Dry air at home, what to do. We humidify the air in the apartment without using a special humidifier

In autumn winter period great amount people are wondering: how to humidify the air in an apartment? You can maintain a healthy microclimate in your home if you carefully control the normal temperature and humidity levels. Many people try to solve this problem on their own and often go through experiments that do not always give a positive effect. We will tell you in this material how to achieve the desired result in creating a cozy home atmosphere.

How dry air is harmful to health

  • If the air in the room is dry, this may become main reason large number colds during cold periods. This occurs due to drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx, which should delay infection;
  • The skin and respiratory organs suffer: the skin becomes dull and dries out, a dry cough appears, hair becomes brittle and loses its shine;
  • Immunity decreases, sleep is disturbed, apathy appears, a person quickly gets tired;
  • Due to lack of moisture, allergies, bronchial asthma and other chronic diseases may develop;
  • People who wear contact lenses experience dry eyes and a cutting pain;
  • Dry air is strictly contraindicated for elderly people and young children, as it has a detrimental and negative effect on their body;
  • Low humidity is bad for books musical instruments, plants, furniture. Many objects begin to shock.

Quite often, such problems arise for residents of houses with central heating, who seriously think about how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier during the heating season.

How to determine dry air

To measure air humidity at home, you can use a special device - a hygrometer. In order for its readings to be most accurate, it must be installed at a certain distance from the source of moisture and heating radiators.

The ideal indoor humidity level is 40-60%. In winter it drops to 15-20%. The nursery should have high level humidity (about 70%), because the child has narrow nasal passages and the mucous membrane quickly dries out.

If you don't have a hygrometer, use one next way: glass with cold water place in the refrigerator for several hours until the water temperature is about five degrees. Then place the glass in the center of the room away from the heating system and observe for five minutes.

Result evaluation:

  • If the air in your home is dry, the walls of the container will first fog up, and after about five minutes they will dry out;
  • At average humidity, after five minutes the glass will remain foggy;
  • At high humidity Streams of water will appear on the dishes.

Methods of air humidification at home

If there is a lack of moisture, use in simple ways to restore its normal level:

  1. Drying things in the room.

Washed items are an excellent source of fumes. We place a dryer with them near the radiator: the clothes will dry quickly and saturate the air with moisture. The most important thing is that the laundry is rinsed well and there are no traces of powder left on it, so that you do not breathe in “chemicals”. You can also hang wet terry towels on the radiator.

  1. Using the bathroom.

Always keep the door open after taking a bath or shower. The steam will spread throughout the home and help humidify the air. Do not immediately drain the water from the bath - let it cool. This will lead to an increase in the amount of evaporation.

  1. Houseplants.

Houseplants will also help to humidify a room without a humidifier; they also perform several functions in the apartment: they ionize the air space, disinfect and clean it.

These useful colors include:

  • House fern;

If the plants are regularly watered and sprayed, the humidity in the home will be high. Flowers are a natural hygrometer. If there is not enough moisture, their leaves will become soft and dry out.

  1. Use of useful interior items.

A decorative waterfall or aquarium will do a great job of humidifying the air space. Water is constantly present and evaporates in them, contributing to the creation of a favorable microclimate.

Therefore, if you install an aquarium in a children's room, it will be very useful for the child and will have a beneficial effect on his nervous system.

  1. Carrying out wet cleaning.

Try to wash the floor and wipe off dust every day, especially when the heating is on: this way you will maintain the level of moisture in the house. This procedure kills most of the microorganisms and insects living in dust (this includes mites), removes hairs and settled particles that provoke allergies. It is also important and necessary to do this in the newborn’s room to avoid viral and infectious diseases The child has.

Ventilate the apartment every day as often as possible. Fresh air mass will increase circulation in the house and lead to normalization of the local microclimate. This simple, wonderful way can humidify the indoor air in winter. The weather in the apartment also greatly influences the ventilation of the apartment. this moment time. When there is heavy rain or winter, the humidity increases both outside and inside your home.

During the hot summer period, it is better to open windows in the morning and evening, and in cool and rainy weather it is recommended to ventilate the house more often.

