When to add dolomite flour to the soil in spring. Dolomite flour: when and how to use, characteristics

In order to get a good harvest and healthy plants, it is necessary to fertilize them and also monitor the acidity of the soil. If the soil is alkaline, then it will not have problems with acidity, otherwise its level should be maintained by adding lime or dolomite flour.

What properties does dolomite flour have?

A mineral substance called dolomite is reduced to a powder state by crushing it to form dolomite flour. This product is inexpensive and of high quality; it is used to neutralize the acidity of the soil and enrich it with useful elements.

Dolomite flour is rich in potassium and magnesium, these substances allow plants to fully develop. Besides that dolomite flour creates a suitable and favorable composition for plants, it is distinguished by other beneficial properties.

  1. Dolomite flour can improve the consistency of the soil.
  2. This product creates a favorable environment in the soil for the development of various microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on it.
  3. Constant use of dolomite flour nourishes upper layer soil with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It also increases the usefulness of the mineral fertilizers used.
  4. The use of dolomite flour cleanses plant fruits of radionuclides, and they become environmentally friendly.
  5. The soil is saturated with a useful element, magnesium, without it the process of photosynthesis does not occur, and the effectiveness of organic fertilizers increases.
  6. This product can destroy pests without causing harm to plants and their fruits.

How is dolomite flour used?

Dolomite flour is actively used in vegetable gardening, horticulture and floriculture. It can be added to open area or to the greenhouse. This product is used for sandy or sandy loam soils that lack magnesium. Before adding dolomite to the soil, it is necessary to determine its acidity; litmus paper is used for this.

If the acidity level is high, this product should not be used. And if this indicator is below 4.5, then use dolomite flour for one square meter about 600 grams. With an average acidity value of 4.5 to 5.2, add 500 grams per square meter. If the soil acidity exceeds 5.2, then add 400 grams of dolomite flour.

It is imperative that the correct dosages be observed, otherwise the structure of the soil may deteriorate. The application of dolomite flour can be combined with organic fertilizers.

Lime milk can be made from dolomite flour; it is better absorbed by plants than pure composition. For example, with such fertilizer, beets produce a rich harvest and healthy tops.

Liming is also performed using dolomite flour. garden plants, that is, trees and shrubs, do this every two years. This product helps actively fight pests.

Dolomite flour cannot be used together with mineral fertilizers, superphosphate, urea or saltpeter.

What properties does lime have?

Lime is produced by burning carbonate rock. The material is divided into three types, but the most common is slaked lime, which is obtained by adding water. So that the product does not lose useful properties When extinguishing it, use cold water.

Lime is rich in calcium, it is this element that promotes development and vital activity various plants. Thanks to this fertilizer, plants become stronger and are not susceptible to various diseases that arise due to a lack of calcium.

After liming, nodule bacteria actively multiply in the soil, which help retain nitrogen in the soil after loosening. As a result, nitrogen is actively supplied to the roots, and the plant fully develops, receiving useful elements. The movement of carbohydrates through plant tissues improves. Thanks to calcium, the elements dissolve well in aquatic environment. When adding lime to compost pit, beneficial bacteria are created that are capable of releasing and mineralizing nitrogen from organic matter. Calcium promotes the rapid decomposition of organic elements and the creation of humus, maintaining neutral acidity in the soil.

Lime prevents the release of toxic substances from heavy metals, makes the soil structure ideal, it takes on the appearance of lumps and not flowability.

How is lime used?

Lime is used to normalize soil acidity; liming is carried out once every five years. With active soil exploitation, such work is carried out once every three years. First, you need to pay attention to the soil itself; if horsetail, wormwood or moss are actively spreading on it, then the soil needs to be treated with lime.

The main liming work must be carried out in autumn period, and in the spring you can only carry out partial processing, adding a small amount of product. IN spring period You need to maintain a gap of about seven days before planting seedlings or seeds.

When using only mineral fertilizers, soil liming processes need to be increased more often. And the use natural fertilizers promotes self-sustainment normal indicator acidity, so the use of lime will be unnecessary.

Tree trunks are also whitened with lime, this helps prevent the appearance of pests. The product is effective and inexpensive, it is done in the spring and autumn.

Dolomite flour or lime, which is better?

Compared to lime, dolomite flour contains eight percent more calcium. Thanks to this element, it forms and develops well root system plants, and soil structure improves. Dolomite also contains 40 percent magnesium, which promotes photosynthesis in plants, while lime does not contain this element.

If there is a lack of magnesium in the soil, the shoots develop poorly, the leaves may wither and fall off, and the plant itself may be susceptible to various diseases that are difficult to combat.

To normalize acidity, slaked lime is used, that is, fluff, its cost is lower than dolomite flour. Using lime is the most powerful way to restore soil acidity. Calcium, which is part of its composition, is in the form of hydroxide, and in dolomite it comes as carbonate. That is, lime has an active effect on soil acidity than dolomite by one and a half times.

Lime helps restore soil acidity faster, but it also has its downsides. Immediately after its application, it is quite difficult for the plant to absorb such necessary elements, like nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, lime is applied in advance before planting so that the soil can rest. Lime is usually used in the fall to keep the soil loose throughout the winter.

Dolomite differs from lime in that it can be used at any time, so it is actively used to normalize soil acidity.

When is it necessary to use lime and dolomite flour?

You can fertilize the area with dolomite flour in any season; this product does not affect negative influence on plants, and allows them to favorably absorb other nutrients from the soil. But this product must be applied before other fertilizers, since it is not compatible with all types of fertilizers.

If fertilizer will be applied to the area where vegetables are planted, in the spring, flour must be scattered over the entire surface two weeks before planting. Dolomite flour can improve the structure of the soil, fertilize it, and prevent the development of diseases. Using this product, you can actively fight pests that attack potatoes and other crops, for example, mole crickets or Colorado potato beetle. In the spring, such fertilizer is especially important, since it acts as a mineral fertilizer for plants and kills fungal diseases. In the autumn, dolomite flour can be used to treat and feed plants in the garden, that is, trees and shrubs. For one tree you will need 2 kilograms of dolomite flour, and for a bush - up to 1 kilogram, it is buried in the soil under the plant.

Lime is also used to normalize soil acidity. But this should only be done on soil with high acidity. If the soil is not acidic, then liming is not performed. I treat the soil with lime when preparing the planned plot or garden. If it is planned to plant strawberries on the site, then liming is carried out two years before the work. You can also add lime after the plants have become stronger, that is, two months after they are planted. Liming the garden can be done in any season. The product is applied in autumn and spring while digging up the soil.

Lime must be thoroughly mixed with the earth, so it is used in powder form. The use of quicklime is prohibited, as it comes in lumps and can oversaturate the soil. It can be extinguished with water per 100 kilograms of material, 4 buckets of liquid, only after that lime is used as fertilizer.

Lime is poured evenly over the entire soil, and the correct dosage must be observed. If the soil is loamy and clayey in nature, then up to 14 kilograms of this product are applied per 10 square meters; this fertilizer lasts for 15 years. And for sandy and sandy loam soils, add up to 1.5 kilograms for the same area, this is enough for two years. If the dosage is not observed or exceeded, the soil may become oversaturated and become harmful to plants.

How to determine soil acidity?

Before applying fertilizers in the form of dolomite flour or lime, it is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil in the area so as not to oversaturate the soil. This is done in several ways, using weeds, vinegar, grape juice or special devices.

Weeds will not grow on soil that does not meet normal acidity. They can serve as a certain indicator of soil acidity. In an area with weak acidity, chamomile, dandelions, wheatgrass and clover actively grow. Plantain, buttercup or chickweed grow well on soil that is too acidic, and nettle or quinoa grows well on soil with a neutral index.

Using vinegar, you can easily, simply and quickly determine the acidity of the soil. Apply a few drops of table vinegar to the soil, if it swells and bubbles appear, then the soil is neutral or acidic.

Also, acidity can be checked using grape juice; soil is placed in it, and if it changes color and bubbles appear on the surface, then the soil is neutral.

The most reliable determination of soil acidity is the use of special instruments, such as a pH meter or litmus paper. This allows you to determine the acidity of the soil as accurately as possible.

The difference in the use of dolomite flour from lime

Dolomite flour is not capable of harming plants or burning their leaves, so it can be used not only for vegetable plants, but also to fertilize lawns. It can be used in any season. It is better to apply lime in the autumn so that the soil can rest, since after such fertilization it is necessary to wait until planting.

Dolomite flour and lime cannot be combined with mineral fertilizers such as saltpeter, superphosphate or urea. To reduce or normalize acidity, lime is very rarely used, since it has a harsher effect, this can lead to oversaturation of the soil and burns of plants.

Liming the soil increases efficiency organic fertilizer, it begins to decompose faster and nourish the plants. Lime can be combined with manure for fertilizer, while the amount of organic fertilizer is reduced. But before using such fertilizers, it is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil on the site.

Dolomite flour is a fertilizer in powder form, which is produced from the mineral dolomite, which belongs to the class of carbonates (formula - CaCO3 MgCO3), by grinding it to the smallest fractions. Adding this fertilizer to the soil not only normalizes its acidity, but also improves the structure of the upper fertile horizon, simultaneously enriching it with useful microelements, such as magnesium and potassium. Dolomite flour also helps to reduce the number of weeds on the site and enhance the activity of beneficial microorganisms and oligochaete (ringed) worms. Another advantage is its availability, since its price is low, and you can buy this mineral fertilizer of natural origin in containers of any size, based on your personal needs.

Since this mineral supplement is of natural origin, it is not additionally saturated with various additives and is used in its pure form. This allows us to classify it as a high environmental class of use, and to conclude that the use of dolomite flour does not harm human health. Calcium and magnesium are in its composition in carbonate form, which prevents their deposition and accumulation in finished fruit and vegetable products in too large quantities.


As mentioned above, dolomite flour, which includes calcium and magnesium, significantly affects the composition of the soil, changing its acidity.

But, in addition to the ability to deoxidize the soil - that is, to bring its composition to values ​​most suitable for the growth of various plants, dolomite flour has a number of other advantages. She:

  • Improves soil structure;
  • Promotes the development of colonies of microorganisms in it, which have a healing effect on the soil;
  • If you constantly add dolomite flour, it saturates the upper layer of the earth with easily digestible nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;
  • Increases the return from applied mineral fertilizers;
  • Increases the content of calcium and magnesium in the soil;
  • Helps plants cleanse themselves of radionuclides;
  • Destroys insects by dissolving their chitinous cover. Dolomite is completely safe for all other living beings.

Determination of soil acidity

In order not to make a mistake with the amount of dolomite flour added, Before applying fertilizer, it is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil. This can be done in many ways, here are the most accessible and popular of them:


Weeds, as well as cultivated plants, will not grow in soil that is not suitable for them in terms of acidity. Therefore, they are a kind of indicator indicating the pH factor soil mixture Location on. For example, dandelions, wheatgrass, chamomile, clover and coltsfoot grow in slightly acidic soils. For sour ones - woodlice, plantain, buttercup, and for neutral ones - quinoa and nettle.


Using this table sauce is one of the simplest and quick ways to establish dolomite flour application rates. It is used like this: pour a few drops of vinegar on a handful of soil and watch the reaction. If the earth begins to swell and bubble, then its pH reaction is neutral or acidic.

Grape juice

This natural ingredient is used as follows: place a handful of soil in a container with juice, and if the juice changes color and bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, the soil has a neutral reaction.

Special devices

Of enough large quantity specialized devices that are produced both foreign and domestic producers, we can recommend the following models of digital and analog portable pH meters for private use. These are non-volatile EPA-102 and EPA-103, produced in Brazil, and HI-9025 and HI-9024, digital portable devices, made in Germany, providing high measurement accuracy. You can also use simple litmus paper.

Video: determining soil acidity using litmus paper

Dolomite or lime – what to choose?

To deoxidize the soil, in addition to dolomite flour, slaked lime (Ca(OH)), which is popularly called “fluff,” is very often used. It is more often found on sale and is cheaper than dolomite powder. But does it surpass it in consumer properties?

Limestone flour is considered the most strong remedy to normalize soil acidity. Calcium is included in its composition in the form of hydroxide (unlike dolomite, which contains Ca in the form of carbonate), which enhances its effect on soil acidity, increasing its ability to be neutralized by one and a half times.

Lime “works” faster and more actively, but this property also has negative sides. For example, in the first time after application, it interferes with the absorption of the most essential substances for plants, such as phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, immediately after adding it, you can’t plant anything; the soil must “rest.” Therefore, lime flour is usually applied in the off-season, when the beds are prepared for winter, or in early spring to ensure a good interval before planting seeds and seedlings.

Unlike lime, dolomite can be added at any time as soon as the need arises. Therefore, it has become one of the most popular fertilizers that normalizes the acidic environment of the soil.

Application of dolomite flour

Dolomite flour is always used only after the acidity of the soil has been accurately determined, otherwise it can cause significant harm to plants, including their complete destruction. General instructions the use of dolomite flour is as follows:

  • When the soil pH is less than 4.5, it is considered acidic. 50 kg of dolomite flour per 1 hectare is added to such soil.
  • At a pH of 4.5-5.2, the soil is considered moderately acidic, and the rate of application of this mineral fertilizer to it is about 45 kg per 1 hundred square meters.
  • Slightly acidic soils, with a pH reaction from 5.2 to 5.7 units, are fertilized with dolomite powder at the rate of 35-40 kg per hundred square meters.

Also, the amount of fertilizer applied depends on the structure of the soil. On light soils, the use of dolomite flour is reduced by 1.5 times, and on heavy, loamy and aluminous soils, on the contrary, it is increased by 10-15% to normalize their structure.

When you are going to buy dolomite flour to fertilize your beds, garden or lawn, all these nuances must be taken into account when making your calculations. It can be purchased either in a store or ordered online. This fertilizer comes in different packaging; it is sold in bags, bags and in bulk. To fertilize all the land on a dacha plot of six acres, 300 kg is enough. Considering that the price of one bag weighing 50 kg, according to the price lists of leading suppliers for the spring of 2015, does not exceed 200 rubles, then you can completely fertilize the entire plot for 1,200 rubles. Taking into account the fact that dolomite flour is added no more often than once every three to four years, the price of the issue is more than acceptable, because all this time the soil will produce good harvests, and will not sour.

Dolomite flour is also added to compost, both in simple and biologically active form– vermicompost. Worms released into untreated humus cannot live in compost with an inappropriate pH reaction, therefore, for their comfortable existence, which causes their active reproduction, which in turn accelerates the processing of organic matter, it is necessary to add ground dolomite to the pile. It will provide the required level of acidity.

When to deposit?

As stated above, dolomite fertilizers can be used at any time of the year, since they do not have negative impact for the absorption of other nutrients from the soil. But, usually they are applied before using other fertilizers, since dolomite flour cannot organically interact with all of them.

In an area intended for growing vegetables, it is scattered in advance in the spring, a couple of weeks before planting. It not only fertilizes and improves the structure of the soil, but also sanitizes it. This is very relevant for different cultures, including for, which is often affected by various diseases, the occurrence and spread of which dolomite is able to stop. It is also especially important for potatoes that this mineral destroys insects by dissolving their chitinous shells at the joints. This helps fight mole crickets, Colorado potato beetles and other potato pests.

Dolomite flour, the use of which has a sanitizing effect on the soil, is especially relevant in the spring, as a mineral fertilizer for plants closed ground. When treating the soil with this mineral in the greenhouse, various fungal diseases, which has a positive effect on the harvest and on the subsequent safety of the resulting fruits and berries.

this fall mineral fertilizing used for processing and nutrition fruit trees and bushes. In this case, the following rates of application into the soil are recommended: under a tree - about 2 kg, along the edge of the trunk circle, deepening into the ground, for shrubs (depending on size) - 0.5-1 kg according to the same scheme.

Liming is a term often used to describe the fertilization of soil with rocks containing calcium. This is not always true, since different substances have different effects on plants. Therefore, before starting to improve the soil by normalizing its pH factor, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for using the fertilizer intended for this purpose, since an excess of Ca and all its compounds is much more harmful than its deficiency.

Video: using dolomite flour in a summer cottage

Dolomite is a rock that is 95% composed of the mineral dolomite. The main features of such rocks were first described by the French geological engineer Dolomier, from whose surname the mineral got its name. At specialized enterprises large stones the rocks are ground into flour, dried, and stored packaged in bags and sacks. Gardeners interested in improving the soil use dolomite flour as a fertilizer and a means to reduce soil acidity in their gardens.

Why do you need to reduce soil acidity?

Chemical reactions occurring in the soil can negatively affect the ability of plants to absorb nutrients beneficial for their growth and development. As a result of such reactions, free hydrogen ions accumulate in the soil, which block the access of necessary substances to the root system of the plant. Acidity is determined by the number of hydrogen compounds in the composition earthen soil(pH). This value can be determined in special laboratories.

Vegetables and fruit and berry crops prefer soils with a neutral or alkaline pH. A pH value of 7.0 is considered neutral, a figure below this value indicates increased acidity of the soil, if it is above this level, then the soil is alkaline.

Attention! Even within one summer cottage this indicator may differ significantly; soil samples for laboratory determination of pH must be taken from several small areas.

If it is determined that the soil composition has a pH value below 7.0, it should be neutralized using dolomite flour. The video explains in detail how to do this correctly, in addition, you can see with your own eyes the whole process of adding dolomite flour to the soil.

Apply the substance depending on the acidity of the soil

Useful properties and applications in gardening

Dolomite flour rocks has many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of vegetables and fruits, fruit trees and shrubs:

  • the use of flour reduces the number of weeds in the beds that grow in acidic soil;
  • it stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and insects living in the soil, which contributes to good growth and development of fruit crops;
  • the beneficial effects of other fertilizers become more noticeable due to a decrease in the blocking effect of hydrogen ions;
  • has a destructive effect on harmful insects, grinding their tissues and covers like an abrasive material;
  • vegetables and fruits not damaged by pests are stored longer, their presentation is much better;
  • the high calcium content in dolomite promotes good survival and development of the plant’s root system, the roots become strong and absorb nutrients well, almost do not get sick, and are not affected by rot;
  • adding flour is a process that allows you to grow an environmentally friendly harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries; flour neutralizes the effect of heavy metal salts deposited in the soil;
  • magnesium, which is part of dolomite, forms sufficient quantity chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis.

Advice. If it is impossible to determine the acidity of the soil in the laboratory, you can use folk remedies: vinegar or grape juice, because the pH accuracy of small summer cottages not required.

When to Apply Fertilizer

The timing of adding flour is not regulated: in spring, summer or autumn you can use it in garden plots and vegetable gardens:

  1. In the spring, usually April-May, flour is scattered onto the beds, then I dig them up and loosen them.
  2. From August to November, flour is applied around trees and shrubs in a circle of 2 meters. One trunk will require about 2 kg, a bush - half as much.
  3. Even in winter you can fill a certain area, the main thing is that it is level, and melt water, enriched with dolomite flour, were absorbed into the ground, rather than flowing down an inclined plane.
  4. In summer, dolomite is used as a top dressing that destroys pests.

Flour should be added only to acidified areas of soil; it is not recommended to do this in neutral and alkaline soils. Such uncontrolled use can negatively affect plant growth and bed productivity due to excess calcium.

Flour can be used in greenhouses, adding only 100 g per 1 square meter. There is no need to dig up the earth after this, since flour delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, which is very important for plants planted indoors.

All kinds of plants are grown in vegetable gardens and orchards, all of them prefer different composition soil: acidic, neutral or alkaline, so you need to have a specific approach to each crop. If necessary, apply dolomite only to areas where it is required.

The use of dolomite flour helps to increase productivity and excellent plant growth, be patient and use it constantly. In 2-3 years, after the quality of the soil has improved, you will notice this, and you will not regret the labor and time spent; your pets will only delight you with their fertility.

Dolomite flour: video

Today at the summer residents big choice fertilizers rich in microelements and facilitating the fight against weeds and insect pests. Dolomite flour is in deserved demand as an effective limestone agent for reducing soil acidity in gardens, which is often applied in the fall. Economical consumption, low price, environmental friendliness are the main advantages due to which the use of dolomite flour is very popular among gardeners and gardeners.

What is dolomite flour

Dolomite or dolomite bait is a fertilizer in powder form made from dolomite, a carbonate class mineral. A product of natural origin saturates the soil with useful substances and microelements, normalizing its acidity, improving the structure of the fertile soil layer. The mineral has a light shiny color from white to gray, rarely a reddish tint. Fertilizer is obtained by crushing dolomite rock into small fractions.


Mineral formula: CaCO3 MgCO3. This excellent fertilizer is rich in magnesium and calcium and does not require additional additives; it is used in its natural form after grinding to a powder state. The active composition of dolomite flour is, first of all, calcium: a component that is necessary for replenishment in the soil when increased acidity soil and deterioration of its qualities. The carbonate form of calcium and magnesium prevents their accumulation in fruits and vegetables in excess.

What is it for?

Adding a mineral allows you to maintain the required level of hydrogen and calcium in the soil. Deoxidation of the soil with dolomite flour is the main task of its use, but in addition to neutralizing acidity, the soil with fertilizer receives useful material for plants, weeds are reduced on the site, beneficial microorganisms (worms) are activated. Magnesium has a positive effect on the course of photosynthesis, and soils rich in calcium promote rapid growth and good development aboveground parts and plant roots.

Using dolomite flour in the garden

The fertilizer is useful for vegetable crops (yields of potatoes, beets, onions, tomatoes, carrots), herbaceous plants(buckwheat, clover), fruits and berries (plum, cherry). Good result is achieved both by adding flour throughout the entire site and into beds in greenhouses and greenhouses on sandy loam soils and with low level magnesium When the soil is neutrally acidic, dolomite fertilizer is not recommended to be used, as the natural soil balance will be disrupted.

As a result chemical properties dolomites:

  • are improving biological properties soil;
  • the content of useful microelements, macroelements, and minerals increases;
  • the effect of other fertilizers increases;
  • productivity increases;
  • the quality of products improves;
  • radionuclides are removed.

Dolomite flour or lime, which is better?

To deoxidize the soil, lime fertilizers are often used, which are considered stronger for normalizing the level of soil acidity due to the form of calcium hydroxide, which enhances the possibility of neutralization. However, limestone flour has its disadvantages. Immediately after its application, the necessary substances phosphorus and nitrogen are not absorbed, so the soil needs a break for planting. Lime flour is added in the off-season to ensure a good time interval before planting. Dolomite, which also contains magnesium, can be used to fertilize the soil at any time.

Instructions for using dolomite flour

Before you start using fertilizer, you need to know exactly the soil acidity of the soil, otherwise you can harm the plants, even destroy them. Instructions on how to apply dolomite fertilizer per one hundred square meters of area, depending on acidity, provide the following dose of lime fertilizer:

  • for acidic soils with a pH less than 4.5, 500-600 g will be required;
  • for moderately acidic soils with pH from 4.5 to 5.2 - about 450-500 g;
  • for slightly acidic soil with a pH from 5.2 to 5.7 – 350-450 g.

For stone fruit trees, apply annually after harvesting. mineral fertilizers from dolomite - 1 kg or 2 kg per tree. 0.5 - 1 kg of the substance is applied under the currant bush. Under vegetable crops application is carried out before planting vegetables, and for potatoes and tomatoes - in advance. Dolomite is not used for sorrel, gooseberries, and blueberries.

When to sprinkle

Dolomite fertilizers are used at any time. Before you start using them, it is better to clarify when to sprinkle dolomite flour in the garden. In the area where it is planned to grow vegetables, flour is scattered in the spring in advance, 2 weeks before planting. In addition to improving the structure of the soil, dolomite sanitizes it and prevents the occurrence of plant diseases. This sanitary function is relevant in the spring, especially for greenhouse crops. In autumn, fertilizing is used for processing fruit and berry trees and bushes.

How to deposit

To get the most out of using the product, you need to figure out how to add dolomite flour:

  1. The product cannot be mixed with superphosphate and ammonia fertilizers or urea.
  2. The flour should be distributed evenly over the area, mixed thoroughly with the soil and loosened by 10-15 cm, for trees and shrubs - along the edge of the circle near the trunk, deepening into the ground.
  3. IN clay soils dolomite is added annually.
  4. A dose of manure and compost should be applied not together with the fertilizer, but after it has been applied, and then dig everything up.
  5. The increase in the efficiency of liming dolomite bait is influenced by the simultaneous use boric acid and copper fertilizers.
  6. For flowers, dolomite fertilizer is applied to the hole.

Most of the crops grown in garden plots are sensitive to soil quality. Receive regularly bountiful harvests This is possible only if the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline. Acidic soil is not suitable for farming, so the acidity is neutralized before planting. Suitable means Dolomite flour is used for this, but there are some nuances in using fertilizer.

What is dolomite flour?

Dolomite flour is the mineral dolomite crushed to a powdery state. Since it is found very often in Russia, there are no problems with raw materials. The finished powder has a slight shine, its color varies from white to grayish, sometimes it can even be reddish or beige depending on the starting raw material.

Dolomite contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium carbonates, which effectively neutralize soil acidity, which makes it beneficial for Agriculture. These same substances are present in dolomite flour not in pure form, but in the form of salts, which prevents the deposition of trace elements in grown vegetables, berries and fruits in excessive concentrations.

Dolomite flour can be used as fertilizer. During the purely mechanical processing process, no chemical additives are added; the product is used in its natural form. Consequently, such fertilizer is completely safe for both the environment and human health.

The finer the grind, the higher the quality of the fertilizer. This is exactly what you need to focus on when purchasing it. The best product for the garden is a product whose granules do not exceed 1 mm in diameter (similar to sea sand).

Please note that dolomite can be unfired or fired. The advantage of the second option is that the plantings will receive more magnesium.

Photo gallery: raw materials and mechanical processing products

Packages of dolomite flour are sold in stores

Mineral after grinding

Mineral in natural form

Useful properties for the garden

Dolomite flour - excellent fertilizer, which helps to obtain a stable harvest regardless of the quality of the soil.

But the benefits of this product are not limited to soil deoxidation. In addition to the fact that due to the increase in the concentration of calcium and magnesium in an easily digestible form, fertility increases and the soil structure improves, the use of fertilizer has other positive effects:

  1. The number of weeds in the garden plot is reduced.
  2. Microorganisms, bacteria and insects that are beneficial to plants living in the soil are stimulated to reproduce.
  3. The effect of other fertilizers applied to planting (chemical or natural) becomes more noticeable.
  4. The number of pests is sharply reduced. Powder particles act as an abrasive, damaging the chitinous cover of beetles and soft fabrics slugs. By the way, you can not only bury flour in the soil, but also sprinkle it on trunks, branches, stems and leaves. The product is absolutely safe for people and pets.
  5. Fruits that receive less damage from pests are stored much better.
  6. The plantings take root well, since the roots, in the presence of calcium, grow faster and become stronger. The plant better resists various infections (especially rot) and receives more nutrients from the soil.
  7. Ecological purity of grown vegetables, berries and fruits. Dolomite flour has unique property neutralize salts deposited in the soil heavy metals, even radionuclides.
  8. Magnesium, which is part of the fertilizer, is needed for the formation of chlorophyll, without which photosynthesis is impossible.

When to deposit?

Dolomite flour can be added to the soil at any time, since improving the quality and additional remediation of the soil will never be superfluous.

Table: recommendations for adding dolomite flour depending on the time of year

Payment deadline Recommendations
Spring (15-20 days before planting a certain crop) - April-May Dolomite flour is scattered over a bed or area intended for specific plantings, most often for vegetable crops. Fertilizer is used not only for open ground, but also for greenhouses. This procedure helps prevent the spread of mold, rot and other plant diseases caused by fungi.
Autumn (after harvest) - from late August to late October Flour is scattered around the fruit trees, mentally outlining a circle about 2 m in diameter, and the ground is intensively loosened. For one tree, 1.5-2 kg is enough. When fertilizing shrubs, both the rate and area of ​​application are halved.
Winter - February-March Flour can be scattered on the snow in winter so that in the spring, when it melts, the fertilizer is absorbed into the soil. But such a procedure will only be effective in a certain area. It should be relatively flat (let's say a slope of 5-7º) and covered with loose snow. If the thickness of the snow cover exceeds 25-30 cm, there will be no benefit from dolomite flour. Likewise, if there is strong wind in the area. The fertilizer will simply blow away until spring. The product must be completely dry, otherwise it will quickly freeze in the cold.
Summer During the entire growing season, dolomite flour is good feeding and a pest control product. By observing the application rate, you can treat the plantings once every 4-6 weeks.
Combined option. If a large area of ​​arable land is being cultivated, 2/3 of the flour norm is added to the ground when plowing in the fall, and the remaining third in the spring when plowing again.

The nuances of applying and using fertilizer

Dolomite flour will be useful to you only if the soil on the site is really acidic. So as not to waste own time, strength and means, first find out whether you need such fertilizer at all. There are special devices and litmus paper for this. But on garden plot the high measurement accuracy they provide is not needed. You can determine whether the soil is acidic using time-tested folk remedies - vinegar essence and grape juice.

It should be noted right away that with uncontrolled scattering of dolomite flour over the site, high yields should not be expected.

Treatment of the entire area of ​​the site and open ground

If the entire area is cultivated, the procedure should be carried out once every 6-9 years, depending on the level of soil acidity, the amount of mineral fertilizers applied and the intensity of precipitation. Flour is scattered over the area, leveled with a rake, and then the ground is dug up to a depth of at least one shovel bayonet.

Digging is necessary so that the fertilizer begins to act faster. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the rains, which, absorbed into the soil, will deliver useful substances to the address. By the way, rains wash away all fertilizers from the soil, including dolomite flour.

Burying dolomite flour into the ground will have a greater effect than fertilizer left on the surface

Be prepared for the fact that the positive effect will not appear immediately. The soil composition will be at its best in 2-3 years. Then the effect of dolomite flour will gradually begin to fade away. Due to energy consumption and high fertilizer consumption, this method of soil deoxidation is used quite rarely.

How to use dolomite flour in greenhouses?

There are no obstacles to the use of dolomite flour in greenhouses, hotbeds and greenhouses. On average, about 100 g are needed per 1 m². But unlike open ground, after spreading fertilizer over the entire area of ​​the beds, they do not dig up the soil. Flour creates a thin film on the soil surface that retains moisture inside, preventing it from evaporating. Thus, the top layer of soil does not dry out.

Instructions for use for individual garden beds

Another option is to treat specific beds where you plan to plant crops sensitive to soil acidity, or the root zone of trees and shrubs. Dolomite flour is added to the holes when planting, into the beds when digging, or scattered at the roots (then the soil must be well loosened). But it arises actual question: How much dolomite flour will be needed?

If the soil in the beds is heavy (peaty, silty, clayey, loamy, aluminous), the corresponding rate is increased by about 15%. Annual application of dolomite flour is recommended.

For light sandy and sandy loam soils in the beds, the norm is reduced by about a third. One procedure with an interval of 3-4 years is enough. In this case, significantly less fertilizer is consumed and the acid-base balance is maintained at the same level due to the regular supply of new portions of the necessary substances.

The amount of dolomite flour directly depends on the type of soil

The introduction of dolomite flour into neutral and alkaline soil is strongly not recommended. You can upset the natural acid-base balance. Excess calcium - much more serious problem than a lack of this microelement.

Table: application rate of dolomite flour depending on the soil

The soil Recommendations for adding dolomite flour
Sour 50 kg of dolomite flour per 100 m² or 500 g per 1 m².
Medium acid 40-45 kg per 100 m².
Slightly acidic 30-35 kg per 100 m².

What agricultural crops require dolomite flour?

Various plants react to acidified soil differently. For some of them, increased acidity levels are very suitable. Therefore, before scattering dolomite flour over the beds, find out whether the crop needs such fertilizer.

Table: soil type and different crops

Soil type What grows best
Sour Sorrel, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries.
Moderately sour Radish, radish, daikon, flax, cereals (millet, rye), buckwheat.
Slightly acidic Clover, alfalfa, cucumbers, corn, spinach, all varieties of lettuce, carrots, soybeans, cereals (wheat, barley), potatoes, bell and hot peppers, eggplants, tomatoes.
Neutral All types of cabbage, turnips, beets, any legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils), sainfoin, onions, garlic, strawberries.
Alkaline Black currant, stone fruit trees(cherries, plums, apricots, peaches).

And a few more notes:

  1. Crops that prefer moderately acidic and slightly acidic soils will respond to the addition of dolomite flour by increasing their yield.
  2. For plants that prefer alkaline soils, the product is applied to the root zone every autumn; the recommended dose increases by 10-15% compared to the amount of fertilizer at planting. If you are planting a new tree or bush, apply fertilizer to the hole. One bush will cost about 0.1 kg, a pome seedling (pear, apple tree) - 0.3 kg, a stone fruit seedling - 0.5 kg.
  3. If flour is needed for vegetable and berry crops, it is placed in holes or furrows for seeds and planted immediately. This is especially true for beets and cabbage. The exception is tomatoes, potatoes and strawberries (fertilizer must be applied to the soil in advance, in autumn or early spring).
  4. Dolomite flour increases the yield of any winter crops, such as onions and garlic. Perennial flowers and ornamental plants also need this product.

Do not neglect the application of dolomite flour either when planting or during the growth of trees and shrubs

Compatibility with other fertilizers

Table: compatibility of dolomite flour with other fertilizers

Fertilizer Recommendations
Solution copper sulfate and boric acid powder. The effect of using both flour and these products increases with simultaneous application. Make a mixture. For 1 kg of dolomite flour you will need 10 g of boric acid powder or 5 liters of 0.05% copper sulfate solution (25 ml per specified volume of water).
Any type of manure, bird droppings and compost. Only sequential processing can be carried out. First, sprinkle the flour, then spread out the manure or droppings, and only then dig up. The usual portion of funds can be halved (manure - up to 2-3 kg/m², flour - up to 0.1-0.3 kg/m²). Fertilizing the soil with a mixture of flour and manure is strictly prohibited.
Any chemical fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus (ammonium nitrate, urea, simple, double, granular superphosphate, ammonium sulfate). Under no circumstances should they be mixed with dolomite flour; chemical reaction. When applied at intervals of approximately 7-10 days, these products complement each other perfectly. Moreover, nitrogen acidifies the soil, so dolomite flour is a must.
  1. Method of J. Mitlider. For 1 kg of dolomite flour, take 7-8 g of boric acid powder. This mixture is scattered over the beds after harvesting, then the soil is dug up. The norm for 1 p/m is 200 g if the soil is heavy or peaty, and half as much if it is light sandy. After 5-7 days, additional mineral fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen are applied. The bed is dug up again.
  2. Method of B. M. Makuni. The method is also suitable for open ground, but is more often used for greenhouses, greenhouses, indoor flowers and seedlings. Mix 2 liters of soil from the garden, special soil for the crop that is supposed to be grown, and sphagnum moss, 4 liters of peat, 1 liter of coarse river sand. Separately add 30 g of dolomite flour and double superphosphate and two glasses of powdered charcoal. Mix everything thoroughly.

What can replace dolomite flour?

In addition to dolomite flour, the function of soil deoxidation is performed by slaked lime and wood ash. But the first remedy has a number of advantages over them.

Slaked lime It costs a little less and can be purchased at any hardware store. But this is only calcium, and not in the form of carbonate, but as hydroxide. This chemical compound 1.5-2 times more effective in neutralizing high acidity of the soil; accordingly, the consumption of the product is reduced. However, it acts too sharply and strongly. In case of even a slight overdose, crops are guaranteed to suffer - you will simply burn the roots.

Calcium hydroxide also neutralizes soil acidity

In addition, calcium hydroxide cannot be added to the soil immediately before planting - it will prevent the plants from absorbing the nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus contained in the soil or fertilizers. Processing is possible only in the fall, when the crop is fully harvested, or at the very beginning of spring (in the southern regions, where the snow melts early).

Wood ash, like dolomite flour, does not pose any harm to the soil; application is allowed at any time. In addition to calcium, ash contains other substances necessary for the soil - magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and so on.

Wood ash is sold, but in small packages

But using ash to deoxidize a large garden plot is problematic. Only small packages are available for sale. And since the consumption of ash per unit area is approximately twice as high as the consumption of dolomite flour, most often required quantity is not on the farm. Purchasing ash every year is quite expensive.

Dolomite flour is a product that, if used properly, will allow you to consistently obtain high yields and preserve the grown fruits for the winter. In addition, it is safe for people, animals and the environment.