The ceiling between the attic. Proper insulation of the ceiling in a private house with a cold roof

Today, even small sheds and seasonal country houses have electric and gas equipment, which generates heat, making our lives more comfortable. Those buildings that are intended for temporary use are insulated with relatively inexpensive material.

IN residential buildings a completely different story. Insulating the ceiling in a house with a cold roof is done to prevent heat from escaping from the living quarters.

Choosing a roof begins with how the future building will be used and what it is intended for.

This is interesting: in cottages or country houses, cold and warm roofing can be used at the same time.

Warm roofing is used to insulate the ceiling in a private house. This is a design that provides complete insulation of slopes. If the house is heated daily, then with this roof the heat will not escape due to the slopes. But it is worth remembering that this type is quite expensive.

The cold type of roofing is structured completely differently. The standard scheme for laying materials is as follows:

  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roof.

This design is done on buildings where people will not live. The advantages of this roof are that it is lightweight and very inexpensive. WITH cold roof You can insulate the ceiling in a private house with your own hands without much difficulty. Therefore, this type is considered as the most convenient and cheap way organizing a roof for an unheated building.

This is interesting: if there is no heating in the attic, then convection occurs, which gradually cools the incoming air from the premises and prevents the slopes from icing.

What are the advantages of insulating the ceiling under the roof?

To know how to properly insulate a ceiling under a cold roof, it is important to consider all its positive aspects:

  • additional sound insulation;
  • helps to establish the constancy of the room climate, since it does not allow warm air to enter in the summer;
  • V winter period will not allow air to escape from the house.

Ceiling insulation in wooden house It’s very difficult to do it yourself, so it’s better to hire specialists for these purposes.

Before building your house, you need to know for sure that the better the house is insulated, the less you will have to spend on heating equipment. This will significantly enrich your budget.

Installation is carried out using two methods:

  • from the floor below;
  • from the attic side.

The best and most effective insulation of the ceiling from the inside in a private house is carried out in the second way, since usually ceiling structure made from wood, which already has thermal insulation.

Specifics of insulation on the lower floor side

Insulation using this method is carried out when:

  • no access to the attic;
  • houses with existing attics are being remodeled.

What does installation involve:

  • creating a frame from wooden beams or metals;
  • tiled insulated material;
  • sheathing plasterboard.

The disadvantage of this method of insulation is the reduction of room space, as well as a large expenditure of time and effort.

This is interesting: to eliminate problems with heat loss with a cold roof, it is necessary to insulate all openings.

Modern materials and their characteristics

Today there is a large number of insulation for wood country houses and cottages. What is the best way to insulate the ceiling and not make a mistake with the quality? What characteristics should the correct materials meet:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • increased moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • environmental Safety;
  • degree of flammability.

The most common insulation materials include:

  • expanded clay;
  • stale sawdust;
  • stone wool;
  • cellulose ecowool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane.

Which insulation materials are more suitable for a wooden house?

Insulation of the ceiling from the inside in the private sector requires special attention. The answer to the question of how to insulate a ceiling in a wooden house can be answered quite simply: you just need to choose the right material for insulation. To choose the material and method of its installation, it is necessary to take into account the type of floor. The insulation can be concrete or wood. The first is carried out using slabs and backfilled insulation, and the second requires rolled or backfill materials.

What natural insulation materials are used today:

  • sawdust;
  • seaweed;
  • reeds;
  • clay;
  • conifers;
  • hay;
  • old fallen leaves;
  • straw.

This is interesting: natural insulation short-lived, because it can rot.
Sawdust insulation is effective when the thickness is correctly chosen. Sometimes, as insulation, you can use pellets - sawdust in the form of granules. To reduce the flammability of sawdust, they can be combined with fire retardants.

Method for forming thermal insulation with sawdust

The point of such insulation is to mask the existing wooden floor cracks. This is done using liquid clay. You can sprinkle sand on top to seal cracks. To prevent damage to the thermal insulation by small rodents, it is necessary to sprinkle carbide with slaked lime. Minimum thickness is about 15-20 cm.

To make sawdust more fire-resistant, it is necessary to treat it with slag, especially in the chimney areas. There is no need to lay anything on top. If necessary, you can put boards. Another way to insulate is to carry out protective procedures to prevent moisture from entering. You can walk on the surface with clay. You need to mix sawdust with cement like this:

  • sawdust (10 parts);
  • cement (2 parts);
  • water (1.5 parts).

In order for the sawdust and cement to come together firmly, they need to be thoroughly wet. This mixture must be spread over the entire floor of the attic surface with a thickness of at least 20 cm.

Preparing for ceiling insulation

Another way to insulate the ceiling of a private house using sawdust is by mixing it with clay. You just need to take into account that the mixture is not completely liquid. Otherwise, there will be leakage deep into the sawdust.

Clay has long been used as insulation, but for lightness and better durability, a combination of sawdust and clay is used:

  • Water is poured into the barrel and clay is poured in in the amount of 3-4 buckets.
  • After thorough mixing, add sawdust, water and pour everything into a concrete mixer.

In the end it should be medium density a solution that you need to spread on the ceiling and wait until everything dries. If cracks appear, they must be lubricated with clay and a vapor barrier film must be stretched.

Expanded clay is a natural, non-flammable, non-toxic material that forms an embankment of varying densities. The strongest layer is made from the smallest particles (0.4 - 1 m).

This is interesting: expanded clay is hypoallergenic and has durability and remarkable thermal properties. On the lower floor side, insulation can only be done with mineral wool.

When using expanded clay, you need to correctly calculate its weight, because if you use it to insulate wooden floors, there is a risk that the flooring will fail. It is recommended to use this type of insulation only on concrete structures. To prepare, you need to clean the concrete and cover it with a vapor barrier film.

