Why doesn't yucca bloom? Yuca flower: home care

If you have an apple tree growing in your garden, naturally you want to get as many tasty fruits from it as possible. Often, beginning gardeners believe that the more magnificent the tree, the greater the harvest. But that's not true. In order for an apple tree to produce a rich, high-quality harvest, so that the fruits are large and juicy, each of its branches must receive enough light and air. When the amount of light falling on the branches is reduced to 30 percent, fruit buds do not form on the trees.

Ferns are one of the categories of indoor plants that are actively gaining popularity. Their luxurious leaves with unique patterns and soothing, mysterious shades of green look so elegant that it is difficult to resist the beauty of ferns, even if there is no suitable place for them. Along with unpretentious ferns are becoming more common and rare, original views. And among them is a bizarre epiphyte polypodium with unusual leaves and colors.

Bigos in Belarusian - a hot dish from sauerkraut and meat, which is prepared in many countries: Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. Each country has its own cooking characteristics, but the base is approximately the same everywhere - a mixture of pickled and fresh white cabbage, pork belly and smoked meats. Bigos takes quite a long time to prepare, but the result is worth it. You can easily get rid of the not-so-pleasant aroma of stewed sauerkraut by following my recommendations.

Gardeners waking up from " hibernation", missed you gardening work, and hands reach out to the tools. But it is important to approach the issue of pruning ornamental plants competently. It’s not for nothing that they say “measure twice and cut once.” Our article will help you figure out how to give plants the right spring “hairstyles,” which of your green pets will be happy to respond to a new haircut, and for which garden residents it is better to wait a while with pruning.

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow in our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about growing them, and, first of all, in open ground. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in temperate climate zones has its own characteristics. We will tell you everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in open ground in this article.

May days delight with warmth and the opportunity to spend more time on the plots. But the long-awaited month of the arrival of stable warmth cannot boast of a balanced lunar calendar. In May there are periods favorable for work only in ornamental garden or only in the garden, are quite long, and there are quite a few days suitable for any plants. The lunar calendar for May 2019 requires planning and skillful distribution of planting and sowing times.

Snack cake - simple and delicious! This chicken liver cake with vegetables and delicious sauce will decorate the modest family celebration or Sunday lunch. Liver pancakes, also known as the layers of our cake, are very easy to prepare; liver dough is easiest to make in a blender. Pancakes are fried for several minutes on each side. The cream (sauce) for the snack cake is made from sour cream, mayonnaise and herbs. If you grind dill with salt, the cream will turn a light green color.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname "bottle palm", the genuine bottle palm It is very difficult to confuse Giophorba with its relatives. A real indoor giant and quite rare plant, Giophorba is one of the most elite palm trees. She became famous not only for her special bottle-shaped trunk, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for hyophorba is no more difficult than caring for ordinary indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be selected.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms - delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. Just pour boiling water over the glass noodles and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together and does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller pieces with scissors so as not to inadvertently snag the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have come across this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is “masked” under different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujube”, “Chinese date”, but these are all the same plant. This is the name of a crop that has long been grown in China, and was grown as a medicinal plant. From China it was brought to the Mediterranean countries, and from there jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the decorative garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, flower seedlings are planted and seasonal decoration begins. But you shouldn’t forget about shrubs, vines, or trees. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month with ornamental plants It works best in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move to the countryside and buy dachas? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer season has already begun; a lot of work awaits us in the garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves that in order for work to be a joy, you must remember to rest. What could it be better than rest on fresh air? Just relax in a furnished corner of your own garden.

May brings not only long-awaited warmth, but also no less long-awaited opportunities to plant even heat-loving plants in the beds. This month, seedlings begin to be transferred into the soil, and crops reach their peak. While planting and new crops are being planted, it is important not to forget about other important chores. After all, not only the beds need enhanced care, but also the plants in greenhouses and seedlings, which are beginning to be actively hardened off this month. It is important to form plants in time.

Pie for Easter - home recipe a simple sponge cake filled with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. The white icing that decorates the cake is made from white chocolate and butter, it won't crack, and it tastes like chocolate cream! If you don’t have the time or skills to tinker with yeast dough, then you can prepare this simple holiday baking for the Easter table. Such simple recipe I think any novice home pastry chef can master it.

Introducing best tips on planting and caring for garden yucca in open ground. We tell you the features of growing outdoors: choosing a location, fertilizing, replanting, propagation, pruning and flowering. And also how to care for a flower in the fall and how to prepare it for winter.

