Monstera leaves are small and not carved. Reproduction of monstera by apical cuttings

American scientists have discovered why monstera indoor plants have intricately cut leaves. It turns out that this is the legacy of their wild ancestors that grow in tropical forests. Direct sunlight does not penetrate under their canopy, and the plants have to catch the glare of the sun. Well, leaves with a cut blade are more suitable for this.

Now Monstera is known to many - this wonderful vine from the genus Monstera, whose homeland is tropical forests South America, can be found in homes, offices, and various government institutions(most often, domesticated forms of Monstera attractive are used as a houseplant - Monstera deliciosa). Discovered by Spanish travelers in 1492, this plant has now conquered the whole world. By the way, in the last century the monstera was successfully acclimatized in the South and East Asia and they still grow it there with great pleasure in gardens - not only for the sake of beautiful leaves, but also because of the very sweet fruits, which taste like a mixture of banana and pineapple.

However, in more northern countries This plant is kept mainly indoors. It is very picturesque, and besides, it does not require special conditions for growth. Even the illumination for monstera is average - and this is very important for regions where daylight hours are shortened in winter. However, Monstera is mainly loved for its luxurious carved leaves. It is curious that the pattern of holes and slits on the leaf blade is individual for each plant - you will not find two specimens with completely identical leaves.

However, these slits not only delight our eyes, but have also confused scientists for a long time. Until recently, botanists could not understand why monstera leaves need these holes. A variety of hypotheses have been put forward: that supposedly these holes help plants resist the pressure of the wind, or that they are needed to regulate the temperature of the plant and the amount of water in it. Some even suggested that the holes in the leaves help monsteras hide from herbivores.

However, upon experimental testing it turned out that all these hypotheses were incorrect. Moreover, everyone who has grown monstera at home is well aware that the very first leaves of this plant are whole, that is, without any holes at all. Sometimes it is even possible to grow a monstera so that it does not form carved leaves at all (and the author of these lines has succeeded in this more than once) - to do this, you just need to keep the plant in the shade all the time. Although, if some part of this vine eventually ends up in a more illuminated area, carved leaves will still appear on it.

It seems that it was this feature that interested plant physiologist from Indiana University (USA). Scientists proceeded from the fact that in wild form, monsteras grow under the canopy of a tropical forest, and in the third or fourth tier (if we count the first tall trees). And there there is always twilight and the plant is essentially forced to be content mainly with rare glare, and not direct light. sunlight. Maybe a cut sheet can capture light waves more effectively than a whole sheet would?

In order to test their hypothesis, researchers, using mathematical calculations and compiling computer models They compared how much light a cut Monstera leaf captures and how much light an organ of the same area, but without holes, that is, a whole one, catches. As a result, it turned out that the amount of light “caught” per day was the same, but the intensity of photosynthesis was different. There were many areas in the whole sheet where this process did not begin at all - simply because the light glare did not fall on them at all. And in a cut Monstera leaf, all the cells on its surface were engaged in the synthesis of organic matter.

Thus, the monstera needs holes in order to maintain total area leaf, optimize photosynthesis so that it proceeds with maximum efficiency. Indeed, why is it necessary to “maintain” areas of this organ that almost never work due to the fact that light does not reach them? 'Cause they keep on consuming minerals and organic matter produced in other parts of the leaf, but they themselves do nothing for the plant. Therefore, it is more logical to simply remove them, while retaining only those places that have maximum amount chances to catch a glimpse of the sun at least once a day.

This, by the way, also explains why all young monsteras have whole leaves. The fact is that these plants in their natural environment live on trees, entwining them like bindweed. With such a life, the younger shoots always end up at the bottom, where it is very dark. It turns out that there is no point for them to enlarge the leaves or decorate them with a pattern - there is so little light that small solid plates will do.

Monstera, or philodendron, is a beautiful ornamental plant, which has a large number aerial roots and beautiful shiny leaves. Unique properties This plant is associated with the ability to predict rain. Before precipitation appears, large drops can be seen on the leaves of this plant. However, Monstera is associated with a large number of myths and legends. For example, many people are convinced that this plant absolutely cannot be grown at home.

Why can't you keep Monstera at home?

Many people believe that the plant is capable of absorbing energy. There are certain advantages and disadvantages to this. If you place a potty in the bedroom, you may encounter negative influence. At the same time, many people believe in the omens that monstera can be successfully treated - just lie down near the plant for a while.

This flower should be grown in rooms where there is a negative atmosphere. Thanks to Monstera, it will be possible to improve the energy in the room. If everything is fine and calm in your house, it is better to stop growing the plant.

