Types with photos and descriptions of the plant - Abutilon. Abutilon - care at home, photo Indoor maple pruning

For thousands of years, flowers have represented the beauty, joy and perfection of nature. Each flower gives a special world of aroma and charm, in which you begin to feel loved and happy. Therefore, people try to decorate their lives and the lives of their loved ones with these priceless gifts of nature. For flowers, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekday or a special day, they bring joy at any moment. None of us can know everything about flowers, but it is never too late to start learning the names of flowers and their history. Today we’ll look at an article about abutilone. For lovers flowering plants I like this ornamental plant in the house because of its abundant, bright flowering, almost all year round. It attracts flower growers with its fast growth and unpretentious disposition. Get to know the pitfalls of caring for abutilone (“ indoor maple") and its maintenance at home. Even a florist without experience can cope with this task.

Description of abutilone

Decorative abutilon is a fast-growing tub plant.

It is also called house maple and has a similar leaf shape, reminiscent of maple. Its second name is “rope plant”, it appeared due to the fact that fiber for ropes and various products is produced from this plant.

Abutilone is widely distributed in humid tropical and subtropical climates. These are the countries of India, Africa and South America. Therefore, despite its relative unpretentiousness, it still prefers sunny, warm places, with good bright lighting and the absence of drafts. Under these conditions, it is able to bloom almost constantly.

The leaves of abutilon are large and, as mentioned above, resemble maple leaves in appearance. Its bell-shaped flowers

Types and varieties of abutilone photo

Like hibiscus, abutilone belongs to the mallow family and is sometimes even called “Indian mallow.” There are more than 150 types of abutilone, differing in size, shape and color of leaves and flowers, we will list some of them.

Grape leaf abutilone photo

It can grow, and quite quickly, above two meters, the leaves can reach 15 cm in length. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces and appear in May. Their color is bluish-lilac or pink, sometimes with dark veins. Like all abutilons, the plant is very beautiful and will decorate any interior.

Abutilone hybrid photo

Reaches up to one and a half meters in height; soft fluff can be seen on its leaves. Flowers can be of different colors: white, golden, red, burgundy. The variety is evergreen.

Abutilone Darwin photo

It has silky shoots, not too long, at the end of which large leaves are placed, and flowers grow in their axils. The leaves of this abutilon variety reach 15-20 cm in length and 8-10 in width. The flowers are also large, up to 5 cm in diameter.

Abutilon megapotamian (Amazonian) photo

Also called "crying Chinese lantern". It has very beautiful red-yellow flowers, which with proper care last throughout the year.

Abutilon spotted (painted) photo

So called because of the white spots on the leaves. It blooms for a short time, in August-September.

Abutilon cello photo

Abutilon variety with light purple flowers with pink veins, blooming from July to the end of the year. One of the most ancient varieties, it requires constant pruning to induce branching, as it stretches in length very quickly.

Abutilone variegata photo

Ampel variety of abutilone. Used for decorative purposes, good for growing in hanging pots.

Abutilone Theophrastus photo

Separately, it is necessary to say about the abutilon variety Theophrasta, which is medicinal, capable of healing small wounds, and also helps against furunculosis.

Reproduction and cultivation of abutilone

The plant reproduces well by cuttings. For this, cuttings taken during the care and pruning of indoor maple are used. They take root equally actively, both in water and in soil.

If the cutting is placed in a rooting substrate, be sure to cover it plastic film or a glass jar, occasionally removing the artificial “greenhouse” for ventilation.

Sometimes in flower shops you can find abutilone seeds on the shelves. As a rule, plants with green, monochromatic leaves are grown from them. Variegated varieties are not grown from seeds.

Location and choice of flowerpot for abutilon

The crop can not only complement the interior of the room, but also be grown on balconies, loggias, and in the summer - on terraces. The optimal location in the house is south-west and south-east windows. Abutilone should not be exposed to drafts. And if it is on the terrace, protect it from rain and wind. Otherwise, he will start to get sick and lose his attractiveness. A flowerpot for a home maple tree is selected according to its size. For young seedlings, a container up to 9 cm in diameter is suitable. As it grows, the diameter will increase to 18-20 cm. Each time when replanting, it is recommended to take a container 2-3 cm wider than the previous one. You can understand that a flower needs a new pot if the crown becomes twice its volume. Be sure to give preference to a pot with many small holes.

Temperature for growing abutilone

Ropeweed develops better in cool conditions. Therefore, the plant is most often grown on glassed balcony or in the winter garden. Some botanists claim that abutilone is able to withstand short-term temperature drops to 0°C. But it is better not to create such shock conditions. The following conditions are suitable for indoor maple: in summer – abutilon can easily withstand temperatures of +20 °C…+25 °C; in winter – a significant decrease to +12 °C…+15 °C is required. Ropeweed does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him to the winter regime gradually.

Soil substrate and fertilizing for

abutilon Homemade maple abutilon is planted in a universal soil mixture with a neutral reaction. If the soil is prepared independently, it usually consists of peat chips, sand and leaf soil in equal proportions. The mixture should be light and breathable.

In caring for abutilon, fertilizing is very important (especially in spring and summer), since home maple grows very quickly and actively blooms. Feeding in the warm season is carried out weekly - at least once every 10 days. You can use both natural and organic fertilizers.

During the period of growth of green mass, complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used. And during the appearance of buds and mass flowering, preparations with an increased percentage of potassium and phosphorus are used. If you follow the feeding rules, abutilon blooms much more abundantly and luxuriantly. Abutilon is unpretentious and care at home is minimal compared to other flowers.

Abutilone transplant

The indoor maple tree needs replanting. It is carried out after noticing the signs that Abutilon gives:

  • slow growth;
  • small flowers;
  • roots protrude from drainage holes;
  • the buds fall;
  • light spots appear on the leaves due to lack of nutrition;
  • The diameter of the crown visually exceeds the diameter of the pot.

When replanting (transferring) abutilon from one pot to another, renew the container if necessary. Refresh the soil, remove dense accumulations of roots and damaged roots. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal. Young bushes are replanted once a year, adults - after 3 years. It is better to do this in cloudy weather so that the plant can more easily tolerate transplantation.

Watering abutilone

When the plant begins active growth (during the warm period), it must be watered regularly and abundantly. This process cannot be reduced when the domestic maple is flowering. Excess water that accumulates in the pan about two hours after watering is poured out. Somewhere from November, you need to water the bush less and this rule must be followed until February.

If the soil is subject to drying out or waterlogging, the maple may lose its flowers and dense crown.

Abutilone trimming

If the shrub is provided with proper care, then in the spring - summer period it is growing a lot. Therefore, in order for the crown to be compact and effective, in the last winter weeks the bush should be cut back by ½ of its height, while during intensive growth all excess and weak stems should be removed from it, and the crown should not be allowed to thicken excessively. Abutilone will need a garter to the support.

Diseases and pests of abutilon

If the growing conditions are violated, the rope plant begins to get sick and is also attacked by insect pests, such as aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, and red spider mites.

Due to lack of lighting, abutilon leaves turn yellow and lose their color, becoming pale, while the stem becomes elongated and thinner. The solution to the problem is to move the pot with the plant to a more illuminated place. Strongly elongated shoots are cut off or pinched.

