Floor in the hallway: types of floors, advantages and disadvantages, design solutions and photos. What flooring should I choose for the hallway? How to make floors in the hallway

Hallway - business card any home. From its furnishings you can understand a lot about the owners of the house, find out their taste and well-being. Therefore, this room should be cozy and aesthetically attractive. An important factor in the interior composition is flooring: it requires increased attention, as it is exposed to negative factors every day. Choosing a floor covering for the hallway.

Room Features

The hallway is a special room, distinguished from others by high traffic. This is where the floor requires frequent cleaning; it needs to be washed, wiped, removing daily dirt. If it's snowing or raining outside, the load on the floor increases. The specificity of the room is that it is a kind of passage place.

Therefore, it is extremely important that all pollution from the street cannot leave the room. And here a lot depends on the floor: if the coating is poor, dirt can move onto the shelves with shoes, and fall on the walls along with raindrops.

Renovating the hallway is done last, when the main rooms are already ready. This allows you to save the premises from excess dust and dirt. However, if major changes are planned that require removing the old covering (for example, tiles), you will either have to cover other rooms with polyethylene, or remove the tiles at the same time as finishing other rooms. On the one hand, this may seem inconvenient, on the other hand, it will save you from unnecessary cleaning.

Taking into account the characteristics of the room and the material, it is important not to forget: when choosing a coating, you should stick to practicality and do not forget about lighting. The hallway rarely has windows through which it is filled with natural light. In most cases, it is illuminated by artificial light sources. It is extremely important that the floor covering does not hide the intensity of the glow. Therefore, shade is one of the important factors.

Color palette different materials allows different variants. There is no need to make the floor gloomy: there are many varieties of wood tones from light to rich. Moreover, you can use a clever trick by choosing a non-uniform texture with a color transition.

Floor coverings: pros and cons

Thanks to the wide variety of materials available on the construction market, choosing a floor finishing option will not be difficult. However, everyone has their own preferences. I want the cladding to be flawless and reliable, but it is important that the option is budget-friendly but durable. To understand which material is needed, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of each.

In the large list of flooring materials, there are several varieties that are in particular demand. These include:

  1. parquet;
  2. parquet board;
  3. laminate;
  4. tile;
  5. porcelain stoneware;
  6. linoleum;
  7. self-leveling floor


Parquet is made up of piece boards of wood origin, laid in a specific pattern. The bars are produced mainly in the form of rectangular strips, although, if the design suggests, they can be triangular, square, or with a pattern that, together with other fragments, make up a certain composition. The parquet is laid on a flat surface using a special mastic.

This coating is durable, but does not tolerate prolonged contact with water, is erased by abrasives and requires constant varnishing of the surface.

Parquet boards are analogous to piece blocks of wood (oak, beech, birch, ash). It consists of three layers: a lower shock-absorbing layer made of budget wood (mainly coniferous), a middle stabilizing layer and a top layer made of more expensive and valuable types of wood. Laying is carried out similarly to laminate, using special interlocking connections.

When choosing, it is important to keep in mind that the type of wood should be dense.

Parquet boards look beautiful and can be painted with varnish, but this coating is susceptible to dirt and is afraid of water and household chemicals.


Finishing of this type is a multilayer coating, the base of which uses high-density fiberboard boards. The middle (decorative) layer consists of durable paper, the top is protective. Laminate is expensive type floor covering that has a classification and is suitable for installation in residential buildings and production premises. It can be domestic or commercial.

The material is installed on a leveling and soundproofing substrate. This coating provides for local repairs, adapts to any surface of natural wood and stone materials, leather, metal, it is quite easy to install, strong, stable under large weight loads, resistant to water and dirt.


Ceramic tiles are a product of processing clay at high temperatures. She's different different shapes, sizes, thickness and colors. For the floor, a more durable and thick one is used tile material, since it exactly corresponds technical specifications floor covering.

This raw material is great option floor coverings. The tile is durable, looks beautiful, is easy to maintain, and has high wear resistance. However, with a lot of advantages, it makes the floor surface cold and sometimes slippery.

Porcelain tiles are an improved alternative to ceramic tiles, which in addition to molding are pressed under high pressure. Externally, these are square or rectangular fragments, which, just like tiles, are glued using tile adhesive to the leveled surface of the concrete floor. Porcelain tile is more expensive than its analogue, it is practical, resistant to household detergents, does not absorb moisture, and is hygienic.

