Garden of continuous flowering perennials for the Urals. The most unpretentious perennial flowers for Siberia

What if you are a busy gardener and don’t have enough time to update the design of your flower beds every spring? The ideal solution You will benefit from growing perennial flowers in the garden. In the southern and central regions there are no problems with perennials. We will tell you how to choose perennial flowers for Siberia.

Garden perennials are plants that overwinter in the ground after flowering, only to produce flowers and seeds again in the spring. IN Siberian conditions you need to select such perennial flowers, root system which can successfully withstand the cold. The most important task is correct selection specific types such plants for Siberian and Ural places.

The best perennials in Siberia

To create impeccable style perennial flower bed must be adhered to certain rules on choosing and planting flowers. So, plant the upper, middle and lower tiers of flowers. Let's move on to the advice of experts and find out which perennial crops of each tier are suitable for Siberia.

Low-growing perennials for Siberia

The foreground of the flower garden is decorated with low-growing (ground cover) flowers. We list the most suitable and popular low perennials for the Siberian flower garden:

1. Lily of the valley. Viable and not capricious flower. Its white bells and wide bright leaves will add tenderness and freshness. spring garden.

The wide leaves and white bells of the lily of the valley will add originality to any flower bed in any region of our country

2. Primrose. undersized beautiful plant, taking root in harsh conditions. Primroses bloom early and are unpretentious in care. This flower loves moisture, shade and loose soil. It grows in bright bushes, looks beautiful in the foreground of a flower bed and can alternate with lily of the valley, muscari or chionodoxa.

Primrose - excellent low growing flower, which is best planted at the front edge of the flower bed: goes well with lily of the valley and chionodoxa

3. Alpine Aster. early flower, the most unpretentious of all types of asters. Blooms from mid-May, has a wide color scheme and is great for creating a Moorish lawn. Reaches a height of 15 cm.

Alpine aster This best flower to create a Moorish lawn; in addition, its varied colors allow you to create original compositions in the front garden

4. Chionodoxa. Pale blue bell-shaped flowers, similar to spring snowdrops. It can have different shades and even the size of the inflorescences. This bulbous plant There are about 6 species. It begins to bloom in April, within 20-25 days. The height of Chionodox reaches 10-15 cm. Its only drawback is that the bulb becomes active and produces flowers 3-4 years after planting. But, believe me, your expectations will be justified, because Chionodoxa is a beautiful plant that can live in your Siberian garden many years.

Chionodoxes resemble snowdrops, but they begin to bloom in late April or early May. The only disadvantage of this flower is the long growth period

Bulbous flowers in Siberian conditions are susceptible to fungal infections; treat the material before planting. Also add mineral and potassium fertilizers to the soil.

To all the plants listed above, you can add muscari flowers (1), hoofed grass (2) and thyme (3) - all these flowers welcome guests Siberian flowerbed

In addition to the options described, it is worth paying attention to such as Muscari, Hoof, Thyme, etc.

Unpretentious perennials of medium height

The center of the flowerbed should be dense and bright. For Siberian and Ural conditions the best perennials The following crops can become middle tier:

1. Scylla. Shade-loving graceful bulbous plant. A very frost-resistant crop, therefore ideal for northern latitudes. Scylla blooms early and loves loose soil rich in humus. Sensitive to waterlogging, like all bulbous plants. In compositions with snowdrops and crocuses it gives a colorful decorative effect.

The shade-loving scylla blooms very early and is not afraid of frost - perfect option for the Siberian region

2. Adenophora. A frost-resistant, beautiful, medium-sized flower that will delight you in the second year lush inflorescences from blue bells. Easy to care for, but loving mineral supplements and moisture.

An unpretentious adenophora, like Scylla, tolerates frost well, but requires more care: mineral supplements will be quite enough

3. Erantis Siberian. An early flower of various colors. The plant is not tall and not capricious. Combined with snowdrops, tulips and other early flowers.

Siberian Erantis is extremely unpretentious plant, looks great with snowdrops and tulips

Perennials such as Anemone, Kandyk Siberian, Felicia Tender, Chrysanthemum, Orchis, Daylily, etc. are also suitable for the center of the flowerbed.