This is interesting: the film must be laid overlapping so that there are no gaps and the joints must be glued with tape.

Next, knead the clay and spread it onto a layer of film. And expanded clay is placed on top. For better thermal insulation It is necessary to use both small and large granules. Next, a screed is made, which consists of sand-cement mixture thickness of at least 50 mm thick consistency. The advantages of such insulation are safety and environmental friendliness.

Insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool is the most common type of insulation. They are installing the attic. Various raw materials are used in the production of mineral wool:

  • sand;
  • broken glass;
  • blast furnace slag;
  • basalt rocks.

Today, construction stores have a wide selection of insulation:

  • slag;
  • basalt wool;
  • glass wool

The negative side of mineral wool is that it is harmful to health because it emits formaldehyde resins.

Insulation of slag wool

This type of insulation is made from blast furnace slag. Slag wool is very brittle and can quickly become wet, which is why its thermal insulation characteristics can be called into question. It is at this point that acidity begins to rise. Therefore, they are not recommended to insulate a country house. The only advantage is that it is inexpensive.

Glass wool is made from molten glass mass. To expand the range, there may be another form of glass wool - mat. When installing glass wool, you must stock up on protective equipment: a suit, gloves, safety glasses and a respirator. Most often it is used to insulate attic floors. It can also be combined with other types of insulation.

Insulation of basalt wool

Basalt insulation is made from gabbro-basalt raw materials. It is used for thermal insulation of ceilings inside, because they are very dense.

Manufacturers often add a foil layer to basalt wool. This coating helps retain heat. Insulation is allowed from the attic side and from the lower floor.

This manufacturer produces mineral wool in several forms:

  • rigid slabs;
  • rolls.

To insulate concrete floors, it is necessary to level the surface and cover it with a film coating and install the slabs. Glass fibers and minerals are used as raw materials. Next, the surface is made of plywood or wooden planks and you must not forget about screeding the slabs.

How to insulate wooden floors with URSA wool:

  • Add vapor barrier material to the spaces between the beams.
  • The film should be applied overlapping, and the resulting joints should be secured with tape.

Important: the overlap on the walls should be 150-250 mm.

Insulation with reeds and seaweed

Reed mats will be good material for thermal insulation. The material can be fastened with wire or twine. It is important that the seams are spaced apart. It is best to apply mats in 2 layers - this will completely eliminate the cold.

Seaweed is an environmentally friendly insulation material and has a number of advantages:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • beneficial features algae;
  • will not be damaged by small rodents;
  • does not smoke or burn;
  • not afraid of insect attacks;
  • no need to lay a vapor barrier layer;
  • installation is done directly on the floor.

Ecowool insulation

Another name for ecowool cellulose insulation. What are the advantages of a cellulose product:

  • microorganisms do not appear on it, and mold does not appear;
  • can be laid in any thickness;
  • durability;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • during installation, a sealed coating is formed;
  • additional sealing possible;
  • reduced percentage of flammability;
  • the material breathes, so moisture is not retained.

Installation of ecowool can be carried out in two ways:

  • The “dry” method consists of scattering the insulation with compaction. In this case, you don’t have to lay down the film.
  • The “wet” method is done using special equipment that binds cellulose with glue to the surface of the floors.

Ecowool is a natural insulation material that is absolutely safe.

This type of insulation is much stronger than standard polystyrene foam and is necessary for insulating concrete floors in the attic. However, if a private house has wooden floors, then it is better to abandon penoplex. The disadvantage is that moisture can accumulate there, which can be the initiator of mold. Before installation, the surface must be leveled. Next, foam boards are laid, which are placed staggered.

How to insulate concrete floors

To begin with, the joints formed between the plates must be treated with polyurethane foam. When all the joints are completely dry, a sand-cement screed of a fairly thick consistency is applied. The thickness of the layer must be no less than 50 mm. After the solution becomes solid, a solid floor surface is obtained on the second floor or attic.


All insulation materials and their installation technologies that were discussed in this article are the most popular methods for thermal insulation. However, the list of insulation products does not end there. Construction stores have a very wide selection of insulation materials for country houses.

When choosing a material for ceiling insulation, it is important to know all the nuances of the future building. The main thing to remember is that for wooden partitions Sealed materials such as penofol and penoplex will be unsuitable. They are best used for concrete floors of houses.

For wooden houses It is best to use natural materials that allow air to pass through and do not retain moisture. For these purposes, it is necessary to use sawdust, algae, ecological wool and reed mats. These insulation materials are environmentally friendly and do not harm human health at all.

If the house has an attic, then it should be insulated, because any owner is ready to fight for warmth in his home. Therefore, the process of arranging the ceiling from the attic should be taken with full responsibility and it must be done correctly.

Features: pros and cons

According to the well-known canon of physics, warm air moves upward, towards the ceiling. Therefore, with a “cold roof” and an insufficiently insulated ceiling, heat escapes out. This is called the term "heat loss". 25-40% of the heat can escape from the house through the roof. In order not to heat the street, it makes sense to carry out thermal insulation work.

Ceiling insulation performs several functions at once:

  • retains heat inside rooms during the cold season - the air heats up and rises, but does not find “loopholes” to escape and descends again, remaining inside the house;
  • prevents the penetration of heat in summer, so a favorable microclimate with optimal temperature conditions is maintained in the room;
  • minimizes the penetration of excess noise, maintains peace and quiet in the house during wind, rain or snowstorm.

All insulation work requires preparation, because improper use of insulating materials and non-compliance with technology will, at best, lead to condensation, and at worst, create a real threat of fire in the house.

Below are the features of the materials used for insulating floors.

Types and materials of insulation

Traditionally, the following is used for attic thermal insulation:

  • basalt mineral wool or fiberglass;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane;
  • expanded clay, vermiculite and other bulk materials;
  • ecowool.

