Sink clogs - effective ways to remove them. How to unclog your kitchen or bathroom sink If your kitchen sink is clogged, salt will help.


Clogging in the kitchen sink happens to every housewife. To do this, just put a small piece of potato peel or a sprig of herbs down the drain. As a result, we have to decide how to clean the sink at home faster, since it is needed for cooking and washing dishes.

In order not to have to remove the blockage in an emergency and invite plumbers to help, you must adhere to the rules for using plumbing and purchase a high-quality sink and accessories for it.

When a drain becomes clogged, it causes the housewife a lot of problems that can be quickly solved if you know how to clean the sink with soda or other in an accessible way.

Why does the sink clog?

Before you begin to remove the blockage, you need to understand the siphon structure. Usually, after cleaning it, it is possible to eliminate the obstruction of waste water through the drain. As a rule, bottle siphons are installed, which are made with a diameter of 32 or 40 millimeters. You can see what these products look like in the photo. Practice shows that siphons with a 32 mm diameter clog faster.

All used in residential buildings and apartments, siphons can be divided into several types:

  • bottled - such products have a removable part that looks like the bottom of a bottle. To unscrew it, you don't need special devices. It is not difficult to clear a blockage in such a siphon (more details: " ");
  • pipe - these products are curved tubes;
  • corrugated - these siphons can be bent in different ways, so they are installed in the most unusual places. They are especially often installed in apartments with a small area;
  • hidden - they are placed in a box;
  • with overflow - this siphon requires a special sink that has a hole to drain excess water;
  • with a double or tee - such products are in great demand because they are intended for connecting several household appliances simultaneously, for example, washing and dishwasher;
  • flat - they are installed when they are going to place a large-sized device under the sink, which could be, for example, a mini washing machine. And although these siphons are rarely installed, they are convenient because they take up little space.

How to clean a sink at home

There are many ways to clean a sink at home:
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • folk.

You can use one of them or several at once.

Chemical methods . How to clean the siphon in the sink and pipes using a chemical method? To do this, you need to purchase special drugs that are available in trading network– acids, alkalis, powders, gels and liquids. For example, Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret - they contain sodium hydroxide. First, you should read the instructions on the drug label. The product is usually poured into the sink drain for about 30 minutes and then washed off with a large volume of hot water.

May be released during a chemical reaction a large number of heat, which can lead to damage to cheap plumbing fixtures and aluminum products. Under no circumstances should you bend over the drain hole if gurgling sounds are coming from it, as this is extremely dangerous.

Mechanical methods. The simplest of them is considered to be the one performed using a plunger. This tool is so common that it is found in almost every household. It allows you to clear all simple blockages if they are formed from fatty deposits, small particles of dirt or debris.

To fix a drainage problem:

  • the kitchen sink is filled about a third full hot water;
  • vigorously use a plunger to create required pressure. The principle of performing the movements is similar to how air is pumped up with a pump for car tires.
True, a plunger is unable to cope with severe blockages. During education serious pollution can help out the owners plumbing cable, having a length of 3 meters. At one end there is a handle, and at the other there is a peak-shaped nozzle, with the help of which the cork is gradually destroyed and broken. If the pipes in the house are more than a dozen years old, then you should act carefully so as not to damage them. You cannot use a cable if the siphon is plastic, chrome or brass.

Traditional methods. In practice, the following methods for dealing with blockages in sinks, used for decades, have proven themselves to be effective:

  • use of strong saline solution– it is poured into the drain and thereby removes the fat plug. After the composition is poured, use the plunger as described earlier. To make it fit more tightly to the hole, it is advisable to lubricate its edges with cream;
  • dirt can be blown out by using the appropriate function of a powerful vacuum cleaner. But this method will only help simple case;
  • Baking soda also works well. Thanks to its alkaline reaction, it cleans drains well. The solution is prepared from 150 grams of soda and 200 milliliters of water. First, the soda is heated for 15 minutes. cast iron frying pan and let cool. Then add a glass of water and stir;
  • You can also clean your sink with baking soda and vinegar. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. After the chemical reaction is completed, the drain is washed with a large amount of well-heated water.

Knowledge of how to clean a sink with soda and vinegar, salt water or soda solution, help get rid of fat deposits in sewer pipes ah in the kitchen (read: " "). Cleaning is considered complete if the water goes into the drain noisily and a funnel forms.