However, you need to put it to an experienced master: Not everyone can lay the pieces flat on the floor. In addition, the material is expensive, so it is rarely used.


This finish is a budget alternative to laminate and parquet, although its properties are sometimes even better than them. It is divided into two varieties: roll and fragmentary. Raw materials are classified into three classes (household, semi-commercial and commercial) and differ in the thickness of the protective layer and the variability of width.

You can lay it down large sheet without joints, using in the floor cladding of the hallway and corridor. Linoleum is easy to install, so you can lay it yourself without the involvement of a specialist.

Tile linoleum resembles linoleum tiles, which are glued like ceramics.


Self-leveling floor is a monolithic finishing coating without joints, which is a liquid material made from polyurethane or epoxy resins, mineral fillers and decorative additives. It hardens within an hour after application to the surface and is up to 5 mm wide. This coating is durable, environmentally friendly, fireproof, completely sealed and resistant to repeated cleaning. The technology allows you to create a beautiful 3D drawing with a three-dimensional image. The disadvantage of raw materials is the high cost and necessity perfect alignment floor.


Combining materials allows you to relieve flooring from boredom. Thanks to large assortment raw materials of different textures and thicknesses, they can be appropriately combined with each other. The techniques are different: it can be a coating of one type of modules or a mix of different raw materials, a technique of contrast or different textures.

You can combine no more than two or three different facing materials, joining them by means of a threshold or tightly laying them end to end, for example:

  • laminate and linoleum;
  • laminate and linoleum tiles;
  • fake diamond and laminate;
  • ceramic tiles and linoleum;
  • natural stone and parquet.

You can zone areas of the door and corridor, and beat up the poor durability of coatings by replacing them in certain areas.

This is not difficult to do: many materials are easy to cut into the desired shape.

Warm floor

The “warm floor” system is a method of floor insulation using several technologies. These include electrical cable, carbon rod, elastic infrared and water systems.

There is a relationship between the choice of flooring and this system. The choice of floor covering depends on the method of floor insulation. The main ones are linoleum, parquet, laminate, tiles, as well as coatings based on polymers and vinyl.

In addition to them, carpet is combined with the “warm floor” system.

This insulation has its own nuances: coatings must be selected based on strength, external characteristics, complexity of installation and level of thermal conductivity. For example, a good solution would be ceramic tiles: when heated, they will release heat into the room.

  • Laminate more suitable for water heated floors: due to thermal resistance, it will not deform when heated.
  • With a water heating system, you can lay linoleum: It will distribute evenly warm air along the entire perimeter of the hallway.
  • Parquet board It is not suitable for a water system as it quickly loses its shape.

What else should I cover?

In addition to basic materials, the floor can be laid carpet. In fact, it is an alternative to carpeting, has a pile structure, perfectly absorbs noise and provides the floor with heat. However, such a finish cannot be called practical. The floor in the hallway is cleaned daily, which cannot be done with carpet. Considering the fact that the covering is laid over the entire area, the canvas cannot be shaken out, removed or washed.

An alternative to carpet are tracks. They are rectangular-shaped carpets, have a shorter pile length, sometimes have no pile at all (lint-free options) and can be located anywhere in the hallway, decorating the apartment. These are flooring additions. Unlike carpet, they are easy to care for, have bright colors and protect the finishing surface from abrasion.

Colors and shapes

The color palette of the flooring is varied and depends on the style of the room, the degree of its illumination, total area, number of interior items. In addition, the decisive factor is the taste of the owners of the house. Some believe that the color must definitely be dark, others are sure of the opposite, assuring that aesthetics are important.

As a result, the choice of the first is classic ( dark color, design in the form of boards, squares of marble or tiled mosaics), the preferences of others are bold ideas (combinations of black and white, light colors in combination with dark contrast: original panels, arches, semi-arches, curly necklines and waves).

The most popular shades of flooring are beige and brown tones, as well as the color of brick, marble, stone, neutral colors (light gray, diluted black). The design takes into account the natural color: this way the flooring looks solid without interrupting the overall idea of ​​the style. You can choose other colors, this is appropriate in the case of self-leveling floors and linoleum mosaics.

It is better to pay attention to the texture: it can be the effect of aging, rough wood, relief stone.

Criterias of choice

Having understood what the main types of finishes are, it remains to determine which one is better. There is no hard answer to this question: everyone chooses what suits their taste and budget. Hallway flooring differs from other types of flooring. It must meet the stated specificity requirements.