Planting garden yucca

The following types of yucca are most often grown in open ground: filamentous (filamentosa), glaucous and glorious. The first species successfully winters in the conditions of the Moscow region and middle zone Russia, and the other two are grown mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Due to their exotic appearance, plants look festive in any place in the garden or group of plants.

The flower can also be grown as a potted plant in room conditions(ivory and aloe leaf). They can often be seen in shopping centers and offices.


The plant is easy to care for, the most important thing is to plant it correctly and it will require a minimum of attention throughout the summer. The flower grows well and feels comfortable in an open sunny place, but in some cases it tolerates partial shade well.

  • It is better to choose a place for planting garden yucca on a small slope that is sunny, but with partial shade in the midday heat, and well ventilated, but without drafts.

You should not plant in lowlands or places with dense shade, as such conditions will negatively affect the appearance of the plant. With a lack of light, its leaves turn yellow and fall off.


Yucca is planted in the spring, before active growth begins and when night temperatures are consistently above +10 degrees or from mid-August to early September. The soil should contain sand, leaf and turf soil, as well as humus (to add nutrients).

The flower can grow in almost any soil, the main thing is that the root system has access to air. If you want to plant a plant where there is dense black soil or clay, then add sand to the soil mixture, and arrange gravel drainage at the bottom of the hole.

The flower grows well and often stays in one place for 15-20 years.

How to plant garden yucca correctly?

The size of the dug hole should be approximately twice the diameter of the root system; the bush is planted exactly in the center. After filling the roots with soil, carefully compact it so that there are no air cushions, and water with a small amount of settled water.

Planting yucca in open ground after purchase

Experts advise not to plant it immediately, but to harden it first. Take the plant outside and increase the duration of stay: the first 3-4 days for 1-2 hours during the day, the next 4-5 days for 3-4 hours, and then 4-5 days for 5-6 hours. Then the bush can be planted in the country.

Yucca: cultivation and care in open ground - watering and fertilizing

With fertilizing and watering, the main thing is to avoid excess. With excessive watering, the roots begin to rot, and with insufficient watering, the leaves curl, and the threads droop and hang (in yucca filamentosa). At proper watering The flower has straightened leaves with twisted threads.

The first two years of its life it is fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer for succulents in May (before the start of active growing season) and after flowering ends. In the 3rd year, when the root system is well developed, it will be possible to feed with organic fertilizers.

It is better to feed adult flowers in mid-spring (April) with liquid organic fertilizer. In early June, a handful of superphosphate is poured around the trunk; after watering or rain, fertilizers reach the roots and stimulate the formation of flower shoots and buds.

How to properly replant garden yucca?

Transplantation is done mainly to divide and replant an overgrown bush (also see propagation by dividing a bush). Because the plant can grow well for 15-20 years with good care without changing location. Up to 3 years of age, it can be transplanted to a more favorable location with minimal risk.

Subtleties of transplantation

  • The roots can grow up to 60-70 cm in length. Therefore, they dig deep and carefully around the bush so as not to harm them.
  • Choose a landing site according to our recommendations.
  • After transplanting, it is better to feed street yucca after 14-16 days with complex fertilizer.
  • It usually blooms within a year.

When is the best time to replant yucca?

The flower should be transplanted in spring or late summer (from August to early September).

Reproduction of garden yucca

The plant is propagated by seeds or vegetatively. IN natural conditions Pollination of flowers occurs with the help of butterflies from the Pronuba family, but they do not live in our climatic conditions.

By the way, the process of growing yucca from seeds is very labor-intensive and long: they are collected in August, sown in February, and only two years later in April-May it will be possible to plant seedlings in open ground.


A simple and effective way to conveniently reproduce street yucca during transplantation.

  1. An overgrown flower must be dug up from mid-April to early May or from mid-August to early September, and the shoots with roots and shoots must be separated.
  2. Young plants are planted on permanent place and watered. They need more careful care: protect from the bright rays of the sun, carefully water and feed after rooting.

As a rule, offspring are planted every 3-4 years.


The best time for reproduction is spring. Strong but medium-sized apical shoots (top of the stem) are used as cuttings. The larger the cutting, the worse it takes root.

  1. A healthy shoot (small crown of the stem) is cut at an acute angle, and the cut area is sprinkled with crushed charcoal or activated charcoal. Remove excess leaves (leave 4-5 on a large sample) and dry for 15-20 minutes in the shade.
  2. Then the cuttings are planted in a moist soil substrate at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and to a depth of 5-7 cm, and covered with glass/film on top.
  3. Rooting occurs best in light, nutritious and sandy soil at room temperature. Keep the soil mixture moist. After rooting the cuttings, plant them in the ground.
  4. Young flowers are left to overwinter in a greenhouse, but are additionally insulated with leaves on top.