Anemone is an original and alluring flower, which in combination with the plants listed above forms a wonderful flower bed

Siberian kandyk with its own purple flowers will attract the attention of any visitor to your front garden

Video master class on creating a flower bed from Siberian perennials:

Tall perennials for the Siberian region

Tall ones are planted in the background. Perennials that tolerate cool climates include:

1. Real Bedstraw. Bright yellow fragrant flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences. Unlike the spring bedstraw, this species grows up to 1 m. A real bedstraw resembles a wild crop, so it can be used to create a natural (natural) garden design. This flower grows on any soil, especially with clay content.

The bedstraw with its bright yellow flowers and view wild plant, will give your flowerbed natural beauty

2. Astra Novobelgian. Beautiful and resistant to external environment bushy plant. Blooms at the end of summer and before the onset of frost. Loves mineral fertilizers and is adjacent to any perennials.

The New Belgian aster blooms in the fall until frost. Combines with any perennial flowers

3. Phlox. This beautiful fragrant flower is frost resistant. They bloom all summer, love moderate watering and mineral fertilizing. Phlox is one of the ten popular plants among unpretentious perennials in the northern gardens. Reaches 40 cm in height.

All gardeners in the Siberian region know about phlox. This flower takes root well in Siberia, does not require special care and looks original in any flower bed

Siberian gardeners should pay attention to this perennial flower like a rose. This flower loves proper care, but its fragrant buds of different shades are worth the owner’s troubles.

And of course, the queen of the garden is the rose. The Siberian region requires special care, but all efforts will pay off with the full beauty of these amazing flowers

Perennial flowers suitable for Siberia are a real gift for residents of cold regions. Proper care and the selection of species will ensure uniform flowering of perennials throughout the warm season. Select varieties, experiment, and you will find your favorite composition of perennials for Siberia.

Flowers and plants - these are the ones beautiful creatures, which fill any garden with rich, joyful colors, indescribable harmony and comfort. And their diversity amazes the imagination: more than 300 thousand annuals and perennials!

Yes, avid gardeners have plenty to choose from. And now we invite you to look at just some of the perennial undemanding species.

Varieties of perennials that do not require care

We call undemanding flowers and plants that grow in one place for years, are resistant to frost and require almost no care. All conditions for them lie in the right location, good “neighbors” and periodic watering.

Unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer, you can grow from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can buy the rhizome of an already mature plant in a container and plant it in the ground.

Important! If you prefer the first option, then under no circumstances sow perennial seeds directly into the ground. The seedling method is only suitable for them. In open ground, there is a high probability that they will not sprout.

Let's get acquainted with these versatile creatures, which we hope will help you turn your garden into paradise!

Perennial flowers

Name Description
Lupine Due to its adaptability to life in any conditions, it is often called a weed. Lupine seeds germinate even in cracks between. However, it has many colors (the variegated lupins are especially gorgeous) and very decorative carved leaves.

Lupine can be planted either in separate areas “solo” or in combination with other plants. The shape of its inflorescences will perfectly complement the structure of any flower bed. To grow seedlings, you need to plant the seeds early.

Well, if you plant the rhizome of a perennial right away, it will bloom in the same year. Absolutely any soil is suitable for lupine. True, the instructions require planting it in sunny places.

Phloxes These unpretentious garden flowers perennials are indispensable when designing a site! A sea of ​​phlox varieties with flowers of different shades. There are even “chameleons” that change their color depending on the lighting from bright crimson to lilac. Phlox behave similarly to weeds - they take root without problems and grow abundantly, sometimes displacing their “neighbors”. They grow well in both sun and partial shade (partial shade is preferred).

For your information! Phloxes can delight with their beauty for up to 8 years without any care. But over time, their flowers become smaller, so fertilizing in the form of any fertilizers or organic matter periodically will come in handy. It is also recommended to occasionally water them abundantly - then the inflorescences will be large and the stem will not be exposed.

To extend the life of phloxes, once every 6 years the rhizomes must be dug up with your own hands, cut up and transferred to new places. It is better to plant these perennials in early spring.

Rudbeckia and Echinacea Rudbeckia and echinacea will add structure to any flower garden and successfully decorate the background, harmonizing with the rest of the “inhabitants” of your flowerbed.