Flooring is considered one of the main design elements, and the floor in the hallway is no exception. First of all, when choosing a design in the hallway, you need to take into account the practicality of the coating, and also do not forget about its other properties and characteristics.

The best materials will be those that have increased strength characteristics, moisture resistance, and will be easy to clean from contaminants. Such materials are:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile;
  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • carpet

As materials compatible with them, you can use natural wood or lint fibers.


Several years ago, this material was the most popular for cladding hallways and other rooms. Other materials were considered luxury items. Now they can be seen everywhere, but linoleum has undergone some changes. Now there are many colors and textures available that can completely replicate wood, both in appearance and tactile sensations. And this is just one example of many! At the same time, linoleum has retained its practicality, is easy to maintain and its cost remains low compared to other materials.

There is linoleum made from natural materials, which costs much more, but is not at all afraid of moisture, dirt and mechanical damage and fits perfectly into any design. Significant disadvantages are the very high cost and limited color range, and to maintain an attractive appearance you will have to periodically rub it with a special composition.

Linoleum is divided into three categories:

  • for household use;
  • for commercial;
  • semi-commercial linoleum.

For the hallway, the third option is best. The photo shows an example of linoleum in the hallway, which fits into the design, creating an atmosphere of comfort.

Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles

Porcelain stoneware is a material unique in its characteristics. It consists of slabs made in furnaces under high temperature from natural materials. Tile is a rather slippery surface, so it will not fit into every design. To avoid sudden falls, choose tiles with a matte textured surface.

These types of flooring are considered the most durable. They are divided according to strength class from 1 to 5. The most durable of them is used in heavy industry and in production in general. For a hallway, class 3 and 4 tiles would be an excellent choice.

One more important property, which ceramics has, is resistance to chemical reagents. Here there is also a division into classes, but now literally. Weak classes are considered C and D. It is better to ignore them. Choose more durable A and B for the hallway.

Class AA will become an unreasonably expensive purchase. It has the highest possible resistance to chemicals, but is used only in production where it is necessary. Square tiles fits well into the interior of an equilateral hallway. In the photo you can see an example of tiled flooring in the hallway.

Laminate and parquet

Until recently, this coating was considered an attribute of luxury, but now it can increasingly be found in modern apartments. Designers use these materials for flooring in the hallway. It should be taken into account that not every brand of these materials is suitable for use in the hallway. Choose laminate or parquet brand 31/33. This brand has increased strength characteristics - it is least susceptible to wear.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the coating made of these materials has a special moisture-resistant impregnation. If you neglect this rule, the material will swell and deform over time, and the interior design will be completely ruined. Natural wood- This is a material aimed at aesthetics. The coating made of this material will have to be maintained regularly. Unfortunately, even wood with moisture-resistant impregnation will eventually undergo negative influence moisture.

The price of such materials, unfortunately, is not their advantage. For this reason the best solution will combine this material with a cheap and wear-resistant one, placing the first at the edges and the second in the center. In the photo you can see what aesthetic effect has a natural wood finish.


Here you have to choose carefully the right material so that it lasts as long as possible and maintains its aesthetic qualities. I would like to say right away that natural material is not suitable for placement near the front door. It retains dents for too long and can also become a real reservoir of moisture. Among other things, such material will cost you quite a lot.

The best solution for a hallway would be a synthetic material that is superior to natural in strength characteristics. In addition to its low price, it is quite practical and easy to clean. Among synthetic ones, choose carpet with a short pile covering and a high density of loops. In the photo you can see what effect synthetic carpet produces in the hallway.

What should the choice be based on?

Do not forget that floors must meet generally accepted aesthetic requirements. This is the most important design issue. It is necessary to take into account the color compatibility of the floor, walls, doorways and furniture located in the hallway. Experts recommend using the floor as the base color, since it is the least likely to be repaired.

Modern design involves using a combination of tones that differ little from each other. You can combine several contrasting colors, but in this case you must not overdo it, otherwise you will end up with excessive variegation. Design experts use 2-3 colors in the interior to get the perfect combination: red with white, ocher with black, etc. The smooth transition of colors in the interior gives the room a special atmosphere. As a rule, the floor is made darker, and as you move upward the color becomes lighter.

To create a hallway where every detail complements the other, use color extensively. You can paint the ceiling in stripes that match the width of the cabinets. You will get the feeling that the furniture, ceiling and walls are one whole. This is a modern and quite effective design technique.