In order to propagate street yucca from the trunk, there must be dormant buds on it.

  1. Prepare the soil mixture. Cut off part of the flower trunk with dormant buds (at least 10 cm in length), place it horizontally on moist soil and lightly press it into it.
  2. Spray part of the trunk a little every day.
  3. In about 10-20 days, the dormant buds will wake up and young shoots will grow in their place.
  4. Then the palm trunk is removed and cut into separate parts with shoots. The cut areas are sprinkled with powder charcoal and dry in the shade for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Each part with a shoot is planted in the ground.

How to prune yucca correctly?

Trimming is an excellent remedy rejuvenation of an old plant and the opportunity to obtain strong seedlings for the garden or home. It is also used to save frostbitten or rotten flowers.

A favorable time for pruning is spring, when the winter shelter has already been freed. Since there is only one growth point, when the stem is trimmed, its further growth stops. After this, dormant buds will awaken on the stem and after some time new rosettes with leaves will appear.

  1. Two days before pruning, water the yucca. Cut the trunk with a clean knife with a sharp blade so that the bark does not peel off at the cut site, 7-9 cm lower than the level of leaf growth.
  2. After drying (10-15 minutes), the cut areas are sprinkled with fungicide and finely ground charcoal. The top mother plant remaining in the soil is covered with garden varnish to provide good protection against disease and rot. The flower must be moved to a less lit place or shaded.
  3. After a couple of weeks, young shoots will begin to appear on it. A strong and healthy flower is left with 3-5 shoots. Small-sized garden yuccas can withstand the growth of a maximum of two tops.

The cut top can be rooted in the same way as cuttings in a greenhouse or greenhouse with a sandy substrate. After rooting, it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Yucca filamentosa “Bright edge”

Flowering and why doesn't yucca bloom?

Adult yucca blooms beautiful flowers white with a creamy yellow or golden hue, they are shaped like bells. Quite a large number of them are located on one leg, due to which the plant has excellent decorative properties.

A multi-flowered panicle, 0.5 m to 2.5 m long, emerges from the center of a leaf rosette. It usually stands upright, but can sag under the weight of the flowers. A plant grown in a garden with sufficient warmth and sunlight, will delight you with its abundant flowering.

What year does yucca bloom?

The plant usually blooms in the 2-3rd year (sometimes in the 1st). The flowering period lasts a very long time - up to three weeks and occurs in June-July.

Why doesn't it bloom?

  • Yucca most often cannot bloom for a reason: cold winter, if its above-ground part was damaged by frost.
  • It is not uncommon for it to bloom 4-5 years after planting.
  • Often the bush does not bloom due to lack of light when planted in partial shade.

Yucca filamentosa (filamentosis)

Care in autumn and winter

Garden yucca is considered quite frost-resistant; it actually tolerates snow falling in autumn or spring without visible losses, but only if it melts in 2-3 days. In general, it is able to withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees.

And constant cold and winter without snow are deadly for the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate it before the onset of winter frosts, especially specimens up to 2-3 years old. Frosts are more dangerous for the growing point (the core of the rosette) since the roots are more resistant and better protected.

How to cover garden yucca for the winter?

  1. In late October - early November, in dry weather, press the leaves to the crown around the trunk ("bun/tail") and carefully tie with twine/ribbon along the entire length. You will get a kind of column. This way we will protect the top of the plant from freezing and the leaves from mechanical damage.
  2. Next, wrap the flower thick fabric, burlap or agrofibre and put a wooden box without a bottom on top.
  3. Pour dry leaves, spruce branches or sawdust on top and on all sides of the box. If there is no box, then put branches or boards that will press the leaves to the ground and prevent the wind from blowing them away.
  4. Next, cover the structure with the plant with film and secure it securely. This shelter will allow you to preserve the yucca in winter as it will not let moisture in from the outside and has an air cushion inside.
  5. Young specimens are more sensitive to excess moisture in winter period. That's why, in early spring It is better to remove excess snow. In the spring, when stable heat sets in, the structure is dismantled. As young leaves begin to grow, last year's old yellowed ones are cut off with pruning shears.
  • By the way, even in the conditions of the Moscow region and central Russia, street yucca successfully winters in such a shelter. In the south of Russia you can do without serious shelter; it is enough to complete the first three points.