But if the apartment is located on the ground floor, and there is a huge amount of dust and dryness on the street, or the windows “look” at a polluted road, these factors, on the contrary, will worsen the microclimate in the room when ventilated. That's why the best way out will be the purchase of a special system for cleaning and humidifying the air space.

  1. Placement of water containers around the apartment.

Pour water into a basin, bottles, vases and other containers and place them near heat sources. Constantly change the water and rinse the containers.

  1. Steamer or iron.

Many housewives use a clothes steamer or steam iron as a home humidifier. The devices are plugged in and steam is sprayed throughout the apartment. In an hour the humidity rises from 30% to 80%. One drawback is that a lot of electricity is wasted.

  1. Boiling.

You will need a stove and a saucepan (you can take a kettle).

  • Boil water in a saucepan, place it on a windowsill or table to humidify your home with steam;
  • Boil the kettle and leave on low heat for long time. Thus, the liquid will slowly evaporate. When cooking food in the oven, the air dries out, so you can use this method;
  • If you add a few drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil to boiling water, the vapor will destroy germs and the aroma will soothe.

When using electrical appliances or hot water Use caution and supervise children closely.

  1. Using a spray bottle.

To increase the humidity in the apartment, it is enough to spray water on the tulle or curtains from a spray bottle twice a day. This will help increase the humidity.

  1. Using humidifiers.

If you don’t want to spend money on an expensive branded humidifier, then you can find cheap models on Aliexpress for 300-600 rubles. Buy them for each room, add water on time and you will forget about dry air during the heating season. There are options for children with a lamp.

All of the above options for eliminating dry air are completely accessible to residents of houses and apartments. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive electrical humidifiers, but pay attention to cheap and effective ways leading to quick results.

Video: 5 ways to humidify the air in your home

In the cold season it melts topical issue about how to humidify the air in a room or apartment without a humidifier in winter at home and is it possible to make dry air more humidified without a humidifier? And it’s not surprising, because health problems, especially in winter, can arise due to dry air. The atmosphere becomes less comfortable. And children are the first to feel it. Therefore, the task of parents is to find a way to additionally humidify the space in the apartment. For this purpose they are used various ways, moreover, does not necessarily mean the use of special devices for humidification.

If you want to make your stay in an apartment more comfortable, you can use the most simple actions. You have to humidify the air in winter in any case, but you need to do it in such a way as not to provoke the development of viruses in the space. The task of maintaining a healthy microclimate in the house is quite feasible if you control the normal temperature conditions in rooms and humidity levels. It is for this purpose that many are interested in the possibilities of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home.

A clean, cool and humid environment in the home affects our well-being and mood. In winter, to cope with depression and protect your body from infections, much attention is paid to the microclimate in our homes. This issue should be of utmost importance when there is a child in the house.

You can understand how dry the air has become in the autumn-winter period, when seasonal heating begins in apartments, which causes the humidity level in them to sharply decrease. At the same time, the air becomes incredibly dry. But first you need to understand how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter.

Why is dry air in an apartment dangerous?

It is believed that normal humidity levels reach around 40-60 percent with temperatures ranging between 18-20 degrees Celsius in winter. Temperature control in current conditions can be adjusted independently. This parameter can be adjusted - in summer it is enough to open a window to set comfortable temperature in the house, and in winter - turn on an additional heater. But at the same time, you need to check the humidity level - and, if necessary, bring this indicator to the optimal level.

Low indoor humidity sometimes leads to illness in households. This manifests itself in the fact that people’s skin begins to actively peel off, and for some, allergy attacks may intensify. In this regard, you need to monitor your well-being. But at the same time you need to help yourself. For severe flaking and dry skin, you can use a moisturizer.

However, if the air is too dry, then this method is ineffective. The skin will quickly become dry again. A sore throat with low humidity is one of the characteristic features not a comfortable state. Unpleasant sensations arise due to drying of the mucous membranes. In this case, breathing problems appear. This is due to lack of moisture in the lungs. As a result, an allergic reaction develops or worsens. Asthmatics are not recommended to live in such conditions. In addition, the child may develop ARVI and will have to be treated for frequent colds.