If the leaves of abutilon turn yellow and curl, and the tips of the shoots dry out, it is necessary to remove the plant away from direct sunlight, increase air humidity and the frequency of spraying the plant with water.

If the leaves have lost their elasticity and wilted, check the soil. Most likely, it is dry in the flower pot and the plant lacks moisture. To restore, the container with the rope is immersed in water for 20-30 minutes. In the future, you should monitor the soil moisture.

Abutilon pests can affect all or some parts of the plant.

Aphids primarily attack the upper parts of the stem and feed on the sap of leaves and shoots. Because of this, individual parts of the affected plant wither, become deformed and lose their shape. To control pests, insecticides Actellik or Fosbecid, and a soap solution are used.

The whitefly infects the lower part of the leaf, which feeds it with sap. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. The pest is capable of short term affect the entire plant. Due to their rapid reproduction rate, whitefly control can be challenging. It is necessary to reduce soil moisture and apply fertilizing in a timely manner. Every two to three days, the rope plant is sprayed with permethrin-containing preparations. In case of severe infestation, Actellik or Decis are used to control insects.

When attacked by scale insects, the leaves become spotted, turn yellow and fall off. The pest secretes a sticky liquid, covering the leaves and stems of the plant. By sucking the juice from the leaves, the scale insect leads to the death of the entire plant. A soap solution helps in the fight. If most of the plants are affected, treatment with insecticides helps, but it is preferable to cut off the affected parts of the plant.

Abutilon signs and superstitions

Esotericists believe that the plant is able to attract solar energy and give it to others. A flower located in a living room can relieve despondency, depression and drowsiness. Abutilone restores psychological balance and improves mood.

It is useful to place a flower in office premises, because it makes people kinder and more attentive to each other, helps to establish communication and evoke sympathy among others.

Indoor maple promotes communication between people. During the flowering period, everyone can feel its calming properties. It helps to awaken creativity and imagination, as well as bring plans to life.

Abutilone absorbs negative energy Sha and fills the home with solar energy. The plant should be placed on cabinets and high shelves, since the ampelous shape of the rope plant with long stems hanging down smooths out sharp corners that accumulate negative energy.

A flower should not be held by a lonely person. If there are difficulties in personal life, a hanging plant can make it difficult to find your soulmate.

There are signs associated with this phenomenon. In some countries, abutilon blooms in the middle of winter to a great surprise or some important event; other interpreters believe that the flowering of the rope plant foreshadows trouble.

Homemade maple abutilon care at home video

A wonderful indoor plant is represented by Abutilone. It belongs to the family called Malvaceae.

The appearance of the plant is very beautiful, as it has lush bushes and maple leaves, on which are large flowers in the form of bells.

On our territory, this crop can also be called rope tree or indoor maple. Some people call Abutilon happiness, because due to its appearance, the plant lifts the mood.

Absolutely all continents where there is a tropical or subtropical zone can be considered the home of this culture. It is important to note that even when growing the plant at home, it feels at a high level. The plant does not require any increased care, but it is still important to know some nuances in order for the plant to maintain its beautiful.


Description of the plant You can most often find this plant called indoor maple. In total, about 150 can be found throughout nature. various types , which grow in their natural conditions. Abutilon grows exclusively in the form of shrubs or dwarf trees. There are types of similar maple that can reach very big size

, for example, two meters in height.

If we talk about indoor growing of such a maple, then the plant can be perennial, or maybe annual. The same applies to the growth of the plant, it can be short, or maybe tall. It is important to note that there are also types of plants that are distinguished by their branching. Of all the types of Abutilon, only a small number of plants can grow indoors. In tropical areas, it is quite possible to obtain raw materials from this crop, since the material is strong and fibrous. Later, ropes and other wicker products are made from it. It is worth noting that a very large number various countries

The crop is grown as a house plant.

This is justified by the fact that the plant does not imply any serious features in direct self-care. The plant is only capable of quickly increasing the mass of foliage and thus having an even more lush appearance. During the flowering period of culture beautiful plant

can decorate absolutely any atmosphere and interior in the house., which are getting better and better. Quite often, specialists in the field of floriculture grow plants as bushes, which are quite voluminous in size; there is also an option for producing miniature plants.

All plants room type have distinctive features in the form of shape, growth, color during flowering, amount of foliage, and so on.

There are a number of varieties that differ in that they contain large foliage. Inflorescences can form on mature plants and on shoots that have just appeared. Very often the plant has buds, which, gathered into one single brush, display small bells.

It is important to know that regardless of the Abutilon variety, all plants have one identical characteristic feature. This feature lies in the foliage, or rather in its structure, because it is soft and lobed. This form of foliage is extremely similar to the form of foliage with a maple leaf, which is where Abutilon got its second name.

After winter ends, the plant begins its immediate flowering, and this lasts until the very beginning of autumn. It is important to note that there are also hybrids that flower throughout the year., but these are mostly annuals. Such varieties have a distinctive feature in terms of foliage color, since various spots and stains can be found on it. You can also find a difference in the shape of the actual flower.

Maple of this type when grown indoors, it is a very unique crop that is in demand among gardeners. There is an opinion among people that people with private nervous disorders should have Abutilon. As they say, during the flowering period the plant is able to spread energy throughout the room, which calms and directs in the right direction. It is more recommended to plant this plant in offices and workplaces, since the atmosphere in such places is often tense.

Views from photos

In total, about one hundred species of Abutilone can be found in nature. But you need to understand that only a small part of all species can be found for growing indoors. We present to your attention the most common varieties for home grown.


This type of room-type Abutilone is very common. This culture was obtained artificially, due to the fact that it was crossed several times. In production of this plant The researchers achieved the result that they got a plant of a small bushy type, which has short internodes and large flowers.

As a result of such crossing, quite a few varieties of maple rope were obtained. So, let's move on to the main description of the variety. The leaves have a maximum of five blades, which include small cannons.

The bells, along with the flowers, have a very beautiful color, which differs from other varieties. There are a number of varieties of this hybrid that differ in their color, for example:

  • White King– a plant that has a white flower, while the stamens in this case are yellow;
  • Ashforth Red– this is a bush-type plant with large red flowers;
  • de Bonn- in this case distinctive feature are not flowers, but foliage, because it has a so-called border yellow color.


This type of Abutilon also has a second name, which sounds like a weeping lantern. This shrub has a beauty that comes from its flowers. big view. Such flowers are located in a single form and hang on single shoots, which are very flexible.

Thus, the heads are tilted down. The plant is especially diverse color range. The flowers themselves have a pronounced yellow color, and the calyxes are at the same time red. It is this feature that gives the culture some immediate peculiarity.

The leaves of the plant have an elongated shape, in which there is green tone saturated type. The height of such a bush is about one meter. It is this variety of Abutilon that has a flowering period throughout the year.


This variety was obtained, again, by crossing more than one plant species. This plant can be grown on windowsills in the house. The Bella variety can include about seven types of individual hybrids, each with its own characteristics. Such hybrids were obtained as a result of cross-pollination. Thus, each has its own individual color.

This plant belongs to the shrubs that can grow, but not reaching large sizes, since the main focus of the hybrid is for growing indoors. The flowering period occurs in profuse form, where the flowers open very widely and create a very large-scale shape.


