Is it possible to feed flowers with sugar? We feed the flowers... with sugar

The simplest thing we can do if a plant is in poor condition is to feed it with sugar. In every home there is this miraculous product for urgent resuscitation of the silent inhabitant of the window sills.

Let's figure out when measures should be taken to save a green resident immediately or help develop.

  • Stopped growing
  • The stems have become thin
  • The leaves have turned a different color: they have turned pale or blackened.
  • Stopped flowering for a long time
  • There are spots and stains on the leaves and stems
  • Leaves actively dry out, turn yellow, turn brown and fall off
  • Fungal diseases are noticeable
  • Manifestations of viral diseases
  • The buds that appear do not develop and fall off
  • The stem dries

Fertilizer in the form of sugar will help if root system is still alive or showing barely noticeable signs of life. If the roots are dried or rotten and the state is completely killed, it will no longer be possible to save it.

In order for the plant to come to life, you do not need to pour fertilizer into it in high concentration. A standard portion is enough. It is also impossible to water the soil often in this way, as the roots will begin to rot and mold will develop.

Breakdown into fructose and glucose is a common activity. Fructose is of no use to indoor dwellers, but glucose performs its role perfectly: the cells begin to revive and divide, the flower is resurrected, the white crystalline powder provides a supply of energy for air exchange and growth. Those plants that should bloom, but have not pleased the eye for a long time, will soon give a riot of color.

The dressing is easy to prepare: take a tablespoon of sugar and dilute it with a liter of water, stir well until the crystals are completely dissolved and you can use it. You can even simplify this even more simple task. Take a teaspoon of sugar and sprinkle it on the soil, and then water it.

You can introduce a weak solution into the trunk by injection. A weak solution can also be used when spraying those residents of pots who love it.

According to observations made by scientists and amateur gardeners, indoor flowers and garden plants They begin to grow extremely actively, become juicy and begin to bloom. For example, cacti that replaced the soil with moss and fertilizing no longer needed additional care, the trunk has become fleshy and healthy, and the moss substrate is developing and feeding the main plant. Seedlings after planting in the ground in a greenhouse or on outdoors significantly outperformed seedlings that were not subjected to sugar treatment. The fruits were juicier and had excellent taste qualities, and there were also more of them, and they bore fruit for quite a long time. Observations show that climbing old roses do not disappear into rose hips, but bloom profusely and beautifully.

Speaking of indoor plants, sweet feeding of cacti, ficus and indoor roses. Dracaenas and others indoor palm trees, ficus, arrowroot, crassula, and other plants are also willingly accepted to grow, develop and come out of a deplorable state.

You can not use ordinary refined sugar, but use glucose, which you can buy at the pharmacy. You need to dilute it one teaspoon per liter. clean water continue to water once a month.

Injections with pure glucose should be done in extremely low concentrations and at very advanced cases- this is very ambulance for a flower. For spraying, very weak fertilizing is also needed.

Do not forget that refined fertilizing can also have the other side of the coin. With abundant and frequent untimely watering, the roots will begin to rot, mold will appear and the plant will begin to wither. To avoid this, ensure normal circulation carbon dioxide looseness and lushness of the soil. This does not mean that the soil should be too dry, no, it should be moderately moist and loosened. Then the plant will absorb glucose normally and grow.

As you water, remember the concentration or glucose in the water; “syrup” is definitely detrimental to anyone, even a plant. And watering, spraying and injections cannot be done more than once a month!

The life-giving effect is not only the sweet solution, but also the combination of several components. For example, drunk sweet coffee can be an excellent bait. Remove the top soil and add coffee grounds there, then return the soil back. However, such fertilizing will not be to the taste of lovers of acidic soils: hydrangea, fuchsia, ferns, azalea, lilies, roses and tomato seedlings.

There is also no need to throw away the leftovers from drinking sweet tea, be it tea leaves or tea bags. But here you need to do the opposite of what you would do with coffee grounds. When replanting a plant, tea bags or tea leaves should be placed at the bottom of a pot or drainage, then you will not have lovers of expired products in the form of flies or other insects in your apartment.

Crushed dried banana peels together with a weak glucose solution will turn your wilted flower into a healthy plant in the least amount of time.

Prepare a solution whose components are crushed citrus peels, pour boiling water over them and add half a teaspoon of sugar. After steeping for about a day, filter the solution and get rid of excess, after which you can water it. This feeding will provide vital energy and the necessary microelements.

The yeast, along with the sugar, will help shoots take root, such as roses, pineapple, and others that propagate by cuttings or shoots. To do this, dilute a concentration of 10 grams of live yeast and a tablespoon of sugar in 1-2 liters of water, and dip the shoots that are required in this solution for a day. Before you drop the sprout, let the yeast sit and begin its activity. When the day has passed, the water needs to be changed and the plant should be rinsed a little under water. Then put it in ordinary, clean water.

At Easter, when most people paint eggs with onion skins, you can prepare another miraculous “drink” for flowers. After the eggs are removed from the saucepan or kettle, there is no need to pour out or remove the husks. Add as much sugar there as liters are occupied in the container in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 liter of infusion with onions. Stir thoroughly and, after cooling completely, pour over the flowers. And the remaining onion peel can be dried, crushed and poured into pots. This infusion contains almost all the necessary microelements for life: from calcium to glucose. But remember, this infusion does not last long! True, you don’t have to wait for Easter, but prepare it in smaller quantities as needed.

Ash is probably not used only by those who know nothing about its magical properties. Wood ash is useful in its ordinary form, but in a solution with sugar you get a healing miracle drink for your flowers. Dissolve a tablespoon of ash with a teaspoon of sugar, and you can water it once a month. Feeding with an extremely low concentration of sugar in such a solution can be done once every two to three weeks. The flowers will thank you for your miraculous healing.

If you have an aquarium, then you should not throw it out when changing the water. It’s better to water your flowers with water, after adding to each the right pot 2 - 3 small pinches of sugar. By the way, you can do this with decoctions of vegetables and eggs. It wouldn’t hurt to pour them with a mixture of sugar, fish and meat water. But you don’t need to pour concentrated meat or fish water directly into the pot, dilute it about 3 to 5 times.

