heated using specific model boiler

The problem is that any building, even insulated, transfers some of the heat to the outside air through structures such as walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors. Therefore, without a thermal calculation of the building, it is difficult not to make a mistake in making the right choice boiler

In this article:

What parameters need to be taken into account

Heat loss of a private house

When choosing boiler equipment for heating your home, you must consider:

  • climatic conditions of the region (the calculation formula includes the average temperature for the coldest week of the year);
  • set air temperature inside heated rooms;
  • the need to organize hot water supply;
  • heat loss from forced ventilation(if there is one in the house);
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • ceiling height;
  • design and materials of floors;
  • the thickness of the external walls and the materials from which they were built;
  • geometric dimensions of external walls;
  • floor construction (thickness of layers and materials from which they are constructed);
  • sizes, number of windows and doors and their type (glass thickness, number of cameras, etc.).

Heat loss at home

The amount of heat loss from a building is greatly influenced by:

  • type of attic (insulated, non-insulated);
  • the presence or absence of a basement.

To clearly show dependence of house heat loss on materials, used in its construction, we suggest considering a small comparative table.

From the table it is clear that wooden house loses less heat than a brick house, respectively, and in the first case a boiler will be required less powerful than for a brick house.

IN building codes ah the thermal conductivity indicators for all building materials are described.

Something similar is observed in relation to windows..

Only they are not characterized by thermal conductivity, but, on the contrary, by the heat transfer resistance coefficient: the higher the number, the less heat the window will release from the house (this indicator is also called the R-factor).

As you can see, the more chambers in a window design, the higher its resistance to heat loss. The gas mixture that fills the chambers of double-glazed windows also plays an important role.

How to calculate the TMC of a gas boiler

First of all, the thermal calculation of the building itself

The thermal power of a heating boiler can be calculated in two ways:

  1. full;
  2. simplified.

The first method involves carrying out calculations taking into account the thermal properties of all building materials involved in the construction of the house and its decoration. From the data shown in the tables above, you can see how important it is to perform a complete calculation.

But this work is not easy, and in the absence of certain experience, it is difficult to cope with it.

This is usually done by designers in design organizations. Although, if you really want to, you can arm yourself with SNiPs and try to do everything yourself.

Thermal conductivity coefficient of building materials

Thermal conductivity coefficients of common building materials

To determine the amount of heat loss through the building envelope, it is necessary to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient of the building materials from which they are composed.

The initial data for the calculation are:

  • a(vn)– coefficient that determines the intensity of heat transfer from the air in the room to the ceiling and walls. This is a constant value equal to 8.7.
  • a(nr)– another constant coefficient equal to 23. It characterizes the intensity of heat transfer from the walls and ceiling to the outside air.
  • TO– thermal conductivity of building materials that make up the ceiling and walls. Data is taken from building codes. For some materials, thermal conductivity is given in the table of building materials (see above).
  • D– thickness of layers of building materials.

After collecting all the initial data, you can begin to calculate the heat transfer coefficient using the formula:

Kt = 1/

CT is calculated for the ceiling and walls separately.

The principle of calculating the floor CT is the same, but there are some nuances: the right approach requires dividing the floor area into 4 zones, located from the outer walls to the center. To simplify calculations, heat loss through the floor structure without heating can be taken equal to 10%.

Calculation of heat loss through windows and doors

The initial data for this part of the calculation are:

  • Kst– heat transfer coefficient of a double glazing unit or glass (indicated by the manufacturer).
  • F st.– area of ​​the glazed surface of the window.
  • Kr- heat transfer coefficient window frame(specified by the manufacturer).
  • F r– area of ​​the window frame.
  • R– the perimeter of the glazed surface of the window.

The heat transfer coefficient of windows (Ko) is calculated using the formula:

Kst. x F st. + Кр x F р + Р/F, where F is the area of ​​the windows.

Using the same formula, the heat transfer coefficient of doors is calculated.

In this case, instead of the values ​​of glass and frames, the values ​​of the materials from which the doors are made are substituted.