It is best to grow your seedlings by sowing seeds in pots at the end of February. These flowers have no problems with germination, so you will certainly receive high-quality seedlings that will successfully take root in one place.

The type of soil does not matter. Rudbeckia and Echinacea can be planted in spring or summer. At first, water them generously and weed the weeds thoroughly.

Periodic feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous. These are such simple manipulations, and next early spring the flowers will delight you with their positivity!

Perhaps the most unpretentious garden flowers familiar to everyone! They are just those about which you can say “grow on their own.” The real name is dissected rudbeckia, which is popularly considered a weed. Rudbeckia may well become a decoration of the garden, but you need to keep an eye on it so that it does not fill the entire area.

sedum These unpretentious garden perennial flowers begin to bloom at the end of August and bloom until the first winter frosts. Loves sandy soil and sun rays.

Sage Sage blooms from June to late summer. Undemanding to soil. Due to its low growth (30-50 cm), it can be planted even in miniature flower beds.

Iris A very elegant flower, suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorating recreation areas, small ponds, and monoflower beds. Iris is quite diverse in size and color. For example, there are small bulbous flowers that are indispensable for alpine hills. Some varieties of iris prefer humidity and partial shade, others prefer open sunny areas. Well, in general, they are undemanding; they only need sufficient watering and periodic sprinkling of soil on the rhizomes. This flower reproduces by simply dividing the root, which is preferably done in early spring.

Astilbe Garden unpretentious flowers, blooming luxuriantly even in large shade. That's why different varieties astilbes are used as decorations for the most secluded places in the garden. The only thing is that they need moist soil. Flowering begins around July and lasts 10 weeks.

Helenium It dazzles for a very long time and abundantly! If you choose the right varieties, you can see helenium blooming from the beginning of June until the end of October.

Not only flowers will help to improve the area, but also such green unpretentious plants for the garden as fern, budra, tenacious, pachysandra, mantle, maiden grapes, kirkazon or clematis, shade-loving vines and others. They grow quickly and effortlessly.

Create a floral paradise or design ideas

To create a truly paradise, it is not enough just to plant perennials. Important nuance– this is their correct planting and well-designed composition.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. "Blooming Carpet"– a rainbow lawn strewn with small wildflowers! You just need to plant low varieties of perennials and annuals in the designated area. These can be daisies, clover, cornflowers, poppies, helenium, sage, daisies, etc.

  1. “Living” arches and gazebos. If you have similar structures on your site, then why not make them more colorful? Gracefully climbing and unpretentious garden plants will do the trick!

These include:

  • Clematis or clematis. A charming handsome man and a seducer of the eye! In beauty it can easily compete with overseas wonders. His large flowers various colors fall like a waterfall from a two-meter height. Luxurious flowering for several weeks - this is a must see!

  • Maiden grapes. Looks very impressive vertical gardening this climbing plant. In autumn, its leaves turn a charming raspberry-blackberry color. Decorative grape fruits are also pleasing to the eye. Plus, it has a special “creep” properties and can cling to any surface.

Attention! Maiden grapes produce large annual growth (somewhere up to 3.5 meters). This nuance should be taken into account when choosing a place to plant it.

  • Tree-like campsis is a vine incomparable in vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness! She doesn't care about heat, rain, pests or diseases. It blooms continuously from June to September. Campsis will decorate a gazebo, fence, arch, entrance group or canopy. The intricate shape of its flowers evokes the mood of the East.

The only negative is that the vine grows by leaps and bounds. But this is not a reason to refuse such a miracle! You can simply plant it in a narrow, cramped place where there will be nowhere to grow further.

  • Climbing roses. Luxurious flowering and captivating aroma make them real “queens” of the garden! What could be more pleasant than a cup of tea early in the morning with a pink scent? Perhaps the best start to a new day.

  • From annuals - decorative beans, peas and morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see these mischievous vines in your garden and on next year. With their cheerful upward weaving, they add variety to a boring post, tree trunk, gate or fence.