Natural organic fertilizers also no one canceled. Cowweed is not suitable for indoor flowers and trees, but bird droppings in low concentration along with alternating sweet fertilizer will help the plant come to life again. Take a tablespoon of chicken manure, two liters of water and mix these ingredients. Let it brew for about two to three days, stir again, strain if there are feathers, sticks, blades of grass or other impurities. Afterwards you can water it. You can also make green fertilizer for indoor flowers from grass. However this summer option and, as usual, it takes a week to prepare and in fairly large quantities. Collect all the weeds and place them in a plastic container. The herb needs to be chopped quite finely. Sprinkle with soil and fill with water. You can add a little refined sugar. The mixture should be fermented in a warm place for a week, preferably stirring it three times a day. After preparation, the concentrate for indoor flowers must be greatly diluted, approximately 1 to 10 parts of water. The concentrate, unfortunately, is not stored for a long time, so the leftovers can be used in the garden.

There is an easy-to-remember calendar for the use of fertilizers and fertilizing, which it is advisable to follow for normally growing plants. Fertilizing begins in the spring, when the sun begins to shine longer and the buds on trees and shrubs are already swelling. You can feed them all summer long without worrying about their condition. By autumn, the concentration of any fertilizers should gradually decline, and in winter, feeding stops. This does not apply to indoor flowers, which need emergency care and most likely will not live to see the first rays of the sun.

You already understand how to feed flowers with sugar, the main thing is to follow the recommendations and they will be extremely grateful to you for such “sweet” care. They will say, of course, silently, and only a healthy outer blooming species will indicate to you that they feel cared for.

Indoor plants bring invaluable benefits to humans. They perfectly clean the air of dust and harmful substances, normalize the microclimate, have a calming effect on the psyche. In order for flowers to delight with their beauty and benefit longer, they must be fed on time. Special fertilizers are not cheap, but regular sugar can be found in every home. It will act as an excellent fertilizer for any crops, having a beneficial effect on growth and development, and will also enrich the soil with nutrients. We will talk about the features of using sugar as a fertilizer for flowers later in the article.

The benefits of sugar fertilizer for plants

Water with sugar is extremely beneficial for flowers. Its value has long been confirmed by numerous studies. The composition supports the vital activity of flowers during winter, when there is especially little sunlight and the process of photosynthesis slows down.

Once in the ground, the crystals instantly break down into two components - fructose and glucose. Fructose is a useless element for plants (it is practically not absorbed and is not used for any benefit at all), but glucose, on the contrary, is a vital substance. It is a first-class source of energy for the proper functioning of processes such as respiration, nutrition, the formation of new cells, and the absorption of microelements from the soil. In addition, glucose acts as a universal building material from which lipids, starch, cellulose, proteins, and nucleic acids are formed.

Carbon dioxide is necessary for good absorption of the substance. That is why it is recommended to add EM preparations, for example “” or “Vostok EM-1”, along with sugar. They contain special bacteria that promote the decomposition of organic matter and the formation of carbon dioxide. This symbiosis will allow you to achieve maximum absorption of elements and an excellent final result. If you do not use preparations, there is a high probability of mold and root rot.
In soil that is saturated with glucose, plants develop more actively, become stronger and healthier, bloom more intensely, and sprout more often. If there is a deficiency of the element, the roots do not absorb nutrients from the soil.

Indications for the use of glucose supplements

Every gardener has his own summer cottage uses fertilizers, whether chemical or organic. Everyone most often forgets about feeding indoor flowers, but it is absolutely forbidden to do this. Potted flowers develop in a limited area and the soil eventually depletes its reserves of nutrients. From time to time, plants need to be transplanted into a fresh substrate and fertilized with minerals at least once every 1.5-2 months. During the period of active vegetation and flowering, application is carried out even more often.

Fertilizing indoor flowers with sugar is done if:

  • growth and development have slowed down;
  • leaves have a faded color;
  • the stem becomes very elongated and becomes thinner;
  • too small volume of leaf mass;
  • flowering does not occur for a long time;
  • the foliage turns yellow, blackens, dries or crumbles;
  • spots or stains are observed on the leaves;
  • fungal and viral diseases appear;
  • the buds do not develop and fall off instantly;
  • The stem dries out a lot.

Sugar can only help if the root system is alive. When the root completely dries out or rots, the plant cannot be saved.

Sugar for specific plants

Sugar as a fertilizer is suitable for all types of indoor plants, but is especially useful for flowering crops. It significantly extends the period of budding and flowering and increases the color saturation of the foliage.

Benefits for everyone specific type may vary significantly.


All cacti have a big sweet tooth. They respond well to such feeding: they become stronger and acquire a rich color. One teaspoon of sand is poured evenly into the pot before watering. You can prepare a nutrient solution by dissolving 2 teaspoons in 1 glass of water. Watering is carried out once a week.

Indoor roses

Rose stems at home are often susceptible to water freezing in them, which leads to damage or complete death of the plant. Sugar increases the viscosity of the protoplasm and reduces the amount of liquid in the stems, thereby saving the flower.

Useful feeding is prepared as follows: 5 grams of dry yeast are mixed with 1 tablespoon of sugar and diluted in 5 liters warm water.


Many gardeners note the excellent effect of fertilizing dracaena with sugar.
For watering, prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar per 0.5 liter of water. When spraying, use an infusion of citrus peels and 2 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water. This composition is prepared for 20 days in a dark place.


Arrowroot leaves often dry out and turn yellow, after which they curl into a tight tube and die. The reason for this may be insufficient watering or the presence of root rot. In this case, glucose can help. 1 teaspoon of sugar is diluted in 1 liter of water. Watering is carried out 3 times at weekly intervals.

Crassula ("Crassula" or "Money Tree")

This plant often has problems due to lack of moisture in the air. Sugar attracts moisture. do not water, but spray with sweet water from a spray bottle. A solution is prepared from 1 teaspoon of sugar per 0.5 liter of water.

Methods for preparing fertilizer

There are several ways you can apply sweet cocktail to your plants.

