Fairy dance ground cover rose reviews. Fairy dance ground cover rose

Today, many varieties of roses have been developed that are in demand for public and individual use. Since this flower is quite popular among the world's population, it has received the special name “queen or princess” among its class of plants. Most of them require good attention and have many whims, if you do not satisfy them, you will not get the desired results. On the contrary, they will show you their teeth, reciprocating your negligence with a poor harvest, which means the flowering will be poor and small. However, in the modern assortment there is such a type of roses as ground cover, which do not require such careful care and are, accordingly, quite resistant to our conditions in Russia and the Moscow region, in our climate zone - the middle zone.

Each variety of roses has a long, forgotten or young history. Ground cover roses have not so deep, but slightly forgotten roots. The first mentions of them can be found in the 19th century. The first type of this variety is the creeping rose Vihura (abbr. V. wichuriana) with white, small buds, which was used in various ways: as climbing plants for vertical decoration or laying long, stiff shoots on the ground that reached 6 m, and then attached . The disadvantage of old varieties was the lack of remontancy (re-blooming) and low resistance to diseases. The successors of this type were its (Vihura rose) copies, namely Max Graf (in 1919) and Nozomi (in 1968). They were distinguished by more compact, low-growing bushes with small leaves and buds. But history treated the new representatives harshly and new achievements were covered with dust under its yoke. But the “fighting queens” managed to win their place in the sun, finding their source of existence as part of other groups of roses, such as: polyanthus varieties of roses, floribunda and scrubs. You may ask the question, what prompted experimental breeders to classify such an incomparable species among other varieties? This happened due to similarities with the indicated bush roses, and the term-trait “ground cover” itself could not, in the opinion of the originators, become the basis for identifying a new class. Since this representative not only covered the ground, but like other bush plants, it could grow up to 1 - 1.3 m. Consequently, due to the bias of the breeders, the new group of queens was not able to obtain a separate reflection.

Like a cat with many lives, ground cover roses showed their face to the world in the early 70-80s, when a new breath of strength and beauty was needed. Ground cover varieties turned out to be different from others, and this marked them as separate species bush roses If in the 70s. These were several types, then from the 80s onwards (within 15-20 years) entire series were produced, filling the gaps of oblivion. Actually, it should be noted that the name “ground cover” has been preserved in Russia, in Germany (in such German nurseries as W. Kordes Sohne, Rosen Tantau) and in Denmark (Danish nursery company Poulsen). However, most countries classify this group of roses as scrubs, since they are also fast and moderately wide in growth. French breeders, to the best of their convictions or for commercial reasons, also distinguished themselves in naming the species. They, unlike others, did not consider it necessary to name their new products with terms that were already available in the international classification. As the ground cover roses play important role in landscape design, creating an incredibly magical landscape, the French company Meilland Star Rose, as well as Dutch experimenters from such companies as Swany, Fiona and Interplant, included the species in their catalogs under the name “landscape or landscape roses” (Meillandecor or Les Rosiers Paysagers). Much less often you can find the name “small shrub or creeping roses” on the pages of various publishing houses. In the world rose market, the first places in the cultivation of ground cover roses were given to such companies as: Kordes (Germany), Poulsen (Denmark) and County (Great Britain), the latter, headed by M. Mattock, was developed and works closely with the first two. It is ground cover roses that have played and continue to play important place in landscaping large areas or plots. First, as planned by many rose growing companies, they should serve for urban landscaping: decorating streets, parks, squares, lawns. However, later the young “queens” captivated the hearts of ordinary people, owners of country houses or houses outside the city, complementing private gardens with an incomprehensible zest. Ground cover roses have a number of advantages: they overwinter easily (quite light cover in conditions of little snow cover, or without cover under good layer snow), are highly resistant (to be more precise, practically not affected) to the following common fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot, and have an excellent ability to form a large number of shoots.

Ground cover varieties of roses also have excellent resistance or unpretentiousness to unfavorable living conditions (they also grow on slopes, slopes unsuitable for other plants), grow widely to the sides rather than in height, thus suppressing the growth of weeds, and have the ability to bloom profusely again until autumn (the first varieties did not have this property), look harmoniously in combination with other plantings, are easy to care for for all varieties, have good cleaning (from English “cleaning”, i.e. they have the feature of self-cleaning from petals after the buds have bloomed), widely are used in the design of your site due to the varied shape of the bush. Ground cover roses have excellent decorative properties: they form a unique carpet of shiny, small leaves, branched branches strewn with bright flowers, which closer to autumn (August) turn into bright red fruits containing a lot of vitamin C (it’s not for nothing that birds love them so much. Ground cover varieties differ from each other in the size of the flowers: from large (about 10 cm in diameter) to small (3-4 cm in diameter), for example Supreme Cover and The Fairy. In addition, the stamens ground cover plants contain a lot of pollen, which attracts many insects, especially bees. Among the disadvantages are the following: most have a weak aroma or no scent at all (although recently new varieties have acquired a scent), a small range of colors (mainly white, pink and red shades), they bloom once a season. Ground cover roses have creeping, drooping, arched or straight stems, buds of different diameters (from 4 cm in old varieties, up to 14 cm), collected in clusters of inflorescences, like a bunch of stars. Peduncles are largely dominated by popular bush varieties such as hybrid teas and floribundas, thanks to persistent hybridization of the groundcover class of plants. The stems of ground cover plants range from 50 cm to 5 m in length, and their width can be 0.5 - 3 m2. The flowers of this group of roses are simple, semi-double and double, and their number on peduncles ranges from 500 pieces. (Scarlet Meillandecor) up to several thousand (Ferdy with pink and apricot tones).