  1. Flower beds, mixborders, ridges, alpine coaster . To keep these flower beds colorful for as long as possible, gardeners recommend combining perennials with annuals. The first ones will become the basis, the background. And the latter will help add fresh notes to the flower beds year after year.


In conclusion, we will say that for stable full flowering of undemanding garden plants you need to give them maximum attention right away, so that you can then relax and contemplate the beauty. It would be a good idea to pre-fertilize the soil and prepare the seedlings for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

The result of the work will not take long to arrive. If you decide to improve your garden, then be sure to watch the video in this article. Wishing you some amazing blooming creations!

What if you are a busy gardener and don’t have enough time to update the design of your flower beds every spring? The ideal solution for you would be to grow perennial flowers in the garden. In the southern and central regions there are no problems with perennials. We will tell you how to choose perennial flowers for Siberia.

Garden perennials are plants that overwinter in the ground after flowering, only to produce flowers and seeds again in the spring. In Siberian conditions, you need to select perennial flowers whose root system can successfully withstand the cold. The most important task is the correct selection of specific types of such plants for Siberian and Ural areas.

The best perennials in Siberia

To create an impeccable style for a perennial flower bed, you must adhere to certain rules for choosing and planting flowers. So, plant the upper, middle and lower tiers of flowers. Let's move on to the advice of experts and find out which perennial crops of each tier are suitable for Siberia.

Low-growing perennials for Siberia

The foreground of the flower garden is decorated with low-growing (ground cover) flowers. We list the most suitable and popular low perennials for the Siberian flower garden:

1. Lily of the valley. A viable and not capricious flower. Its white bells and wide bright leaves will add tenderness and freshness to the spring garden.

The wide leaves and white bells of the lily of the valley will add originality to any flower bed in any region of our country

2. Primrose. A short, beautiful plant that thrives in harsh conditions. Primroses bloom early and are unpretentious in care. This flower loves moisture, shade and loose soil. It grows in bright bushes, looks beautiful in the foreground of a flower bed and can alternate with lily of the valley, muscari or chionodoxa.

Primrose is an excellent low-growing flower that is best planted at the front edge of the flower bed: it goes well with lily of the valley and chionodoxa

3. Alpine Aster. An early flower, the most unpretentious of all types of asters. It blooms from mid-May, has a wide range of colors and is excellent for creating a Moorish lawn. Reaches a height of 15 cm.

Alpine aster is the best flower for creating a Moorish lawn, and its varied colors allow you to create original compositions in the front garden

4. Chionodoxa. Pale blue bell-shaped flowers, similar to spring snowdrops. It can have different shades and even the size of the inflorescences. This bulbous plant has about 6 species. It begins to bloom in April, within 20-25 days. The height of Chionodox reaches 10-15 cm. Its only drawback is that the bulb becomes active and produces flowers 3-4 years after planting. But, believe me, your expectations will be justified, because Chionodoxa is a beautiful plant that can live in your Siberian garden for many years.

Chionodoxes resemble snowdrops, but they begin to bloom in late April or early May. The only disadvantage of this flower is the long growth period

Bulbous flowers in Siberian conditions are susceptible to fungal infections; treat the material before planting. Also add mineral and potassium fertilizers to the soil.

To all the plants listed above, you can add muscari flowers (1), hoofed grass (2) and thyme (3) - all these flowers are welcome guests of the Siberian flowerbed

In addition to the options described, it is worth paying attention to such low-growing flowers as Muscari, Hoof, Thyme, etc.

Unpretentious perennials of medium height

The center of the flowerbed should be dense and bright. For Siberian and Ural conditions, the following crops can become the best perennials of the middle layer:

1. Scylla. Shade-loving graceful bulbous plant. A very frost-resistant crop, therefore ideal for northern latitudes. Scylla blooms early and loves loose soil rich in humus. Sensitive to waterlogging, like all bulbous plants. In compositions with snowdrops and crocuses it gives a colorful decorative effect.

The shade-loving scylla blooms very early and is not afraid of frost - ideal for the Siberian region

2. Adenophora. A frost-resistant, beautiful, medium-sized flower, which in the second year will delight you with lush inflorescences of blue bells. It is unpretentious in care, but loves mineral supplements and moisture.

