Principles of growing and reproduction of jatropha at home. Jatropha gouty (Jatropha podagrica Hook.)

Description of the houseplant jatropha

The jatropha plant belongs to the euphorbia family. This family is characterized by milky sap in the stem or trunk. These include perennial plants and trees. For the jatropha, America and Africa are considered the standard habitat. It is characteristic that she prefers to grow in the tropics. Today it can be found in the tropical regions of India. In nature, there are more than 175 species of this plant.

Jatropha gets its name from the Greek for doctor and food (Jatrus and tropha). Some plant species possess medicinal properties... Attention, before you self-medicate, decide what kind of treatment is used for this and consult your doctor. Since it belongs to the euphorbia, some plants are toxic.

The stem of the plant resembles a "bottle" in shape. In winter, he falls asleep and is a stem without leaves and flowers. In spring, small red flowers appear all over the stem. After the appearance of the first peduncles, leaves with long stems begin to appear. Jatropha flowers are rare on sale. Apparently, they have not yet found their lover.

The plant is often found in people who breed succulents or in specialized places (arboretums or botanical gardens). This is not surprising because the jatropha large sizes is not cheap. Care, in turn, requires little, unlike other whimsical plants. The plant itself is self-sufficient. It is like a tree - bonsai can decorate any shelf. In addition, consistency in flowering will always be a decoration of the room. That is why, in the distant past, traders from Portugal transported the plant to decorate hedges in cities in Asia and Africa.

Types and varieties of jatropha

Jatropha dissected

Jatropha multifida (dissected) is a shrub up to three meters in size. The leaves themselves are quite beautiful, reaching a length of 30 cm and divided into 10 parts. After a while, the plant discards them and a bare trunk remains. The plant in the first years of life looks like a palm tree and is ideal for apartment decor.

Jatropha gouty

Jatropha podagrica (gouty) is a succulent with a trunk that looks like a tuber at the root, gradually decreasing towards the end of the plant. Thus, it retains water in the thickening. This is due to growing in the desert, where the soil does not have the ability to store moisture in the roots. The length of the jatropha grows no higher than 70 cm, the leaves resemble a burdock leaf in shape, up to 18 cm wide. The older the leaves, the lighter they become. The younger ones have a dark green tint.

Home care rules

The jatropha plant is ideal for beginner growers. They don't require special care watering at certain hours. The only drawback would be the inability to find the plant in flower shops. At what temperature should the plant be grown, in what land, how to water, propagate and transplant.

Temperature for growing jatropha

Jatropha grows well in summer temperatures up to 22 degrees and in winter from 14 degrees. The room temperature outside the window during the cold period is suitable for the plant. It does not require an additional heat source. Since jatropha is used to growing in the tropics or the desert, where the air is dry, it is not necessary to spray it at home. To prevent dust from accumulating on the leaves, you can periodically wipe them with a cloth.

Reproduction of jatropha

Most often, reproduction occurs with the help of cuttings. Seeds are more difficult to obtain.

Growing from seeds

For the formation of seeds, you should, with an ordinary brush, transfer the pollen from male flower(with stamens) for women. The procedures should be carried out in the early days, as the flowers bloom. If done correctly, fruits will appear green, about 1.5 cm long. Opening it, 2-3 seeds will be found. In order not to waste time looking for seeds when ripe, tie the fruit with a cloth.

Seeds should be sown in the soil: sand, sod and peat, which is warmed up to a temperature of 25 degrees. Create a greenhouse by covering with a bag or glass. The first shoots should appear in a few weeks. After planting new plants, in a couple of months they will turn into sprawling full-size plants. Flowers will bloom in a year.

Propagation by cuttings

The stalk is cut at an angle and left to dry for a while. Treat it with any growth promoter and plant in young plant mix. The temperature should not be higher than 32 degrees. In a month or 2, the first roots should appear. After this time, transplant the plants into separate containers.


As mentioned above, the soil temperature should be approximately 28-30 degrees. The soil is used in the ratio: peat, sand, turf, leafy earth. Where all components are used as 1 part and sheet ground is used as 2 parts.


Like many plants, spring is used for transplanting. The frequency of replanting is once every two to three years. Use pots that are not too deep, about 7-10 cm, but wide. Drainage for the jatropha is required.

Watering the jatropha

In spring and summer, watering is not necessary too often, when the top earthen layer dries up. Water is used separated in advance. If the jatropha is poured, the process of decay begins. When the leaves fall off, finish watering.


Since jatropha belongs to succulents, then feeding should be used for them or cacti. In winter, as well as with watering, refuse to feed the plant.

Jatropha lighting

If your apartment or house has windows facing the west and east sides, place the plant on such a window. Thus, the jatropha will receive the sun's rays, but will not be under their constant influence. The plant will thank you for the abundance of flowers and foliage.

Thus, jatropha is suitable for novice plant lovers. It will not give you additional problems in the care and in the fight against pests or diseases. The plant is almost all spring - summer period will delight you with bright red small flowers.

Despite its high cost, jatropha is in demand due to its unusual appearance and attractive flowering.


Subtropical, tropical territories of Africa and Central America. It can be found in arid deserts, among rocky areas.

Flowering time

In nature, succulents can bloom throughout the warm season, and at home in late spring and early summer.


In nature, there are about 170 different types , twenty of which are succulents. Only a few of them are adapted for home cultivation and are found in the collections of florists.


The most widespread species in culture. V natural conditions it grows in rocky deserts. Differs in the original shape of the stem - wide at the bottom and narrowed at the top (reminiscent of a bottle). This shape allows you to store water in arid conditions in order to survive.

Height about 45-65 cm, large rounded leaves (15-17 cm). Foliage color varies over time. Fresh leaves are glossy, saturated, green, and then they become dull and brighten.

Flower brush presented in the shape of an umbrella. Coral flowers, small. After wilting, green fruits with seeds appear in their place.

Photo of gouty jatropha.


Representative from tropical America. It is also called the Barbados nut or poisonous jatropha, because all its parts (especially seeds) are toxic and, if handled carelessly, can cause poisoning. In nature, a plant can reach 5-6 meters high... Leaves are oval, pointed, heart-shaped at the base, green (from 6 to 30 cm).

Inflorescences yellow tint. After their withering, fruits are formed.


Widely distributed in Mexico, Central America, Brazil, where it lives in tall shrubs up to 2-3 meters in length. The shrub is blessed with beautiful green leaves, divided into 7-10 parts.

V indoor conditions young plant looks aesthetically pleasing and looks like a decorative palm tree.

Flowers formed from an umbrella-shaped calyx. The species is rare and not yet often grown in apartments.


It comes from the island of Koh Samui, where the first specimen was brought from. Now found in the territories of America and Africa. In culture, a rare species. It is grown mainly in winter gardens and greenhouses.

Young shrubs look very decorative, endowed with large green leaves, with good care can bloom twice a year... Inflorescences are bright red.

Home care

To care for the jatropha not difficult... It can be recommended even to a novice florist. Try to stick with simple recommendations on cultivation so that it grows well and develops.


Landing is carried out in the spring... For this, a small wide container is chosen, since the succulent is not endowed with a spreading root system.

There must be a drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.


The flower is comfortable to be in bright rooms with large windows and spacious window sills. In this case, it is imperative create a "shade" from midday sunlight.

  1. The best place for growing is the sills of the southeast, southwest side.
  2. If the windows face south, it is recommended to make diffused lighting in spring and summer so that the leaves are protected from burns.
  3. If the weather was often cloudy in winter, you need to get used to the light gradually.