  1. Scattering on the surface of the ground in a pot. This is the simplest option for feeding flowers with sugar. After this, the soil is watered with water in which yeast or EM preparation is dissolved.
  2. Using a sugar solution for watering. Sugar-yeast irrigation is carried out once in winter, spring and summer. More frequent use can cause harm by causing mold and mildew to grow. Often elements such as calcium and potassium are added to irrigation water. They are found in wood ash.
  3. Spraying foliage with sweet water. For dilution, choose pure glucose tablets, which are sold in all pharmacies. It is more effective in this case. One or two tablets are dissolved in a liter of water, after which the leaves are treated or special compresses are made by applying moistened wipes.
  4. Glucose injections into the trunk. In rare advanced cases, a weak glucose solution can be injected directly into the plant trunk.

One of the universal fertilizers that can be used not only for indoor plants, but also to increase productivity garden crops, is the biofertilizer "BioGrow". This is a drug that has proven itself to be a highly effective revitalizing agent, as a result of which plants begin to develop noticeably faster, the green part is strengthened, and the flower’s resistance to fungal infections increases. Find out more information and purchase universal biofertilizer "BioGrow" can be.

The frequency of sweet fertilizing depends on factors such as:

  • plant type;
  • state of the flower;
  • nutritional value of the soil in the flowerpot.

Additional organic additives

To maximize the nutritional value of glucose nutrition, it is allowed to mix it with other useful components.

  • Wood ash. has been known for a long time. It will enrich the soil with calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, and helps reduce the acidity level of the soil in a flower pot. Ash does not contain nitrogen, so it is added only to increase leaf mass. It also protects roots from diseases and pests, improves the structure of the soil and disinfects it.
  • Coffee grounds. acts as mulch, allowing moisture to remain in the soil longer.
  • and citrus fruits. They are dried, crushed and used to prepare infusions for irrigation. Pieces of fruit peels rot in the ground, saturating it with valuable elements.
  • for active growth, and also nourish the substrate with B vitamins, phytohormones, auxins, and cytokinins.

Also very often crushed onion peels and eggshells are added, which contain many useful microelements.

Precautions and common mistakes

When using fertilizer, novice gardeners may make some mistakes:

  1. Too much frequent watering. Excessive volumes of water wash away micronutrients from the soil and can cause rotting of the root system.
  2. Irregular feeding. Sugar gives temporary results, so you need to add it regularly.
  3. Failure to comply with proportions. Recommendations for the amount of fertilizer applied should always be followed to achieve plant benefit.

Sugar fertilizing has advantages over purchased mineral fertilizers. But you should take precautions so as not to harm green spaces:

  • It is permissible to apply fertilizer to the soil for the first time only two months after planting;
  • a day before fertilizing, you need to water the soil well to protect it from the possible negative effects of a sweet environment;
  • to water weak and diseased flowers, use a low concentration of solution;
  • It is better to reapply fertilizer no more than once a month.

Let's sum it up

Sweet food can both improve plant growth and harm them, becoming an excellent breeding ground for mold and fungi. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances when watering and fertilizing home flowers, observe proportions and precautions. Only correct use natural fertilizer will be the key to long-term flowering and proper development of indoor greenery.

You can bring some of nature into your home with indoor plants. What better way to purify indoor air than using all kinds of bright colors. They can be placed on window sills, hung or installed on special racks. However, all representatives of the flora need proper care. First of all, you should take care of the nutrients. For harmonious growth and long flowering they should receive them in plentiful quantities.

Just as gardeners fertilize the plants in their yard, they should also provide fertilizer for indoor plants. And you don’t have to do this with chemical products from the store. You can always use simple natural remedies, among which simple sugar is most effective.

Especially indoor pets need feeding in winter period. At this time it becomes cool and the number of sunny days decreases. Plants on windowsills stop receiving sufficient quantity light for full growth and development. Sunlight plays important role in photosynthesis. If this process begins to proceed slowly due to lack of light, then the use of hidden resources begins. Sugars begin to be consumed first. For this reason, it is necessary to feed indoor plants with sugar, or more precisely glucose.

In the autumn-winter period, due to lack of light, plants require sugar feeding.

The use of this product can be combined with the installation of additional lighting. Practice has shown that flowers growing on the basis of constant addition of sugar additives to the soil begin to intensify their growth and become stronger and healthier every day. They keep the buds open longer and produce more new shoots.

VIDEO: Feeding seedlings with yeast and sugar. Myth or reality?

Biological basis for the benefits of sweet additives

Accelerated growth is explained at the molecular level. Feeding home flowers with sugar promotes the production of certain chemical reactions, which we know well from school. The fact is that it has the ability to break down into two components:

  • fructose;
  • glucose.

If fructose plays a minor role and is practically not absorbed by tissues, then the second component is a vital basis.

Glucose solution d/inf 10%

When flowers saturate their structure with glucose, they receive a universal building material capable of forming various organic compounds, such as:

  • lipids;
  • starch;
  • nucleic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • proteins.

Glucose is a valuable source of energy, which is spent on maintaining nutrition processes, tissue formation, and the absorption of useful components from the earth.

Glucose absorption occurs properly only in the presence of carbon dioxide. Therefore, along with the sweet component, it is worth adding preparations containing bacteria to the soil to quickly decompose organic matter (yeast). During their breakdown, the necessary carbon dioxide will be released.

Read with this article: Yeast feeding of plants - recipes and timing

Method of preparation of fertilizing

To dissolve sugar, you can pour it onto the surface and pour it on top. clean water. One teaspoon is used per pot.

To make feeding plants with sugar more effective, it is better to make a liquid solution at the rate of 1 tbsp for each liter of water. granulated sugar.

The concentration should not exceed 1 tbsp. per liter

Unfortunately, many people disagree on how often such a solution can be used. For some, the results show that it is advisable to apply it once a week. Others claim that they need to do the sweet life no more than once every two months. This is precisely the type of nutrition that, at the same time as it can be beneficial, can also cause harm - an excess will lead to mold and the appearance of annoying midges.

Precautionary measures

Adding a natural substance to the soil is a clear advantage compared to using mineral preparations. However, feeding flowers with sugar can also have a negative effect if you do not adhere to all necessary recommendations. Need to know that various plants will react differently to the presence of this component in the soil. While ficus and cacti can be pampered more often with a sweet substrate, others may react negatively to an excess of sweet substance. Therefore, for each specific case, it is necessary to maintain certain proportions and apply this natural fertilizer with the correct intensity.

The most important thing is not to overdo it with sweet fertilizer, otherwise the roots will begin to rot and the flower will die.