Changing the size of the room

Before choosing a floor for the hallway, you need to adequately assess its size. As a rule, the hallway is quite narrow room. To make it visually spacious, you can use the following technique: choose a material with stripes (any of the above), lay it so that the stripes are located diagonally or across the room. This simple technique will visually expand the space inside the room.

The play of colors has a great influence on the visual dimensions of the hallway. The trick is to combine the colors of the furniture on the walls and floor, which visually increases the size of the room. How lighter color floor, the larger the room visually.

In the design of the hallway you can use several materials, for example, tiles and laminate. This way you divide the hallway into two zones. Tile is a more practical material than laminate, so it would be logical to place it closer to the exit where shoes are taken off. This division will also visually enlarge the hallway.

Try to choose the most suitable for the hallway practical materials, which will last as long as possible, do not forget to also take care of them on time. Choose the right color and texture of the floor to highlight your hallway. Remember the basic rules of floor design, make sure that the floor is in harmony with all other attributes of the interior in the hallway: walls, ceiling and furniture. Then your home will announce you from the threshold as a good owner with taste.

The floors in the hallway experience increased mechanical stress every day, and in damp or snowy weather, temperature changes and exposure to moisture are added to this. For this reason, the floor coverings in the hallway are subject to special requirements. The material must have increased wear resistance, the ability to withstand chemical reagents, strength, durability, ease of installation and ease of maintenance. Considering that the flooring in the hallway is the first thing the eye falls on when entering the house, the material should also be aesthetic, fitting into overall design interior Which coating meets all these requirements? How to choose the right one? The answers to these questions are in our article.


The most popular flooring for hallways for many years was linoleum, and it does not lose its relevance today.

There are many types of this coating that have different characteristics. Let's pay attention to some of them.

Based on the material, linoleum is divided into natural, PVC linoleum, alkyd, colloxin and relin. PVC linoleum is familiar to all of us and is the most common, so let’s take a closer look at it.

Based on wear resistance, linoleum is divided into household, semi-commercial and commercial. Usually for the hallway the choice is between domestic and semi-commercial. It speaks in favor of the second increased wear resistance due to a thicker protective layer. However, household linoleum in some cases may be preferable, since it is quite capable of withstanding the loads that the floor covering in the hallway usually experiences, while it is easy to install and has a lower cost. Life time household linoleum– 5 years, semi-commercial – 10 years.

Linoleum can be single-layer or multi-layer. If the condition of the base floor in the hallway is close to ideal, you can safely choose a single-layer coating. If there are defects and unevenness, foam-based linoleum is preferable: it will help hide the flaws and will last longer.

Advantages: It is easy to clean, there are a large number of colors and textures, it is easy to install, has low thermal conductivity, does not slip and, most importantly, is inexpensive!

Flaws: linoleum under constant mechanical stress can become deformed or crack. Over time, it loses its original appearance, which means repairs and costs again.


Floor tiles made of ceramics and porcelain stoneware are no less common in hallways.

There are also tiles made from natural stone, however, its use in apartments is inappropriate: the luxury of natural stone can only be truly appreciated by large areas, for example, in the hall country house. And the cost of natural stone is very high.

If we talk about ceramic tiles, this is very good decision for decorating the floor in the hallway - the tiles are durable, moisture-resistant, resistant to mechanical stress and easy to maintain. Among ceramic tiles you can find options with a glazed, matte, embossed surface. We recommend not using smooth glossy tiles in the hallway, as it is easy to slip on such a floor.

Porcelain tiles are even more different high strength to mechanical stress. In addition, it is painted evenly throughout its entire thickness, so it will not lose color no matter how many years it is used. However, porcelain tiles are more expensive than ceramic tiles, and their strength may be excessive for the conditions of your corridor, as well as their service life, which is 50 years: most likely, you will want to do new renovation in the hallway a little earlier.

Advantages: the coating is durable, resistant to mechanical stress, durable, practical, aesthetically pleasing, safe and simply looks great in any interior. Tile floors are easy to maintain. Additionally, you can install a heated floor system, then the surface will always be perfectly dry. This is especially true if there are children in the house.

Flaw, perhaps there is only one: floor tiles can only be laid on a perfectly flat surface.


Laminate occupies a leading position in use in living rooms, bedrooms, and children's rooms. Laminate flooring can also be successfully used in the hallway. For rooms with high traffic, such as a hallway, moisture-resistant laminate class 33 is optimal.