Symptoms of dry air in an apartment:

  • frequent causeless headaches
  • bad sleep, insomnia
  • fatigue, apathy
  • yellowed plants
  • dry skin
  • dry throat and nasal cavity, especially in the morning after waking up


How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home

First, you will have to check how true the fears about dry air turn out to be. It is important to make sure how much indoor humidity has decreased and how different this indicator is from the norm. For this purpose, a research device is used - a hygrometer. Only after this can the task of correcting the situation be determined.

Today, many people install special air humidifiers in their homes and apartments to solve an important problem. Such installations help technically achieve a comfortable environment in the home. It will not be difficult to purchase such a device. You can inquire about new models of equipment in a trusted store household appliances. But a good humidifier is expensive. And not every family can afford it. It remains to find new ways to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home.

Achieving this goal is easy. It is enough to use several relevant methods to humidify the room without a humidifier.

Wet cleaning

You need to do wet cleaning in the house more often. This is one of the simplest and available ways, which help cope with dry microclimates. Wet cleaning allows you to get rid of a significant part of the germs and microorganisms that live in dust, for example, mites. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, but these microorganisms abound in rooms that are rarely cleaned. This method of solving a problem has its own strengths and weak sides.


  • Thanks to wet cleaning and floor washing, the air is naturally humidified;
  • microbes are destroyed.


  • You can carry out wet cleaning in almost any room, the only exception will be a special floor covering.

It is necessary to ventilate the room more often. This should become a daily habit. When the apartment is ventilated, the air here becomes fresher. Moreover, this great way slightly change the microclimate in the house for those who do not know how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter. The increase in humidity during ventilation is affected by the weather outside. In winter or during heavy rain, the humidity level increases not only outside, but also inside the house.

This also has its strengths and weaknesses.


  • good weather in the European part of the country often gives way to rain, so you can ventilate the room often.



A fountain for those who don’t know how to humidify the air without a humidifier at home in winter. Installing such a small home fountain today is not difficult. The main thing is that this is a completely achievable way to improve the air quality in the apartment. To do this, you need a special reservoir for water, from which it will descend in cascades and rise again. Technically, it looks like a closed water cycle. In addition to a purely functional purpose, such a fountain has an aesthetic function. This way you can decorate the interior. The main thing is not to forget to fill the water tank at the right time and get used to its constant gurgling.

Like the previous ones, this method of increasing humidity also includes strengths and weaknesses.


  • a practical and relevant way to moisturize;
  • the ability to use such a mechanism for relaxation purposes.


  • For particularly sensitive people, such murmurs may seem intrusive.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier using an aquarium

This good way humidification for all types of houses. An aquarium can be considered a natural air humidifier. But here you will have to constantly monitor the quantity and quality of water in the fish due to the evaporation of moisture. Installing an aquarium has a beneficial effect on children and adults, calming the nervous system. The larger the aquarium, the greater the benefits from it. After all, then the evaporation of moisture occurs more intensely.

And in this case, you need to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the moisturizing method.


  • hydration occurs naturally;
  • fish in an aquarium is also a good indicator of a healthy microclimate;
  • This is a great way to calm yourself.


We grow flowers in the house

Mini flower beds can be arranged on your windowsill. Beautiful flower garden will not only decorate the environment. This is also a good incentive for active life– mini-flower beds or flower pots need to be watered and fed periodically.

Frequent watering, as a way to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter, significantly increases humidity. And besides, bright, colorful, varied flowers have a beneficial effect on others and help improve the microclimate in the apartment. This means that everyone who lives in the house can calmly take a deep breath of air.

Flowers of certain varieties also help to recover from ailments. They say that living plants have beneficial energy. In this case, the main thing is that the plants help maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the house. Flowers and other plants are watered after a certain period of time. But spraying the leaves can be done daily, which will also affect the humidity in the house. Once on the soil, moisture evaporates, thus maintaining the natural cycle of moistening and evaporation. You can buy flowers or grow them yourself.

This method of hydration has several strengths and weaknesses.


  • the more the flower garden grows, the more intense the hydration will be;
  • plants disinfect the air;
  • Natural beauty helps you relax and recover.