When saturating indoor plants with sugar, you must not forget about timely watering. With abundant irrigation, all useful microelements can be washed out of the soil. Too much wet ground can cause rotting of the root system and the appearance of various diseases. Stems and leaves can quickly turn yellow and lose their strength.

Excess water and frequent feeding with sugar can lead to unwanted stains. Therefore, it is advisable to observe moderation in everything and closely monitor the condition of the plant when adding various substances.

It is also necessary to remember that one-time feeding of flowers with sugar will not give any effect. It is repeated at regular intervals. If, after adding fertilizer to the soil, the plant begins to look healthy, then you are doing everything right. Do not forget that it is better to initially give less sugar than to later look for ways to eliminate the consequences of excessive fertilization. After all, after oversaturation, the buds begin to die off or later undergo the flowering process.

When plants need additional microelements

They will help you determine when it is best to add additional substances to the soil for indoor plants. appearance. A lack of beneficial microelements will manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • slow growth of stems and leaves;
  • rapid growth of stems with decreasing thickness;
  • the leaves have lost their natural color and drooped slightly;
  • plants stop blooming;
  • Spots form on the leaves, which indicates low immunity and the appearance of diseases.

It is advisable not to bring representatives of the flora to this state. Therefore, it is better to add natural fertilizers to the soil for your pets immediately and in moderate quantities.

VIDEO: Effective fertilizer for indoor flowers

Key rules for applying natural fertilizers

In order for feeding indoor plants to give a positive and not a negative result, you should listen to the following rules:

  1. Everything should be in moderation.
  2. The first addition is carried out only after two months from the moment of planting in the ground. As a rule, planting is carried out in already fertilized soil and applying natural preparations will lead to excess useful substances, which will negatively affect the condition of the plant.
  3. Before adding to soil various means, you need to pour it well with water. This precaution will protect the root system from negative influence solution with too high a concentration.
  4. Sick and young flowers need to be fed with a solution with a lower concentration.
  5. In winter, it is advisable to add fertilizers less frequently. The frequency of their use can be reduced by 3-4 times.

Sweet food is best accepted the following types plants:

  • succulents;
  • ficus;
  • palms and dracaenas;
  • roses.

In general, all plants readily accept such nutrition, but the above ones must be fed monthly.

Many people doubt the quality of sugar, fearing thereby harming indoor flowers. You can just as easily replace refined sugar or granulated sugar with glucose (sold at any pharmacy).

The glucose concentration should not exceed 1 tsp. per liter of water room temperature. If you spray the leaves, reduce the proportion by half.

Crassula, succulents and ficuses are watered mainly with sweet water

There is a specific recipe for sugar - 1 teaspoon per liter of water or scattered over the surface of a pot with a diameter of 10 cm. If less, no more than half a spoon, also per liter or in dry form. At larger diameter For every additional 10 cm, add a quarter spoon of sugar.

Without carbon dioxide, sweet fertilizer will in any case lead to rotting. To make up for the deficiency, the soil in the pot is well loosened - at least once a week.

Do not confuse loosening and watering. The soil should not be too dry, and especially when it is dry, you should not stir it up too much. Watered once - loosen after 2 days. In this case, a sufficient influx of carbon dioxide is ensured and glucose will be perfectly absorbed.

When choosing this type of feeding, remember that syrup is poison for plants. The weakest concentration is no more than 1 tsp. per liter of water. In this case, the iron rule applies - the less, the better.

How to deal with midges

Often, after sweet fertilizing, midges appear in the pots. The sciarids (midges) themselves are not dangerous to humans, although they are very annoying, but they can cause significant harm to the roots of flowers.

Sciarides are safe, but cause a lot of concern

In order to get rid of it, you can prepare a garlic solution - 3-4 heads and pour in a liter of boiling water. After 5 hours, when it has infused, strain, pour into a spray bottle and treat all the flowers (soil and leaves). 2-3 times are enough for the midges to disappear forever.

Organic natural supplements

Among the others natural remedies with high efficiency it is necessary to highlight:

  • ash;
  • coffee grounds;
  • peels from bananas and citrus fruits;
  • yeast;
  • onion peel;
  • eggshells;
  • aloe.


Ash is a classic option, the benefits of which are well known to everyone. Feeding indoor residents with ash will enrich them with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and other components. The first two components are very easy to digest. This makes ash an excellent fertilizer.

How to make real ash

Excess calcium in ash leads to a decrease in the acidity level in the soil. Therefore, it cannot be used to feed callas, thuja, azalea, gardenia and other flowers that prefer to grow in acidic soils.

It is especially important to add this component during bud formation and flowering. Ash does not contain nitrogen. It promotes the appearance of green mass. Therefore, this component is replenished by other means. It is advisable to add nitrogen-filled substances a short time after using the ash.

Among all the positive aspects of ash, it is also necessary to note:

  • additional protection of the root system from pests and diseases;
  • improves soil composition;
  • makes the soil structure better for the free penetration of air and water;
  • carries out soil disinfection.

You can add it during transplantation. To do this, it is mixed with planting soil. As a result, you will receive a nutrient substrate with a disinfecting effect. Feeding with ash can also be done in liquid form. To prepare the solution, you need to thoroughly dilute one tablespoon of ash in one liter of water.

Coffee grounds

This is the recommended option for most plants. It doesn't need any special preparation. You just need to not pour out the coffee grounds, but use them as fertilizer. It is evenly laid out on the surface layer of soil. When it dries, it will create a mulching effect.

Coffee grounds from sleeping coffee are extremely useful for non-flowering plants.

During irrigation, water passes through the surface of such mulch and supplies all useful microelements to the ground. The layer you create will additionally retain moisture in the ground. This will allow you to water less often, and the soil in the flowerpot will become light and loose.

You should not use coffee grounds for flowers that do not like acidic soil.

Banana and citrus peels

Usually, peelings from tangerines or oranges are immediately thrown away. However, if you like to eat imported fruits, then with their help you can get microelements not only for yourself, but also for indoor plants.

An infusion of citrus peels can be used both as a fertilizer and as a means to get rid of midges.

To prepare fertilizer you need:

  • cut off the skin from the fruit pulp;
  • finely chop;
  • fill a third of a liter jar with them;
  • pour boiling water and leave.

The approximate infusion time is a day. Then the infusion is filtered and fresh water is added to the resulting volume to make exactly one liter of liquid. The solution is ready for use.