Often homeowners use traditional methods insulation using sawdust and straw mixed with clay.

Insulation materials differ greatly in their operational characteristics , and their prices vary over a fairly wide range. That is why it is necessary to consider each group of materials separately.


Thermal insulation using sawdust is one of the ancient ways of insulating a room. Sawdust is used in those regions where woodworking industries are widely developed - there the material can be purchased almost for nothing.

It is accessibility and low cost that have become the main advantages of the material.

Among the disadvantages, high flammability should be noted. However, this shortcoming is easily compensated for through the competent use of modern installation systems. Another disadvantage is that sooner or later wood shavings favored by rats and mice. To avoid such an unwanted neighborhood, sawdust is mixed with lime, which repels rodents.

Mineral wool

Along with its advantages, mineral wool also has disadvantages:

  • cotton wool cannot be pressed - its effectiveness may decrease by 30-40%;
  • the properties of the material deteriorate when wet, because if the roof of the house leaks, then moisture will begin to accumulate in the insulation, which will not only worsen its properties, but will also become a favorable environment for the growth of fungi and mold;
  • insulation cannot be used in a house where people with asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system live.

Expanded clay

Simple and durable insulation.

Its advantages are obvious:

  • light weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to low temperatures and combustion.

The use of expanded clay does not require special technical training, because in order to carry out work on ceiling insulation, it is enough just to cover the surface to be treated with this material, having first laid down any vapor-proof layer.

Expanded clay is suitable for laying in attics with a large number pipes and ceilings.

Expanded polystyrene

This is the same foam. It is well known to everyone, it is widely used for quick and effective insulation ceilings and facades of buildings. Working with polystyrene foam is simple: to do this, you need to take accurate measurements and not cut off excess material from a solid sheet.

The advantages of expanded polystyrene are:

  • light weight;
  • it is easy to cut;
  • it is resistant to moisture and temperature changes;
  • has low flammability;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • is not a breeding ground for mold;
  • not used as food for rodents;
  • has low cost and availability.

Polystyrene foam should not be used in an attic with a large number of pipes, since in this case the covering will simply have to be folded together like a puzzle.

Polyurethane foam

This is a special sprayed material. Its application requires special skills and professional equipment.

The material is predominantly used in harsh climatic zonesthis is due to its exceptionally high performance characteristics:

  • polyurethane foam fills any cracks, forming a seamless, airtight coating;
  • when hardened, it forms a dense layer on which you can walk without fear of dents;
  • due to low thermal conductivity and water absorption, the insulating properties do not decrease at any temperature conditions and humidity levels;
  • does not require the preliminary use of heat and waterproofing materials during installation.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the high technological effectiveness, because working with polyurethane foam requires professional equipment and special work skills.


It's relative new material, consisting of small cellulose fibers.

Among its advantages are:

  • light weight - ecowool can be applied in any layer without fear of weighing it down attic floor;
  • safety – the insulation is made from environmentally friendly raw materials and does not contain harmful or toxic substances;
  • is an unfavorable environment for the growth of mold and mildew due to its “preservative” properties;
  • maintains exceptionally high performance properties over a long period of operation;
  • low flammability and self-extinguishing ability.

Which to choose?

  • If you plan to do thermal insulation yourself, then you should give preference to expanded clay, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. To work with ecowool and polyurethane foam, it is necessary specialized equipment and some technical training– these materials are best left to professionals.
  • If the attic floor is made using reinforced concrete slabs, then it is optimal to use expanded clay as insulation, but it is more advisable to protect wooden floors with mineral wool or cellulose wool, since these materials are considered “breathable” and they prevent the formation of condensation, as well as the destruction of wood.
  • It also significantly influences the choice of material and the planned budget. For example, if the owner of the house has access to lumber waste, then you can simply use sawdust and shavings - this will be the most environmentally friendly and at the same time cheapest method of thermal insulation.

How to calculate layer thickness?

To calculate the thickness of the required insulation layer, special calculations should be carried out. This will not be difficult if you use an online calculator. In general terms, the calculation scheme is based on the physical parameters of the substances and established building standards.

For example, in Moscow SNiPs establish that the insulation of all types of floors should provide resistance to heat transfer, R = 4.15 m2C/W. When foam with a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/mS is used, then required thickness the coating is calculated as follows: 4.15 x 0.04 = 0.166 m. Polyurethane foam will require a layer thickness of 125 mm, and expanded clay should be 415 mm in height.

Work technology

The technology of thermal insulation work directly depends on the type of material used.

Bulk materials

The technology for working with bulk materials is considered the simplest. To begin with, the ceiling is thoroughly cleaned, cleared of dirt and debris. After this, a layer of hydro- and vapor barrier is laid on the surface. The most commonly used is Izospan, aluminum foil, roofing felt or polyethylene.

The selected material is cut into strips and overlapped. It is advisable to apply a layer of soft clay on top of it, after which insulation is poured.

At the final stage, a mixture of sand and concrete is applied over the expanded clay and covered with floorboards.

Installation of slabs

When laying slabs (for example, foam plastic) engineering works carried out in several stages.

First, you should lay a vapor barrier overlapping the entire surface of the attic. After this, the slabs are laid directly. The most difficult thing is to cut them correctly, which is quite difficult, given the poor flexibility of the material and its flowability.

A wooden house is a warm structure in itself. That is why many city residents are leaving their cramped apartments and moving to a suburban home. Wooden buildings are convenient and practical, as well as environmentally friendly. In summer it is pleasantly cool, and in winter it is warm. However, even the warmest wood will not protect against severe frosts and wind: you cannot do without insulation for the ceiling of a wooden room.

Often, all heat loss from the inside occurs due to improperly finished ceilings. If you do not properly insulate this part of the house, you may not be able to wait winter time coziness and comfort. They won't help modern windows and insulation of walls, it all depends on the ceiling.

