Which pipe to take for the stairs. Making a staircase from a profile pipe with your own hands

When it is necessary to make a reliable and durable product, we always talk about metal. Despite the fact that the strength of the metal depends on its thickness, when creating and assembling a ladder, it is worth knowing that too much big sizes may damage the structure.

If you use very thick metal, the ladder will turn out to be bulky and not liftable with large angles. Then you will have to spend a considerable amount additional funds, to bring the staircase into an elegant and robust construction. To make the design beautiful and not have to spend extra money and effort, you need to know which profile is best suited for the staircase and how to install it.

Selecting a profile

They began to make stairs from metal a long time ago, and this is not at all new idea. When choosing such a design Special attention paid attention to the metal corner and channel.

The assembly principle that has been used for years:

  • Two channels were placed parallel to one another;
  • Using a metal corner, the contours between the channels were welded;
  • A step made of wood or a metal relief structure was attached.

Do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor from profile pipe

Judging by many years of practice, we can say that the use of a metal corner is short-lived, since it deforms under the influence of loads. They found an alternative to the metal corner, and this metallic profile.

Tip: It is best to use a square one for stairs. metal pipe with a cross section of 40*60, this is the most suitable option. If you use a pipe with a smaller cross-section, the result will be the same as in the case of a corner, but if you choose very large ones, they will look ugly and rough.

Advantages of a staircase made of metal profiles:

  • With this profile you can make a stationary staircase, an extension staircase, or even a spiral staircase. Turns at the stairs can be at any angle;
  • You can combine any materials with it; wood and glass, and even plastic, look beautiful. By combining metal with such materials, you can make the staircase unique and in absolutely any color;
  • You can use only one profile, since it can be easily painted with modern powder method. Gold and silver are popular colors, as well as rich black with shiny metallic in some places;
  • Such a staircase is durable and beautiful and can last for several decades;
  • Even if the frame is made of a complex shape, you can assemble the staircase yourself, the main thing is to make the blanks correctly;
  • It can be installed both during the construction of the house itself and during renovations;
  • The price of the product is low and affordable for everyone;
  • You can assemble it yourself using a regular household welding machine.

How to work with metal profiles during staircase installation

No matter how strong and durable the material is, it certainly has its own characteristics, knowledge of which will greatly simplify the work and help avoid troubles.

Preparatory work

No business begins without preliminary calculations and a drawing. With their help, you can accurately determine the amount of material that will be needed. To work comfortably and not have to be distracted, you should prepare the right tool in advance, you will need:

  • Electrodes and welding machine;
  • Grinder and circles for working with metal;
  • Hammer with a set of drills;
  • Hammer.

During preparation, it is worth making markings and cutting the material according to the required dimensions.

Profile steps for installation in a building

Assembling the stairs

During assembly, special attention should be paid load-bearing beams, since the heaviest load falls on them. To assemble an ordinary ladder you will need:

Very often a gap is left between the stairs and the wall so that the wall can be painted or wallpapered. In this case, it is worth further strengthening the structure with crutches, which are driven into the wall and secured under the main one. inner tube and welded to the entire structure.

Screw structure made of profile pipe

Using a metal profile, you can make a staircase of any design with your own hands, the difference will only be in the effort, time and finances expended. Such stairs are practical and durable, do not require special care and they look beautiful.

Metal products have been valued since ancient times, and the blacksmiths who performed Forged Products, were treated with great respect. Everything has become much easier with more availability. building material. Ready-made profile pipes are purchased and, following the diagram, welded required design. A staircase made from a profile pipe is no exception. It’s not difficult to do it yourself if you have experience working with a welding machine.

Advantages of stairs made of profile pipes

By manufacturing a metal staircase structure, you get a number of advantages. In terms of functionality, it is somewhat superior to wooden products or ready-made metal stairs.

The advantages of products made from profile pipes include the following:

  • cost savings and long service life of the ladder;
  • the ability to design and assemble a structure of almost any shape;
  • excellent compatibility with other construction and finishing materials;
  • little time spent on installation, but only if an experienced technician works;
  • the ability to perform work and assemble the structure at any stage of construction;
  • installation of stairs anywhere (both inside the building and outside the building);
  • can be cooked simplified version stairs, which visually occupies less space in room.

Some structures made of profile pipes, welded using the latest technologies, seem to float in the air.


According to the masters, it is possible to construct a staircase of any shape from profile pipes. Their list includes: simple designs, and with the introduction of the most intricate forms. The work has its own peculiarities. Let's look at them in more detail.


Marching stairs are characterized by the construction of one or more spans. Products from several flights are assembled into one structure with a horizontal platform or equipped with winder-type steps. There is no need to talk about the demand for any type. They are equally popular among consumers. Basically, the choice depends on the size of the area allocated for the installation of the staircase structure.

If the staircase consists of one flight, then it will need a lot of space. In the event that there is a lack of space, you will have to design the product in such a way as to take up as much space as possible. less space. Many people try to increase the steepness of the stairs, which leads to inconvenience when moving along them.

A very steep staircase can only be arranged for access to utility rooms.

A staircase with one flight, taking up space in the room, allows you to rationally use the space below it. It is often arranged as cabinets, niches or a pantry. Also, such products are installed at the entrance to the house. They can be used as an attached type to go into the attic.

To save space, double-flight structures are installed. Most often they are installed in the corner of the room near the walls at right angles. Sometimes they make a 180 0 turn or arrange three marches. Stairs with a platform are more convenient to install.

WITH winder steps you'll have to tinker. But in defense of such structures, we can say that they look more attractive in design.

Rotary staircase made of profile pipes with winder steps


Among the compact options, the spiral type of staircase is noted. Its appearance is original and aesthetic, and the product can fit even into a space of 1.5x1.5 m. Such designs often have a central support pillar, to which the steps are attached. The latter on the edge can rest on a broken string or metal plates.

But, despite all the advantages, there are disadvantages of the screw design. Thus, the product does not allow lifting large pieces of furniture. It is not comfortable for residents to move around even empty-handed. A spiral staircase is installed only as a last resort, when there is no other way out.

There are difficulties in calculations and installation. It is almost impossible to make such a staircase with your own hands without some experience.

If, despite the disadvantages of screw products, there are adherents of this type of structure, experts advise bringing the project closer to the rotary type in several flights and widening the opening. In this case, using a spiral staircase will be much more convenient.

Semi spiral staircase with winder steps

Step ladder

One of the options for constructing a ladder from a profile pipe is a stepladder. If the residents live in a private house, then a folding staircase is one of the necessary products in the household. A metal profile with a cross-section of 40×40 mm for the manufacture of racks and 20×20 mm for mounting the crossbars, as well as hinge mechanisms, bolts and screws, are purchased.

The hinges will make the structure foldable, and to prevent it from moving apart during use, it is provided with stoppers.

To install a stepladder with your own hands, you need to have tools and experience working with them. A drawing is drawn up in advance, allowing the work to be completed faster and more accurately. An example of such a scheme is shown in the photo below. A simpler option that can replace a stepladder is an extension ladder made from a profile pipe.

In the video: do-it-yourself stepladder made from corrugated steel pipe.

What do you need to know when calculating any staircase?

Calculations for staircases made from corrugated pipe are similar to structures made from other materials. The process is not complicated, but it requires drawing up a project. Be sure to indicate all the parameters of a staircase made of a profile pipe in the drawing, the location of the corners and the slightest changes in the shape of the product.

The main criteria that must be taken into account when drafting a product of any type:

  • length of stairs or flights;
  • march inclination angle;
  • span width;
  • riser height;
  • width of steps;
  • dimensions of the opening for the stairs.

Each type of staircase has its own installation features, which must be taken into account when making calculations and drawing up a diagram.

Calculation of the marching structure

Calculations for a flight of stairs begin with determining the height flight of stairs. This is not difficult to do. It is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling of the upper floor.

Ease of movement is ensured not only by the steepness of the product, but also by the width of the step and the height of the riser. Standards have been established for both parameters: the size of the step varies from 200 to 400 mm, and the riser - from 150 to 200 mm.

In practice, deviations often occur, but this complicates the movement on stairs made of metal profiles.

One more important point is to maintain proportionality between these quantities. It must be calculated using the formula: a+b=470 mm, where a is the height of the riser, b is the width of the tread.

After determining the parameters of the tread and riser, we begin to calculate the number of steps. To do this, the value of the span height is divided by the height of the riser. Then the projection of the staircase is determined. Calculated by multiplying the width of the step by the number of steps.

At home minimum value span width is 800 mm. Taking into account all the standards, a single-flight staircase with a ceiling height of 2.5 m has a projection on the floor of 5 m. Therefore, if there is not enough space in the room, it is better to arrange rotary structures for several flights.

On next stage start calculating the length of the stringer. This is where the Pythagorean theorem comes to the rescue. The legs are the height of the span and its projection onto the floor. It is necessary to add the squares of these indicators, and then extract from the result Square root. The resulting figure will indicate the length of the stringer.

When calculating, most often the results are not integer numbers. Experts advise always rounding them up.

Calculation using the Pythagorean Theorem: L=√(D²+H²)

Another parameter that ensures comfort of movement along the stairs is its steepness. According to all standards, an interfloor device for permanent use should have an angle of inclination from 23 0 to 37 0. In practice, the maximum inclination angle can reach 40 0. A larger angle of inclination is only suitable for ladders.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

It is rare when a spiral staircase to the second floor from a profile pipe is arranged to support design solution. Often due to lack of space in the room. The costs of such a design in terms of time and finances significantly exceed those of the main route.

Calculation screw structures better done with online calculator since they have round shape. But, if you have the desire and experience, you can perform the calculation manually.

First, let's get acquainted with the names of the parameters that are used to calculate screw-type products:

  • “H” – vertical height of the product, determined by the height of the ceiling plus the thickness of the ceiling;
  • “H1” – distance between turns. It implies the height between steps located strictly above each other;
  • “h” – riser height;
  • “h1” – step depth;
  • “R” – the value of the outer radius of the product, the installation line of the railings;
  • “R1” – internal radius excluding railings;
  • “r” is the radius of the central support.

When performing calculations, be sure to rely on established standards for screw construction, presented below:

  • In places where the working radius line passes, where a person usually places his feet, the tread depth should be 200-400 mm.

  • The depth of the step at the support (at a distance of 10-15 cm from it) must be at least 100 mm. The height of the riser varies from 120 to 220 mm.

  • The minimum opening width for screw structures is 100 cm, in the absence of railings - up to 150 cm.

Any calculations begin with measurements. It is necessary to correctly determine the outer radius parameter, the height of the structure and the location of the entry and exit points, the so-called twist angle. Then they begin the calculations.

An example of calculation is given with “R” = 1 m, “H” = 3 m, with a twist angle of 360 0. With these values, the length of the working march is determined using the formula 2*P*R1. Usually it is 2/3 of the external parameter value. According to the data presented, it will be 2/3*2*3.14*1000=4190 mm=4.19 m.

At the next stage, the number of steps is calculated using the basic formula n=L/h1. We determine the values ​​“h1” = 250 mm and get 4190/250 = 16.79. You need to round up, in the end we get 17. Taking into account the fact that the last step corresponds to the floor level of the second floor, we get 16 individual elements.

The smallest step width at the base is 100 mm. Let's calculate the value at the widest point. To do this, first determine the length of the outer march using the 2PR formula. Having done the calculations, we get 6280 mm = 6.28 m. Dividing the obtained value by the number of steps, we get 6280/17 = 369 mm.

Calculation of the height of the riser is carried out according to the same principle as for the marching structure. The height of 3 m is divided by the number of steps, resulting in 176 mm. Size optimization is carried out according to the formula 2h + h¹ equals from 600 to 650 mm. After making the correction, we get a result of 190 mm.

Assembly of structures

Having coped with the most difficult task, the calculations, they begin to mark the profile and create a frame according to the drawings. This process is simple, so they proceed directly to welding the pipe elements. Some people prefer to connect with fasteners, but this is much more difficult and takes quite a lot of time. Next, we will look in detail at how to weld a staircase from a profile pipe.

Assembling the march flight

Installation of a homemade marching structure depends on its type:

  • fastening on one reinforced professional pipe;
  • welding of elements and formation of broken stringers.

On one profile pipe

For the first option, you need to purchase a corrugated pipe with a cross-section of 150×150 mm. It will provide reliable strength. It is necessary to provide supports for treads. They are 3-4 mm metal sheets, the width of which should be ½ the tread value in the diagram.

There are several ways to cook stands for steps on a pipe:

1. In the places where the steps are attached, pre-prepared sheets are welded at a certain pitch to serve as a support for the steps. But on one welding seam the elements will not withstand the load. They should be supported. Its role can be played by pieces of reinforcement from the same sheet or profile of a smaller section. But experts note that the aesthetics of such a staircase are not at a high level.

2. The design of the second option is much more attractive. To begin with, support parts are cut from the same pipe as the load-bearing part. One of the ends is cut off at an angle of inclination of the stairs. At this point the supports are welded to the base. The plates for the steps are welded on from the second end.

The load on the stairs is considerable, especially at the point where the main pipe touches the floor. The load needs to be distributed evenly. At the point where the support pipe touches the ceiling, you need to weld a metal plate with a thickness of 5 mm.

The dimensions of the plate should be slightly larger than those used for the supports under the steps.

On broken stringers

The next option for a staircase frame made from a profile pipe is a broken march, replacing beams in wooden products. Its advantages include low cost and light weight when compared with a product with one pipe. Pipes are purchased with a cross section of 40×60 mm. A little more is allowed, but not less.

Welding of the frame part is also carried out in two ways:

1. First, blanks are cut corresponding to the dimensions of the tread and riser, adding the thickness of the material. Then the elements are welded sequentially at right angles and a finished stringer is obtained. The disadvantages of this method include cumbersome welding work and the possibility of an uneven connection.

2. The second welding method is more aesthetic and is one of the easiest. It is necessary to cut out a piece in the form of an isosceles triangle in the pipe on one side with a grinder. One side of the material remains untouched. After this, the pipe is bent until it forms right angle, fix the joints.

Supports for steps are obtained by welding the upper corners of the stringers together with a pipe of a smaller cross-section.

Assembly of the screw structure

The installation of a homemade spiral staircase begins with the installation of a support pipe strictly vertically. Its role should be a part with a round cross-section and as thick as possible. This is justified by the enormous load on her. A thick and reliable platform is installed on the floor at the base of the support. During the construction work The crosspiece is welded and filled with concrete screed.

1. Parts are welded from a metal profile with a cross-section of 20×20 mm or 30×30 mm. The result should be a shape that follows the perimeter of future steps. In order not to have to worry about adjusting the size of each part, you can first make a pattern. The desired shape is formed from wooden blocks and attached to a sheet of plywood. All that remains is to insert metal pieces inside and weld them together.

2. For the second method, pipes with a cross section of 40×60 mm are purchased. For welding, elements equal to the working radius are cut. Parts with the same cross-section and slightly longer length are welded onto each end. smaller sizes tread in the shape of the letter “T”.

After preparing the supports, they are welded to the round base of the staircase at the locations of the steps according to the design. For greater reliability, the support under the steps is reinforced with a support attached to the base.

Finishing work

The frame of the homemade staircase is ready, and it’s time to get started external finishing. Most often wood is used for this. Wooden elements for steps, choose a thickness of at least 40 mm. To refine the side part of the product and for the risers, material with a smaller thickness is used.

To protect the profile pipe from corrosion, it is first cleaned of dust and dirt, and the welding areas are cleaned with a file. Degrease, prime and apply paint in 2-3 layers.

In the case where you plan to install the stairs yourself, then the option with profile pipes is optimal. The process is much simpler than with wooden structures, and the reliability is much higher. By following the recommendations presented in the contents of the article, the result will be a reliable, durable installed ladder from profile pipes.

Made from a profile steel pipe, this is a fairly popular design, as it has many advantages. As a rule, its construction is carried out experienced craftsmen, since it should be absolutely safe from all points of view. That is, to be able to calmly withstand any possible loads from moving people and cargo, and convenient for lifting and lowering everyone living in the house, including children and family members who have reached a respectable age.

Is it possible to install a staircase from a profile pipe with your own hands? The question is ambiguous, since its construction still requires very high specific skills. Of course, it would be more correct to entrust the installation to specialists. But if the owner of the house has basic engineering knowledge, has successful experience work with all the tools necessary in this case and have become accustomed to always counting on own strength, That Additional Information information about this type of stairs and installation work will not be superfluous for him.

Advantages of staircase designs made from profile pipes

A staircase made independently from profile pipes has a number of significant advantages over both wooden and finished metal structures that can be found on sale. These advantages include the following:

  • Opportunity to significantly save funds allocated from family budget for construction or repairs.
  • Properly manufactured and assembled structure the stairs will last a very long time, without the need for repairs and restoration.
  • This material makes it possible with equal success to produce almost any type of staircase, even one with the most intricate design.
  • Profile steel pipe goes well with other materials, both technical and operational characteristics, and in its ability to “fit” into any interior style.
  • The advantages include the speed of manufacturing parts and their installation. But this advantage of metal structures will only be true if the master has perfect command of the tools, and his work will be carried out according to pre-developed drawings with exact dimensions.
  • The construction of a staircase from a profile pipe can be done at any stage construction process, including in an already built house.
  • The metal structure, with appropriate processing and finishing, is suitable for installation both outside and inside the building. Its strength qualities, neat and aesthetic appearance give it versatility.
  • The high strength of rolled steel profiles makes it possible to produce a simplified version of the frame, in which the support for the steps is one profile pipe installed along the center line of the structure.

Types of stairs made of profile pipes

As mentioned above, almost any staircase design can be made from a profile pipe. To verify the correctness of this statement, it makes sense to consider some of them in more detail.

Prices for profile pipes

profile pipe

Marching staircase

A flight of stairs can consist of one or several flights, which, in turn, are connected to each other either by a horizontally installed transition platform, or by a section with winder steps. Both options are approximately equally popular, and the design is chosen depending on the area of ​​the room in which it is planned to install the staircase.

  • A staircase consisting of one flight is most often installed in a spacious room. If you have to use it in a room of a smaller area, then in this case you have to give it a large angle of steepness. This is sometimes what you have to do when installing staircases to the attic or basement.

Single flight design installed inside two-story house, allows you to rationally use all the space under the stairs. For example, under it you can place a closet or a small storage room, and sometimes even a small bathroom.

Another area where single-flight stairs are used is the entrance to the house from the street, if the building is built on a high base. As a rule, in this case the march has a small height and a slight slope.

  • A two-flight staircase is often installed in a room designed specifically for this structure - the so-called staircase. However, this option is quite possible in residential premises - it all depends on the area that can be allocated for the installation of an interfloor passage.

For maximum savings spaces, such stairs are often installed along walls that converge in the corner, that is, marches are made perpendicular each other. This option also allows you to create a small storage area under the stairs.

In the design of a staircase with two or more flights that have longer length, at turns, platforms are most often installed, which, among other things, give the frame more high strength, rather than winder steps.

Many home owners prefer to design transition platforms for stairs with short spans. It should be noted that this option is really more convenient than winder steps, which have different widths along its length. Thus, the side of the step attached to the wall is much wider than the opposite side, located at the center of the turn. In this regard, there is a very significant risk of tripping and getting injured.

Prices for wooden stairs

wooden staircase

We can agree that a staircase with winder steps often looks more original, and also somewhat more compact. But, as mentioned above, this design option is less safe in operation compared to stairs with similar basic parameters, but whose spans are connected by platforms. This is especially important to take into account in cases where elderly people or small children live in the house.

Of course, it also happens that the area allocated for the construction of the staircase does not allow for the construction of a platform between the flights. It is in this case that a section with winder steps is installed instead.

If for a number of reasons it is necessary to build a staircase with winder steps, then you will have to carefully calculate its parameters, since the design must fully meet existing rules safety of movement along it. detailed information on how to create a project and produce necessary calculations for subsequent installation, is suggested in the article on our portal.

Spiral staircase

A spiral staircase can be called the most compact design, since it takes up a minimum usable area premises. Such an interfloor passage can be “fitted into a space” with dimensions of only 1500×1500 mm.

The spiral staircase certainly looks original and aesthetically pleasing, but such a compact design has quite a few disadvantages.

The first of them can be called lifting a massive piece of furniture along it to the second floor or household appliances It will be almost impossible, since this structure is not very convenient to climb even empty-handed. installed in case of emergency, that is, if it is impossible to build another structure due to the small area of ​​the house. True, this is also practiced - a similar structure is created as an additional one, having more decorative functions, and for lifting large loads, the house also has a staircase.

If the area of ​​the room allows and there is a desire to install an aesthetic version of the staircase similar to a spiral one, then it is better to choose a rotating design similar to it. Having erected it, you will not have to install an additional straight staircase, since with such a design, with a significantly large turning radius and a large flight width, it is quite possible to lift any furniture to the second floor.

Prices for metal stairs

metal staircase

In a turning staircase, all steps are the same size, so there will be no inconvenience both during descent andrise to the second floor. However, this design is quite complex both in calculations and in installation. Therefore, its construction or at least the development of the project is best entrusted to experienced specialists.

Step ladder

A profile pipe can also be perfect for making a stepladder, which is often necessary in Everyday life private house. In order to mount such a mobile staircase, you will need a profile pipe with a cross-section of 40×40 or 50×50 mm for support posts, and 20×20 mm - for rungs-steps.

In addition to the profile pipe, a special hinge mechanism will be required. It is clear that specific type is selected based on the cross-sectional dimensions of the profile pipe, since the hinge is placed on the racks and then attached to them with self-tapping screws or bolts.

The hinges on the mounting areas have special holes through which they will be fixed to metal racks. In addition, the hinge design includes a stopper, which is designed to fix the ladder racks in the required position.

If you plan to make such a structure yourself, you need to attach tips or horizontal jumpers-stops to the underside of the racks, which will make the ladder safe to use.

Naturally, for the manufacture of any metal structure you will need special tools and the ability to work with them. A pre-drawn drawing of the stepladder is also required, which will make it much easier to carry out installation work. As an example or " starting point" - one of the options is shown in the illustration above.

Types of frames made of profile pipes

One cannot ignore the question of what kind of frames can be used for staircases made from profile pipes. The material seems to be the same everywhere, but the principles of the structure have significant differences.

Prices for steps for stairs

  • The most economical option The use of a profile pipe in the manufacture of stairs is a frame on a central stringer. This option can be made in two versions - it is a broken stringer, repeating the shape of the steps, or a straight one, made from a profile pipe that is solid along the entire length of the flight.

A broken stringer is more difficult to manufacture, as it is assembled from separate sections of pipe, cut to fit right angle, which are connected to each other in general detail using welding. Then, on each of the horizontal surfaces the stringer is welded the so-called "sole"(installation pad) made of sheet metal 3÷4 mm thick. The tread boards will be attached to this “sole”. To fix them, four to six holes are pre-drilled in the metal plates. Self-tapping screws will be screwed into the wood through them. For this design, a profile pipe with a cross-sectional size of 80×60 mm may well be suitable.

  • The second version of the central stringer is made from one pipe, usually with a cross-sectional size of 100×50 mm, which is cut only at the ends, at a certain angle. Then, plates or peculiar legs are welded to the end parts of the pipe forming the span, with the help of which the stringer will be secured to the ceiling and to the floor.

Markings are made on the stringer pipe along which stands will be welded for installing the steps. The stands consist of a leg, also of a piece of profile pipe, with cut at the right angle(depending on the steepness of the flight of stairs) at the ends, onto which “soles” are welded with holes for fixing tread boards on them.

  • For massive stairs, a more reliable version of metal structures is usually chosen, consisting of straight stringers onto which frames for the steps are welded. For their base, a pipe of 80×60 or 100×50 mm is used, and for the manufacture of a frame for steps - profile 25x25 mm or even a corner with shelves of the same size, which gives certain savings in metal costs. In the lower and upper parts of the frame, stands cut from a metal sheet are fixed by welding.

  • More difficult option stairs made from a profile pipe are a broken structure consisting of two stringers, in some cases fastened together by jumpers.

How are they made and assembled? frame structures This type will be discussed in detail in the instruction table below.

Calculations main parameters of stairs made of profile pipes

Starting to talk about calculations, it is necessary to immediately talk about how to correctly decide on the choice of a profile pipe according to its size. The first thing to remember is that for a standard small home staircase with two stringers, you should not choose a pipe with too thick or thin walls. Metal that is too thick will make the structure too heavy, and a thin profile unreliable.

To correctly determine this parameter, you can refer to the data presented in this table. In this case, the length of the march is calculated between the support points. That is, it is possible to provide reinforcement elements - racks that rest against the floor surface and stringers to make the free span shorter, if necessary.

Table of maximum loads on flights of stairs, depending on their length and parameters of the profile pipe:

Length of the flight of stairs in mm1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Pipe cross-section size and metal thickness mm
50×25×2684 167 69 34 16 6
60×40×21255 308 130 66 35 17
80×40×21911 471 202 105 58 31
80×40×32672 658 281 146 81 43
80×60×33583 884 380 199 112 62
100×50×45489 1357 585 309 176 101

However, the dimensions of the pipe should be selected after the staircase design has been selected and its basic parameters have been determined, calculations have been made and a drawing has been drawn up.

So, to make a ladder you need to decide on the following parameters:

  • The number of marches in the structure.
  • The height of the stairs or each flight, and the slope angle, which should be the same along the entire length of the stairs, regardless of the number of flights.
  • The design of connecting two flights is a platform or winder steps.
  • Number, width and height of steps.
  • The perimeter of the staircase opening in the ceiling.
  • Based on the calculated dimensions and the drawn up drawing, the amount of material required for installation of the structure.

In each specific case, all these parameters may be different, since the area of ​​the premises allocated for the stairs and the height of the ceilings also differ, so measurements are always made individually.

The dimensions of the ceiling opening will depend on the slope of the upper flight of the structure. And such an opening should begin in the place where the distance from the ceiling to the step of the stairs will be 2000 mm, that is, a little more than the height of a tall person.

The slope angle of a flight of stairs depends on the height of the rise (which is the height of the flow plus the thickness of the floor) and the area that can be allocated for construction, that is, on the length of the horizontal projection of the flight onto the floor plane. If the size of the room does not allow one flight to be accommodated (and this happens quite often), it is divided into two or even more. In this case, the calculation will already be carried out for each march separately, but in compliance with mandatory conditions– the angle of steepness and dimensions of the steps are maintained throughout the entire staircase.

Well, knowing these values, it is easy to determine the length of the span itself.

Below are two calculators that should help determine these values.

Any modern construction project involves arrangement flights of stairs connecting floors of a residential building. At the same time, the most technologically advanced materials are used to manufacture the frame of the staircase, which includes profile pipe.

In this article you will learn how to make a staircase from a profile pipe with your own hands, and you will also be able to familiarize yourself with all the advantages of the described design.

Interfloor staircase structures made of pipes look great in modern interiors. country houses, office premises and other buildings. In addition, for the manufacture of stairs of this class, a metal profile with a cross-section of 60x40 mm is widely used today, the size of which is considered the most optimal.

This choice is explained by the fact that smaller sizes reduce the strength of the structure, and larger profiles make it too bulky and heavy.

Advantages of profile structures

Choosing a profile pipe for arranging a flight of stairs will provide you with a number of undoubted advantages:

  • high strength and reliability of structures of this class;
  • good performance and durability;
  • the use of well-established technologies that significantly reduce time and labor costs;
  • the ability to vary the configuration of staircases using modern elements decor;
  • quite reasonable price.


The technologies used in the production of the profile allow it to be painted in any color (by powder coating method). At the same time, you can choose a color that optimally matches the interior of the room you are furnishing.

Note that silver, gold and black colors are currently considered the most fashionable.

We also note that this design provides the ability to prepare a straight march, allowing you to change the direction of its installation by 90 and 180 degrees.

Organization of work

When installing the base (frame) of a staircase structure, profile pipes are installed and fixed on the platform in pairs, after which steps from the material chosen by the developer are mounted to them.

The procedure for preparing the staircase frame may look like this:

  • preliminary marking and cutting of profile blanks,
  • installation of frames for steps,
  • production of steps,
  • their installation and welding.


This procedure for organizing work requires the mandatory use of welding equipment, as well as possession of skills in handling it.

Manufacturing procedure

As an example, we invite you to consider the technique of making stairs with steps made of wood and a frame made of profile pipe. The frame base of this design is a profile pipe with a diameter of 60 mm in combination with a corner with a standard size of 40x40 mm.

The process of arranging such a structure includes the following operations:

  1. First of all, the required number of steps is calculated, as well as their main dimensions (height and width).
  2. After this, you can proceed to pouring a concrete platform, which acts as the base of the entire structure and provides the required angle of inclination. The level of this platform is the zero level on which the first step of the staircase will be placed.
  3. Immediately after this, you can proceed to the installation of a profile pipe, which, on one side, is welded to the tabs in the platform, and on the other, attached to anchors tightly fixed in the wall.
  4. After this, they are welded to the pipe metal corners, all dimensions of which must be maintained with a given accuracy.
  5. Upon completion of the main work, railings (railings), which can be made of either wood or metal, are mounted on the side of the staircase frame.

Design Features

Note that by installing railings on the side of load-bearing frame you will be able to increase working width flight of stairs. It should also be taken into account that between ready-made design and the wall must leave a passage sufficient not to interfere with the ongoing repair work. To avoid vibrations that sometimes occur when moving along stairs, it is recommended to limit the length of the racks in its spans.

In addition, to make a staircase from profile pipes with your own hands, you will definitely need auxiliary materials, among which the most commonly used are glass, wood, stone and even ceramics. The use of any of these materials not only increases the operational advantages of any staircase structure, but also provides it with a completely modern and attractive appearance.

Structures of this class are used not only as staircases in multi-story buildings, but also often form the basis of the building’s porch.


A typical metal staircase frame looks like this:


No house is complete without a staircase. They are required to enter the house, to the second floor, attic or attic. Most people choose metal stairs. This is due to the advantages of the metal, its strength, durability, and the ability to give it any shape.

In addition to stationary ones, a mobile one is often required; for housework and gardening, an extension ladder or stepladder is always needed. Welding metal stairs is the best option.

Before welding the ladder. You need to understand what exactly you need. According to the type of main load-bearing element they are:

  • on stringers;
  • on pain;
  • screw;
  • folding.

A staircase on stringers is a structure in the form of one or two inclined beams to which steps are welded. The beams are called stringers or bowstrings.

Bolts are special fasteners that allow you to attach steps to the wall without stringers. Load-bearing element becomes a wall.

Sometimes, in addition to the wall, balusters are used to reduce the load at the free end of the step. In this case, the balusters are additionally attached to the floor or ceiling.

Spiral staircases are a design in which the steps run in a spiral around a vertical pillar. But they often occur on stringers or bollards, if staircase round section. That is, stairs often combine several types at the same time.

Folding products are mainly used for lifting into the attic. They consist of several interconnected sections, which, when opened, attic hatch, unfold, similar to ordinary ladders.

In contrast, they have small steps that take a horizontal position when the hatch is fully opened and the ladder is unfolded.

Compared to screw and bolt-type ones, the easiest to manufacture are staircases on stringers, and among them are single-flight products. With a little skill, anyone can weld a simple metal ladder in a day.

Single-flight products are used quite rarely due to the fact that a long staircase is required for it. This is due to the fact that the optimal tilt is considered to be an angle of 30 degrees.

With a ceiling height of 3 m, its length will be more than 6 m, taking into account the landing. Therefore, the staircase to the second floor is usually made of two flights with an intermediate platform.

Mobile option

Mobile ones are ordinary ladders and stepladders. Welding a ladder with your own hands is not difficult. For welding you will need:

  • welding machine (inverter) with electrodes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • roulette;
  • profile rectangular pipe.

It is better to choose a pipe cross-section for welding of 40x15 mm with a ladder length of 3-4 m. No more is needed, otherwise it will turn out to be heavy. The crossbars are made 50 cm long, welding occurs after 40 cm.

A crossbar 70 cm long is welded to the bottom ends of the pipes for stability and so that the structure does not fall into the soil when working in the garden. The top is brewed with nickels to prevent precipitation from getting inside the pipe.

After welding, all corners and burrs are cleaned with a grinder, then the stairs are primed and painted. From below, so that it does not slip on concrete or metal, you can use self-tapping screws to secure the rubber lining.

If there is no profile rectangular pipe, you can make a structure from round pipes, but it will be heavier, and you will have to make cutouts in the crossbars for a tight fit to the racks.

On the stringers

D When welding, you need to decide on the type of stringer. It can be made of a thick sheet of metal, from which a strip of the required width and length is cut. One side can be cut with teeth, taking into account the inclination of the bowstring to suit the height and width of the steps.

Another welding option is from a corner. But to ensure the rigidity of the stairs, a large corner will be required, which means a significant waste of metal. You can use two small corners, but then they need to be welded to increase the profile of the bowstring.

Therefore, it is better to use a channel, I-beam or box beam for welding. The channel is convenient when welding stairs with two stringers. It is convenient to weld shelves for steps to them on the side when they are located between the strings.

If the steps are located above the stringers, then in this case it is also convenient to weld fillets for fastening the treads and risers.

In the case of one string, it is preferable to use a profiled pipe for welding, due to its symmetry, in contrast to a channel. It can be with or without side brackets. In the second option, increased requirements are placed on the connection between the stringer and the step.

If you need to cook iron ladder(for a basement or street), then its treads should have a corrugated surface. This will prevent slipping accidents.

For the street, the steps can be welded into cellular ones so that the snow does not linger on them and subsequently form ice.

Anchors are driven into the floor of the first and second floors. Bowstrings are subsequently welded to them. Intermediate landing Can be attached to racks or walls.

The stringers are welded to the site. Railings (handrails and balusters) are welded to the posts and places where the bowstrings are attached, this will add additional rigidity to the entire structure.

To avoid sagging of the tread, it is bent at an angle of 90 degrees from the side of the riser, thus obtaining a vertical strip 5 cm wide.

Another option for strengthening the steps is to weld a solid riser from bottom to top.

Design requirements

To weld a ladder you need detail drawing indicating the materials used and methods of connecting all elements. To make it, you need to use drawings for the house or take measurements yourself using a tape measure.

It is very convenient to use planed boards to create a life-size model of a staircase before welding. This allows you to quickly and clearly verify the correctness of decisions made and simplifies further work with metal.

In private houses, the width of the stairs should be more than 90 cm, excluding railings. The height of the steps should be between 15-18 cm, and their width should exceed 27 cm. Any obstacle above the step should be at least 2 m away. The angle of inclination should not exceed 45 °. Optimal inclination equal to 30°.

The railings must withstand a lateral load of more than 100 kg, and the staircase itself must withstand 300 kg/m2.

When calculating the number of steps, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the floors of the floors in finishing. This is the most common mistake, which leads to a difference in height between the first and last steps and all the others.

The area before going up and down the stairs must be at least 80 cm.

If there are small children in the family, the distance between the balusters should be no more than 12-15 cm or the railing should be covered from the inside with a protective mesh.

Manufacturing procedure

Having a ready-made wooden model of the main structural elements, you need to make them from metal in the right quantity. To weld the bowstring, a pipe with a rectangular profile or a channel is used; for fillies, a pipe or angle of the required size is used.

Having cut the blanks with a grinder, they begin to install the beams. First you need to hammer the pins into the floor and weld the beams to them.

The beams must be in the same plane, the distance between them is at least 70 cm. In the marked places, fillets begin to be welded.

Installation starts from the bottom. After the first fillet has been welded, the second one is installed on another beam using a level. Thus, all fillets are welded, checking each time for correct installation.

Another method of welding is to attach fillets to a bowstring on the floor. First on one string, then on the other, using the first as a standard.

Then one string is installed in its place and welded to the pin from below. By changing the angle of the bowstring, we ensure that top part The filly stood horizontally. Checked by level.

The string is completely welded on top and bottom. After this, the second string is installed. By moving it relative to the first one, they ensure that the fillies are in the same plane.

Then the railings are welded. If expected wooden steps, then holes for fastening must be provided in the fillies.

For a period of finishing works 50 mm thick boards are used as steps. After welding, all joints are carefully ground and the structure is primed.

Painting is carried out after finishing dirty work in the house. Decorative elements installed last.