An infusion of banana skins is prepared using the same principle. The only difference is that you need to fill the jar halfway with chopped banana skin. The second difference between banana skins and citrus peels is the possibility of using them directly in the soil substrate during the period of transplanting into a new pot. Before this, the banana skins must be chopped and dried well. In the ground they will gradually rot and provide valuable nutrition.


You can feed indoor flowers using yeast. This is a natural component that is not inferior to anything else. While in the ground, they will release a rich complex of minerals:

  • B vitamins;
  • auxins;
  • phytohormones;
  • cytokinins.

The latter promote healthy cell division. In general, yeast helps create optimal microflora in the soil for active growth. Those who are not sure about the benefits of this component can read the findings of numerous scientists. Unlike other natural remedies, yeast has been the subject of research more than once. They all argued that nutritional value yeast solution corresponds to the same one contained in mineral fertilizers.

Yeast is a useful component that saturates the soil with carbon dioxide and at the same time nourishes the roots

To prepare the product you will need not only the main component, but also sugar. One tablespoon of sugar and 10g of regular yeast should be diluted in 1 liter of slightly heated water. To dissolve the dry product, you need to take:

  • dry yeast – 1g;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • water – 10 l.

The resulting mixture is infused for two hours and diluted in water in a ratio of 1:5.

Onion peel

With its help, you can create a life-giving liquid suitable for absolutely all representatives of home flora. After all, in onion skins contains a whole range of useful substances. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 50 g of husk with heated water in a volume of 2 liters. In this form, the liquid boils for 5 minutes. After this, it is infused for 3-4 hours. After the broth has cooled completely, it must be strained and used for its intended purpose. It must be used immediately, as it can be stored for a short period of time.


The shell is useful both in crushed form and as an infusion of water

Solutions are not prepared based on the shell. It is added in crushed form to the ground during planting in a new pot. It should be borne in mind that this component is very oversaturated with calcium, which is not recommended for everyone in large quantities.


Aloe is useful not only for humans, but also for other plants

A good way to significantly boost your immunity. Therefore, it is good to water weakened or young plants with aloe vera. This component can be purchased in pharmacies, where it is sold in 1 ml ampoules. One ampoule is diluted in 1 liter of water. If you have aloe growing at home, then you can squeeze 5 ml of juice from it and dilute it with 1 liter of water. This will also provide an effective liquid solution.

VIDEO: 6 Natural fertilizers for indoor flowers and more

Flowers are the decoration of life. This is a bright element of the interior and a wonderful gift for a woman. Many people cannot imagine life without indoor plants. Watering and feeding these lovely green spaces is a pleasant outlet after a working day or an interesting hobby. And they, in turn, thank their owners with beauty and pleasant aroma. Even when there is a snowstorm and blizzard outside, spring can reign in your house, buds swell and fresh shoots grow.

However, take care of indoor plants is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Some people think that you just need to water your house flowers regularly. But in pots for green spaces there is too little space, and, accordingly, there is a lack of nutrients that greens absorb from the soil. In order for indoor plants to be healthy, strong and give flowers to their owners, they need help.

It’s a rare summer resident who gets by on his own personal plot without fertilizers, but at home they often forget about them. But in vain. Due to the fact that bushes in pots have a limited feeding area, they must be periodically replanted in a fresh nutrient substrate and fertilized in the ground. Even if the pot is large and spacious, the plant will deplete the soil's resources over time. And after a couple of months the plant again needs feeding. Organic and mineral fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores for impressive sums of money, or you can make them yourself, using only what you have on hand.

Some home flower lovers believe that replanting or fertilizing once every six months or even once a year is enough, but they are seriously mistaken. Minerals from the soil are depleted in just two months, after which another fertilizing is necessary. A particularly acute lack of vitamins is observed in indoor plants during rapid growth or flowering. And in a warm apartment this happens not only in the spring. With proper care, buds or buds can appear in any season.

If you see that the flowers are growing slowly, have become weak, the leaves are small, colorless, covered in spots, have begun to dry out, or simply do not want to bloom, things are bad. It is better, of course, not to bring the plants to this state, but if this does happen, you need to help your green charges and treat them with something sweet. And this is not a joke, sugar is one of the most popular fertilizers for indoor plants and other flowers. This is largely due to the fact that white fertilizers can be found in any home, in the kitchen of every good housewife. But the benefits of sugar are irrefutable and have long been confirmed by numerous studies and experiments.

The history of the use of natural and healthy sweet dishes in crop production

History is silent about who first came up with the idea of ​​feeding flowers with sugar. What is known is that many families passed this advice down from generation to generation.

And in the twentieth century it is folk remedy received scientific justification and recognition in the most authoritative circles of biologists.

In 1907, Lyubimenko investigated the ability of the root system to absorb sugars on our own, without exposure to any microorganisms. The world-famous scientist Michurin injected sugar directly into the tissues of green experimental subjects. Other experimenters have successfully grown greenery, including ferns and algae, without any exposure to sun rays, only thanks to sugar fertilization. Thus, it was proven that it is the sweet solution that can compensate for the lack of light in a certain way.

The benefits of sweets

It is believed that fertilizing flowers is most necessary in winter time sugar, since at this time the sun is not often and the plants lack ultraviolet radiation. The same goes for greenery in dark rooms or planted in the shade. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis, but if it is not very active, then plants begin to use up their hidden reserves. The first thing that comes into play is sugar. This is why sweet fertilizers are so necessary in winter. Some hobbyists combine feeding home plants with sugar and installing lighting with a fluorescent lamp.

There are experiments that prove that plants that receive sugar supplements in the spring grow faster, become stronger and healthier. Such specimens bloom or sprout more often.

Chemical laws

This effect - rapid growth, flowering and fruiting - is explained by the chemical reactions that occur. We know from school that sugar breaks down into fructose and glucose. If the first product is practically useless for plants, the tissues of green spaces are not able to absorb it and use it for their own benefit, then glucose is a vital substance.

Glucose is a universal building material from which complex organic molecules are formed - cellulose, starch, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. On its basis, flowers grow, develop and reproduce. Moreover, glucose is the source of energy for most important plant life processes - tissue formation, respiration, nutrition, absorption of beneficial microelements from the soil, and so on.