The ground cover group of roses is divided conventionally according to the nature of growth and the size of the bush 5 subtypes or subgroups:

  1. Horizontal, low creeping stems (up to 55 cm) grow quickly. These include Knipps, Snow Carpet, Avon;
  2. Compact bushes of medium size (up to 90 cm) with creeping arched or straight, rigid shoots, grow slowly. These include the following varieties: Schneetswerg, Red Blanket;
  3. Medium (up to 1 m), creeping, wide, well-branched varieties. Among them are Mainaufeya, Snow Beleit, Max Graf, Heidekionigin;
  4. Large (more than 1 m) bushes with cascading arched stems. This includes Fiona, Mozart, Bingo Maidiland;
  5. Plants grow widely, with long creeping shoots and several growing upwards. These include Fru Dagmar Hastrup.

Ground cover roses planting and care

Planting ground cover roses in Russia, in the conditions of our climate zone (middle zone), it is better to implement in early spring(mid-April - early May) or autumn (late September - early October). Although today a considerable number of ground cover bushes are sold, located in special containers (bags with normal earthen material, wrapped in such material so that the roots are kept in a heap and do not fall out). Plants in containers can be planted throughout the summer because, unlike a dug up rose, the root system is not damaged or exposed, and therefore can easily and quickly take root in the place that you have chosen for the beauty. Remember that before purchasing a bush, take a closer look at it: there should be 3-4 good strong shoots, where 3-5 buds or shoots have emerged, the leaves should be light green, and the habit (main stem) should not have damage to the bark.

Pruning ground cover roses

Ground cover roses do not require regular pruning as much as other types. If circumcision is performed, it is minor, mainly sanitary and rejuvenating. What it is? The fact is that in the spring you can notice frozen, diseased, damaged or weak shoots on the bush that have lost their decorative effect. They need to be removed in the spring so that the seedling has a good appearance. This is called sanitary pruning. Every 4-5 years the bush ages, becomes dense, takes on a sloppy appearance, and is more susceptible to disease due to poor air circulation. It is worth systematically thinning the bush by pruning thick and thin shoots. Therefore, after the specified period, ground cover roses should be cut short or rejuvenated to encourage the development of young branches. You should also not forget that this variety of “queens” develops in a special way, that is, young stems grow upward at its base, and old ones hang in arcs to the ground, like some kind of fountain. If you do not pin the ground cover branches horizontally to the ground with staples or hooks, then with this form, flowering will be observed at its ends and vice versa. After planting, it is recommended to trim the roots, tops and all long shoots so that they branch better. Planted ground cover roses can bloom the same year. When flowering, the plant is exhausted, as it spends a lot of energy, so it is advisable to remove the first buds or flowering shoots so that the seedling has the strength to develop well. This way, only last year’s strong root lashes will remain. In the summer, if necessary (to prevent petals from lying around), you can cut off faded flowers (although the ground cover group has such a characteristic as cleaning - self-cleaning of petals). In autumn, all branches of ground cover roses should be shortened (2-3 buds, approximately 10-14 cm), weak and diseased shoots and leaves should be cut out to prevent the development of fungal diseases. Circumcision should be carried out at an angle of 45 0 so that the cut site is 0.5 cm from the bud (be careful not to damage it). When pruning, the bud should be to the side, and not towards the middle, because young branches grow at the base of the bush, so it will not intersect the seedling and it will not be thickened. It is advisable to lubricate all cuts with garden varnish. So, pruning ground cover bushes consists of periodically thinning the middle to maintain a good, balanced shape, growth and air circulation, rejuvenation of shoots and sanitary removal of damaged branches.

Sheltering ground cover roses for the winter

Our climate (middle zone) is characterized by severe or moderately severe winters. Representatives of the ground cover group of roses tolerate frosts well under the snow, and may even not shed their leaves until spring. However, recently weather conditions have been unstable, i.e. Temperatures can fluctuate within a day from above zero to below zero. Therefore, the possibility of freezing increases not only for roses, but also for trees. Therefore, as a precaution, a slight precaution should be taken shelter roses(geotextile, agrofilm, etc.).

Propagation of ground cover roses

Ground cover roses can be propagated by layering, cuttings and clothespins. The best way for them to propagate is by layering (you can get several seedlings) and grafting (rose hips onto which ground cover cuttings and shields are grafted). To propagate by layering, you need to select ground cover roses in the spring, selecting the longer the annual shoot. Then choose a good place and dig a trench (depth 10-15 cm) and bend it to the ground. If you want several ground cover seedlings to emerge from the stem, then divide it lengthwise into a couple of parts (3 buds each). On each of the first of the three buds, make an incision and nail it into the soil, and the other 2 buds should not be covered with earth, but should be on top, above the ground. We carry out this procedure along the entire shoot so that we get a “snake” or the letter W. B next year You will receive a ready-made ground cover plant, which needs to be cut off from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place. The winter hardiness of seedlings obtained by cuttings is much lower than the other two methods. Rose nurseries sell mostly grafted bushes with a good root system, aged 2-4 years. The rose hip transfers its excellent resistance to frost to the cultivated part by grafting, making it stronger and richer.

