Bay leaf home care. Proper garden care

For a long time, laurel was considered a noble plant, which is why it enjoyed honor and respect: it was not without reason that winners and talented people were awarded with wreaths from its branches. Leaves of this perennial plant widely used in cooking as a spice for preparing broths and marinades, because it has pleasant aroma. Housewives usually buy dried laurel leaves. But if desired, the flower will decorate your home, and when necessary, you can simply pick a leaf and use it in cooking. And we will tell you about growing laurel at home.

Laurel: planting

Planting of the noble laurel should be done in early spring. It is necessary to choose a pot that is 2-3 cm larger in volume than the previous one. First you need to lay a drainage layer from broken bricks or expanded clay to remove excess water. Then the substrate is laid. Laurel laurel prefers soil consisting of turf land, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:2. There is a simple option - just buy soil for cacti at a flower shop.

How to care for laurel at home?

This plant is quite unpretentious and easily adapts to the most unfavorable conditions: both to brightly lit areas of the apartment and to a darkened place. However, laurel grows best on open loggias and balconies. In addition, the flower is not afraid of drafts, so winds are not dangerous to it. Laurel tolerates well in summer temperature regime at 20-27 ᴼС. In winter, the plant is comfortable at 12-15 ᴼС (in extreme cases, 5 ᴼС). The main thing you should pay close attention to when caring for laurel is how to water the laurel correctly. Firstly, although the plant loves abundant watering, an excess of moisture is destructive for it. Watering should occur as the top layer of soil dries out. In hot weather, watering is possible twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Secondly, indoor laurel needs regular abundant spraying of the leaves. And to prevent pests, you can add baking soda to the water (½ teaspoon per liter of water).

Caring for laurel at home involves fertilizing with complex fertilizers once a month in spring and until autumn.

In mid-spring, it is possible to prune the bush to give the laurel a decorative shape.

Laurel propagation at home

Laurel is propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush. Seeds should be planted in spring in a container with soil and placed in a greenhouse at a temperature of at least 18 °C. When the seedlings have a second leaf, they are planted in separate pots.

Cuttings should be prepared in spring or early summer. From young shoots with a lignified stem, cuttings 7-8 cm long with 2 internodes are cut, the leaves are trimmed and placed in the substrate to a depth of 1.5 cm at a temperature of 17-20 ᴼC. The greenhouse should be regularly ventilated and the soil should be watered. A month later, after the cuttings have rooted, the young plants can be planted.

Dividing the laurel bush is done in the spring.

Pests and diseases of laurel at home

Laurel diseases are mainly the result of errors in care. Excessive watering leads to spots on the leaves and rotting of the plant roots. It is recommended to spray the leaves with copper oxychloride (4 g per 1 liter of water). Insufficient watering or its absence affects the yellowing of the plant leaves and their drying out. At improper care V winter time The leaves of the laurel may fall.

Today we’ll talk about a spice that is probably present in the arsenal of any housewife, and the stronger half of humanity, when preparing their favorite dumplings, rarely does without it.

We are talking about bay leaves, the cultivation of which at home will be the topic of our conversation today.

About the conditions for growing bay leaves

If you are planning to grow bay leaves at home, you first need to understand that the leaves for seasoning are given to us by the noble laurel - evergreen tree, less commonly a shrub that grows in the tropical zone of our planet. For example, in Russia, this plant is found naturally only in Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory. In other laurel growing regions in open ground not practiced.

Therefore, the conditions for growing bay leaves at home should be truly tropical:

  • temperature not lower than 20 degrees, optimally +25;
  • high air humidity;
  • short daylight hours with bright lighting.

This is achieved by placing plants on southern windowsills with regular spraying or using artificial air humidifiers.

Attention! Laurel will grow well on northern windowsills, only it will be less lush with a sparser crown.

Growing on a windowsill in the summer can be combined with taking plants out onto a balcony or loggia, and if you have Vacation home or country cottage area, then you can take the plant with you, as they say, to Fresh air. Naturally, when returning from the site in the fall, you should not forget the plant at the dacha, but you need to take it with you to your winter apartment.

Laurel propagation

To get your laurel tree, you can go two ways:

  1. Growing bay leaves from seeds.
  2. Growing by rooting cuttings.
  3. Horizontal layering.
  4. Purchasing ready-made seedlings.