How to insulate a ceiling in a wooden house?

There are several affordable and simple ways to insulate from the inside and outside with your own hands. All of them are divided into two options: insulation outside from the attic and inside the room. When insulating the surface from the inside, you need to understand that the height may decrease. If the attic floor is insulated, after all the work it is necessary to install the floor covering.

When insulating, you need to pay attention to the following indicators: strength, safety, noise insulation, fire resistance

Choosing required material, you need to focus on the following indicators:

  • strength and durability;
  • no harm to health;
  • fire resistance;
  • reliable thermal insulation qualities;
  • presence of sound insulation.

What can be used?

  • mineral or glass wool;
  • sawdust;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Styrofoam;
  • clay;
  • expanded clay

Using sawdust

They are the cheapest and in an accessible way insulation from the outside, while not inferior in quality expensive materials. The process itself is simple and does not require much time. Everything can be done with your own hands. First you should prepare the materials:

  • several bags of sawdust;
  • insulating material. You need to calculate it required quantity. To do this, you need to know exactly the surface area;
  • cement.

A mixture of sawdust and cement for ceiling insulation

The latter is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. How to correctly calculate the required number of sawdust? One and a half buckets of water will be needed for ten buckets of sawdust. A wet mixture should form, which will act as insulation.. What should sawdust be like? The first ones you come across are no good. The material must meet the following requirements:

  • dryness, lack of moisture;
  • age at least one year;
  • absence of mold and its smell;
  • the average size. Small ones are not suitable, otherwise the thermal insulation qualities will deteriorate.

The sawdust mixture should be evenly distributed over the ceiling surface


  1. Clean the surface from dust and dirt.
  2. Treat the base with a special solution that protects the room and ceiling from fungi and insects.
  3. Take the waterproofing material prepared in advance and lay it over the entire floor space.
  4. Prepare a mixture of cement and sawdust. It should be a rich gray color.
  5. Distribute the mixture throughout the entire inter-ceiling space.
  6. You can walk on the thermal insulation layer to compact it. This will allow the mixture to set better and not allow heat to escape.

If you have access to the attic of the room, this method is the most suitable and cheapest. If you have to insulate the ceiling in a wooden house only from the inside, you will have to choose a different method.

What are the benefits of rolled materials?

Mineral wool and glass wool, as well as others roll insulation They reliably protect the room, but they are difficult to work with: small particles fall off and get into the mouth, nose, and eyes. To avoid injury, you need to take care of yourself and prepare protective clothing and glasses.

Scheme of ceiling insulation with rolled materials, mats and bulk materials

Sequence of stages:

  1. Nails are hammered onto the rough surface. In this case, you need to hammer in not up to the head, but so that they stick out slightly. Then the threads are pulled over them using the zigzag technique.
  2. The insulation itself is installed. It is better to do the work not alone, but with a partner: one will lay the rolls, and the other will pull the thread. This way the glass wool can be inserted better.
  3. Anti-condensation film is attached.
  4. Now you can nail the nails harder to press the layer more tightly.
  5. You can nail sheets of drywall or attach a false ceiling.

Attention: work requires caution and attention. It is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks: they are a source of cold and condensation.


Wide famous material, which is able to retain heat. Only used when adding other materials. Sawdust and glassine are usually added.

Clay retains heat perfectly, so it is used for insulation

Sequence of work:

  • lay glassine or any other analogue;
  • mix clay and sawdust (prepare a solution);
  • Apply the mixture in a 15 cm layer and let dry. If there are cracks, they need to be rubbed with clay.

Insulation from the inside

What to do if there is no access to the space above the ceiling? There is an exit. True, you should be prepared for the fact that the height will decrease somewhat. Now the thermal insulation will be on the inside. How to carry out the work?

It's simple: first comes a layer of vapor barrier, then insulation, then another layer of vapor barrier.

Why are two layers needed? They prevent dampness of the rafters, the ceiling from the inside and the insulation. Only after this can the decorative ceiling be hemmed. How to do the work?

  1. The first layer of vapor barrier is attached. The same glassine will do. It can be coated with glue in several places.
  2. A mounting strip is driven through the vapor barrier. It’s better to take your time and do everything as carefully as possible: holes are drilled in the mounting rails for self-tapping screws, then you need to carefully tighten them with a screwdriver.
  3. Thermal insulation is fixed. Polystyrene foam is inserted between the slats.
  4. A second layer of vapor barrier is attached to the rail.
  5. The entire structure is masked with PVC panels.

Expanded clay

Another simplest and most accessible method after sawdust. Pros:

  • ecologically pure;
  • unlike sawdust, it does not burn;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • not afraid of rodents, fungi and insects;
  • simple installation technology;
  • low price;
  • easy to do with your own hands.

Expanded clay insulation scheme

All work is carried out outside. First, the already mentioned steam and waterproofing are carried out. Even a simple PVC film will do. It is better not to use roofing felt: it can release harmful toxins. Stages of work:

  1. The pipe outlet and wiring are insulated with non-flammable materials. Sheets of iron or metal pipes are suitable.
  2. Waterproofing is rolled out over the entire area. The joints need to be processed. The waterproofing is securely fixed using a stapler or special tape.
  3. Vapor barrier is being laid. The overlap laying technology is suitable. Then everything is secured with a stapler.
  4. You need to lay 5 cm of crushed soft clay on the vapor barrier layer.
  5. Expanded clay is already poured onto the clay. How to determine the layer thickness? It can be from 15 cm or more.
  6. A screed is laid on the expanded clay - a layer of cement and sand. This will protect the material.