When to open yucca after winter?

In spring (mid-late March), remove the winter cover from the yucca and rake up the dry leaves. Then cover with burlap and remove it after the onset of stable warmth (early April).

Approximate dates for the Moscow region are indicated.

Possible problems during cultivation

High air humidity and damp soil contribute to the development of diseases. Look - Of these, the palm tree is most often affected by stem rotting due to excessive watering and improperly prepared soil.

  1. Brown leaf tips are caused by cold drafts or dry air.
  2. Brown spots can be caused by a fungal disease due to high soil moisture. The reason lies in excessive watering, incorrect composition soil mixture(insufficient drainage, low air permeability) or inappropriate substrate acidity.
  3. Light, dry spots occur when there is too much bright sun.
  • Read more in a separate article. And for photos of all types (nice, gray, filamentous and others), see the material about varieties.


We wish that beautiful and healthy yucca grows and blooms in your garden!

Yucca garden has served as a decoration for gardens and parks for more than 100 years; during flowering, this plant attracts the eyes of passers-by, striking with its splendor. Yucca filamentosa - everyone is familiar with this plant, because yucca fiber is still added to cotton fabric for the production of jeans. Thanks to this, jeans can be worn forever - they are highly durable. This article contains everything about growing and propagating the crop, caring for garden yucca, assortment of species and varieties.

Amazing white bells rise on a meter-long peduncle.

Yuccas are evergreen plants with a tree-like stem, united in a separate genus Yucca, which in turn is included in the Agave family.

In nature, yucca can be found in the south North America, in Mexico and Central America. About 20 species of plants are known, some of which can withstand wintering in open ground when planted in subtropical climatic zone. In Russia, garden yucca is widely used for landscaping areas in resort areas of the Black Sea coast; they adapt perfectly to urban conditions, serve as an ideal decoration for rocky hills, and are grown as solitary plants.

Most often, garden yucca is grown in city parks, which forms a dense rosette of hard leaves growing in a spiral on a shortened stem. The characteristic color of the leaves is green with a bluish coating over the entire area of ​​the leaf blade.

During flowering, the inconspicuous bush acquires extraordinary attractiveness - tall peduncles (more than 100 cm) rise from the center of the rosette, which are densely covered with large milky-white bells. The flowers are quite large, their length is 7 cm, width - 5 cm. During flowering, garden yucca is unusually attractive to insects - the graceful bells are visited by bees and bumblebees.

Types and varieties

Yucca filamentosa has white curled hairs along the edges of the leaves.

All species can be divided into plants for indoor growing and open ground. The primacy among open ground cultivars undoubtedly belongs to the species - garden yucca.

Yucca filamentosa is another popular plant that has virtually no stem. Yu. filamentous has sharp, dense leaves with a bluish coating, along the edges of which there are thin, strong white threads. Large flowers are yellow-cream, collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Yucca gloriosa - a plant common in the USA, this variety has bluish leaves with jagged edges of the leaf blade and a sharp thorn at the top of the leaf. The stem is very strong and tree-like. Yucca gloriousa blooms with decorative inflorescences consisting of many bell-shaped flowers of a purple hue.

Yucca treculeana - this variety of yucca is usually grown indoors. The tree-like stem is covered with rosettes of dense leaves, painted in green-blue tones. The leaves are hard, in adulthood the leaves can reach more than 1 m. Yucca treculeana blooms with rare bell-shaped flowers of cream color.

There are several other popular species in nature: Yucca aloelifolia, radiata, glaucous, beak-shaped, Schotta, short-leaved, turned-leaved, ivory, southern, Whippla. All varieties are characterized by powerful, durable trunks (reduced in some species), hard leaves and paniculate inflorescences of bell-shaped flowers.

Growing in the garden

Planting a plant requires a lot of free space.

Two types can be planted in open ground: garden yucca and filamentous yucca. It is not recommended to replant yucca in open ground immediately after purchase; it is best to gradually adapt the plant to local conditions, taking it out into the garden for hardening for 1-2 weeks.


To grow yucca in the garden, select an open, sunny place; it is very important that the soil is dry and that groundwater does not wash away the roots of the planted plant.

It is important to ensure that young yuccas do not shade tall trees or bushes, because in the shade the plants stretch out, their leaves turn pale and thin, and the rosettes take on a sloppy shape. Planting yucca correctly, fulfilling all the requirements of agricultural technology, is the key to the successful development of the plant in the garden.