It is also not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom due to the fact that it consumes oxygen at night and produces carbon dioxide. In fact, most of the signs and myths are associated with the appearance of the flower. Thanks to its large leaves and curved roots, Monstera resembles a mystical plant.

Growing monstera at home

Watering and fertilizing

Because Monstera has enough large leaves, the area of ​​moisture evaporation is quite large. Because the flower needs regular moisturizing. To do this, you need to constantly spray it with water. room temperature. Monitoring the condition of the leaves is of no small importance. If dust accumulates on them, it should be removed with a soft cloth.

Monstera should be watered systematically, especially in spring and summer. In this case, watering should be sufficiently abundant and carried out after the top layer of soil has dried. Monstera should be watered with settled water.

In autumn, the number of waterings should be reduced, and in winter this should be done a couple of days after the soil has dried. Although the plant loves water very much, it still needs to be watered moderately. Excessive amounts of moisture will have the same negative impact on the condition of Monstera as its deficiency.

Monstera fertilizer is of no small importance. Bring in special means it is necessary in spring and summer, and they do it a couple of times a month. In this case, it is worth feeding only an adult flower, while young plants do not require fertilizer. For monstera, you should choose organic and mineral products.

How to propagate by seeds and cuttings

Monstera propagation should be carried out at the beginning of summer or summer. This process requires several steps. To do this, you need to take the lateral shoots, which are located at the bottom of the stems. Cuttings from the top or middle part are also suitable. It is best to sprinkle the sections with powder obtained from charcoal.

The stems should be planted in small pots, and drainage should be made of expanded clay at the bottom. The shoots should be placed in a pot and covered glass flask. The room temperature should be 25 degrees.

To propagate monstera by cuttings, you need to cut off a small cutting with two buds from the main stem. Then it is placed in the ground and systematically watered. It is not recommended to sprinkle the cuttings with earth - it is better to cover it plastic film. After the roots appear, the cuttings can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Plant transplantation - video

Young monstera should be replanted in the spring. Large adult plants need to be replanted only once every 3-4 years. However, the top part of the substrate should be changed annually. For this purpose, you need to choose breathable soil with a high humus content. To properly transplant a plant, you can watch the video:

Features of flower care

In its natural environment, Monstera usually blooms every year. When grown at home, many people do not even know how Monstera blooms. If everything is done correctly, then a two-year-old plant can produce its first inflorescences.

Monstera flowers are white or cream in color. A year after the end of flowering, fruits appear on it. Caring for monstera during the flowering period is no different from any other period.

It is important to prevent direct influence sun rays, because this causes the tips of the leaves to turn black. As the monstera grows, it needs to be provided with good support. It is strictly not recommended to remove aerial roots. They provide good nutrition and sufficient quantity moisture. It is recommended to send them to a pot for rooting.

Monstera does not like prolonged exposure to the sun. If you keep the plant in conditions with bright, diffused lighting, its leaves become larger and more carved. Monstera should be protected from direct rays of the sun, as this can lead to paleness and the appearance of yellow spots. With insufficient lighting, plant growth is impaired. At the same time, the leaves become smaller and change their shape.

Monstera should be placed far from radiators and opening windows. In winter, the temperature should not be less than 12 degrees, while rapid growth begins at 16-18 degrees. Temperature increases up to 30 degrees are also allowed, especially in conditions high humidity and normal room ventilation.

Possible problems and illnesses

When growing monstera, you may encounter certain problems and difficulties.

Leaves turn yellow and dry

Monstera reacts first of all to any mistakes in care by changing the shade of the leaves. They may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • if this happens in winter time, this indicates excessive watering;
  • unless, except yellow leaves, brown spots appear, this indicates insufficient watering;
  • if the leaves turn yellow and fall off significantly, this indicates high temperature and dry indoor air;
  • if the monstera turns pale yellow, this indicates excess lighting.

Why is Monstera crying?

Sometimes drops appear on the leaves of the plant. This indicates excessive moisture in the earth clod. To cope with this problem, you should leave the soil to dry out a little. It is also recommended to increase the intervals between watering.

The appearance of drops on monstera leaves is often observed before cloudy weather or the onset of precipitation.

Indoor flower does not grow

Some people experience that Monstera stops growing. To stimulate these processes, you need to provide the flower with sufficient lighting and optimal air temperature. It is also recommended to moisten its leaves - for this you can spray them regularly. The soil should be watered only after the top layer has completely dried, but this should be done very generously.

