How to move a large cabinet over carpet. How to move heavy furniture

Every person has probably at least once had to move massive furniture at home to update the interior, carry out general cleaning or repair work. Questions often arise about how to quickly and safely carry out the rearrangement, so as not to damage the flooring or the product itself and avoid other troubles. To do this, you can use one of folk recipes or modern methods.

Ways to move a heavy cabinet

Moving bulky pieces of furniture requires a lot of strength and skill. It is especially difficult to move massive chests of drawers and cabinets without legs when there is nothing to grab onto. The problem could be solved by hiring loaders, but this method is very expensive. You can get by on our own, if you use some tricks. First of all, you need to do a little preparatory work, namely:

  1. Empty the product from its contents. The wardrobe or bookcase already has large mass, and things give it extra weight. Also, during the rearrangement, something may fall out, this will complicate the already difficult work. When putting things away, arrange them so that they do not interfere with transportation in the future.
  2. Remove removable shelves, drawers and rods. Of course, there is no need to completely disassemble the entire structure; you just need to lighten it as much as possible.
  3. Secure the opening doors (otherwise they will interfere at the most crucial moment). You can use regular masking tape.
  4. Wash the floor thoroughly with any cleaning product - this will not only make moving a heavy cabinet easier, but also reduce the risk of damage flooring.

REFERENCE! It is contraindicated to move massive furniture in a room with a freshly painted floor - at least a week should pass so that the surface has time to become strong enough.

After all preparatory work get down to the main task. Some methods can make it much easier to move a heavy cabinet to the right place. The following will be a description of popular methods, just select best option for your case.

Using raw potatoes

One of the simplest folk recipes is the use of ordinary potatoes. The fresh root vegetable, which contains starch, provides slip and allows you to move heavy objects without causing damage to the floor. The cabinet can be moved using this method on the following floor coverings:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • plank floor (only if there are no large gaps or differences between the elements).

To carry out the work, the tubers are thoroughly washed and cut into circles approximately 1 cm thick (the most common option) or cut in half.

ATTENTION! Potatoes need to be prepared immediately before use so that their surface does not have time to lose the moisture necessary for the furniture to slide.

To rearrange the cabinet, you need to slightly lift it and place potato pieces under the bottom. If the product is too massive, you should make more pads so that the cabinet does not simply crush them. Next, carefully move the structure to the desired location, remove the potatoes and wipe off any wet marks. Similarly, you can use lard skins by placing them at the corners of the cabinet. True, at the end you will have to thoroughly wash the parquet to remove any remaining greasy marks and specific aroma.

Using a wool rug

Another “old-fashioned” method is to move bulky furniture on a blanket or thick woolen rug (it is recommended to use old things so as not to worry too much about them during the process). By carefully distributing the fabric under the cabinet, you can special effort move it, while protecting the parquet from scratches and the product from possible damage.

IMPORTANT! Rearranging using this method should be carried out by at least two people, so that one person pulls the rug, and the other person pushes the cabinet itself from behind. Otherwise, the backing may slip out, and you will have to lift heavy furniture once again.

Apply wax or soap

You can move a heavy object relatively easily using some available tools:

Carefully rub the floor along the intended path of movement so that a visible layer of lubricant forms on the surface, ensuring sliding. After completing the work, everything can be easily washed with warm water.

ATTENTION! This method can only be used on smooth and hard floor coverings without any unevenness.

Furniture conveyor to help

Not long ago, a device appeared for heavy shelves and chests of drawers, which consists of a special jack for lifting furniture and small stands with wheels. Thanks to this invention, you can independently, without outside help, transport the cabinet to the desired location and at the same time:

  • save time, nerves and health;
  • do not scratch the floor and protect the piece of furniture from chipping;
  • move furniture on any surface, including deep-pile carpet (to do this, you just need to choose a model with large wheels);
  • save on the services of a loader - it’s easier to purchase a small set once and use it for a long time than to call a team each time and pay a lot of money, in addition, in many cities you can rent a transporter.

Modern ways to move a cabinet

Efficiency traditional methods has been tested for more than a dozen years. However, progress does not stand still, various modern means can greatly facilitate the rearrangement of large furniture. These include the above-mentioned furniture conveyor, as well as:

  • tightening belts;
  • garden or hand cart.

Tightening straps are textile elastic bands with fasteners that tightly grip the cabinet during rearrangement. The design is designed for two people. Belts are different high strength and ease of operation. Many craftsmen also use an ordinary cart. With its help, it is possible to rearrange heavy objects with significant savings in time and effort. Only if the cabinet is quite wide, you will need someone's help to hold the opposite edge of the product for safety.

Choosing a method depending on the floor covering

We have already named the most popular folk and modern methods moving heavy furniture. Let us remind you once again which of them are suitable for working on a particular coating:

  1. For smooth surfaces (such as laminate, parquet or linoleum), it is permissible to use any of the described solutions. Choose what will be simpler and more accessible for your situation.
  2. For soft surfaces (carpet or carpet), options with wheels, such as a furniture conveyor or cart, are suitable. Sometimes 3-4 kitchen rolling pins are placed under the cabinet and moved during transportation, but this is a rather labor-intensive process.

Precautions when moving the cabinet

It is important to think in advance about how you will carry out the entire rearrangement process and assess your physical capabilities. Whatever work option you choose, you must remember safety precautions. Avoid injury and other unpleasant consequences Following simple rules when moving the cabinet will help:

The risk of injury increases if you do not take a stable position and hold the furniture awkwardly. There is no need to rush or make sudden movements. It is also important to correctly assess your physical capabilities and ask friends for help or still hire a team of movers, because health is priceless.

Agree, quite often in our lives there are situations when there is a need to move a heavy object from one place to another. Of course, it can be anything, but the main emphasis in this material will be on furniture; our site is, after all, a furniture site. So: moving, renovation, simply rearranging in order to optimize the living space - all this is connected with the need to “move your favorite closet” from its main location to another one that is more convenient for you. How to do this, no damaging the floor covering and without undermining your precious health?!

  1. An old felt boot, rug or rug - any material that glides well on the floor - will come to the rescue. Cut some of the above into small rectangles, place them under your feet and off you go…. In order to slip material under heavy furniture, you can use "the principle of leverage" . Its essence is that, with the help solid board lift the cabinet on one side, put felt on it, and then do the same on the other side. This will make moving the furniture much easier; it will glide across the floor without damaging it. The same method can be used if you need to move, for example, washing machine or refrigerator. I saw how ordinary slippers These materials once saved the situation: they were placed with the soles up, the felt to the floor and off they went...
  2. Every housewife, as well as every owner, has nylon covers in her house. Covered with outside with paraffin they will serve as excellent “skates” for your furniture.
  3. A wet rag will also make the task of rearranging much easier.
  4. One of my friends, who rearranges furniture from place to place at least twice a year, came up with special bags, which she herself cut from an unnecessary piece of tarpaulin. A strap from an old shopping bag is attached to them. From the outside, the rearrangement process looks like this: first, the bag is placed under, say, a sofa, then the husband “pulls the strap,” and the wife provides backup. They say it's very convenient.
  5. Some people advise applying any detergent to the floor. In general, it is quite logical for those who are familiar with the elementary laws of physics. By reducing friction, we will make our task much easier. Laundry soap, dishwashing gel, shower will do - in general, everything is limited only by your imagination. And for the future, any difficult-to-lift object will be easier to move on a damp, clean floor.
  6. Similar to the previous method, but with great harm for the floor, you can treat the entire route with paraffin or wax. But it’s unlikely that this will make life easier for your wife later. By the way, milk cartons are also treated with paraffin, draw your own conclusions...
  7. A long and at the same time thick woolen rug will help you move furniture over such an obstacle as thresholds. It will look like this: one person pulls the protruding edge of the rug, the other supports and pushes the furniture forward. This will make it easier to overcome multi-level obstacles.
  8. I've heard that many people practice putting lard skins or thick slices of raw potatoes under furniture legs. Maybe, of course, there is a rational grain in these methods, but still, they do not seem successful to me. Firstly, heavy furniture, especially made of solid wood, can simply crush these food products, and secondly, think about how you will then get them out of there.
  9. By the way, let’s not forget about old jeans, which you don’t even mind throwing away: “butt” under the furniture, pant legs in your hands and pull, pull...
  10. Well, the very last option, for the rich, so to speak, - furniture conveyor . The device is designed specifically for quick and easy movement of interior items around an apartment or house. This pleasure costs about one and a half thousand rubles.

Rearranging furniture in the house is one of the most entertaining processes throughout the entire renovation. There are pieces of furniture that can be lifted and moved, some that can be easily disassembled, and in almost every home there is a large, heavy closet. Every person should know how to move a heavy cabinet, because even with very developed muscles, it is very difficult to do this without damaging anything.

To move a large cabinet, you need to be in good physical shape.

This problem is not new and will continue to confront people for a very long time.

To solve it, two variants of methods are usually used, folk and modern, and the advantage by a large margin is on the side of folk.

Along the way, it’s worth remembering that cabinets don’t always have legs, so you have to adapt the tactics you use to the circumstances.

Traditional methods

The most ancient option is felt boots. This option is used only in cases where there are legs, and their length is at least 5-8 cm. In order to start moving the cabinet, you must first tilt it in one direction and put on the first pair of legs, then on the other and put on the second pair. Only old wool options are used, because... modern UGG boots and rag analogues will not slip.

If the cabinet is too large, you can disassemble it into parts and then put it in a new place.

  1. Movement is possible on any type of flooring, without damaging even the thinnest varnish.
  2. After moving, felt boots almost never wear out.
  1. Few houses have these real high-quality products of Russian folk life left.
  2. In second place is the option with lard. In this case, greasy skins (they are required) are placed under the legs and even the most massive closet, filled to the brim with things, will move easily and naturally. Under no circumstances should you use old lard or bare skins, because... In both options, the same problem arises - lack of sliding.
  1. The easiest method to perform.
  2. Even a completely unprepared person can use it.

  1. We use a product that few people can refuse to use.
  2. Not every cleaning product can clean greasy floors in one go.
  3. Potatoes are used almost as often as lard, but it is better to use them on wooden surfaces. To do this, the potatoes are cut in half and placed cut side down, after which you can safely drag the cabinet. Most often, this option is used precisely in the absence of legs, because Achieving balance on your legs is quite difficult.
  1. Working in difficult circumstances.
  2. Availability.
  1. Inappropriate use of products.
  2. Leaves traces of starch on the floor.

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Modern options

Assembly and disassembly. This option is used extremely rarely, but it does exist. Modern chipboard cabinets can often be divided into several sections and simply carried by hand, and then assembled again. If you have an electric screwdriver or screwdriver, the installation procedure takes place in a matter of minutes.

Speed ​​and simplicity.

Moving a cabinet is much easier if it has wheels.

Carrying even one block still requires physical training.

Use of linoleum and plastic covers. Simple and quick way move the cabinet from one point to another. In this case, the covers are used under the legs, and linoleum is placed under the panels without them. To slide, the floor surface is wetted with water, so the only complication in the process will be to move.

  1. Preservation of the material used in its original form.
  2. Ability to adapt to circumstances.
  3. Moving on any type of flooring.
  1. You have to use force.
  2. Water must be collected immediately after movement so that it does not have a negative effect.

As a result, it should be noted that each of the proposed options is deservedly popular, and it is impossible to single out the clearly best one among them, because everyone is good solely for their own circumstances. Almost each of them can help even a very fragile person cope with the task, but if this does not help or there are serious injuries, then it is better to ask someone for help, because health must be protected.

Every person in life is faced with the need to move furniture during renovation, general cleaning, or simply to improve the home space. The most problems arise when moving heavy objects. The question of how to move a heavy cabinet without legs as safely and efficiently as possible puzzles many apartment and house owners. To solve this problem there are many folk ways And special devices to make moving furniture easier.

Anyone who has had to move heavy furniture without assistance knows that this requires skill and a lot of strength. To make the cabinet slide freely, you must first move it from its resting place. To do this, you should completely empty the wardrobe of things, removable shelves, and secure the doors. Carry out a quick simple cleaning premises is to wash the floor with any detergent to obtain a clean, rough surface.

Sticking to simple laws physicists, the cabinet begins to move when the points of contact between the surface of the floor and the bottom of the furniture are minimal, the flooring is smooth, and the product is empty. Taking this into account, the sliding of an object along the base of the room increases significantly, without causing damage to the floor covering. Speed ​​up the movement of a heavy cabinet flat floor to the right place, using simple improvised means.

Raw potatoes

The simplest and affordable way moving the cabinet is the well-known and beloved potato. The raw root vegetable is perfect as a sliding substrate on floors covered with laminite, linoleum, or parquet. Potatoes, depending on the tactics used to move the cabinet, are cut in two ways:

  • circles 5 - 7 mm thick;
  • into two parts.

By distributing the chopped root vegetable under the bottom of the cabinet, where the halves are placed cut side down, it can be easily moved around the room. The starch contained in potatoes without leaving scratches on the floor is good lubricant for sliding. Remaining traces of starch can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Wool rug

To make moving furniture easier, use a thick wool or felt rug. Despite the fact that this method is considered effective and does not require much effort, the preparation process itself is considered labor-intensive. It will take at least two people to tilt the cabinet back and pull the fabric underneath the base.

By evenly distributing the fabric, you can quickly move the cabinet across parquet and laminate floors. With light efforts successfully stretch your hands across the threshold of the room, while simultaneously protecting the floor from scratches and damage to furniture. In addition to the mat, you can use camel blanket or a woolen blanket.

To overcome the threshold without damaging it, it is necessary to place on it a slab of lumber 18 mm thick, equal to the width of the opening and a length convenient for rolling.

Wool rug

The cabinet must be raised and a rug placed under it

Nylon covers

One of the most common household items found in any household will help reduce friction when moving furniture - plastic covers. Soft, flexible substrates lubricated with wax or soap easily fit under the base of furniture and ensure smooth sliding.

By slightly lifting the heavy cabinet and placing the lids under the bottom the right amount move it around the room with minimal effort. This simple device is reliable and extremely safe for any type of floor covering. As an alternative, milk cartons made from highly durable polyethylene film, are characterized high degree slip, strength.

Nylon covers

Paraffin, wax and laundry soap

It is no less effective to move a piece of furniture using paraffin or wax, which are irreplaceable items in everyday life and reliable helpers in difficult situations. Products used as a lubricant form a thin, strong layer on the surface, ensuring easy gliding. All you need to do is rub the floor with paraffin, wax or laundry soap along the previously outlined lines of movement.

Cooked soap solution from laundry soap and applied to the surface, will also allow you to quickly carry out the planned rearrangement. Products are removed from the surface using warm water.

The floor should be rubbed with wax or laundry soap

Today, to make it easier to move heavy pieces of furniture, a special device has been created that allows you to independently solve the problem of rearranging without physical costs or the services of loaders. With the help of a furniture conveyor, which is easy to maneuver, even in the smallest rooms, you can:

  • move an item to any location;
  • protect walls, floors, cabinets from impacts and scratches;
  • save time on rearrangement;
  • move quickly on any floor covering;
  • move furniture with maximum weight.

The operating principle of a home mover is simple. The hardened steel lever with rubber handle lifts cabinets of any size and weight. Transport platforms with rotating platforms on eight wheels are placed under each corner of the product. The furniture is transported silently, neatly and quickly to the planned location in the room.

Furniture moving kit

Moving furniture using a conveyor

Modern methods

To facilitate the lifting and placement of bulky pieces of furniture, lashing straps are widely used. The device consists of textile polyester tapes with a ratchet tensioning mechanism and fastening end fittings. Using the universal design, you can move a heavy cabinet either without legs or with legs. The belts are characterized by elasticity, lightness and ease of use.

A soft textile tape wraps around the cabinet and holds it securely when moving it. When using them, you only need to hold the portable furniture with your hands. The equipment is designed for two people. Lifting equipment is used as a jack for lifting furniture. Modern design, having minimum thickness paws can lift an object to a height of 14 cm.

To move a large cabinet, it is recommended to use a small dolly with a comfortable handle and nylon wheels that protect the floor surface from damage. Equipment proven in practice does not require Maintenance And additional assistants. Using this technique, movement occurs with minimal physical effort, regardless of the weight of the product and significantly saves time. The design, equipped with ball bearing discs, has the ability to rotate. When moving on uneven surfaces it can self-balance.

Precautions when moving furniture

When rearranging furniture, safety precautions must be observed. Compliance with the basic rules for lifting and moving large furniture reduces the risk of injury and falling cabinets. To do this, you need to calmly and rationally think through all the movements and evaluate your physical capabilities.

How to move a heavy cabinet without scratching the floor?

    There are lard, potatoes, plastic lids, etc., etc. Lard is greasy, the potatoes will fall apart, the lids can be scratched, etc. But all this is in the past.

    Nowadays, stores sell special rollers for moving furniture; they are cheap. Or buy a furniture conveyor right away and there are no problems.

    If the furniture has legs, then you can use plastic bottles, or rather their bottom. That is, you just need to cut off the bottom of the bottles and put furniture legs in them. This will preserve the integrity of the floor covering and make it easier to move heavy furniture.

    When moving a heavy cabinet, we used two methods. First, you can put a wet rag under the legs and slowly move the cabinet. This way you won’t scratch the floor and it will be much easier. The cabinet will slide on the floor. The second way is to place raw potatoes under the legs of the cabinet. You can cut the potatoes in half or use a slightly smaller piece. These methods helped us.

    We put a potato in half under each leg and it goes like clockwork, lay the potato with the cut side to the floor and lower it slowly so as not to crush it, but an hour ago I moved the set for the living room Orpheus 12

    I think what to buy special devices It is not rational for moving furniture. It's the same as hiring professional movers for this job.

    It is better to move heavy furniture in an apartment using large pieces hard linoleum or thick cardboard placed under furniture legs. Or thin and long boards or plywood, if available.

    In addition to the above, you can place polyethylene (plastic) lids under the legs of a cabinet or other furniture to cover the jars. This will make sliding easier and will rid the floor of streaks.

    Some people polish the floor thin layer soap and this will also help with slipping.

    Eat. When I was little, adults moved the closet as follows. We took 2 small raw potatoes. cut them in half. Each half was placed under the cabinet leg, with the cut on the floor. It is quite possible for 2-3 women to tilt the cabinet slightly. After the cabinet was installed on the potatoes, it was pushed together. By painted floor, he moved relatively easily. The floor was not scratched. Afterwards, the potatoes were removed.

    The most logical option is call grown men. Instead, they will move the locker carefully and move it. If necessary, they will first put it on its side, then move it, and then put it back again. The main thing is to be able to ask. Everything else, as they say, will come on its own. Well, of course, remove children from the aisle for a while so that they do not interfere with the men moving the wardrobe.

    My mother and I moved the closet together, slipping a carpet over it. That is, they were transported right on the path. Place a path under far corners You can use any long stick or mop. The only condition is that there be somewhere to tilt the cabinet.

    1. Putting a piece of lard under the legs of the cabinet is the most effective way.
    2. Wipe the floor with a wet rag - it will be much easier to move, but still need to be pushed to the wet area? Then put lard under your legs :)