However, in order for glucose to be well absorbed, the presence of carbon dioxide is necessary.

Therefore, experts recommend using one of the EM preparations, for example, “Baikal - EM1” when feeding plants with sugar. They contain bacteria that promote the decomposition of organic matter. This process produces carbon dioxide. This will allow you to achieve maximum suction and, accordingly, results. Otherwise, unused sugar will become food for mold or rot.

Sweet cocktail

Sugar can be poured into a pot of flowers, one teaspoon at a time, then watered with clean water, or a special liquid can be made. In order to make a sweet and healthy solution, you need to take one tablespoon of sugar and dilute it in half a liter of water.

There is no consensus among scientists on how often to use this fertilizer. Some cite studies in which white natural fertilizer every week and achieved excellent results. Others argue that you need to make the life of plants sweeter no more often than once every couple of months. Therefore, every lover of indoor flowers will have to solve this issue independently. The main thing is not to overdo it and prevent the formation of rot or mold.

Pure glucose can also be used to feed indoor plants. This substance is even more effective, although it is not found in every home. It must be purchased at a pharmacy. One or two such tablets should be diluted in a liter of water, then water the resulting solution on the plant or spray its leaves.

The benefits of sugar-based fertilizers for indoor and not only indoor plants have long been proven both in theory and in practice. Now all we have to do is use the recommendations of experts. But it must be taken into account that the effect for various types plants may vary. Prickly cacti and ficus are especially fond of sweets. But even here it is important not to overdo it with fertilizing, because excessive additives can also harm the plant.

When using sugar or other fertilizers to feed indoor plants, you should pay special attention to watering. Excessive volumes of water can contribute to the leaching of nutrients from the soil. Also, because of this, the root system may begin to rot and signs of disease will appear, such as weakened stems and leaves that are yellowed or covered with strange spots. You need to know moderation in everything, and then the green creatures that live on the windowsills will give you beautiful and fragrant flowers. It is also necessary to remember about a systematic approach and regular care of plants. One spoon of sugar will undoubtedly give results, but only temporary. The procedure must be repeated regularly, as needed, and not wait for unwanted crises.

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Indoor plants are a bright element of the interior. So that they do not lose their well-groomed appearance, but delight the owner with lush foliage and beautiful flowering, they need to be provided with high-quality care. To do this, flower growers use fertilizers - ready-made solutions and home remedies. Sugar is one of the most popular fertilizers in the last group of fertilizers.

Sugar feeding

In winter, when the air temperature drops and daylight hours are shortened, indoor plants especially need nutrients. Ultraviolet plays an important role in photosynthesis; with a lack of natural light, plants begin to actively use hidden resources. Plant tissues use up their own sugars, which is why it is so important to fertilize with sugar, or rather glucose, in the autumn-winter period.

This type of fertilizer can be combined with the use of artificial lighting. The practice of gardeners shows that adding sugar fertilizers to the soil has a beneficial effect on indoor plants - they actively grow, bloom, look healthy and strong.

Benefits for plants

The accelerated growth of plants when sugar is added to the soil can be explained at the molecular level. With this type of fertilizing, certain chemical reactions occur in the soil. Sugar tends to break down into two substances - fructose and glucose. The first component is not of particular value, since it is not absorbed by tissues. However, the second is vital for both humans and plants.

Important: When glucose enters the tissues of flowers, lipids, starch, nucleic acid, cellulose, and proteins are formed in them.

Glucose is a rich source of energy that indoor plants need for healthy growth and flowering. If it is deficient, flowers cannot absorb the beneficial substances that gardeners add to the soil.

What plants is it suitable for?

You can use fertilizer for any indoor plants, it is especially useful for flowering crops. With this care, the flowering period is significantly extended, the leaves become more saturated in color and noticeably increase in size. Large plants, in particular ficus trees, also like sugar fertilizers, but cacti, roses, and dracaenas also prefer them.

Advice: You can feed plants with glucose not only in the autumn-winter period, but also at any other time of the year if they are deficient in ultraviolet radiation. These are flowers that are located in a darkened area of ​​a house or apartment.

Sugar feeding is needed for the following changes:

  • growth has slowed down greatly;
  • leaves and stems have lost their color intensity;
  • the stems stretched upward and became thin;
  • leaves have decreased in size;
  • flowering is absent for a long time;
  • the foliage begins to turn yellow and crumble.

Instead of sugar, flowers can also be fed with glucose, which is sold at the pharmacy. 1-2 tablets must be dissolved in a liter of water.

When using glucose for feeding, a favorable environment is created for the development of fungus and rot. To avoid this, it is recommended to add any of the EM preparations to the soil. Flower growers often use “Baikal EM-1” or “Vostok EM-1” for these purposes.

How to feed?

There are several ways to fertilize flowers.

Method No. 1. The simplest option looks like this: pour a spoonful of sugar directly into the pot, and pour water on top of the soil.

Method number 2. Sugar needs to be diluted in water. To prepare healthy sweet fertilizer you will need 1 tsp. sugar per half liter of settled water.

The second method is considered more effective, since glucose in liquid form reaches all the roots of the flower.

You should know that the absorption of glucose by plant tissues properly occurs only when in contact with carbon dioxide. Based on this, along with sugar feeding, it is necessary to introduce preparations based on bacteria into the soil, which promote the rapid decomposition of organic matter. For this experienced flower growers Yeast is used because its breakdown produces carbon dioxide.

Given this rule home care for flowers, you can prepare a sweet solution with the addition of yeast. For this you need 1 g of dry yeast and 1 tsp. dissolve granulated sugar in a liter of settled water. The solution consumption per 1 kg of soil is 100 ml.

It is recommended to fertilize with sugar and yeast once in summer, autumn and spring period. More frequent fertilization will not be beneficial, because yeast fungi tend to absorb from the soil useful substances necessary for the healthy development of flowers - calcium and potassium. It is advisable to introduce these microelements into the soil together with yeast in the form of wood or stove ash - only 5 - 10 g. You can also dissolve 1 g of potassium sulfate in soft, settled water.

The following rules should be followed:

  1. Fertilizer can be applied for the first time two months after planting in the ground.
  2. Before applying fertilizing, you need to water the plant well. Such actions will help protect the root system from the negative effects of the substance if it is used in high concentrations.
  3. Sick and weakened plants should be watered with a less concentrated solution - ½ tablespoon per liter of water.
  4. Fertilizer can be applied no more than once a month.

