How to build a woodshed - a stationary and portable structure with your own hands. Do-it-yourself woodshed at the dacha Round woodshed

The owner of a private house or cottage is in a more advantageous position than city residents, since he can organize a picnic at any time. fresh air. And, naturally, for many people a picnic is associated, first of all, with juicy and delicious kebab. To prepare it, you need to take care not only of the availability of meat, but also prepare firewood so that you can concentrate on the process of cooking meat, and not waste time and effort searching for fuel. Considering that for such cases you will need quite a lot of firewood, it is advisable to create a suitable storage place for it. And the best way to cope with this task is a structure such as a woodshed.

Regardless of whether you plan to purchase a ready-made one or make it yourself, it won’t hurt you to first find out what its purpose is.

Purpose of a woodcutter

Every owner of a private house or cottage should worry about having a supply of firewood. This issue needs to be resolved, regardless of whether you have in your home modern apparatus for heating. The fact is that the owner of a private building may often find himself in situations where it may be necessary:

  • cooking barbecue;
  • heating the house with a fireplace;
  • sauna firebox.

However, here you need to remember that the weather is never constant and can ruin your plans at the most unexpected moment. For this reason It is recommended to take care of the construction of a special structure to protect firewood from precipitation. Regardless of what kind of firewood you use, you should create appropriate storage conditions for it. In this regard, it makes sense to talk about the construction of a firewood shed. This building is perfect for storing firewood, where it will be safe and always ready for use.

Naturally, you don’t have to do such serious work, but quickly put everything on wooden pallets or partitions so that they can at least somehow protect the firewood from precipitation. However, is it worth spending time and effort on this solution to the problem?

It is very important for any owner that order reigns in the yard or dacha and that every item is in its place. This statement is also true for such a building as a woodshed. If you approach its construction wisely, it can be turned into a structure that can decorate any yard.

Selecting firewood options

When deciding on the size of the woodshed, you you should focus on the amount of firewood, which you usually store to meet your daily needs. It is recommended to build a woodshed so that it can hold much more fuel than the estimated amount, because you can never predict whether you will have the opportunity to prepare a new portion of fuel tomorrow.

You can also use a different approach to determining the size of the woodshed. A guideline for this can be the quantity building materials that you have. A thrifty owner always has a certain amount of building materials at hand, so if your plans are to make a woodshed with your own hands, then you can always use the materials you have to build it.

When you start choosing a design for your woodshed, you a number of conditions should be taken into account, without which you will not be able to make a structure for storing firewood that will completely suit you:

  • the ability to provide natural ventilation;
  • defence from sunlight, which negatively affects the structure of wood, reducing its burning time;
  • the ability to arrange rows of logs in such a way that they are securely fixed.

Regardless of which version of the woodshed you choose, it must be equipped with a roof. Moreover, the length of the latter should exceed the area of ​​the main building. This way you will provide protection from precipitation that could penetrate the wood if your roof does not have optimal sizes. Besides, It wouldn’t hurt to arrange a special drain, and install the roof itself in an inclined position.

If you decide to make a firewood shed that will act as an extension to the house, then it is advisable to place it in such a way that it is adjacent to the residential building on the north side. This will not only help you save some on the material, but also improve the heating of the main structure.

Enough interesting solution is a woodshed, which is erected in the form of a separate building. Such a construction can be carried out in the following options:

  • structure with a roof and three walls;
  • gazebo with door;
  • full barn.

If you decide to opt for the latter option, then keep in mind that this structure can be used by you both for storing firewood and for placing gardening tools and tools.

Compact firewood racks would be useful for a firewood rack. In this case, we are talking about small devices made in the form of urns, which are used to carry firewood. Although the firewood boxes look quite elegant, making them requires a lot of effort and patience. A simpler option is purchase ready-made firewood logs, which will bring you a lot of benefits in your household.

Materials for making firewood

It just so happens that for most buildings that are erected on plot of land, wood is traditionally used. However, if you do not have enough experience working with this material, then you can make roofs and walls based on other sheet materials.

In doing so, you need to take the following into account: It is not advisable to choose metal, otherwise your woodshed will resemble an oven, and this will have Negative influence for the wood that you will store in this building.

You also need to take care of the presence of gaps in the firewood. When covering this structure, do everything in such a way that there are fairly wide gaps in it. Proper ventilation is one of the important conditions, compliance with which will allow you to provide yourself with high-quality wood fuel.

When starting to install a roof, you can use materials such as:

  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • tree;
  • building materials that you have left after repairs or construction of other objects.

Not every owner will want to spend time and effort making a firewood rack or firewood rack with their own hands. In such cases, he can do a much simpler thing - purchase a ready-made structure. However, you must immediately prepare for the fact that such a purchase will cost you a pretty penny. Today, firewood storage retails for an average of $1,000. There are enough photos and descriptions of such structures on the Internet, so after reading them you can easily choose the option you like best.

Making a woodshed with your own hands

If you consider yourself to be in that category of people who are not used to missing out on the opportunity to save on something, then the following information will be useful to you, which presents step by step description sequence of work on making a woodcutter with your own hands.

The woodshed itself has a fairly simple structure and the process of its construction can be represented in the following stages:

Woodshed adjacent to the wall

Perhaps someone will decide to choose the option of a woodshed in the form of a building located close to a nearby building. In this case, the technology for its construction will be almost the same.

Just keep in mind that if you are doing continuous cladding, make sure there are small gaps. This way you can solve the issue with ventilation. If you plan to lay the slats with a sufficiently large step from each other, then You can choose mesh as a covering material, which covers the building on the sides located on the sides.

When starting to arrange the roof of the firewood shed, you can choose any of the roofing materials available to you. At the same time, remember that the roof must be installed in an inclined position, which will thereby create the desired angle, ensuring natural drainage.

Nuances in building a firewood shed

To avoid making serious mistakes during the construction of a woodshed, you need to remember the following points:

  • When installing a roof, you need to take care not only of the presence of a slope that ensures proper water drainage. You must calculate the optimal dimensions for this. Ideally, the roof extends beyond the boundaries of the woodshed by approximately 20 cm;
  • no less important work is the floor device. It must be present in the woodshed, otherwise moisture that can get there will harm the wood fuel. If you take the trouble to create the floor, then create conditions for natural convection air and don’t let the firewood spoil ahead of time;
  • Before starting work on the construction of a firewood shed, you need to apply to each element that is determined by the design of this structure, special remedy which will protect them from rotting, fungus and harmful insects.

Although many owners of private houses and summer cottages are accustomed to storing firewood wherever they have to, this does not benefit them. If the place where firewood is stored is not protected from precipitation, then it will not remain suitable for its intended use for long. Therefore, the construction of a firewood shed is more than relevant for every owner of a private household. Anyone can build this object, because for the work you can use available materials at hand.

In addition to this, you can choose the most suitable option taking into account the available free space on local area. And in order for a self-made woodcutter to meet expectations, first need to make a project, which should reflect the dimensions of both the structure itself as a whole and its individual elements.

A firewood shed is needed for storing pre-harvested logs and drying them. The drier the wood, the more heat they give. Firewood is placed in it in neat rows so that they can be easily taken out without collapsing the entire stack. You can build a firewood shed for your dacha with your own hands from bricks, wood, metal or remnants of old building materials. A room for drying and storing firewood can be either ordinary and nondescript, or serve as a decoration for the site.

Types of woodsheds for a summer residence

There are several types of buildings for firewood in the country. A free-standing shed with a door is called a woodshed, a small stand or basket for consumable part fuel supply - a firewood rack, and a shed for drying and storing firewood - a woodshed.

The following requirements are imposed on the woodcutter:

  • large capacity;
  • maximum protection from precipitation;
  • unhindered air circulation for quick drying of fuel.

Outbuildings are usually located in the depths of the site, away from prying eyes. But a firewood rack built with your own hands can look like an exquisite decoration for a summer house. Sometimes firewood sheds act as an element of home design; they are used to decorate one of the walls or a relaxation corner.

Woodsheds are divided into:

  • free-standing with a pitched roof;

  • free-standing with gable roof;

  • extension to the wall of a building;

  • woodshed built into the wall.

One of the mistakes when building a firewood shed for a summer residence with your own hands is choosing the wrong location. You should not build it in the center of the site so that the structure does not obscure the plantings. You can’t install a woodshed in a low area so that the logs don’t start to rot. It is optimal to choose a small hill with infertile soil. You should make sure that there is a paved path leading to it.

Attaching a woodshed to a wooden wall of a dacha is very dangerous. First of all, it's against the rules. fire safety, secondly, the risk of infestation of the building with bugs that may be in the logs increases. If it is not possible to build a free-standing structure with your own hands, the wooden wall of the dacha should be covered metal sheet slightly larger than the dimensions of the canopy. And be sure to treat the walls of the house and woodshed with a special insect repellent solution.

Freestanding firewood sheds look like a shed with lattice walls. If necessary, in winter, open firewood sheds are covered with plywood sheets to protect them from snow. They can only be installed at the bottom of the canopy. With the arrival of spring, the protective sheets are removed so that the firewood dries faster.

Important! Firewood must not be placed on the floor or ground. This will allow them to become saturated with moisture and impede air circulation.

What are wood burners made of?

You can build woodsheds with your own hands from almost anything:

  • beam;
  • brick;
  • leftover lumber;
  • materials obtained from dismantling old buildings, etc.

As a last resort, you can build a woodshed “from what was there.” Review the supplies of lumber available at the dacha, and, based on this, build a shed with your own hands. Fast, cheap, but unreliable - there is no guarantee that the entire fuel supply will fit. Another economical option- woodcutter from wooden pallets.

An approximate list of materials and tools that will be required to build a woodshed at your dacha with your own hands:

  • cinder block, pipes, pillars, concrete for the foundation;
  • logs, beams for the frame;
  • boards for wall cladding and roof construction;
  • roofing material (galvanized sheets, corrugated sheets);
  • nails, metal fastener, corner;
  • power tools, tape measure, hammer, axe, screwdriver, level, plumb line, hacksaw, saw.

Important! The roof needs light weight, but durable materials. Slate and tiles are too heavy; ondulin or roofing felt can sag on the sheathing with large cells.

If the dacha is built of brick and there is an overhang of the foundation that allows you to place a woodshed on it, you can use the roof of the building as a canopy, and build the walls and floor with your own hands from a metal grid and sheet. This is the safest and most economical option: the foundation, back wall and roof already exist, materials are only needed for the side walls and floor.

More difficult option a wooden firewood shed attached to the wall can also be placed on the foundation of the building, and the roof can be slightly expanded with galvanized sheets.

Woodcutter's drawings

Before starting work, you should determine how much fuel is supposed to be stored in the woodshed. If you come to the dacha from time to time, and you only need fuel to light the barbecue, then you won’t need a large woodshed. If you plan to live at the dacha during the cold season, and firewood is needed not only for cooking barbecue, but also for heating the house, then you will have to build a spacious firewood pit in which the logs can dry well. You need to build such a structure not far from your home, so that in cold and bad weather you don’t have to go far for fuel.

Important! For heating in winter season dachas with an area of ​​100 sq. m. you need approximately 1.7 cubic meters of birch firewood or 2 cubic meters of pine. It is necessary to create a supply of fuel for at least two seasons so that the wood has time to dry well.

Drawing of an open woodshed, which is easy to make with your own hands:

Approximate diagram columnar foundation, a method for installing and securing poles with your own hands:

If the logs in the woodshed are stacked several rows deep, it is more appropriate to divide the volume into parts. Then damp, recently delivered firewood will not mix with already dried firewood.

Drawing of a woodshed with a pitched roof:

Important! For ease of use, the roof of the firewood shed is raised to a level of 2 m or higher.

How to make a woodshed for storing firewood

The woodshed requires a reliable foundation. As a last resort, you can get by with columns dug into the ground to a depth exceeding the freezing level. It is optimal to use ready-made concrete tables with dimensions of 200x200x400 mm. If strong winds often blow in the region, anchor bolts are embedded in the foundation pillars to secure the firewood frame. It is not enough to just dig the posts; they need to be concreted or strengthened with sand and crushed stone, covered in layers and compacted well.

Sometimes the floor in the woodshed is made of lattice or large gaps are deliberately left in it. This is not the smartest solution. Wood debris and dust that spills into the cracks will quickly rot, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of harmful insects. Not only firewood can be damaged, but the dacha itself and the entire garden plot. Another danger of a cracked floor is that in warm weather, rotting debris may ferment. Not only are alcohol vapors explosive, they are also harmful to health.

Important! Monolithic foundation for a woodshed is difficult to manufacture, but will save you from many problems: there is no need to lay the floor and take care of the debris underneath it. In addition, concrete accumulates heat and then releases it for a long time, meaning the firewood will dry out much faster.

Experts have not come to a consensus regarding the location of the slats, the angle of inclination, and the distance between them. The horizontal lathing strengthens the frame, but splashes bounce off it when it rains, which is not good for fuel. The horizontal lattice does not have this disadvantage, but it does not support the frame. The best option- a diagonal lattice, but it will require high-quality material.

They claim that using planks mounted in a certain way can speed up the process of drying firewood in the country, but there is no evidence of this. The best option is to completely sew up the top and cover the bottom third with a lattice. In this case top part will reliably protect from precipitation, and the lower one will provide access to air.

Important! Wood felled in winter time or in early spring, will dry out by the beginning of the heating season, and firewood collected in the summer will only be ready next year.

Free-standing woodshed

The simplest option is a canopy on four poles with the floor raised above the ground. It’s easy to make it yourself from leftover materials, but a large number of fuel may not fit. A spacious separate firewood shed will require the development of a plan and the construction of a foundation on at least six columns.

Important! The distance between a residential building and a separate firewood shed cannot be less than 4 m.

Most often, wood sheds at the dacha are built from wooden beam and boards. The optimal option for a floor in a woodshed: tongue-and-groove boards (from 40 mm), laid on logs (150x75 mm) in increments of up to 450 mm. The floor must withstand loads of approximately 1000 kgf/sq.m. m. The gap between the base and the ground level is under no circumstances covered with a plinth, so that there is access for removing fire hazardous debris and air can circulate freely.

Drovnik open type built with lattice walls. If the region has snowy winters, then the slats are filled at a slight angle to prevent precipitation from getting inside. If the dacha is out of stock required quantity identical planks or boards (from 30 mm), you can use any relatively thin lumber, placing them in any order: vertically, horizontally, at an angle. The main thing is to leave as many gaps as possible. The sizes of the cracks vary from 5 cm and more. Lumber is nailed (preferably with corrugated nails) or secured with self-tapping screws.

Important! Gaps in the sheathing that are too wide will give thieves access to the firewood supply.

The lower crown is made of timber (approximately 150x150 mm), for side posts and top harness take the size 100x200 mm. The recommended roof angle is 15-20°. Often, when constructing a roof, rafter beams are not used. Instead, a sheathing is installed in two tiers with increments of up to 45 cm. Longitudinal (along the long side) and transverse beams can be laid in two ways:

  • longitudinal on top (good ventilation, suitable for regions with little rainfall);
  • transverse on top (for places with high rainfall, snowy winters and strong winds).

For regions with harsh climatic conditions, it is recommended to install a shed with a gable roof at the dacha. It will better protect the fuel from precipitation. But there is a nuance: the pediment needs to be made lattice like the walls, or small holes will have to be left for ventilation.

Important! The sheathing of the walls of a gable woodshed should be straight (horizontal or vertical), cross or diagonal. Sheathing of the “blinds” type is not suitable for this design.

Woodshed adjacent to the wall

It is much easier to build a canopy adjacent to the wall of a summer house with your own hands than a free-standing structure. It is ideal for regions with warm winters with little snow, where there is no need to store large amounts of fuel. The disadvantages of an attached firewood shed include:

  • high level of fire danger;
  • the risk of infection of the dacha with bark beetles, mites, and fungus.

Problems may also arise with the foundation of the building. It’s good if the dacha was built taking into account the future extension and the foundation for it has already been laid. It is almost impossible to connect an existing foundation and the base of a woodshed with your own hands without damaging the structure.

The slope of the roof of an attached firewood shed should be directed away from the house. Then the heat from the residential building will speed up the drying of the logs. In this case, the front wall cannot be made closed, since under the eaves of the roof it collects wet air, which will prevent the firewood from drying out. The roof deck should be as light as possible so as not to overload the structure. Galvanized or corrugated sheets are suitable.

Important! To reliably protect fuel from precipitation, the roof overhang should be at least 35 cm.

Covering the side walls with inclined slats (“blinds”) will protect the firewood from moisture, but will make it difficult for air to penetrate, that is, it will slow down drying. If such protection from frequent precipitation is necessary, the “blinds” slats should be spaced at large intervals or mounted in a woodshed forced ventilation. A budget option sheathing - poles or slabs with the “back” facing outwards. This is a cheap, but very fragile material, which is also quite difficult to secure.

Important! Treatment against bugs and fungus will not hurt either stone or brick dacha. Insects manage to “seep” into the smallest cracks, and fungal spores are able to penetrate even through the seams of brickwork.

Photos of woodsheds for a summer residence with your own hands

Dacha in rustic style will only benefit from the unique design solution- a whole wall of logs.

Almost everyone who has a country house stores firewood on the property to light the stove in the house, bathhouse, or simply make a barbecue. Used for storing firewood various options Drovnikov Even if a dacha for someone is only a place for summer holiday and does not involve traveling there during the cold season; firewood is needed to heat the bathhouse or make barbecue. Of course, you can use coals in a bag or buy bundles of firewood, which are popular in the summer season, but this is very inconvenient if the dacha is located far from shops. That is why, as a rule, there is a small supply of firewood at any summer cottage.

If the dacha needs heating, then a wood-burning stove will be a real “salvation” for a country house. Agree, not all homes have sufficient electricity capacity. In addition, this is the simplest and cheapest type of heating. Finally, the stove is an indispensable attribute country holiday: It’s beautiful, creates comfort and atmosphere. Many people stock up on firewood for the entire season and store it in specially equipped woodsheds. This allows you to protect the firewood from precipitation and dry it further. damp firewood. In this article we will talk about ways to make a firewood rack for your dacha with your own hands.


A woodshed is a structure made of wood or metal, which is used as a warehouse for firewood. Woodsheds for a summer residence can be completely different, the main thing is that they meet the basic requirements.

  • The device should be spacious and allow access to firewood without difficulty.
  • The woodshed should be open enough so that the firewood does not become damp and is ventilated. If there are fresh logs in the woodshed, they should have the opportunity to dry out.
  • The structure must have a roof that will protect the logs from rain and snow.
  • The firewood rack should be positioned so that it is not exposed to direct Sun rays. Ultraviolet radiation has a bad effect on wood and reduces its suitability for its intended use.
  • Of course, it is desirable that the woodshed be neat so as not to spoil the entire landscape of the site.

There are various design options for woodsheds depending on their location and type.

A woodshed that is leaning against a building (house, barn, bathhouse)

This is the simplest design in which the wall of the building is the back wall of the woodshed. But this design has a number of serious disadvantages:

  • Fire hazard. A large amount of dry wood near the house.
  • Wood is home to a large number of insects. This problem can be solved by treating the firewood shed with a special compound or separating the firewood from the building using a sheet of metal.

It is recommended to locate the woodshed near the building in the north or where the place is most open to the winds. Of course, a canopy against a wall is a very simple design, so it may not be very beautiful. It is better to hide such a canopy from the least visible part. The most simple circuit– these are 4 supports, a raised floor and 4 walls with a canopy.

Woodshed standing separately from buildings

This is a more beautiful and reliable building. Such a device involves a design and construction plan. Such a canopy can be built in suitable place and even decorate the landscape. The firewood maker will require time from you, but it will serve for a long time, and the firewood will be constantly blown from all directions.


Separately, it is worth mentioning about a portable firewood rack, which is necessary for storing a small amount of firewood. Such options are needed to keep firewood closer to the place of use. These are structures made of wood or metal that are easy to move along with firewood. Typically this is beautiful designs that complement the interior. A portable firewood must:

  • be light;
  • to be beautiful;
  • easy to carry.

Such firewood sheds are located indoors. You can see such structures next to fireplaces in the house.

How to choose material?

Sometimes the woodshed is hidden in the farthest or inconspicuous corner of the site, and then it is built without thinking about appearance. Any available materials, leftovers can be used various boards and logs. You can make a woodshed without walls and supports. Then the evenly stacked firewood is covered with any material that will protect it from precipitation.

The most common material for woodshedders is wood. Wooden firewood sheds are made from boards and beams. Also used metal elements. For example, pipes covered with boards. The roof is made from any light but rigid material. For example, galvanized iron, corrugated sheets, slate (it is quite heavy), ondulin, roofing felt.

When choosing materials for a woodshed, it is important to pay attention to its design. If the style suits a simple wooden woodshed, then the structure will be made of boards and beams. If you plan to use metal not only for support, but also for the walls of the woodshed, then you can think about a forged woodshed. Often portable firewood burners are made of metal.

Here are the materials you will need to create a regular wooden firewood shed.

  • Floor board. This is necessary so that the logs do not lie on the ground. You should choose a thick board, no thinner than 2.5 cm, so that it can withstand firewood.

  • Concrete blocks instead of a foundation.

  • Beams, logs. For the base of the floor.

  • Boards for the frame.

  • Beam for the frame.

  • Roof boards.

  • Nails and screws.

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • shovel;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb line;
  • axe;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • square


For the construction and construction of original firewood sheds, barrels, former rabbit pens and even pallets and rings for wells are also used. Such options do not require the creation of a drawing and are distinguished not only by their external originality, but also by the ease of creating the design.

How to do it yourself?

Below are instructions for creating firewood loggers. Let's start with the option of a free-standing woodshed. To build such a structure, it is necessary to make manufacturing drawings so that the firewood shed turns out to be of a given size and fits into the landscape. The base will be 6 logs. These are the supports that create the frame. Let's look at how to build a firewood shed step by step.

  • Determine and mark the construction area on the site. Dig 6 holes for supports - 3 each in the front and back. The dimensions of the depressions are no less than 30 cm by 30 cm, and the depth is up to 50 cm. Fill the holes with crushed stone to a depth of 15 cm and compact them. Make log holes.

  • The logs must be deepened at least 25 cm. Treat the log with an antiseptic. Wrap with roofing felt. Secure the supports with concrete or stone. Treat the ends of the logs too.

  • The length of the logs in the front and back should be different to create a roof slope. The back logs should be lower than the front ones by at least 3 cm.

  • Place cross beams and a base for the floor. Secure them by connecting them to the supports. Cross joists should be raised 10 cm above the ground to ensure ventilation.

  • Install the floor boards onto the joists. Leave the distance between the boards small, up to 2 cm, for ventilation from the floor. Use wood screws and a screwdriver for fastening. You can use nails.

  • Form the walls on three sides from boards. The step between the boards is about 15 cm. You can use a mesh. It's more cheap option, but less beautiful.

  • Place 3 rafters on the firewood frame to create a roof. Place 5 more logs across. Attach the roof to the frame. Use slate and roofing felt nails. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening corrugated sheets and ondulin.

  • It is possible to use shingles instead of 5 logs for the roof frame and cover it with roofing felt or other roofing material.

  • Coat the wood with varnish. You can paint the woodshed with paint and decorate it with decorative structures.

Please pay attention to the following details.

  1. Be sure to take into account the slope of the roof so that the snow falls down unhindered.
  2. The roof must be larger than the woodshed. The protrusion should be about 25 cm.
  3. It is necessary to have a floor that is raised 10 cm above the soil.
  4. There should be gaps in the walls and floors for free ventilation. These elements are made of wood.
  5. All wooden materials Before fastening, treat with an antiseptic.
  6. You can decorate the woodshed with carvings, plants, and sculptures.
  7. To protect firewood from moisture, create drainage.

To build a firewood shed that is adjacent to a building, no special instructions are needed. It is created in the same way as a separate woodshed. Such a woodshed should also be well ventilated, because one wall is solid, unlike the previous variation. The materials for the roof and frame are the same.

There are a number distinctive features for such a building.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the woodshed is located close to the house. It is necessary to ensure that water from the roof of the building does not fall on the firewood.
  2. The woodshed located in the north will insulate the northern wall of the house. The house will shield the firewood from unwanted light.
  3. In this case, a floor is also needed. Firewood should not be stored directly on the ground.
  4. To add aesthetics, you can make doors that will close the firewood. If you place the firewood shed on a covered terrace, then leaving the house for logs will be more pleasant and easier.

Do you live in country house? Do you have a fireplace or stove? In this case, you need to take care of a supply of firewood for winter period. You can organize a convenient place for storing firewood next to the house or make a special firewood shed located near the entrance to it. It is worth noting that you can make a woodshed from materials that are available on personal plot. Most often, wooden blocks are used as the starting material. Today you will learn about different options firewood and methods for making it yourself.


The main purpose of a firewood box is to protect firewood from bad weather, such as snow or rain. If you make lattice walls, which is very desirable in this case, then the firewood will have enough air for timely ventilation. The size of the structure is not so significant; you can vary the dimensions according to personal ideas about the woodcutter and needs.

Do not think that neatly stacked firewood near the house can be perfectly stored for the entire heating season. This type of storage can be dangerous for two reasons. Firstly, the area around the woodpile will very soon lose its attractiveness. And secondly, although the firewood will be dry inside, due to moisture it will smoke and hiss in the fireplace. The problem can be solved by building a storage area for firewood or at least making a shed for it.

For the convenience of storing firewood, a special design was invented, called a firewood shed or woodshed. Such a structure can be:

  • indoor;
  • street;
  • portable;
  • stationary.

To make a firewood box, either metal or wood may be suitable for you. There is no doubt about one thing: every home owner can build a firewood shed with his own hands.

Let's get to work! Collecting material and tools

If you have chosen to build a woodshed from timber, then, strictly speaking, you will need the following raw materials:

  • bars,
  • wooden pallets from building materials,
  • roofing felt or film,
  • impregnation intended for wood processing,
  • screws.

Among the tools of primary importance are:

  • hacksaw,
  • brushes,
  • screwdriver,
  • construction stapler.

We build a firewood shed from beams

To construct the base of the building you will need 4 beams. They may not be new, but they must be durable. Pre-select a place for the firewood and mark it with pegs and rope. Now dig 4 holes about 60 cm deep. You can do this with a shovel or garden drill. Then insert the pillars, and then fill them with clay and fine gravel. Compact the base thoroughly.

For better compaction, add layers of fine gravel and sand alternately, approximately 10 centimeters thick. Compact each layer using a pole.

Note! To ensure good drainage of rainwater, you need to make the roof sloping, which means the beams for the base must have different heights. The height difference should be exactly 15 cm if the pillars are 1.5 m apart from each other.

Control the dimensions of the structure to create and maintain a rectangular shape.

At this stage, you need to fasten the front and back posts together. To do this, use 2 bars. You will need screws to attach the crossbars. The walls can be sewn up with a slab, leaving gaps between it that will serve to ventilate the room. By the way, croaker is one of the most economical wood materials. And if the walls made from it are sanded and varnished, then it will become an excellent addition to the landscape of the site. To strengthen the structure, install braces along the side walls.

Now let's talk about the roof. The easiest way is to make a flooring from the same slab and cover it with ondulin or roofing felt. To prevent tearing of the material, place a spacer made of plastic over the nails. of stainless steel. As mentioned above, to improve the aesthetic appearance of the structure, it can be painted or varnished. So in a simple way you can make something out of nothing good storage for firewood

Schemes of construction stages

Making a compact wood burner for your home

Perhaps bringing an armful of firewood into the house will not be a big deal for you, but then the dilemma arises: where to put it so as not to clutter up the space near the fireplace and keep it as clean as possible? Yes, and you are unlikely to be able to bring a lot in one armful at once, and few people will like going out into the cold every time to get a small portion of firewood. In view of this, many fireplace owners are thinking about building a firewood rack for their home.

The firewood rack for the home can be made from different materials. For example, you can weave a special basket to carry firewood. It can be intended for one person or for two. Here, of course, a metal firewood can be used. However, the weight of the metal will most likely create inconvenience for you. If it is made from sheet metal and a rod of small cross-section, then the portable firewood box will not be so heavy. Even a barrel made of wood and a schoolbag after the simplest alteration can become a very convenient accessory for carrying firewood.

Metal woodshed for home

If you know how to weld, but don’t know how to make a woodcutter, then try making simple design made of metal rod, about 8 mm in diameter. To do this, cut 4 identical pieces 30-40 cm long, and then weld them together to form a base. Bend two rods about 160-180 cm long in an arc like the letter U, so that the distance between the legs is equal to the length of the main side. So, you will lay the foundation for the sides of the woodshed.

Then weld the sides to the base so that the arcs remain at the top. The ends of the rods should protrude 3 cm below the base. They will serve as legs. To create resistance to them, metal plates can be welded. Open the finished woodshed with a layer of metal paint.

Wicker woodshed for home

To make a wicker woodcutter, you need to purchase a willow twig, wooden slats and thick copper wire. To begin, put together rectangular base from purchased slats. On their opposite sides, drill holes every 3 cm. Then insert into them willow twigs, choose thick rods for this, because they will be the basis for weaving.

In the middle, insert a copper wire instead of a rod and make an arc out of it. It will serve as the basis for the woodcutter handle. Bend the ends of the wire using pliers. Bend the main rods at the required angle to the bottom and intertwine them with thin rods.

After this, bend the racks one by one, wrap it behind the adjacent thick rod and seal it into the lash from the inside. After this, wrap thin rods around the wire so as to hide its ends.

Unique types of firewood

Do you have a bench with legs installed near the bathhouse or barbecue? Then a place for storing firewood can be installed under it. You will get a wonderful firewood rack without any effort. However, this option is only acceptable if the seat of your bench is solid, without holes or gaps. Otherwise rainwater will fall on the firewood, which will subsequently cause it to become damp.

Barrels can also be used to store firewood. These can be wooden, metal or plastic barrels. Lay them on their side and then fill them solid fuel. The barrel can be used as a single wood burner near the barbecue, or you can lay out an entire wall from several barrels. So, you can not only store firewood, but also divide the area into zones distinguished by functionality.

Can serve as a woodcutter concrete rings. This option is very non-standard, but it looks just great! To create such a structure, you need to purchase concrete well rings and use physical force, since the rings are very heavy. So, you should lay the rings on their side, having first prepared a crushed stone compacted cushion for them. To do this, dig a hole 20-25 cm and fill it with crushed stone, and then compact it. Such a base will not allow the rings to move out of place. If your firewood box will consist of several rings, then connect them together, for example, anchor bolts. Multi-level design using rings different sizes looks especially attractive.

Most summer cottages used during the cold season are heated with wood. Purchasing ready-made dry firewood for this purpose is, to say the least, unprofitable, and harvesting, sawing, splitting and storing it is a task that seems only elementary at first glance. Although in reality, you need a little knowledge, a minimum of materials and two hands to arrange a place for drying and storing them.

But, before you start making a firewood rack at your dacha, you need to clearly know what it should be like.

Preparation and storage of firewood

Is the whole tree on fire? Almost everything, even wet, but bad. Heavily dried - burns out quickly, and resinous promotes the rapid formation of soot in chimneys, etc.

It is better to harvest any wood for stoves and fireplaces in the autumn-winter period, when there is minimal sap flow. It’s better to saw it raw, and to chop it when it’s frozen. Of course, there are nuances for different breeds, but these indicators are the most general. The exception is very hard rocks:

  • birch;
  • ash etc.

They need to be pricked only raw. When they are dry, this procedure will require three times more effort.

It is better to dry firewood in specialized dryers, where they will be ready for use in 2–3 days. But, if you built a dacha with your own money, this path is not for you. For you the best option There will be drying in a woodshed or firewood shed.

This is done for at least 7-8 months, and preferably 1 to 2 years.

The ideal humidity of firewood for stoves and fireplaces is no higher than 20%, but not lower than 10%. Drier ones burn out too quickly, and very active combustion is unsafe for heating device.

Woodshed or woodshed, photographs of examples

There is no clear definition for these devices.

Often a firewood shed is called any pile of firewood or logs, but closer to the truth - a drovnik (woodshed) is a special room, a shed for storing firewood, and a woodshed (woodshed) is a small structure for drying firewood or even a place where firewood is stacked in a special way with the same purpose.

After all, it’s not right to call firewood sheds located indoors for storing a small amount of logs brought in from the street?

And even more so this concerns special devices for their transportation and temporary storage.

But the woodshed can be both open and closed. For him, the main task is to maintain a given humidity and protect the finished firewood from the sun, which destroys the structure of the wood, and precipitation.

The following version of its device is also possible:

The woodshed can be quite large, a free-standing or built-in room, but it is better to make the woodshed closer to the house or vacation spot with a stove, barbecue or fireplace, so that it is not far to go for firewood.

At dachas, if they are not used for year-round permanent residence, they rarely build full-fledged firewood sheds, but make do with firewood sheds.

There are firewood boxes produced industrially.

They are easily interlocked with each other and installed in convenient location. The design provides good ventilation, but it is better to place them under a canopy.

Do-it-yourself woodshed for a summer residence, photo, drawing

First of all, a few general rules:

1. The dimensions of the firewood box, and above all its depth, are determined by the size of the firebox of your heating device, and therefore by the length of the firewood. They can be stored in 2 or more rows. This will determine one of the dimensions of the cage itself. The height is made convenient for accessing the upper rows of firewood without ladders or stands; the width depends on the amount of firewood being harvested.

If you plan to lay firewood in stacks, perpendicular to each other in rows (which is preferable to reduce pressure on the racks, at least in the outer rows), then the same size will determine the distance between the outer and intermediate racks.

2. When adding a woodpile to a house, it is necessary to provide a gap between it (especially if it is wooden) and the woodpile. Direct contact will lead to deterioration in the airflow of the wood, possible education fungus, mold, damage to house structures by wood-boring insects, often found in firewood.

3. The floor of the woodshed must be installed at a distance from the ground for better airflow and to prevent moisture from entering from the base. If it is installed directly on the ground, then it is advisable to make an effective drainage cushion under it according to the following scheme:

  • geotextile +
  • sand 50 – 100 mm +
  • crushed stone up to 100 mm.

Or you can install it on the foundation.

4. The roof overhangs over the woodpile must be large enough (at least 40 cm) to protect the woodpile from precipitation.

After this analysis, a drawing is made

Now you can start making firewood.

How to build a woodshed with your own hands

When choosing materials, first of all, you need to be guided by considerations of sufficient strength to store a certain volume of raw, heavy firewood so that your structure does not fall apart under their weight. Its volume should include two zones:

  • for drying fresh firewood;
  • for dry firewood.

Therefore, the cross-section of the racks and flooring boards is taken with some margin. Also, if necessary, stringers are made to provide additional strength to the structure.

The rafter system is made in accordance with the selected roofing material, ensuring retention of the maximum snow cover for a given area. The slope should ensure free descent of snow.

The design of the firewood can be made entirely or partially from metal, or it can be a mobile container, which is still better placed under a shelter.

Creativity can make your woodshed an attractive architectural feature in the landscape.

The experience of building a firewood shed from wooden pallets seems interesting, and most importantly simple. Of course, its dimensions determine the dimensions of the constituent elements themselves, but this does not mean at all that such a structure cannot have a decent appearance.

An even more advanced version of a shed for storing firewood, assembled from pallets, using minimum quantity additional materials, shown in the video:

But creative ideas creating firewood sheds with your own hands doesn’t end there.

Country firewood from improvised means

This is a firewood rack, created from old barrels without a bottom connected by thick ropes. They are often made from oak, which, during use for its intended purpose, being constantly in a wet state, becomes almost stained. Therefore, you won’t have to worry too much about the service life of such a structure.

The experience of constructing a firewood shed from reinforced concrete rings of various diameters is also interesting.

The rings are installed on an effective drainage pad, because concrete absorbs moisture well, which is clearly not suitable for preserving firewood. And the main thing is functionality.

The architectural appeal of this building is made from cement-sand mixture imitation of tree bark on the outer surface of the rings, giving them the appearance of hollow logs made from tree trunks of huge diameter.

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