Ground cover roses in the garden

Ground cover roses, if their characteristics in growth (plant habit) and shape (compact or large “cap” bushes) are taken into account correctly, can create a unique source of beauty and enchantment, for which there is hardly a cure. Since this ground cover variety requires a minimum of care (does not require regular pruning), almost continuously covers the ground with thousands of flowers, is quite resistant to most fungal diseases and tolerates frosts well and, in addition, can grow in conditions that are unsuitable for the existence of this class (slopes ), it is indispensable in the decoration of your garden plot.

Groundcover, low-growing, compact varieties of roses with creeping shoots are widely used for plantings in borders and as neat fencing of flower beds along garden paths or along the edges of the rose garden, on the lawn, for alpine slides (there small beauties ground cover harmoniously combine with plants, as they have a compact bush and small flowers), in container culture, in flowerpots, in wicker baskets, in single or group planting as a picturesque mini -carpet. Medium arched or spacious ground cover varieties are perfect for various group and solitary (single) plantings, for cutting, for decorating clumps of various shapes, in a flower bed. Groups of ground cover roses of different colors look extremely good; this is when you can observe the transitions of tones from one end to the other. This type of rose looks especially charming in a mixed combination with other perennials or shrubs, such as: astilbe, Siberian irises, golden barberries, sage, cuff, delphinium, lavender, heuchera, silver wormwood, costa, etc. Ground cover roses are often planted together with marigolds, which perfectly disinfect and heal the soil and act as a kind of phytosanitary. Large curtains of juniper composition will transform your garden into a more natural and picturesque style. Ground cover varieties are often planted in large groups on the lawn, in combination with coniferous plants. Large, long ground cover bushes with drooping shoots are perfect for decorating retaining walls, slopes, slopes, rock gardens, since fabulous cascade carpets will frame a house wall, door or window melodiously and melodiously lower the majestic lashes of flowers from the elevation. Besides, this group can be used to create an impressive and at the same time luxurious trunk - a weeping tree strewn with flowers with long whip-stems.

Any, even impossible, idea of ​​yours can be realized if you use ground cover varieties of roses. The bushes of these plants will be to the taste of every gardener.

Ground cover roses, description

In the modern assortment there are many varieties of ground cover roses, the most famous of them: Gold Cover, The Fairy, Alba Maidiland, Besy, Ondela, Nozomi, Snow Carpet. Snow Carpet, Repandia, Max Graf, Mirato, Super Dorothy, Snow Ballet, Candy Rose, Pink Spray, Fairy Fairy Dance, Fieurette, Max Graf, Immensee, Sea Foam, Rote Max Graf, Swany, Scarlet Meidiland , Alba Meillandecor, Aspirin Rose, Satina, Palmengarten Frankfurt, Magic Meillandecor, Pearl Mirato, Rody, Austriana, Pearl Haze (Purple Нaze), Red Haze (Red Haze), Supreme Cover (Supreme Cover). Let's look at a few of them in more detail.

Ground cover rose The Fairy

Ze Fairy is one of the most popular ground cover varieties in the world. The species belongs to the Bentall collection, England and, according to the international classification, belongs to the polyanthus group of roses, but here in Russia, in the middle zone, it is included in the ground cover group. Beautiful plant delicate dark pink color. Although the shade lasts a long time (especially in cold weather), it tends to fade under the yoke of sunlight to a pale pink or even white. The buds are placed on small peduncles of 20-40 pieces, small, up to 4 cm in diameter, terry (up to 50 wavy, such that they bend towards the center of the petals), collected in inflorescence brushes. Flowering occurs in waves, almost continuously (from June to October) until late autumn, especially abundant in early summer, lushly and completely covering the ground. The Ze Fairy bush is small (up to 70 cm), wide, spreading, with drooping arched branches and has small, dark green, shiny leaves. There is a nice musky or apple scent. The unpretentious bush can grow in partial shade and is quite resistant to cold and disease. The ground cover variety “The Fairy” has many world awards: 1997-2001 - “Best Polyanthus Rose” at the American AARS rose competitions (USA and Canada). Used in group planting in rose gardens, in borders, as a low hedge, as a standard tree, for cutting, in the foreground of flower beds, along paths, in container culture.

Ground cover rose Fairy Dance

According to the international classification, the Fairy Dance variety belongs to the polyanthus group (climbing subgroup), but here in Russia it belongs to the ground cover group of roses. Terry petals (15-25 pcs.), bright red or crimson on cup-shaped, small (4-5 cm in diameter) lush flowers, collected in dense brushes of 5-20 flowers, located on drooping and vertical stems. The ground cover rose Fairy Dance is a remontant rose, blooms throughout the summer until the first frost, while some buds are replaced by the appearance of others. The variety is demanding in terms of living conditions: it loves slightly acidic loams with good lighting. In the northern regions of our country, the “Fairy Dance” bush grows low and more compact, although in the south it can grow better and somewhat higher, and therefore can be used as a climbing rose. The aroma of the species is subtle and light. The leaves are disease-resistant, small, matte, shiny. Fairy Dance can reach 50-70 cm in height, branched, compact. The plant is practically not affected by diseases and is frost-resistant. Used for planting on lawns and slopes.

