If you need to lower the ceiling level, here are the main options. How to make a floating ceiling from plasterboard - step-by-step guide Suitable room height

You will need

  • Construction level, tape measure, drill, screwdriver, hacksaw, knife, pencil.
  • Ceiling profile or timber, hangers, plasterboard or plastic panels, dowel-nails, self-tapping screws.


Select materials for the future ceiling. The most common options are drywall and plastic panels. To install the box, use a ceiling profile in two sizes: 60*27mm and 27*28mm. Dry timber will also work.

Decide on the height of your new ceiling. How much do you want to lower it? Using a tape measure, measure the required distance and make a mark on the wall with a pencil. Using a building level and a pencil, draw a straight line along which you will attach the profile or beam to the wall.

Attach the guide profile (27*28mm) to the wall strictly along the line you drew. It will be better if you prepare it in advance by drilling holes for mounting it on the wall. Mark the drilling locations through the finished holes.

Take a drill or hammer drill (depending on your walls) with a drill bit required diameter. The diameter must match the dowels you use. Drill all the designated holes in the wall. Insert plastic dowels into the resulting holes and secure the profile to the wall. Do the same around the entire perimeter of the room in which you are lowering the ceiling. Don't forget to use a level. All of the above is also true when using .

Attach the suspensions to the ceiling; they should be located on the same line. Again use a hammer drill and dowel nails for this. In the case where the ceiling drops to a distance clearly greater than the length of the suspension, connect the two suspensions to each other.

Stretch a thread or fishing line across the room from wall to wall. At its level you will attach the ceiling profile (60*27mm) to the suspensions. This is done using bugs (small screws). Also, use them to connect the ends of the profile with the profile on the wall. All this needs to be done by two people: one levels it, the other fastens it. In the case of timber, we do exactly the same thing, only we attach it to the beam on the wall using any strong corners. That's it, the box is ready.

All that remains is to install drywall cut to size on it. Simply screw it to the profile or beam with self-tapping screws. If you choose plastic panels, bedbugs will help you again. Secure the first panel, insert the second one into it, making sure there are no gaps between them, and screw it on. If the box is made of timber, you can fasten the panels using a furniture stapler. It's faster and more convenient. This way you can lower the ceiling yourself.

Video on the topic

In houses of the old “Stalinist” buildings, layouts with high ceilings were often used. But not every owner of such an apartment is happy with the large volumes of rooms, since in winter heating such a space is quite expensive, because, as you know, the heated air is located at the top. However, there are quite a few ways to reduce the ceiling height, which will save the owners of such apartments from unnecessary financial costs.

Suspended ceiling

A suitable solution to the problem of high ceilings would be to install a suspended ceiling, which will be fixed using metal profiles and beams. To accomplish this task, you need to draw horizontal lines in place of the new ceiling. If you plan to install the ceiling using beams, then in the marked areas you need to cut out special sockets into which the beams will be inserted.

With help wooden beams make a support structure. Secure the beams with wooden wedges inserted into the prepared sockets. Nail the wedges to prevent them from moving during installation. Hang the ceiling to the resulting beam system, for which you can use fiberboard boards or OSB.

These plates are fixed with nails, the heads of which must be treated with anti-corrosion material. The slabs are nailed smooth side down, after which they are painted. If there are seams, you need to disguise them with a thin cloth.

Creating a visual effect

It is also possible to visually reduce the ceiling height. Using the features of light sources, you can reduce the volume of the room. When installing lamps, it is necessary to provide indirect lighting, for which you can use a structure made of boards, which can then be covered with wallpaper. Thanks to this design, diffused light will be created that will divert the attention of guests from the high ceiling.

Fabric ceiling

For those who want to create original interior Installing a fabric ceiling is ideal. First you need to take measurements of the room to purchase the required amount of polyester decorative fabric. The material for this purpose must be strong. Mark the walls according to the desired height of the new ceiling. Then, along the marked lines, baguette frames are mounted in the form of a special profile. Don't forget to prepare in advance mounting strip for the chandelier.

After installing the baguette frame, start fixing the fabric in it, starting from the center. Tuck the fabric into the profile and move to one of the corners, but you need to attach the fabric to the corner itself at the very end of the work, so don’t rush. Once the fabric is tacked, gently pull it until the ceiling is level. Then you need to tuck the canvas in the corners and make a hole for the chandelier.

If folds appear on the fabric that do not disappear during the tensioning process, use construction hairdryer, heating the folds in a circular motion at a distance of 15 cm from the fabric. This ceiling is a good dust collector, so it needs to be cleaned periodically with a vacuum cleaner.

IN panel houses, when two slabs are connected on the ceiling, especially if one is slightly lower than the other, then the problem of leveling the ceiling is very acute and the only way out is to lower it a little. This solution is also acceptable in situations with high ceilings. A lowered ceiling makes it possible to reduce finishing areas, install built-in lighting, and make the ceilings even.

First of all, you need to decide on the material. The most commonly used materials for ceilings are plastic and plasterboard panels. In addition to these materials, you also need to purchase metallic profile for the ceiling, an alternative is wooden blocks.

Determine the amount to lower the ceiling (remember what functions it should perform). With help building level, pencil, tape measure, mark the amount of reduction on the wall, be sure to draw a straight line. Along this line you need to secure the bars and profile.

Pre-prepare the profile, drill holes in it with a drill to mount it on the wall. Carefully, strictly along the drawn line, apply the metal profile to the wall and through drilled holes make marks on the wall.

Depending on the wall material, select a hammer drill or electric drill, select the right size drill, which coincides with the diameter of the dowel used later. Drill all the marks in the wall accurately and carefully. Drive plastic dowels into the resulting holes, thus securing the profile to the wall. This operation must be done along the entire perimeter of the walls. Constantly check the level to see how smooth the fastening is. The connection process is the same for the profile and timber.

The next stage is attaching the suspensions to the ceiling surface. They are placed strictly along the line. Secure the hangers with dowels and nails. If the length of the suspension less distance lowering the ceiling, then install two fastened suspensions.

For convenience, stretch a strong thread or fishing line from one wall to another. This will be the level at which you will secure the profile using small screws. Using them, you fasten the profiles to the wall and ceiling. For these works, invite a partner to make it convenient to fasten and level at the same time. The bars are attached to the ceiling in the same way as a profile, but to fix them to the wall, use corners. The work on the box is completed.

Now you need to place drywall on the completed structure, pre-cut to size. Fasten the drywall with self-tapping screws to the profile (beam) on the wall. When attaching plastic panels, use small self-tapping screws (bug screws). The panels are inserted into one another using end locks; make sure that no gaps appear when connecting them, and only then screw them. When using timber, secure the plastic panels with a furniture stapler. Using this algorithm, you can lower the ceiling yourself.

Type is simple process for an experienced specialist. It is very important to take into account every nuance during installation. How long the structure will last depends on the quality of the materials used during the work and the quality of its implementation. It should be remembered that after installation, the ceiling levels in the room will become significantly lower. In order to find out how much the ceiling will drop with suspended ceilings, you should decide on the size of communications and the type of lamps. If the structure has two levels, then the ceiling height will decrease by 10 centimeters.

The distance from the floor slab to the surface of the ceiling being installed will be directly affected by several points, such as:

  • Type of material used.
  • Method of fastening the canvas to baguettes.
  • A variety of connections for lighting elements.
  • The number of communications that will be hidden under the structure in the future.
  • It also depends on the shape of the room and height.

Reasons for lowering altitude levels

It is known that there are three reasons that determine how much the ceiling will drop with suspended ceilings at the time of installation. Each of them affects its height level:

  • In most cases, voids form at the junctions of ceiling slabs and walls. This happens because these places most often do not have a flat surface. Since it is impossible to attach a frame to the voids, thanks to which the material is tensioned. If you do carry it out, the baguettes will be unreliable. For this reason, the canvas is lowered until the void in the walls ends.
  • Installing lamps of any kind requires lowering the ceiling level. Lighting systems may have different type, and their size determines how far the entire structure will be lowered. Top part, on which the fastening is located, must be hidden under the tension material.
  • If the surface of the slab is uneven. This problem may arise from the shrinkage of the building or from the experience of the builder who carried out the renovation work. It is important to eliminate the reason why the defect may have formed. The height of the room will depend on how much the ceiling drops with suspended ceilings.

The best way to solve the problem is to change the ceiling height. If you neglect this, then at the time of installation the canvas will be uneven and unreliable.

To what height does the structure go down?

A common problem for most homeowners is low ceiling levels. Therefore, everyone is concerned about how much the ceiling will drop with suspended ceilings after installation. If the top plate is flat and there is no large quantity communications, then fabric cloth descends only 3 centimeters. If a special PVC film is used as a base, then by 2.5 centimeters. In practice there are rarely ideal conditions, so the level of indentation can vary from 2.5 to 16 centimeters.

In some cases, due to the unevenness of the ceiling surface, measurements on one side of the wall show an indentation of 4 centimeters, and on the other 10, so the owner’s decision is necessary. Sometimes the walls under the ceiling have gaps up to 6 cm in size; they are most often filled with construction garbage, and then covered with solution. In order for the entire structure to hold firmly, it is necessary to determine the presence of voids. If the fastener is installed in this place, the baguettes will simply disappear.

Installation of lighting elements

Elements are an important part in the installation of suspended ceilings. They should be connected first. From what lighting will be selected depends on how much the suspended ceiling is lowered when installing the entire structure. If you plan to choose different types lighting fixtures in one room, you can visually divide the room by height. Types of lamps that can be installed under structures:

  • LED lamps.
  • Chandeliers.
  • Spots ( Spotlights).
  • Halogen light.
  • LED Strip Light.

To make a choice, you need to have an idea about each type of lamp. The height level will depend on this. It is important to remember that the suspended ceiling frame must be made of durable material; this is necessary for the reliability of the entire structure. This is required to a greater extent when choosing large luminaires.

LED strips

LED strip is often used in surface finishing. Its use makes it possible to correct any unevenness that may occur during the installation of the sheathing. The first step is to decide how many cm the suspended ceiling is lowered, and then deal with the installation process. Most often, the height level varies from 2.5 to 10 centimeters when using such lighting.

If the stove in the room is located high, then you can make a maximum indentation of 10 centimeters without fear that the room will be low. It is important, based on the height of the ceilings, to make a choice of material for stretching the threads. They differ depending on the level of the top plate. When low ceiling Some types of materials are used, and high ones - others.


Mortise type are used in finishing. They require reducing the ceiling level from 6 to 10 centimeters. During the work, it is determined how many centimeters the suspended ceiling is lowered, but within acceptable limits. At the time of installation, holes with a diameter of 4 millimeters should be cut on the canvas. After that, a ring made of plastic is glued to the edges of this hole. It allows you to prevent defects that may form when the fabric is stretched. Lamps of this type can be installed in two ways.

Methods for installing spots

This installation option is more effective, as it creates a visual impression that the light is emitted by the canvas itself. In this case, no holes are made. But this option has a lot of disadvantages: due to lack of air, the lamps overheat, in case of burnout it is difficult to replace the light bulb, and the level of emitted light decreases. If you still plan to use this option for lighting the room, you should purchase energy-saving light bulbs. They don't get very hot and will last longer.

At web level, the installation is more practical to maintain and safer to use.

Chandelier installation

Depending on which chandelier is chosen, it is decided how much the suspended ceiling with lamps in the entire room is lowered. Chandeliers come in several types:

  • Chandeliers that are installed directly to the ceiling.
  • Hooked, they are hung on hooks that are mounted on the stove.

It is best to choose the lighting option and type of fastenings after installing the baguettes. Installation of hooks is carried out with an indentation of more than 3 centimeters from the upper base to the canvas. It should be remembered that after some time a slight sagging of the canvas may occur. Therefore, it is better to lower the chandelier lower, with a reserve.

Sagging of the canvas

In some cases, after installation, suspended ceilings may sag after a certain period of time. Therefore, you should think in advance how much the suspended ceiling is lowered during installation, as this is very important. Reasons for sagging may include factors such as:

  • Poor quality of fabric.
  • Installation by unscrupulous workers.
  • Violation of installation technology.
  • The moldings on the walls are not installed correctly.

If tension structure installed using all technologies using high-quality fabric, sagging will be insignificant. It will be visually invisible; in percentage terms it is equal to one percent of the length of the room along the diagonals.

Correctly chosen design option ceiling can radically change the interior of a room. A popular solution, suitable for both private households and apartments, is a floating ceiling with lighting made of plasterboard, which looks impressive, is easy to install and is relatively inexpensive.

What are floating ceilings?

A distinctive feature of this design of the ceiling is the creation of a ceiling that seems to be hanging in the air without any support. For achievement this effect use hidden fasteners.

In order to enhance the impression, they install a soaring ceiling with lighting, which is most often located along the perimeter plasterboard construction. The soft glow looks incredibly beautiful and at the same time helps make the fastenings invisible. A floating ceiling is not just a plasterboard board white. It can be different in appearance and have a figured design consisting of several tiers.

When choosing the configuration of a floating ceiling made of plasterboard, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the room and its design style. For example, for a small kitchen the best solution there will be a single-level design, and in the spacious living room you can arrange a complex soaring cascade consisting of several tiers.

Advantages of plasterboard floating ceilings

Drywall is one of the popular materials used for finishing. It is inexpensive, weighs little, and helps hide communications and defects in floor slabs. GKL can take different shapes, which means the number of possible design ideas limitless.

Compared to ordinary hanging systems floating plasterboard ceilings have many advantages:

  1. Non-standard appearance This surface turns out beautiful and stylish, which attracts attention.
  2. Due to the fact that there is a small distance between the floor slabs and the plasterboard plane, installation of the lamps will be easier.
  3. The lighting located around the perimeter creates the appearance of floating and is an additional light source. This technique allows you to visually make the room taller and more spacious.
  4. Installing several hanging structures makes it possible to zoning a room. Such floating suspended ceilings are especially relevant for apartments - studios, in which the division of space into functional areas is a priority.
  5. The installation of these ceiling structures is easy to implement and, if desired, can be done without the help of professionals.
  6. If you need to update the design, it will be enough to repaint the plasterboard covering.

Installation features

To make a high-quality floating plasterboard ceiling with lighting with your own hands, it is advisable to adhere to step by step instructions When installing such a structure, the main thing is not to deviate from it and then everything will work out:

Step 1. First you need to take all measurements and calculate the amount of materials to be purchased. In this case, everything depends on the design features of the ceiling structure. You will also need a drawing; professionals will help you draw it.

Step 2. When starting to install a floating plasterboard ceiling, first of all, assemble the frame. To install it, markings are applied, taking into account that the first tier of the structure should be located approximately 10 centimeters below the floor slabs. In accordance with the prepared markings, holes are made for the profile using a puncher.

Step 3. Next, proceed to installation using self-tapping screws. Be sure to check during frame assembly horizontal mount the foundations of the ceiling structure, otherwise it will turn out crooked and spoil the entire impression of the stylistic design of the room.

Step 4. For high-quality processing plasterboard sheets require care and attention. Markings are applied to the material according to the drawing documentation. Then, use a sharp knife to cut the cardboard and divide the canvas into pieces of the required configuration. It is important not to forget to arrange holes for lighting fixtures, since this is quite difficult to do in a ready-made floating suspended ceiling.

Step 5. Without installing lamps, it is impossible to create a beautiful illuminated structure. To do this you need to purchase LED strip a certain length. In specialized stores you can easily choose the appropriate shade so that it harmonizes with the interior of the room.

For some rooms, a multi-colored option is more suitable, while for others, a classic white or bluish glow. According to experts, the effect of light scattering largely depends on how carefully the lighting is installed.

LED strips are laid simultaneously with a profile equipped with a transmission layer, which softens the light flux and makes it more diffuse. You should definitely make sure that they are laid along the entire perimeter of the ceiling structure being built, since the presence of even a small gap can change the result for the worse.

If there are concerns that the light will be too weak or too intense, before making a floating ceiling from plasterboard, it is better to purchase backlighting that can be controlled by a control panel. It allows you not only to change the color, but also to achieve the required brightness.

Step 6. One of the important processes is installation plasterboard boards. The prepared elements are installed in the joints in accordance with the profiles. They are secured with self-tapping screws. At this stage, it is important to make sure that the material is mounted securely, otherwise you need to add more fasteners.

Step 7. The final part of installing a floating plasterboard ceiling is finishing. First, the surface is primed, then puttied and finally painted or wallpapered.

The choice of finishing option depends on the personal preferences of the homeowner, but it must be taken into account that putty and primer take a lot of time, because each layer dries for about a day. This process it should not be accelerated, since the quality of the result depends on it.

Design options

There are many options for how you can create a floating ceiling structure with lighting:

  • arrangement of a single-tier ceiling;
  • construction of a multi-level system;
  • geometric figures;
  • various figured elements.

Each of the ways to make floating ceilings from plasterboard has pros and cons and looks different in a particular room. The above types of design are considered the most spectacular and popular.

If you decide to arrange a soaring ceiling in one tier, which is a classic solution, the plasterboard sheet is transformed radically due to lighting. The room ends up looking taller and more spacious.

This solution is ideal for corridors and other small spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms. But even in a large room, a single-tier option will look impressive. It is not necessary to make the ceiling surface white - colored coverings look very beautiful and unusual. Despite the external simplicity of the design, the result will please you.

The construction of a multi-level floating ceiling requires adequate free space, since each tier requires at least 10 centimeters. You need to make sure that the existing height of the room will be sufficient, otherwise ceiling structure will drop too low. When making illumination for it, you should take into account that cold and warm tones do not combine with each other.

When creating a floating ceiling, it is not necessary to arrange a solid canvas, since the geometric shapes in the air, softly illuminated along their contour, look non-standard. It is better to abandon the idea of ​​combining different types of elements. The main rule when creating this type of ceiling design is to avoid excesses. Given design solution used for finishing large rooms, and in small ones the visual effect will be lost.

There is no need to think that suspended floating elements can only be geometric shapes, look great and more complex designs in the form of flowers, stars or animal outlines.

Do not be afraid and avoid experiments; experts advise choosing a floating object that will ideally suit the interior style of the room.

The most common and cheapest way to finish the ceiling is suspended from plasterboard, which is used not only to create a comfortable and unusual interior, but also if it is necessary to level the ceiling surface and reduce the penetration of noise into the room.

With plasterboard you can easily mount a multi-tiered structure, which will be equipped decorative elements and LED or spotlights. Also, with such a ceiling you can divide (visually) the room into different zones, without using for this various partitions, the main thing is to correctly distribute the lamps and this can achieve the desired result.

Beginning of work

For this process it is necessary to purchase material and necessary tools, namely:

  • Drywall 9.5 cm thick;
  • Profiles and guides;
  • Suspensions (straight and crabs);
  • Dowels and screws;
  • Construction level and tape measure;
  • Screwdriver and hammer drill;
  • Hacksaw and knife;
  • Spatula and fine sandpaper.


First, let's look at how to lower a plasterboard ceiling; to do this, you need to reach the required distance from lowest point surface, using a tape measure and a pencil, take measurements and draw a line that will run along the perimeter of the entire room. Next, lines are marked and drawn for the main guides (they are equal to half of the gypsum board), and it is necessary to take into account that the sheets are attached with a gap, which in turn is filled with putty.

It is important! The profiles run along the perimeter of the plasterboard sheet and along its middle, resulting in a grid of guides onto which the hangers are attached.

How to mount the frame correctly

Take the profiles and insert them into the base (which is fixed around the perimeter). The guides should not be inserted close to the wall; it is better to leave a gap. This will be necessary to ensure that during the shrinkage of the house the ceiling does not deform or cracks pass through it.

In order for the structure to be strong, the guides must be secured on both sides, and the profile must be checked for horizontalness using a building level (preferably a laser).

  • Transverse 60 cm;
  • Longitudinal 40 cm.

Let's look at how to make a transverse fastening. To do this, measure the length of the guide using a tape measure and cut off the desired length with metal scissors or a hacksaw.

The transverse and longitudinal guides are fastened with crabs and, using hangers, the longitudinal guide is connected, securing it in the middle.

To prevent the ceiling from sagging, it is necessary to fasten it closer to the edge of the fold.

How to properly attach drywall to a structure

Once the frame is ready, you can begin work on covering the gypsum board ceiling. But first, it is advisable to treat the side that will be located closer to the ceiling (each plasterboard sheet) with a special primer, which increases waterproofing.

During installation, it is necessary to retreat a certain distance from the wall (several mm) to allow the material to breathe. The gypsum boards are laid across the installed longitudinal profiles, starting from the side, and then from the first guide.

The distance that remains open (between the first side guide and the wall) is sealed with half of the plasterboard. All sheets are also fastened until the entire ceiling space is lowered to the required amount.

Drywall is fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 15 - 20 cm, while making sure that the caps are buried in the gypsum board; if this does not happen, then when puttingtying the surface, the spatula will touch the head of the screw and you can break through the plasterboard sheet. In this case, it is better to use a screwdriver with a limiter, since a tightly tightened screw will crumble the gypsum board.


After the plasterboard has been installed on the ceiling, it must be treated. First, the joints are covered with putty, followed by a layer of primer, after which the entire ceiling space is puttied in two layers.

After about a day, sand with fine sandpaper or use a diamond mesh, broom or rag to sweep away dust from the surface and paint the ceiling water-based paint(you can add color to it) or paste it with wallpaper.


How to lower the ceiling?

Your question:

How to lower the ceiling?

Master's answer:

Unjustifiably high ceilings in the premises force the owners of the house to experience, if not physical inconvenience, then certainly moral, especially when calculating the funds spent on finishing the excess wall area. Although sometimes it is cheaper than leveling the ceilings by simply lowering them a few centimeters.

Great if you have already found suitable materials, with which the ceiling will be finished. Popular options for such materials are plastic panels or plasterboard sheets. Installation of the box will require purchase ceiling profile different sizes– 27x28 and 60x27cm, or dry timber.

Now calculate how many centimeters you need to lower the ceiling in the room. Take a pencil and a tape measure and use them to mark the perimeter of the walls. Now, holding a level and a pencil in your hands, connect the marks with a straight line. It will serve as a guide along which you will attach a beam or profile to the wall.

Drill holes in the beam (profile) in advance, through which you will attach it to the walls with fasteners. When applying the timber, mark the locations of the holes made on the wall.

In accordance with the material (brick, concrete) from which the walls of the room are made, use suitable tool– a hammer drill or drill, in which the drill diameter will match the size of the dowels. So, you have holes, and you need to drive plastic dowels into them to secure the profile to the walls with fasteners. Be sure to use a level while working.

Now attach the hangers to the ceiling so that they are on the same line. To do this you will again need dowels and a hammer drill. If it turns out that the ceiling has dropped to a distance exceeding the length of the suspension, then the suspensions need to be fastened together.

From the wall to the opposite wall, stretch a strong fishing line, at the level of which you need to attach to the suspensions, using “bugs” (mini-screws), a ceiling profile measuring 60*27mm. Using the same screws, attach the ends of the ceiling profile to the wall profile. As you can see, all work is designed for two people, one of whom will do the fasteners, and the second will do the leveling. If as ceiling covering If a beam is selected, then the work is carried out in a similar way, but here you need to attach it to the wall beam with strong corners.

All you have to do is lay it on the panel plasterboard sheets, cut to size. Simply screw the sheets with fasteners to the timber or profile. In case of working with plastic panels fasten the sheets with “clings”: insert the second panel into the secured first one, making sure that there is no gap, and screw them. Furniture stapler will reduce working time in the case of a box made of timber.

Thus, you will get the perfect ceiling, made with your own laborious hands!


Installation of a suspended plasterboard ceiling with your own hands according to detailed instructions

oGipse.ru → Materials

Today the simplest and most beautiful is the ceiling suspended structure. And gypsum board is considered the most popular material for it. With its help you can quickly mask cracks on the surface or hide irregularities. But the most important thing is that you can install a plasterboard ceiling on our own.

To do this you will need a certain set of tools:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Knife for plasterboard;
  • Putty knife;
  • Hammer;
  • Drill;
  • Building level;
  • Tape measure and pencil.

Calculate required quantity materials - a simple task at first glance. However, not only the speed of work depends on it, but also the costs of repairs. If you spend some time calculating everything you need when installing a suspended plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you can save a lot on building materials. We suggest using our table, which describes the consumption of materials per 1 sq. m. m of premises.

Installation features

Drywall sheet

In most cases, no difficulties arise when working with gypsum plasterboard, but it must be remembered that this material does not like moisture very much. If you are planning to install plasterboard ceilings in a room with high humidity, then choose moisture-resistant sheets. They are easy to recognize because they have green color cardboard

At the stage of calculating materials, be sure to measure the opposite walls, since sometimes their dimensions may not coincide even rectangular rooms. This occurs due to errors in construction or finishing. If you encounter this, then make calculations based on maximum length walls

If you decide to install a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you must consider how far you can lower the suspended structure. Many standard residential buildings do not allow the ceiling level to be lowered much, which makes it impossible to use projects with multiple levels. The amount of indentation also affects the materials used. If the profiles will be mounted at a height of less than 12 cm, then they can be fixed using hangers. If you plan to lower the structure to a greater distance, then the frame will need to be attached to a spring suspension with wire.

Diagram of a suspended plasterboard ceiling structure

Marking the base for subsequent fastening of the suspended ceiling

First of all, start by marking the walls. To do this, at the selected level, using a building level 1.5-2 m long, draw a horizontal line along all walls. If the line is drawn evenly, then it will close in the place where it started, without displacement. Otherwise you will have to redo the work. Now we proceed to marking the fasteners necessary for installing plasterboard ceilings.

First, determine the places where the vertical hangers will be located. To do this, you need to draw a kind of grid. To begin with, parallel stripes are drawn from left to right across the room at a distance of 60 cm from each other. They serve as a guide for attaching load-bearing PP. Then another series of lines are drawn perpendicular to them, but at a distance of 50 cm. At their intersection it is necessary to attach vertical hangers for subsequent installation of plasterboard ceilings with your own hands.

Installation of the guide profile

It is necessary to begin work on fixing the suspended ceiling by installing a guide profile (UD) 28x27 mm. To do this, apply the lower part of it to the line previously marked on the wall. If the profile does not have holes for fastening, then they can be easily made using a drill. Each PN must be secured with at least 3 dowels. In this case, the step between them should be a maximum of 50 cm. When working with concrete walls Most often, 6x40 mm driven dowels are used.

Already at this stage you can optimize your costs. UD profiles are supplied in lengths of 300 cm or 400 cm. Depending on the length of the walls, you can think in advance about how many and what length of materials you will need to install a plasterboard suspended ceiling.

Installation of hangers for mounting a plasterboard ceiling

So, earlier we already outlined places for fastening vertical hangers. Accordingly, we know how many of them will be required to install a plasterboard ceiling. Each is secured using three dowels. After this, the “wings” of the suspension are bent so that it takes U-shape.

Installation of ceiling profiles

It is very important to install the support profiles (CD) level. To do this, you must constantly use a level to monitor the structure. Each profile is fixed to the hangers with 4 screws, 2 on each side. When installing the next one, make sure that it is also on the same level as the one already installed. This will allow installation even multi-level ceiling made of plasterboard with your own hands, perfectly straight.

After installing all the long load-bearing NPs, you can begin attaching the jumpers. They are also made from a supporting profile. To do this, a single-level connector (“crab”) is attached to the already installed CD profiles. It should be exactly in the middle between the hangers. The distance between the connectors is also 60 cm. The jumpers are attached to them.

The final stage: gypsum board sheathing

Attaching the gypsum board to the frame is considered the simplest job. To do this, you just need to prepare the tools and materials. At this stage, you will need an assistant or a special lift, with the help of which the plasterboard is lifted and fixed to the frame. Prepare the previously calculated number of drywall sheets. Cut them if necessary. The procedure is quite simple. First, apply markings to the surface of the sheet, then construction knife make a cut a few millimeters deep. If everything was done correctly, then you can easily break off the sheet along the cut line.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to attach a suspended ceiling. All you have to do is secure the sheets with self-tapping screws to the frame at a distance of 15 cm from each other. At the same time, make sure that adjacent sheets are spaced apart from each other by at least one step of the supporting profile.

We hope that you have no questions about how to install plasterboard ceiling. If you already have experience in installing such structures, then we are waiting for comments and advice under the article.


Instructions for assembling a single-level plasterboard ceiling

Installing a single-level plasterboard ceiling is within the capabilities of anyone who knows how to handle construction tool and has some skills repair work. As a result, you will save a significant amount on the services of a specialist, and also gain experience that may be useful in the future. In this article we will tell you how to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands.

Preparation for work and marking

To work with drywall we will need special tools. WITH full list you can find it here.

So, at the first stage, be sure to draw up a project, think about how the wiring will be laid, where the lamps will be located. Draw a sketch on paper with everyone required sizes- you will need it in the store when purchasing the material.

Height to lower new ceiling, depends on the degree of curvature of the base base. If you plan to install spotlights, the space should be at least 10cm. In any case, it is not recommended to make an indent of less than 3cm.

By using laser level or painted cord, mark a horizontal line on the walls along the entire perimeter of the room along which we will attach the guide profile.

Pay due attention to applying the markings - the evenness of the future structure depends on it.

An indicator of the correctness of the marking will be the perfect coincidence of the horizontal line at the starting and ending points.

Installation of a metal frame

To assemble the frame, we use a standard 3-meter length profile (guide - with a section of 27 by 28 mm and a rack - with a section of 60 by 27 mm). If necessary, we increase the length of the profile using a butt connector and self-tapping screws.

The ceiling guide profile is fastened to the wall using plastic dowels in increments of no more than 50cm. Then we install the hangers along the line of the main profile at a distance of 40-100 cm, depending on the load on the frame (see table of distances). Direct hangers allow you to lower the frame from the base floor within 5-14 cm. When it is necessary to lower a plasterboard ceiling to a greater distance, we use anchor suspensions with a clamp and a rod.

Next, we will install the main and transverse (bearing) profiles, connecting them with a single-level connector (crab) and self-tapping screws. The frame diagram for a single-level suspended ceiling is shown in the figure below.

profile connection diagram (option with direct suspension)

profile connection diagram (version with anchor suspension)

Installation of drywall on the ceiling

Most often for the device suspended ceilings from plasterboard, sheets with a thickness of 9.5 mm or 12.5 mm, a width of 1.2 m and a length of 2.5 m are used. It is recommended to mount them strictly horizontally in a checkerboard pattern. This method will prevent the appearance of cracks where the four sheets meet.

To install drywall on the ceiling, you should use only metal screws. The hat does not need to be pressed in deeply. It should be flush with the surface of the drywall or slightly recessed into it by 1mm. A head that is recessed too deeply, even after puttying, can leave a hole or unevenness. We tighten the screws in increments of 10-15 cm to a depth of at least 1 cm.

how to screw in self-tapping screws correctly

Do not forget to leave a distance of 3 - 4 mm from the wall to give the drywall the opportunity to “breathe” when temperature fluctuates.

After cutting the drywall to size, it is advisable to process the corner with a file or a special edge plane, making a slight slope. If this is not done, but the sheets are pressed tightly against each other, then after puttying the ceiling may crack.

  • try to cut drywall as rarely as possible - this will reduce the amount of waste and provide more accurate joints;
  • release the sheet only after it is secured with two screws on both sides;
  • Avoid sudden changes in room temperature.

Sealing seams

Congratulations, you are at the finish line. All that remains is to carefully glue the joints with sickle tape and cover them with putty. The reinforcement process is as follows:

  1. Apply a layer of putty to the joint and level it;
  2. apply reinforcing tape and press it in with a spatula;
  3. Cover the tape with a final layer of putty and level the seam.

In a similar way, we will process the gaps between the wall and the sheets of drywall, not forgetting to putty each screw.

this is what it looks like mounted and prepared for finishing plasterboard ceiling