Planting pits for young garden yuccas are provided with top side dimensions of 50x50 cm. Adult yuccas are planted in planting pits with top dimensions ranging from 70 cm to 1 m. A drainage layer consisting of gravel or crushed stone must be laid at the bottom of the holes. The pit is filled with a soil mixture of sand and chernozem with the addition of lime, rocky debris, and ash.

After planting, the plants need to be watered thoroughly. When transplanted, adult heavy yuccas can take a long time to take root in a new place; the plants should be looked after especially carefully.

You cannot plant yucca in open ground if there is a threat of morning frosts - the plant is transplanted only in the warm season.

How to plant yucca on alpine slide? To begin with, it is worth noting that the size of the plant planted in a rocky garden should not be too large. It is important to maintain a harmonious ratio of all plants in the rock garden.


Planting plants in the garden.

Care garden yucca consists of regular watering, and it is very important not to overwater the plant, which can get sick when the roots receive excess moisture. Watering is repeated only if the top layer of soil has dried thoroughly.

If weeds appear around the yucca, it is worth weeding them out in a timely manner, without allowing the seeds to ripen.

On especially hot summer days, you can spray the plants on the leaves.

How to properly care for garden yucca in winter? This question is of great concern to beginners and experienced flower growers. street flower It is imperative to cover it for the winter, even if the planted specimen has been growing in one place for many years. There are several ways to make a winter shelter for yucca:

  1. Cover the yucca bush in late autumn wooden box, on top of which insulating materials are laid (will do old roofing felt, non-woven fabric). A layer of soil is poured on top of the roofing felt, which will protect the plant from exposure to low temperatures.
  2. The second way to protect yucca from frost is to bend the lower leaves of the plant to the ground. Upper leaves collected in a bundle, tying them tightly with twine. The prepared bush is covered with dry fallen leaves, on top of which boards are laid. Then the plant is covered with film on top.


Reproduction by dividing the bush.

Reproduction is performed in several ways:

  • Planting by seeds - it is best to plant fresh seeds using individual containers. The seeds are quite large, reaching up to 1 m in diameter. The soil for seed germination is made up of leaf, turf soil and coarse sand, taken in equal parts. Seedlings appear within a month; young specimens begin to bloom for the first time in the third year.
  • Cuttings from apical shoots - for propagation using this method, it is necessary to cut off the apical shoots. It is worth drying the cuts for some time, after which the cuttings are planted in perlite or vermiculite. Rooting is carried out in a moist substrate.
  • Cuttings in parts of the stem - the mature stem is cut off just above the root collar. The cutting is placed horizontally in a container with perlite or coarse sand, lightly sprinkling the trunk with substrate. Rooting is carried out indoors or in a greenhouse. After new shoots appear, the trunk is divided into parts, each of which must have a sprout and roots.
  • Dividing a bush - plant propagation by dividing a bush is the most common way to obtain new specimens. Side shoots are carefully separated from mother bush in the spring, be sure to preserve part of the root system on each outlet. The cuttings are planted in the garden, and at first the plants are shaded from the sun.

Young yucca plants grown independently take root better in the garden plot.

Sometimes yucca planted in open ground refuses to bloom. The plant develops well, produces annual growth, but does not bloom. Why doesn't yucca bloom? What agrotechnical measures need to be carried out to stimulate flowering?

To make an adult yucca bloom, do not cut it lower leaves, even if they have lost their decorative effect.

Some plants are effective individual characteristics bloom in more late dates than other specimens planted in the garden. Incorporating double superphosphate into the soil in the fall will help stimulate the formation of yucca buds. The long-acting fertilizer dissolves slowly, and the plant roots absorb the nutritional composition. By spring, plants accumulate a sufficient amount of nutrients that stimulate the appearance of flower buds.

Pests and diseases

A diseased plant specimen.

In dry, hot weather, spider mites can be seen on yucca leaves, which can be gotten rid of using special insecticides. In the southern regions, scale insects can settle on the leaves; the fight against this pest can take quite a long period; during treatment, it is necessary to spill the soil under the bushes with preparations against the pest. On the leaves, the scale insects are first removed manually, trying to break the hard cover, and then treated with insecticides.

For the plant, the most dangerous pathogenic infections are necrosis and cercosporiosis of leaves, as well as gray mold. Bacterial rot And fungal infections threaten weakened specimens that are not properly cared for. You can get rid of diseases using fungicides.