Advantages: the material is aesthetic, resistant to various types of influences, easy to clean and quickly installed without the involvement of specialists. If some panels interlocking laminate fail, they can be easily replaced without completely dismantling the coating. Laminate is more expensive than linoleum, but is approximately the same in price as porcelain stoneware. The most inexpensive laminate will last 5–7 years.

Flaws: one of weak points laminate - joints between panels into which moisture can seep, but they can be treated with a special mastic based on wax. Don’t forget that laminate flooring needs to be laid on a special shock-absorbing underlay to extend the life of the flooring.


One of possible solutions- usage floor tiles, preferably with heated floors, in the area immediately in front front door: This is where the most dirt and moisture collects from outdoor shoes and clothing. And in the rest of the hallway area you can use laminate or linoleum. This combination of materials is not only practical and budget-friendly, but also allows you to create interesting interior.


As you can see, the modern building materials market offers a wide range of floor coverings, the quality characteristics of which change year after year. better side. It is worth choosing the most suitable one based on personal preferences and financial capabilities, since laminate, linoleum, and tiles meet all the requirements for floor coverings in the hallway.

Everyone knows that the hallway is the active zone of any house or apartment, where the most negative factors affecting the flooring are concentrated. Therefore, the question of which flooring to choose for the hallway is very relevant today.

The modern building materials market offers a wide range of floor textures that meet the requirements of modern operating conditions. But the question remains open, since most floor coverings are constantly being modified, and their quality characteristics are changing for the better. And what is considered an ideal option today may lose its relevance tomorrow. Let's look at some of these materials and determine their quality.

Let's start with the requirements that consumers place on these materials:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Impact resistance.
  • Practicality.
  • Low contamination potential.

There is one more indicator, but it cannot be classified as technical characteristics. Although consumers pay attention to it. This is the appearance. A variety of colors is one of the main selection criteria. So let's not lose sight of this indicator.

Parquet and parquet boards

Piece parquet in the hallway is a rare case. Although made from solid blocks of high-strength wood and coated with a protective varnish, it will serve more than one generation of residents. Here it is important to lay the material correctly and periodically scrape and varnish it.

Parquet board - multilayer material, consisting of three mutually perpendicular layers:

  • The top lamella is veneer made from valuable wood species.
  • The middle and bottom are softwood boards.

At its core, parquet boards are cheap option parquet, although these materials belong to different categories.

Choosing material for finishing the hallway

What do experts say about these coatings? They claim that their wear resistance is quite low. Such a floor suffers greatly from dirty shoes, and scratches and bald patches quickly form on its surface. And you can’t wash the floor with water often, and it’s better to forget about chemicals altogether.

In addition, parquet is very expensive, so not every consumer can afford it. And the technology for laying it is not so simple, so if you are a non-specialist, you are unlikely to do it yourself. Parquet boards are cheaper and the method of laying them is simpler, but even here you will have to work hard.

Conclusion - it is better not to use these two materials for hallways.


Laminate was invented as a cheap alternative to parquet. But remember that these are two completely different floor coverings. And if parquet is made of wood, that is, it is a natural product, then laminate is an artificial multi-layer product. The simplest material consists of:

  • The bottom layer is made of high-strength chipboard.
  • The middle layer is paper with a pattern.
  • The top layer is a transparent polymer material.

It should be noted that laminate is presented on the market in a fairly wide range of models with samples of different strength and wear resistance. Hence the classification, which distinguishes 6 groups of material. Among them, 21, 22, 23 are home products, 31, 32, 33 are commercial products. The guaranteed service life of the cheapest model is 5–7 years, and the most expensive one is up to 15 years.

Combination of materials

Everything suggests that this material is an excellent covering for hallways. It is durable, has a good wear resistance coefficient and can cope with fairly large loads. And the installation process is simple. Until recently, laminate flooring was laid using an adhesive composition. Today everything has changed, and glue is not used at all if the room is of normal size. To connect the panels, a special tongue-and-groove lock is used, which is a component of the laminate itself.

This connection allows you to easily replace failed panels without dismantling the entire coating without touching the rest. And this is a big plus. But the material also has its “sore spots”, one of which is the joints. Water that gets into the joint during cleaning can damage the laminate.

Of course, manufacturers did not wait for complaints from consumers and offered several options to get around this problem:

  1. Treat the joints with special mastics based on wax or other protective materials.
  2. Use moisture-resistant models made using special technologies. They cope well not only with high humidity, but also with large amounts of water. True, these models cost much more than regular ones. Some are like parquet oak boards. So there is a choice.