Sugar water can be used not only for watering, but also for spraying leaves. Sugar compresses are made for phalaenopsis:

  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar is dissolved in a liter of water;
  • moisten dry wipes in the solution and apply to the leaves;
  • After half an hour, the compress is removed.

You can also wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in this solution.

Basic mistakes

When using sugar fertilizers for indoor flowers, many novice gardeners make some mistakes. The most common of them are:

  1. Watering too often. Excessive watering of plants removes nutrients from the soil. This can also cause rotting of the root system and death of the crop.
  2. Irregular application of fertilizer. Feeding with sugar gives a good but temporary result, improving the health of indoor plants only for a while. That is why it is important to carry out such care regularly.


According to some gardeners, fertilizing with sugar can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Excess glucose in the soil causes mold and midges to grow or causes dark spots to form on the surface of leaves. Only the correct use of this natural fertilizer will have a beneficial effect on indoor plants.

Flowers are unique gifts of nature that decorate human life. They have long become an integral attribute of the residential interior, a gift business card for women. Many people cannot imagine their life without their beloved indoor plants. But only a few people know that feeding flowers with sugar, if the correct proportions are observed, will allow you to enjoy this beauty for a very long time.

And if ordinary pet care has turned into a hobby for you, carefully study this article and you will learn how to fill your home with notes of spring mood and warmth even in winter.

Despite their apparent simplicity, caring for indoor plants is quite difficult. Some people think that home flowers only require regular water supply. But lion's share home plantings are in pots with a limited amount of nutrient medium. It is obvious that they are acutely aware of the deficiency of beneficial microelements in the soil. Houseplants require some help from their owners.

Today, feeding flowers with sugar is one of the most effective ways to grow a strong and healthy ornamental crop.

Feeding indoor flowers with sugar: a fashion statement or a necessity

At their summer cottage, almost every gardener uses fertilizers, but at home they are forgotten. Completely in vain. Bushes in pots develop in a limited area, which reduces their “diet” significantly. Periodically, they require replanting into a fresh substrate with nutrients and regular soil fertilizing.

Owners of spacious and large pots know that over time the resource reserve of the soil is depleted. After 2-2.5 months it is necessary to add a portion of micronutrients. You can buy in specialized stores mineral And organic fertilizers, taking into account the fact that their cost is quite high. You can also fertilize flowers with sugar yourself; the proportions and recipe must be followed very precisely.

Some gardeners believe that home flowers require replanting or fertilizing more often than once every 6 months, and this is their big mistake. Minerals leave the soil literally in 1.5-2 months, after which application is required. additional elements. The situation gets worse during active growth and flowering. And if we're talking about warm apartment, then this period can occur several times during the year.

Buds and buds can form regardless of the season outside the window.

If you notice signs of slow growth, colorless and small leaves, or lack of color, then the situation requires immediate intervention. The ideal case is not to bring the plant to such a deplorable state. But if this has already happened, it is necessary to feed home flowers with sugar - one of the most popular “folk” remedies. The benefits of the crumbly white composition are irrefutable and confirmed by hundreds of studies.

The history of feeding indoor flowers with sugar in plant growing

It's hard to name the exact date, when people first started adding sugar as fertilizer. Over time, this tradition passed from generation to generation and successfully reached the 21st century.

The folk remedy received scientific justification only in the 20th century, when the remedy was actively used by gardeners.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the scientist Lyubimenko conducted practical research according to the ability of the plant’s root system to absorb sugar, without the additional introduction of foreign microorganisms. The famous scientist Michurin became famous for his practice of introducing a sweet consistency directly into the green tissues of plants (algae, ferns). It was possible to establish that it is sugar that eliminates the deficiency of sunlight. Reviews about feeding flowers with sugar confirm this fact.

What are the benefits of sweet fertilizers?

Sweet fertilizer is most useful in winter, when there is an acute shortage ultraviolet rays. The situation is similar with greenery, which is kept in the shade and indoors for a long time. Without sunlight, the process of photosynthesis does not take place; plants have to consume hidden reserves. Sugar is consumed the most. In the context of which, feeding indoor flowers with sugar is required specifically in winter. Experts strongly recommend supplementing such care with fluorescent lighting.

In practice, it was possible to prove that plants grow more actively in sugar soil. They sprout more often and bloom more intensely.

Feeding flowers with sugar. Dictated by the laws of chemistry

The effect is obvious - active development of the crop, accompanied by flowering. It occurs due to chemical reactions. As sugar breaks down, glucose and fructose are formed. And if the last element is virtually useless for a living plant, the greenery is simply not able to absorb it. As for glucose, it is a vital substance.

Experts know that glucose is a universal building material in living organisms, due to which molecules on an organic basis are formed - nucleic acids, proteins, starch and cellulose. Thanks to these substances, the development and reproduction of flowers occurs. Plant life cannot function without glucose.

For the plant to absorb glucose, the presence of carbon dioxide is required.

Experienced gardeners recommend feeding plants with sugar; you can use a product called “Baikal - EM1”. It contains bacteria, thanks to which organic matter multiplies more actively. Due to this, carbon dioxide is released. Its presence determines the maximum absorption of glucose by the plant.

Cocktail of sweetness and energy

You can simply pour sugar into a pot of flowers (one teaspoon is enough), and then add clean water. The solution is not only sweet, but also healthy.

As for the frequency of applying such fertilizing, there are no clear recipes, instructions or recommendations. Some recommend using fertilizers until positive results are achieved, others advise limiting yourself to applying one dora for 2-3 months. The main rule is not to overdo it, as this can provoke the formation of mold and even rot.

The Importance of Glucose for Flowers

An excellent means of feeding flowers is pure glucose. It is more effective compared to regular sugar, but not all homes have it in its pure form. You can purchase the product at the pharmacy. Dilute 1-2 tablets per 1 liter of water, and then water the plants with the solution; you can also use it to spray the leaves.

Fertilizing flowers with sugar is a proven fact, both theoretically and practically. In this process, you need to trust the experts. It should be noted right away that the actual benefits for each type of plant may differ significantly. Ficuses and even cacti love the sweet composition.