Exotic plants have attracted gardeners throughout time. One of the brightest representatives of the class evergreens is yucca. This plant, which belongs to the agave family, is native to the humid subtropics of North America. This requires the owner to create similar conditions: the climate must be dry and hot. However, not everyone has the necessary knowledge about the rules for caring for this plant at home, reproduction characteristics, etc.


This plant may have single or branched trunk. Yucca also differs from other plants in that the leaves cover not only the branches, but also the trunk. They are slightly elongated and form a pointed shape at the end. Throughout its life, yucca blooms very rarely. Its flowers are quite large and have a white tint. Many people associate them with bells because of their original shape. Many gardeners choose this plant not to enjoy their flowering, but to enjoy their unusual appearance. After all, yucca strongly resembles a miniature palm tree.

If you are going to grow yucca in pots, it is recommended to place them on a window located on the south side. In this case, it is undesirable for the flower to be exposed to direct sunlight. In the absence of a bright place, yucca can be placed in partial shade, where she will also feel good. However, you should not count on the formation lush green crowns

With the onset of summer, it is recommended to take the flower out onto the balcony or it can be transported to the dacha, where it should find a place on the street. Here the yucca will receive the maximum amount of light. Caring for the plant is not difficult, but first it will not hurt to get acquainted with the peculiarities of planting this plant.

I would like to repeat once again that yucca is a light-loving plant. Therefore, in the room where it is grown, it is necessary to maintain a fairly high temperature. This flower reacts with active growth if the temperature is at summer period located within + 20+25 degrees Celsius. With the onset of winter, it is recommended to move the plant to a dark place where the temperature should be maintained within +10-12 degrees. It is important to ensure that there are no sudden changes in temperature at this time of year, even though the plant will be dormant at this time. If the air temperature in the room drops below critical levels, the plant will not be ready for this and will die.

Watering and spraying

Watering is one of the important activities that determines how strong and healthy the plants will be. Yucca is not very demanding of moisture, so frequent watering can harm it. Care must be taken to ensure that the surface of the soil the water did not stagnate for a long time. She also doesn't feel any better if left without moisture. long time. In winter, it is watered much less frequently. Typically, watering once a week is sufficient to meet water needs.

Spraying of plants, which must be done extremely carefully, is useful in the summer. When moistening the leaves, care must be taken to ensure that they are protected from sunlight. Otherwise, it will cause burns. It is also important to avoid water getting into the rosettes of leaves and between the trunks of nearby plants during the operation. In winter, leaves are sprayed more often than in summer, since at this time the level of air humidity in the room decreases. This measure is effective if the procedure is carried out in winter at least once a day.

When growing any plants at home, caring for them involves fertilizing. And yucca is no exception. It is best to plan fertilization during the warmer months of the year, when plants enter the active growth stage. Fertilizers will not be beneficial if they are applied to the soil too often. Usually it is enough to carry out this operation once every two to three weeks. You can improve the quality of the soil by adding manure, humus or peat to it. The best effect can be achieved if, in the process of caring for plants, you use special fertilizers for agave plants.


There are several ways in which you can propagate yucca at home.

  1. Pieces of trunk 15 cm long;
  2. Cut and rooted tops;
  3. Daughter sockets.

As a substrate where the planting material will take root, you can use sand or mixture based on sand and peat. When the material is ready, the plant must be planted in a pot, having first filled it with soil substrate, which must contain pieces of charcoal. You also need to provide drainage in the container, which can be used as pieces of crushed stone or broken shards. The latter are best suited due to their lighter weight. Also, many gardeners grow yucca from seeds.

Propagation of yucca by apical cuttings

When the gardener has his first adult yucca bush, it can be used for propagation at home. It must be borne in mind that it must be a flower at least 30 cm high. One of possible methods propagation of the yucca palm - using cuttings, taken from the top.

  • To harvest, the branch must be cut with a sharp knife or blade. Don't over-prepare a large number of planting material- the plant will feel worse if it has few green leaves left;
  • After harvesting the cuttings, the cut points must be greased with crushed coal. After waiting a little, you can subsequently see how new branches will begin to grow from the healed wound. As a result, such manipulation makes it possible to obtain a spectacular branched yucca;
  • After harvesting the cuttings, you need to give them time to dry. This usually takes about two hours. Then they need to be placed in wet sand. Until the time comes to transplant the plants to a permanent location, they must be kept moist. To do this, the top can be placed in a glass of water, after adding Activated carbon. Even before rooting, individual leaves may die. This moment needs to be monitored and removed. When the root system has developed sufficiently well, you can transplant the plant into a pot.