The plant of a given individual has a branching structure, where the foliage will always be green, regardless of the time of year. This plant is not particularly demanding in terms of care. But it is necessary to understand that the plant must receive at least the minimum necessary.

Organza prefers sufficient lighting, but in this case a lot of heat is not needed, but the air humidity should be high. In summer, the plant can be taken to a dark place and ensure maximum watering. As for watering winter time, then soil moisture should be regulated based on the drying of the soil itself.

Important! The foliage of this plant has from three to five lobes, which is standard for Abutilon. Peduncles can be arranged either singly or in pairs, which creates a very beautiful appearance of the plant.


This plant is probably the most unpretentious to care of all those that are and will be presented in this article.

Juliet is a hybrid plant that does not require a high level of care when growing. Even a novice gardener can handle the kind of care that this plant needs, and at the same time gain experience.

The maple of this variety begins to bloom one month after planting. This is provided that the plant is located in the light and watered on a regular basis.

The flowering period is extremely unusual, as it is accompanied by bright bells, which can be red or yellow.

The growth period is extremely fast, although this does not require anything from the owner. In just a couple of years, the plant can reach one and a half meters in length.

When spring comes, in order for the plant to acquire the most compact and beautiful shape, it is necessary to prune and reduce it, because then it will still grow. In the summer, pots with this plant should be taken out into the fresh air, but the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight, because it burns the foliage.

This type of shrub has an extremely small height - a maximum of 30 cm.

The foliage of this hybrid has the so-called variation, and at the same time its color is green with the presence of certain spots.

Abutilone of this variety is already distinguished by its immediate requirements for care. The brightness of the lighting should be at the maximum level; only under such conditions the plant will give the necessary growth and delight the owner with its appearance. If there is little lighting, the branches of the plant will begin to become fragile, which leads to depletion of the plant and in the future its death.

This plant compared to indoor growing gives very excellent growth in open ground conditions.

At the same time, the entire plant is not afraid of direct sun rays, which is justified by its resistance to sunburn.


Abutilone of this variety is of medium size and is also a hybrid plant. In this case, experts note that the variety belongs to the so-called wine series. The height of a plant that has already grown can reach about 70 cm.

In room conditions, that is, in a pot, the plant can be grown as a shrub or as a standard tree. The stems in Rechoto are distinguished by their flexibility and do not break. The foliage has average size parameters and is distinguished by a pronounced green color.

The flowering period of the plant is distinguished by its duration and abundance. The flowers are bell-shaped and create an exceptionally spectacular appearance. The bell shape is about 10 cm in diameter. The petals have a bright color, which is distinguished by a dark red color. Due to the fact that each flower has black veins, a corrugated effect is created.

Striped This variety also has a second name, which is the spotting of the plant.

There is literature where Striped Abutilon is called Painted Abutilon. This is still the same shrub, which is distinguished by thin shoots and a very flexible shape.

The leaves, according to the standard, have about six blades and are pointed at the end, but at the same time they have a smooth base, and the shape itself looks like a heart. The flowers have the peculiarity of being deposited in special axils and do this exclusively one at a time. The petals have a golden color, which is complemented by reddish veins.

Bellevue Quite often lately Abutilons have been grown at home, which have different colors. In this case, such varieties are produced by mixing several mixtures of hybrid plants. An excellent example colorful plant

is Bellevue. This variety is distinguished by its mix. This is justified by the fact that the plant was obtained from plants that do not have a name, but have already acquired characteristics.

WITH in English the name of this variety is translated as red species. This name is used for all species of Abutilon, which bloom with flowers that are bell-shaped and about five centimeters in diameter.

The distance between the nodes in this case is not large, and the arrangement of the stems is very compact. If you buy seeds in a store, it will be almost impossible to guess the color of the plant. The color can be red or pink, yellow or orange, and so on.

Important! Due to the fact that the petals are large and heavy, the inflorescences can have a drooping appearance. During the flowering period of the plant, these flowers are not able to fully open.


This is the last type of hybrid on our list today, and it blooms profusely. The side shoots are very positively formed.

The plant itself has a large base, and the petals themselves are of the constricted type. It is very difficult to give a complete description of the plant, because during one flowering period the petals can change color several times.

At the beginning, this variety begins to bloom with a red color, then the petals begin to gradually lighten, and shades of cream brulee remain at the edges. When flowering is already coming to an end, the petals become vanilla type.

Without much additional care the plant is capable of forming a very lush bush, which reaches a height of about 25 cm, as it grows at home.


We have provided you with complete basic information about a very unusual plant called Abutilone. In total, there are a very large number of its species, and the beauty of the plant is very diverse, which sometimes becomes difficult to stop at just one. Despite its beautiful appearance, this shrub is easy to care for.

Video review

It will be no less interesting to read about other species, for example,.

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The ornamental shrub abutilon is very popular among gardeners because of its abundant, bright, almost year-round flowering, as well as its rapid growth and unpretentious nature. Abutilone has many other names. Due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves, reminiscent of maple leaves, the plant is called indoor maple; Due to the drooping bright flowers, reminiscent of the street lanterns of the Celestial Empire, they are called Chinese lanterns. Since plants obtain rough material from shoots plant fiber for making burlap, ropes, ropes and wickerwork, it is often called ropework. But the name Indian mallow most accurately defines the character of the plant, due to the close relationship of abutilone with mallow and hibiscus, which belong to the same family.

Indoor maple has many varieties of forms, varieties, and hybrids, but the most popular among them is the Abutilon Bella hybrid, whose miniature size and large flowers will easily fit into any interior, decorate the garden, and serve as an excellent background for flower beds. In most countries, ropeweed is grown as an agricultural crop, but about 10 species are cultivated as ornamental ones.

The Abutilon genus has more than 200 species and belongs to the Malvaceae family, is an evergreen annual or perennial herbaceous plant, shrub, subshrub, miniature trees. IN natural conditions found in China, India, Hawaii, the tropics and subtropics of Australia, Africa and South America.

The Abutilone genus has more than 200 species and belongs to the Malvaceae family. It consists of evergreen annual or perennial herbaceous plants, shrubs, subshrubs, and miniature trees. Under natural conditions it is found in China, India, Hawaii, in the tropics and subtropics of Australia, Africa and South America.

The flowering period is quite long, therefore, if you provide your home maple with sufficient lighting, flowering can last from mid-spring to late autumn. Single or group flowers, double or smooth, with pronounced veins on the petals, are located in the axils of the leaves. The duration of flowering for an individual bud is short, but due to the fact that the flowers constantly replace each other, the flowering of the plant continues for a very long time. Abutilone grows from 4 to 8 cm in length, has a wide range of colors - white, pink, purple, violet, various tones of red and yellow. The shape of the buds of decorative species is striking in its diversity - bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, wide-open bell-shaped, flat-round.

The leaves are 10 - 20 cm in length, solid green or green with white splashes, arranged alternately on long cuttings. The shape of the leaf blade of decorative species can be with graceful grooved edges, three or five lobed, elongated oval, ovoid. Thanks to the wide leaves, the plant actively evaporates moisture, which in turn allows you to increase the humidity in dry rooms.

