Basic methods of propagating the money tree. Money tree (crassula, crassula): how to propagate without problems

The money tree has long been a popular indoor plant and, according to its name, is of interest to every housewife. This flower promises help in wealth and prosperity, which means you need to keep it in proper form and be able to propagate it at home. The easiest way to propagate the crassula is by planting the shoot correctly.

Crassula and Crassula - other names money tree, whose natural habitat is South Africa.

The money tree will need support over time

A fairly unpretentious plant has a number of features:

  • Crassula does not like waterlogged soil.
  • The plant does not tolerate heavy soil and an incorrectly selected pot.
  • The money tree needs to form a crown - pinching the leaves.
  • The plant does not respond well to frequent fertilization.
  • Crassula should not be placed in the shade.
  • Reproduction of Crassula at home

    Money tree can be propagated different ways: cuttings, seeds, shoots and leaves.

    How to propagate Crassula from cuttings

    The simplest and quick way propagation of the money tree - by cuttings. This will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. It is necessary to perform a series of sequential actions.

  • It is enough to break off a twig from a well-formed plant, and the cutting is ready. The shoot should be chosen in a vertical shape so that it will grow in the future. beautiful tree. Optimal size cuttings are from 5 to 10 cm.
  • The lower leaves of the cuttings need to be broken off; roots will subsequently form in their place. Moreover, if the shoot already has aerial roots, then the rooting process will go faster. However, their presence is not at all necessary.
  • Place the prepared cuttings in a glass of water. To speed up the process, you can use a root formation stimulator, for example, Zircon, adding 4 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water (according to the instructions). The glass should be transparent, and it is advisable to place it on a windowsill on the sunny side. Change the water as necessary, and after 10–14 days the sprout will have roots.
  • Rooting in the ground

    Crassula cuttings can be rooted directly in the soil:

  • Apply powder to the cut area of ​​the prepared cutting. charcoal and leave the shoot to dry for a day in the open air.
  • In a small container with drainage hole pour a layer of expanded clay. Prepare soil mixture for planting: mix in equal quantities garden soil and sand. Pour the resulting soil into a container.
  • In the center of the pot, use a pencil to make a depression (3–4 cm) and place the cutting in it. Lightly compact the soil around the shoot and moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Water the sprout with settled water as the soil dries.
  • The cutting will take root in 2–3 weeks, and it is recommended to transplant it into a larger container after six months.
  • How to plant a shoot

  • Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  • Add nutrient soil. It can be replaced with garden soil mixed in half with sand. In this case, it is better to disinfect the soil in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • In the center of the earthen clod, make a small depression in which to place the cutting.
  • Level the layer of soil and compact it lightly.
  • For planting, you need to choose the right pot: you should not select it for future use, taking into account the future size of the adult plant, but it is better to plant it in a small container with a diameter of 7–10 cm. This way, the money tree will have the opportunity to quickly take root and grow. After a year, it can already be transplanted into a larger flowerpot.

    Growing from a leaf

    A fairly simple method of propagation is to grow a money tree from a leaf.

  • You can cut any leaf or take a fallen one, but it should not be old and flabby. Any Crassula leaf will do.

    Any Crassula leaf is suitable for rooting.

  • Place it in a shallow container with water to the middle and wait for the roots to appear.
  • Plant a leaf with roots in small pot with fertile light soil, compact the soil around it. Water 2 times a week with a small amount of settled water. In a month, the leaf will have time to take root and immediately begin to grow.

    It will take about a month for the leaf to root.

  • Propagation by seeds

    Crassula can be grown from seeds, although this method is more labor-intensive.

  • Seeds are sown in a small container with seedling soil. Optimal temperature indoors should be 20–25 °C. Bottom heating for the seed container is not required.