Measures to prevent blockage

To reduce the likelihood of a clogged sink, you should thoroughly clean any food debris from your dishes before placing them in the kitchen sink. You can also install a plastic or metal mesh catcher over the hole. Many sinks made of metal are sold with protective products already included.
There is a relatively new mechanical way to clean a sink without a plunger and a plumbing cable - this is the constant use of a grinder. This device operates on the principle of grinding food waste that accidentally ends up in the kitchen sink.

After the food residues washed away with water enter the chopper, they are ground into the smallest fractions without knives or blades and drained into sewer network. To clear clogs in kitchen sinks, a device such as a grinder is indispensable for effective solution this problem at home.

Using this shredder provides several advantages:
  1. A food waste recycling device helps get rid of unpleasant odor. Cleaning pipes and siphons is required much less frequently.
  2. A chopper is a reliable and versatile device that can chop not only the remains of vegetables and fruits, but also, for example, chicken bones.
  3. The device does not make noise during operation.
  4. Saves time spent on cleaning the sink from accumulated peels, food debris and seeds.
  5. Maintenance and care of the chopper consists of washing the device cold water.
  6. The siphon does not become clogged.
  7. The hygiene of the device is achieved by eliminating the source of germs and bacteria that live in the collected garbage.
  8. Takes up little space under the sink.
One of the disadvantages is the limitation regarding the diameter of the drain hole. The fact is that the shredder is not suitable for all kitchen sinks.

The best solution The problem with clearing a clog is preventing its formation.

Having a clean sink is a fundamental element of a healthy and hygienic kitchen. Let's find out how and what to clean the sink with?

Nobody likes dirty sink. The sight of a stagnant puddle of water and food debris, stray cockroaches, scuttling through sink pipes and mountains of dirty dishes is a disgusting picture, isn’t it? A clean kitchen sink doesn't just look good, it's a very important hygiene indicator.

A clean sink can prevent pests from growing in the kitchen and also control the spread of diseases. Thus, cleaning the sink is simply necessary, there is no alternative. Coming to the actual question, what is the trick to a clean sink? Let me tell you where kitchen cleaning begins.

Cleaning the kitchen sink

Complete cleaning of the sink is carried out as follows:

  • Remove all dishes from inside the sink.
  • Wash any containers/soap dishes placed on the sink and set them aside.
  • Once the sink is clear of clutter, use running water to rinse the entire sides of the sink, this solution will help remove dry, loose dirt.
  • Now, take a brush, fill the plate running water or detergent, then thoroughly wipe the sink on all sides. This solution will help remove accumulated dirt and food debris.
  • At this point you will need lemon zest and baking soda applied over it. Let's start cleaning the sink, baking soda and lemon zest will help you get rid of any stains.
  • Take a brush and clean the faucets, taps and handles. If you find mineral deposits on kitchen faucet, take paper towels, soak them in vinegar, and then wrap them around the faucet. Leave the towel on for an hour or so. This solution will soften deposits and leave your taps shiny.
  • Garbage and odor from your drain can be cleared as follows. Add a few tablespoons baking soda into the sink drain hole, followed by three ice cubes. Wait a while, then turn on hot water from the tap and leave for a while.
  • Having finished preliminary stages cleaning the sink, you can with a cleaning solution.
  • Cleaning products are selected based on the material of the sink. Different detergents are designed for different materials. You cannot use sink cleaner made from of stainless steel on a porcelain sink.
  • When you're done scrubbing the sink with the cleaner, rinse it with water to remove all traces of the detergent.
  • Then dry the sink with a towel and return everything to its place.
  • Additionally, you can wet paper towel or a sponge in vinegar and wipe the sink with it to remove odor and add extra shine.

Cleaning the sink drain

  • Whenever you notice the first signs of a clogged drain, run some hot water through it. This solution will avoid congestion and bad smell from the drain.
  • For formed clogs, use baking soda as an indispensable product. Pour one tablespoon of baking soda down the drain, then a quarter cup lemon juice. You can use vinegar instead of juice. Leave the solution for 30 minutes. Then run hot water down the drain to completely flush out the clog.
  • Any commercial clog remover can be used to unclog a sink drain, especially if it is a completely blocked sink. drainage system. Carefully choose a product, you must be sure of full compatibility with a sink.
  • From time to time, pour salted water down the drain. This solution will help control body fat and prevent odors.
  • Hire a plumber if you are unable to clear the clog yourself. There is a possibility that solving the work will require large plumbing work, which should be implemented by a professional. This job should be left to a plumber.