Conclusion - it is possible to lay laminate flooring in the hallway, but for this it is better to use material of class no less than “31”. It costs more, but the hallway is a small room, so the costs will not be burdensome.

There is one option using laminate, which is a combination one. To do this, the area where shoes are taken off needs to be finished with more durable finishing materials, for example, stone or ceramic tiles, and then install laminate. If you correctly combine the colors of the two zones, you will get an original coating.


Spacious corridor

This rolled carpet is divided into two groups - natural and artificial. The first is made from wool with the addition of other natural fibers. The backing is made from jute. The second is an exclusively synthetic material, which includes fibers from polyamide, nylon, acrylic, polypropylene and other textures. The base is made of synthetic jute. Guaranteed service life - up to 15 years.

Since we are talking about a hallway, this covering is suitable for it, you just need to choose the right material. Natural carpet cannot be used here. Firstly, it quickly absorbs moisture, begins to deteriorate from below and exude bad smell. Secondly, under the influence of loads it quickly dents and retains dents for a very long time. And its price is much higher than that of its artificial counterpart.

Artificial carpet material has many advantages:

  • It doesn't wrinkle.
  • It is easy to clean even with chemicals.
  • It does not harbor insects.
  • It has a fairly long service life.

Of all those offered on modern market artificial carpets, nylon is the most durable, but also the most expensive. It belongs to the woven category. There are also needle-punched options, but they are less durable. So pay attention to this.

And one last thing. The variety of color designs for carpets is so huge that choosing it to suit the desired interior design will not be difficult.

Conclusion - carpet can be used in hallways, but only the artificial version.


Parquet floor

We will not touch on natural linoleum, although it is a very durable and practical coating. Unfortunately, it is made to order in large quantities, it is expensive, so not every consumer can afford it.

PVC linoleum is the material that can be seen in all construction stores. It is divided into three categories:

  1. Household - used for residential premises. Its shelf life is up to 5 years.
  2. Semi-commercial - used in public spaces with low traffic. Service life - up to 10 years.
  3. Commercial - for premises with high traffic. Service life - up to 25 years.

This flooring is common and traditional for hallways. Here, as a rule, either a household or semi-commercial option is installed. How are they different from each other?

  • Firstly, the price. The first one is several times cheaper than the second one.
  • Secondly, the household analogue is softer and bends easier. Semi-commercial is a hard and dense material. With moderate pressure, there are practically no dents left on it, although this is also a highly flexible material.

Please note that both household linoleum and semi-commercial linoleum have a pattern only on outside roll. The commercial design is full-fledged, that is, it is placed throughout the entire thickness of the material. It does not disappear even when the coating is completely abraded, and it is always clearly visible.

Cork floor finishing

What do the experts say? They advise using a semi-commercial or commercial version of the material in hallways. But the latter is preferred. And here's the thing. It is finished with polyurethane, which is the most durable coating for flooring materials. It is this that creates a plane on the floor, which increases indicators such as strength and wear resistance.

True, even such linoleum must be monitored and cleaned correctly. For this purpose, special mastics are used to polish the surface of the material, but first it must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of the previous layer of mastic. To do this, manufacturers have released a liquid cleaner. Although some housewives calmly carry out the cleaning process with regular washing powder.

Conclusion - this is an excellent option for covering the floor in the hallway with only one remark. It is better to use a semi-commercial or commercial type of material.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

Ceramic tiles are clay products that are fired at a certain temperature. They have different shapes, sizes, thickness and colors. There is a wall mounted and floor option. Moreover, the first one cannot be laid on the floor, since it has different technical characteristics.

Porcelain tiles are the same ceramic tiles, but only with improved production technology. It is not only molded, but also pressed under great pressure. They also come in different sizes and mostly imitate natural stone. The second sample is more expensive than the first.

Practical coverage

By all indicators, both options are ideal floor coverings in the hallway. They are distinguished by:

  • High wear resistance.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Zero moisture absorption.
  • Practicality - you can wash and clean the tiles without special effort any household detergents.
  • High hygiene of the coating.
  • Huge variety of appearance.

But there is only one minus - this cold material. But if we talk about the hallway, this in no way detracts from the advantages of the tiles. True, the process of laying the material on the floor is not as simple as for linoleum or carpet. This will require experience and skills, so not all home craftsmen can do this operation.

But let's take into account another point, which concerns price and high coefficient cross-country ability. All this applies to porcelain stoneware. Does it make sense to put it in the hallway? Most likely no. Firstly, the apartment or house does not have enough traffic to use this flooring. Secondly, its price is several times higher than ordinary ceramic floor tiles. So what's the point of purchasing it if ordinary tiles cope well with all these conditions?

Conclusion on the topic

How to make the floor in the hallway so that it meets the standards and requirements of our time? Let's just list the suitable flooring materials:

  • Class 31 laminate is a better waterproof option.
  • Artificial carpet.
  • Linoleum is better than semi-commercial.
  • Ceramic tile.

It would seem not so much. But, if you consider that all these materials have a huge variety design design, then it turns out to be quite a serious amount. So there is a choice.

Ruslan Vasiliev

Just some 30-40 years ago, the main floor covering in the hallways of long-awaited apartments was: PVC tiles, haphazardly glued by builders to look terrible cement screed, linoleum or unglazed ceramic tiles, which were used to cover the floors in the entrance, hallway and bathrooms. Only owners of apartments in “Stalinist” houses could rejoice in piece parquet, which was considered the height of luxury and respectability. Then they began to lay high-quality ceramic tiles or linoleum with an original pattern and acceptable durability on the floor in the hallway, which were easy to clean and did not cause much trouble for the owners.

A huge variety of materials and technological solutions have appeared en masse in the last 10-15 years. Unexpected materials, after appropriate preparation, and bold ones began to be used as floor coverings. design solutions, allowing you to create uniquely beautiful interiors with durable, wear-resistant coatings.

Looking at the photos of hallway interiors, you can see linoleum and carpet, laminate and ceramics, natural stone and exotic wood boards, high-strength environmentally friendly polymers and all sorts of combinations, it would seem. incompatible materials. What to lay on the floor of the hallway to combine beauty and practicality, without going beyond the planned budget.

Requirements for the floor in the hallway

No one will argue that the hallway is one of the most difficult places in the apartment to use. It is in the hallway that the bulk of dirt remains with a high content of abrasive particles that enter the room on apparently clean shoes. It is in the hallway that the traffic load is highest compared to other rooms. Therefore, the floor of the hallway should have, in addition to aesthetic appeal, some specific properties:

  • High wear resistance for long time resist intense exposure to abrasives;
  • Moisture resistant to withstand possible direct and prolonged contact with water;
  • Chemical inertness, allowing the use of various cleaning agents and detergents;
  • The ability to repel dirt, which makes cleaning easier;
  • High surface strength, preventing damage when exposed to impact loads;
  • Environmentally friendly with low emissions harmful substances into the surrounding space;
  • Acceptable aesthetic characteristics to please the eye and realize the overall design intent of the room.

What kind of coating is best to choose for the floor in the hallway? The main thing is that it is not just beautiful, but meets the requirements listed above as much as possible.


One of popular types The coatings used to decorate the corridor or hallway in the apartment were and remain natural linoleum and its synthetic relative, made from high-quality polyvinyl chloride.

Natural linoleum is made on the basis linseed oil, applied to a jute base with the addition of cork flour and several other natural ingredients. The resulting fabric has excellent water resistance and environmental friendliness. Strength and wear resistance natural linoleum enough to provide a service life of up to 50 years. However natural material there are two significant shortcomings. One of them is monotonous color palette, due to the use of natural dyes, and the second is a very high price.

It was possible to level out these shortcomings in the production of synthetic linoleum made from PVC. Yes, PVC initially releases a large amount of harmful substances that give off an unpleasant, pungent odor. But they erode during use when room temperature and can only be released upon significant heating. But its price is several times lower than that of its natural relative, which makes the material affordable even for budget renovations in an apartment.

Synthetic linoleum is divided into several classes according to the method of applying the pattern, the thickness of the protective layer, and the presence or absence of a base. For the corridor and hallway, commercial homogeneous linoleum, painted throughout the entire thickness of the material and having high strength and a rough anti-slip surface, is best suited. In some photos there are interiors where household heterogeneous linoleum is used, with a smooth surface and a beautiful pattern. Such a coating will last for best case scenario 5 years and, having lost its appearance, will definitely require replacement. It should be noted that such a floor becomes very slippery when even a small amount of water gets on it. This may lead to undesirable consequences.

Quartz vinyl tiles

This is one of the new finishing materials used to decorate corridors and hallways in apartments and public spaces. The material consists of 60-80% specially prepared quartz sand with the addition of a vinyl binder and several polymer additives, improving it consumer properties. The tiles are designed for use in areas of maximum traffic flow and will best cope with their duties on the floor in the hallway.