Types of monstera and their description with photos

There are quite a few species of monstera in the natural environment. However, only two varieties are grown at home:

1. Delicious. In a greenhouse, the height of this plant can reach 12 m. At home, you can grow a flower about 3 m tall. With quality care, such a monstera can bloom annually, but you can only get fruits in a greenhouse.

There is also a variegated form of this monstera. It is more demanding of care, but does not grow as quickly as the main variety. The Monstera Borsigiana variety is very popular. It is also called Borziga - this plant is not as large and strong as the original species.

2. Oblique. This plant grows in Brazilian forests and has beautiful lacy leaves. Their length is about 20 cm and width - 6 cm. The leaves have a solid structure, a short petiole and peduncle, as well as an unequal base. It is worth considering that such a monstera does not bloom under cultural conditions.

Monstera flower - common ornamental culture, often grown at home. All varieties of monstera are unpretentious and have attractive flowering, which is why the plant quickly became popular among domestic gardeners.

Monstera flower: botanical description

Monstera - large tropical plant, which looks like a vine and belongs to the Araceae family. IN natural conditions grows in Brazil and the equatorial belt of America, and loves the conditions of the humid tropics. It is mistakenly believed that Monstera is a palm tree. In fact, this evergreen vine has large carved leaves up to 40-45 cm long.

All species are quite unpretentious, but in order to get a large and highly decorative plant at home, a monstera stick is used, which is stable and reliable support. The foliage is pinnately dissected and perforated. Flowers are collected on cobs. The flowering plant lasts for a long time, after which it forms berries and fruits.

Homeland of indoor monstera

How does monstera bloom and where does it grow?

In indoor culture, the liana blooms annually, after which edible, relatively small fruits can be formed, which resemble pineapple in taste and aroma. Monstera flowers are quite beautiful and are represented by greenish cobs, wrapped in a dense snow-white blanket. Inflorescences most often form at the base of the plant.

Monstera: growing (video)

Monstera: types and varieties of plants

The classification is represented by several types and varieties, some of which are suitable for indoor floriculture:

  • monstera oblique or sickle-shaped is characterized by very graceful and neat leaves, but there is no flowering in culture;
  • dainty or delicacy M. Deliciosa is the most common species with large, dissected dark green leaves. Young specimens do not have carved leaves. IN room conditions rarely blooms;
  • less large variety "Borsigiana" often called Borziga among flower growers and is one of the most common varieties of deliciosa liana. The artificially bred perennial has leaves that are slightly smaller in diameter and up to 30 cm long;
  • variegated M.variegata is the most heat-loving, slow-growing species with foliage decorated with a highly decorative white pattern that requires proper care.

The most exotic species is rightfully considered the monstera pertusa (M. pertusa), which needs to be cared for more carefully. The leaves are more perforated and maximally decorative.

Indoor monstera flower: home care rules

The name of the species does not play a significant role when performing basic activities for caring for perennials in indoor culture. The above-ground part must be trimmed periodically, and the crop itself needs watering, fertilizing and prevention. Reproduction is carried out seed material, as well as cuttings and well-developed air layering.

Humidity, lighting and temperature

IN summer period ornamental plant tolerates temperature increases up to 29-30°C, but winter period It is best to maintain the temperature at 16-18°C. Despite the fact that a tropical crop can tolerate relatively easily low level humidity, it is preferable to keep this indicator at high values.

The culture needs sunlight, so it is advisable to place the flower pot with the plant on an east or west window. A perennial of tropical origin does not tolerate direct sunlight, so the above-ground part must be shaded on southern windows.

Selecting a pot and soil

In conditions home floriculture Monstera reaches a height of 200-230 cm, but the intensity of growth processes does not exceed two or three leaves every year, so there is no need to immediately purchase a pot that is too large. The flower pot must have drainage holes sizes necessary for the outflow of excess water. Correct transplant adult plant is carried out annually, after winter rest, around April. After replanting, the plant must be provided with support.

As a planting substrate, you need to use rich nutritional components and soil that retains moisture well. Good characteristics has a soil nutrient substrate based on one part of peat, a couple of parts of leaf humus and one part of clean coarse sand or standard perlite. The earth must go through a disinfection cycle. Required condition proper cultivation is to use sufficient drainage.

Features and timing of pruning

Pruning the top is performed when there is a pronounced slowdown in crop growth and allows you to effectively renew the plant and stimulate the development of side shoots. This procedure must be done with a sharp and clean knife. In indoor tropical monsteras, aerial roots form from each leaf. You cannot cut off aerial roots. They should be placed in soil or water, which improves plant nutrition.