    Crassula seeds are sown in special containers for seedlings

  • The planted seeds are covered with polyethylene, and if there is a mini-greenhouse, then with a lid. Every day, the seeds are watered with settled water from a spray bottle and the greenhouse is left open for an hour. Ventilation allows the soil to dry out a little and become saturated with oxygen, after which the seeds are covered again.
  • When shoots appear, remove the polyethylene or cover and continue systematic watering. Rooted shoots are transplanted.

    Rooted shoots will need to be transplanted

  • Reproduction of the Crassula - video

    Proper plant care

    To ensure that the money tree always looks healthy and blooming, it is enough to follow these simple rules:

  • The money tree loves to be in the sun, but also tolerates light partial shade;
  • an adult plant does not like abundant watering, otherwise the foliage will begin to actively fall off and the root system may become sick;
  • the tree should be watered in small portions once a week, and winter time reduce watering to twice a month;
  • It is enough to apply fertilizers once a month and only during the growing season;
  • spraying with melt water will emphasize the beautiful glossy shade of the Crassula leaf;
  • in the summer, the flower will grow more actively fresh air.
  • The flowering of a money tree is quite rare, but if it happens, consider yourself lucky. A blooming money tree portends good luck and wealth to its owner in the near future.

    The fat woman is unpretentious in care, reproduces easily and is considered a talisman for the family hearth. It is also interesting to grow a plant for the sake of stimulating flowering, which will herald quick wealth and financial well-being.

    Many gardeners will probably want to grow a money tree, also known as Crassula and Crassula, at home. It is not too demanding to care for and at the same time looks aesthetically pleasing. In today's article we will look at how to propagate a money tree.

    Before figuring out how to plant a money tree, every gardener should study the basic rules, which you cannot do without if you want to grow this flower in your own home. The propagation process of Crassula will be successful if you provide it with the following conditions in advance:

    • It is advisable to place the flower in a pot in a well-lit place in the apartment. The optimal choice for a gardener is western or eastern windows. You should not expose the fat plant to direct sunlight, because excessively bright light is contraindicated for the plant. You can prevent the appearance of burns on the leaves by shading the stem on hot summer days. But in winter period Do not leave the money tree without lighting. It should be placed in a bright corner of the house. At the same time, do not forget to turn it occasionally flower pot. In this case, the fat plant will evenly absorb nutrients and be saturated with sunlight;
    • The plant must be moistened moderately. Otherwise, its rhizome will begin to actively rot. Check the condition of the flower from time to time. If leaves suddenly fall off or the plates become covered with brown spots, this means that you have gone too far with moisture. To prevent sad consequences, even at the planting stage, take care of the presence of drainage in the flowerpot. At the same time, do not forget to let the water sit for several days before the next watering. Tap liquid contains too much a large number of chlorine elements, so it is not suitable for moisturizing Crassula;
    • Crassula should be planted in low-density soil. Universal substrate or soil for succulents - optimal choice for any gardener;
    • engage in the formation of the crown and thus stimulate the flower to increase the vegetative mass;
    • It is recommended not to propagate and replant shoots too often, otherwise you will cause serious harm to the plant.

    Reproduction of the domestic Crassula will bear fruit if you can create favorable conditions for its growth in your home.

    Video “Planting a Money Tree”

    From this video you will learn how to properly plant Crassula at home.

    Basic methods

    How to plant and germinate a money tree shoot is a question that gardeners who have this flower in their flower collection probably face. Dilute at home this plant can be done using several methods at once: using cuttings, leaves or seed material. Let's look at the features and advantages of each method so that you can make the right choice and successfully grow crassula.


    How to grow a money tree from a shoot - flower growers are ready to resort to this method most often, since it quickly bears fruit. If your Crassula is already about 3 years old, you can safely cut the stalk from its stem without fear of causing significant harm to it.

    First of all, inspect the flower and take the shoots that have aerial roots. If there are any, the plant will be able to take root fairly quickly. The optimal cutting length is 10 cm. It must be strong and healthy in appearance: flaccid specimens are unlikely to take root in water or soil.