To simplify calculations, you can use the following data:

To determine heat loss, the conditional coefficient is multiplied by the total area of ​​the house.

This method gives only an approximate result. It does not take into account the number of windows, the configuration of the house and its location. But for a preliminary assessment of heat loss it is quite suitable.

Simplified method

The power of a heating boiler is defined as the sum of the power required to heat each heated room. That is, the calculations described in the previous sections are carried out for each room separately.

At the same time, designers are required to take into account the number of lamps, people in the room, and even the operation of household appliances.

Fortunately, in most cases you can do without such complex and expensive thermal calculations. Residential buildings are usually built taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region, so you can select the required TMC value using a simplified scheme.

The basis for this calculation is the assumption that the specific power of the entire house is equal to the sum of the specific power of each room. In this case, when performing calculations, they operate with experimental values ​​of the specific power of the house, depending on the region.

These tables are valid for well-insulated wooden and reinforced concrete houses with standard height ceiling 2.7 meters.

Boiler power per 10 sq. m is calculated by the formula:

  • W = S x W beats/10, where
  • W – boiler design power
  • S - sum of premises areas
  • Wud – specific power of the house (see table above)


Typical house plan for 300 sq.m (for example)

For example, let’s calculate the power of a gas boiler for a house located in the Moscow region. The total area of ​​the building is 300 sq. m. m.

Let us take the value of specific power (according to the fourth table) equal to 1.5.

  • W = 300 x 1.5/10 = 45 kW

For high ceilings

If the ceiling height differs from standard values, in this case the power of the heating boiler is calculated using the formula:

  • Mk = TxKz, Where
    • Mk – boiler power
    • T – estimated heat loss
    • Кз – safety factor

Heat losses T are calculated using the formula:

  • T = VхРхКр/860, Where
    • V – volume of the room (in cubic meters)
    • P – difference between external and internal temperatures
    • Kr – dissipation coefficient

For buildings made of brick, Kr is 2 - 2.9, for poorly insulated buildings - 3-4.

And lastly: if you expect that the boiler will provide the house with hot water, increase the calculated power by 25%.

The main question that arises when it is necessary to install autonomous heating at home is how to calculate the power of a gas boiler so that it is comfortable in living quarters in winter, and at the same time prevent extra costs. It would be a mistake to think that you can select a boiler without calculations, simply by installing a unit with a large power reserve, since all modern heat generators are equipped with automatic systems that allow you to regulate fuel consumption. However, installing a boiler unit whose power exceeds the actual heat requirements will lead, firstly, to additional expenses on the purchase of the boiler itself and the corresponding components, and secondly, to its inefficient operation, which can cause automation failures and increased wear and tear of the equipment.

For large facilities, boiler units are selected by designers based on complex calculations, but for low-rise private houses this can be done independently, using simplified methods.

Boiler power calculation

Wall-mounted boiler with piping

Calculation of the power of a gas boiler using simplified methods can be done both for an apartment or house built according to a standard design, and for a private house built according to individual project.

Calculation for a typical house

For a simplified calculation of boiler power for standard house are based on the standard required specific thermal power of the boiler Um = 1 kW/10 m2, meaning that to maintain comfortable temperature in a room of 10 m2, 1 kW of thermal energy is required. The calculation does not take into account the volume of premises, since in all houses built according to standard projects, the height of the premises does not exceed 3 meters.

The formula for calculating the power of a boiler unit is as follows:

Rm = Mind x P x Kr

  • P – the sum of all areas of heated premises;
  • Kr is a coefficient that takes into account the climatic characteristics of the regions.

Since in Russia the climate in the regions is significantly different, a correction factor Kp is introduced, the value of which is accepted:

  • for regions of southern Russia – 0.9;
  • for middle zone regions – 1.2;
  • for the Moscow region – 1.5;
  • for northern regions – 2.0.