Let's consider all the methods in more detail.

Seed propagation of bay leaves

Laurel seeds can be obtained in two ways:

  • buy in a specialized store;
  • collected from laurel branches sold in markets as spices.

It is best to sow seeds in the ground in early spring or autumn; in summer, the germinal processes in the seeds slow down a little and you simply cannot wait for seedlings. Sow the seeds in small seedling containers.

Before sowing, the soil is moistened and slightly compacted so that the seed rests on a moist and dense bed. After this, it is sprinkled with a layer of nutrient soil one centimeter thick and moistened again. Cover the container with a suitable lid and place it in a warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees, for example, next to a radiator or on a hanging kitchen cabinet.

Seeds take a very long time to germinate, sometimes it can take several months. All this time, the container with crops must be periodically ventilated and, if necessary, moistened.

The soil for growing laurel does not have to be very oily and nutritious, but great attention must be paid to its mechanical composition. The best mixture for growing laurel is a mixture of the following components:

  • forest turf land;
  • sand;
  • peat.

To add airiness and looseness, you can use coconut substrate or today's popular soil disintegrants, such as perlite or vermiculite.

It is very important that the roots receive free access to air, this is one of the conditions successful cultivation this useful plant.

Attention! Laurel does not tolerate waterlogged soil, so be sure to place some kind of drainage material at the bottom of the container.

After the true leaves appear, the plants are planted in a larger container and cared for, like other plants, with timely watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Taking bay leaf cuttings

Cuttings of noble laurel are no different from the process on currants or gooseberries. Here's how it's done:

  1. We cut non-lignified green cuttings 6-10 centimeters long. In this case, we make the lower cut under the bud oblique, and the upper one – a centimeter above the bud – straight.
  2. We leave two top leaves on the cuttings, and we shorten them by half for less evaporation of moisture.
  3. We bury the cuttings 1-2 centimeters into the soil of the pot.
  4. Cover the pot with film with holes.
  5. We ventilate regularly.

Rooting will occur in about a month. After this, you can transplant the finished seedling into a permanent container.

Bay leaf layering

If you have mature plant, then you can get a new plant by pinning one of the side shoots to the soil. In this case, an additional container with soil is used. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Place a container filled with nutritious soil next to a laurel plant growing in a pot.
  2. Bend the young branch so that the lowest point of the bend is placed in a new container to a depth of 10-15 centimeters.
  3. At this point, the branches make a cut about 4-5 centimeters long.
  4. The branch is placed in a pot with soil and pinned. The end of the layer is tied to a vertical support.
  5. Fill the cut area with soil to the top of the container and water it.

After some time, depending on conditions environment, a new sprout will appear from under the ground. After this, the rooted branch can be separated from the mother plant.

Purchased laurel seedlings

Everything is very simple here. The purchased plant needs to be transplanted into a large container with its own soil and grown as usual.

Laurel care

Caring for laurel is easy. You need to water the bush and spray it on time warm water. Twice a year you can feed the plant with some organic matter.

Advice! It is better to give fertilizing no earlier than three months after transplantation.

As it grows, it is necessary to transplant the bush into a new larger container. At first, this is done every year; after 4-5 years of growing season, the laurel slows down its growth, and it is replanted once every four years.

The important work is decorative pruning bush. Laurel is very responsive to pruning, and you can shape its crown to your liking.

Attention! Regularly picking leaves for spices begins in the fourth year of the laurel’s growing season.

At home, diseases rarely appear in the noble laurel, but they still occur. This is due to low temperatures or waterlogging of the soil coma. In any case, you need to consult with specialists or read the relevant literature.

Video - how to grow a bay tree at home

Today we learned how to plant bay leaves and grow them at home. Good luck with your gardening endeavors.

What first comes to your mind when you hear the word "laurel"evergreen shrub or a popular spicy seasoning? Or maybe a solemn laurel crown, which was used to honor the heroes of antiquity?

Once upon a time, the ancient Greeks decided that it would be nice to combine business with pleasure and began grow laurel at home.

Besides gardening and cooking, its leaves are widely used in folk medicine, and all virtues of the laurel taken together, they become a compelling argument to grow it on your windowsill.

Well, isn’t it tempting to have in your home a plant that was awarded in ancient times the most worthy of the worthy, Olympic winners, best poets and musicians?

And, of course, the great ancient rulers decorated their heads with laurel crowns, believing that the evergreen branch would bring them immortality. It is not for nothing that the most famous species of this plant received the name "noble laurel".

Types of laurel

Laurel (Laurus nobilis)- a dioecious evergreen shrub or large tree, reaching 18 m in height with smooth brown or dark gray bark and a dense pyramidal crown.

Leaves are entire, on short petioles, arranged alternately; glabrous, leathery, simple, up to 20 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, lanceolate or oblong, narrowed at the base and sharp at the apex, glossy at outside and lighter on the inside. Have peculiar spicy smell.

Less known Azorean laurel (laurus azorica) decorative, tree up to 15 m tall and camphor laurel (cinnamomum camphora), the leaves of which contain 94% camphor - an aphrodisiac nervous system.

Features of care

In natural habitat laurel easily survives the most varied vagaries of nature: rain, wind, snow, drought. Therefore, at home, he can easily adapt to any, even the most unfavorable conditions.

Location and temperature

On which windowsill to place the laurel is not so important; it will withstand both scorching midday rays and shading. And yet, if you choose from two extremes, then better for laurel sunbathe in the sun rather than get bored in the shade.

Its tight strong leaves are not afraid sunburn, they are draft-resistant and love fresh air.

The life activity of the laurel is tuned to the natural cycle subtropical zone, with warm summers and cool winters. IN summer period The plant will be satisfied with the usual temperature for this season – from 20 to 27°C.

But in winter season will better send a pot of laurel on the loggia - to be in complete peace. The temperature can fluctuate from + 2 to 15 ° C (optimally - + 5 ° C).

Home laurel after wintering need to get used to the sun again, gradually exposing him to the rays - at first little by little, then more and more by the son-in-law.

Watering and spraying

During the growing season
In spring and summer, the home laurel bush requires regular and fairly abundant watering. On hot summer days it should be daily.

And yet, make sure that the substrate in the pot has time to dry out a little: after all, the most common cause of serious illness and even death This plant is caused by waterlogging and stagnation of water on the ground.

For winter time The watering regime should be different: 1 – maximum 2 times a week. Use only soft, settled water with a temperature of up to +20 degrees.

All types of laurel are very popular spraying and high humidity. In the summer, don’t be lazy to give your bush a shower twice a day, morning and evening. You can solve the problem differently - place the pot in a tray with moistened pebbles or place a container of water next to it.

Planting, soil, replanting

Laurel planting carried out in the spring. First of all, you need to put it on the bottom of the pot good layer drainage, then backfill with soil. You can use a substrate that is sold in stores, or you can prepare it yourself. Soil composition:

  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • sand - 2 parts.

Until the laurel reaches five years of age it is replanted every year, and then this procedure is done once every 2-3 years. When replanting, be sure to use fertilizers.

Ideal feeding for laurels - “Cactus”.

Take a slightly alkaline or neutral substrate for transplantation. The plant will be accepted better, if you do not take dishes “for growth”.

Prepare new pot a little larger in diameter (2.2.5 cm) and the same amount deeper. If your laurel is mature and grows in a tub, take a new one 5 cm larger.

For a master class on transplanting laurel at home, watch the video below:

Laurel propagation

Laurel is propagated mainly by seeds, less often by cuttings. In spring, the seeds are sown in pots, boxes or bowls filled with a mixture of 2 parts leaf soil and turf and one part sand.

The soil should not be cold (from 18 °C). In the phase of the first two leaves, the seedlings need to be planted in another container at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

When they are properly and strong, you can start transplantation each seedling into a separate bowl 7 cm in diameter. Here you will need a different soil composition:

  • 4 parts of turf;
  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • one part sand;
  • one part peat.

Young seedlings you need to constantly water, spray, keep at a cool temperature (up to 10-12°C) and in a well-lit place.

Shoots for propagation by cuttings are cut in mid-spring or early summer.

Choose non-lignified ones, with 2-3 internodes, up to 8 cm long. Lower leaves needs to be removed, and then plant them in a box at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other.

The soil mixture should consist of 2 layers: 3-4 cm of turf on the bottom, and 2-3 cm of sand on top. Cuttings should grow at a temperature of 16-20°C, in a bright room.

Rooting will happen after about a month, then the seedlings are placed in permanent containers - 7-centimeter pots. The soil can be taken the same as when planting seedlings.

Diseases and pests

Most often, home laurel bushes are affected by greenhouse or leaf thrips, laurel psyllid, .

If the insect attack has just begun, and there are not very many of them yet, you can use mechanical methods control (in other words, collect pests manually).

AND spider mite This method of fighting is useless; they will have to be immediately hit with chemicals - for example, “”. If the moment is missed, then use appropriate pesticides against other insects, without forgetting about safety precautions.

Laurel is quite resistant to diseases. If any troubles happen to it, it is only caused by the plant owners themselves due to excessive watering.

Leaf spot– dangerous, and is precisely a consequence of stagnation of water on the soil surface due to excessive waterlogging.

This is what laurel is like – a noble plant of heroes and monarchs. In my homeland, in the Mediterranean, as well as in Abkhazia and Western Georgia, laurel grows on forested limestone slopes.

Grown as ornamental plant in Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and Azerbaijan.

Laurel leaves and fruitsdrupes- collected in winter. They contain a lot of useful elements: essential and fatty oils with triglycerides - lemon balm alcohol, lauric acid, hydrocarbons, resins and phytosterols.

From fruits (they are called “beans”) get bean oil to cure paralysis, rheumatism, tumors, heart disease and as a sedative.

Use in the form of infusions and decoctions. And, of course, what would a soup be without bay leaves!

Grow in your kitchen and pinch off the leaves - but only when necessary!

Laurel is beautiful, useful and quite unpretentious. It is not capricious, grows well in the shade and in partial shade, and on a sunny windowsill. It will grow more or less luxuriantly in any soil. The leaves become more fragrant if the tree receives enough sunlight. Laurel is beautiful, useful and quite unpretentious. It is not capricious, grows well in the shade and in partial shade, and on a sunny windowsill. It will grow more or less luxuriantly in any soil.

The leaves become more fragrant if the tree receives enough sunlight.
The laurel needs fresh air, but it is not afraid of drafts and sudden temperature changes. In summer, plants are placed outside.

Indoor bay leaf care

When kept indoors in winter, plants require fairly cold air. A temperature of 10 degrees is unacceptable for human habitation, but laurel plants are comfortable wintering in such conditions. If there is a cool place in the house for hibernation, at least 15 degrees, then with the onset of warmth the laurel will thank you with vigorous growth. And in the coolness the plant rests and gains strength.
In the spring season, laurels are ready to migrate outside at the first above-zero temperatures, especially at night. In the spring season they will like temperatures of 18-20 degrees.
But in summer – just below 30 degrees, optimally 20-25. Closer to autumn, the temperature is gradually reduced and the plant is prepared for a painless winter.

Bay leaf care at home

Laurel is not at all afraid of direct sunlight and thrives on brightly lit southern windowsills. In the summer, of course, he will like it better outdoors- in the garden or at least on the balcony, veranda. However, you should not overuse sun rays immediately after purchasing a seedling, as well as after a cool winter. If you are not used to it, laurel can get sunburned. Therefore, bright sunlight must be added gradually.


Laurel needs watering with soft water room temperature. It needs to be watered every time the top layer of soil dries out - approximately once every three days. But if it is very hot and the soil dries out, then you can water it several times a day.
Closer to autumn, when the air temperature drops, watering is reduced. In winter, once every few days is enough. You still need to focus on drying the soil surface.

Laurel home care

Laurel just loves it wet air. You can provide him with constant comfort the following conditions:
warm shower;
tray or stand with wet drainage material.

The pot itself should be above the surface of the water. The roots of the plant should not become soaked. You need to spray conscientiously so that moisture gets not only outside, but also inside the crown.

How to care for laurel
Feeding and replanting

In the first year of life, the laurel seedling will feel good without additional food. But already in the second year it will need to be fed. To provide the plant with a little mineral fertilizer, it will be enough. They are paid monthly.

Laurel does not particularly suffer from poor soil. The only thing it cannot tolerate is excess moisture in the soil.

The laurel tree grows slowly. When kept in containers, trees need to be replanted periodically. Young animals are transplanted often - every couple of years. When replanting, take a pot 2 cm wider than the old one. For older trees, the pot is changed after 3-4 years.

Laurel will respond gratefully not only to minerals, but also to organic fertilizers. You can use pigeon droppings diluted with water and infused. Sometimes they also use diluted slurry. Mineral and organic fertilizing should be alternated. Before applying fertilizer, the soil must be thoroughly wetted so as not to burn the roots.
After transplant nutrients The plant will last for a long time, 4-5 months. Ideal for replanting the same soil composition, as before.
Containers and pots made from natural materials are ideal for planting and replanting laurel plants.

Laurel at home care
Pest protection

In an apartment or inside a house, laurel thrives if you provide it with moist soil (but without waterlogging!) and regular showers. If the air is too dry, the plant begins to shed its leaves. Under normal conditions, some leaves fall off naturally, mostly old ones that are at least three years old.

Laurel care

Laurel can accelerate in growth and grow up to six meters. But uncontrolled growth will lead to chaotic crown formation. A bay tree will look untidy and may even create a nuisance indoors. Timely pruning crowns are needed not only to give the plant an aesthetic appearance, but also for better ventilation - as prevention from diseases and pests.

They begin to work on the crown when the tree reaches two years of age. The top of the main shoot is cut off, leaving 10-15 cm above the ground. When they grow from the remaining stem side shoots and reach 15-20 cm, they need to be pinched. This way the laurel will branch luxuriantly.
The laurel easily tolerates shearing, so it can be given any, even the most imaginative, shapes: a ball, a pyramid, a standard, an interesting sculpture, a composition, or even a whole hedge. If pruning is done after mid-August, when plant growth stops, then the remaining growth buds will be well formed before the onset of winter and will begin to grow in the spring.
Trimming does not promote fruiting of the laurel. Domestic laurel trees that grow in tubs or in the garden do not bloom.
Growing laurel, thanks to its unpretentiousness and versatility, can be a fun activity.

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only.

When using bay leaves, you should consult a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications when using bay leaves: pregnancy and lactation in women, acute forms of kidney, liver and heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, allergic reaction to bay leaves, severe diabetes mellitus and etc.

Bay leaf cultivation

One of the most popular evergreen plants grown at home is the laurel flower. It may be a small bush or miniature tree. In ancient times, wreaths made of bay leaves were placed on the heads of winners and famous people. This plant is very convenient to grow at home, because it, in addition decorative decoration apartments, also has useful functions. No need to run to the store for a bay leaf, you just need to pick it from the tree. We will talk about bay leaves, growing them at home will be the topic of our conversation today.

Types of indoor laurel

This plant is divided into two groups:

  • Noble;
  • Canary.

U Canarian laurel wide large leaves, the edges of which look somewhat wrinkled.

This species is inferior to the noble laurel in terms of the strength of its aroma.

The main botanical variety of laurel is divided into three types:

  • Narrow-leaved;
  • Golden;
  • Wrinkly.

Each variety is characterized by leaf shape and color.

Laurel propagation

To get your laurel tree, you can go two ways:

  1. Growing bay leaves from seeds.
  2. Growing by rooting cuttings.
  3. Horizontal layering.
  4. Purchasing ready-made seedlings.

Let's look at some methods in more detail.

What kind of soil and pot are needed for a bay leaf?

“Correctly” selected soil for a plant is the key to its health and good development. Great importance for laurel it has drainage, so be sure to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot (a special type in the form of small pebbles, sold in flower shops).

It is best to choose a laurel pot from natural material, be it clay or ceramics. Such material, unlike plastic, will not allow the roots to “suffocate”. The bottom of the pot should have sufficient quantity holes so that the water drains well and does not stagnate, causing fungus and rotting of the roots.

Soil for laurel bush A universal one will do, any one you can find in a professional store. You can also prepare the mixture yourself, for this you will need:

  • Part of leafy soil;
  • Part of turf land;
  • Part of quartz sand;
  • Part of the humus (can be replaced with compost).

IMPORTANT: All soil components are taken in an equal ratio of one to one.

The soil's reaction to acidity must be neutral; if you need to balance the acidity (this often happens when there is peat in the soil), add a little wood ash. The size of the pot depends on how you plan to grow the laurel; the larger the pot you choose, the more it will grow root system, and therefore the bush itself.

Propagation of laurel by seeds at home

When growing laurel from seed, there are two main difficulties: laurel seeds quickly, in 3-5 months, lose a significant percentage of germination and, due to the high oil content, germinate very slowly, up to six months.

Therefore, the seed should be as fresh as possible, and in order to see the sprouted seeds, you should be patient. Laurel is sown in January-February. To speed up germination, the seeds are treated with a solution of a growth stimulator and then planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm in moistened light soil.

Close plastic film, kept at 18 degrees, regularly ventilated and maintain substrate moisture.

IMPORTANT! Monitor the possible appearance of mold on the seeds, monitoring their condition weekly. If white plaque, remove it and wash the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Propagation of laurel by cuttings at home

For vegetative propagation This method is ideal for semi-lignified cuttings that can be obtained from another plant. If you do not yet have an adult donor laurel, then you can purchase the necessary parts separately.

Laurel cuttings are usually carried out with the onset of the first warm days, cutting off the shoots in April or early June.

Some gardeners carry out the cutting process in late autumn, but in this case you will not be able to plant the cuttings in the greenhouse or garden.

To prepare cuttings, laurel branches taken from the middle or lower part of the shoots are cut into pieces of 6-8 cm each. Such a cutting must have at least three internodes (three free plot between the attachment points of the leaves) and an oblique cut at the bottom. The first leaves are completely removed, and the top ones are only trimmed a little, leaving half a leaf in order to minimize the evaporation of moisture.

Laurel propagation by cuttings can take place in two main ways: using a pre-prepared substrate or by rooting in ordinary water.

The ideal soil for rooting laurel cuttings would be coarse sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Also, turf soil and sand are often used (first, a layer of drainage is poured into the pot, then a layer of turf soil, and a layer of sand is added on top). After this, the resulting substrate must be well moistened and the cuttings planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm according to the 10x10 pattern.

It's no secret that many houseplants often rooted in a regular jar or water bottle. All you need is to pour five centimeters of water into a jar and place the cutting in it. The jar with laurel is left in a dark place without changing the water (it can only be topped up).

Planting rooted laurel cuttings is not much different from transplanting citrus plants, however, you still need to know which soil is best to use and how exactly to “relocate” the plant to a new place of residence.

Laurel transplantation at home

Young, first five years of life, plants are replanted, as a rule, every year, adults - once every 2-3 years, and then even less often.

The method of replanting should be transshipment, in which the earthen lump is preserved as much as possible, and the new pot is not much, 2-4 centimeters, larger in diameter than the old one.

How to care for laurel at home

If you decide to grow laurel at home, you need to find him appropriate place. You need to place the plant on a windowsill or on a flower stand, where there is a lot of light and sun. In the shade the plant develops more slowly. Do not expose the foliage to direct sunlight. Ventilate the room more often to prevent color loss and leaf tips from drying out. Water as the soil dries.

The tree requires good drainage so that the root system does not rot from excess moisture. A refreshing shower and spraying will moisturize the crown and avoid pest damage. For irrigation, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution with baking soda. To prepare it you will need 1 liter. running water and ½ teaspoon of soda. It is worth maintaining an average temperature in the room, no higher than 25 degrees; in the cold season, the laurel should be arranged winter period at home, when the temperature is 10–14 degrees, and watering is reduced and carried out once every 2 weeks.

Laurel responds well to organic fertilizers. This could be, for example, pigeon droppings. It is diluted with water, preferably settled. For one part of litter take 20 parts of water. Laurel will also be well received mineral fertilizers. You can feed it once every three weeks.

In addition to the fact that it is a fragrant, well-known seasoning, laurel also has a number of healing properties. This applies not only to leaves, but also to fruits. They contain aromatic essential oils and tannins.

Thus, inhaling the vapors of tinctures prepared from plant components helps fight cancer. Experts also say that laurel, if cared for correctly at home, can prevent the development of diseases such as coronary heart disease.