Ground cover rose Mirato

The Mirato variety belongs to the Tantau collection (Tantau, Germany) in a low-growing subspecies, bred in 1990. If you want to reproduce the theater of romanticism in the garden, hundreds of buds and open flowers with yellow stamens, as if framed in gold, will carry you away in a lush pink veil to magical dream tenderness and great feelings. The dark pink shade of rounded double petals (up to 45 pcs.) is found on cup-shaped, medium-sized (diameter 4-7 cm) flowers, collected in large umbrella-inflorescences (from 4 to 30 flowers at a time), placed on durable, matte, as if bloody, stems. Over time, as is typical, the rich color fades; in the rain, the petals can become covered with small spots, but in the fall, with the advent of cold, they can easily fall off; the so-called “self-purification” cleaning of this variety helped it win people’s affection. Flowering is long-lasting, occurs in waves, starting from summer to autumn. It should be noted that the flowers appear first at the end of the shoot, and subsequently spread it down along its entire length. The leaves are dark, very glossy, dense, leathery, medium in size. The bush grows very quickly and reaches a height of 40-70 cm, and the lashes-branches can cover up to 2 m. There is a slight smell. Grows in sunny, humus-enriched, light soil. The ground cover variety Mirato is extremely winter-hardy (can withstand frosts of 30°C due to its light cover) and resistant to diseases. He has been awarded more than once for his good growth qualities. Among the awards are the following: a test certificate in 1992, and the title “Rose of the Year” in the competition of the Royal Society Rose Growers of Great Britain RNRS 1997 and ADR (Germany) 1993. Used for planting large public areas (streets, squares, parks), as well as lawns, slopes.

Ground cover rose Super Dorothy

The ground cover variety of rose loves a moderately sunny side, with slightly acidic soil enriched with humus, where there is no stagnation of water and it is protected from strong winds (especially northern ones). The petals are terry, dark pink in color, and with reverse side- light pink, fade over time under the influence of the sun, become poorer, and in the center of the rose they generally turn white. The buds are pompom-like, 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in large brushes of 15-40 pieces. The Super Dorothy variety has a subtle, delicate aroma. The leaves of the plant are glossy, small, light green and, in addition, resistant to diseases. The bush of the species reaches 2-2.5 m in height, is branched, has an extensive shape, and has long, strong, pale green stems, almost no thorns. The ground cover variety Super Dorothy is a remontant rose (blooms again). The first wave of flowering occurs at the end of June and, if well fertilized, is lushly replaced by the second and third waves, thus continuously covering the bush from top to bottom (it is advisable to remove faded flowers) until autumn (September-October). Super Dorothy is resistant to frost and disease. Due to its good branching in width, the variety is used for a weeping tree - a standard, in vertical gardening as climbing rose(which needs to be tied up), for decorating a rose garden, a garden on the slopes in a cascading manner, on lawns.

Ground cover rose Swany

The ground cover variety Svani belongs to the French selection (Meilland International France), bred in 1978 by the originator Marie Louise Meilland. The buds are double (80 petals), in the form of rosettes, collected in huge inflorescences of 4-20 pieces, snowy white, although with age a soft pink tint may appear when blooming. The remontant rose Svani blooms several times a season, from June until the first frost. The leaves are dark green, densely covered with long, flexible shoots, glossy. Groundcover bush is low-growing, compact, quite extensive (1.5 - 2 m wide), covered all over lush foliage and abundant flowers, reaches a height of 50-60 cm. The unpretentious species is easy to care for, resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot and tolerates winter well. The aroma is weak and subtle. The Svani variety is excellent for planting various borders, on slopes (where the lashes of buds melodiously hang down), like a small climbing bush, along the edges of a mixborder.

Ground cover rose Scarlet Meidiland

A groundcover variety of French selection, obtained in 1986. The petals are dark red, wavy, double (their number is from 14 to 25 pieces), they practically do not fall off, but dry on the spot. The buds are 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in clusters on small peduncles of 15-25 pieces. The ground cover species does not require regular pruning, is easy to care for, and is resistant to disease and cold (but it is better to use light cover). The Scarlet Maidiland bush is branched, reaches 90-110 cm in height, has a round shape, in the form of a fountain. There is a subtle aroma. The leaves are matte, glossy, and are little affected by diseases. It blooms profusely until autumn and is a remontant species. You can plant up to 4 bushes per 1m2. By good qualities Scarlet Maidiland received awards in 1990 "Gold Medalist" Frankfurt (Germany), as well as a prize in the category "Modern Scrub" in 1999 Michigan (USA). Suitable for planting in a flower bed, it will decorate the garden well.

Ground cover rose Sia Foam (Sea Foam)

The Sea Foam variety is translated from English. like "sea foam". It is not for nothing that the color of the densely double buds is soft white, although the base may have pink-pearl tones. It should be noted that in dry climates the buds are not as large as in cold, humid climates. The plant is demanding in terms of living conditions; it loves a well-lit area, protected from strong winds, in rich loams. The remontant species blooms later (around July), but continuously until late autumn (October). The ground cover rose Sia Phom has beautiful dark green, small, thick, shiny leaves. The ground cover bush has semi-creeping, strong stems, reaching a height of 80-110 cm. The variety is resistant to frost and disease. Used as a climbing rose, on slopes and lawns.