Cleaning sink pipes

  • Cleaning sink pipes can be very difficult since you cannot access them from the outside. Here are a few ways to help you clean your sink piping.
  • First of all, clean the sink and then drain all the water.
  • Now you can unscrew the pipes. This can be done manually.
  • Drain the water that has collected in the pipes by first installing a bucket.
  • Next, take the pipes and soak them in a solution of water and mild detergent.
  • After 10-15 minutes of soaking, scrub the pipes with a brush to remove any tough debris, including grease and food debris.
  • Rinse the pipes under water to remove any remaining cleaning products.
  • Reinstall the pipes as before.

Don't wait until the next day to clean your sink. Put on your gloves, stretch your muscles, grab some sanitizer, and get to!

In the list of everyday difficulties, everyday troubles are not the least important. Clogged pipes in your home are a common problem at home. Fortunately, you can clean it without resorting to the services of a plumber. Moreover, even special means You don’t have to buy it right away to clean it - first use what you have in every home to remove the blockage. The main conditions for success are calmness and having an hour or two of free time.

Causes of blockages

Water in pipes can stagnate for several reasons:

There are also so-called universal reasons that do not depend on the pipe material:

  • Grease and dirt, sticking to the inner walls, cause small debris to cling to this coating. Gradually a dense mass is formed that does not allow water to pass through.
  • Limescale deposits that settle on the walls of pipes due to impurities in the water.
  • Sand and soil that gets into the sink or bathtub when washing shoes or pets.
  • Foreign objects entering the sewer. You will have to call specialists who will use hydraulic installations to help cope with this problem (especially if we are talking about high-altitude apartment building), or remove the item yourself.
  • Detergents with surfactants (surfactants) that enhance the wetting ability of water physical bodies. That is, the substances that make up soaps, cleaning powders and gels, etc. Surfactants act on the sewer in the same way as fat.

Thus, regardless of the material from which the sewer system is made, sooner or later everyone will have to deal with obstruction of water in the pipes. This means that you need to arm yourself with the simplest (but at the same time effective!) ways to solve the problem.

Start by unclogging your sink or sink drain.

Most often, the drain in the kitchen or bathroom becomes clogged. It is there that a lot of fat and small debris (food remains, hair) appear. objective reasons. The sooner you start a “war” for the free passage of water, the better. And for starters, it’s worth applying simple instructions in four steps:

  1. Boiling water. If the pipes are steel or cast iron, then you need to pour about 1 liter of boiling water into them. If they are plastic, then it is enough to run hot water from the tap in a small stream for about 20 minutes. This perfect way dissolve a bar of soap that has fallen into the drain.
  2. Soda and salt. Add ½ tbsp to a glass of water. salt and 1 tbsp. soda, mix well and pour into the drain. After 10–15 minutes, clean it with a plunger or a rag folded into a tight ball.
  3. Vacuum cleaner. Quite an unusual step, but very effective. The only condition: the vacuum cleaner must have a blowing function. You need to seal the vacuum cleaner pipe with a rag and insert it into the drain. When turned on, a strong air flow will push through the resulting plug.
  4. Clean the siphon. To do this, remove it and, having thoroughly cleaned the inside of debris, rinse it with running water.

If the steps taken do not help, then the cork is already too dense and needs to be dealt with differently.

How to determine that the plug is not in the siphon, but further in the pipe

Before you start deep cleaning, you need to make sure that the problem is not in the sink, toilet or bathtub, but rather in the pipe. To do this, we flush water throughout the entire system and evaluate:

  • water accumulates in several plumbing fixtures (for example, in a bathtub and sink), which means there is a general blockage localized at one of the points where the plumbing fixtures are connected to the sewer;
  • water accumulates only in the sink (or in the bathtub, toilet, sink) - then the blockage is local, which is easiest to deal with, since it forms in the siphons, toilet water seal and filters of household appliances (washing machines, dishwashers);
  • the liquid stagnates throughout the sewer system - a global blockage that requires professional intervention.

You can independently solve the problem with local and general. To do this, we disconnect the siphon, the corrugation of the sink, sink, bathtub and clean the drain holes of the sewer pipe. That is, we can pour a chemical into these holes, fill them with granules, but the main way is to clean them with a cable. And if there are no men’s hands to free the drains and work with them, then we try to influence the problem using chemical and simple methods.

If there is a blockage in the pipes, then it is necessary to clean the drains of the sewer pipes, indicated in the diagram as bends

Mechanical ways to fix the problem at home

The goal of this type of impact is to break the cork into small pieces, which can then be removed from the surface or they themselves can be easily washed down the drain. Mechanical cleaning methods are especially effective for the kitchen, where the cause of traffic jams is most often food debris.


This is a kind of first aid for an amateur plumber, that is, for each of us. The plunger is easy to use, and the hydraulic column that is formed due to the vacuum effect.


  1. We fill the sink with water.
  2. We press the plunger to the drain and apply pressure.
  3. We make several forward movements, and the last, most powerful one, is to tear the plunger away from the drain hole. It is important to calculate the force correctly, otherwise you can damage the sink parts.
  4. If necessary, repeat 3-4 times.

This is interesting! With old and too dense plugs in pipes, a plunger will not help.

Please note: if you have a two-section sink in your kitchen, it is better to get two plungers - for both bowls. Moreover, the cleaning procedure must be carried out simultaneously (that is, you cannot do it without an assistant). If there is no second plunger, then you can close the second drain with a rag, pressing it tightly to the hole.

Plumbing cable

A brush or spiral on a steel wire with a handle does an excellent job of deep cleaning of pipes.


  1. Place a brush or spiral into the drain.
  2. We scroll the device, directing it either away from us, down, or towards us, pulling the plug out.
  3. From time to time we supply water to the sink so that the elements of the plug pass into the sewer.

Clean with a metal cable metal pipes, you can also get rid of rust from the inner walls. Apply to plastic ones flexible cable made of twisted wire in a “case” of elastic casing, avoiding strong mechanical pressure.

Video: how to clean a pipe up to the central riser

An alternative to a cable - improvised means

What to do if there is no cable in the house? Call upon imagination and popular experience to help.


This is interesting! You can use a metal clothes hanger to clean the sink down to the siphon. You need to cut it with wire cutters so that a small hook remains at one end - it will serve as a brush.

Conclusion: from mechanical methods for plastic pipes Only a flexible cable or a homemade cable from a plastic bottle is suitable.

This is interesting! The spiral cleaning machine is a more advanced type of cable that rotates the spiral automatically. But such a device is quite expensive, although it will be very useful for owners of private baths.


Manufacturers household chemicals offer a wide range of special products:

  • liquid (for example, “Tiret” (without the smell of ammonia), “Mr. Muscle” (with the smell of ammonia) - act gently on the material, but remove blockages effectively, especially in plastic);
  • powders (for example, “Komet” - not always convenient to use, especially if the water does not drain completely);
  • acidic (for example, “Mole”);
  • alkaline (for example, “Belizna”, “Domestos”).

Despite the advertising, these products (especially alkaline and acidic ones) in practice should not be used frequently for cleaning plastic pipes. Moreover, on the Internet you can find thousands of “horror stories” about how the “Mole” corroded a pipe. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the plastic, but nevertheless, using chemicals more than once a month is not recommended.

This is interesting! Alkali is found in almost all detergents in varying doses. It is due to this compound that dissolution and disinfection occur.

Chemicals must be used according to the instructions described on the packaging. Usually the scheme is as follows: the substance is poured (poured), left for a while and washed off with water. For example, before using “Mole,” you need to pour boiling water into the drain, and after the product wears off, rinse the drain with a cold stream.

This is interesting! For plastic pipes, a plunger and household chemicals are best suited.

Video: plunger or chemicals: how to clear clogged pipes at home

Traditional methods

You can also clean pipes using means that have been tested more than once.

Soda and vinegar


  1. Pour baking soda into the drain and add vinegar in a 1:1 ratio (for the first time, you can take ½ tbsp).
  2. We close the hole with a plug.
  3. After 5–7 minutes, rinse the drain with a small pressure of hot water.

Baking soda and vinegar are the most famous folk remedy for cleaning drains.

This is interesting! If the drain pipe is made of thin corrugation, then you cannot pour boiling water into it to react with soda and vinegar - it may burst.

Vinegar and Alka-Seltzer

If there is no soda in the house, but there is a cure for a hangover, then they perfectly replace each other. True, only for cleaning the drain.


  1. Throw 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets into the drain.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. vinegar.
  3. After 5 minutes, rinse with high pressure of hot water.

Hangover cure is a great substitute for soda

This is interesting! This method eliminates not only debris, but also the unpleasant odor that the sink may emit.

How to clean a pipe through a drain in a bathtub, shower or toilet

To remove a blockage in a bathroom or toilet drain, you can use all of the above traditional methods(with the same restrictions). But you won’t be able to use the cable in the toilet. The wire will simply run down the riser.

If we are talking about a shower or bathtub, then first it is recommended to try flushing the drain with a shower hose.


  1. Remove the watering can and rubber seal from the shower hose.
  2. We apply a watering can to one of the drain holes and let in a strong pressure of water (preferably hot).
  3. Rinse for 5–10 minutes. If water flows out of other drain holes, they need to be covered with a rag.
  4. We repeat the procedure with all drain holes.

This is interesting! Hot water will additionally wash away fat deposits.

Video: how to quickly clean a bathtub

How to clean a siphon

If the blockage is local, then most often it is located in the siphon.


  1. We unscrew the plastic nut that clamps the tube in the drain siphon.
  2. We pull out the siphon and lower it into a basin for further cleaning (we remove all dirt with our hands or a brush).
  3. Pour the soda-vinegar mixture into the pipe connected to the sewer (as described above).
  4. After the reaction is complete, pour a glass of vinegar into it.
  5. Repeat adding vinegar until the hissing stops.
  6. After 15–20 minutes, pour 2–3 liters of hot water (not boiling water!) into the pipe.
  7. We fix the siphon in place and tighten the plastic nut.

Steps 3–6 are necessary if there is a blockage in the pipe. If cleaning the siphon is a regular event not caused by water obstruction, then there is no need to use a soda-vinegar mixture.

How to eliminate unpleasant odor from a drain

It is logical that to eliminate the smell, you need to remove the cork - the cause of the spread of bacteria that provokes a disgusting odor.

In this case, simple tricks will help:

  • Pour dry mustard into the drain, add hot water, leave for 10 minutes and rinse.
  • A liquid bleach solution will also effectively eliminate the smell, although it will overpower it - not pleasant for everyone.
  • Air fresheners are in a fast way eliminate the unpleasant odor from the drain, however, the problem will only be solved for literally a few hours.

The clog is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the drain.

Sometimes the cause of an unpleasant odor from the drain may be the lack of a water seal - a kind of water lock that prevents the smell from escaping from the sewer into the apartment. A siphon provides a water seal in the sewer system. Incorrect installation the latter can cause odors to penetrate into rooms.

The solution to the problem depends on the type of siphon:

  • If the siphon is a bottle type, then it is necessary to adjust the location of the drain pipe so that it is two to three centimeters below the water level. Otherwise, the evaporation will pass over the water lock.
  • If the siphon is a pipe siphon, then perhaps the drain pipe has straightened out for some reason or was initially installed incorrectly. In this case, it just needs to be given the desired shape to ensure the formation of a normal water seal and fixed in this position with special clips.

The sewage system is clean, but the water does not go away: causes and solutions to the problem

Stagnant water is not always a consequence of a clogged drain hole. Sometimes the reason lies:

  • in a clogged siphon (often after repair work remains of construction waste fall there);
  • in the incorrect bending of the corrugation that goes from the siphon to the sewer (if the siphon is a bottle type, then there must be a side outlet and an elongated lower part for the accumulation of water; if the siphon is a pipe siphon, then one of the pipes of the system must have a curved shape);
  • plugs at the joints of silicone pipes, which were used to process these same joints.

You can solve the problem by eliminating the root cause:

  • clean the siphon;
  • check that the bend of the corrugation matches the type of siphon;
  • remove the silicone plug (carefully clean it with sandpaper or the blunt side of a knife).


To prevent the drain from becoming completely clogged, it is necessary to carry out preventive work in a timely manner (they mainly relate to prevention in the kitchen).

  • do not pour fatty liquids into the kitchen sink;
  • Throw any leftover food from the dishes into the trash bin before washing;
  • to protect against small food debris or hair getting into the drain, it is necessary to install a special protective mesh;
  • do not throw hair from the comb into the washbasin or toilet;
  • Every day you should fill the drain hole with boiling water.

You can clear clogged pipes yourself. The main thing is to choose the right ways. This and mechanical options cleaning, and chemical - to combat old traffic jams. Folk tricks will help with minor traffic jams. But there is nothing better than timely prevention. And then you won’t have to become an amateur plumber too often.

The problem of a clogged sink appears in every home from time to time. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the operation of plumbing equipment. However, to solve such a problem it is not at all necessary to be a professional plumber or to resort to his help.

The sink drain system has a simple structure. If the blockage actually formed within the premises, and not in general sewerage, you can remove it yourself. But first determine possible reasons leading to frequent sink clogging.

Causes of a clogged sink pipe

Most often, the drain pipe becomes clogged for the following reasons:

  1. Decrease internal diameter pipes due to the formation of deposits of organic and inorganic origin on its surface.
  2. Foreign objects entering the sink during operation.
  3. The appearance of scratches on the internal surfaces of pipes due to mechanical damage, which slows down the flow of wastewater.
  4. Illiterate installation, namely incorrect angle of inclination of the sewer pipe.

Preparing for cleaning

Before you begin, remove everything stored under the sink. Remove the filter mesh from the sink and clean out any debris.

Stock up on floor rags and a container where dirty water will be drained.

If the sink is empty, pour hot water into it.

  1. Place the plunger nozzle, pressing it firmly, to the sink drain hole.
  2. Using rhythmic movements back and forth, create strong pressure inside the pipe, creating a water hammer.
  3. Try to remove as much debris as possible from the drain by actively working with the plunger.
  4. Do not let water containing contaminants go back into the hole. To do this, immediately cover the drain with a mesh that will filter them out. If there is no mesh, plug the sink with a stopper and pump out all the water and debris.

The duration of the action depends on the result. If the water begins to actively drain, we can assume that the goal has been achieved. After this, it is advisable to immediately carry out prophylaxis. To do this, pour a special cleaning agent into the drain and rinse it with plenty of water.

Cleaning a sink with a plumbing cable

  1. Place the cable into the drain hole, pushing it deep into the pipe until you hit a blockage. Most often, debris accumulates in the siphon or in the pipe itself.
  2. Having reached the blockage, turn the cable clockwise. Try to push or break the resulting plug.
  3. When it becomes obvious that the water is leaving, push the cable deep into the pipeline as far as its length allows. This will help eliminate the possibility that the traffic jam is stuck in the middle of the journey.
  4. If everything works out, the cable is removed and the sink is washed well with hot water and powder.

Sometimes manipulating the cable through the drain hole does not lead to the desired result, due to the fact that the blockage is deep. In this case, you will have to disassemble the plumbing and try to clean the pipeline with a cable from the elbow and further in the direction of the sewer pipe.

  1. Place a suitable container under the sink to collect water.
  2. All drain systems have a similar structure and are quickly disassembled. Remove connecting elements, through which the siphon is attached, on the one hand, to the drain hole of the sink, and on the other, to a corrugated pipe.
  3. Drain the water into a bucket and clean the siphon. It is necessary to remove not only accumulated debris, but also fatty deposits. To remove greasy deposits, use dishwashing detergent.
  4. Check the condition of the pipe itself. Check to see if there is any blockage or grease deposits. Rinse the pipe with hot water and powder.
  5. Install the sink drain system in its place - in the same order as you disassembled it.

The above steps are enough to solve the problem with serious blockage. But the sink can be cleaned without resorting to mechanical methods. For this there are many chemicals both cheap and expensive.

The safest and most environmentally friendly way to remove clogs yourself is to use baking soda and vinegar. These substances are cheap and are always available in any kitchen. They help to avoid the use of expensive and specialized chemical-based products.


  • Pour a cup of baking soda into the drain hole.
  • Pour in the same amount of vinegar solution.
  • Leave this mixture for about 40-50 minutes to allow both substances to dissolve the clog.
  • Rinse off any remaining chemical mixture with hot water.

Soda and vinegar come into chemical reaction and act on the blockage, dissolving it. If after the procedure the blockage is not completely eliminated, all steps must be repeated.