  1. There is a foam one ceiling tiles– it itself protects against the cold quite well.
  2. Don't stop at insulating the ceiling. Walls and floors can also transmit heat.
  3. If difficulties arise when insulating with your own hands, it is better to turn to craftsmen who will do everything correctly. An unreliably insulated ceiling brings virtually no benefit.
  4. Fitting with plasterboard requires the use of a galvanized iron profile. Why is this necessary? If you do not do this, you may soon suffer from a fallen structure.
  5. In a wooden house, it is better to insulate the ceiling in the summer months, so that by autumn and cold weather the excess moisture has time to evaporate.

Insulating the ceiling in a wooden house will protect the room from the inside from heat loss. If the ceiling is not insulated, all work should be done immediately upon moving in.

In accordance with the laws of physics, air rises when heated, so insulating the ceiling in a house with a cold roof is not a way to get rid of extra money, but a decision dictated by expediency. If you live in a private house, then you have directly encountered the problem of a cold ceiling in the room above which the attic is located. It is usually not heated, and its own thermal insulation is minimal to ensure normal temperatures during the cold season. As a result, there is a source of constant heat leakage above the living room.

You can insulate the ceiling in a private house from the inside or outside. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, the use of which is dictated by rationality, circumstances, technical nuances and other significant characteristics.

Insulation of the ceiling from the outside with rolled material

Why insulate ceilings in private houses

Installing insulation material that is optimal for a particular structure will provide a thermal barrier between the room and the attic. It will prevent the heated air from cooling, escaping through microcracks in concrete or natural pores in a wooden ceiling, raise the overall temperature in the room, protect floors and walls from freezing and save a considerable amount that is regularly spent on heating.

Features of ceiling insulation in a wooden house

When working with wooden buildings Primary attention should be paid to the final weight of the insulating layer. Excessively high mass increases the likelihood of collapse or cracks in the ceiling covering.

Some are trying to insulate the ceiling in a private house with a cold roof by reducing the insulation layer, but work standards require certain value for each region in accordance with temperature and humidity indicators. As the thickness decreases, the thermal insulation properties decrease, and the meaning of laying insulation disappears.

Insulation of the ceiling in a wooden house from the inside

List of materials used for insulation

For thermal insulation, installers use materials that are divided into four large groups:

    bulk– expanded clay, dry sawdust, ecowool;

    roll– mineral wool and its varieties from other materials;

    slab– sheets of compacted mineral wool, expanded polystyrene (foam), cork plates;

    sprayed/self-leveling- penoizol.

When choosing insulation for the ceiling in a wooden house, you need to know which one has the best insulating properties. To do this, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that influence the final result:

    external or internal installation;

    weather conditions and average annual temperature in a particular area, affecting the thickness of the layer;

    necessity and list additional work;

    time spent and project budget.

The combination of these features will indicate the rationality of using one or another type of thermal insulation.

The photo shows a bulk version of the ceiling insulation from the outside - thermal insulation with expanded clay

External insulation

In most cases, insulation of the ceiling in a house outside is more convenient way prevent heat leakage. It allows you to expand the list of used insulating materials, reduce time spent on work and reduce, in comparison with internal installation, the cost of thermal insulation when insulating a house with finishing finishing.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer house insulation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.
There are several options for insulating the ceiling from the outside:

The cheapest among all bulk insulator options. Thanks to the cheap cost of the material and minimal additional costs, the total cost of the work is the lowest among those described.

There are certain requirements for sawdust.

    A minimum moisture content is required, otherwise mold will begin to form over time. To do this, the material is kept in a dry room for about a year before use.

    Sawdust is mixed with fire retardants to reduce flammability.

    Combining with antiseptic substances, fungicides and slaked lime will prevent the appearance of fungus and protect against rodents.

Insulating the ceiling in a house with sawdust is done in two ways. In the first, they are mixed with dry cement, followed by the addition of a small amount of water. Cement acts as a connecting material. The second method involves dry filling of sawdust without adding a connector, but due to natural shrinkage material and the need for regular additions, it is not popular.

Ceiling insulated with sawdust

Expanded clay as insulation

Second most frequently used bulk material for insulation. Among its advantages:

However, the application has a number of limitations:

    The own weight of expanded clay does not allow its use on thin wooden ceilings; concrete floors are desirable.

    the material has low moisture resistance, so a vapor barrier must be laid as the first layer.

    to ensure high-quality heat retention, you will need a layer more than 20 cm thick (in cold regions of the country it is increased to 50 cm).

When using expanded clay, experts use a mixture of large and small fractions to ensure a high percentage of filling the empty space. A layer of material is poured on top cement mortar 5–10 cm thick, which provides protection from moisture and serves as a floor covering.

External ceiling insulation with expanded clay


Modern insulation for the ceiling of a house, made from recycled cellulose, with the addition of fire retardants to ensure fire resistance and boric acid, serving as protection against fungus and harmful microorganisms. The main advantages of the material:

    high-quality coverage of the entire floor space; thanks to the low weight of the individual parts, the cotton wool is easily blown into all the cracks;

    the composition does not contain compounds harmful to humans;

    low material consumption to ensure reliable thermal insulation.

The disadvantages include:

    low resistance to moisture, you will have to spend money on laying a vapor barrier;

    manual installation without special equipment is impossible or will be of poor quality;

    ecowool is subject to shrinkage, so you will need to lay it with a margin of about 15%;

    if crushed, it loses its thermal insulation qualities, so it is necessary to cover the ecowool with a layer of boards to ensure the ability to move around the attic.

Advice! Experts do not recommend using the material close to chimneys and other sources. high temperature, despite the addition of fire retardants to the composition. If this is not possible, then you will need to make an additional fence made of a fire-resistant coating that reflects heat.

Mineral wool as insulation

Insulating the ceiling in a wooden house with mineral wool has several advantages:

    low cost of material;

    high laying speed;

    good thermal insulation properties.