Fairy Dance is a variety of polyanthus roses of English selection. Bred by Jack Harkness in 1979. Harmoniously combines the beautiful shape of miniature flowers and the properties of ground cover roses. Another name for this rose is HARward.

The plant is compact, repeat flowering, with small shiny dark green foliage. The height of the bush is 50 - 60 cm (in warm climates it can grow much higher), width is 40 - 60 cm.

The flowers are semi-double, 3-4 cm in diameter, containing about 20 petals. The shape of roses changes during the flowering process from a conical bud to a flat-cupped one. The flowers range in color from dark pink to crimson with a burgundy tint and have yellow stamens. They are collected in large inflorescences consisting of 9 - 15 buds.

Flowering is luxurious and abundant, with short breaks. In warm regions, the first flowers bloom in early June, and the last ones in late autumn (the southern coast of Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory).

Resistance to black spot and powdery mildew is average. As a precautionary measure, it is recommended to plant these plants on open areas, where air circulation quickly dries the leaves of moisture, reducing the risk of disease development.

Fairy Dance is recommended to be planted in sunny areas where there are no cold winds. This variety prefers fertile, well-drained soils, from slightly acidic to neutral. To care for the plant, sanitary spring pruning of old shoots, fertilizing and preventive spraying are necessary. Roses are not self-cleaning, so faded buds must be removed promptly.

USDA frost resistance zone: 4 (minus 28 - 34 °C). For Russia, these are the territories of the central zone of our Motherland and the Far East. This rose winters well, but despite this, for the first 1 - 3 years it is necessary to cover it for the winter (for example, with spruce branches).

Advantages of the variety: unpretentiousness, compactness, multi-flowering, resistance to diseases and bad weather conditions.

Disadvantages include the weak aroma of flowers.

Fairy Dance is good for creating flower beds and flower beds, for planting near the border and along the fence, for decoration open terraces and verandas. It can also be grown on a trunk or in a container. It matches perfectly with low bushes, perennials and climbing plants.

Fairy Dance is luxurious in combination with varieties such as '', 'Belvedere', 'Pink Fairy', 'Aspirin Rose', '', 'Pearl Mirato', 'Sorrento', 'Blue Parfum' and 'Austriana'. you can add delicate notes of pink shades with companions such as 'Magic Meillandecor', 'Amulett', '

The rose is the dream of many gardeners, but difficulties in agricultural technology and the capricious nature of the plant limit its spread throughout the world. personal plots. The best option– planting an unpretentious but eye-catching Fairy rose. What features of growing groundcover perennials should you know?


Rose Fairy (in the original – The Fairy) of English selection, belongs to the polyanthus (abundantly flowering). Its multiple inflorescences are located in the brush, 15-40 of them grow on each shoot. The buds are double, 3-5 cm in diameter, with yellow stamens. The flowering period begins in the first half of July and continues until October.

The most popular varieties of roses:

  • White Fairy (white);

  • Fairy Tail (pale pink);
  • Fairy Queen (raspberry);
  • Fairy Changeling (purple-pink);

Fairy Changeling

  • Red Fairy (red);
  • Fairy Isles (yellow);
  • Fairy Dance (dark pink).

They are united by a bush height of up to 55-60 cm, spreading up to 1.2 m. The leaves are glossy, small, green. Roses respond positively to pruning; you can shape them:

  • bole;
  • ground cover;
  • bush (including undersized).

Among the disadvantages of The Fairy flowers:

  • burnout (lightening of petals) in the absence of midday shadow;
  • untidy appearance in wet weather (brown inflorescences should be removed by hand).

The perennial is used in rose gardens, supporting walls And alpine roller coaster, in and curbs. Looks great in containers, planted alone, or in combination with other plants. Suitable neighbors are crops with blue, white and purple buds, with silver or blue leaves. Planting close to plants with yellow or orange flowers or leaves is undesirable.

Among the companions:

  • other varieties of roses;
  • , wormwood, cereals;
  • lobularia, ;
  • silver cineraria.

Planting and propagation of plants

Polyantha rose prefers sunny places with midday shade, protected from the winds. Soils: nutritious, loose, light, without stagnant moisture. Shady places They are not suitable for planting; in such conditions, the crop tends to elongate shoots and reduce the abundance of flowering.

Optimal times for planting roses:

  1. In spring - in April-May.
  2. In autumn - in September-October.

The process of planting a perennial includes the following steps:

  • Dig a planting hole with a volume of at least 10-15 liters.
  • Drainage (gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay) is laid at the bottom, which is covered with a sand “cushion”.
  • Fertile soil is poured in a heap (it is better to use a mixture of humus, compost, garden soil).
  • The roots of the plant are straightened and placed on the resulting mound.
  • Holding the seedling, cover it with soil in a circle. Periodically lightly compact the soil, fixing the plant.
  • For ease of watering, leave a small depression to avoid water spreading.
  • A planted rose (when grown using the standard method) should be tied to a peg.

Attention! Do not compact the soil around the bush with your feet, as this will lead to injury to the root system.

Even a beginner can propagate a plant that already exists on the site. Main methods:

  • cuttings - green cuttings are used for rooting in mid-summer;
  • layering – required quantity shoots are fixed in a horizontal position on the soil and sprinkled with soil. The resulting seedlings are ready for transplanting in the spring.


