Flower male happiness spots on the leaves. Frequent diseases of anthurium

Anthurium is the flower of kings, which pleases with long, noble flowering regardless of the time of year. Red, white, pink, purple plates appear on a mature bush and last for several months without characteristic features aging. But Only a healthy plant can please you with abundant and rich flowering. That is why every gardener should know not only how anthurium grows, but also study leaf diseases (see photo below) and ways to treat the bush so as not to lose the plant completely.

Anthurium flower diseases, as a rule, arise due to violations of the rules of care. The flower with its entire appearance asks for help, signaling a loss of comfort. Common causes of trouble are:

But it happens that they appear on the leaves of anthurium brown spots due to insect infestation or disease. It is worth noting that despite the presence of third-party negative factors, it is improper care that leads to a general weakening of the plant’s supporting forces and to the development of infections.

To avoid any questions about what to do when the anthurium leaves turn yellow, you need to create optimal conditions keeping your green pet.

Signs of non-communicable diseases:

Non-infectious diseases of anthurium occur when agricultural practices are violated. The plant reacts especially painfully to drafts in winter period.

Infectious diseases in popular culture are caused by the introduction of spores into the body of a plant. Microbes develop very rapidly and can destroy not only the infected specimen, but also their neighbors on the windowsill. IN closed space Fungal spores multiply and are transmitted from plant to plant very quickly. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, treatment with special chemicals is necessary.

Causes of fungal infections:

The development of fungal infections is much easier to prevent. For these purposes, professionals recommend adding charcoal to the soil or using the long-acting Glyokladin product, which will help protect against phytovirus, fusarium and other troubles.

Fungal diseases of anthurium and their treatment

With a decrease in immunity, the plant may be susceptible to fungal diseases, such as:

A healthy plant is extremely rarely subject to fungal infections, and therefore the gardener should make every effort to create optimal conditions for the bush.

Yellowness of leaves

Yellow spots on anthurium leaves are the first signs of a gardener's mistakes. The most common reasons their appearances are considered:

  • Illiterate watering or use of hard, cold water.
  • Unregulated application of nutrients.
  • Dry ambient air, especially in winter when central heating is on.
  • Keep in a dark place.

As a result of prolonged keeping of a flower in a room with improper conditions, it becomes depleted, yellowness spreads and fungal infections or rot forms.

But before determining the anthurium disease and how to treat the problem, you should observe the nature of the drying of the leaf. Perhaps this is the natural aging of the leaf plate. Age-related yellowing begins from the edge of the leaf and spreads to its center. Over time, the leaf blade loses its juiciness, turns brown, dries and falls off. Many gardeners are interested in: is it necessary to remove yellow leaves? Professionals recommend using a clean instrument for the procedure, and sprinkle the cut areas with crushed powder. charcoal. It is necessary to remove yellow plates, as they not only reduce the decorative effect, but also draw nutrition from the plant.

If the leaves of an anthurium turn yellow, and the reason is improper care, the gardener should adjust the conditions as quickly as possible and help the plant regain its strength. If the cause is fungal infections, then you can’t do without using chemicals.

Blackening of foliage

Improper maintenance of anthurium leads to the appearance of diseases. One of the common ones is blackening of the leaf blade. Reasons for curling, blackening and drying of the leaves of a flowering bush:

Insects - pests of anthurium

Anthurium or the flower of “male happiness” is quite resistant to pests. However, it can become “home and dinner” for:

Anthurium is a guest of distant countries with a different climate and requirements for living conditions. Pampered by a long warm period with sufficiently bright lighting, a light composition of the substrate, and sufficient air humidity, in new conditions exotic often becomes the target of diseases and pests. Externally, the disease most often manifests itself on the leaves. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine What is wrong with anthurium, how to treat leaf diseases. The descriptions, photos and drawings below will help you determine the cause and find the right solution when treating your pet.

What are Anthurium diseases and the causes of their occurrence?

Violation of sanitary standards

The root cause of diseases is the owner’s attitude towards the purchased indoor plant. The flower needs time to adapt to new conditions. The plant requires individual observation to exclude infection.

To keep your flowers healthy, you need to isolate all newly purchased indoor plants from other crops for 2 weeks and keep them in quarantine conditions. During this period, healthy plants adapt and continue their growth and development. Patients will manifest external signs diseases.