An unpretentious adenophora, like Scylla, tolerates frost well, but requires more care: mineral supplements will be quite enough

3. Erantis Siberian. An early flower of various colors. The plant is not tall and not capricious. Combined with snowdrops, tulips and other early flowers.

Siberian erantis is an extremely unpretentious plant that looks great with snowdrops and tulips

Suitable for the center of the flower bed are perennials such as Anemone, Kandyk Siberian, Bulbous iris, Felicia Tender, Chrysanthemum, Orchis, Daylily, etc.

Anemone is an original and alluring flower, which in combination with the plants listed above forms a wonderful flower bed

Siberian kandyk with its purple flowers will attract the attention of any visitor to your front garden

Video master class on creating a flower bed from Siberian perennials:

Tall perennials for the Siberian region

Full grown perennial flowers are planted in the background. Perennials that tolerate cool climates include:

1. Real Bedstraw. Bright yellow fragrant flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences. Unlike the spring bedstraw, this species grows up to 1 m. A real bedstraw resembles a wild crop, so it can be used to create a natural (natural) garden design. This flower grows on any soil, especially with clay content.

Bedstraw, with its bright yellow flowers and wild-growing appearance, will add natural beauty to your flower bed.

2. Astra Novobelgian. A beautiful and environmentally resistant bush-like plant. Blooms at the end of summer and before the onset of frost. Loves mineral fertilizers and coexists with any perennials.

The New Belgian aster blooms in the fall until frost. Combines with any perennial flowers

3. Phlox. This beautiful fragrant flower is frost resistant. Phlox bloom all summer, they like moderate watering and mineral fertilizing. Phlox is one of the ten popular plants among unpretentious perennials in northern gardens. Reaches 40 cm in height.

All gardeners in the Siberian region know about phlox. This flower takes root well in Siberia, does not require special care and looks original in any flower bed.

Siberian gardeners should pay attention to such a perennial flower as the rose. This flower loves proper care, but its fragrant buds of different shades are worth the owner’s troubles.

And of course, the queen of the garden is the rose. The Siberian region requires special care, but all efforts will pay off with the full beauty of these amazing flowers

Perennial flowers suitable for Siberia are a real gift for residents of cold regions. Proper care and selection of species will ensure uniform flowering of perennials throughout the warm season. Select varieties, experiment, and you will find your favorite composition of perennials for Siberia.

The harsh Siberian climate is a serious test for garden plants, but some perennials grow well and bloom every year even in Siberia, without causing much trouble to the gardener.

Selection of perennials for the Siberian garden

The main problem of the Siberian florist is harsh winter frosts. In the damp lowlands Western Siberia it is necessary to select plants that are resistant to waterlogging, and hot, dry summers in the mountains Southern Siberia requires the selection of drought-resistant species.

Perennials for Siberia - video

Spring bulbous perennials

Common feature of all blooming in spring bulbous: after flowering, their leaves gradually dry out and the plants enter a dormant period. They should be planted in early autumn, in places with loose, permeable soil without stagnant water.

Winter-hardy bulbous bulbs, growing for 5–10 years without digging - table

Bulbous flowers - photo gallery

Siberian Scilla - miniature plant With blue flowers, blooming soon after the snow melts The white-flowered form of Siberian scilla is rare, but also beautiful and winter-hardy Muscari (mouse hyacinths) bloom profusely in sunny places and in partial shade Mouse hyacinths (muscari) are not only blue, but also white Yellow daffodils are the first to bloom Poetic daffodils with very fragrant flowers bloom later than other varieties Kaufmann's tulip from the class of botanical tulips blooms before anyone else Tulip Greig from the class of botanical tulips is easily recognized by its unusual striped leaves Low Foster tulips from the class of botanical tulips have unexpectedly large flowers Following the botanical ones, simple early tulips with flowers of delicate shades bloom Tulips from the class of Darwin hybrids have large bright flowers on tall peduncles

Large rhizomatous perennials

Plants of this group can long years live without transplanting, but over time they stop blooming. Such aged specimens must be dug up ( best time- August), divide into parts and plant in a new place.

I have successfully divided old bushes of irises and peonies. Young plants bloom 2–3 years after division.