Drying clothes and clothes in the apartment

There is usually a device in the bathroom for drying clothes. But in large families, especially those with small children, they have to dry their clothes more than once a day. This process ensures constant humidity in living areas. But in dry air this is even beneficial. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at such an opportunity as effective method How to humidify the air without a humidifier.

For convenience, you can place an additional dryer, for example, on the balcony. Washed items are an excellent source of fumes. This way you can achieve a normal humidity level. Instead of a special dryer, you can use heating radiators. But in this case, the laundry will dry faster and there will be less evaporation.

In small families there is no need to do laundry every day. But this method will also be effective. For example, you can wet a terry towel and hang it over the back of a chair as an alternative to installing it open plastic bottle with water. A dampened towel is quite affordable and has been around for a long time known method hydration.

However, as in most cases, before you use anything, you need to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the method of how to humidify the air in the apartment.


  • in many families, washed clothes have to be dried every day, but this is also a way to naturally humidify the air;
  • Today, things can be washed with products with a pleasant smell, which, when evaporated, will spread throughout the room.


We humidify the air through a spray bottle

This device is sold in many stores. To do this, it is not necessary to have a whole greenhouse in the house. When the air is dry in winter, it is enough to spray water from a spray bottle on curtains or light tulle a couple of times a day. A little evaporation will be enough to increase the humidity here at least a little.

How do you see the strengths and weaknesses of this method of humidification for those who have just learned how to humidify the air without a humidifier at home in winter.


  • perhaps this is one of the most common and possible methods increasing the level of humidity in apartments, which requires absolutely no costs.


  • Due to water getting on the fabric, noticeable marks may remain on its surface after drying, for example, in the form of streaks.

Use a container of water to moisten

This method of naturally humidifying a room in winter involves installing several filled tanks in the apartment. You can arrange them at your own discretion. You can even figure out how to beautifully choose containers to decorate your interior with. They should fit harmoniously into the overall background of the house. These containers can be further decorated decorative elements. For example, fish, sea figurines, shells.

You can place several colorful jugs of water with plant cuttings in them to humidify the air in the room. So, scindapsus is perfect for these purposes; it feels great in water. All that remains is to monitor the filling of the tank.

There will be enough evaporation so that you won’t experience the consequences of dry air in your apartment all winter. If you don’t have beautiful containers yet, then you can put a bowl of water somewhere in a secluded place, away from radiators. True, in this case you will have to forget about the decor.

Despite the simplicity of solving the issue, this method of hydration, like the previous ones, must be considered taking into account its strengths and weaknesses.


  • installing containers with water is not difficult; for a slight increase in humidity this will be enough;
  • you can come up with new decor premises due to selected water containers.


  • Water containers should not be within the reach of children or pets, although this requirement is not always feasible.

Considering all the above methods, which helped many people learn how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home, it has now become easier to find the most suitable option natural improvement of air quality in homes, taking into account specific conditions. All of these humidification options require virtually no costs, being absolutely affordable for most apartment residents and country houses. If you are interested in one way or another of naturally increasing the level of humidity in an apartment, you should focus your attention on the one that will lead to quick results. Moreover, now there are examples of how to humidify the air without a humidifier.

Moderately wet airnecessary condition for a comfortable stay in the house!

How to make a humidifier with your own hands from a bottle: video

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The human body is subject to environmental influences. Yes, one of important issues is dry air, which negatively affects people's condition. The worst thing about this situation is that the harm does not appear immediately. Changes begin to occur gradually: the skin becomes dry, the body does not fight infections well, fatigue sets in, and absent-mindedness appears in actions. Therefore, you should take care of your health and prevent dry air from spoiling the condition of your body and soul.
The problem of dry air is particularly acute in winter time of the year. After all, during this period the windows in the apartment are closed, plus everything begins the heating season, when the heating system works in enhanced mode. Thus, the air in the room dries even more. But in such conditions there is a danger for human body.
Water makes up 70% human body, which is why in order to maintain good performance of the body it is necessary to ensure favorable conditions for life. This means that air humidity should be maintained between 40 and 60%. If the humidity level drops below the specified values, dust appears in the room and, at the same time, poor health.
In winter, air humidity in apartments is usually around 22%, which is even lower than in the desert. It should be noted that frequent ventilation is also not beneficial. If the temperature in the house and outside meets the standards, the air entering the room can disrupt the microclimate of the room.

The effect of dry air on health

A normal level of humidity is, perhaps, one of the main indicators of the comfort of an apartment. A lower level is harmful to health, so you should know how to humidify the air in the room, and what devices will help with this.
Dry air picks up moisture wherever it finds it. Exist various devices, allowing you to set the humidity in the room. But if this is not possible, then you should pay attention to a number of signs indicating that the air humidity in the apartment should be improved.
So, the first thing you should devote your time to is the state of the body. When the air in a room is dry, it is very difficult for oxygen to enter the circulatory system. As a result of this, a person quickly gets tired and also feels drowsy. Also, due to dry air, more serious problems with health. So, often when a person inhales dry air for a long time, he may develop a runny nose. The nasal mucosa, as well as the so-called bronchial tube, are not able to cleanse themselves, as is possible with normal humidity levels. As a result, infections easily enter the body, and there is a high probability of developing various respiratory diseases.
Dry air is especially dangerous for the little ones, because in childhood immunity is much weaker. It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend hanging wet laundry in newborns’ rooms to humidify the air.
Dry air has a negative impact on skin health. If you stay in a room for a long time where the humidity level is low, the skin becomes tight. The reason is that when there is not enough moisture in the air, evaporation from the surface of the skin accelerates. And this leads to the fact that it becomes dry and rough.

Dry air is harmful to your home

Dry air is harmful not only to human health, but also negatively affects the condition of his home. It can ruin wooden furniture, parquet and many other useful things. When there is not enough moisture in the air, he tries to find it in surrounding objects, which become unusable as a result. So, in winter, doors made of wood dry out and cracks may appear on them. In the spring, these same doors swell. If constant humidity is established in the room, such problems will fade into the background.
If the air is not sufficiently humidified, this will negatively affect the plants that are in the house. They quickly turn yellow and may die altogether. This is due to the fact that most plants are adapted to conditions where humidity reaches almost 90%.
If the room is dry, then there is probably a large accumulation of dust, because the air is its main carrier. Together with heaters, it affects dust particles, spreading them throughout the house. As a result, cleaning has to be done much more often. Also, the accumulation of dust due to insufficient air humidity can affect human health, in particular, diseases such as allergies and asthma are exacerbated.

Humidifiers for apartment air

Dry air in the apartment must be combated. Today, various devices are known that are designed to increase the level of humidity in a room. So, since ancient times, wet laundry was used to humidify the air, which was hung on a heat source. Of course, the effect of this method is temporary.
We should not forget that we live in an age when people are creating more and more new devices that can improve the microclimate in the house. Such devices include so-called household humidifiers, each of which can be classified into a specific group.
Traditional humidifiers, also called cold humidifiers, improve the air naturally. Water is added inside a special tank, which evaporates when it hits the a heating element. The fan, in turn, sucks in all the dry air. Sweat exposure high pressure such air enters the evaporative elements and is humidified.
A large group of humidifiers are steam devices. The principle of operation is to heat water to a boiling point, after which it begins to evaporate and the air is humidified. It should be noted that such humidifiers should be installed with extreme caution, as they can burn.
There are so-called ultrasonic humidifiers that vibrate water, breaking it into parts. Air enters the device through a fan, which passes through the resulting water mixture. After this, the already humidified air is released into the room. It should be noted that the temperatures of both air and water remain constant.
When a person begins to feel differently in a favorable microclimate at home, not only does fatigue disappear, but diseases such as allergies may also disappear.

Humidifier for children's room

Particular attention should be paid to selecting a humidifier for the room where children live. A device intended for installation in a nursery must meet the following requirements:

  • Be safe. That is, it is not recommended to use a humidifier that works through steam generation for a children's room; it can burn the child.
  • Meet the requirements for noise level and high performance.
  • Automatically switches off when the water in the tank is running low.

Nowadays, stores offer a huge number of humidifiers, including those for children’s rooms. So, you can choose an option for any interior. Devices made in the shape of animals are popular among children. Although, experts recommend purchasing a humidifier that will not attract the child’s attention.

If you need to create favorable conditions in your home, it is best to start with humidification. First, you should get rid of things that collect dust, such as toys, pictures and carpets. It is recommended to ventilate the room where a person lives, and it is best to do this several times a day. Also, be sure to open the window for a few minutes before going to bed.

Wet cleaning of the room plays a big role in increasing the humidity level. You can also use a simple spray bottle to distribute the moisture.
It's good if there are plants in the room. Of course, they require systematic care, but they have a positive effect on the condition of the human body. Particular attention should be paid to how the plants will be arranged. Experts recommend placing flower pots around the entire perimeter of the room, as this promotes uniform distribution. clean air around the apartment. You can replace flowers with bowls of water. which are placed on window sills, on cabinets and even on the floor, if necessary.

In winter, when the time comes heating season, the question of how to increase indoor humidity is becoming more pressing than ever. This method has long been known as hanging wet sheets or towels on radiators. Products should be periodically updated for other wet items. An aquarium or fountain intended for decorative purposes can improve the humidity level in a room.

Another great way humidify the air by using the bathroom. Naturally, every day one of the family members takes a shower, after the next procedure it is enough to leave the door to the bathroom open and the whole apartment will be filled with moisture.
You can make an air humidifier yourself. To do this, take a bottle, cotton fabric or any other, but only natural and a knife. A small hole is made in the bottle and water is poured through it. Thin strips of fabric are placed inside. In this case, their ends must be brought to the battery to ensure evaporation of the liquid. The bottle is secured with ropes.

It is extremely important to moisturize not only environment, but also the body. Thus, it is recommended to consume up to two liters of plain water daily. drinking water. The mucous membrane of the eye can be moisturized using a variety of sprays and drops. Can be used to rinse the nose sea ​​water and other means.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to avoid the formation of dry air in the apartment, you must first clearly determine in which room you need to install a humidifier and how to ensure humidity throughout the house. For a nursery, a safe approach is recommended first and foremost, but for rooms where adults live, it’s perfect modern will do ultrasonic humidifier.
Do not forget that if the air in the apartment is humidified, the state of the body will always be positive.

Used to increase indoor humidity various methods. To maintain a favorable microclimate, household air humidifiers are used. They are divided into the following types:

  • traditional (cold type humidifiers) – these humidifiers increase humidity naturally. First you need to fill a special tank with water at room temperature. Next, water begins to flow to the evaporators. At this time, air is sucked in and passed through these elements. Gradually the air in the room becomes humidified;
  • steam humidifiers - the operating principle of these devices is as follows. The water in the humidifier is heated. After this, the water evaporates and the air is humidified. When using steam humidifiers, you must adhere to the requirement that the device should be placed at a safe distance. Since there is a high probability of getting burned.
  • ultrasonic humidifiers. These devices separate water into small droplets. Using a fan, the humidifier sucks in air and passes it through the tiny water particles. The air is moistened and comes out as fog. Moreover, the temperature of air and water does not change during the process. Ultrasonic humidifiers are highly effective. The only disadvantage of these devices is their high cost.

All presented devices have good efficiency, but they cost a lot. You will have to spend a lot of money to purchase them. material resources. As alternative option to save money Money It is recommended to use regular household humidifiers.

They are cassettes mounted on batteries using special fastenings. These cassettes are high quality and work quite well. Follows with special attention When it comes to purchasing appliances, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room in advance. This will allow you to choose the right volume of humidifier.

You can maintain the required level of humidity in the room using indoor plants. These include chlorophytum and cyperus. These plants can act as air humidifiers.

To do this, they should be watered several times a day. One flower cannot humidify the air. In a room with an area of ​​ten square meters there should be several (at least three) bushes of the plant.

One of the popular methods of air humidification is regularly drying clothes indoors. The disadvantage of this method is its short duration. After the laundry dries, the air will no longer be humidified.

Ventilating the room helps to briefly humidify the air. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements:

  • The room should only be ventilated in damp weather (rain or snow);
    if there is a very low air temperature outside, it is prohibited to ventilate the room;
  • if the apartment windows overlook the highway, it is not recommended to use this method– instead of humidification, dust and harmful substances will enter the air.

A special air humidification system helps maintain a favorable indoor microclimate. It was created solely for air humidification. It consists of a pump that is connected to the water supply, an electronic control unit and a hygrostat.

A hygrostat is a device for determining and recording the level of humidity in a room. Water for disinfection passes through a multifunctional filtration system. Then it moves to the nozzles.

These are special elements; they are installed in rooms with dry air. These devices spray a spray into the air to increase humidity levels. This aerosol is absolutely harmless; it does not settle on surfaces, interior items and human clothing.

The level of operation of the air humidification system is determined by man. After this, the device independently adjusts the parameters without a reminder. After changing the humidity level in the room, a favorable microclimate is created. Allergic reactions disappear, general well-being improves, and drowsiness disappears.

In the cold season, when the heating is turned on in a house or apartment, the windows are tightly sealed and heating devices are periodically used, the air becomes very dry. The easiest way is to buy a humidifier, but why spend money if you can get by on our own. How to humidify the air in a room using improvised means? Be smart and use our tips.

In winter, air dryness increases by 20%, which is not the most in the best possible way affects human health. Moreover, children and the elderly suffer most.

Lack of proper humidity leads to numerous problems.

In addition to health problems, excessive dry air leads to irretrievably lost things. Wooden surfaces crack and deform, which means the parquet or furniture is in danger. Books dry out, paper becomes brittle and brittle.

Musical instruments generally require increased attention, cracks in wooden parts distort the sound, and deformation leads to complete unusability. The piano is recommended all year round place containers of water to provide humidity. But it’s difficult to put a jar of evaporating liquid into a violin, which means something needs to be done, urgently and immediately.

Lack of moisture provokes the accumulation of static electricity. Has it ever happened to you that a seemingly harmless object suddenly receives an electric shock? That's it, it's all due to dryness.

Normal air humidity in the room

As you know, a person consists of 80% water, which means he will feel comfortable if the humidity in the apartment is 40-60%. For supporting optimal microclimate the air temperature should vary from 18 to 20-22 degrees.

At home, humidity is checked using a hygrometer, but many have never even seen this device, so use the following method. Chill a glass bottle of water in the refrigerator and then place it on the table. After five minutes, evaluate the result.

  1. The glass surface fogged up at first, but dried within the specified time - the air in the room was dry.
  2. Fogged glass does not dry for more than 5 minutes - average humidity.
  3. Streams of moisture ran down the glass - the correct microclimate.

In the first two cases, you should think about how to humidify the air.

By experience, you have determined that the dryness in the room is increased. How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier so as not to harm the health of yourself and your household? Use a few tips.

Try to ventilate the room several times a day. Why breathe stale, stuffy air? In the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, open the window and go about your morning routine. The air from the street will fill your home with humidity and freshness.

Open a window when exercising or cleaning. Be sure to ventilate well before going to bed. And it’s easier to breathe, and your sleep will be stronger.

Many people believe that frosty air is already too dry and therefore will not be beneficial. When it enters the room, it mixes with warm water, creates condensation and provides sufficient humidity.

Wet cleaning

Cleanliness is the key to health! Who doesn't know this? Regular wet cleaning will only benefit both the apartment and its inhabitants.

Wash the floor, wipe off the dust with a damp cloth, and spray curtains and curtains with a spray bottle. And always with the window open - and you won’t feel hot from physical work, and the stagnant air will disappear.

After cleaning, sit in a chair and take a deep breath. Do you feel the freshness and pleasant smell of dampness? Wet and clean!

Water tanks

Sometimes, in severe frosts, batteries central heating They just fry mercilessly. Of course, the house is warm, but at the same time unbearably dry. And now the grandfather began to cough, and the child began to sniffle. Opening the window is not an option; the frost will quickly freeze the room.

Take a basin or wide pan of water and place it under the heating system. Fasten a wide bandage or gauze with one end to the battery, and lower the other into water. The wider the fabric, the greater the volume of evaporation. Who's stopping you from hanging entire garlands of gauze?