For example, for an apartment or house with total area 120 m2 located in the Moscow region, the required boiler power will be equal to:

Рм = 120 x 1.5/ 10 = 18 kW

The example shows a calculation for a boiler used only for heating purposes. In the case when it is necessary to calculate the power of a double-circuit unit intended, in addition to heating, for hot water supply, the power obtained from the formula should be increased by approximately 30%. In this case, the optimal boiler power will be equal to: 18 x 1.3 = 23.4 kW. Since the boiler capacities offered by manufacturers are given in whole numbers, you should choose a unit with the power closest to the design indicator - 25 kW.

Calculation of boiler power for an individual house

Heating system of a private house

Calculating the power of a gas boiler for a house built according to an individual project is more accurate, since it takes into account the height of the premises and some other parameters. The calculation is made using the formula:

Рм = Тп x Кз

  • Рм – required design power of the boiler unit;
  • Тп – possible heat losses building;
  • Kz – safety factor, accepted within the range of 1.15-1.2.

In turn, the amount of possible heat loss from the building is calculated using the following formula:

Tp = Oz x RT x Kr

  • Oz - the total volume of heated premises of the house;
  • RT – temperature difference between outdoor air and indoor air;
  • Kr – coefficient that takes into account the dissipation of thermal energy and depends on the type of building envelope and type of filling window openings, degree of building insulation.

The dispersion coefficient value is taken for:

  • buildings with a low degree of thermal protection, the walls of which, for example, are made of brick without a layer of insulation with standard wooden windows, equal to 2.0-2.9;
  • for buildings with an average degree of thermal protection, double walls with insulation, a small number of windows equal to 1.0-1.9;
  • for houses with high degree thermal protection - insulated floors, windows with double glazing, wooden frame, timber or rounded logs, etc., equal to 0.6-0.9.

For example, for a house with an average degree of thermal protection, a total volume of heated premises of 630 m3 (two-story, with an area of ​​one floor of 100 m2, but the height of the premises on the 1st floor is 3.3 m, on the 2nd floor - 3.0 m), the temperature difference between the outside air and indoor air 45 (calculated as the difference between the standard temperature in residential premises, taken to be 20 degrees, and the temperature of the coldest period of the year according to SNiP data for a given region, for example, 25 degrees below zero), the amount of heat loss will be equal to:

Tp = 630 x 45 x 1.0 = 28350 W.

The design power of the boiler will then be:

Рм = 28.35 x 1.2 = 34 kW

Calculation of boiler power using a calculator on the manufacturer’s website

Online calculator

Many manufacturers or companies selling heating equipment, offer to use online calculators on their websites. Typically, for such a calculation you simply need to enter the following parameters into the calculator program:

  • the temperature that needs to be maintained in the house;
  • outside air temperature during the coldest period of the year;
  • need for hot water supply;
  • presence of a forced ventilation system;
  • number of storeys of the house;
  • height of premises;
  • the nature of the floor structure;
  • parameters of external walls - what material they are made of, whether there is insulation or not;
  • information about the length of each external wall;
  • information about the number and size of window openings and the nature of their filling;

It’s not difficult to determine all this data yourself, and then all you have to do is insert it into the appropriate sections of the program and get a ready-made calculation of the boiler power.

Detailed video lesson on calculation:

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Choice necessary equipment for a heating system is an extremely important task. Owners of private houses are sure to encounter it, and in Lately and many apartment owners strive to achieve complete independence in this matter by creating their own autonomous systems. And one of the key points, naturally, is the issue of choosing a boiler.

If the property is connected to the main supply natural gas, then there is nothing to think about - optimal solution there will be an installation gas equipment. The operation of such a heating system is incomparably more economical than all others - the cost of gas is relatively low, especially in comparison with electricity. All sorts of problems with additional acquisition, transportation and storage of fuel, typical for solid or liquid fuel installations, disappear. If all installation requirements are met and the rules of use are followed, it is completely safe and has high performance indicators. The main thing is to correctly decide on the right model, for which you need to know how to choose a gas boiler so that it fully complies with the specific operating conditions and meets the wishes of the owners in terms of functionality and ease of use.