The material very accurately imitates a variety of natural and artificial coatings, wood of various species, granite and marble, which provides a wide field of activity in the stylistic design of the interior. The only feature that should be taken into account when installing floors made of quartz vinyl tiles is the thickness of the finished coating, which is 8-12 mm with the actual thickness of the material not exceeding 3 mm.

Ceramic tile

One of the most used materials for finishing floors in the hallway of an apartment, it resists high operating loads better than others. What a variety of tile collections in size and color are presented in retail chains! In every second photo of the interiors of a hallway or corridor, you can see exactly ceramic tiles, when choosing which you need to know that, despite all the external similarities, different tile models can differ significantly in performance properties.

To choose the right tile for the hallway, it is necessary that it is intended specifically for the floor and corresponds to strength class III-IV (PEI). You need to be especially careful about the properties of the front surface of the tile. It is best if the surface is matte with corundum coating and an anti-slip effect.

Some builders offer to lay tiles in the apartment intended for outdoor use. But the porous, rough surface serves as an excellent dirt collector. It’s good if the hallway is small and another floor covering is laid in the adjacent room. And if the corridor is long, then the least trouble from such a covering will be dirty feet, and the housewife will have to wash the floor surface with a brush using special detergents. Simple wet cleaning it won't work out.

Sometimes a relative of ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, is used for installation in the hallway. The material is highly durable, uniformly colored throughout its thickness and is intended for use primarily outdoors. Porcelain tiles do not come in a variety of colors, but some collections can be used for flooring in a hallway or hallway.

The reasons for the widespread use of tile floors are the affordable price of the material, a wide range in most retail chains and ease of installation, which you can do yourself with minimal skills. The tiles have standardized sizes, which makes it easier to solve design problems. You can lay tiles of different colors and textures, mark elements diagonally and use many other techniques.

The disadvantage of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware is their high thermal conductivity. Such a floor is always cold to the touch and can create some discomfort, which is easily eliminated if you install a floor heating system.

A natural stone

Natural stone can sometimes be used for flooring in an apartment, with a special stylistic design of interiors, when the floor in the corridor should be in harmony with the wall decor elements made of natural stone.

Natural stone coatings have contradictory properties and require special care. Marble containing a large amount of calcium carbonate should not be laid on the floor. The acid and salt that is used to water the roads, carried on shoes to the apartment, will render the coating unusable in a short time. Polished granite is also not suitable, as it becomes very slippery when wet. All that remains is to use matte granite tiles or choose another finishing material.

Laminated board

Very often, a laminated board is laid on the floor of the corridor. This universal material, having high strength and sufficient moisture resistance. For a hallway, a laminate of 32-33 classes, which has sufficient wear resistance, is best suited. A wide variety of colors allows you to choose a material suitable for decorating any interior. These are mainly models that imitate valuable types of wood, but you can choose collections that are practically no different in appearance from ceramic tiles.

The service life of laminate floors under heavy traffic conditions in a hallway is approximately 15 years. Many will say that this is not enough, but the high maintainability of laminated coatings allows you to replace any damaged area.

To reduce costs, you can install a laminate floor in your apartment yourself. All you need is a hacksaw for wood, a little patience and accuracy.

Parquet or parquet board

It often happens that parquet is laid in the hallway or corridor - a beautiful floor covering made from individual wooden elements and glued with a special mastic on a flat base. Parquet lasts a long time, but requires special care during operation. Natural board does not tolerate prolonged contact with water, is highly abrasive and requires constant renewal of the protective layer of varnish or special mastic.

Parquet boards are different from piece parquet in that the base of cheaper wood species is covered with a layer of high-quality valuable wood, and the coating is laid like a laminate using special interlocking joints.

What material to choose for parquet? It is better if it is oak, beech, birch, ash and some exotic wood species that have a dense structure.


Sometimes carpet is used as a covering in the hallway. This is a carpet material on a natural or artificial basis with various properties. Material cannot be used in the hallway natural basis, perfectly absorbs dirt and water. Only artificial carpet from polyamide threads able to withstand 5-10 years of use until completely worn out.

As practice shows, carpet, which requires careful and frequent maintenance, is not the best flooring for a hallway.

Each of the listed coatings can, under certain conditions, be used in the hallway or corridor. When choosing which one will appear in your home, you should focus not only on beauty or durability, but on a balanced assessment of all the requirements for the coating in specific operating conditions.