    If desired, cut off the top of the trunk, which can also be planted in a separate container.

    The procedure for propagating Crassula using cuttings is carried out in the following mode:

    • first, make a cut of the process between its segments; they are easy to see on the branch;
    • Be sure to treat the resulting cuttings with an antiseptic and then leave them for several hours so that they can dry well;
    • before planting the sprout in a pot, add a little drainage to the bottom so that moisture does not stagnate there in the future;
    • fill the container with earth adding a small amount of sand;
    • Be sure to sprinkle the sprouts on top with sand - then the water will not evaporate too quickly.

    If desired, plant several shoots nearby at once. These cuttings can be planted in separate flowerpots when they are in sufficiently will get stronger.

    Using leaves

    Propagation of a young money tree can be carried out not only by cuttings, but also with the help of leaves. This method is not difficult to implement. Start by inspecting your plant and selecting the bottom leaves. Cut them off and then leave them in the fresh air for at least a day. Next stage– soaking in a growth stimulator. In this case, it is very important that you immerse not only the leaf shoot in the solution, but also the plate itself (0.5 cm).

    Some gardeners prefer to root crassula leaves in a mixture of peat and sand. Even moistened moss is used for this purpose. After planting, cover the shoots with glass or film for the first few weeks. This will create a greenhouse effect. Ventilate the leaves from time to time and do not forget to spray them. Soon they will begin to produce roots.


    It is much easier to plant and propagate a flower with leaves and twigs than with grains. As a rule, seed material is used if you want to add new varieties to your collection. However, please note: this technology will require a lot of time and effort from you.

    Sow grains in nutritious soil composition. They need to be covered on top glass jar or film. Almost every day after rooting, the seed material will need to be ventilated and also sprayed with water.

    Knowing how to cut and replant a money tree, as well as care for it, you can diversify your home flower collection and decorate your own home.

    This article will focus on Crassula. I bet you haven't heard of such a plant before. But if I say fat woman or money tree, you will immediately understand who I’m talking about.

    Crassula is a plant with a thick trunk and evergreen leaves. The height of an adult money tree can reach 1.5 meters. The leaves are thick, fleshy, rounded with a grayish-green coating. The money tree looks very original.

    For some reason I like legends, and so, one Chinese legend says: “exists in the world unusual tree with leaves, but not simple ones, but in the form of gold coins. If you shake it well, the leaves—coins—fall to the ground like drops of rain.” According to this wonderful story, everyone came to the conclusion that the Crassula was the same magical tree that everyone, of course, dreamed of finding.

    Crassula belongs to the Crassula family. Motherland money plant South Africa, Madagascar, Australia. The money tree blooms with flowers collected in a brush of delicate white and pink shades. Beautiful inflorescences appear in adult plants at the ends of the stems. The genus name of this plant is translated from Latin language like krassus - thick and indicates the fleshy structure of the leaves and stems.

    Crassula has long been popular in post-Soviet countries. This evergreen can decorate and complement any interior; moreover, the money tree requires minimal care. Any beginner, as well as a gardener who is limited in time, can handle it. The money tree propagates and grows easily.

    When choosing a place for a fat woman, give preference to a south-east window. Then the money tree will attract success and financial well-being to your home. It is believed that larger size plants, the greater its impact. Crassula is a good talisman that activates the energy of money in the wealth sector according to Feng Shui.

    Crassula arborescens- a shrub or tree natural conditions grows to a height of 2 meters with stems measuring up to 15 -20 cm in diameter. The color of the leaves is gray-green with a reddish edging, about 6-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. Crassula arborescens blooms with small whitish or cream pink flowers. Unfortunately, it blooms very rarely at home.

    Only adult crassulas (5 - 10 years) are capable of flowering. To stimulate flowering, from June to August the money tree is taken out onto the balcony or garden, and in winter it should be kept in a cool room, only occasionally moistening the soil.