The stems are branching, flexible, purple-brown, bristly, and at home they stretch 1.5 - 3 m in height. A heat-loving plant, for wintering it needs to be provided with good shelter or even transferred to warm room. Perennial species at good care able to live up to 5 years. In the conditions of the middle zone, in most cases, rope grass is grown in indoor winter gardens, greenhouses, and remote containers.

Abutilon has a sign according to which, no matter where the shrub is located, it creates a positive, light atmosphere of calm around itself, dispels negative, heavy thoughts, and lifts the mood. Where the cable car is, there is only warm and positive energy.

Types of abutilone

Thanks to the success of breeding, various hybrid varieties of abutilone have been obtained. Their main advantage is their compact form and longer, bright flowering compared to wild species. For this reason, many flower growers and landscape designers prefer modern decorative hybrid varieties among the varieties of abutilon. Indoor abutilon does not stretch up to two meters like greenhouse abutilon, but looks like a miniature bush. Considering the lush flowering and variegated greenery, it will fit perfectly into any interior and will be a decoration for summer and winter garden.

Bella hybrid

Abutilon Bella

One of the popular varieties among gardeners is Bella compact abutilon. A miniature bush up to 30 - 40 cm in height, with large bright buds up to 5 cm in diameter. The goblet flower has a wider opening of the petals compared to other species. The petals themselves are smooth, velvety or glossy. The colors of the flowers of hybrid abutilons are white, as well as various shades of pink, red, cream, orange and yellow.

Abutilon Bella reproduces only by seed. For fruit formation, pollination by pollen of the same species is necessary.

When spring comes, in order for the plant to acquire the most compact and beautiful shape, it is necessary to prune and reduce it, because then it will still grow. In the summer, pots with this plant should be taken out into the fresh air, but the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight, because it burns the foliage.

Abutilon Savitsky

Very elegant, spectacular, low and wide miniature bush up to 15 - 30 cm in height. Five-lobed leaves up to 5 cm in length, soft green in color, with characteristic green spots and inclusions, are located on long stalks. Abutilon Savitsky blooms with small, up to 4 cm in diameter, yellow bell-shaped flowers, and the flowering is very weak, sparse and sparse. The lifespan of one bud is no more than three days. Flowers grow singly from the leaf axils.

It is not demanding of care, but in good light it can grow actively, while in insufficient light it loses its appearance - the stems become elongated, the branches become thinner and weaker. It tolerates direct sunlight and can germinate both in separate containers and in open ground.


Abutilon terry Victorian Lady

The decorative bush is distinguished by a straight branching stem. The leaves are green, elongated, heart-shaped with an uneven edge. The buds are large, terry, voluminous, up to 7 cm in diameter. Terry abutilon has a rich pink color and is shaped like a hibiscus flower. The hybrid terry variety is one of the most luxurious and spectacular rope varieties.


Abutilon Bellevue mix

Title with French translated as " beautiful view" The care rules are the same as for other types of abutilone. During the summer period it can stretch up to two meters. A very leafy, luxuriantly flowering plant.

The flowers are drooping, pendulous, cup-shaped, bell-shaped, yellow, pink, red or orange, up to 5 cm in diameter.

It develops poorly in enclosed spaces due to lack of space and lighting. More suitable for decorating balconies, verandas, gazebos, and greenhouses. In garden conditions it is able to grow luxuriantly, and at the same time withstands quite low temperatures, at +5°C continues flowering.

Bellevue abutilon is pruned in spring and summer. Due to its rapid growth in the first years of life, rope plant needs to be frequently transplanted into larger flower pots.


Abutilone Theophrastus

It can often be found in the fields of cereals and other agricultural crops. It is a weed plant. An annual plant with a tall, up to two meters, straight, branching, slightly fleecy stem, with green, alternate, long petiolate, ovate leaves, up to 15 cm long. Flowering period July - October. The flowers are pale yellow, five-petaled, and regular in shape.

Another name for Chinese jute. It is widely used in folk medicine, has antiseptic, laxative, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and other properties, and is used to treat a wide range of diseases. Reproduces only by seeds.


Hybrid type of abutilon, up to 1.5 m tall, decorative evergreen shrub, with good care it can bloom all year round. The flowers are bright, up to 6 cm in diameter. Due to its unpretentious nature, Abutilon Juliet is excellent for growing at home; it grows well even in limited lighting. Already six months after sowing the seeds, the rope plant will bloom its first flowers.


A tall, highly branched plant reaches up to 3 m in height. The birthplace of the species is considered to be Latin America. The leaves are round, heart-shaped, with a slight fleecy covering on the back side leaf. The flowers are wide open, up to 5 - 7 cm in diameter, round in shape, bright, yellow-orange in color, with a characteristic dark core and a dark burgundy reticulate pattern.


Strongly branching plant. The stem is straight, grows up to 40 - 60 cm, the leaves are wide green, flowers of white, golden, pink and red flowers grow from their axils on long peduncles. Abutilon organza is similar in appearance and characteristics to the Juliet variety.


Abutilon Isabella

Decorative compact indoor maple. Thanks to its short height (up to 40 cm), it fits perfectly into any interior. Green foliage harmonizes well with fairly large bell-shaped flowers of bright pink, yellow or white.

Hybrid varieties Bella and Isabella are very similar in appearance, but the latter has brighter and larger flowers. Simple care allows you to achieve year-round flowering of Abutilon Isabella.


Abutilon Megapotamian

The perennial indoor maple abutilon is ideal for both home cultivation and garden decoration. Erect branched stem up to 1 - 2.5 m in length. The leaves are green, ovate or three-lobed, up to 5 - 8 cm in length, with characteristic spots and interspersed with lighter colors.

Abutilon megapotamianum blooms with bright red flowers with yellow spots at the ends of the petals, long stamens are red-violet. The buds are hanging, on long peduncles, spherical, up to 1 - 3 cm in diameter; because of this shape of the flowers, abutilon is called a Chinese lantern. Leaves are up to 8 cm long, heart-shaped, with uneven carved edges. Flowering from May to October. Enough unpretentious plant.


Abutilon Sello

A perennial, unpretentious ornamental plant that grows up to 2.5 meters, it is often called “grandmother’s” abutilon. Abundant flowering from April to November. The flowers are large, bell-shaped, orange, with a characteristic mesh pattern or dark red veins. With good care, flowering can be all year round. The leaves are green, wide, five-lobed, with a slightly fleecy coating.

Abutilon Sello prefers diffused light. In direct sunlight, the leaves can get burned, after which they will wither and fall off. Moist, but not wet, soil will ensure good growth and development for the rope plant. When the root system grows, striped abutilon is transplanted into another pot, 25 cm wider than the previous one.


Abutilon Spotted

Flowering decorative look, reaching a height of 50 to 150 cm. The shape of the leaf blade is heart-shaped, green in color, with clearly defined inclusions and stripes, without any pubescence. The bell-shaped buds are orange in color and have pronounced convex veins or a mesh pattern, and the convex pattern is observed only in plants grown vegetatively, in particular by cuttings. The care rules are the same as for all types and varieties of abutilon.

Based on the spotted species, the decorative variety “Thomson” was obtained, characterized by double flowers and leaves of various spotted colors.

Grape leaf

Abutilone grape leaf

A tall bush up to 1.5 m in height, with an erect, branched, spreading stem. The leaves are green, three-lobed, up to 15 cm long, with a weak fleecy coating.

Abutilon vine-leaved is a densely flowering species. Starting from mid-spring, singly or in groups of 3 - 4 pieces on long peduncles, blue, lavender, delicate - lilac flowers with a fine dark mesh pattern. The color saturation of the buds and the density of flowering depend on the quantity and quality of the complex fertilizer.

The flower shape is broadly bell-shaped or round. In a winter garden or greenhouse it can bloom all year round.


Abutilone Darwin

Native to the tropical forests of Brazil. Many hybrid varieties have been obtained from wild shrubs. In cultivation it grows up to 1 m, the leaves are on long petioles, pubescent, up to 10 - 15 cm in length.

Flowering period May - September, singly or in groups, flowers grow from the axils of the leaves. The buds are pink-orange with distinct dark red veins.


Abutilone hybrid

Another name is variegated. Bred from several natural species, quite a lot are considered to be different varieties, including varieties of unknown origin.

Hybrid abutilon reaches one and a half meters in height, the stem is straight, branched, with a brown tint.

The leaves are green, spotted, ovate or trilobed, and may also be heart-shaped or resembling Maple Leaf with embossed edge.

The buds are broad-lobed, bell-shaped, up to 6 cm in diameter. They germinate singly or in pairs from the leaf axils. Depending on the variety, there are red, yellow, burgundy and scarlet shades of the petals.

Home care

Decorative indoor maple does not require special growing skills; even a novice gardener can cope with simple rules for caring for it at home. By observing all the requirements for cultivating rope grass, flowering can be observed within 3–4 months after the seeds germinate.


Ropeweed is a moisture-loving plant and requires frequent and abundant watering during the flowering period. The regularity of watering in the cold season depends on the wintering conditions: if the room is warm and the temperature does not fall below +15°C, the watering conditions do not change; if the temperature is cooler, then watering is halved. If the care of an indoor maple is not taken care of, it is over-watered or the soil is too dry, the bush sheds its leaves.

Air humidity

When growing a houseplant, it doesn’t hurt to periodically spray the leaves. warm water. Although the shrub is not too demanding on air humidity, if the indoor climate is too dry and warm, it loses its decorative value: the leaves begin to wither, dry out and curl. This mainly happens in winter period when the cable car is in close proximity to central heating radiators.

The soil

For good growth and development requires loose, fertile, well-drained soil. Use a combination of leaf, humus, turf soil and sand. Specialized stores sell ready-made soil; palm substrate is perfect for abutilone.


Abutilone at home can bloom profusely only with sufficiently long and good lighting, and the amount of light should be the same throughout the entire growing period. When there is insufficient lighting, the rope plant stretches out and blooms extremely sparsely. It is advisable to keep abutilone out of direct sunlight, would be better suited diffused light, partial shade.

In enclosed spaces, the optimal place in the autumn-winter period is south-facing windows. In summer, the plant must be taken out open air: in the garden under the shade of trees, on the veranda or balcony.


If you do not take any measures to form the crown, the plant can stretch up to 2 m in height. To obtain a compact, neat bush, the stems are cut in half in spring and autumn. To form a more branched bush, pinch the upper parts of young shoots. If you want to form a compact tree of a certain height, leave one stem and cut off the branches.


Ropeman heat-loving plant, therefore, in summer the air temperature should be +22...+25°C, in winter +12...+15°C. When the optimal temperature decreases and there are drafts, the plant begins to lose leaves.

Top dressing

Throughout the entire flowering period, special fertilizer for flowering plants is added to the soil 1–2 times a month. If the rope plant continues to bloom in winter, then the frequency of fertilizing does not change.

Diseases and pests

If the growing conditions are violated, the rope plant begins to get sick and is also attacked by insect pests, such as aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, and red spider mites.

Due to lack of lighting, abutilon leaves turn yellow and lose their color, becoming pale, while the stem becomes elongated and thinner. The solution to the problem is to move the pot with the plant to a more illuminated place. Strongly elongated shoots are cut off or pinched.

If the leaves of abutilon turn yellow and curl, and the tips of the shoots dry out, it is necessary to remove the plant away from direct sunlight, increase air humidity and the frequency of spraying the plant with water.

If the leaves have lost their elasticity and wilted, check the soil. Most likely, it is dry in the flower pot and the plant lacks moisture. To restore, the container with the rope is immersed in water for 20-30 minutes. In the future, you should monitor the soil moisture.

Abutilon pests can affect all or some parts of the plant.

The whitefly infects the lower part of the leaf, which feeds it with sap. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. The pest is capable of infecting the entire plant in a short period of time. Due to their rapid reproduction rate, whitefly control can be challenging. It is necessary to reduce soil moisture and apply fertilizing in a timely manner. Every two to three days, the rope plant is sprayed with permethrin-containing preparations. In case of severe infestation, Actellik or Decis are used to control insects.

When attacked by scale insects, the leaves become spotted, turn yellow and fall off. The pest secretes a sticky liquid, covering the leaves and stems of the plant. By sucking the juice from the leaves, the scale insect leads to the death of the entire plant. A soap solution helps in the fight. If most of the plants are affected, treatment with insecticides helps, but it is preferable to cut off the affected parts of the plant.

Why does abutilone not bloom?

After the young shoots emerge, the first flowering is observed after 3-5 months. However, for some reason this may not happen. There are many answers to the question why abutilon does not bloom. The main reason is a lack of lighting. For normal plant development, bright light is necessary sunlight at least two hours a day.

In early spring, before flowering begins, the bush must be cut in half. This will ensure abundant branching, which, in turn, will allow the formation of a large number of buds.

For flowering indoor maple trees, weekly fertilizing with complex fertilizer for flowering plants is necessary throughout the spring-summer period.

One of the reasons why abutilon does not bloom is that the flower pot is too spacious. In a wide container, instead of growing and flowering, the plant spends energy filling the space with roots. Sometimes it is enough to transplant the plant into a tighter pot to provoke flowering.

Transplantation and propagation

In early spring, before flowering begins, plants are transplanted into larger flower pots. Young rope plants are replanted every year, older plants once every 2 - 3 years.

The new pot is chosen higher and wider than the previous one by 5 - 6 cm, with large drainage holes at the bottom of the container to drain excess liquid.

Before planting, the flower pot is doused with boiling water to eliminate possible harmful microbes. Drainage material is placed at the bottom, then a small layer of soil for abutilone, which can be purchased at special flower shops.

The plant is removed from the old container, paying attention to the root system. If the earthen ball is completely filled with roots, then replanting is necessary, otherwise the replanting is postponed until the fall, after the flowering period.

An earthen ball with roots is inserted into a new pot on a layer of soil, the sides and top are covered with new soil, and the soil is moistened.

Planting and caring for indoor maple - necessary condition good growth and development.

Abutilon can be propagated in two ways: seed and vegetative. Species with uniform green leaf color are propagated by seeds and cuttings. Varieties with spotted leaf blade colors are propagated only by cuttings.

Abutilone seeds germinate for a long time, more than three weeks, after which they quickly grow.

Growing and propagating abutilone from seeds

At home, abutilone is grown from seeds without much difficulty. To begin with, prepare the seeds - select the largest ones, without any defects, and place them in a bowl of water. Floating seeds are not suitable for sowing; their germination rate is very low.

In early spring, seeds are sown in prepared containers with sand and peat soil at a shallow depth, approximately 5 - 8 mm, the soil is moistened, and the containers are covered with a transparent lid or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect. It is possible to grow abutilone from seeds if you follow simple rules: maintaining the temperature within +22...+28C, having a well-lit place, periodically ventilating the greenhouse and spraying the soil if necessary.

20 - 35 days after planting abutilon seeds, the first shoots appear. As soon as 3 - 4 true leaves are formed, the young shoots are transplanted into separate containers. Due to the rapid growth in the first year of life, the rope is transplanted 2 - 4 times. The rules for caring for young indoor maples are no different from caring for adult plants. After 3 - 4 months you can see the first flowers of abutilon grown from seeds.

To preserve the unique color of hybrid varieties, you should not resort to seed propagation, since only the vegetative method can transmit the varietal qualities of the mother plant.

Germinating abutilon seeds on a paper pad

A layer of paper napkins is placed in a dry container, on which the prepared seeds are laid out, covered with a transparent lid, creating greenhouse conditions. At temperatures up to +25 C, constant spraying and ventilation, roots will appear on the third day. Sprouted abutilone from seeds is carefully transferred to special peat tablets. Over the next two weeks, maintain greenhouse mode and constant lighting. As soon as the roots appear from the peat barrel, the rope plant is transplanted into separate flower pots.

Propagation of abutilone by cuttings

The fastest way to get a new plant is to propagate abutilon by cuttings. Cuttings are obtained in the spring during pruning of the bush. From an adult rope plant, only the upper branches are cut, up to 15 cm in length, with 3 - 4 buds or leaves, the buds are cut off. If the rules are followed, the first flowering can be observed after a few months. Cuttings can also be taken in the fall. In this case, flowering will occur next year.

When propagated by cuttings, only the upper parts of the bush are used for planting, since they have not yet become woody. The cuttings are inserted into separate tall cups with moist soil, pressed well and fixed with earth. For good root establishment and growth, greenhouse conditions are necessary, namely maintaining a temperature of about +25 C, constant lighting, air and soil humidity. If all conditions are met, the roots will grow after 2 weeks; they are transplanted into small flower pots. As soon as young plant Once it gets stronger, it is transplanted into a larger container. Care is maintained the same as for an adult plant.

Indoor abutilon, or, as it is also called indoor maple, and in places where it grows naturally - rope plant, is a close relative of hibiscus.
The plant belongs to the Malvaceae family and has several hundred species. May be grass, shrub or small tree.
The tropical forests of Africa, Asia, Australia and America are considered the homeland of the evergreen houseplant.
Decorative abutilon differs from its wild relative in size and requires slightly different conditions for normal growth and development.
Many housewives want to have this particular flower on their windowsill to delight themselves and those around them with green flowering bush all year round.

Indoor abutilone - description of the flower

Domestic maple trees are grown because of the unpretentiousness and attractiveness of the plant.
Caring for and breeding a plant does not require complex manipulations, so even a novice gardener can afford such a “pet.”
You can recognize the abutilon plant by the following external characteristics:

  1. The bud resembles a bell with rounded petals at the edges. Flowering continues from the middle of the vein to mid-autumn.
    The abutilon flower has different colors: red, white, yellow, scarlet, crimson, lilac.
  2. The leaf resembles a maple leaf. Carved edges that are divided into 3-6 blades.
    The leaves are light green in color and may have white speckles on the edges.
  3. A tree or bush can reach a height of more than 2 m.
    Depending on the variety, the stem parameters may vary.

Abutilone indoor grows quickly, the crown can be given any shape by trimming the branches.
Therefore, the flower is used not only to decorate the room, but also terraces and open flower beds.

Important! If you put indoor flower on a well-lit windowsill, flowering will continue all year round.

Additionally, you need to adjust the correct seasonal watering.
The leaves are large, so the plant evaporates a lot of moisture from the environment.
Thanks to this function, a favorable microclimate is established in the room.

The most common types of indoor abutilone

Abutilon flowers have more than 200 different types, each of which has its own external parameters.
The most relevant are the following types.
For example, Abutilon Megapotamus or weeping Chinese lantern, the most incredible species,
which differs from the others in the shape of leaves, buds and method of growth. The crown is topped with oval-shaped leaves.
The red bud resembles a barrel, from which peeks out a yellow bell with scarlet circles inside.

The plant can grow as a bush or tree - much depends on the principle of pruning.

Abutilon Bella blooms in a bouquet and can have bell-shaped or wheel-shaped buds.
The plant itself is small with a neat stem and small rollers. The emerald-colored leaves are topped with 3 edges.
Bella is an excellent option for home decoration, as it has an aesthetic appearance. The plant will get lost on a large office windowsill.

A hybrid species that can take the form of a shrub or tree.
The height can be more than 2 m. Abutilon Bellevue blooms almost all year round.
The buds can have different colors, their number reaches several dozen.

This type is chosen because abundant flowering. Abutilon Juliet is a shrub with a height of more than 1.5 m. The flowers are red or scarlet.
The diameter of the open bud is 6 cm. The shape of the petals does not resemble a bell, as they are round.
The leaves resemble a drop of green.

Snow White is a low plant that has small leaves.
The white buds are shaped like a propeller, in the center of which there is a yellow core ball.
The species is a slow-growing variety that does not require pruning.

Variegated is identical to the Savitsky species, but has differences in the formation of the bush.
The shape and color of the leaves is almost identical - imitation of marble in green and yellow tones.
Flowering is minimized by a few buds per bush - the whole elegance of the plant lies in the color of the crown.

It grows very quickly - in a year it increases by 1.5 m in height.
The color is reminiscent of marble - a green base with yellow splashes and streaks.
The plant blooms sparingly - there may be several dull flowers on the bush, which are invisible due to the thick crown.

Amelie stands out for its unusual flowers, the size of which is much larger than the leaves.
The buds open wide and have a rich pink color. Outwardly they roughly resemble a daffodil.
The bush is distinguished by its miniature size and lush crown.

Abutilone striped indoor maple

The buds are large, yellow with orange veins.
The shrub has a neat shape and perfectly humidifies the air in the room.
Abutilon indoor maple has dark green leaves with yellow veins, hence the name of the species - striped.

Vera stands out from other hybrid varieties due to the unusual color of its petals - from the tip to the middle there is a transition from salmon to white.
A neat bush that does not require artificial formation. They bloom in bouquets of 3-4 buds on a branch.

Radiant got its name because of the bright yellow color of the petals, which are covered with small brown veins.
Abutilon Radiant is a hybrid that appeared only 4 years ago.
The variety is resistant to weather conditions and constantly bears fruit, so it is suitable for indoor and outdoor (in summer) cultivation.

A selective species that appeared quite recently.
The stems have a bush-like growth habit and reach 40 cm in height.
The flowers are pale pink with rounded petals.
Cleopatra differs from other plant species in the shape of its leaves and crown.

Victorian Lady has another name: “terry”.
The height of the shrub is about 1 m with a lush crown and lush flowers of light pink color.
The slightly green carved leaves may be topped with small white dots.

The Sello type of indoor maple is considered the most common and oldest among lovers indoor plants.
It is popularly called “grandmother’s”.
Main characteristics:

  • does not require special care, so we often drop off at offices;
  • can reach 2 m in height. Fluffy twigs grow on straight stems.
  • You need to constantly trim the branches. The crown is crowned with 3-toothed light green leaves.
  • blooms profusely. The bud has orange bells and a brown cobweb on the petals.

An additional condition for the normal development of the plant is good lighting and an air temperature of at least 15 degrees.

The Little Prince is distinguished by colorful buds that resemble bright lanterns against the background of a green crown.
The stems resemble a spherical bush. Flowering is abundant and lasts from early April to late November.

The Lilac Wonder species is a lush, large specimen of indoor maple that requires constant pruning to shape the crown.
The flowers are located on the edges of the branches and differ large sizes, resemble a crimson propeller.

How to grow abutilone in a pot

Indoor abutilon (maple) is considered unpretentious, so many people grow it, but there are some nuances regarding care.
Caring for indoor abutilone is carried out in several stages:

  1. Correct location. It is advisable to place the flowerpot on a windowsill with good lighting.
    Protect maple from drafts and gusts of wind. In the summer, the flowerpot can be placed outside, but protected from negative climatic conditions.
  2. Room temperature. The optimal temperature in summer is 25 degrees; in winter - 15 degrees.
    You cannot lower the value below 12 degrees. When the temperature decreases, the entire crown may fall off and the shoots may deteriorate.
  3. An important condition for normal growth is watering. In the warm season, moisten the soil and leaves every day in small quantities.
    In winter, reduce watering to once a week without moistening the crown.
  4. Due to the abundant growth, you need to fertilize the soil regularly - 2 times a month. Ideal option will become organic.
    Can also be used mineral fertilizers. A minimum dose is sufficient, which is calculated in accordance with the size of the flowerpot and the age of the plant.
  5. Regular pruning will prevent the plant from drying out. It is necessary to periodically thin out the crown, removing excess branches.
    It is advisable to shorten the shoots by half the length so that the flowers bloom for a long time and their number is large.
  6. Periodic transplantation. The procedure is carried out in the spring. Young specimens need to be replanted once every 1 year, adults - once every 3 years.
    It is advisable to use neutral soil, which is a mixture of dry leaves, turf, soil and humus. Proportion 1:1:1:1.
  7. Choosing a flowerpot. The pot can be made of any material, but not be too spacious for the root system.
    For transplantation, a container is selected that is only 2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Additional Information! Maple blooms exclusively in extreme conditions of the location of the root system.
The walls of the flowerpot should compress the roots. If all the conditions are met on time and correctly, the maple will have a healthy appearance.

Flowering will occur at a certain period,
delighting with variegated buds of beautiful color.

How does indoor abutilon reproduce?

Indoor abutilone is propagated in 2 ways:

  • using seeds
  • cuttings

They use cuttings of indoor abutilon that have not yet become woody.
They try not to use the first method in order to avoid splitting varieties (loss of maternal characteristics of the plant).
Place the seed in special soil and water and ventilate every day.
After 3 weeks, shoots will appear. It is easier to propagate using cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings in water

Cuttings are the best way to propagate indoor maples.
The seedling will fully comply with the characteristics mother plant.
Algorithm for correct cuttings taking into account all the nuances:

  1. The cuttings need to be cut in the spring. Young shoots with 3 leaves at the top are suitable.
    The length of the branch is no more than 12 cm. In order for the cutting to take good roots, you need to remove all the buds from the top.
  2. Prepare the water. Take a clean, settled liquid.
    The temperature should not be lower than 19, but not higher than 23 degrees.
  3. The roots appear a month after the cuttings are lowered into water.
  4. To root the prepared seedling, you need to plant it in a pot with a sand-peat mixture.
    Additionally, cover the pot with a cut plastic bottle, simulating a greenhouse.

After 2 weeks, the seedlings will take root completely. Then you can transplant the plant into a pot with a diameter of 70 cm for permanent growth.
Compared to sowing, this propagation option is more effective - the plant develops faster and can bloom within 3 months after rooting.

Diseases, pests and possible problems when growing abutilone

It is important not only to skillfully care for the plant, but also to protect it from pests and diseases.
Then the “favorite” maple will “reproduce” well and delight you with abundant flowering for a long time.

Problems often arise with the leaves, which are the hallmark of the plant.

  • if the crown begins to turn yellow, it means you need to edit the watering regime.
    Additionally, it is worth changing the lighting mode;
  • violent flowering can cause the branches to wither, so you need to pick off old buds;
  • spider mites are the most malicious pest that worsens the appearance of the crown, leaving brown spots on it;
  • The scale insect leaves sticky spots on the stems and crown. Feeding on cell sap can lead to drying of the crown and individual branches;
  • The whitefly leaves entire colonies of larvae in parts under the leaves. The plant begins to gradually deteriorate - dry out, rot, wither.
    It is almost impossible to get rid of such a pest.

Mostly problems with the appearance of maple appear due to improper placement of the flowerpot and draft.
Pests often infest on weakened specimens that have been “living” outside for some time.

Ropeweed is a very beautiful indoor plant that can decorate a home, office or flower garden.

An additional factor is that growing indoor abutilon does not require special skills and knowledge in floriculture.
The unpretentiousness of maple attracts many housewives. An additional advantage will be abundant flowering, which lasts for more than 6 months.
The shape of the bush is aesthetically attractive.

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Abutilon or indoor maple belongs to the malvaceae family.

This is a plant attracts the attention of gardeners with a variety of shapes, occurs as a small bush, tree or grass.

The flower develops well in tropical or subtropical climates.

The habitat of various types of abutilone is considered to be the countries of Africa, Australia and Asia.

Note! In nature, there are about 150 varieties of domestic maple.


Abutilon is a perennial plant with numerous green leaves, their edges are carved, and in appearance they resemble maple greens. Size sheet plates in some varieties it reaches 20 centimeters.

With proper care of the crop at home, its height can reach 2 meters. The bush is well leafy, branched, the shoots are red with a brown tint.


Culture is characterized long flowering. The first inflorescences form on abutilon already in May, the flowers fade in October. The color of the bells depends on varietal characteristics plants.

The petals can be golden, pink, red or orange. The inflorescences of the plant can be simple or double.

Types and varieties with photos

Despite the diversity of the crop in question, several dozen can be grown indoors. decorative varieties. Let's take a look at the description of the most popular of them:

Abutilon Bella

This compact branched bush. The plant blooms profusely throughout the growing season.

Inflorescences of various colors are made in the shape of a bell. The diameter of the bud is from 7 to 10 centimeters.

Formed from thin drooping shoots. The leaves are green, oval, slightly elongated in shape with jagged edges. Inflorescences are solitary, located on long stalks. The corolla of the flower consists of wedge-shaped petals with a red spot near the base.

Has an unattractive appearance. In old times raw materials from this plant were used to make fibers and burlap.

This culture differs from others in its heart-shaped leaves and yellow inflorescences. In indoor floriculture, theophrastus rope is not used.

Abutilone Hybrid

This home flower with brown shoots, its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The leaves are green, slightly dissected, with 3-5 lobes. A white edge is visible on the inner surface of the leaf blades.