Irises bloom in June - July; there are many varieties ranging in height from 0.2 to 1.5 m with flowers of different colors. The most winter-hardy species:

Water and Siberian irises tolerate light shading and can grow without replanting for up to 10 years, but cannot tolerate drying out of the roots. dry-loving bearded irises requires a sunny place, fertile soil without stagnant water and regular division of bushes every 3-5 years.

Miniature varieties bearded irises blooms well in dry, sunny places

There is no doubt about the reliability of the Siberian irises supplied here by wholesalers: they are far from new, and some are simply antiques. But this, in general, is not bad - they are time-tested. Another thing is that Western suppliers supply these irises chilled, if not frozen. I heard from authoritative experts that when planted chilled, they take root well, but after storage at room temperature there may be problems in the retail network


Daylily is a very unpretentious and hardy plant up to 1 m in height, can withstand partial shade, does not suffer from drought and weeds. Different types bloom from June to August.

Old varieties with yellow and orange flowers They can grow and bloom for decades without any care at all.

Daylilies - photo gallery

The large brown-yellow daylily, which blooms in mid-summer, is the most shade-tolerant. Middendorf daylily blooms with fragrant flowers in early summer Blooming in early summer, the short yellow daylily grows best in dry, sunny places. The old variety Kwanso is the most winter-hardy of the terry daylilies The old hardy variety Frans Hals has bright flowers of a very unusual color. Of the intricately colored new varieties of daylily in Siberia, only the earliest will have time to bloom

Daylilies are absolutely unpretentious. They need a sunny location and watering in dry weather. Dampness is bad for daylilies. Stagnation of water in spring is fraught with the appearance of root gray rot and the death of the plant.


Peony is a very durable perennial up to 1.2 m in height with carved leaves and large red, pink, white flowers. It blooms in the first half of summer and grows without replanting until 15–25 years. Requires fertile soil without stagnant water, good lighting and regular watering.

Peonies - photo gallery

Our traditional garden varieties peonies, heavy, dense flowers bend to the ground from their own weight IN Lately new varieties of peonies with semi-double flowers on strong peduncles have become fashionable Peony angustifolia - the most drought-resistant of peonies Peony marin root - the most frost-resistant of peonies

Peony leaves tolerate frost normally, but it is better to cover the buds with something lightly - like lutrasil... to delight with flowering

Charlie 83

Tall perennials

It is best to plant and replant perennial flowers in May or August. In the first month after planting, they all need regular watering 2-3 times a week.

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet) and Volzhanka

Meadowsweet and Volzhanka are related moisture-loving plants up to 2 m in height with carved leaves and openwork white inflorescences, bloom in June - July. They grow well in partial shade, and with regular watering in open areas.

Lupine multileaf - erect plant up to 1.5 m high with palmate leaves, blooms in June with blue, white or pink clusters. Requires good lighting, can grow in poor soils, and can easily withstand short droughts.

Lupine multileaf with bright inflorescences easy to grow from seeds

Adult lupine bushes have a deep taproot system and do not tolerate transplantation. New plants can be easily obtained from seeds sown before winter.

Blooming lupins - video

Rudbeckia dissected

Rudbeckia dissected is a durable and unpretentious plant up to 2.5 m high, pleasing yellow flowers in August - September. The most popular terry form is known as the “golden ball”. Needs regular watering, tolerates light partial shade and any soil. Tall stems must be tied to a support.

The Golden Ball is the most popular variety Rudbeckia dissecta

Goldenrod (solidago)

Goldenrod is a very hardy plant up to 2 m high, blooming with yellow panicles from August to late autumn. Grows on any soil, even heavy clay. It grows quickly, requiring no care. Easily resists any weeds.

Unpretentious goldenrod grows quickly and is not afraid of weeds

I have had goldenrod growing on its own near the fence for many years, successfully displacing nettles.

Choosing the right one suitable plants, you can have low-maintenance flowers in your garden with early spring until late autumn.

When choosing flowers for a flower bed, you should take into account the climate in your region. Some flowers cannot tolerate severe temperature changes, others need a certain air humidity, and others need a specific soil condition. Perennial flowers for Siberia, for example, can live quietly in any climate zone, but not every southern plant will survive the season in Siberia. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of colors, let's look at what unpretentious species will take root in this region.