  1. Maintain a moderate temperature during the warmer months - 19-25 degrees.
  2. In winter, the plant is kept in a cool room, but not colder than 13-15 degrees.
  3. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, carefully ventilate the room. It is especially important to pay attention to this if you are growing gouty jatropha.
  4. In the summer, you can take out the pot on open veranda to the fresh air.


  1. Should be moderate small portions water. The next watering can be done when upper layer the soil will dry out completely.
  2. The flower does not like overflow and stagnation of moisture.
  3. Especially important correct watering for gouty jatropha. In nature, she settles in arid deserts. The special shape of the stem allows you to store water, therefore long time can do without soil moisture. Constant heavy watering will lead to rot and the plant may die.
  4. In late autumn or early winter, gouty jatropha often sheds its leaves. In this case, a cotton cloth is placed on the top layer of soil in the pot, which is moistened with water from time to time.
  5. In winter, watering is suspended and resumed. in early spring with the appearance of fresh shoots.

Air humidity

Additional moisture not required.

Top dressing

  1. In the warm season, you can feed with fertilizers for cacti and succulents (no more than 1 time per month). Do not fertilize in winter.
  2. Fertilize very carefully gouty jatropha... In nature, it grows on nutrient-depleted soil. Excess fertilization will only hurt.

The soil

The earth should be light, friable, allow oxygen and moisture to pass to the roots.

  1. You can buy ready-made soil for cacti and succulents, or make your own mixture of earth, sand and brick chips. For gouty jatropha, add more sand.
  2. Make a drainage embankment in a pot.

Dormant period

Important period for the life of many succulents and cacti. It lasts throughout the winter. At this time, watering is suspended, the plant should be in a room with dry air, in cool conditions (13-18 degrees).


Does not need in pruning. Some growers trim the top of the dissected jatrophe. In this case, remember that pruning will lead to more branching. They spend it in the spring.


  1. The flower grows slowly and needs to be transplanted no more than 1 time in 2-3 years. It is held in early spring. The pot is selected not high and wide.
  2. Handle the plant carefully when transplanting, because all parts of it are poisonous and hazardous to health. Not careful handling will lead to the ingress of poison into the body and intoxication.


It can be done in two ways - using seeds or cuttings.


More simple and affordable way.

  1. The lignified stalk is cut, dried and treated with a growth stimulant.
  2. The cuttings are planted in a substrate consisting of turf land, sand and humus.
  3. It is necessary to maintain warm temperature for good rooting (27-30 degrees).
  4. The sprouts take root within 3-4 weeks, after which they can be planted in separate containers.


More labour intensive way.

  1. In order for the succulent to form seeds, it is necessary to do artificial pollination. To do this, we take a soft brush and carefully transfer pollen from male inflorescences to female ones. It is easy to distinguish - on male inflorescences, stamens covered with pollen are visible. Women's bloom in the first days of flowering, so you should not delay with pollination.
  2. If pollination is successful, fruit will soon appear.
  3. When the fruit is ripe, the jatropha will begin to scatter the seeds. It is recommended to tie the fruit in gauze bags so that they do not end up in other flower pots or on the floor.
  4. Sow superficially. The soil is pre-heated to a temperature of 25 degrees.
  5. Next, the pot is covered with glass and placed in a warm place.
  6. The first shoots will appear within 1-2 weeks. With good care, the sprouts will develop rapidly and rapidly.

Pests and diseases

  1. Spider mite- leads to yellowing and fall of foliage. You can start to fight it with the help of regular spraying. warm water... If this does not help, treat with actellik solution.
  2. Thrips- lead to deformation and fall of flowers. To get rid of them, you need to rinse the plant under a cool shower and treat it with an insecticide solution.
  3. Root rot- a dangerous disease. If you do not notice the occurrence of rot in time and do not take action, the flower may die. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot, rinse the roots, remove the affected parts, rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate and transplant into new soil.