Fairies are considered one of the most unpretentious species, requiring only basic knowledge of agricultural technology.

Watering the perennial is carried out as the soil dries out. It is recommended to mulch the soil around the bush to avoid the formation of crust on the soil surface, reduce the number of weeds and reduce the frequency of watering.

Roses are pruned 2-3 times per season:

  1. In the spring, diseased, weak and unwintered shoots are removed.
  2. In summer - faded buds to stimulate the formation of new flowers, as well as to increase the decorativeness of the bush.
  3. In autumn, formative pruning is performed and inflorescences are removed.

The Fairy's winter hardiness is high (-29...-34ºС); in central Russia, shelter is required only for the first 2 years after planting. Shelter for the winter is made with spruce branches or spunbond (non-woven covering material). They prevent freezing by hilling the base of the bush.

Attention! You cannot protect the rose with film because of the high risk of damping off.

Fertilization and pest control

An important step in rose care is the application of fertilizers. It is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. After removing the cover, a mineral complex is added.
  2. After a month, organic fertilizer is added to the root.
  3. During the period of bud formation, phosphorus and potassium are needed.
  4. Recommended during the season foliar feeding(per sheet).
  5. In the fall, complex or phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied again.
  6. In the absence of fertilizing, flowering and growth will be weak.

Fairies are susceptible to attack by pests and fungi, similar to other types of roses. She is attacked:

  • scale insect;
  • thrips;
  • nematodes;
  • spider mite.

The Fairy is highly resistant to diseases, but is sometimes affected by:

  • gray rot;
  • black spotting;
  • powdery mildew.

To prevent and treat fungal diseases, spraying is carried out Bordeaux mixture or other fungicides; Insecticides are used against pests.

Attention! Damaged parts of the rose are removed and burned.

Roses nowadays are represented by many varieties and species. You can choose from climbing, bush, ground cover, standard and other varieties. This article will focus on the ground cover rose Fairy or “The Fairy”.

This plant boasts unique decorative properties, combined with unpretentiousness. Let's find out what a Fairy rose is, find out what conditions need to be provided to the plant for successful growth, development and flowering.

The Fairy rose bush is so lushly strewn with flowers that sometimes it is even impossible to detect foliage under the buds. Gardeners will also like the fact that the exquisite beauty of the plant is combined with unpretentiousness and low maintenance requirements. Fairy rose can be grown as a bush plant and as a ground cover.

In the USA, this variety was awarded 70 times in the category “Best Polyanthus Rose”, and from 1997 to 2012 the Fairy rose received the Grand Prix in this category every year. Currently, the variety is one of the 10 best polyanthus rose varieties in the world.

Of all the types and varieties of roses, Fairy is the most profusely blooming. The plant in bloom looks extremely romantic, creating a fabulous, magical atmosphere on the site. But along with this airiness and fabulousness, the plant surprises with its amazing endurance and stability. It can bloom well even in conditions of careless, infrequent care.

Features of the bush

The plant is distinguished by its branching and lushness, and grows strongly. And the older the rose bush, the more voluminous it becomes. The Fairy reaches a height of 1.2 meters, while the shoots of the plant are powerful, strong, but slightly drooping (see photo). Thanks to this quality, the variety is often used for breeding new standard roses.

The bush grows at an average rate. And thanks to the rose’s excellent tolerance to pruning, the gardener has the opportunity to easily form a bush and control its growth and size.

Features of flowering

Due to the original rosette-shaped shape of the buds, the bush does not look heavy, even if it blooms very luxuriantly. Each bud reaches a diameter of 3-5 cm, individual specimens are collected in inflorescences of 10-20 pieces.

Description of color: the color of the petals is pink, the structure is terry. One bud has about 40 petals. Under the sun, the color tends to fade and by the end of flowering the buds usually turn pale.

The ground cover rose begins to bloom later than others. This allows you to use the plant to decorate many interesting floral compositions. The first flowers bloom only in July, and flowering stops in October. A big plus is flowering without interruption.

Roses have virtually no scent - a barely audible aroma can only be detected from a very close distance.


Separately, it is worth mentioning such a variety as Yellow Fairy. This rose has all the same advantages as Fairy, and differs only in the color of the petals: they are yellow.

Fairy Yellow is very decorative and is also a ground cover. It blooms profusely and luxuriantly, is easy to care for, does not require frequent pruning, and is resistant to cold weather. And its delightful-looking flowers will decorate any garden plot.

The Tail and Iles varieties are also interesting. The Fairy Dance and Changeling varieties are very decorative.

Landscape design

The Fairy variety is widely used for landscaping and decorating a wide variety of garden, park and urban landscapes. The flower has universal application and looks great anywhere.

You can plant the rose as a bush, border or ground cover. And with regular pruning, you will get a wonderful compact dwarf shrub or even a standard weeping variety.

Can be used as a hedge (though the hedge will be quite low). The rose will also make a magnificent background, highlighting the beauty of other plants. Can also be grown in containers and tubs.

It prefers to live side by side with perennials, low-growing shrubs, drooping and climbing specimens. The following plants are suitable:

  • lobularia;
  • lavender;
  • bells;
  • violets;
  • decorative cereals, etc.