Low growing plants look great as small areas flower beds, and in vast clearings. Frost-resistant varieties include almost all known primroses. Primroses are characterized by long-lasting flowering, so they will decorate your garden throughout the spring season.

They are low, about 10-25 cm, and look good when planted in a group, often not looking very good in single plantings. Bright colors inflorescences are characteristic of the varieties Arctic Red, Bicolor Calypso, and Cherry with a Border. If you need more restrained colors, pastel shades, then pay attention to Yellow Eye, Blue, White, Salmon Orange, Apple Blossom, SPRINGTIDE Mix.

Snowdrops are certainly suited to the unresponsive Siberian climate. The snowdrop, among other things, independently disperses throughout the area, and the broadleaf snowdrop with its double flowers will make any flower garden sophisticated. Lilies of the valley and Pansies They will not only brighten up the spring season with their blooms, but will also provide a green carpet for the rest of the year.

The not very popular Chionodox flower blooms with blue or blue bells. of blue color, very similar to snowdrops. Narrow basal leaves create a “cushion” for the inflorescences. The flowering period of Chionodoxa is from April to May.

Medium height

Flowers and herbs of medium height will help create neat living fences along garden paths or low flower beds. Almost all varieties of tulips survive Novosibirsk weather conditions with enviable ease. Early terry varieties, such as, Bonanza, Carlton, simple types Diamond Star, Diana. Due to their height (from 30-40 cm), tulips can be combined into group plantings or planted individually.

Narcissus also fits well in cold weather climatic zones. Moreover, it does not need to be dug up every year. Preference should be given to tubular (Mount Hood, Birsheba), large-crowned (Helios) or terry (Golden Ducat, Inglescombe, Snowball) varieties.

The reticulated iris, like its fellow bearded iris, is frost-resistant, unpretentious, and beautiful during the flowering period. There is also the Siberian variety, which gets along even better with the Siberian climate, decorating flower beds blue flowers. They can easily survive cold, adversity, and short summers: anemone, chrysanthemum, daylilies, medium-sized varieties of asters, erythronium, paniculate hydrangea.

Video “Perennial flowers of Siberia”

The video shows photographs of perennial flowers growing in Siberia.

tall plants

Tall plants can always be included in an interesting design composition of your flower bed, building fancy cascades, combining tall plants with those below. This will add zest to your flowerbed or garden and turn your relaxation area into a gardening masterpiece. Siberian gardeners in their cool latitudes can grow beautiful flowers on tall stems.

Among them are the most unpretentious, incredibly beautiful phloxes. Fragrant flowers reaching a height of 40 cm are resistant to low temperatures, do not require special additional care- the bulbs of this perennial do not have to be dug up every time and kept warm. Even in frozen soil, the plant retains its viability.

Rose will become a real decoration of your garden and flower bed. Of course, the queen of flowers requires special care, as well as considerable effort to create conditions for her growth. But beauty and aroma pink flowers deserve all the effort.

The true bedstraw, a fellow spring heat-loving bedstraw, reaching 1 meter in height, will also become a real decoration of the flowerbed. Its yellow inflorescences will add richness and sunshine to your garden, and its “wild” beauty will add elements of naturalness to your composition. The plant is completely unpretentious and takes root well in any type of soil, and especially in soil containing clay.

New Belgian aster - luxurious bushes the most beautiful flowers different shades. It blooms in the fall and continues to please the eye until the onset of cold weather. Aster also gets along well with cool weather and is able to get along next to other perennials. Special care The New Belgian aster is not needed, but mineral fertilizers will ensure its density, juiciness, and richness.

Perennial decorative flowers, growing in Siberia, are truly not inferior in their diversity to plants of warmer latitudes. If you approach the matter with imagination and calculate the flowering time of each perennial, you can decorate your garden so that from early spring until frost you can admire the picturesque man-made landscape of your garden and flower beds. Combine, choose varieties, combine colors, so you can create for yourself the most cozy corner, where you can relax while enjoying the natural beauty.

Video “Perennials of Siberian latitudes”

Video selection of the most common perennial flowers that grow favorably in northern regions Russia.