    Money tree care: watering, lighting, replanting

    Crassula is very easy to care for. In spring - summer period loves warmth, fresh air, sunbathing, and in winter it prefers a temperature no higher than + 15 degrees, and preferably +10. In summer, it is best to take the money tree out onto the balcony or garden. Can survive short-term temperature drops of even -2 degrees. Does not like to grow near heating radiators.

    The money tree's dormant period lasts from September to February. It has a beneficial effect on the fat woman’s well-being and accelerates growth. During rest, the plant is placed in conditions with a temperature of +10 - +15 degrees with good lighting, and is rarely watered.

    If the money tree is not given a period of rest, it will begin to stretch out its shoots and the leaves will begin to fall off.

    In spring and summer, water generously, but allow the soil to dry well (1/3 or even half the pot). It all depends on the composition; the more moisture-retaining parts the soil contains, the greater the drying height.

    In autumn and winter, water the money tree moderately and allow the soil to dry completely. Select the watering interval by looking at the leaves. They should not fade or wrinkle. Overwatering leads to rotting of the roots - this is their weak point.

    Crassulas are not demanding when it comes to air humidity; they don’t need to be sprayed at all. But still, the plant will be pleased if you wipe the leaves with a cloth and remove the accumulated dust.

    The money tree is replanted as it grows. It is better to buy bowls, since the roots of Crassula are shallow. The soil for replanting consists of leaf, turf land, sand, humus (1:3:1:1). You can buy ready-made ones for cacti or succulents.

    Fertilize the plant from April to September once a month. You can use an all-purpose fertilizer or one specifically for succulents or cacti.

    The money tree makes good friends with those who have never grown flowers before. This happens not only because as the fat woman grows, it grows financial income beginner florist. Crassula is absolutely not whimsical, responsive, and also beautiful.

    To plant, you need to buy soil for cacti or any other nutritious soil, but it must be loose, light, and does not retain moisture.

    Crassula is a coin tree that loves all banks and accounting departments. The classic coin tree, Crassula Ovata, grows quite large. Based on the classic green Ovata, breeders have created many colored varieties with interesting leaves.

    For example, the money tree Sunset (sunset). The plant has an interesting yellowish-pink color. Moreover, the closer the plant is to good lighting, the brighter the color, and if you move it to the middle of the room, the color quickly begins to fade.

    Or another very interesting variety of money tree, HornTree (horse). Some people think that the name has a meaning; the leaves of the crassula look like a horse’s mane. As this money tree grows, it forms more and more new branches, the plant becomes like a bonsai.

    Caring for a variegated money tree

    Crassulas are variegated (blue, white, yellow) and have the same requirements. Green representatives are less whimsical. In order for a colored money tree to feel good, the most important thing is not to overwater it. Crassula is afraid of water and absolutely cannot stand bays.

    The fat woman loves bright sun very much. It is usually written that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, but this does not apply to the money tree. Only, of course, everything should happen in moderation, that is, gradually. Even cacti cannot be exposed sharply. The money tree needs to be gradually accustomed to bright lighting. This also applies in winter - spring period. After a long cloudy winter, the sun is gradually transferred to spring.

    If it happens that you overwatered the fat plant, you need to urgently remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If they are not alive (brown, black, etc.) they need to be dried and replanted. You shouldn’t water the soil right away; you should also give it time to dry out a little. When transplanting a money tree, do not skimp on expanded clay; more drainage can be used.

    Money tree care: propagation

    Crassula is propagated by cuttings from leaves or stems. Best time March - April, but you can do it all year round, only in winter the survival rate is worse and you need to use it additional lighting. The planting material is carefully cut with a blade or knife. It is advisable to treat a fresh cut or wound with crushed activated carbon and allow it to dry for 2-3 days. After this, the cuttings are ready for planting; it is better to use a mixture of sand and leaf soil. You can put the cuttings in water to take root, but for disinfection add activated carbon. After the cuttings take root, I transplant them into 5-7 cm cups.