Basic parameters for choosing a gas boiler

There are a number of criteria by which you should evaluate the model of boiler you are purchasing. It should be immediately noted that almost all of them are interconnected and even interdependent with each other, so they must be considered immediately and in their entirety:

  • The key parameter is the total thermal output of the gas boiler, which must correspond to the tasks of a specific heating system.
  • The location of the future installation of the boiler - this criterion will very often depend on the power mentioned above.
  • Boiler type according to layout - wall-mounted or floor-mounted. The choice also directly depends on both the power and the installation location.

  • The type of boiler burner - open or closed - will depend on the same criteria. Accordingly, a system for removing combustion products is organized - through a regular chimney with natural traction or through a forced smoke removal system.
  • Number of circuits - will the boiler be used only for heating needs, or will it also provide hot water. If a double-circuit boiler is selected, then its type based on the structure of the heat exchangers is taken into account.
  • The degree of dependence of the boiler on the energy supply. This parameter is especially important to take into account in cases where power outages in a populated area occur with alarming regularity.
  • Additional equipment of the boiler with the elements necessary for efficient work heating systems, the presence of built-in control systems and ensuring operational safety.
  • And finally, the boiler manufacturer, and, of course, the price, which will depend on many of the factors listed above.

The first step is to correctly determine the boiler power

It is simply impossible to move on to choosing any boiler if there is no clarity about what heating installation must be in place.

IN technical documentation boiler, the value of the rated power is necessarily indicated, and in addition, recommendations are often given about how much space it is designed to heat. However, these recommendations can be considered rather conditional, since they do not take into account the “specifics”, that is, the actual operating conditions and features of the house or apartment.

The same caution should be applied to common“axiom” that to heat 10 m² of housing area, 1 kW of thermal energy is needed. This value is also very approximate, which can only be valid under certain conditions - average ceiling height, one external wall with one window, etc. In addition, they are not taken into account at all climate zone, the location of the premises relative to the cardinal points and a number of other important parameters.

Only specialists can carry out thermal calculations according to all the rules. However, we will take the liberty of offering the reader a methodology self-calculation power, taking into account most factors influencing the efficiency of heating a house. With such a calculation, there will certainly be an error, but within completely acceptable limits.

The method is based on calculating the required thermal power for each room where heating radiators will be installed, followed by summing the values. Well, the following parameters serve as initial data:

  • Room area.
  • Ceiling height.
  • Quantity external walls, the degree of their insulation, location relative to the cardinal points.
  • Minimum level winter temperatures for your region of residence.
  • Number, size and type of windows.
  • “Neighborhood” of the room vertically - for example, heated rooms, cold attic and so on .
  • The presence or absence of doors to the street or to a cold balcony.

Any owner of a house or apartment has a plan for his housing. Having placed it in front of you, it will not be difficult to create a table (in an office application or even just on a piece of paper), which indicates all the heated rooms and their characteristics. For example, as shown below:

Premises:Area, ceiling heightExternal walls (number where facing)Number, type and size of windowsThe presence of a door to the street or balconyRequired thermal power
TOTAL:92.8 m² 13.54 kW
1st floor, insulated floors
Hall9.9 m², 3 malone, Westsingle, double-glazed window, 110×80No0.94 kW
Kitchen10.6 m, 3 mone, Southone, wooden frame, 130×100No1.74 kW
Living room18.8 m², 3 mthree, North, Eastfour, double-glazed window, 110×80No2.88 kW
Tambour4.2 m², 3 malone, WestNoone0.69 kW
Bathroom premises6 m², 3 mone, NorthNoNo0.70 kW
2nd floor, above – cold attic
Hall5.1 m², 3 mone, NorthNoNo0.49 kW
Bedroom No. 116.5 m², 3 mthree, South, Westsingle, double-glazed window, 120×100No1.74 kW
Bedroom No. 213.2 m², 3 mtwo, North, EastNo1.63 kW
Bedroom No. 317.5 m², 3 mtwo, East, Southtwo, double-glazed window, 120×100one2.73 kW

After the table has been compiled, you can proceed to calculations. To do this, below is a convenient calculator that will help you quickly determine the required thermal power for each of the premises.

The level of negative street temperatures is taken from the average characteristic of the coldest ten-day period of winter in the region of residence.