Possible problems

  1. A slowdown in development and growth may indicate an excess of fertilizers. Feed should be done very carefully, and moisten the soil with water before fertilizing.
  2. If the foliage begins to turn yellow, wither and root decay has begun, perhaps watering is carried out too cold water... You need to water it with water at room temperature and always settled.
  3. Those who are going to grow jatropha need to know that the plant is poisonous. You need to handle it very carefully, otherwise you can get poisoned.

Succulent jatropha - unusual exotic plant , which, despite its high cost, has long attracted the attention of many flower growers. The succulent plant looks very aesthetically pleasing and can become a real decoration for your home interior.

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Galina Korsakova 05/28/2014 | 784

If you have the ability to start it original plant, be sure to use it. Even if the jatropha is in poor condition, it can be saved. Trust me, this succulent plant is worth it.

When I saw this plant on a store shelf, I felt like a seeker of antiquities, in whose hands a real treasure fell. And although gouty jatropha stood on a shelf of discounted plants, I knew that there was life in this wrinkled, leafless "bottle". I decided to save the plant.

Transplant features

The soil made it friable, light, permeable to water and air. Mixed turf and leafy ground washed river sand, which is in the form of small pebbles, a little high-moor peat (red) and vermiculite. When I removed the plant from the transport soil and washed the roots in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, I did not find small roots, there were only thick ones, 0.5 cm in diameter, completely lignified. Only the tips of the roots of a light cream color showed that the plant was alive. The caudex was shriveled and covered in scales of peeling bark. In addition, a black stripe remained on it from the upper border of the transport soil.

Lathering with a soft brush, gently washed the whole plant, let it dry, and with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol, diluted in half with water, wiped off the black stains. Pot took much less old ( root system the jatropha had a small one), arranged high drainage, before planting, I only slightly sprayed the soil with water, made the upper drainage... After transplanting, the plant did not water for a month, only sprayed it and the soil surface.

Watering after planting

After a while, I noticed that my "bottle" began to straighten out, here and there a green bark appeared on it, the old one began to crumble, the top of the stem turned green. From that moment, she began to water the jatropha, at first rarely and little by little, and then, as the foliage grew, more and more often. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering, because jatropha is a succulent, and it tolerates drought more easily than excess moisture in the soil.


The first to appear at the beginning of May was the umbrella of flowers. Long "legs" carried small, nondescript, slowly developing buds. And suddenly coral-red flowers began to unfold on the umbrella. Some faded, others replaced them. Male flowers (with stamens) were covered with bright yellow pollen. A real carnival of colors! Flowering lasted for several weeks.

Leaf features

Leaves grew at the same time as the flowers. In the jatropha, they are not succulent, they are arranged alternately. Young leaves are glossy, light green in color. At first they were divided into 5 feathery lobes, but as they grew they became more rounded, matte and dark. The leaves are pubescent on both sides, slightly more on the bottom and seem soft and warm.

Jatropha leaves also have interesting feature: they are attached to the petiole not from the edge, but almost in the center of the leaf plate. Such leaves are called peltate leaves. Very impressive! By the middle of summer, the "bottle" disappeared under the velvety umbrella-leaves, as if hiding from immodest glances.

Place for jatropha

The first year the jatropha spent on the windowsill, and on the second I took it out for the summer to the southwestern loggia, where the windows are curtained with a light, sparse cloth. There is always a bright diffused light. In the light and fresh air The jatropha bloomed continuously all summer, with leaves reaching 30 cm in diameter.

Top dressing and watering

When I noticed that the edges sheet plates turn yellow, as if the plant lacks nutrients, sprayed the jatropha with a solution of Emerald fertilizer and fed it with fertilizer for cacti all summer. This significantly improved appearance plants.

In the literature, they often write that watering the jatropha should be limited, in the summer - once every 5-7 days. But on the loggia, I watered my "bottle tree" often, sometimes twice a day. Big leaves they evaporate a lot of moisture in the heat, and when there is not enough moisture, they wither. It is not necessary to spray them (traces of drops reduce the decorative effect of the plant).