How to feed an indoor flower

At all stages of growth and development, it is important to properly feed the perennial. When applying fertilizers, it is imperative to observe the seasonality rule. Feeding should only be done in spring and summer. In winter, fertilizing is excluded.

You can use both root and foliar fertilizers at least a couple of times a month, using special fertilizers intended for growing plants belonging to the Araceae family. It is recommended to use as complex fertilizers "Humisol" or "Epinom", and for foliar feeding It is best to use Urea-K6.

Watering a flower

For irrigation, be sure to use soft and well-settled water at room temperature. It is best to use melted snow, rain or spring water. There is no clear schedule determining how often indoor monstera should be watered. Irrigation activities are carried out after the soil dries out. upper layer soil in a pot. Watering in the summer, as well as in spring and early autumn, is carried out quite abundantly. In winter, the nutrient soil substrate should be slightly moist.

What you need to know about monstera aerial roots

In essence, such an organ of the aerial part as aerial roots, except additional food, provide a kind of support for a perennial tropical culture. When performing regular spraying, you must not forget to spray the aerial roots as well. In the presence of dry air and insufficient natural light, it is this above-ground part of the plant that suffers first. If the air in the room is extremely dry, aerial roots should be wrapped in well-moistened sphagnum moss.

How to take cuttings from a monstera (video)

Problems during cultivation

As a rule, any problems associated with growing indoor tropical crops are caused by errors in care and non-compliance with temperature conditions.

Why are young monstera leaves not carved and small?

The absence of a characteristic appearance of young leaves is a natural phenomenon and can be explained by botanical features. With age, the shape of the leaves changes and quickly takes on the appearance characteristic of the crop. If the leaves are too small and growth is stunted, then you should pay attention to the lighting conditions.

Why is the plant crying?

The foliage “cries” when the soil moisture inside is too high flower pot. In this case, the earthen ball needs to be dried, after which it will be necessary to increase the intervals between irrigation activities and reduce the amount of water used for irrigation.

Causes of poor growth

There may be several reasons for the too slow growth and development of a perennial, but the main ones are lack of light, too low temperature air, lack of moisture or limited poor nutrition, as well as very severe depletion of the soil in the flower pot.

Other growing difficulties

In the process of growing monstera gardeners may also encounter the following, less common problems:

  • damage by stem rot in winter with excess moisture and low temperature conditions;
  • massive yellowing of foliage due to waterlogging of the soil substrate and insufficient nutrition of the plant;
  • mass loss of leaves that become dry or covered brown spots, observed when the temperature is too high and the flower pot is located next to heating devices;
  • exposure of the lower stem part and shredding or blanching of the leaves is the result of insufficient lighting;
  • the apical part of the leaves becomes brown or papery when the indoor air is too dry or the flower pot is too crowded.

How to tie a monstera (video)

Of the pests, the greatest danger to indoor tropical monstera are scale insects and spider mites. It is necessary to systematically inspect the above-ground part for damage by pathogenic microorganisms or pests. If signs of disease are detected, the plant must be isolated and necessarily treated with solutions based on special chemicals.

When growing monstera and taking care of it, you need to remember that this tropical plant belongs to the category of poisonous. The juice of the culture contains substances that cause severe skin irritation and inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes, so you need to be careful and use personal protective equipment.

To answer the question, Monstera is six years old, but the leaves are small and slightly dissected. Why? given by the author Neurosis the best answer is Lack of light, most likely. Also feed or replant in fresh soil.

Answer from Individual[newbie]
what to plant in the ground

Answer from Yanya Andreeva[guru]
transplant into oily soil, water and spray abundantly, and the result will not be long in coming.

Answer from generosity[guru]
Hello Irina!
Small, pale leaves and leaves without slits indicate insufficient light or too low a temperature. In this case, the monstera stops growing. Monstera is a large flower. He needs a fairly large pot (30cm in diameter). The bottom of the pot definitely needs drainage. The soil consists of equal parts compost soil, sand and peat. Monstera is replanted every two years. As it grows, a larger pot is needed. Monstera does not tolerate direct sunlight, but this does not mean that it can be placed in a dark corner. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant stops growing, the leaves become smaller, lose color, and correct symmetrical slits do not form on them. For normal growth and development, Monstera needs bright, diffused light or partial shade.
We must not forget about aerial roots, which do not need to be removed. In order for the plant to receive more nutrients and moisture, they try to direct the aerial roots towards the ground, and in addition to this, they use additional support in the form of a tube rolled up from plastic mesh with moss or peat, which is kept moist all the time. Such an artificial wet trunk prevents the aerial roots from drying out and creates the necessary moisture for the entire plant. In rooms with central heating and the plant must be sprayed with very dry air.
All the best to you!