Fertilizing flowers with sugar must be supplemented with regular watering. If there is too much water, some of the nutrients will simply be washed away. The root system may begin to rot, diseases may worsen, the leaves will turn yellow, and the stem may weaken. In every feeding you should feel a sense of proportion. Obviously, even a spoonful of sugar will give results, but it will be only temporary. The procedure should be repeated regularly, without waiting for seasonal crises.

Flowers are a beautiful and bright element of the interior. Most hobbyists cannot imagine their life without houseplants. By watering and feeding your flowers, a person feels needed, and this activity is an outlet after a hard day at work. And flowers reward their owners with a pleasant aroma and beauty.

Caring for house flowers is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For abundant flowering and good health of plants, watering alone is not enough. Flower pots have little space and lack nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically replant into new soil and apply fertilizer. Even if the flower grows in a large pot, it will eventually lack nutrients. Mineral and organic fertilizers can be purchased in special stores, or you can make them at home, using only available means. So how to feed indoor flowers at home?

1 Sugar fertilization

Feeding flowers with sugar is most necessary in winter, since at this time there is very little sunlight and plants receive little ultraviolet radiation. The sun is necessary for good photosynthesis, otherwise plants use their hidden reserves. Sugar is consumed first, which is why sweet fertilizer is so necessary in the winter.

A teaspoon of sugar is poured into the flower pot, then watered with water at room temperature. You can also make a sweet solution. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of sugar in 0.5 liters of water.

How often to fertilize indoor flowers with sugar - Scientists have not yet found a single solution. Some say that you need to feed every week, while others say that once every two to three months is enough. Therefore, every plant lover needs to solve this issue independently.

It is important not to overdo it to avoid mold or rot.

When using any fertilizers, special attention should be paid to watering. Large amounts of water wash away beneficial elements from the earth. And because of this, the root system can rot. The first signs are yellowed leaves, weakened stems and spots. You need to know the measure of watering and fertilizers, then the plants will delight you with excellent flowers and good health. A spoonful of sugar will definitely give results, but only temporary, so this procedure is repeated regularly.

1.1 Glucose

Instead of sugar, you can use glucose, which is sold in every pharmacy. This flower food will be more effective. To do this, dilute one tablet in a liter of water at room temperature. It is recommended to spray or water flowers with this solution no more than once a month.

2 Feeding homemade coffee flowers

A good fertilizer for indoor flowers is coffee. The most convenient thing is that it does not need to be prepared specifically for plants. After drinking the drink, simply do not throw away the coffee grounds, but mix them with the soil in the pot. Thanks to this, the earth will become lighter and looser, its acidity will increase and be saturated with oxygen.

Before using coffee for home flowers, it is worth remembering that increasing the acidity of the soil does not have a positive effect on all plants. You can also fertilize the plants in the flower garden:

  • azaleas;
  • gladioli;
  • lilies;
  • all types of roses;
  • rhododendrons;
  • evergreen.

Homemade flowers are also fed with regular tea leaves. But it can also have a negative effect. Leaves in the ground are very attractive to black flies (sciarids), so be extremely careful.

2.1 Feeding indoor flowers with fruits

Banana, orange or tangerine peel - This is a wonderful food for indoor flowers. But for such fertilizer you will have to work a little.

To prepare, you need to grind the zest, pour it into a liter jar by a third, then fill the jar completely with boiling water. This “drink” should steep for a day, then take out the crusts and fill the jar with water to the rim. Now you can water the plants.

Flowers are fertilized in much the same way. banana peel: you need to chop the peel, fill half a liter jar with it and pour boiling water over it. After a day of infusion, remove the peel and add water.

Banana peels, unlike orange peels, can be mixed directly into the soil in the pot. When replanting, add a small amount of dried and finely chopped banana peels to the pot along with the soil. They will rot and enrich the soil with microelements.

You can also make a very effective cocktail for plants from citrus peels and bananas. It is prepared according to the following recipe: finely chop the zest and peel of a banana in equal proportions, fill a 3-liter jar by a third, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and pour warm water. After three weeks, you will have a light yellow liquid, which should then be stored in the refrigerator. To fertilize, this liquid is diluted with water 1:20 and fed once a month.

2.2 Ash

Ash - excellent fertilizer, which contains phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium and sulfur. To feed plants with ash, you need to mix it with the soil when replanting. Thus, the land will not only become more nutritious, but will also be disinfected, and roots damaged during transplantation will not begin to rot. You can also prepare a solution from ash: 1 tablespoon of ash is diluted in a liter of water.

2.3 Yeast

Yeast has a lot of nutrients that accelerate the growth of flowers: B vitamins, phytohormones, auxins. Yeast contains cytokinins, which regulate cell division.

Yeast - folk method fertilizers, which has been repeatedly studied by scientists. As a result, it was proven that with the help of yeast, the activity of various microorganisms in the soil increases and the release of carbon dioxide increases. That is why feeding flowers with a yeast solution is equated to full-fledged mineral fertilizers.

To prepare the solution, take 10 g. yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Dissolve all this in a liter of warm water. If you take dry yeast, the proportion will change slightly: 10 grams of dry yeast and 3 tablespoons of sugar per 10 liters of water. Before using any of the solutions, let it sit for two hours. Then you need to dilute it with water 1:5 and you can water the flowerpots.

Novice gardeners are often interested in how to feed petunia. For this plant, yeast has the following properties:

  • accelerate the process of formation and development of the root system;
  • provide gradual restoration damaged flower, since yeast contains a complex of minerals and vitamins.

2.4 Onions

Onion - good remedy for fertilizing violets, especially if the plant is sick or has been attacked by pests. Onion skin is useful for flowering and flower growth, especially violets. To make onion decoction for violets, you need to boil the onion skins under the lid, let it brew and then strain. The decoction is used to spray violets. It is worth considering that the decoction for violets is best used on the day of preparation.

2.6 Feeding during the flowering period

When the plant begins to bloom, there is a need for abundant phosphorus nutrition. For better flowering It is recommended to add superphosphates and phosphates to the soil, which quickly and easily dissolve in water. These fertilizers are applied to the ground just before flowering.

If you want to have a chic home flowering bushtry to apply fertilizers in a timely manner. In spring, plants are ready to collect useful microelements for further active growth, and throughout the rest of the period, fertilizer should be applied in the form of spraying leaves and root watering.