The inflorescences are drooping, bell-shaped, petals, red, burgundy or golden color.

Abutilon sellowianum

Reaches up to 2 meters in height. The shoots of this crop are erect, the leaves are whole, less often trifoliate.

The inflorescences are purple with pink veins. The flowering of the crop in question continues from late spring to mid-autumn.

It has shoots up to 1 meter in length, stems with a slight edge. At the top of the plant, the leaves are three-lobed with barely noticeable pubescence up to 20 centimeters in length. On lower leaves there are 5-7 blades.

The inflorescences are shaped like a bell and are formed in several pieces on a peduncle. The flowering period of the crop is from mid-spring to September.

Abutilon Striped (variegated)

also found under the name spotted. The bush consists of short and thin shoots that become woody over time. The leaves are pointed, without edge, heart-shaped.

Inflorescences are formed in the axils of the plant, bell-shaped on long stalks. The flower petals are golden with reddish veins. Inflorescences can be simple or double.

During development it takes on the appearance of a spreading bush. This the plant reaches 1.5 meters in height. The stems of the crop are pubescent, erect, the leaves are large, up to 15 centimeters long, green in color.

The beginning of flowering of this variety of abutilon is observed in May and ends in late autumn.

This is a hybrid variety blooms almost all year round.

This indoor maple grows up to 150 cm and does not require special care.

Considered one of the highest grades, because this plant reaches 4 meters in height. In this regard, the specified abutilone Suntense is planted in winter gardens.

In indoor conditions, Suntense reaches 2 meters in height. Buds up to 10 centimeters in diameter are blue or lilac.

Abutilon Bellevue reaches up to 2 meters in height. The inflorescences are quite large, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, red, pink, yellow or orange.

Bellevue is suitable for growing in greenhouses on attics and balconies.


Indoor maple is a fairly unpretentious plant, but for its normal development certain conditions must be observed. The culture loves light, but does not tolerate the direct influence of direct sunlight.

Advice! In the summer, place a flowerpot on the balcony and hang a curtain on the window for shading. To obtain annual flowering, regularly replant the crop in a suitable container.


The best temperature conditions For the development of the rope, the following indicators are considered:

  • 20...25 degrees in summer;
  • 12...15 degrees in winter.

Important! When installing a plant on a loggia, the temperature in the winter should not drop below +5 degrees. In such conditions, plants develop poorly and may lose their leaves. The effects of drafts are especially detrimental to crops.

When temperatures rise to +30 degrees and above, the formation of buds stops, and the flower can shed existing inflorescences.

Indoor maple loves dim, diffused lighting.

Direct sunlight on its foliage is contraindicated..

To protect the plant from the scorching sun, flowerpots are placed on the eastern or southwestern windowsill.

On the north side of the house there will be no culture sufficient quantity Sveta. With a lack of lighting, the abutilons' crown thins out, a reduced number of leaves and less intense flowering are observed.


The plants in question need plenty of moisture, especially in winter when heating devices are running or in summer during prolonged drought.

A lack of moisture in the soil can cause leaves and flower buds to drop. Watering is carried out as necessary as the top layer of soil dries. In addition, the temperature and humidity in the room are taken into account.

Important! In room conditions, abutilon should be watered with warm, settled or rainwater. During the dormant period, soil moisture is done much less frequently than in summer.


The plant does not have any requirements for air humidity in the room, but spraying will not be superfluous. It is better to carry out such operations in winter with the heating running in the evening.

In addition, spraying is carried out in the summer during persistent drought, although there is no particular need for this.

Soil and replanting

To replant a one-year-old plant, a pot with a capacity of 1 liter is enough.

When growing the flower in question, the following feature is observed: Until its root system fills the entire earthen ball, it will not begin to form inflorescences.

Transplanting the plant into a larger container should be done after the roots emerge from the drainage holes.

Many gardeners use a universal nutrient mixture purchased in the store for indoor maple.

You can make your own soil from coarse sand, peat and deciduous soil.

These components are mixed in equal proportions. Another option for preparing the nutritional composition is used:

  • 0.5 parts coarse sand;
  • one part peat;
  • one part of humus;
  • two parts of deciduous soil.


Abutilone differs from other indoor plants in its intensive growth, rapid formation of side shoots, therefore, for its normal development, formative pruning is needed.

Such operations should be carried out in early spring, when the plant has not yet emerged from its dormant state. During pruning, all shoots are cut to a third of their length.

In this way, the gardener will be able to form a beautiful crown and receive abundant flowering of the crop. After flowering, you need to remove the dried inflorescences and adjust the crown.


Reproduction of the culture is possible using cuttings, as well as by seed.

Sowing of grains is carried out in early or mid-March in a pre-moistened nutrient mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions.

The seeds are buried 1.5 centimeters into the ground.

After that seedling box should be placed in a well-lit, warm place and covered with a transparent film. When grown indoors, the first shoots appear within a week after sowing.

For propagation by cuttings, sections of lateral shoots up to 12 centimeters long are taken from the crop. You need to remove the lower leaves from them, after which vegetative organs installed in a root former solution, then buried in a moistened nutrient mixture and a film cover is built on top.

After 2-3 weeks, when the first leaves appear on the shoots, the greenhouse is removed and they begin to care for the cuttings as if they were an ordinary plant.

Diseases and pests

Aphids can be driven away by treating leaves soap solution or simply drive away insects with a stream of water. To combat mealybug An alcohol solution is used, which is soaked into a cotton swab and applied to the leaves.

Among the diseases, the crop is often affected by powdery mildew.

Symptoms of this disease can be easily identified by the appearance of a sticky black coating on the leaves.

The chemical preparation actara will help get rid of powdery mildew.

Gardeners often encounter another popular indoor maple disease, root rot.

This disease is associated with wilting and shedding of leaves from the crop. Effective treatment is considered to be replanting the flower, removing rotting roots and treating plant wounds with crushed coal.

Other problems with abutilone are related to improper care for culture. It can be:

  • sudden changes in room temperature;
  • lack or excess of moisture in the soil;
  • crown thickening;
  • no spraying, dry air in the room.

These problems lead to yellowing and curling, and sometimes even falling of the flower leaves.

There are several options for forming the crown of an indoor maple tree:

wide bush can be formed if 4-5 powerful shoots have formed near the ground. Such branches are obtained when growing a plant into one trunk. It is cut to half its length after reaching a height of 25-30 centimeters.

When the side shoots reach 25 centimeters, they are shortened again by 50%. A wide bush is obtained by periodic pruning over a period of 6 months.

A tall bush is formed according to the type of tree crown for 4-6 months. Indoor maple is grown in one trunk until it reaches a height of 20 centimeters, then cut to 30% of the length. After a few weeks, buds and buds will appear on the central shoot, which need to be pinched.

When the crown of the flower grows strongly, the side shoots need to be shortened by half, as, for example, in this video:

A standard tree is formed by pinching the crown of the plant after the trunk reaches the required thickness. The lower branches are removed using pruning shears, the upper ones are left to form the future crown.

Exists many varieties of abutilone for growing indoors. Each flower is beautiful in its own way, but to obtain abundant flowering it is necessary to follow the basic rules of caring for the crop, inspect the plant, and fight diseases and pests.