How to calculate how many tiles you need for a bathroom. How to calculate the required amount of ceramic tiles for the bathroom and toilet

Tile is the most common finishing material, which is used for cladding not only internal but also external surfaces. It withstands temperature changes, does not tolerate high levels of humidity, but most importantly, it is easy to maintain. Choosing this material for an apartment or house, the first thing you think about is: how to calculate how many tiles are needed in each specific case?

As a rule, most people initially purchase an approximate quantity depending on the cost required material(tiles, wallpaper, etc.). However approximate calculations lead to unreasonably high costs. The excess will simply gather dust in some corner, without bringing any benefit. In this article, we will try to do without this and make a more accurate calculation based on what exactly the tiles will be spent on.

Necessity of calculation

If you need to carry out repairs in your apartment or private property, you need to calculate everything correctly so that there is no excess. Some people believe that extra material is not a hindrance, but in reality everything is not so simple. During renovations, most people spend a considerable amount of money, and excess tiles lead to unjustified costs. After all, hardly anyone wants to overpay for floor tiles?! In addition, its remains are usually not needed by anyone.

Often, having made an approximate calculation of the amount of material, you can find that there is simply not enough of it. All you have to do is go to the store and buy the rest you need. However, it's not that simple. The fact is that each batch produced has differences in shades. For this reason, in many stores, samples from the same collection have different prices. As a result of all this, you can see areas with different tones on the floor or walls, which somewhat spoils the overall impression.

In order to prevent the destruction of harmony in the design of the room, it is better to immediately make the most accurate calculation of the tiles. When choosing tiles for the floor or walls for your room, you should know its pros and cons, so as not to be disappointed later. You may need to give preference to a different finishing material, who knows?!

Advantages of tiles

The popularity of tiles is difficult to underestimate or overestimate due to the obvious advantages of the material:

  • tolerates moisture;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • immune to the effects of aggressive environments;
  • easy to clean;
  • it can be used in low or high temperature environments;
  • Relevant for a heated floor system in a bathroom or kitchen.

The tiles are available on the market in a wide variety of shapes and shades. Thanks to this, the material deservedly enjoys fame among professional designers. With it you can create original interiors, since the tile itself is already a good decor. In our modern times Every year, interior decoration is becoming more and more popular. At the same time, partial finishing is carried out not only in bathrooms and kitchens, as we are already accustomed to seeing. Living rooms also look good with elements of such decor.

Disadvantages of finishing decor

To solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles are needed for different surfaces, the shortcomings of the material should also be known in person. Compared to the advantages, there are not many of them. And one of them is high degree rigidity. On the one hand, this is even an advantage, but on the other hand, dishes that fall on the tiled floor will inevitably break. Also, due to this quality, serious difficulties arise when cutting tiles. Particularly for materials with a glazed surface.

In addition, enameled and polished tiles are quite slippery. Fortunately for most renovation lovers, all these existing shortcomings are not so serious, so now you can safely move on to directly studying the calculation of the required number of tiles.

Features of calculation of facing material

How to calculate the number of tiles? any universal option or there is no special formula for this. Some may immediately object that it is enough to know the area of ​​the room. In reality, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is important to take into account the condition of the floor, what the final version will be, and the dimensions of one tile sample. It is also important to consider whether the pattern will be created, the method of laying the tiles and what kind of surface: floor, walls, backsplash (usually in the kitchen) or bathroom (in whole or in part).

Let's try to understand this difficult issue. By making the calculation using the methods described below, you can determine the net amount of tiles. However, during the work it will need to be trimmed, and therefore it is worth adding another 10-15% to the result obtained. This is an error that is inevitable - the material will break when cutting and the like.

Number of tiles per floor

How to calculate the number of tiles for the floor? The dimensions of the room and the tile itself should be taken as a basis. In this case you can use different ways. For example, let's take the average dimensions of a room, which is typical for most residential buildings: length - 3 meters and width 2 meters. For calculation, it is better to reduce all known ones to one form: length - 300 cm, width - 200 cm, tile dimensions - 20 x 15 cm.

To begin with, you can determine the area of ​​the floor in the room and one tile. It's not that difficult - the length is multiplied by the width (the answer is 60,000 cm 2 and 300 cm 2, respectively). Now you need to divide both values ​​among themselves, the result will be the amount of material. That is, Q=60000/300=200 (pieces). If the answer is fractional, it must be rounded up, for example, 63.35 = 64.

You can divide the length of the floor by the same parameter of the tile (the answer is 15 cm). The same thing with the width - 200 divided by 15 and we get 13.33. All that remains is to multiply the obtained values ​​among themselves and calculate Q = 13.33 * 15 = 199.95, but taking into account rounding - 200 pieces. Taking into account the error - 220-230 pieces, no less.

Calculation of tiles on the wall

How to calculate tiles for a wall? Here everything is somewhat more complicated. If tiles of the same color are laid on several walls (or on all 4 as when tiling a bathroom), then the calculation can be carried out as with the option for the floor. First, the number of tiles is determined in relation to one wall, and then to the other, and so on. At the end, the results obtained are summarized, not forgetting to add 10-15%. Only when taking measurements of the walls, it is worth excluding the area of ​​the interior passage, as well as all other places where there will be no tiles.

It’s another matter if you need to lay out some kind of pattern or ornament from the tiles, as you like. Here it’s worth mastering the designer’s specialty a little, armed with a pencil and a piece of paper on which to draw up a rough drawing on which the entire pattern and the location of each tile will be clearly visible.

To begin with, it is worth carrying out a standard calculation of wall tiles with a pattern for one of the walls. That is, measure its height and divide by the length of the tile. For example, the height of the room is 250 cm, and the length of the tile is 30 cm. As a result of division, we get the answer - 8.3, which we round up to 9. That is how many horizontal rows there will be.

Next, we take into account the length of the wall (or width), for example, 300 cm (200 cm). Suppose we put square tiles and therefore its other parameter is also 30 cm. Now we calculate the number of vertical rows and as a result of the calculation we have - 10 (20). Now we multiply these two values: 9*10 (20) = 90 (180).

Now is the time to refer to our drawing and count how many tiles are of a distinctive color. Then this number is subtracted from the total calculated quantity.

How many tiles are needed for a bathroom?

In fact, determining the amount of tiles for a bathroom is practically no different from the examples given above. Here it is also necessary to measure the height and length (width) of the walls. Usually such premises in many residential buildings are made regular square or rectangular shape. In this case, if it is a square, it is enough to measure the parameters of one of the walls, and then multiply by 4 during the calculation. For a rectangular room, you already need to measure two walls, and again need to multiply by 2.

Sometimes it is difficult to calculate how many tiles are needed for a bathroom. The fact is that the interior of some rooms is complicated by niches and protruding elements. Then you will have to separately measure each surface on which the tile will lie.

The obtained values ​​should be written down, but for greater convenience it is better to plan the room. At the same time, indicate the location of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other elements. This will allow you to more accurately determine how much material is needed and minimize excess.

Usually during the calculation it is necessary to exclude some areas. For the bathroom this is the doorway. There is also no need to lay tiles under the bathtub, since this part of the walls will not be visible. Especially when installing a screen, which will allow you to save a little on material. Therefore, measuring the height of the surfaces to which the bathroom adjoins should start from its sides.

Counting tiles for backsplash

How to calculate tiles for a backsplash? Usually sizes this area, excluding wall cabinets and allowance for the table top, is 55-75 cm, which corresponds to the standard. However, in some cases, this working area of ​​the kitchen may have different dimensions.

To determine how many tiles will be used for the apron, you must first find out whether it will be made for the entire length of the wall or not.

If the furniture is already present, then you need to measure the necessary parameters:

  • the height of the bottom row of cabinets with table top and legs (if any);
  • height of the top row of cabinets;
  • If you have a pencil case, you will also need its height.

In addition, it is also worth taking into account the height of the hood, which is usually 72 cm from the countertop, and its allowance, which is another 10 cm. It is also necessary to retreat from the apron by 3-5 cm in order to hide its edge behind the set.

If there is no furniture yet (if major renovation or for a number of other reasons), you should mark two boundaries on the wall below and above. The first is a line of floor cabinets, and the second is the bottom edge of wall furniture. Lines must be drawn evenly using a level to the required length. This will allow you to more clearly and accurately solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles you need.

In any case, you will end up with a rectangular section, the length and height of which must be measured to calculate the area of ​​the apron. If the plot is corner, then calculations are carried out from each of the walls, and then the two results are summed up. You also need to calculate the area of ​​the tile.

Now all that remains is to divide the calculated value of the apron by the area of ​​one tile, thus determining their total. Just don’t forget about the 10% reserve. A fractional number rounded up.

Diamond laying

This method of laying tiles on the floor or walls looks more prestigious and harmonious. How to calculate is already known - determine the area of ​​surfaces (walls, floors) and tiles. Then divide the received data among themselves. For example, the floor area was determined to be 7.5 m2, and the tiles - 0.09 m2. Then the result will be: Q=7.5/0.09=83.33, taking into account rounding we get 84 pieces.

The tiles need to be laid from the center of the surface to the periphery; the size and shape of the tiles should also be taken into account. In addition, you will need to trim the edges, which increases material consumption. For this reason, the reserve will already be 15-20%. That is, in the end we have 97-100 tiles.


As you can see, calculate required amount facing material not as difficult as many people think. And to facilitate the whole process or when you are too lazy to carry out all the calculations yourself, there is a convenient option - an online calculator. All you need to do is enter the required data. Therefore, measurements will still have to be taken.

You can also contact a specialist who will calculate everything on the spot within half an hour. But at the same time, you will have to part with some money, and also listen to a professional opinion that it is better to entrust the installation to specialists. Perhaps even from the company where he works.

But if only a person experienced in this matter can really handle laying tiles, then each of us can solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles are needed. After all, we all went to school, at least most of us.

Tile is the most suitable material for, but also quite expensive. Therefore, in order not to have to buy more or throw away excess, you need to correctly calculate the tiles for the bathroom, and for this we can use special or online calculation and layout programs.

Correct calculation of tiles during repairs allows you to save not only time spent on purchasing missing materials, which, it should be said, may not be in the store, but also money that will be spent on surplus. And in order to avoid these troubles, there are several ways. A classic and accessible method for calculating materials on paper, and a more modern and convenient method - online tile layout.

But in each case there are certain nuances that need to be taken into account in order to calculate the material as accurately as possible.

The layout of the tiles is important in the further calculation of its quantity. Depending on the location of the seam between the tiles, there are several types of layout:

  • Standard or basic (“seam to seam”).
  • Diagonal, herringbone, labyrinth, bandaged, chess, run-up, carpet or modular layout, there are a great many options.

How to position the tiles correctly?

From an aesthetic point of view, it is important to consider the layout method, the location of the decor and color combinations in accordance with the area of ​​the room. Finishing can visually change the proportions of a room.
In order to visually enlarge the room, use tiles light shades, horizontal laying method with transverse placement of the pattern.

Options for laying out tiles in the bathroom

The height can be increased by vertical layout, use of contrasting stripes, vertical arrangement of friezes, and in this case it is better to place the decodable elements slightly above eye level. Dark-colored tiles will visually make the room smaller. When choosing a color floor tiles It is important to consider that a dark floor and a light ceiling will visually increase the space, and vice versa.

It is important that the tile installation system is made with minimum quantity pruning. This will not only make installation work easier, but will also visually make the finish correct and more beautiful.

The trim on the walls is placed symmetrically between the corners. The pattern is laid out on the floor in such a way that solid elements are located in the visible area, and all trimming goes to the least visible sides or is hidden under interior items. In matters of design, online tile layout will provide invaluable assistance, which will help create the most accurate visual model of the future finish.

Before calculating the tiles, it is important to take correct measurements of the room. It is carried out after the walls are prepared for laying tiles. Each side is always measured separately, even if the room correct form. Round the resulting value up. The size of the doorway and window is subtracted from the overall measurement. Sometimes areas that will not be finished, for example, hidden behind the bathroom, are also taken away from the total area.

We measure the area of ​​the walls and floor

When a room of a complex configuration has protruding elements, niches or boxes, their measurements are taken separately. It is better to record all the results by drawing up a plan of the room to scale, on which the location of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other interior details is noted. For a more accurate calculation, it is better to convert all numbers into millimeters.

Methods for calculating tiles

There is no single universal calculation scheme. In each individual case, everything depends on the specific layout of the room, the standard sizes of the tiles, and the layout of the tiles in the bathroom is taken into account. And depending on this, the most suitable of the three calculation methods is chosen.

  • Sketch of the project;
  • Calculations using the formula;
  • Layout and calculation of tiles in the bathroom using computer programs.

Important! It is worth considering that in case of errors in calculations, it can be problematic to purchase additional tiles, because different batches of the same collection often have visible differences in shades, ornament geometry and some other technical parameters.

Sketching and piece-by-piece calculation of tiles

The most reliable results can be obtained by sketching the project on paper. For these purposes, any regular notebook sheet in a square or on graph paper will be suitable. The room is drawn to scale, each wall and floor separately. Mark the location of the tiles based on their size and installation method. Tiles of various shades, decorative elements, if used, frieze are shaded with colored pencils for convenience. Such a project will allow you not only to imagine what the room will look like after finishing, but also to calculate the amount of material individually as accurately as possible.

Calculations using the formula

In this case, the amount of material is determined based on the size of the room and the material. Let's say you need to calculate the number of tiles to cover the floor standard bath. To do this, you need to know the total square footage of the bathroom, which is calculated using standard geometric formulas, for example: 1.73 × 1.73 = 3.46 m2, rounding the resulting number up, we get an area of ​​3.5 m2. Next, you need to find out the area of ​​one floor tile: 0.335×0.335=0.112 m2. Next, we calculate how many whole tiles will be needed to cover the entire area: 3.5/0.112=31.2 pcs. We round the quantity to 32 and add 10% for defects and trimming, in the case of a diagonal layout - 15%. The total is 35 or 37 tiles, respectively.

This method is used if the layout of the tiles in the bathroom is standard, and the individual elements do not differ in size. At in non-standard ways laying, the number of tiles can be calculated only by sketching the project to scale. Or through special services, if the program for laying out tiles suggests the possibility of such placement of finishing elements. You can be more precise about calculating tiles.

For walls

Wall tiles

As a rule, wall decoration is done in two shades, which are separated by a border, so first you need to determine the height of each layer. At the same time, it is better not to trim the lower dark layer, that is, its height will be a multiple of the height of the tile. Depending on the size of the tiles, lay out 3-4 rows. The height of the border will vary depending on the height of the tiles used for this. The remaining height of the wall is a light layer.

The dark band is calculated. The perimeter of the bathroom is multiplied by the height of the dark layer and its area is determined. The resulting number is divided by the area of ​​one dark tile and its quantity is determined. Add 10% for pruning, fighting and rejects.

Light tiles are calculated in a similar way. The area of ​​the wall for a light finish is divided by the already known area of ​​one tile and the amount of light-colored ceramics is obtained. Add 10%.

The border elements are counted. To do this, the perimeter of the room is divided by the length of the border element. From the resulting number, subtract the part that falls on the doorway. Results are always rounded up to a whole multiple of one or a half, since halves are also used, for example, at corners.

For floor

Depending on the layout and configuration of the room, choose the most convenient method.

Bathroom floor tiles

By total area. They will find out total area floor of the room, without subtracting the box and niche, and divide it by the area of ​​one tile. This way they will know how many tiles will be needed to cover a given surface. 10% is added to the resulting number, which will be spent on trimming and insurance against defects or damage to the material. The figure is rounded to higher value. The error with this method of calculation can be quite significant.
On both sides. First, find out how many tiles will be laid along each wall.

To do this, the length of the wall is divided by the length of the side of one tile that corresponds to it. The same calculation is carried out on the other wall and side of the tile. Thus, it is determined how many tiles are laid in one row along one and the other wall. The resulting figures are multiplied by each other, a margin of 10% is added and the total amount is obtained.

If the layout of the floor tiles in the bathroom is made diagonally, the calculation is performed in the same way, but it is recommended to add not the standard 10%, but 15% as a reserve.

Online calculator

You can also use our online calculator To calculate tiles, this calculator allows you to calculate not only the quantity but the cost of tiles.

Computer programs.

Modern computer programs make tile counting simple and convenient, provided you work with them correctly.

Programs for calculating bathroom tiles

Services that help with calculations can be divided into two types: an online tile layout program and calculators for counting tiles. You can work in programs online or after installing them on your computer. Some of them are paid, but their functions and capabilities are significantly higher than those of free versions. The tile calculation program allows the user to perform a number of actions:

  • Lay out the tiles in a 3D model and thereby create a semblance of finishing a bathroom in the future;
  • Calculate quantity finishing material and tile adhesive consumption;
  • In the programs, you can adjust trimming and select tiles from different collections.

Simplified versions for calculating tiles - calculators. These are small programs, usually online versions, that calculate material based on data entered by the user for already finished project. It is worth considering that using a calculator to calculate bathroom tiles is only possible if all finishing elements are the same size.

Calculation of the quantity of consumables

Tile tiles are usually laid on glue using a suture method, which means that for repairs you will need the adhesive mixture itself, grout, and installation crosses that will regulate the thickness of the seam; as a rule, you purchase only one package with a minimum quantity of 50 pieces. The consumption of a certain tile adhesive and the amount of grout are pre-calculated.

The consumption of tile adhesive is influenced by a number of factors, among which the most significant is the evenness of the base. Also, the thickness of the adhesive base increases depending on the size of the tile; the smaller it is, the smaller the layer of glue will hold it. For tiles use cement mixtures, dispersion adhesive or epoxy-based mixtures. They are applied with a notched trowel. Moreover, if its teeth are pointed, less glue will be required than when working with a spatula with square teeth.
In order to find out the approximate consumption of tile adhesive, multiply half the height of the tile by the average consumption of the selected glue mixture and the area of ​​the surface to be covered.
The best way to calculate is to use online calculators. They provide the most accurate results based on data about the tile, the substrate, the tool, the working conditions and the selected adhesive.

Average material consumption using the example of Ceresit glue

Grout for joints

In order to calculate the required quantity, you need to know the volume of the space to be filled, but if the thickness of the seam is known, then difficulties arise in determining its depth. As a rule, it depends not only on the thickness of the tile, it is important to take into account the thickness of the adhesive mixture and what percentage of the grout will go under the tile. All these indicators are relative, so it will not be possible to accurately calculate the material. The amount of grout is taken based on its consumption indicated on the packaging and 10-15% is added.
You can also use our online calculator to calculate grout, which quite accurately calculates the material according to the specified parameters. The program algorithms calculate ideal values, so they recommend adding 10% to the result. (votes: 7 , average rating: 4,43 out of 5)

Sometimes it is very difficult to imagine what your bathroom will look like after renovation. Many people, due to their way of thinking, are not able to see a tile and imagine how it will look in the room. Of course, you can look at the interior options offered by the manufacturer's designers and do one-on-one... But this option is often not suitable, since the premises are designer interiors rarely coincide in size and shape with real, standard bathrooms.

How to understand whether this or that tile will suit you or not? Option one is to arrange a meeting with the designer in one of the stores. Using specialized programs, a virtual tile layout will be created according to your dimensions. Of the minuses - you will have to buy tiles in this store, you will spend a lot of time with the designer, because... people rarely understand each other from the first word. With what more options tiles you are considering - the more time you will spend.

The second option is to learn how to work with tile layout programs. Unfortunately, the programs are entirely paid, and learning them can take a lot of time.

The third option is to use our service to lay out the tiles yourself. It is absolutely free, it allows you not only to visualize color combinations tiles, but also calculate in detail the required quantity, taking into account the savings on cutting tiles. We will tell you how to lay out tiles in this service on this page.

To create a layout you will need:

  • Dimensions of all walls in the room
  • Doorway size. If the door is installed, then to the width door leaf you need to add 10cm to the height of 5cm.
  • Bath size. The length is usually equal to the length of the wall to which the bathtub is adjacent. Width and height are also needed. The height of the bathtub is usually adjusted with legs, so you need to decide on the desired height.
  • Tile collection.

Start creating a layout

Go to the page of the collection whose layout you want to create. Find the “Create Layout” button on the page and click it. The tile layout creation program will launch.


At the top there are tabs on which control and settings buttons are grouped.

Room parameters

On the Room Settings tab, click the button. A dialog box will open allowing you to enter room size settings. Please note that changing these settings will reset all entered data. Therefore, you need to enter them at the very beginning of working with the layout service. When you enter the dimensions of a room in the work area, the walls of the room will be displayed in accordance with the entered dimensions. After setting the dimensions, use the zoom buttons to increase or decrease the scale of the layout to fit the screen size to comfortably continue working with the layout.

Installing objects

On the "Objects in the room" tab you can place a bathtub, sink, mirror, door in your room. When you click on the icons depicting an object, a dialog box will open for entering the dimensions and position of the object in the room. The input results will be displayed in the layout work area.

Tile laying grid, installation of borders, mosaics

On the "Tiles" tab, you can shift the tile layout grid, change the layout direction (vertically, horizontally), install borders and mosaics. The cell size of the layout grid is automatically calculated based on the size of the base tile.

  • Layout direction (vertical or horizontal)

    The tiles can be laid both “lying” and “standing”, if the design of the decorative elements and the size of the borders allow it. To change the direction of the layout, click with the mouse on the image of the wall on which you want to change the direction of the layout, and then click on the first button in the row with the image of two arrows. If the laying direction needs to be changed for all walls, then do this operation for each wall.

  • Grid shift, first tile size, end tile size, cropping control

    Beautiful tile installation involves cutting the tiles evenly from left to right. right side, centering decorative elements, adjusting seams to the height of the bathtub and much more. You can do all this by activating the wall by clicking on its image, and then using the buttons with arrows (). The direction of the arrow indicates in which direction the layout grid will be shifted. The shift step is 1 cm.

  • Borders and mosaics

    Borders are narrow decorative elements usually installed to create a harmonious transition between tiles various colors, as well as for zoning the room. Installation of borders within one wall should be the entire length or height of the wall, otherwise the geometry of the tile layout will be shifted, which is extremely unsightly. Installation of borders is done by pressing the button with the image of two solid vertical (for vertical, ) or horizontal lines (). When you click the button, a dialog box opens in which you first select the number of the wall on which you want to install the border, then select the border from the list of available borders, and then use the up and down arrow buttons to move the row with the border higher or lower. When installing a mosaic (buttons and ), it is possible to set the width of the mosaic row.

Laying tiles

On the "Layout" tab, you install the tiles on your walls, edited in the previous steps. More information about the capabilities of this step and controls:

  • Changing the seam color

    To improve the visual perception of the layout, you can change the color of the tile joint. To change, click on the "Seam Color" button and select the desired color in the dialog box that opens. Unfortunately, the grout color cannot be changed for individual rows or tiles. You will immediately see the resulting result in the work area.

  • Wall background color

    To improve the visual perception of the display, you can change the background color of the walls. For example, when the tiles are a solid gray color, it is difficult to see the places where you have not installed tiles. By changing the background color to a darker or lighter one, you will immediately see empty areas of the layout. To change, click on the "Background Color" button and select the desired color in the dialog box that opens.

  • Selecting tiles for installation

    To select the tile you want to lay out, click on the "Select Tile" button. A dialog box will open in which the tile images will be located. For convenience, the tiles are divided into tabs with the names of tile types - Regular (basic, background) tiles, Decors - tiles with a pattern, and Panels - sets of tiles with a pattern, together forming a complete pattern or composition. The tile is selected by clicking on the image. The selected tile is displayed at the top of the service.

  • Rotate tiles 180 degrees

    In some cases, it is necessary to accurately indicate the direction of laying tiles with a pattern in order to beautifully join their pattern. To do this, there is an option to flip the tiles 180 degrees. At the top of the service there is a checkbox with the inscription “Flip” (a field for placing a checkmark/bird). With this option enabled, all installed tiles will be flipped 180 degrees relative to their image.

  • The process of installing tiles on walls

    Once you have selected a tile, simply move your mouse over the wall where you want to install the tile. Click the mouse in the desired place, the tile image will be installed in this place. To cancel the installation, click in this place again - the tile will be removed.

  • Reflection of calculations

    In addition to visually displaying the location of tiles on the walls, the service also calculates the number of tiles used. Moreover, if, depending on the browser settings, there is a possibility of slight distortion of the picture, then the calculations are entirely based on the mathematical calculation of the coordinates of each object. You can view the calculations by clicking on the "Show calculations" button in the upper right corner. The results will be displayed in a summary table below the wall images. The table contains information on the number of whole tiles (C), cut vertically (Pv), horizontally (Pg), cut in two planes (Pvg), the area of ​​actual laying, and the required quantity for laying.

    When calculating the required number of tiles, based on optimal algorithm consumption of scraps, the number of whole tiles for laying is calculated (in other words, the laying of scraps without overspending is taken into account). If tiles are cut in two planes, the trimmings are considered unsuitable for use.

    You can independently check the correctness of the calculations by clicking the mouse in the calculation table in the cells with the number of required tiles - the tiles on the walls will be marked with a red fill. Clicking again will remove this fill.

Video instructions for creating a tile layout

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A preliminary calculation will allow you to plan your renovation budget and think through the bathroom design in detail. If you correctly calculate the number of tiles, you will not have to purchase additional material during the finishing process.

To measure the room you need to use a tape measure. Most exact values can be obtained using a laser device. Having found out the parameters of the bathroom (the height and length of the walls, the size of the doorway), you can make preliminary calculations of the number of tiles. The simplest option is when the room has the outline of a rectangle or square. In this case, it is necessary to measure the minimum number of walls.

If the bathroom has a complex shape, you must carefully measure all protruding elements and take into account existing niches.

The results need to be recorded on the diagram, so it will be easier to calculate the materials. A drawing made to scale will also allow you to take into account all the details of the bathroom design and correctly plan the arrangement of furniture. The calculation algorithm is influenced by the type of laying of floor tiles (diagonal, rectangular, rhombus, etc.).

2. Basic rules for calculating tiles

The calculation algorithm is quite simple. When calculating the exact number of tiles, you will need formulas for determining the perimeter and area of ​​a rectangle.

To calculate the wall area we use the following formula:

Parameters A and B (width and length of the room) alternate depending on the specific area.

The perimeter of the rectangle is calculated by the formula:

P = (B + A) * 2.

Designations in formulas:

  • S - area of ​​a certain surface in the bathroom, sq.m;
  • P - designation of the perimeter of the room, m;
  • A - bathtub width parameter, m;
  • B - length dimension of the room;
  • H is the value of the wall height.

Calculation scheme:

  • The total area of ​​the room is obtained by adding the square meters of individual bathroom walls;
  • Then, from the obtained value, you should subtract those areas that will not be laid with tiles, for example, the area of ​​the door opening to the room or window.

In order to reduce material consumption, cladding is not done in the space under the bathtub. This option possible if you plan to install a decorative screen. In this case, the height of the room for calculation is measured from the top level of the side.

Some sites provide a special calculator that allows you to determine the required volume of material for purchase. Using such programs, you can make the task easier when calculating the amount of material if tiles of different shades are combined.

3. Calculation of tiles for a bathroom with a total area of ​​4 sq.m.

Main dimensions of this room:

  • Wall with opening - 2150 mm;
  • The length of the short wall is 1900 mm;
  • Doorway - 700x2000 mm;
  • Room height - 2700 mm.

Dimensions of the selected bathroom tile collection:

  • Wall tiles white- 500x250 mm;
  • Green wall tiles - 500x250 mm;
  • Decor - 500x250 mm;
  • Green floor tiles - 500x500 mm.

Facing plan

Tiles intended for flooring are laid in one tone. White tiles are planned on the wall with the door. The remaining surfaces of the walls are supposed to be done with alternating colors along vertical stripes, as well as adding decor.

Calculation of floor tiles

We determine the parameter for the area of ​​one tile: S = 0.5 x 0. 5 = 0.25 sq.m;

  • Total floor area: S = 4 sq.m;
  • Calculation of the number of tile elements for the entire floor area: 4 / 0.25 = 16 pieces.

Calculation of tiles for bathroom walls

Wall decoration elements have the same format (width and height).

  • One of the walls (with an opening) is covered with white tiles, let's calculate its area without the door: S = (2.15x2.7) - (0.7x2) = 5.805 - 1.4 = 4.405 sq.m;
  • Area of ​​one wall tile: S = 0.5 x 0.25 = 0.125 sq.m;
  • Number of white tiles for a wall with an opening: 4.405 / 0.125 = 36 pieces (round the number up);

Let's consider another calculation method, which is suitable for surfaces with tiles of different colors.

  • Number of tiles in width for other walls:
    1.9 m: 1.9 / 0.5 = 3.8 pieces;
    2.15 m: 2.15 / 0.5 = 4.3 pieces;
  • Number of tiles around the perimeter of three walls: (3.8 x 2) +4.3 = 11.9 pieces;
  • We calculate how many elements fit in height: 2.7 / 0.25 = 10.8 pieces.
    This value can be rounded down if you plan to install a stretch ceiling;
  • In this example the tile strips different colors oriented vertically.
    Laying green tiles is planned in 8 vertical rows, taking into account decorative elements: (8 x 10.8) - 4 = 86.4 - 4 = 83 pieces;
  • Number of white tiles for three walls in width: 11.9 - 8 = 4 pieces.
    For three walls in total: 4 x 10.8 = 44 pieces.

Final volume values ​​of tiles for bathroom walls

White tiles: (36+44) = 80 pieces;
. Green tiles: 83 pieces;
. Decor: 4 pieces.

When calculating the number of tiles, it is better to take into account the safety factor. If the material is damaged, the remains can be used without discrepancies in shades.

The calculator itself is located a little lower, if you are not interested in the theoretical part, you can. Tiling a bathroom is becoming almost the only acceptable way of tiling the surfaces of sanitary facilities.

In this regard, it is important to know how to calculate tiles for a bathroom using a calculator specially developed for this purpose by our programmers.

This calculation will allow you to purchase materials in the right amount to optimize your expenses.

Similar wall cladding in a room with a bathroom can be laid in a variety of ways, the choice of which depends on many factors, including the design of the material, its size and texture.

Of course, one of the decisive factors is the readiness of the performer and his professional training.

Calculate bathroom tiles - calculator

How to calculate correctly with an online calculator - preliminary considerations

The program provides for calculating the need for tiles when laying them in a standard way, that is, in rows parallel to the floor, a horizontal arrangement of the decorative insert (decorum). Despite the large number of dimensions marked on bathroom diagrams, you should keep in mind that not all of them are required to be filled out.

For example, if there is only one window in the bathroom, you do not need to fill in dimensions L3 and L4 or L9 and L10; if there are no windows at all, then the dimensions L1 and l2 are also not filled. If the lengths of walls 1 and 3 (scheme 1) and, respectively, 2 and 4 (scheme 2) are the same, then dimension Lb1 is not filled. In case of inequality long walls the size of one of the short sides calculated by the program. Decorative tiles should be laid after a full (not cut) row of the main tile.

“Distance to decor” means the size from the floor to the top edge of the decorative insert, taking into account the number and width of the seams between the tiles. If there is no decor, all dimensions related to it are not entered! If you need to tile sections of the walls behind the bathroom, you should indicate this by clicking on the square button with the corresponding question (under the diagram); a checkmark will appear on the button; You can remove it by clicking again.

THUS, the dimensions Lh, Lb2, Lb3, L5, L6, L8, the dimensions of the bathtub and tiles, and the width of the joint between the tiles are required to be filled in. Size L7 is indicated if the tile will run under the door trim. Lb3 size can be longer baths. The room height (Lh) must take into account the baseboard.

The calculation is carried out taking into account that the tiles are laid from bottom to top, from left to right.

Diagonal method of tiling a bathroom

Using this method, you can stick cladding of any size - both square and rectangular. Great importance when performing work in this way, the performer has professional training and qualifications.

Tiling a bathroom diagonally has a number of advantages and some disadvantages. TO positive aspects The following can be included:

  1. The rotated position of the plates in relation to each other visually separates the intersecting planes, creating the illusion of a wider space than it actually is. This is important when finishing is carried out small room.
  2. The combination of shades, patterns, drawings on the plates makes it possible to create original design premises.
  3. When installed diagonally in the bathroom, the difference in the size of the wall being finished is partially hidden, which is facilitated by the inclined position of the lines.

However, there are also some negative points:

  1. Labor intensity and complexity of installation due to large quantity cutting operations. Complex marking, cutting and placement of individual parts with an angle require the master to have some experience in performing such work.
  2. When cutting parts diagonally, the corners often chip off, which requires additional refinement of the break with a file.

Preparatory work on surfaces

Before starting work on laying cladding in a room with a bathroom, it is necessary to assess the condition of the surfaces to be finished:

  1. First of all, the geometric dimensions of the walls are checked. Each surface must be strictly rectangular; if this condition is not met, the walls must be leveled, even before installing drywall.

  1. Potholes and uneven surfaces on the walls also need to be leveled. Irregularities up to three millimeters deep can be leveled tile adhesive during the installation process. Deviations from flatness up to seven millimeters deep are best straightened using putty.
  2. Irregularities with a depth of ten millimeters or more must be eliminated by covering the walls with waterproof plasterboard.

It should be noted that leveling the walls is mandatory before using any finishing installation methods in the bathroom.

And one more general wish regarding surface preparation. Before tiling begins, they must be primed with tile adhesive diluted in a ratio of 1:3. However, this action must be carried out in accordance with the instructions - use tile adhesive, for different compositions requirement may vary.

Diagonal installation of decoration on walls

It is no coincidence that we suggest starting with wall decoration. If the floor finish is laid first during renovation, the rest of the work will have to be done while moving on the new coating, which can lead to damage.

The cost of covering walls with ceramics is not cheap. How to calculate the number of tiles in the bathroom to avoid extra expenses? Diagonal placement involves its arrangement as a continuous canvas with cutting out the smallest fragments.

Therefore, this method, despite its high labor intensity, is considered the most economical. Only parts damaged during cutting end up in waste. Therefore, to calculate the coverage for a room with a bathroom, it is enough to calculate the total area of ​​the walls, and, just in case, add about 5% for damage and defects.

The cladding in the bathroom should start from the wall opposite front door. When laying diagonally, you need to start from the vertical axis. Laying is done from the starting part in both directions evenly with the installation of spacer crosses along the seams.

They are inserted between the plates, two pieces per side. The thickness of the cross foot is 1.5 millimeters.

The laying technology is as follows:

  1. A portion of glue sufficient to install 2-3 plates is applied to the prepared wall surface. The glue is leveled on the wall with a notched trowel; its width should be equal to, or better if larger than, the size of the part. Ridge lines on adhesive layer should not intersect with each other, since an air bubble may form in this place.

  1. The tile is placed on the glue and pressed tightly against it. The starting plate must be carefully aligned on the plane: it must be installed at the same distance from the wall along the perimeter. The corners of a part installed diagonally should be placed strictly on the axial vertical line marked earlier.
  2. If the plate is skewed, alignment must be done by pressing on it. As a last resort, you can calm it down by carefully tapping it with the striker of a rubber mallet.
  3. The next elements are installed triangular fragments from tiles cut in half diagonally. Plastic crosses are installed in the gap between the plates - two pieces per side. The coincidence of the plane of each subsequent part is controlled by a short bubble level, and the overall flatness is long construction.

  1. The upper end of the cladding is formed entirely by cut fragments, so it must be finished with cornice elements. You can select cornices according to size and shape on the construction market.
  2. A responsible operation - cutting the plate - is performed on a special device - a tile cutter. You can, of course, use a glass cutter, but it is much more difficult to obtain the required cutting quality.

Diagonal laying of the coating in the bathroom allows you to obtain the most decoratively perfect compositions.

Lay out in a checkerboard pattern

With this method of placing tiles, the seams between the individual plates are located parallel to the intersections of the walls. This method involves cutting the plates to the size of the remaining gap.

This is not economical, especially if they are decorated with an asymmetrical pattern and the remains have to be thrown away. Therefore, checkerboard laying is used for tiles of small diameter and different colors, which allows you to create original compositions.

But before you use the online calculator, you need to take all the measurements of the room and get a clear idea for yourself about the design of your bathroom.

How to use the online tile calculator?

This program is presented in the form of a table, into which you need to enter data on your bath for calculation:

  1. Geometric parameters of the room - length, width of the room and finishing height.
  2. Doorway dimensions.
  3. Window opening dimensions.
  4. Dimensional parameters of the bath.
  5. Should the side walls of the bath be tiled? - "Not really".
  6. Selecting a layout type. There are several options: classic, plain - involves the use of tiles of the same color, combined - uses several colors.

Data on the parameters of the bathroom such as the height of the walls, etc. are entered in meters.

The dimensions of the openings for the door and window are subtracted from the total area to be finished.

Dimensions of the bathtub - it is necessary to indicate whether its sides and the floor under the bathtub are subject to finishing.

Layout options:

  • classic way provides for finishing the room with material of several colors, separated using a border;
  • with a monochromatic finish, the use of decorated inserts is provided;
  • in the combined version, the finishing involves the use of plates of three or more colors.

Thus, the built-in calculator provides a wide range of possibilities for realizing your design ideas.

The size of the plates must be indicated in millimeter units. Decorated plates are counted individually.

To calculate the need for materials for curbs, their location along the entire coverage along the generatrix when laid horizontally, as well as along the entire vertical, is taken into account.

It is also necessary to indicate the reserve of the main material - usually the value is 5-10% of the total quantity.

Laying with offset

This method is used quite often, including in combination with those described above. This method does not bring anything fundamentally new to installation technology.

The calculation of the need for materials remains the same - according to the covered area. This installation method is reminiscent of brickwork and is most applicable when working with rectangular monochromatic tiles.

But the method using mosaic inserts provides an undoubted advantage.

The effect of offset lines makes it possible to make styling defects less noticeable.

Final work

Finishing operations do not depend on the installation method. In any case, you will need to seal the seams between the tiles. For this purpose it is produced special material– grout.

It is usually sold ready-made, packaged in jars. Each manufacturer recommends a certain grade of this material and these tips should be followed.

The grout is applied to the joint space using an elastic rubber spatula. Having collected a little mass on the tip of this tool, you need to rub it into the crack in the transverse direction.

When the gap is evenly filled to the full depth, clean the spatula and use a longitudinal movement to free the surface of the tile from grout residues. Afterwards, you can use a damp sponge and completely clean the surface.

How to take into account door and window openings

In built-in calculators, this calculation operation is embedded in a program that will automatically and correctly calculate the number of tiles that would be placed in these places.

But if the calculation is made independently, it is enough to take into account the total area of ​​free openings and divide it by the area of ​​one tile. The result obtained in pieces of plates must be subtracted from the amount of materials to cover the total area.

In this case, there is no need to take into account the installation method - remember that about 5% of the reserve is always included in the calculation. It will serve as a compensating factor for the error in the calculation.

Calculate the need for plastic corners

When working, two crosses are installed on each side of the tile. In this case, each pair works on two tiles. The simplest calculation: divide the number of tiles by two and get the required number of inserts.

We multiply the result by 15-20%, since this little thing tends to get lost as work progresses. The costs for them are so minuscule in comparison with the others that it would not be worth talking about them.

Calculate glue and grout requirements

The issue of the need for grout for bathroom tiles can be considered purely theoretically. After all, its quantity is as insignificant as the spacer crosses.

The consumption rate of this material is indicated on the packaging, and you can use these data as a guide when purchasing.

Another thing is tile adhesive. It can be sold as a dry mixture in bags and bags, or ready-made in plastic buckets. Naturally, the consumption rate per square meter is available on the packaging. But this is an average.

The actual consumption may be slightly different, depending on the quality of the surface being covered. If there are multiple places where the tiles have to be leveled due to the thickness of the adhesive layer, the consumption of binder for its installation will be significantly increased.