Disease groups

Diseases of indoor plants are divided into 2 groups: non-infectious and infectious.

Non-communicable diseases are the result of a violation of the maintenance of the flower in conditions that do not meet its requirements. Such diseases do not affect other plants. When the source of the disease is eliminated, they recover without causing damage to other crops.

Infectious diseasesand I cause pathogenic infections that necessarily affect other plants. Changing hosts, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses multiply quickly and in a short time can destroy almost all nearby plants.

Eliminating non-communicable diseases

Non-infectious diseases include: violation of environmental requirements - draft, low temperature, dry air, incorrectly selected substrate, fertilizing, watering, natural aging of the plant.

Problem: Leaves are curling throughout the plant.

The appearance of the leaves indicates problems

Cause and solution to the problem:

Improper care of anthurium;

Requirements for environment. The plant is located in a draft. Not enough lighting or too bright burning lighting. The air may be dry, but watering is plentiful. When the requirements are normalized, the flower recovers.

Problem: the anthurium leaves have begun to turn yellow.

The leaves are turning yellow

Cause and solution to the problem

  • If the lower leaves gradually turn yellow.

Natural aging of the plant is manifested. It is enough to carefully trim off the old leaves with a disinfected tool. The plant needs rejuvenation. Yellowing leaves can cause disease.

The second cause of yellowing of leaves is diseases: chlorosis, gray rot

  • U young plant Leaves throughout the plant turn yellow.

The lighting may be too bright. It is enough to shade the plant or move it to a less lit place.

Yellowing of anthurium leaves

  • The green color fades, the leaves acquire a yellowish tint.

Lack of lighting. In the autumn-winter period, additional lighting is necessary.

The leaves of the plant turn pale from lack of light

Problem: Anthurium leaves dry out

Anthurium leaves dry out

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Violation of temperature and humidity conditions.

– A possible cause is a draft. Move the plant to another place or eliminate the cause of the draft.

– The room may have dry air. It is necessary to install humidifiers, systematically moisten the air without getting drops of moisture on the flowers.

– Insufficient watering. If the soil is dry to the depth of the phalanx, watering is necessary. In the future, normalize watering the plant.

Problem: spots of different colors and diameters have appeared on the anthurium leaves.

Brown, yellow spots. Anthurium leaves get burned from excess light.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Evidence of sunburn. A change of location or shading is necessary. It appears in the form of brown spots randomly located on the leaf blades. Move to another location and create an optimal one temperature regime.

Problem: young leaves are too large and have an unusual pale green color. The leaves take on different colors.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogen.
  • Violation of the quantity and ratio of nutrients in the soil.

Additional watering is necessary to flush out excess fertilizer. Adding agrovermiculite to the substrate. Reduce doses or temporarily eliminate feeding. If the feeding rules are not violated, a lack of microelements is likely. Feed with half the dose of microelements (buy in the store).

Problem: the tips of the leaves throughout the plant dry out, sometimes the leaf turns completely black.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Perhaps the humidity of the air and soil is greatly reduced;
  • roots do not have enough pot space;
  • little oxygen reaches the roots;
  • the soil is over-fertilized and contains an increased amount of calcium.

If the humidity is normalized, but the tips continue to dry, sometimes gradually capturing the entire leaf blade, it is necessary to transplant the anthurium into a new, properly prepared substrate, reduce the dose and reduce the amount of fertilizing.

Problem: the inflorescence dries out and turns black.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • The natural flowering period is ending;
  • Lighting too bright, possible sunburn;
  • Water got on the flowers when spraying;
  • The humidity regime of air and soil is disturbed.

Cut off diseased inflorescences with bracts. Shade the plant. Normalize the humidity regime. Keep expanded clay or pebbles in the tray constantly moist. When spraying and watering, avoid getting water on the inflorescence and the cover.

Problem: anthurium leaves lose turgor, wither, but do not fall off.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Too frequent and abundant watering;
  • Damage to the root system by fungal rot.

The plant must be urgently transplanted into another disinfected pot or another flower container. Change the soil completely. Rinse the roots in warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Trim off diseased roots. Dry for 20-30 minutes. Treat with root and plant, following all the rules.

Infectious diseases of anthurium

If all the violations committed when caring for the anthurium have been corrected, but the flower continues to hurt, and nearby plants begin to get sick, this is clearly an infectious lesion.

Of the infectious diseases, arthurium is most often affected, and most diseases are transmitted through the external environment:

  • rot of stems and roots;
  • leaf rust;
  • anthracnose (powdery mildew, real and downy);
  • fusarium wilt;
  • septoria, etc.

When treating indoor plants, it is safest to use biofungicides. They do not harm the health of humans, animals and birds. They can be used in tank mixtures with bioinsecticides (against pests). Treat plants when they are sick at least 2 times a month. For preventative purposes, treatments are carried out once a month, or less often if the plants look absolutely healthy.

Rot of stems and root system

The plant as a whole quickly fades. On the surface of the roots and at the basal part of the stem, depressed dark spots appear, covered with a white or gray dense coating. This coating is the mycelium of the fungus, which forms asci with spores (small black dots are visible) that infect other plants. The stem is watery, rotten to the touch.

Dense gray mold appears on leaves and even (in advanced cases) on inflorescences. Characteristic of young plants recently transplanted into new containers with fresh substrate.

Causes and treatment

The mycelium of the fungus, growing in the soil, penetrates into the root system. Infection occurs during transplantation into contaminated, poorly disinfected soil or poorly prepared planting container. The cause of the disease may be excessive watering with poor drainage or lack of ventilation.

To treat, remove the plant from the pot. Replace thoroughly disinfected substrate and planting container. Inspect the plant, cut off all affected roots and leaves. Wash the roots in potassium permanganate, treat according to recommendations with biofungicides:

  • root;
  • planrizom;
  • phytodoctor;
  • phytocide;
  • gaupsin.

You can spray the above-ground mass with the same preparations or use biofungicides in tank mixtures:

  • trichodermin;
  • phytosporin-M;
  • gamair;
  • Alirin, etc.

Leaf rust

The causative agent is a group of rust fungi that have the ability long time remain viable on infected plant debris.

Rust on anthurium

External manifestation of the disease

Loose thickenings are visible on leaf blades and stems orange color. The brownish-rusty hue determined the name of the disease. If the infection is severe, the leaves and the entire plant dry out and fall off. the shortest possible time.

Causes and treatment

Transfer of spores from other infected plants. Keeping plants under conditions of temperature and humidity disturbances. Too frequent and abundant spraying. Lack of ventilation. The plant may bend to one side due to damage to the stem.

  • To prevent fungal diseases, anthurium leaves are wiped with a 1% solution. Bordeaux mixture on both sides.
  • Diseased leaves and shoots are torn off and burned.
  • For treatment, the same biological products are used as for protection against rot. The diseased plant is sprayed 2 times a month.

You can use chemical fungicidal preparations Topaz, Ordan, Acrobat. Be careful. The drugs are poisonous. Spraying should be carried out in separate room in compliance with personal sanitary protection measures.

Powdery mildew on anthurium

The causative agents of anthracnose or powdery mildew (downy and true) are a group of downy mildew fungi. Fungal spores have an increased ability to survive on plant debris under harsh environmental conditions.

External manifestation of the disease

With local damage, a white-grayish pubescence appears on the lower and then upper sides of the leaf, like light touch. With severe damage, the plant acquires a chlorotic appearance. Violated external structure plants (leaves become smaller, internodes become shorter).

Causes and treatment

The main reason is high humidity air and temperature violations (above or below optimal). When keeping the plant in low temperature conditions, avoid spraying. Air humidity and high temperatures can be reduced by ventilation without cooling drafts.

For treatment, wipe the leaf blades with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or a solution of systemic contact chemical fungicides - Acrobat, Topaz, etc.

It is safer to use biofungicides for spraying and applying to the soil during irrigation:

  • haupsin;
  • trichoderma;
  • planriza;
  • gamaira;
  • pentophaga;
  • bactophyta;
  • pseudobacterin.

The use of biofungicides will provide maximum effect when used as recommended.

Fusarium and septoria

Fusarion and septoria wilts affect plants upon contact with contaminated soil and air flows saturated with spores. Fungal spores are highly resistant to high temperatures and some chemicals, which makes disease prevention difficult.

Anthurium - diseases (septoria, chlorosis)

Fusarium infection of a flower Male happiness

Causes and treatment

Failure to comply with the phyto-sanitary regime when purchasing new plants. Violation of requirements when transplanting plants. Do not allow the soil ball to dry out with abundant watering.