The combination of Fairy with other roses, especially with their miniature representatives, looks impressive. Pink plantings look charming against the backdrop of elegant coniferous plants.

Attention: it is better to avoid combinations of pale pink Fairy and flowers with yellow and orange colors, as the rose will look inconspicuous against such a background.

Fairy rose creates a dense carpet of lush flowers on the site, does not require careful care and frequent pruning, and is able to withstand unfavorable conditions. All these features enable the gardener to use plants to decorate a variety of places on the site that are inaccessible to other plants.

Growing conditions

Let's find out where it is best to plant a Fairy rose and in what conditions to grow it.

Location and lighting

The rose will grow best in a well-lit area, but the light should be sparse. Do not forget that pink petals quickly fade from direct sunlight. The ideal choice is a place in the southeast or western part of the site: where Sun rays heat the plant in the first half of the day.

It is categorically undesirable to plant a flower in the shade, as this will lead to its loss of decorative value. As a result of the lack of sunlight, the rose's shoots stretch out unsightly, and the number of flowers thins out. In addition, the plant’s immunity weakens in the shade.

It is advisable to choose a small hill for planting. If there is no such place in the garden or everyone is busy, it is recommended to make an artificial mound.


Fairy rose is cold-resistant and can easily be grown even in fairly cool climates.

Humidity and drafts

The plant does not make great demands on the level of humidity, but it does need protection from drafts. The petals of the plant are delicate and under cool breezes they quickly droop or even fly off.

The soil

The soil should be light, loose, permeable. It is also important that the soil is nutritious and rich in useful components. The rose will not disappear in poor soil either, however, it will produce fewer buds. Rose loves well-moistened soil, however, without stagnation. Acidity needs to be low or neutral.

Before planting a rose, it is recommended to improve the soil in the garden bed. To do this, dig up the ground, having previously scattered compost and dry soil over the surface. mineral fertilizers. Also, be sure to remove weeds, rocks, and debris from the area.


Let us clarify the main points regarding rooting roses on the site.


It is best to plant this plant in the spring, after the soil has thoroughly warmed up. The optimal time is early to mid-May, depending on the weather in the region.

In the southern regions, it is better to choose autumn for planting, since in autumn there is a wider selection of healthy, strong seedlings. And in a warm climate, the plant will have time to take root before the cold weather without any problems. In this case, October is suitable.

Selection of seedlings

When buying seedlings in a nursery or on the market, choose specimens with a closed root system. At the same time, check the condition of the roots: they should be light in color, healthy and strong, without damage or rot. It is also important that the root system is branched - this significantly increases the chances of successful rooting.

Also make sure that the trunk and branches are intact, and check that the seedling does not have yellow or fully blossomed leaves.

Direct rooting

If you are planting several plant specimens, keep a distance of half a meter between them. It is permissible to plant 5-6 plants per 1 m2 of beds.

Do not plant ground cover shrubs too far apart from each other. In this case, bald spots form on the site, which spoil the decorative appearance of the garden. But you can’t plant too closely: in crowded conditions, roses grow and develop poorly, and more often suffer from fungal diseases.

The pit is prepared ahead of time: fertilizers are added to it, drainage is laid at the bottom. The depth of the planting hole should be half a meter and the same length and width. Suitable as drainage broken brick or expanded clay, gravel and crushed stone are also considered. The substrate mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • garden soil - 2 parts;
  • manure - 3 parts;
  • peat soil - 1 part;
  • sand - 2 parts.


  1. Before planting, place the plant's roots in water for 6 hours. If the seedling has a closed root system, the entire lower part of it is dipped into water.
  2. Inspect the roots and cut off any rhizomes that are too long or damaged or rotten. It is also necessary to trim the branches, leaving a length of 10-15 cm.
  3. Then the seedling is placed in a hole, its roots are straightened, and carefully but firmly sprinkled with soil. Make sure that the root collar is located 3-4 cm below the ground level.
  4. Immediately after planting, water thoroughly young plant so that it takes root faster.

How to care

Let's get acquainted with the features of caring for the Fairy ground cover rose.


Immediately after planting, the plant is watered very actively: literally every day for 2-3 weeks. Such abundant hydration promotes rapid successful rooting roses. Then they water much less frequently: usually only during dry periods and no more than once a week. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out for a long time: this has a bad effect on the number and size of flower buds.

For one watering procedure, they spend from 10 to 16 liters of water per bush. It is better to water in the morning or late in the evening, when the sun has set, so that the leaves of the plant do not get burned. In addition, it is important to water strictly under the root. Moisture on foliage can cause fungal diseases in cool weather. Use melt, rain, settled water. Moreover, it should be at a warm temperature.

Overwatering is unacceptable, as it leads to rotting of the roots, stems, and the appearance of mold and mildew. If you choose between two evils: drought or overwatering, the Fairy Rose will prefer the first option.

The plant needs the most water immediately after planting and during the formation of flower buds. In the fall, watering is reduced to soon stop altogether: this helps prepare the plant for winter.

The crust that appears after watering must be broken to open air access to the roots.


This type of care procedures is recommended to be used after watering. A layer of mulch protects the soil from moisture evaporation, thus promoting better hydration of the plant's roots. At the same time, mulching protects the soil from the germination of harmful weeds.

The suitable thickness of the mulch layer is 4-6 cm. Well, we recommend using organic matter as a material: tree bark, shavings, sawdust, compost, peat, grass. In the absence of organic matter, you can use a simple black covering material.