Reproduction by a piece of trunk

The operational method of propagating yuca is using trunk pieces. This method is more suitable for those gardeners who have repeatedly propagated this flower. First, you need to very carefully cut off part of the trunk and place it in wet sand. This must be done in such a way that the planting material is positioned horizontally. By keeping the sand moist, you will soon see roots and buds begin to form on the cuttings. As a result, this method will allow you to get several new yucca seedlings.

Reproduction at home by offspring

The offspring that this flower can often produce can also act as good planting material. First you need find a suitable container which is filled with wet sand. Then you need to carefully separate the shoot and place it in the soil substrate, fixing it vertically. After some time, a small tree will grow from it, which subsequently needs to be looked after very carefully. Therefore, you will have to prepare a pot filled with rich garden soil for replanting.

Plant pruning

The benefit of pruning is that it allows you to form a lush and branched crown of the plant. To do this, you will have to remove part of the top of the bush - about 10 cm. The cut area must be treated with crushed coal or garden pitch. Such an operation can only be carried out on those palm trees that have been able to take root well and have reached a height of 60 cm.

In order for a flower to grow well after transplantation, it needs not only proper care, but also a high-quality soil mixture. To do this, you will need garden soil, to which you need to add sand in an amount of 1/3 of the volume of the prepared mixture. To the bottom of the pot stack broken shards, and a piece of permeable geotextile is placed on top. After this, the container is filled with earth, but only up to half the volume. Having completed the basic preparations, they proceed directly to transplanting the palm tree.

Plant diseases

Yuca is no different from other garden crops, so it needs to be provided with appropriate care. Deterioration in the condition of the palm may occur as a result of damage fungal or bacterial infections. This can be determined by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves. Subsequently, if left untreated, this can lead to tissue softening and rotting. In some cases, this process may also affect part of the trunk.

In this condition, care will involve removing the affected areas with a sharp knife. The same must be done for damaged leaves. Parts of the yucca bush not affected by the disease should be treated with a systemic fungicide. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. The same diseases can also affect plants grown indoors. In this case, you need to care for them according to a similar scheme.

Yucca is resistant to many insect pests. However, the greatest danger to her is spider mite , which she can become infected with in hot weather. To combat it, it is recommended to use a weak solution of tobacco tincture, which should be sprayed on the trunk and leaves.


Although yucca rarely pleases with its flowering, many gardeners are interested in it for its unusual decorative appearance. Therefore, many who have had the opportunity to enjoy the sight of this plant often set the goal of planting it on their site. This is quite easy to do if you follow the agricultural techniques for growing yucca.

Home care is no less important. Special attention need to be given preparing the soil mixture, since before the yucca is transplanted to a new place, it must be created optimal conditions for her growth. Also, success in this matter largely depends on correctly selected planting material. It is best to use cuttings, which in most cases root well and grow into a strong, healthy plant.

Yucca flowers- flowers of an evergreen shrub, a representative of the Asparagus family. The shrub is a branched tree-like stem with sharp green leaves (see photo). The Indians called yucca the “tree of life.” plant blooms beautiful flowers white or cream-colored, which resemble bells. Yucca flowers are very fragrant, their aroma resembles the fragrance of expensive soap. Yucca blooms only at night, and bears fruit only in the wild. The fact is that this plant is pollinated by a special type of butterfly that is not found in temperate climate. The fruit of the tree is a fleshy berry. Most species of yucca are native to the United States and Mexico. Yucca has the reputation of being the most beautiful desert plant.

Yucca is also known as the "tree of happiness." It is common to think that the plant brings prosperity and good luck to the home. Decorative appearance(yucca is very similar to a palm tree) and the benefits of the plant allow it to be grown for different purposes. Some astrologers, on the contrary, do not recommend keeping yucca in the house, since its energy can cause conflicts among household members; they position yucca exclusively as a tub plant for the office. A tub of yucca at the entrance will protect the office space from evil forces.

Growing and care

Yucca is grown as a garden and indoor plant. Yucca represents heat-loving plant originally from the tropics. A tree cannot grow without sufficient sunlight and regular watering. When watering, it is important to pay attention to the leaves of the plant: if they curl, this means that the tree urgently needs watering, and if the leaves are straightened, it does not need to be watered. You should not overwater the flower, as this can cause the rhizome to rot. When there is insufficient light, the yucca sheds its leaves, optimal place A well-lit room is considered suitable for a plant.

Yucca can be grown from seeds if you are patient. It is better to sow seeds at the end of winter; seedlings can be grown in an average of 2 (!) years. Most often they buy an already grown plant. Yucca can be grown in an apartment and then transferred to the garden for the summer. The plant takes root well in well-drained soil. Yucca can also be planted in open ground for year-round cultivation. For the winter, the plant should be tied into a bundle and wrapped, in this form the yucca will safely overwinter in the garden.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of yucca flowers are used to prevent many diseases. Scientists have discovered enzymes, chlorophyll, and other biologically active substances in the plant. Thanks to its rich composition, yucca cleanses the body and increases blood pressure, which is important for hypotension. The plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and eliminates polyps in the intestines. Yucca is known as a plant that is good for joints: it relieves pain from arthritis and gout.

Highest concentration useful substances observed in the roots and leaves of the plant. Americans for a long time Yucca was used to make shampoos, scented soap, paper and strong ropes were made from leaves. Yucca is rich in steroidal saponins, which are necessary for the production hormonal drugs, one of which is cortisone. The shrub's antifungal properties are also known. Chlorophyll, which the leaves contain, fights toxins and protects the body. Chlorophyll is necessary for hematopoiesis, since its molecule is similar to the molecule of human hemoglobin (this substance was even at one time called “green blood of plants”). Chlorophyll has antitumor activity, delays the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists who have studied chlorophyll have concluded that hemoglobin, which is the main respiratory pigment in the blood, is molecularly similar to chlorophyll. The only difference is that magnesium is at the center of these processes in plants, and iron in humans. Scientists have concluded that chlorophyll affects the blood in the same way as hemoglobin.

Green yucca leaves are rich in mucus, which coats the stomach and has a mild laxative effect. The presence of mucus makes yucca irreplaceable for peptic ulcers, gastritis, gastrointestinal diseases. Anthraquinones also have a laxative effect; in addition, they are known for their astringent properties and relieve inflammation.

The enzymes that yucca contains are similar to enzymes that are secreted in the human body. They have a beneficial effect on digestive system, participate in metabolism.

Antioxidants occupy an important place among beneficial substances; they prevent premature aging processes, protect cells from oxidative processes. Antioxidants have anti-cancer activity; they neutralize free radicals. Modern man is in a state of chronic stress, if we add to this a factor such as smoking, it becomes clear that the need for antioxidants increases. In order to stay healthy, a person must consume foods that contain antioxidants.

Yucca flowers are rich minerals, such as zinc, selenium. Zinc activates immune reactions and normalizes blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetes. This mineral helps in the absorption of vitamin E. Zinc is one of the most important microelements, necessary for bone tissue, the satisfactory condition of the skin and teeth. Selenium protects nucleic acids that are essential for circulatory system. Nucleic acids are the basis of all living organisms, as they participate in the transfer of genetic information.

Yucca root contains vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is also called the “beauty vitamin”; it is involved in the production of sex hormones and the synthesis of the main visual pigment in the retina. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin C is important for maintaining the immune system. The root of this plant has long been used to relieve inflammatory processes. It is rich in potassium, vitamin K, calcium, copper, magnesium and zinc. Extracts from yucca root help absorb nutrients and normalize metabolic processes. Saponins are very important in diseases such as arthrosis and gout, their action is similar to that of steroids, but saponins have no side effects.

Use in cooking

The Indians also used yucca flowers in cooking; they added the petals to soups and vegetable dishes. At home, the plant is grown as an industrial crop. Sugar is obtained from yucca juice. The flowers have a pleasant taste, they are dense and crunchy. If we compare yucca with known food products, then in taste it is closest to green beans and artichoke leaves. The flowers of the plant go well with eggs; they are often placed in omelettes. Crushed flowers can be added to tomato soups.

Benefits of yucca flowers and treatment

The benefits of yucca are associated with the presence in its flowers of many substances necessary for the body. At skin diseases prepare a decoction for lotions according to the following recipe. About 50 grams of leaves are brought to a boil in 3 liters of water, the resulting decoction is used for lotions. This remedy is effective for psoriasis and eczema. An ointment based on yucca is also prepared for psoriasis and eczema: 100 grams of unsalted lard and 10 grams of leaves are mixed in a water bath and filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting ointment is applied to areas where there are problems.

At stomach diseases, in the presence of inflammatory processes, prepare a decoction of 10 grams of yucca leaves per 500 ml of water. A third of the decoction is taken 3 times a day.

Sick diabetes mellitus can purchase medications based on yucca or prepare decoctions from the flowers and leaves of the plant.

Harm of yucca flowers and contraindications

Yucca can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance.