Aucuba care at home propagation by cuttings. Aucuba - a mysterious guest from Japan

golden tree- a plant that has gained popularity due to the unusual color of its foliage. Its scientific name is Aucuba japonica. It is usually classified as a member of the dogwood family, but some distinguish it as a subspecies of the garriaceae family. There is also such a concept as the genus of aucubaceae. Translated from the Japanese language, “Aokiba” means “always green.”

Aucuba japonica is native to subtropical East Asian forests. Represents evergreen tree Not large sizes. The varieties you most often find on sale are: Hillieri, Variegata, Goldiana, Crotonifolia, Dentata.

Flower in home interior began to appear already in the 18th century. Previously, we had only heard about it from the stories of residents of the subtropical climate zone. Residents of Japan were especially lucky, where it was widespread. They could enjoy it unusual appearance at least around the clock. But other inhabitants of the planet were allowed to contemplate the beauty of the golden bush only by visiting the vast expanses of Japan. Indigenous people carefully protected the plant, believing in its magical healing properties. Export was under the strictest ban.

It was only in the 17th century that aucuba was brought to European countries. True, there was a problem with selection. The plant was female, and a male was required for pollination. The situation changed a few decades later thanks to the scientist and botanist from England Robert Fortune. He managed to get a male flower seedling.

Shipping decorative tree was a rather complex and costly process. Therefore, the “golden tree” decorated the houses of only the wealthiest people. Gradually, the flower began to gain increasing popularity and distribution among the inhabitants of Europe. They not only learned how to properly care for it, but were also able to significantly increase the number of copies. In the future, everyone could please themselves with the acquisition of a golden tree.

Aucuba species

There are only 3 large species in the aucubaceae family, as well as many subspecies and varieties. IN wildlife evergreen shrubs are common in the forests of the Himalayas, the Japanese state, the Korean Peninsula and China.

Only 2 types have gained the greatest popularity:

Aucuba japonica

Japanese aucuba (A.japonica)- grows in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. The leaves are large, leathery, dark green in color or with golden spots, oblong. oval shape. The tips of the leaves are found both with teeth and smooth. Berries can have not only a red tint, but also white and green. Small flowers grouped into panicle-shaped inflorescences. It is better to grow it in a separate flowerpot - this way the plant feels better, and you can admire its beauty from all sides.

Aucuba himalayan

Aucuba Himalayan (A.himalaica)- originated in the forests of the Eastern Himalayas. Adapts well to shaded areas, but prefers diffused sunlight. It blooms in March, the fruits are red. The leaf shape is oblong-lacentate. Periodically needs mandatory pruning- new shoots appear quite often.

IN Lately scientists have selected a huge variety of varieties of each species. They differ in the shape and color of the leaves. The edges may be jagged or smooth. Golden spots can be large in size and a huge number, or may be completely absent. After dying, the leaves of the flower turn black. Aucuba foliage is often used in traditional healers' recipes.

Japanese aucuba, home care

IN open ground Aucuba can reach a height of even 5 meters. At home, the tree grows to a maximum of one and a half meters. The flower is unpretentious, it can live not only on the windowsill with sufficient quantity light, but also in the darker part of the room. So you don’t have to worry about allocating a separate place for it among other green fellows in the cramped window sill space.

We list the main points of care:

Important point

It is worth remembering that Japanese aucuba is a poisonous plant. If precautions are not followed, it may cause vomiting, diarrhea with bloody discharge, lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


The aucuba flower is characterized by propagation both by seed and by cuttings. Easier to use at home vegetative method(cuttings). The most optimal period for reproduction is the beginning of spring or the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. The cuttings are prepared by leaving 2 - 3 leaves on them. Rooting is done in moistened sand or peat-sand mixture, covered on top transparent film. Periodically, new specimens are ventilated, sprayed, and also monitored for temperature changes. They should remain between 20 - 22 degrees. Rooted shoots are planted in pots with soil made of sand, humus and turfy soil (0.5:1:1).


Japanese aucuba is prone to rotting in conditions of excess moisture. It is worth monitoring compliance with moderate watering, as well as the presence good drainage. Lack of watering also negatively affects the health of the flower - the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. If you notice that the leaves of your tree have become smaller, take care of timely application of fertilizers. Timely spraying also plays an important role in caring for the golden tree. Use the appearance of the plant to determine the plant's specific care needs.

At home, the risk of pests in a flowerpot is low. But in the summer, when moving to open areas, it is necessary to carefully monitor the possible appearance of harmful insects. Most often these are thrips, whitefly, scale insects, spider mite, mealybug. Pests are eradicated using special preparations.

The magical properties of aucuba

Aucuba is popularly nicknamed the “golden tree” for good reason. The plant not only has a beautiful appearance, reminiscent of expensive metal, but also its healing properties are “worth its weight in gold.” No wonder the Japanese were so protective evergreen shrub from export to foreign countries.

The foliage of the plant contains useful material, helping to destroy harmful bacteria in the airspace. In addition, aucuba is recognized effective remedy in the treatment of burns and injuries. A compress from the leaves of the plant is applied to the affected area and changed periodically. But do not forget about the poisonousness of the flower. To avoid dangerous consequences follow the exact proportions indicated in the recipe.

An evergreen tree also has a beneficial effect on the “microclimate” in family relationships. It promotes cohesion and unity and family. Aucuba creates an atmosphere of peace, good nature and harmony in the house. This has a positive effect not only on the inhabitants of the house, but even on the guests of the home. The flower also helps get rid of negative energy, brought by ill-wishers.

The golden tree, according to legend, attracts happiness and wealth to the house. Caring for a flower helps you gain new strength, discover hidden potential in yourself, and gives you confidence in your endeavors. The plant will be a good gift for your shy and indecisive friend.

Aucuba japonica is a combination of luxurious appearance And useful properties. Golden foliage not only shines beautifully in the sun, but can also heal your burns and bruises. Protect the plant, take care of it, and it will repay you in full.

Aucuba or, as it is popularly called, the “golden tree” is one of the plants that simply cannot be ignored. Glossy, as if covered with wax, rich green leaves with gold veins resemble gold-bearing rock and look very decorative. And we can also add that this subtropical shrub tolerates shearing and crown formation very well, thanks to which the decorative value of the aucuba only increases. It is also believed that the plant disinfects the room in which it is located, as it contains some specific substances.

Aucuba: Benefits and harms

Aucuba has long been used as medicinal plant, applying the leaves of the plant to burns or frostbitten areas, bruises and wounds. Also, preparations based on the plant are used in Eastern folk medicine to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to substances that increase the acidity of gastric juice.

YOU SHOULD KNOW! Despite the use of the plant in folk medicine, it is, first of all, poisonous plant, therefore, during any work on planting, pruning or other contact with any parts of the aucuba, wash your hands thoroughly with soap! The entry of plant juice into the gastrointestinal tract can cause bloody diarrhea, inflammation of the intestines and stomach, as well as disorders of the urinary system! Before “testing yourself” medicinal properties plants, consult your doctor!

Aucuba in the apartment

To successfully grow aucuba at home, you need to try to provide the plant with optimal, close to subtropical, conditions.

In a room with dry air, the golden tree is unlikely to be able to grow and develop, so you will need supplementary irrigation leaves and possibly a humidifier. Room temperature 20 - 25 ˚С is just optimal for the plant in summer; in winter, during the dormant period, you should provide the aucuba with a temperature of 8 to 15˚C (a loggia, an unheated vestibule, or other rooms with the required temperature may be suitable). If you do not have such a room, you will need to provide the plant with additional lighting and frequent irrigation of the leaves.

Aucuba loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct exposure. sun rays Therefore, the plant should be placed in a place illuminated by diffused light or in partial shade.

Watering needs to be plentiful, but not excessive, so that the soil has time to dry out slightly between waterings. Stagnant water will be detrimental, as is the case for most plants. In winter, the number of waterings should be reduced to about one per week.

On the Black Sea coast, the “golden tree” is successfully grown not only as a houseplant, but also as a garden crop. IN open ground the bush can reach 3 - 4 meters in height. The place for planting the aucuba should also be selected based on its preferences: it should be protected from open sunlight and strong winds. The soil should be kept moist, but drainage of the root system is desirable, which will prevent stagnation of water. The plant loves neutral, light, moderately fertilized soil.

Aucuba: Propagation by cuttings

It is relatively easy to propagate aucuba using cuttings. To do this, in March-April you should cut apical cuttings having 2 - 3 last year's leaves, cutting off approximately half or 2/3 of the green mass from each of these leaves. This is done so that more nutrients was given to young growth, and also to create the preconditions for the formation of a bush-like form.

Place the cut cuttings in a damp place to form roots on them. sandy soil, in a place sufficiently lit, but protected from direct sunlight. If frosts are not expected, you can set up a “school” in a shady, damp corner of the garden, but if it is not yet warm enough, you will have to root the cuttings indoors.

Within a month you will see that on most cuttings the young leaves will begin to grow - this will be a signal to plant the cuttings with young roots in small pots, 5 - 7 cm in diameter. Next spring, the young aucuba bush can be transplanted into a larger pot or, if the climate allows, into open ground.

It is believed that the Aucuba plant not only creates a special microclimate in the room, but also protects household members from the influence of negative energy, filling the house with harmony and mutual understanding. When contemplating the Golden Tree bush for a long time, the eyes and nervous system, a certain “contact” is established between a person and a plant, helping to solve all sorts of life difficulties.

Aucuba is a kind of talisman that will thank you a hundredfold for your care and concern.

People began decorating their homes long before our era. After all, home beauty and comfort contribute to the creation of strong and harmonious relationships in the family. One of the components home decoration are houseplants. Some people like brightly and lushly blooming ones, while others just like decorative greenery. Both options are good, the main thing is to choose what the residents really like. One of ornamental plants with colorful leaves, flowers and even berries is the aucuba.

- a genus of perennial evergreen shrub plant. Different biologists include it either in the dogwood family, then in the garriaceae family, or in a separate family of aucubaceae.

The genus includes only three species of plants, two of which are suitable for growing indoors. These are Aucuba japonica and Aucuba Himalayan. This plant very shade-tolerant and can grow even in deep shade, with the exception of plant varieties with variegated colors, since in the shade they lose their beauty. Of course, in bright light it does not lag behind in growth, if diffused light is provided.

Only one species is found in nature, popularly known as the “Golden Tree”; it is often also called the “Sausage Tree”. The distribution area of ​​this species is Korea, China and Japan.

The leaves of domestic aucubaceae are leathery, always green, the flowers are red-brown inflorescence-tufts. After dying, the leaf turns black. There are known ways to use aucuba leaves for medicinal purposes.

Several different forms of aucubaceae have been artificially bred; the resulting varieties may have variegated leaves with spots, or combining two colors - yellow in the middle and green at the edges.


Aucuba should be planted immediately in a large pot. This plant can live in the same pot throughout its life, however a large number of roots will interfere with the further life of the plant and in such a situation it is necessary to transplant into a freer container. Only in the case of a very large pot do you need to make sure it has good drainage, this could be a hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil for planting aucuba is made from a mixture of sand, soil and peat in equal proportions. If the plant is already mature, it must be replanted carefully, by transferring it into the desired container.


Aucuba is watered abundantly in May, June, July and August. It should be watered as soon as the surface in the container dries. Well, in colder times of the year you can’t pour a lot of water, too wet soil will lead to blackening of the leaves and loss of all the beauty of the plant.



It is necessary to spray the plant only in autumn and winter, but it is necessary to do this, especially if the room uses central heating. If the temperature in the room is quite low, spraying should be done very carefully and not abundantly to avoid the appearance of mold. During the rest of the year, aucuba does not need to be sprayed at all.

Top dressing

From the beginning of March until the end of summer you need to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers along with watering every week. The concentration of the fertilizer solution is standard and corresponds to the proportions indicated on the packaging. But in the autumn and winter time no fertilizing is carried out; it is believed that the plant is sleeping at this time. The appearance of small leaves indicates insufficient feeding.


Pruning and pinching of young shoots is carried out in March, thanks to these procedures you can achieve a lush and even crown. The plant can be propagated by cutting young shoots.


Indoor aucuba needs to be replanted once a year until it reaches 5 years of age and as needed, that is, at the moment when it becomes noticeable that the roots do not fit into the container. Plants older than 5 years do not need replanting.

A layer of drainage mass is poured onto the bottom of the new pot to avoid waterlogging of the soil, which is extremely undesirable for this plant. The soil is made up of turf soil(6 parts), leaf and peat soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part). There is another option for preparing soil for aucuba - turf soil (2 parts), sand, humus, peat and leaf soil (1 part each). When replanting the aucuba, it is important not to damage its lush roots; it is best to simply transfer the plant, removing most old soil.

Pests and diseases

Aucuba is susceptible to many pests, so it requires careful care. It is necessary to inspect the plant more often for the presence of pests and, if they are found, immediately apply special preparations. Among these harmful insects– spider mite, whitefly, scale insect, mealybug.


The decorative value of aucuba is expressed in its large, bright leaves. However, growing in room conditions, the plant may sometimes bloom. When this happens, you may notice the appearance of small terminal inflorescences of a fiery red or red color. These inflorescences look very elegant against the background of the variegation of yellow-green leaves. If there is also a male plant in a room with a female plant, then the result of flowering will be small red fruits of an oblong shape, similar to barberry. The flowering stage ends at the end of winter - beginning of spring. Interestingly, aucuba fruits are used for culinary and medicinal purposes.


There are two ways to propagate aucuba: seed and cuttings.

Seed method. Propagation in this way will require freshly collected seeds, which tend to fade quickly. Seeds are obtained by artificially crossing a female and a male plant and by growing plants of different sexes nearby in the natural environment. The seeds are sown in moist soil (peat), covered with polyethylene or glass and placed in a warm place. Periodically it is necessary to additionally moisten the soil and ventilate the container. It will take quite a long time for the seeds to germinate. Young plants can be replanted only when three or four independent leaves appear. This method has one feature - the possible loss of varietal characteristics.

Cutting propagation. In this method of propagation, only last year's apical shoots can be used. For good rooting, the cut cuttings must have at least three leaves. The cuttings are planted in sand or a mixture of sand and peat, covered with plastic film or glass. The container is ventilated and the soil is moistened weekly. The temperature is kept within 22 degrees. Planting sprouts into separate pots becomes possible after the cuttings are completely rooted.

Rest period

Aucuba has a dormant period in October, November, January and February. For four months the plant literally sleeps, most of it physiological processes stops, some even stop altogether. During this period, no new leaves appear and no flowering occurs. Throughout hibernation, you need to maintain a temperature of 8-14 degrees, water regularly, but do not feed.


The toxic properties of indoor plants must be taken into account, especially if there are children or animals in the house. All parts of the aucuba are poisonous - both leaves, flowers and fruits. When using the plant for culinary or medicinal purposes, you must strictly follow the recipe. After handling it, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Beneficial features

Aucuba, in addition to its ease of cultivation and ability to decorate a room, also has healing properties. The active substances contained in the leaves of this plant can kill harmful bacteria in the air. In addition to regulating microflora, it is able to help its owner with injuries and burns.

Considering, first of all, the poisonous properties of the plant, its use for medicinal purposes should be carried out strictly in accordance with the recipe and proportions. So, in case of a burn, you only need to soften two leaves of aucuba to a paste and apply a compress to the damaged area, replacing it with a new one every two hours. In case of tumors, frostbite and bruises, just apply the sheet to the affected area.

Recipes traditional medicine based on aucuba came to us from his homeland - Japan. In addition to the ability of this plant to heal wounds, the Japanese note its amazing ability to create a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the family. The plant also has a positive effect on people with high self-esteem and those who suffer from boasting. It greatly facilitates communication with such a person and helps to heal this not very pleasant character trait. Aucuba has magical ability eliminate negative energy from ill-wishers who come to visit, so for family well-being it is worth keeping it in your home.

Due to its healing and magical properties, the aucuba flower is considered a good hostess gift. Such a gift will mean that the person who presented it wishes exclusively good and prosperity to the house he came to visit.

They say that the owner of an aucuba who properly cares for and loves his plant cannot be offended. This flower has long been considered a home talisman among the peoples of China, Korea and Japan, and now it is becoming increasingly popular among us.

Aucuba is native to the subtropical forests of Central Asia. She came to Europe in late XVII century and quickly gained popularity among the local population. The original coloring of the leaves and ease of propagation allowed the evergreen tree to become a regular guest both in greenhouses and among.

Description of the genus

The golden aucuba tree includes two genera - Himalayan aucuba and Japanese aucuba. It has a woody stem, dense, glossy, green leaves. Aucuba flowers are white-brown, collected in a bunch, small and inconspicuous.


Aucuba cuttings will allow you to transfer the maternal varietal qualities. Having chosen this propagation method, you should cut off a branch of the plant at the beginning of spring or autumn (it must have at least 3 leaves).

The cut branch is placed in a pot with sand or soil mixture to grow roots. For creating optimal conditions, cover with plastic and regularly. It is important to periodically spray and open the polyethylene so that the plant is saturated with oxygen.

Home care

Having bought an aucuba, you don’t have to worry that caring for it at home will be difficult and troublesome.

Translated, the name of the plant sounds like “always green.” Foliage remains decorative all year round. Quirky yellow spots on the foliage is often compared to reflections of the sun and nuggets of gold. For this, the aucuba was nicknamed the “golden tree.”

How does she look

It grows in the form of a voluminous shrub or low tree. In nature it can stretch up to four meters, a height of artificial conditions- one and a half to two meters. The branches are highly branched. The bark is dark green, smooth, often with brownish or red streaks. Lower leaves Over time they fall off, leaving traces on the trunk.

The leaves are attached by petioles, oblong, dark, with various spots and patterns yellow color. It is characterized by a fold along the main vein. The edges of the leaves are uneven and serrated. In nature, flowering begins at the very beginning of spring. It hardly blooms in the apartment. Inflorescences are paniculate or racemose, located on the tops of the shoots.

Aucuba is a dioecious plant. For pollination and fruit set, two bushes are needed - male and female. It is almost impossible to get seeds in an apartment. After pollination, fruits are set - rich red berries with a single seed inside. The berries are very poisonous!

Varieties in indoor culture

Aucuba is not very diverse. Only three species of the plant are known. Only two of them are suitable for growing indoors. But based on these species, breeders have developed several interesting varieties with enhanced decorative qualities.

  • Aucuba Himalayan. Not very common in culture. The leaves are pure green, elongated, oblong. There is a slight point at the tip of the leaves. The edges are jagged or entire.
  • Aucuba japonica. The main variety for home grown. Stems are woody and green. The leaves are leathery, elongated-oval, located opposite on the stem. The edges of the leaves are serrated. Based on the species, several hybrid varieties with different locations and sizes of yellow spots.

A perennial plant that does not lose its decorative effect for a long time. IN favorable conditions lives up to ten years. Young plants develop quickly and intensively gain green mass. The average growth per year is 15-20 cm.

Features of caring for Japanese Aucuba

If you know all the features of caring for Japanese aucuba, you can avoid most diseases. Overall, this is not a fussy plant and is easy to grow. Subject to compliance with a number of recommendations from experienced flower growers Even beginners have no problems growing it.

  • Lighting. Create diffuse but bright lighting. Do not place them in the open sun - burns quickly appear on the leaves, and the characteristic golden pattern is smoothed out. Tolerates light partial shade, but in strong shade it stretches out and loses its decorative effect. In winter they organize additional lighting- Aucuba needs long daylight hours.
  • Temperature. Maintain neutral temperatures in the range of 19-20°C. It cannot stand the heat - it provokes rapid aging and leaf fall. In summer they are moved outside, but protected from precipitation and open sun. In winter you need coolness - no more than 14°C. Cold temperatures below 5°C are not allowed. If it is impossible to organize a cold winter, the flower is regularly sprayed and placed under fluorescent lamps.
  • Watering. It is recommended to water immediately after the top layer of the substrate has dried. In summer, water abundantly, in cool times - moderately. It tolerates overdrying more easily than excess moisture. In constant dampness, the leaves of Japanese aucuba turn black.
  • Humidity. Neutral to dry air. Spraying is necessary in winter during warm winters and in summer during extreme heat. A plant overwintering in a cool room is not sprayed - the combination of moisture and cold provokes the development of fungal diseases.
  • The soil. The soil needs to be light and loose. The simplest composition is equal quantities leaf soil and turf. Sand is added as a leavening agent. Be sure to provide a drainage layer.
  • Feeding. Fertilizers are applied in spring and summer. The intervals between feedings are a week. Mineral complexes are often added, sometimes you can feed them with organic matter.
  • Transfer. If there is not enough space for the roots, it would be correct to transplant the aucuba into another pot. Mature plants are usually replanted at least once every two years. Young, intensively growing specimens are replanted annually. The roots are fragile and brittle - they are transplanted very carefully. It's better not to disturb root system- replant using the transshipment method. The day before transplanting, the aucuba must be watered. The pot is chosen to be wide and not very high.

How to care for aucuba after transplantation? Aukube provide maximum comfortable conditions- protect from the sun, maintain moderate temperature and humidity.

Pruning Basics

In early spring, even before signs of active growth, it is recommended to prune aucuba. Overgrown shoots are trimmed, giving the bush a neat shape. Pruning stimulates branching, the growth of side shoots, and forms a lush crown.

In young specimens, all new shoots are pinched. Aucuba is a fast growing crop. The average growth per year is up to 20 cm. Without pruning, the shrub quickly grows to large sizes and turns out shapeless.

Aucuba takes pruning well. Long, elongated shoots are pruned by a third annually. Straight branches are pinched or trimmed to encourage lateral branching. Remove branches directed into the bush, diseased and dried shoots.

An adult aucuba is often transplanted into a tub and grown as a floor plant. Looks good in large spacious living rooms.

How to propagate

Growing aucuba in a pot at home requires periodic replacement of the plant. In the absence of proper formation and simply due to age, the lower part of the branches gradually becomes bare. It is better to think in a timely manner about growing a new plant to replace the old one. There are only two methods of reproduction.


Seed propagation - difficult process. Seeds lose their viability very quickly, so they are usually sown immediately after collection. But since it is almost impossible to get them at home, you have to rely on the germination of store-bought seeds. It is better to sow with a reserve - only a small part can sprout.

Sow the seeds in a peat-sand mixture and cover the top with glass or film. During the period of germination of Aucuba seeds, the temperature is kept moderate - about 21-22°C. The glass is removed daily, the greenhouse is ventilated, and the soil is sprayed if necessary.

When the sprouts appear, the cover is removed. Grown-up Aucuba seedlings can be planted in separate containers. At first, they adhere to a gentle care regime, gradually accustoming them to bright light and abundant watering.


It is much easier to propagate aucuba from cuttings in water or soil. In reviews and on forums you can find information that aucuba takes longer to take root in water, but in further plant develops faster.

Cuttings are cut in early spring or closer to autumn. At least two leaves are left on each cutting. The lower cut can be treated with Heteroauxin or Kornevin to accelerate the appearance of roots.

The treated cuttings are placed in a glass of water with the addition of a tablet. activated carbon or immediately dig into light soil. When rooting in the ground, use a shelter made of polyethylene or glass. In both cases, the temperature is maintained at 22°C.

After the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into separate small pots. Young plants are given careful care until stable signs of growth appear. Then they are gradually transferred to standard care, as for adult plants.

Growing difficulties

Aucuba - exotic plant. For good growth and maintaining decorative properties, it needs correct microclimate, balanced care. If containment conditions are violated, a number of problems may arise. The most common consequences of care errors are shown in the table.

Table - Difficulties in growing aucuba

Problem encounteredPossible reasons
The leaves are falling- Low humidity;
- heat
The leaves are turning pale- Too bright lighting;
- sunny place
Young leaves become smaller- Lack of nutrients
Yellowing and falling of lower leaves- Natural process;
- unsystematic watering;
- sudden temperature changes
Drying of tips and edges of leaves- Bright lighting;
- drying out of the earth in summer;
- dry air in the winter season
Black spots on leaves- Wintering in a warm place;
- dry air

The most common disease we encounter is rot as a result of excessive soil moisture. Treatment of rot - removal of damaged roots, treatment with systemic fungicides.

Aucuba pests

Pests cause a lot of problems. Aucuba is especially often attacked by spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, thrips, etc. They are dealt with in approximately the same way - they mechanically remove insects with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab and treat the plant with insecticides. More detailed signs of pest damage are given in the table.

Table - Aucuba pests

Insect nameSigns of defeat
Spider mite- Thin cobweb on back side leaves;
- yellowing, drying of leaves;
- small light dots with outside sheet
Mealybug- Aucuba wilt;
- formation of lumps of “cotton wool” in the axils of leaves
Thrips- The appearance of small light dots on the outside of the leaf, brown dots on the inside;
- Aucuba leaves appear silvery;
- yellowing, drying and falling of leaves
Shchitovka- Insects are visible to the naked eye in the form of brown plaques on the stems;
- the appearance of sticky drops;
- wilting of the plant
Whitefly- Small white flying insects above the flower;
- sticky discharge on the leaves;
- drying out and falling of leaves

Knowing and understanding how to care for Japanese aucuba, you can avoid most of the problems described. This is a very beautiful long-lived plant that long years will delight you with its unusual decorative foliage.