    A longer and more labor-intensive way to propagate a money tree is by seeds. It is usually used by flower growers who like to tinker with seeds. Seedlings emerge easily. After you have scattered the seeds, cover the plantings with glass or plastic film. Spray well. Shoots will appear in 10 - 14 days. It is better to thin out the excess seedlings so that they are not crowded. Grown at good lighting. When the seedlings grow up, they can be picked one at a time permanent place. Carry on as usual.

    Positive energy of the money tree

    If you are unable to concentrate on work, Crassula will help you become more hardworking. In addition, it will relieve sad thoughts. Where the money tree grows it becomes good and comfortable.

    Crassula is a “succulent” plant; its leaves are kind of storage vessels. Thanks to its physiology, the money tree is capable of absorbing negativity from harmful thoughts, feelings, words, in a word, everything related to the material needs of a person. This plant is recommended for people who spend a lot of time with money (cashiers, accountants) to relieve unnecessary stress.

    Crassula is sensitive to the people with whom it grows. It has been noticed more than once that if someone in the family’s health deteriorates, she also drops some of the leaves. With the improvement of human health, the fat woman also begins to return to normal.

    Money tree is very popular indoor plant, but not everyone is aware that it has an antiviral, antimicrobial effect and is not inferior to aloe juice. Just do not overuse it internally, since the juice of the fatty acid contains a concentration of arsenic.

    Crassula leaves are useful for sore throat. And if you crush them into a paste and then apply them to a wound or cut, everything will heal instantly. For herpes, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in juice, fix it with a band-aid or lubricate the affected area every 40 minutes.

    Money tree Buddha Temple (cultivar)

    The Buddha's Temple Crassula variety is something with something. The plant is so unusual - beautiful with an unforgettable “appearance” that I wanted to introduce you to it.

    This variety was created back in 1958 by crossing the Crassula Perfoliata with Pyramidalnaya. This miracle was created by Miron Kimnach. Therefore, sometimes when selling you can find the name Crassula or Kimnachi money tree.

    In its appearance, the succulent resembles an architectural building - a Buddhist temple. This fat woman has an interesting physiological feature. Reaching a threshold of 15 cm in height, the plant may collapse from its own weight, as if unable to bear it.

    Buddha Temple refers to the "herbaceous" Crassula, not the "sapling". In terms of care, they are more capricious and easier to refill. From the bright sun, the plant can “tan” and acquire a brownish tint.

    The money tree is a plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, named for the shape of its leaves. Other common names are Crassula and Crassula.

    About 350 species of this succulent are found in nature. IN indoor floriculture Crassula ovoid is common. Its oval leaves are dark green and fleshy. The trunk is lignified, thickened at the base. The plant is spreading and branched, and can reach two or more meters in height. Learn how to grow a money tree at home from scratch.

    Methods of propagation of the beautiful Crassula

    Growing a homemade money tree yourself is very simple, even for a novice gardener. This can be done in several ways.

    With the help of a shoot. Rooting of a Crassula cutting occurs quite quickly.

    Rooting in water:

    1. A cutting 7-10 cm long is placed in a container of water, removing about 3 cm of leaves from the bottom.
    2. You can add rooting stimulants to the water, for example, kornevin, but this is not at all necessary, since without any additives the cuttings will take root in about a week.
    3. The resulting shoot is planted in the ground.

    Plant the shoot directly into the ground:

    1. The base is buried 2-3 cm into the ground for cacti or succulents, sprayed with water and, if necessary, a support is installed.
    2. small sizes, a layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom.
    3. Roots appear quickly, within 1-2 weeks.

    Using a sheet. A money tree is grown from a leaf using the same methods as from a cutting. First, I root the leaf in water, then plant it in the ground, or immediately plant the leaf in the ground and wait for young shoots. The principle is the same as when growing.

    Conditions and rules for growing fat plants

    In order for the money tree, according to popular belief, to bring profit and improve financial well-being, it must be properly cared for. After all, as legends say, only a healthy, powerful and properly formed plant has magical properties.

    Ideal soil and the right pot

    The best soil for Crassula is suitable for cacti and succulents. If a universal mixture is used, then add part of it river sand in a ratio of 3:1. If the soil is acidic, then add dolomite flour– Crassula does not grow well in an acidic environment.

    The pot should be low and wide. Select the size of the pot based on the size of the plant. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the diameter of the crown. The money tree grows equally well in clay and ceramic dishes, as well as in plastic pots. Be sure to add a few centimeters of drainage to the bottom of the container.

    Location and regular care

    The fat woman prefers a bright and warm place. Ideal for growing it east side, however, western and southern are allowed. When grown on a southern windowsill, the tree must be shaded from scorching heat. sun rays.

    Every 2-3 weeks the pot should be rotated 1/4 axis towards the light source. It is necessary to protect the plant from drafts. They can cause leaves to fall. By the way, toast is recommended as a food; it is believed that its presence improves the relationship between spouses.

    The money tree should be watered regularly and abundantly. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out more than 2-3 cm. The water should be room temperature. In winter, watering is slightly reduced.

    Feed the fat plant with universal fertilizer or fertilizer for cacti and succulents. The frequency of fertilizing during the spring-summer growing season is once every 2-3 weeks. The rest of the time, fertilizers are not used.

    Crown formation and wintering

    To grow thick money tree, you need to plant it in a small pot. When the entire earthen ball is entwined with roots, the fat plant will begin to increase the mass of the trunk, and then the crown.

    To stimulate education lush crown , pinching begins already when young plant a bud appears above four pairs of leaves. It is pinched so that after some time two shoots form in its place, which, in turn, are pinched in a similar pattern.

    Crassula does not have a pronounced period of rest. However, from October to February-March it is advisable to keep the plant in a cooler place, approx. temperature regime 15-20 degrees. Watering is carried out when the earthen clod is half dry.

    Dangerous diseases and pests

    Most common cause Crassula disease is spider mite. In this case, the trunk, branches and leaves are covered with a white coating of cobwebs. A soap solution will help get rid of it. A soft sponge is moistened with soap dissolved in water and wiped all areas of the plant. In case of severe damage, it is worth using the drug "Fufanon".

    If your money tree leaves have brown or rust spots, then we can conclude that there is an infection scale insect. The affected areas are wiped with a brush dipped in alcohol, then, as in the case of spider mite, leaves, branches and trunk are wiped with a sponge soaked in soapy solution. It is recommended to use "Fufanon" or "Fitoverm" among the drugs.

    White flakes in the leaf axils indicate infection mealybug . In this case, the plant slows down its growth, the shoots become deformed, and the leaves may fall off. If the lesions are small, then foreign formations are cleaned off with a brush. If affected Substantial part plants, then it is necessary to use actellik for treatment.

    If the leaves have lost turgor, become lethargic and yellow, then there may be several reasons:

    1. One of the most common is insufficient watering. The pot is placed in a container with warm, settled water for 15 minutes, then the excess moisture is allowed to drain.
    2. The second reason is decay. The leaves become wet. The plant is taken out of the pot, the soil is shaken off, the roots are inspected and damaged ones are removed. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal. Plant the tree in fresh soil and reduce watering for a while.
    3. Long exposure to direct sunlight can cause leaves to yellow and fall off. To prevent this, the pot with the plant is removed to the back of the room and sufficient watering is provided.

    In the warm season, the money tree can be kept in the fresh air - used for or in. It is important to ensure that the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees and not leave the plant in the rain.

    Nastasya Vorob, an expert, spoke about how to properly grow a money tree from a shoot or leaf. Tips for proper care for house plants they are waiting for you in .