Jatropha during dormancy

In September, I gradually reduce watering, and when I move the plant to an apartment, I stop watering altogether. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the jatropha hibernates. I put it in the corner of the flower shelf, occasionally, once a month, slightly moisten the soil. The main thing is not to overdo it, the plant is in warm apartment ready to "wake up" from a large portion of moisture at any time.

Jatropha (Jatropha podagrica) - refers to the so-called " bottle trees", belongs to the Euphorbia family. In European countries it is called Buddha Belly, which in colloquial English means" Buddha's belly. "

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About it indoor plant it cannot be said that it is very attractive but, however, it is rather unusual in appearance. Due to the interesting form of caudex, gouty jatropha can be a subject for conversation.

Jatropha gouty belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. The stems and leaves of gouty jatropha contain a poisonous white juice that irritates the skin. Be careful not to let it come in contact with your skin.

The shape and nature of growth

Jatropha gouty is a plant native to tropical and subtropical regions. The thick, bottle-shaped stem is essential for storing water, which is very important during dry periods. The stem of young plants has no branches, but

here in adult specimens it branches. The surface of the stem is rough, covered with growths. Trifoliate leaves appear at the tops of the bifurcations. The leaves of gouty jatropha are large, often reaching 30 cm in length. For the winter, the plant sheds its leaves. Adult specimens reach 90 cm.

Flowers and bloom

Small coral-red flowers of gouty jatropha sit on tall peduncles. They are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences with a diameter of 5 cm. The flowers appear on the plant in summer, but if the jatropha grows in a warm room, it can bloom at any time of the year. If the seed pods are not removed from the plant in time, then when they ripen and burst, the seeds will scatter far from the plant (you can put bags on them).


The original form of gouty jatropha is best opened when the plant is placed in a sunny place. This plant looks especially beautiful against the background of a white wall in newly built houses.

Jatropha in different time of the year

February March: In February, start watering the plant. At first, watering should be moderate, later, as the stems develop and the leaves appear, more abundant. Provide the plant with bright, diffused light, but keep it away from direct sun rays which can damage jatropha leaves.

April-October: During the growing season and during the flowering gouty jatropha needs moderate watering. In addition, during this period, it can tolerate sunlight.

November-January: Gradually limit watering, then stop watering the plant completely. When the jatropha enters the resting phase, the leaves of the plant will begin to turn yellow and fall off. At this time, the plant is hidden from the sun. Optimum temperature is 15 ° С


Jatropha gouty is a completely problem-free plant. The main thing is to provide her with a period of rest. Small young plants need annual replanting. transplanted in late winter or early spring. Use cactus soil or a mixture of peat soil and perlite as a suitable soil mixture. Mature plants are transplanted every three years.

Watering and feeding

In spring and summer, gouty jatropha needs moderate watering. Before watering the plant, make sure the soil is in flower pot dried out with the plant. Limit watering the plant in the fall. When the plant has shed its leaves, stop watering and do not water the jatropha until February. Feed the plant with cactus fertilizer during the growing season.

Seat selection

Protect gouty jatropha from bright sunlight in the spring at noon. In summer, the plant should be in a sunny place. Since the plant sheds its leaves during the dormant period, it does not need light. In summer, gouty jatropha prefers normal room temperature... In winter, the air temperature in the room should be lower, within 15 ° C.


Jatropha gouty is not in great demand and therefore it is rarely found on sale. However, it is always available in the assortment of nurseries specializing in the cultivation of various succulent plants. Seeds of several types of jatropha can also be found at seed stores. You can buy gossypifolia seeds. It is a plant with rusty purple buds and beautiful leaves.


At any time of the year, jatropha is found in shops and nurseries specializing in the sale of cacti and succulents. Inspect the underside of the jatropha leaves for whiteflies and spider mites... Jatropha can be grown for many years. Seeds of gouty jatropha are inexpensive.