  • From chemicals Vitaros, Fundazol, Acrobat, etc. are used for treating plants and soil.
  • Of the biofungicides, the same tank mixtures are used as for other fungicidal lesions of anthurium.

Dear readers! You have become familiar with the external manifestations of the main non-infectious and infectious diseases of anthurium. Non-communicable diseases with normalization of basic environmental requirements and proper care curable. Infectious diseases, spreading many times faster, affecting nearby plants. These are mainly fungal infections, each of which has its own characteristics. With proper diagnosis and implementation protective measures, the plants can be saved. But if the damage is extensive, better plant destroy.

Brown spots on the leaves are often found on anthurium. This phenomenon is considered a bad symptom, since anthurium is a luxurious indoor plant with heavy, shiny leaves and beautiful flowers. Therefore, it is important to know why anthurium has brown spots on its leaves, as well as how to eliminate the problem. If you don’t know how to solve problems yourself, contact experienced flower growers for advice.

Plant care rules

Anthurium is capricious plant. Some of its species are grown only in greenhouse conditions. It is also important to take into account when growing a plant that its juice consists of toxins that can adversely affect human mucous membranes.

Features of caring for anthurium:

  1. It is recommended to grow the flower in partial shade or on a windowsill with diffused light, as it does not like bright light. At the same time, it is important to provide the anthurium with additional lighting in winter. Otherwise, the plant will not produce flower stalks.
  2. In summer, the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter the plant can develop at a temperature of 14 - 16 degrees.
  3. To prevent the anthurium from dying, it is necessary to avoid places with drafts.
  4. It is recommended to water the flower lightly warm water. In summer, watering is carried out once every three days, and in winter - once every seven days. The remaining water from the pan after watering must be poured out so that the roots do not rot.
  5. It is also important to ensure good air humidity in the room where the flower is grown. Spray the leaves systematically, but in such a way that water does not get on the flowers.
  6. Apply twice a month with a mineral solution or organic fertilizer. It is necessary to feed during flowering and active growth of the plant.
  7. Anthurium grows best in self-prepared soil. Mix humus (two parts) with leaf soil and peat (one part each), as well as sand (half part). Crushed bricks or cones are added as drainage.
  8. After purchasing an anthurium, it is important to transplant it into a new, suitable-sized pot with the correct soil.

Read also: How often and when does aloe bloom?

At home, the plant can be propagated using cuttings. Cut cuttings from the tops of the flower along with aerial roots. Plant them according to the rules in prepared containers.

To prevent the plant from disappearing, it must be protected from attacks by aphids, scale insects, and fungal infections.

If mistakes are made with watering, the feeding schedule is disrupted, the air in the room is excessively dry or correct lighting plants, the leaves of the anthurium gradually dry out.

Often the development and beauty of plant leaves is affected by a sharp temperature change, as well as growing a flower in a cold room.

If the rules for growing a plant are violated, it begins to hurt and disappears. Therefore, it is important to know the main reasons why anthurium leaves dry out or become stained different color.

Wrong fertilizer

A lack of nutrients is indicated by slow plant growth and small young leaves. The leaves turn brown due to a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, as well as calcium or magnesium.

If there is an excess of fertilizers, they can also change their color. sheet plates anthurium. To save the plant, replant it in new soil, washing the roots first.

Causes of blackening of leaves

The following reasons lead to blackening of anthurium leaves:

  • influence of direct sun rays;
  • drafts;
  • incorrect air temperature;
  • the presence of calcium salts in the substrate.

If there is a black coating on the leaves caused by an excess of calcium salts in the soil, replace the substrate containing leaf humus and peat. Next, the flower is watered only with softened water.

If the anthurium leaves turn black due to a draft, the pot needs to be moved to another cozy place.

If the leaf blades turn black due to exposure to sunlight, make a shaded place for the flower. It is important to ensure that the flowerpot gets scattered sunlight or partial shade.

If the leaves are covered with yellow spots and begin to curl, it means that the plant has been attacked by aphids. To save the plant, treat it by special means or tobacco tincture.

If the shoots are covered with cracks and the leaves are stained, the flower is affected by a mealybug. To destroy it, karbofos is used.