If you don’t want to bother with basins and clutter up your apartment with them, use your imagination. Take out transparent vases and crystal from the sideboard, fill them with water and decorations - pebbles, seaweed, flowers. Beautiful compositions will fit into the interior and be useful. The main thing is not to forget to change the water with fresh water from time to time and wash the containers well.

Damp cloth on batteries

Wet a large terry towel and place it on hot battery. You will immediately feel how the air is humidified by evaporation from a large surface. The big disadvantage is that you will constantly have to run to the bathroom to wet a dry towel. But you will lose extra calories!

After washing, some of the laundry can be dried on the central heating radiators. Here you get double benefits - quick drying and good moisture. You need to look for benefits in everything!

The most ordinary spray bottle will spray tiny droplets of water in your apartment, which will at least temporarily reduce dryness. Entrust this simple task to your child, he will happily and happily spray the apartment, you and the cat. The air is good for you, and you and your cat are now cooler!

And an ordinary modern one with steam perfectly solves the problem of dry air. If you have a large family or have children, then, of course, you iron often. Hot steam will help both clothes and the microclimate.

Drying clothes

Not all apartments have loggias and balconies on which it is so convenient to hang laundry. In this case, you have to purchase a folding drying board and dry it in the room. Don't worry, because this way you provide yourself with an additional dose of moisture.

In families with children, sports corners are often purchased: Swedish walls, horizontal bar. After washing, hang children's T-shirts and blouses on the steps of the stairs, at least a little, but the air will definitely be moistened.

Washing powder should not have a strong and pungent odor, otherwise you risk saturating the air with chemicals.


Do you know how to increase the humidity in a room with the help of plants? It is enough to create a small tropical oasis. Orchids, citrus fruits, all kinds of palm trees and ficus trees love warmth and humidity. When caring for them, you provide regular watering and spray the leaves with water. Exotic plants They love showers from a spray bottle very much and respond graciously to it with flowering and growth.

Frequent spraying naturally humidifies the air in the apartment. After all, plants also consist of water, which, evaporating through the leaves, provides the necessary humidity, ionizes and purifies the atmosphere of the room.

There is such a thing amazing plant- cyperus (papyrus or Venus grass) - kind of green umbrellas on legs, so, it can evaporate up to 3 liters of water per day. This is why he is loved and actively bred in children's institutions.


Decorative fountains are beautiful, delight the eye with trickles of water, calm the nerves and serve as excellent moisturizers. Next to them it is always fresh and easy to breathe.

There are fountains different sizes and design, it all depends on the size of the room and the buyer’s capabilities. The principle of their operation is simple: water circulates in a closed circle, and when it evaporates, you just need to top it up to the required level.

Do you like fish? It's a great pleasure to follow them. Multi-colored pebbles, green algae and bright, nimble fish are an excellent relaxer.

Water from the surface of the aquarium evaporates, thereby humidifying the air. All you have to do is add new water from time to time, bringing it to the desired volume. However, a small container is not able to provide the entire area of ​​the room with the required humidity, and large aquariums are bulky and not everyone can afford them.


After you have taken a shower or soaked in hot water to your heart's content, leave the bathroom door open. Thus, steam and evaporation will humidify the apartment. You can leave the water on for a while, waiting for it to cool completely - this will increase the humidity.

Boiling water

An easy way to humidify your kitchen is to leave a boiling kettle on the stove and let it simmer to your heart's content. Hot steam mixing with air turns into tiny droplets of condensate.

And if you add a couple of drops of essential oils to the water, you can disinfect the air and give it a pleasant aroma.

Use eucalyptus or tea tree oil, they have a beneficial effect on respiratory system and relieve colds. Orange oil reduces appetite, and lavender relaxes and calms. Herbs, cinnamon, mint will also add freshness and “taste”.


Air humidifiers are a useful, but very expensive purchase. Therefore, experiment and use the means at hand to cope with dry air. Of course, these methods are temporary; they need to be combined and used regularly.

Don't forget about back side. If you overdo it and increase the humidity above 70%, you are guaranteed to get mold and mildew.