Answer from Natalya Pokusaeva[guru]
Monstera is very responsive to fertilizing with mineral water: 2 times a month (half the dosage indicated in the instructions). And she also loves light.

Answer from Irina Maksimova[guru]
Monstera is a plant that can be planted in a large pot right away! Diffused light is necessary; if it is lacking, the leaves grow small and not dissected, and the vine itself is thin and weak. Monstera cannot be taken out onto the balcony; it cannot tolerate temperature fluctuations. Create the conditions necessary for your monstera’s life and she will delight you.

Answer from Marina Crow[guru]
And photo?
There may be another reason, a cramped pot. Keep it in a liter pot for about a year, then larger ones. My 5 year old is in a 10 liter, the leaves are gorgeous, if I find a photo, I’ll put it in the comments

Answer from Victor wheat[guru]
There are species of monstera whose leaves are completely undissected, or slightly dissected. Possible lack of nutrition. I feed mine with AGROCOLA sticks.

Answer from Olga Petrova[guru]
Lack of light, too low air temperature, lack of moisture or lack of nutrition.
U tall plants water and nutrients may not reach the upper leaves -
aerial roots should be deepened into the soil or directed into a moist support.

Answer from T-max[guru]
Summer is cold now...

Answer from Victoria Terentyeva[guru]
Probably small-leaved.

For more than 150 years, Monstera has remained a fairly popular indoor plant. This exotic is successfully used to decorate the most various rooms. The monstera flower is an easy-to-care plant. Even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation.

Where does monstera grow and how does it bloom: homeland and botanical description of the plant

Monstera is a typical representative of the araceae family. The genus Monstera includes about 50 species of different plants. All of them are most widespread in Central and Southern America. The plant got its name due to its huge predatory appearance.

All monsteras are tropical evergreens in the form of vines. The size of their leaves is about 45 cm. When growing monstera at home, you will need to install a stick for support. If the roots of this plant for some reason lose contact with the soil, then the plant does not die, but continues to live fully as an epiphyte.

Monstera flowers are cobs with a white “sail”. IN natural conditions This crop blooms often, but it is almost impossible to achieve its flowering indoors. Monstera fruits of some species are edible.

Monstera: types of indoor plants

The most common in indoor culture the following types monster:

The second name of this species is unequal. It is a rather miniature form of this vine. It is characterized by oblong-shaped leaves with pointed ends. Length sheet plates is about 20 cm. The surface of the sheet, unlike other types, is not dissected, but perforated. The holes have an oblong shape and are not symmetrically located.

Another name for the flower is pierced or perforated. Depending on the variety, it can have either green or striped leaves. Monstera perforatum is a large plant with ovate, strongly dissected leaves.

An artificially bred species that does not occur naturally. Characterized by relatively compact dimensions, the length of its leaf plates usually does not exceed 30 cm.

One of the most common species in indoor floriculture. Also known as Monstera charma. Its main difference is its very long stem. This species is also characterized by very large leaves. oval shape. Along their edge there are deep slits that reach almost to the central vein.

Indoor flower with carved monstera leaves: care at home

All types of monstera are quite unpretentious; growing them indoors is quite easy. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that All monsteras are quite large plants. Therefore, it is best to grow them in fairly spacious rooms.

Pot and soil for monstera

Nutritious and moisture-absorbing soil is suitable for growing the plant. For example, you can make the following substrate: 1 part peat and sand and 2 parts humus or leaf soil. If it is possible to independently compile soil mixture absent, you can use a universal substrate for growing indoor plants.

Also, when growing this crop, it is imperative to equip a layer of expanded clay drainage. When choosing a pot for Monstera, preference should be given to tall and sufficiently voluminous containers.

Monstera: care at home (video)

Feeding and watering

During the period of intensive growth in spring and summer, Monstera is watered abundantly. For these purposes, it is best to use soft and settled water. In this case, the top layer of the substrate should dry out slightly between waterings. With the onset of autumn, watering is significantly reduced. In winter, the indoor flower is watered very rarely, but the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out completely.