Dark spots on anthurium leaves appear due to a scale insect attack. Pests need to be removed and plants treated laundry soap, mixed with kerosene.

Read also: Asparagus - care, reproduction, problems

Appearance of brown spots

Anthurium produces brown spots on the leaves due to the following reasons:

  1. improper feeding. It is recommended to fertilize with fertilizers with balanced substances;
  2. if the temperature in the room is too low, the leaves become covered with small brown dots.

If brown spots are noticed, the stem may have suffered from a mealyworm, which can be destroyed with special chemicals.

Appearance of yellow spots

Anthurium leaves turn yellow due to lack of light in winter. Watering the plant with water containing chlorine and heavy metal oxides also leads to this phenomenon. To avoid yellowing of the leaf blades, it is recommended to water the flower with rain, melt or settled water.

If water accumulates in the pan, the roots of the flower rot and the leaves turn yellow. It is important to moisten the soil moderately and drain excess liquid from the pan.

plant in small pot may also produce yellow leaves. In this case, it needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

Anthurium leaves dry out due to dry air, insufficient watering, diseases or aphids.

The frequency of watering depends on the time of year. The soil should dry out to a third of the pot between waterings. To increase air humidity, spray the leaves with water daily.

If the leaves dry out at the edges and then begin to dry out completely, it means that the plant has suffered from anthracnose. To eliminate the disease, treat with a systemic fungicide.

Dry tips on leaves can form due to a lack of oxygen in the root system. In this case, replant the anthurium in soil with cones or charcoal.

Age-related changes

Most often, the leaf blades of anthurium turn yellow due to aging. Age-related changes affect foliage, which is closer to the ground, more.

The yellowness spreads over the entire area of ​​the leaf, causing it to lose its elasticity and juiciness and acquire a brown color. After some time, it disappears on its own if it is not removed first.

If the anthurium is well and properly cared for, the loss of old leaves does not harm the plant, since young healthy leaves begin to grow at the top of the stem.

Since yellowing leaves do not benefit the plant, but only take away strength, it is best to remove them in a timely manner. If you remove the old leaves, the flower will begin to develop better and become more attractive.

Anthurium - known as the "flamingo flower" - is a tropical crop with very beautiful flowers and waxy leaves. This indoor plant is capricious and difficult to care for, and is very susceptible to infection by infections and pests. Major diseases affect appearance beautiful leaves, is also a signal that the plant is not receiving proper care. In this article you will learn how to treat anthurium, what pests can bother you, examples in the photo will help you decide on the type of infection.

The flamingo flower looks very exotic. Anthurium belongs to evergreens, its flowers have a variety of colors: a spectrum from white to purple. Its leaves are most susceptible to disease. Against the background of such excellent flowering, yellow or rusty leaves ruin the whole look. The flower requires constant attention and care, timely treatment. Cut flowers are very popular among florists: they can last in a vase for several weeks. All anthurium diseases occur for three reasons:

  • improper care;
  • infection, fungus;
  • pests

Attention! The first reason often becomes the impetus for the emergence of the last two. A plant is like any organism: weakened immunity is a reason for the occurrence of diseases.

Non-infectious diseases of anthurium

The non-infectious disease can be identified by the leaves. These include slower growth, yellowing, the appearance of “rusty” spots, and curling. Mold may grow on the base of the plant, which is also a symptom of the disease. Each violation carries certain information.

Anthurium bloom
  1. Brown dots that gradually increase in size indicate that the plant is not receiving enough heat. Or vice versa, the leaves are exposed to direct sunlight and get burned.
  2. Spots on the leaves indicate that the owner is watering the plant with unfiltered water, or the water is too hard. The solution to this problem will be melt water. It does not contain as much salt as regular tap water. Overwatering will also contribute to the appearance of dark spots and spots.
  3. A dried border indicates a violation of the temperature of the plant and the presence of drafts.
  4. Yellow or whitish color of the leaves indicates insufficient light. Second possible reason is a weakening of the rhizome. Associated symptoms will be weakened plant growth and lack of flowering.
  5. Dry leaves, drying neck and mold signal rotten roots. The plant must be urgently replanted in clean soil and a disinfected pot. When replanting, rotten roots must be carefully removed to keep the rest healthy.

Infectious diseases of anthurium

The cause of infection is microbes and spores that have entered the flower's body. Anthurium is the most responsive to infections. If infection appears, the flower must be urgently quarantined to avoid infection of other domestic crops.

Attention! The disease is spread by contaminated tools, diseased sprouts brought from another gardener, and insects.

To avoid infection of the plant, the soil must always be first disinfected with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. The most common diseases are:

  • fungal infection - septoria. Brown spots with a yellow edge will appear on the leaves; watering spreads the infection to other leaves;

  • anthracosis, powdery mildew. The onset of the disease is indicated by the appearance of dark brown spots with black dots inside on the leaves. These are spores of the fungus Colletorichum, which, with the slightest moisture or watering, spread to healthy leaves. If you do not pay attention to the infection in time, the plant will very soon dry out completely, even the root;
  • rust. The appearance of loose, red-colored mounds on the leaves is characteristic. To get rid of the disease, you need to burn the bad leaves and wipe the entire plant with a fungicide. Spraying is contraindicated to avoid further infection;
  • fusarium wilt. The most dangerous and unwanted disease of anthurium. It affects the entire rhizome and leaves at once. The flower suddenly begins to wither and dry up. To revive an infected plant, it needs to be transplanted into clean soil and a sterilized pot. Before transplanting, it is necessary to remove the soil, hold the anthurium in a foundation solution, and remove the most affected areas.

Harmful insects

Penetrating from external environment insect pests also cause anthurium disease. Insects can only be detected by daily inspection of the plant. That’s why it’s so important to treat your houseplants with love and care.

Thrips infestation

Most often, thrips penetrate and spider mite. These insects suck the sap from the plant. nutrients, which leads to the death of the flower. Damage to anthurium by aphids, scale insects, and root nematodes is also common.

Despite its whimsicality and susceptibility to diseases, anthurium is very beautiful flower. And every florist who respects his business will not be able to resist purchasing a flamingo flower. Take care of him, resuscitate him in a timely manner, create everything the necessary conditions, and he will definitely respond with his unsurpassed flowering.

Anthurium: video


Anthurium is a plant from the family Araceae (Arumaceae), belongs to one of the many genera, numbering about 900 species. Translated from Latin, the name of the plant means “tail”; perhaps that is why it is also called the “flamingo flower.”


Anthurium is native to the tropics and subtropics of America, northern Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina. The vast majority of species are erect herbs growing in tropical forests. With evolution, these plants turned into creeping plants - epiphytes and vines with aerial roots. Anthurium is also grown at home. It is popular for its spathes, which are shaped like a large petal that fits tightly to the inflorescence. The inflorescences form cobs in the form of thick tails.

Ornamental are beautifully flowering subspecies that have become commercially widespread. Used as a garden or cutting plant indoor plant. How does anthurium differ from other plants and what are its specifics? This is what we will talk about today.


The first thing worth mentioning when discussing care rules is that the plant is poisonous. You need to be careful when working with a flower. Buy gloves that will protect your hands from the poisonous sap. Make sure that children or animals cannot reach the flower pot.

Room temperature

The main growing problem is foliage disease. Black spots appear on the leaves, they dry out and curl due to improper care or due to pest exposure. To prevent this, you need to ensure optimal temperature conditions. This is 16–15 degrees in winter. In spring and summer, the temperature in the room can be from 20 to 25 degrees.

The plant should not suffer from drafts and wind; it needs to grow in conditions reminiscent of the warm climate of its homeland all year round. If you want the anthurium to start blooming earlier than usual, then gradually increase the temperature to 23–25 degrees. This is usually done in January.


Anthuriums love good diffused light and tolerate shading well. Shading from direct rays is necessary, otherwise dark spots will begin to appear on the leaves or they will dry out. Place pots with plants on windows on the east or northwest sides.


Humidity should be high, especially in autumn and spring, when growth is most active. At the same time, it is necessary to provide abundant watering. Spray the flower using water room temperature. This procedure must be repeated twice a day. But do not allow water to stagnate in the soil!

The mistake many gardeners make when watering is overwatering, which provokes rotting of the root system. To prevent rotting, fill the pot with a drainage layer, which will control the level of liquid in the container. It is better to grow in a pot that is not too deep, but wide - the plant has a shallow root system. Due to the aerial roots, it receives the necessary moisture from the air, so wrap the roots with sphagnum moss, spraying it periodically.

Improper watering causes problems: dry leaves appear, brown and yellow spots on them, root system is rotting. Between waterings upper layer should dry out a little. However, you should not allow the earthen coma to dry out. To ensure that the plant blooms profusely, reduce watering slightly in winter and autumn. Use soft rainwater. If you use tap water, it needs to be softened, as it contains a lot of lime.

Anthuriums love high humidity, from 85 to 95%. Many plants of this genus suffer from dry indoor air, especially species with brightly colored, thin leaves (majestic or crystal). To maintain the required humidity in the apartment, place the pot on a tray filled with wet gravel. Instead of gravel, you can use expanded clay. The pots can be placed in sphagnum moss, which should also be moist.

It’s not bad if you make an indoor greenhouse. It is better to wash off dust from the leaves with a soft sponge dipped in warm water. In summer you need to regularly spray the foliage with warm water, but with flowering you need to be careful with this. When spraying, make sure that drops of water do not fall on the flowers, as this will cause brown spots to form on them.

Top dressing

Don't forget about proper feeding. You need to fertilize in spring and summer, once every three weeks. Anthuriums are very sensitive to excess lime and minerals. Fertilizers should be diluted. As a complex fertilizer, use azofoska in a ratio of 1 g/l, adding potassium humate (300 mg/l). Most effective foliar feeding affect the leaves.

They give a very good effect organic fertilizers, however they are not always available. They need to be applied to the surface of the substrate. This can be leaf humus in the form of mulch or cow or horse manure (semi-rotted). Once a month you need to water it using an infusion of chicken manure or mullein.

For growth to be successful, you need the right soil. When growing in a pot, use substrates with a loose, coarse fibrous structure. The substrate must be breathable and have a neutral pH, from 5 to 6. The substrate must contain large particles that will hold the plant well and retain moisture and all nutrients.

The substrate should not quickly cake or decompose. No seals should appear here. Place a drainage layer consisting of one layer of sand and cuttings at the bottom of the pot. You can make a substrate from chopped moss (two parts), peat (two parts) and turf (one part) or deciduous land and peat, adding a little bark coniferous trees. Due to poor-quality substrate, flowers and leaves may suffer: yellow spots appear on them, they curl and lose their shape.


Not very demanding. Not highly susceptible to pests. In industrial cultivation, such plants are attacked by scale insects and scale insects, aphids and mites. Scale insects are dangerous for anthurium; they reproduce quickly, and serious efforts are required to destroy them.

Sick of root and stem destructive rots, which provoke an over-moistened substrate and too low temperatures. Anthracnose is another disease. How does it manifest itself? Dark spots appear on the leaves, they dry out at the edges. In case of severe damage, the anthurium is depleted and dies.

The fight against anthracnose is a serious process that requires persistence and time. You need to start treatment as soon as you notice the first signs mentioned above. Treat the plant with fungicides. You need to use systemic varieties of fungicide.

Problems with growth and darkening of leaves may appear due to excess calcium salts in the soil layer. Drafts, too dry air, lack of or excess lighting can also affect the appearance of the flower. If the tips of the leaves are dry, then the plant has received sunburn - just shade it. If the leaves darken or dry out in winter, then the whole point is a lack of lighting.

If you notice black dots on the leaves, then increase the temperature, as the plant is clearly freezing. Anthuriums love warmth. Problems with leaves can also arise due to improper feeding. The solution is to normalize fertilizing. If the spots are small and visible in the light, then most likely the plant is affected by spider mites.

In addition to mites, anthurium often suffers from scale insects, aphids, mealybugs, and septoria. Scale insects can be identified by sticky secretions on the leaves. As soon as you realize that the plant is sick, treat it soap solution. If the infection is severe, then use Karbofos for treatment.

Wrinkled leaves and yellow spots on them indicate aphid infestation. Here, for processing, use Actellik or tobacco infusion. Mealybug can be detected on the plant with the naked eye - its accumulations are located in the above-ground parts of the anthurium. Karbofos will help. If there is abundant spotting of foliage on the plant, then this is septoria. It is necessary to remove all affected foliage and treat with a regular solution of copper sulfate.

A bright solution for the whole year

Even inexperienced gardeners can provide anthurium with proper care and attention. Observe the required temperature conditions, proper lighting and air humidity, and then the anthurium will delight you with its bright appearance.

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