Clearing clogs with pipe cleaners

When you can't solve a problem by simple means, you can use specialized cleaners. Depending on the form of release, dry and liquid products are distinguished. Dry can be in the form of powder or granules, sold in a foil bag designed for one use. Substances in this form are the most concentrated. Liquid or gel cleaners are softer and safer to use on pipes.

Depending on the active substance can be acidic or alkaline. Alkali has the property of dissolving grease stains, this product is ideal for the kitchen sink. Acidic ones have a destructive effect on plastic and metal, shortening the life of the pipeline, but quickly remove the blockage.

Today there are a large number of chemical cleaners for different manufacturers. The most famous brands:

Mole- means domestic production. Is different budget price and high efficiency. Eliminates blockages and unpleasant odors.

Tiret– according to consumers, one of the the best means. Suitable for both plastic and metal pipes.

Mister Muscle– is considered an effective remedy for prevention and for mild blockages. The stated action is the destruction of bacteria found in sewer pipes.


  1. Instructions for using such products are usually standard. It is important to worry about safety in advance: ensure good ventilation in the room, wear rubber gloves on your hands.
  2. Need to measure required quantity substances. The dose depends on the nature and complexity of the blockage - detailed information indicated on the packaging.
  3. Fill in liquid product into the sink drain hole.
  4. Now you need to wait for the time indicated on the package. After this, thoroughly rinse the system with hot water by opening the tap for 10 minutes.

Preventing blockages

Regular prevention sewer system will help avoid frequent blockages. To do this, install a filter mesh over the drain hole. It will prevent large particles of food or other debris from getting into the pipe. Periodically pour special cleaners or a mixture of soda and vinegar into the drain to prevent plaque from accumulating on the internal surfaces of the pipes.

It is not difficult to cope with this unpleasant everyday problem. Use the cleaning methods described in the article. drain system shells. Be patient and you will achieve the desired result.

Video: cleaning pipes at home

07/21/2017 3 10,049 views

Plumbing fixtures often become clogged and fail, and many housewives face similar problems. To quickly solve them, find out how to unclog your kitchen sink at home.

Causes of blockage

Before you start cleaning, it’s worth finding out the possible causes of the blockage:

  • corrosion, which can spread to metal elements and plumbing parts (particles of rust settle on the walls, narrow the clearance and cause a blockage);
  • poor quality tap water(impurities and solid elements contained in it accumulate inside pipes and other parts of plumbing and clog them);
  • fat plugs resulting from washing heavily soiled dishes with cold water (fat does not dissolve when low temperatures, settles on the walls and disrupts the normal flow of water);
  • small solid and insoluble food residues located on dishes that have not been pre-cleaned and accumulating in different parts plumbing items;
  • foreign objects such as a sponge, rag, thick paper, polyethylene or hair getting into the drain;
  • some features of the sink design: excessively flat shape, narrow drain, small diameter pipes, small siphon, a large number of bends.

How to unclog a sink? Best practices

If your sink is clogged, you can remove the blockage using the most different ways, and all of them can be divided into several categories. First - mechanical methods, which involve removing the resulting plug through mechanical action, that is, practically pushing it out. But such methods will not work if the blockage is severe.

The second category is household chemicals. The products included in this group contain components that literally dissolve blockages. But you need to remember that some aggressive substances can affect not only plugs, but also plumbing elements, so you should be careful when using them.

Third category - traditional methods, when choosing which you can use the means at hand and available in every home. Many of them are inexpensive, so an undeniable advantage can be considered minimum costs. And many folk remedies are really effective and make clearing blockages quick and safe.