How to update a monstera: pruning features

In order to renew the monstera, it requires periodic pruning. This is also due to the fact that it grows very quickly and without proper care very quickly turns into an untidy and shapeless bush. You should also know that Removing old leaves or trimming the crown of a flower stimulates the appearance of new side shoots. It is best to plan all pruning work on spring period. At this time, the plant has very strong growth potential and will quickly grow new shoots and leaves.

What and when to do with monstera aerial roots

And as they grow, they are simply directed to the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled with soil. If they are damaged, the plant will not die, it will simply lose additional support and nutrition.

Adventitious roots cannot firmly anchor the plant in the soil, so for support, monsteras install a special stick wrapped in coconut fiber. Also not a bad option there will be a hollow metal tube with a mesh surface filled with moss. It will not only effectively support the plant, but will enable the aerial roots to absorb additional moisture from the moss.

Monstera reproduction

Monstera can be propagated vegetatively. To do this, the crown or side shoot with a growth point is cut off. After this, the cuttings must be sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried a little. After that planting material planted in a loose and nutritious substrate. The container with the planted cuttings must be covered with a piece of film or a plastic bag to create greenhouse effect. Optimal temperature for rooting is from 22 to 25°C.

Old overgrown plants can be rooted in another way. To do this, several closely spaced aerial roots from the top of the plant are tightly wrapped in damp moss and screwed to the trunk using twine. Soon enough will form on them a large number of small roots. Afterwards, the crown and roots are cut off and planted in a loose substrate. The remaining part of the plant will soon begin to develop young shoots from dormant buds.

Monstera: aerial roots (video)

Problems when growing a plant

Why is Monstera crying?

At high level air humidity and abundant watering, the so-called “lacrimation” can be observed on the plant. This is especially noticeable in cloudy weather, when there is a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that roots absorb a lot of moisture, and because high humidity They cannot completely evaporate the air. So it turns out that the monstera seems to be crying. There is nothing terrible in this peculiar crying. And to reduce it, you just need to reduce watering the plant.

Monstera does not have carved leaves

When growing monstera, gardeners very often encounter such a problem as the absence of slits on the leaves. This can be explained by the youth of the plant. Such a culture carved leaves begin to appear only as they mature. Also, the lack of slots can be explained by a lack of lighting.

Why does an indoor flower have small leaves?

Another of the main problems that arise during the growing process is leaf blades that are too small. Most often, the main reason for this lies in lack of nutrition; during periods of intensive growth, the plant must be fed with recommended fertilizers. Leaf size can also be affected by light levels. Most likely, the plant simply does not have enough sunlight and just needs to be moved to a brighter place.

Monstera doesn't grow well

During the growing process, gardeners very often encounter poor and too slow plant growth. There are several main reasons for this:

  • Lack of nutrition;
  • Low level of air humidity;
  • Low light level.

In order for the plant to resume its growth, it simply needs to create favorable conditions for development and apply appropriate fertilizing.

Pests and their control

None indoor plant not immune from attacks harmful insects, Monstera is also susceptible to this unpleasant phenomenon. Most often you can find the following pests:

  1. - a very harmful sucking pest. Fight him in advanced cases hard enough. A sign of its appearance is a sticky cobweb-like coating on the surface of the leaves. Appearance spider mite most often provokes dry air in combination with elevated temperatures. To destroy this pest, special insecticide preparations are used. For example, you can use Fitoverm or Actellik. 10 days after the first application, it is recommended to re-treat the plant.
  2. Shchitovka- a sucking pest of most indoor crops. It is quite difficult to notice it in the initial stages of its spread. In appearance, it resembles small shield-like seals on the surface of leaves and stems. It is quite difficult to destroy scale insects. This is due to the fact that this pest is found not only on the plant, but also in the soil. For effective destruction It is recommended to use a whole range of measures against scale insects. You should start by spilling the soil with an insecticide solution. Insects visible on the plant are then collected by hand. And lastly, they begin to directly process the entire monstera. The best way to do this is to use insecticides. systemic action. They have the ability to accumulate in all parts of the plant, and long time maintain its protective effect. For example, you can use “Aktara” or “Commander”.
  3. Thrips- widespread sucking pests of indoor and outdoor crops. By piercing the surface of the leaf blades, they feed on the sap of the plant. As a result of their activity, small areas dead tissue, which then merge into a single spot and ultimately lead to the death of the entire leaf. To combat them, special insecticidal preparations are used. For example, you can use “Aktara”, “Commander” or “Confidor”.

How to transplant a monstera (video)

Growing a monstera in your home is quite simple. The main thing is to create favorable conditions for her development and provide appropriate care.