There were some downsides:

    shrinkage of cotton wool is 15–20%, so experts advise taking an appropriate supply.

    the material is not moisture resistant and quickly absorbs water, which immediately increases its thermal conductivity. It will be necessary to lay an additional layer of waterproofing.

    mineral wool cannot be crushed; the impermeability of the thermal barrier largely depends on the air contained between the fibers, so you will have to spend money on laying the outer covering so that you can move freely around the attic.

To insulate with mineral wool, workers must install wooden logs. They will allow you to delimit the space into sectors and will become the support of the future floor covering.

The photo shows the process of thermal insulation of a ceiling with mineral wool

Insulation with penoizol

Depending on the type of installation, penoizol is sprayed or poured. But to use this material, you will need to contact a specialized company, since the work uses specific equipment, plus, you need protective suits for workers and professional skills.

The advantages include:

    high degree of penetration into all cracks and microcracks;


    environmental safety for humans;

    not of interest to rodents;

    the substance contains a large number of air bubbles, which provide high-quality insulation.

The disadvantages include the high cost and fragility of the material, which does not independently restore its shape in the event of mechanical damage.

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Which insulation divides heat better, watch the video:

Advice! When working with penoizol, it is recommended to wait until it hardens completely; it has a slight shrinkage that will have to be compensated to prevent the formation of voids.

The process of thermal insulation of the ceiling with foam insulation

Internal insulation

A residential attic, a house for several owners, the presence of utilities in the attic and other situations that make external insulation impossible, require thermal insulation from the inside of the room. Bulk substances are not used for obvious reasons.

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Insulating the ceiling from the inside, watch the video:

Sheet, roll or sprayed materials are used. When choosing insulation for the ceiling in a private house, you should pay attention to polystyrene foam boards or compressed mineral wool. They have the best ratio in the price/quality/speed category. Do not forget about penoizol, which will become excellent option when the budget increases.

The process of insulating the ceiling from the inside with foam plastic

Thermal insulation of the ceiling from the inside with polystyrene foam boards

What to choose - external or internal insulation

The choice between these types of work is based on a combination of factors:

    Without finishing they are equal in degree of thermal insulation;

    if the renovation of the room is completed, you will have to rent ceiling covering, which will increase the cost and operating time;

    laying from the inside reduces shrinkage of the material, but increases the thickness of the ceiling, reducing the total volume of the room;

    at internal insulation the ceiling is not protected from low temperatures;

    external insulation allows the use of a wider range of heat insulators.

Before insulating the ceiling in a private house, you need to carefully calculate all the pros and cons, only after that can you make a clear decision on what is best to use in your case.


When choosing a specific material for ceiling insulation, it is always better to contact professional help. Every business has its pitfalls and stumble upon them, relying on own strength, it's a waste of time and money. It’s better to do the repair once and get a guaranteed high-quality result - this will save you from unnecessary expenses and will provide the house with heat for many years to come.

If there is a need to use attic space is not available for living, insulate the ceiling in a house with a cold roof. Thermal insulation will affect the comfort of living:

  • the air temperature in the interior will increase;
  • humidity stabilizes;
  • the cost of purchasing energy resources will be reduced;
  • the speed of air movement will decrease (there will be fewer reasons for drafts).

Advantages of installing an unheated attic

Thermal insulation of the ceiling of heated rooms or the floor of the attic has a number of advantages:

  1. A buffer zone is created between external environment and heated rooms. Gradual transition between cold and warm air has a positive effect on the service life of insulation and building structures. In winter, ice does not accumulate on the roof.
  2. Reduced acquisition costs building materials, because the ceiling area in most cases is less than the roof area.
  3. The requirements for the professional skills of a specialist are reduced, which makes it possible to carry out the work independently.
  4. The time a building is without a roof during insulation is significantly reduced, which is especially important in regions with frequently changing weather.

During construction, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the insulation to be used. If the house has already been built, then when installing protection against heat loss, care should be taken to reduce the additional load on load-bearing walls and the foundation of the building. Calculations are carried out in 3 stages:

  • determining the thickness of the selected insulator;
  • calculating the weight of the resulting insulation;
  • determining the possibility of using one or another isolation method.

Excess permissible load on floors, walls and foundations will lead to the destruction of the building either during the work or upon its completion.

Determining the thickness

To find the height of the insulating layer, you need to know two values:

— standard thermal resistance of floors for the region of residence;

LocalityRequired thermal resistance of the ceiling R, m 2 °C/W
Nizhny Novgorod42739
Novgorod region42981
Saint Petersburg42981

Thermal conductivity coefficient of the material used

MaterialSpecific thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m K
Fibrous materials0,038 – 0,052
Expanded polystyrene0,032 – 0,036
Polyurethane foam0.026
Expanded clay0.11
Ecowool0,038 – 0,041
Natural materials
Felt (various types)0,031-0,05
Foliage (dry)0,05-0,06
Straw mats0,05-0,06
cotton wool0.037
Thin shavings (packing)0,05-1
Campfire (various types)0,04-0,065
Sphagnum (peat)0,05-0,07
Wood sawdust0,05-0,08
Straw (stuffed, cut)0.04

For example: To get the result you need to divide the first indicator by the second. The resulting number shows the thickness of the layer in meters.

The required thermal resistance for the ceiling in Saratov is 3.9 m 2 K/W. It is planned to use polyurethane foam with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.026 W/m K. When divided, we obtain 0.1014 m. To obtain the required heat savings, it is necessary to apply 10.2 cm of insulation.

Calculate the weight

To determine the mass of a heat insulator, it is necessary to multiply its volume by its density. The volume is found by multiplying the layer thickness by the area determined by the product of the length and width of the thermal insulation.

We take the density of the main insulation materials from the table:

MaterialDensity, kg/m 3
Fibrous materials100 - 120
Expanded polystyrene25 - 35
Polyurethane foam54 - 55
Expanded clay200-400
Natural materials
Felt (various types)100-150
Foliage (dry)50
Straw mats85
cotton wool80
Thin shavings (packing)140-300
Campfire (various types)150-350
Sphagnum (peat)150
Wood sawdust190-250
Straw (stuffed, cut)120

Natural materials By adding the load of thermal insulation material to the existing calculations for the load of the foundation from walls, floors, and roofs, we determine the possibility of using one or another insulation material.

How to properly insulate a ceiling under a cold roof using long-tested and well-proven insulation materials? These are heat insulators given by nature itself, the beneficial properties of which were revealed by our ancestors. These also include materials produced industrially from environmentally friendly ingredients.

Wood processing industry waste

Previously, construction was a waste-free industry. The shavings and sawdust remaining during wood processing served to protect the house from the winter cold. They were poured between the main walls and the sheathing and used to insulate the ceiling. Similar technologies are still used today.

Use a mixture of sawdust and shavings. The shavings help increase the heat-holding capacity.

Main advantages:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • availability;
  • low cost.

The disadvantage remains high fire danger. In order to reduce this indicator, they are mixed with clay, cement, and adding fire retardant solutions. Best used for insulation wooden floor. Insulation from inside the room is impossible.

Immediately before starting work, treatment with septic tanks is carried out load-bearing structures ceiling. A vapor barrier is installed from inside the room to prevent moisture from penetrating into the insulation volume, which can lead to:

  • decreased thermal insulation properties;
  • increase in insulator weight;
  • gradual destruction of joist boards.

Communication passages are insulated with non-combustible materials. Electrical supply networks are enclosed in boxes or corrugated pipes.

If you use sawdust and shavings in their pure form, prevent the possibility of falling inside the room. To prevent the possibility of rodents entering, lay carbide with slaked lime as the bottom layer. After laying the layer required thickness, sprinkle it with spent slag on top to increase fire safety.

Using a mixture of 10 parts sawdust, 1-2 parts clay, and 1-2 parts water and fire retardants allows you to obtain non-flammable or slightly flammable insulation. For high-quality adhesion of clay and cement to sawdust, the mixture must be thoroughly wet.

Thermal insulation using this method must be carried out in the spring to ensure drying before the onset of winter cold. If you step on a well-dried layer, it should make the sound of dry wood deforming.

Fired clay

The use of pure clay as a heat insulator is hardly possible due to the need to use a layer up to 80 cm thick. Therefore, clay that has been heat-treated to give volume - expanded clay - has long been used. It is environmentally friendly, non-flammable material. Quite light, with good thermal insulation ability. Can be used on both wooden and reinforced concrete floors.

The smaller the expanded clay fraction, the worse it retains heat.

Before installation begins, treatment is carried out wooden structures septic tanks and fire retardants. A rough ceiling is installed from inside the room, which will take on the weight of the expanded clay.

Positive properties of expanded clay:

  • does not generate dust during operation;
  • has good vapor permeability;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not require the use of protective membranes and films.

To ensure passage across the attic floor and use it for household needs, boards are laid over the joists or a subfloor is installed.

To insulate reinforced concrete floors, simply pour the required layer of expanded clay. If there is a need to use an attic, a reinforced cement-sand screed is installed on top of it.

Loose pulp

Ecowool is made from wood fibers and has many advantages:

  • low fire hazard due to the use of fire retardants (refers to low-flammable, self-extinguishing materials;
  • sufficiently low density even in compacted form, which does not create excessive load on the floors and foundation;
  • possible quick installation any thickness;
  • does not spread microorganisms, fungus and mold inside and on the surface;
  • has high vapor permeability;
  • forms a continuous, unbreakable carpet without the formation of cold bridges;
  • environmentally friendly.

Before installation it is necessary to install diffusion membrane, which will ensure insulation of the internal living space from the fibers of the heat insulator.

It can be laid in two ways: wet and dry.

When dry laying, ecowool is poured onto the surface of the ceiling, leveled and compacted.

When laying wet, a feeding device (compressor) is used to coat the wool with a binder and apply it to the floor. This avoids the formation of individual fibers during operation.

What we mowed down is how we insulate it

The possibility of obtaining a natural thermal insulator at a low price increases the attractiveness of using reeds and straw in this role. These materials are used in the form of pre-arranged mats, as well as in the form of finely chopped stems. When using mats, installation is carried out in several layers, taking into account that the top layer should overlap the joints of the bottom one. It is also used as the main filler using the technology of producing insulator from sawdust and cement (clay).

From the bottom of the sea

Buildings located close to the sea and ocean coasts are insulated with algae. It's natural and environmentally friendly clean material has some advantages:

  • good thermal insulation ability;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to temperature changes and high humidity;
  • low water absorption;
  • resistance to biological forms of life (rodents and microorganisms);
  • zero fire hazard;
  • no need to use vapor barrier membranes;
  • saturation of premises with iodine.

Used in the form of pre-prepared mats.

They made me from stone, slag and glass (insulation)

Usage natural materials with deep processing make it possible to obtain materials for protecting premises with better performance at a lower price.

The use of fiberglass materials is associated with certain difficulties during installation and subsequent use. Glass dust and small fibers released during the production process can injure the human respiratory and vision organs. Contact with skin may cause lesions and allergic reactions. Work without sufficiently serious protective equipment is impossible. During operation, it forms fine dust, the inhalation of which is harmful to health. The extremely low environmental performance of the material makes it impossible to use it in rooms and buildings where people are constantly present.

Cotton wool obtained from furnace slag also has extremely low environmental test results. When water gets in, it releases acidic fumes that are dangerous if inhaled and destroy metal constructions. Thin and brittle fibers can remain suspended in indoor air for a long time. They have an increased ability to absorb moisture.

The situation with environmental certification for slabs, mats, and rolls made from basalt fabric is almost excellent. Relevant documents allow for the insulation of floors in residential buildings, structures for long-term human stay, children's and medical institutions. Recommended for work on wooden floors.

Core Technology

Insulation of the ceiling under the roof allows all work to be carried out efficiently without regard to external weather conditions.

High vapor permeability and the possibility of getting wet mineral wool insulation requires mandatory installation vapor barrier membrane. In residential premises there is constantly air saturated with moisture, which tends to leave the room with excess humidity.

The presence of 20% moisture in the material by volume reduces the heat-holding capacity by 2 times. When 40% is reached, the insulation efficiency is zero.

The film is secured with a construction stapler. The strips are laid perpendicular to the laid and secured joists. The tightness of the connection is ensured by securing the edges of the strips with double-sided tape.

It is more convenient to file a rough ceiling or sheathing for finishing using screws.

The insulation is installed from the attic side. The width of the insulation should be 10 - 20 mm narrower than the distance between the joists. Otherwise, gaps will form that allow heat to escape. They must be filled with insulation scraps, or the orientation of the material must be changed, which will lead to excess material consumption. The height of the joist boards should be greater than the thickness of the heat insulator.

Pressing the insulation against the enclosing structures leads to its compaction and an increase in the specific thermal conductivity coefficient.

Boards are laid on top of the low-density heat insulator to make it possible to use the attic for technical purposes. High-density slabs can be protected by installing a screed made of cement and sand.

We use innovations

Natural protection natural materials has an impressive list and good characteristics. Scientific developments have made it possible to create artificial insulation materials that are significantly superior in their consumer qualities to the developments of generations.

Styrene insulation

Produced by different technologies heat insulators made of polystyrene acquire qualities that are widely used in modern systems insulation:

  1. A heat-holding capacity unattainable for natural insulation materials (about 0.03 W/m K). This is achieved due to the presence in the volume of the material of a huge number of limited spaces with still air, which is an ideal insulator.
  2. A negligible degree of water absorption (from 0.4 to 4% of the volume at full immersion) and zero vapor permeability, which is especially important under unfavorable operating conditions.
  3. Increased resistance to compression, which determines the possibility of covering the insulation with heavy ties.
  4. A wide range of thicknesses allows you to select a layer close to the design one, thereby reducing purchasing costs.
  5. Standardized dimensions ensure ease of calculation and installation, as well as maintainability of the heat insulation layer.
  6. Low biological activity does not allow microorganisms and rodents to spread.
  7. Once the source material has been stabilized, the production process is environmentally friendly.

But they also have quite a few disadvantages:

  1. High fire danger. When exposed to open fire, they ignite, maintain combustion, and release substances that are unsuitable for breathing.
  2. Low chemical resistance. Actively react with strongly active ingredients until loss of integrity.
  3. Destroyed by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  4. The market value is higher than that of fiber and natural insulation.

Application technology

How to properly insulate a ceiling under a cold roof using expanded polystyrene (EPS)?

When laying it on the floor of the attic, it is enough to level the surface: knock down the protrusions, fill the potholes. For height differences of more than 10 mm, apply a leveling screed.

Diffusion membranes are not used in this case. Lay the slabs close to each other. The resulting gaps are filled with scraps or polyurethane foam. The slabs of the second layer are laid with a shift in relation to the first, overlapping its joints.

The insulation boards are secured with wide-headed dowels. The depth of the dowel is at least 60 mm. Its cap should be recessed into the plane of the slab by 1-2 mm.

Then the entire surface is covered with reinforced cement-sand screed to ensure the safety of the insulation from mechanical, chemical damage, and natural phenomena.

Liquid heat insulator

Polyurethane foam is delivered to the work site in a liquid state. This insulation is obtained as a result chemical reaction two components under pressure. As a result, it acquires physical and Chemical properties. Great benefits are:

  • the possibility of insulating any building materials;
  • carrying out thermal insulation in hard-to-reach places;
  • creation of a single thermal insulation layer on the entire insulated surface without the formation of cold bridges.

Application of polyurethane foam requires certain preparation and equipment. Failure to comply with the technology or the dosage of starting substances can lead to the receipt of a final product with properties different from the required ones.

In the case of thermal insulation of reinforced concrete floors with subsequent transformation of the attic into a technical room, it is necessary to install floor joists. In other cases, surface preparation is not required before starting work.

There is no need to use hydro- and vapor barrier. All subsequent processing of the insulated surface consists of arranging a subfloor or screed.

Top or bottom

In some cases, access to the attic is impossible or the work causes great difficulties. As an alternative, thermal insulation with polyurethane foam or arrangement of insulation from the inside is considered.

This method has a number of disadvantages:

  1. It is mainly possible to use rigid slabs, which leads to an increase in the cost of acquisition, or cheaper roll materials with the installation of a support system, which leads to increased labor costs.
  2. The ceiling height in the room is noticeably reduced (by about 15 cm).
  3. Condensation occurs between the insulation and concrete floor, which leads to the development of microorganisms, fungus, mold.

If installing insulation between wooden joists Everything is more and less simple, then you will have to tinker with the insulation of the concrete surface:

  1. It is necessary to clean the surface of the old finish.
  2. Extend and seal all cracks, level the surface.

3.Coat it with a deep penetration primer.

  1. Glue the rigid boards with glue and secure with dowels - umbrellas.
  2. Treat the thermal insulator with primer.
  3. Use glue to secure the reinforcing mesh.
  4. Carry out plastering.

A cold roof is not a clear advantage of a residential building, but it certainly cannot be a serious disadvantage. Proper insulation the ceiling of residential premises from above (from the attic side) or from below (from the room side) allows for savings in heating costs and increased living comfort. Work easily, live happily.