Mechanical methods

You can unclog your sink at home using proven by mechanical means. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. If you have a plunger, use it. It is recommended to fill the sink with hot water first, but this step can be skipped. Then place the rubber part of the device on the drain: it should close completely. Press down on the plunger to push out all the air and create a vacuum. Next, holding the handle, make several sharp pushes and in one motion tear the rubber bowl away from the drain hole. If the water begins to drain, the blockage has been cleared. If it is still standing, the manipulations will have to be repeated. If there are two drains in the sink, both must be plugged.
  2. Another option is a plumbing cable. But it is important to use it correctly and carefully so that it does not damage the plumbing. And if most of the parts are made of plastic, then such elements may suffer due to mechanical stress. Place the end of the cable into the drain and begin to push it, turning the device using the handle. When you feel an obstacle, start twisting the cable more actively, you can also move it back and forth to push the plug. Periodically open hot water: it will wash away dirt.
  3. You can break through the blockage with a vacuum cleaner, but equipped with an air flow blowing function. Its nozzle is wrapped with a soft rag to ensure the tightness of the joint. Place it in the drain and turn on the device. First, select the minimum speed, then gradually increase it so as not to damage the plumbing and gently remove the blockage.
  4. For mechanical cleaning of sinks can be used wrench and a screwdriver. Using these tools, unscrew the siphon, first substituting a basin or bucket. Next, you need to remove accumulated dirt using a brush, a long-handled brush or any other similar device. It is also recommended to rinse the siphon well to dissolve any remaining fat. Next, screw the part on and turn on the hot water and clean the drain and pipes of dirt.

Household chemicals

What to do if the sink is clogged? Household chemicals will come to the rescue. They are released in various forms: liquid, gel, granular and powder. Best to use liquid formulations, since the powder or granules may not dissolve completely and further increase the blockage, aggravating the situation.

Anti-clog liquid or product available in other forms may contain acids or alkalis. The latter are more aggressive and are not suitable for some materials such as aluminum. Acids have a relatively gentle effect and dissolve most blockages.

The effectiveness and characteristics of household chemicals are also affected by the concentration of the active ingredient: the higher it is, the faster the plug will dissolve, but the greater the likelihood of damage to the plumbing. To avoid damage, carefully read the included instructions before use.

The most popular and effective means“Mole”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Steril”, “Tiret”, “Sanfor” and “Domestos” are considered against blockages. They all have a similar application: first you need to pour or pour the contents of the package into the plumbing fixtures in the kitchen or bathroom (you can use all the sinks at once) and leave for a while, which is indicated in the instructions. Next, turn on the hot water and direct the stream under maximum pressure into the drain to completely wash out the dissolved plug.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will help remove blockages in the sink:

  1. Use salt. The first option is to pour half a glass into the drain, and then immediately pour in a glass of hot water. The second option is to prepare a concentrated solution (five tablespoons of salt per glass of water) and use it. After use, rinse all parts of the plumbing thoroughly, opening the tap as much as possible.
  2. Soda is effective. You can simply pour it into the hole in the volume of one glass. Wait for the product to work and dissolve the fatty deposits, and then rinse the drain with as hot water as possible.
  3. Use regular boiling water: pour it into the drain hole to dissolve the dirt. But this method is not suitable for plastic pipes, as they can be deformed and damaged when high temperatures. And then hot water can be used.
  4. Use vinegar: pour a glass into the sink, leave for an hour or two, depending on the degree of blockage. Next, rinse the drain with maximum pressure of hot water.
  5. To quickly remove the blockage, you can combine soda with vinegar: first pour a glass or a little less of the powder, and then immediately pour in the acid. A quenching reaction will begin, which will help dissolve grease and other contaminants.
  6. To remove a clog in the sink, throw five tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) into the drain hole and pour in a glass of vinegar. Wait half an hour and open the hot water.
  7. Helps deal with minor blockages washing powder. Two or three heaped tablespoons should be poured into the drain hole. Now turn on the hot water to dissolve and foam the powder and gradually remove the plug.
  8. Surprisingly, you can use Alka Seltzer to unclog a drain. Two or three tablets need to be broken and poured into the hole, then filled with hot water. The hissing will start the dissolution of the blockage, and to speed up the process and make it more effective, you can pour in a glass of table vinegar. Then rinse the drain thoroughly with hot water.

Prevention measures

To avoid such an unpleasant problem as a clogged sink, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures:

  • Do not pour grease down the sink; it can solidify and accumulate in the pipes, forming blockages.
  • Before washing dishes, clean them thoroughly, removing and disposing of any remaining food in the trash.
  • Protect the drain hole with a mesh that traps small particles and prevents them from rushing down the drain.
  • Constantly monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures and correct all problems in a timely manner. Replacement of failed parts must be carried out in a timely manner.
  • If tap water is of poor quality and contains impurities, it makes sense to install a filter.
  • Perform preventive cleanings once a week using non-aggressive methods, such as hot water or a plunger.
  • Make sure that no foreign objects get into the drain.