Fertilizers are applied for the first time shortly after removal. winter shelter, that is, in spring: the plant needs both nitrogen minerals and organic matter. They feed the second time when the buds begin to form. This time the emphasis should be on phosphorus-potassium compounds, which have a positive effect on the splendor and duration of flowering.


Procedure required rose bush without fail. In the spring, the first thing to do is remove damaged branches, old and frost-bitten. After sanitary pruning, formative pruning is carried out.

Attention: flowering occurs on shoots of all ages, so it is not advisable to remove old, but still strong, healthy branches.

Five years after rooting, you need to carry out anti-aging pruning of the rose: this time you need to cut off the shoots almost to the base. Such a radical procedure will give the plant an impetus for more active development and lush flowering.

Other procedures

The rose bush needs regular weeding to remove weeds. Carry out the procedure after watering, as weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. It is also recommended to mulch the root circle to protect the soil from rapid evaporation of water.


Before covering a rose for the winter, gradually stop watering and feeding it in the fall. In general, groundcover varieties are frost-hardy and only require shelter during very cold winters. In the south there is no need for shelter.

Usually the shrub is protected with spruce branches, laying it along the root circle - this saves the roots from freezing. It is advisable to throw lutrasil on top so that the branches avoid freezing.

In conditions middle zone Without shelter, the plant freezes slightly, however, it usually recovers quickly. To the south of the middle zone, the shrub can easily overwinter with only one hill. Young plants, however, require more reliable protection, in whatever climate they are grown.

If you grow a standard variety obtained from Fairy, you need to take it indoors for the winter. However, this is only possible if the rose is initially planted in a tub. If it grows in a garden bed, the bush is dug up, bent to the soil, and covered with dry spruce branches, leaves, and agrofibre.

Pests and diseases

The most dangerous disease for this rose is powdery mildew. The pathology appears as a whitish flour coating on the foliage, especially often on young greenery. Downy mildew also affects roses. Eliminate fungal diseases special fungicides. Folk remedies in the case of an already established disease do not have much effect, but are good as prevention.


Fairy rose, like all other ground cover varieties, can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • pinching method.

The best and simplest option is layering, which is what most gardeners choose. In this case, in the spring, a long, healthy mother shoot is selected, and after digging trenches in the ground, the shoot is buried into it. It is clear that the layering is on mother bush without separation from it.

Before burying the shoot in the soil, it is necessary to make an incision so that the roots come out faster. You can make such cuts on several buds - you will get several full-fledged seedlings at the same time.

The buds are located on the shoot, going deeper through one. It turns out to be a kind of snake. Next year, after the cuttings have taken root, it will be possible to remove them mother plant separate and plant in their places.

The cutting method is chosen less frequently, since a rose grown from a cutting usually overwinters worse.

Rose Fairy Dance is a ground cover flower. How to plant a flower, the rules for caring for this variety of growth are not complicated, but it is better to become more thoroughly familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the plant. We will tell you more about the Fairy Dance rose in our article.

Description of Fairy Dance roses

The flower first appeared about 40 years ago in England. It was bred by Jack Harkness, and the rose of this variety also has a second name - HARvard.

Fairy Dance is a rose that has been at the peak of popularity for a long time and never ceases to enchant with its beauty. A distinctive feature of the variety is its unpretentiousness and minimal care. When inflorescences appear on a flower, even the stem is practically invisible, because the bush is covered with many bright red flowers. Fairy Dance is classified as a low-growing species, since the rose grows no more than 50 centimeters in height. At the same time, it grows well, about 1.2 meters wide. The foliage is shiny, rich green.

The plant is re-blooming, after the first wave of flowering, the rose rests short period time, after which this process is repeated. The flowers are small, no more than 4 centimeters in size, semi-double to the touch. Each bud contains about 20 petals. The color of the rose is dark crimson with a burgundy tint; in the middle of the bud there is a yellow stamen. The inflorescences are collected in small bunches, which contain about 20 cup-shaped buds.

In regions with a warm climate, the miniature Fairy Dance rose begins to bloom in early June. And in countries with cold climates it blooms only at the end of June. Miniature Fairy Dance is a variety of The Fairy rose. The variety is not very resistant to powdery mildew and black spot, and is sometimes susceptible to other diseases, but it tolerates bad weather conditions such as rain and strong winds.

To prevent the development of black spotting and powdery mildew, the plant is recommended to be planted in well-lit places with good air circulation.

The ground cover rose needs abundant watering, especially in hot and dry weather, however, excessive watering can lead to rotting of the root system and death of the seedling. Each bush requires 10-15 liters; watering is recommended once a week, until autumn.

Pruning should be done not only to thin out or form a bush, but also to remove damaged shoots during wintering. With the onset of frost, the bush should be covered with soil at the base, and if the temperature drops significantly, it should be covered with spruce branches.

If the soil is not fertile, then this can be corrected; you just need to stock up on mineral and organic fertilizers in the form of sand, clay, humus, compost or cow manure.

In order for a plant to delight you with its beauty, you just need to have information on care and take timely measures to prevent diseases. In this case, growing a variety such as Fairy Dance will be a pleasure not only for a beginner, but also for an experienced gardener.

Planting and caring for ground cover roses: