Coating walls with clay. Step-by-step instructions for plastering with clay

Ecology of consumption. Manor: As already mentioned, a clay house and clay plaster have a lot positive aspects. This is, first of all, environmental friendliness. However, clay has one big drawback - it is not resistant to moisture.

As already mentioned, a clay house and clay plaster have many positive aspects. This is, first of all, environmental friendliness. However, clay has one big drawback - it is not resistant to moisture.

Modern technologies make it possible to make a clay house and clay plaster more durable and resistant to adverse factors, primarily moisture.

In the recent past, I plastered the walls country house, built from white brick, clay. I also made the floors in the house from clay. I made the spray from clay with the addition of pine needles, and the finishing layer was made from a clay-sand mortar.

After drying, the surface of such plaster is not very durable - when running your hand along the wall, a slight shedding of sand occurs. To secure upper layer clay plaster made from clay-sand mortar, I treated the walls with freshly slaked lime in two layers. Please note: freshly slaked lime, since it tends to harden after drying.

Thus it turned out solid protective layer, which reliably protects walls from moisture, firmly holds the top layer of clay plaster together, and, moreover, does not “take” when running along the wall with your fingers.

However, this layer is quite thin - only a couple of millimeters. And this layer does not protect the plaster from moisture from reverse side, that is, from the side of the wall. So, if the wall gets wet for some reason (for example, the roof leaks), then this layer of lime can simply peel off and crumble. After the wall and plaster have dried, you will have to treat the surface of the plaster with lime again.

You can go another way.

You can add lime to the clay-sand mortar for plaster. Then the plaster layer will be much stronger and initially it will be less susceptible to moisture.

You just need to remember that you need to work with such a solution wearing rubber gloves and avoid splashing the skin and mucous membranes when working. Lime tends to corrode skin and burn mucous membranes.

Clay-sand mortar with the addition of lime has one important feature- such a solution becomes stronger and stronger over the years, and after decades its strength is not inferior to that of sand-lime brick. Such a solution can no longer be reused.

I want to do one thing here important note. Freshly slaked lime should not be taken literally - just slaked and used immediately. No. Immediately after slaking, the lime heats up strongly and swells strongly, then gradually cools down. At the same time, it continues to slowly swell.

Freshly slaked lime can be used no earlier than one day later. Or better yet, in two.

If you do not complete the process of slaking lime and start working with it, then the solution to which it is added will burst with lime as it dries and continue to increase in volume.

Today you can do without lime. Onexample, plaster the wall with a clay-sand mortar (with a layer of no more than 1 cm), and after the plaster has dried, treat the wall with a primer deep penetration.

This primer penetrates clay-sand plaster to a depth of 1 cm, or even deeper. Clay plaster treated with such a primer becomes quite durable - it no longer crumbles when you run your hand over its surface. Even with a float for leveling walls and ceilings, such a surface is no longer so easy to process. Therefore, if you want to level the surface of clay plaster with a float, it is better to do this before treating this surface with a primer.

If the room in which the walls are plastered with clay has high humidity, then after treating the clay plaster with a deep penetration primer, you can additionally treat the walls with a primer with waterproofing properties.

This primer forms a moisture-proof layer on the surface of the wall and the plaster is no longer afraid of moisture changes in the room. However, such walls no longer “breathe” the way they do with ordinary clay plaster. There is a compromise to be made here.

Treatment clay walls using a primer has an advantage over treating the same walls with freshly slaked lime if the walls are to be covered with wallpaper.

If you plan to paint the walls water-based paint, then you can put a thin layer of satengypsum on top of the clay plaster - literally a couple of millimeters if the wall is smooth. If there are large irregularities in the clay plaster, then the wall will have to be leveled using starting putty(isogypsum), and only then put satengypsum ( finishing putty) and smooth with a grater. published

Until recently, mud houses were considered housing for the poor. This was due to minimal costs for its construction.

Roofing a house made of clay

Clay like construction material used in housing construction for a long time. Today, history can confirm that not only houses for poor people were built from clay. Almost all over the world there are examples of how clay perfectly coped with the functions assigned to it, not only in the economical construction of housing, but also in the construction of monumental buildings.

Houses were rarely built purely from clay, this was due to the fact that it had a rather fragile structure after complete drying. Therefore, we had to look for reinforcing materials. This turned out to be the easiest. Natural materials, such as:

  • Straw;
  • Small tree twigs;
  • Reed;
  • Bamboo;
  • And materials similar to them.

They coped with this task best. In European territory, which includes Russia, straw was mainly used as the most economical additive to clay in housing construction.

In addition, at all times straw was considered waste material, which was not suitable for livestock feed, but showed itself perfectly in construction, where it was used to cover roofs and erect walls. Until recently, houses made of clay and straw were the main housing of the inhabitants of the steppe and desert zones.

This type of house has many advantages, especially its environmental friendliness. If you make the walls of a certain thickness, and this is usually done, then a unique microclimate is created inside the premises, which has a beneficial effect on human health. In such a house it is always cool in the summer, and constantly warm in the cold season.

Construction of a roof for a house made of clay

The most difficult thing in building a clay house is finishing its walls. It is impossible to stick wallpaper to them; the paint comes off after a short time. The main finishing is whitewash. IN modern conditions This is the cheapest and most unsightly option.

But with the advent of modern finishing materials, solving problems with finishing the walls of a clay house has become easier. Eg, interior decoration can be done using drywall.

The wall will become smooth, and you can continue to fantasize about the interior. The façade can be finished using materials such as siding, various panels, facing brick and so on. The main thing in this situation is to strengthen the foundation.

Methods for building a house from clay

There are three ways to build a clay house. The first is to make bricks from clay and straw. This type of brick is called adobe brick. IN different regions size adobe brick varies greatly from each other, from standard sizes ordinary brick to the size of a cinder block.

To make adobe bricks, you need to make a mold from boards tailored to the size you choose. Clay mixed with straw is hammered into a mold and laid out on a drying area. The main condition for the manufacture of adobe bricks is the presence of a flat area sufficient to accommodate large quantity bricks.

The second way is as follows. Formwork is installed into which the finished clay-straw mixture is hammered. This method seems simpler, there is no need to bother with making blocks.

But this also has its drawbacks. Firstly, a lot of time is spent on assembling and disassembling the formwork. Secondly, you will have to purchase boards for formwork. Although you can use boards for these purposes, which will later be used for laying floors.

The process of this technology is that the formwork is first installed at a certain height. They fill it all with clay and wait for it to dry.

House covered with clay

Then the formwork is removed and installed on the next level, and everything happens until finished walls will not reach a certain size, that is, ceiling level. The most interesting thing about this method is that you can know exactly how much material is needed to complete the job.

The third method can be attributed to the fastest construction of a house. Here you will need strong twigs that can be cut from trees or trimmed young growth. The rods in this case will act as reinforcement. The first step is to install thick rods in the form of columns. Smaller ones are woven between them. It turns out to be a kind of frame, which must be coated on both sides with ready-made clay. In this case, clay is used without straw. Now clay based on straw is mixed, and with this solution we throw the frame again on both sides. It turns out to be a fairly strong wall.

It takes some time for it to dry. The next operation is leveling the wall surface. To do this, you need a solution based on sand and clay and a plaster float. If further finishing takes into account the installation of drywall, then it is not necessary to level the walls.

Previously, coating the walls of a clay house was considered one of the main operations. There were special craftsmen who knew exactly how to properly coat the walls of a house with clay. Today this is all in the past. With the advent of new finishing materials, this operation may not be carried out at all.

Until recently, mud houses were considered housing for the poor. This was due to the minimal costs of its construction.

Roofing a house made of clay

Clay as a building material has been used in housing construction for a long time. Today, history can confirm that not only houses for poor people were built from clay. Almost all over the world there are examples of how clay perfectly coped with the functions assigned to it, not only in the economical construction of housing, but also in the construction of monumental buildings.

Houses were rarely built purely from clay, this was due to the fact that it had a rather fragile structure after complete drying. Therefore, we had to look for reinforcing materials. This turned out to be the easiest. Natural materials such as:

  • Straw;
  • Small tree twigs;
  • Reed;
  • Bamboo;
  • And materials similar to them.

They coped with this task best. In European territory, which includes Russia, straw was mainly used as the most economical additive to clay in housing construction.

In addition, at all times, straw was considered a waste material, which was not suitable for livestock feed, but showed itself perfectly in construction, where it was used to cover roofs and erect walls. Until recently, houses made of clay and straw were the main housing of the inhabitants of the steppe and desert zones.

This type of house has many advantages, especially its environmental friendliness. If you make the walls of a certain thickness, and this is usually done, then a unique microclimate is created inside the premises, which has a beneficial effect on human health. In such a house it is always cool in the summer, and constantly warm in the cold season.

Construction of a roof for a house made of clay

The most difficult thing in building a clay house is finishing its walls. It is impossible to stick wallpaper to them; the paint comes off after a short time. The main finishing is whitewash. In modern conditions, this is the cheapest and least aesthetic option.

But with the advent of modern finishing materials, solving problems with finishing the walls of a clay house has become easier. For example, interior finishing can be done using plasterboard.

The wall will become smooth, and you can continue to fantasize about the interior. The façade can be finished using materials such as siding, all kinds of panels, facing bricks, and so on. The main thing in this situation is to strengthen the foundation.

Methods for building a house from clay

There are three ways to build a clay house. The first is to make bricks from clay and straw. This type of brick is called adobe brick. The size of adobe bricks varies greatly from region to region, from the standard sizes of regular bricks to the sizes of cinder blocks.

To make adobe bricks, you need to make a mold from boards tailored to the size you choose. Clay mixed with straw is hammered into a mold and laid out on a drying area. The main condition for making adobe bricks is the presence of a level area sufficient to accommodate a large number of bricks.

The second way is as follows. Formwork is installed into which the finished clay-straw mixture is hammered. This method seems simpler, there is no need to bother with making blocks.

But this also has its drawbacks. Firstly, a lot of time is spent on assembling and disassembling the formwork. Secondly, you will have to purchase boards for formwork. Although you can use boards for these purposes, which will later be used for laying floors.

The process of this technology is that the formwork is first installed at a certain height. They fill it all with clay and wait for it to dry.

House covered with clay

Then the formwork is removed and installed on the next level, and everything happens until the finished walls reach a certain size, that is, the level of the ceiling. The most interesting thing about this method is that you can know exactly how much material is needed to complete the job.

The third method can be attributed to the fastest construction of a house. Here you will need strong twigs that can be cut from trees or trimmed young growth. The rods in this case will act as reinforcement. The first step is to install thick rods in the form of columns. Smaller ones are woven between them. It turns out to be a kind of frame, which must be coated on both sides with ready-made clay. In this case, clay is used without straw. Now clay based on straw is mixed, and with this solution we throw the frame again on both sides. It turns out to be a fairly strong wall.

It takes some time for it to dry. The next operation is leveling the wall surface. To do this, you need a solution based on sand and clay and a plaster float. If further finishing takes into account the installation of drywall, then it is not necessary to level the walls.

Previously, coating the walls of a clay house was considered one of the main operations. There were special craftsmen who knew exactly how to properly coat the walls of a house with clay. Today this is all in the past. With the advent of new finishing materials, this operation may not be carried out at all.

Despite the huge product range building mixtures, time-tested materials are always in demand. Clay plaster has a thousand-year history, and has proven itself only with the best side. There is a rich recipe for solutions mixed with clay; the choice of components depends on the operating conditions of the finish.

In the article we will talk about the types of mixtures, how to make a solution with clay for plaster, and give several useful tips masters, .

Clay plaster - composition and recipe

There are many clay plaster compositions, but there is no universal recipe; the quality of the composition depends on the components. And the main one is clay for plastering walls, it is divided into 2 types: light and oily, the latter is the most suitable.

To check the quality, you should roll a ball of small diameter out of clay, place it on a flat surface and flatten it. If the edges remain intact, then the material is suitable for plaster; if cracks appear, the composition is of little use. Another test is to roll up a flagellum 200-300 mm long, with a cross-section of 10-20 mm and gently bend it, quality material the edges do not crack.

Ways to check the quality of the material

Recipe table, proportions in parts:

Clay Gypsum Sand Cement Sawdust, fiber Lime Asbestos
3 1 1 2 1/5
4 2 1 1 1/25
1 2 1 1/10
1 3
1 3 0,5-1

How to avoid cracks when plastering with clay mortar

Before work, wet the surfaces well. The basic rule is to choose clay good quality, prepare the solution correctly. Strengthen the surfaces either with shingles (thin slats stuffed diagonally crosswise), for thin layers - jute or linen burlap. It is better to apply clay plaster in 2 layers: the first thick - clay-sand-straw, the second - finishing, clay-cement-sand-lime, to achieve a smooth surface.

The shingles perform two functions - lathing for insulation and reinforcing mesh for finishing

Plastering a wooden house inside with clay - the secrets of the masters

Inside the house with clay, it begins with carefully sealing the joints with tow; this will create an additional thermal insulation layer and help reduce the consumption of the mixture. Wooden walls should be treated with an antiseptic, then waterproofing - roofing material is stuffed onto the walls, the joints overlap 100 mm. After which the lathing is made and plaster is applied wooden house clay.

Important: For wooden houses It is not recommended to use metal reinforcing mesh. Wood and clay are microphobic materials, and humidity will lead to corrosion of the metal and damage to the finish.

It is eco-friendly, practical and inexpensive way finishing, but despite the obvious advantages and disadvantages of clay plaster timber house also exist: wood works under the influence of delta temperature and humidity, over time they are inevitable on the surface small cracks. But they can also be turned into advantages, turning them into trendy craquelure.

Clay plaster is environmentally friendly pure material of natural origin. It has been used in construction since ancient times. This material allows you to create beautiful design housing, while the coating will not emit substances harmful to human health. Not long ago, clay plaster was the only option finishing material. The modern construction market offers great amount various plaster mixtures based synthetic materials, but there are still fans of plastered walls with natural raw materials.

Among the positive aspects of clay solutions, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Clay plaster is a 100% natural product.
  2. Solutions of this type absorb and release moisture well, which extends the life of the coating.
  3. Low cost compared to other types of plasters.
  4. After using the solution, the leftovers can be stored as long as necessary.
  5. The material is able to protect walls from mechanical influences.
  6. The elasticity of the clay ensures easy application of the solution.
  7. This mixture can be used for finishing facades and interior surfaces.
  8. Using a clay composition, you can not only level the walls, but also apply a decorative layer.

Clay plaster is a natural, environmentally friendly material for wall decoration

Like any other material, clay plaster has some disadvantages:

  1. Lack of recipes for making solutions. As such, there are no proportions for mixing, so each master prepares plaster, relying only on his own experience.
  2. Possibility of cracking. When finishing facades with clay, it is important to remember that rapid drying of the solution in the sun can lead to cracking of the coating.
  3. Small number of masters. This composition in Lately It is used very rarely, so there are few experienced workers left who could properly finish the surface with clay.

Types of clay-based plasters

Without exception, all types of clay plasters consist of various combinations of the following ingredients:

  • Clay;
  • Sand;
  • Water;
  • Sawdust from alder, pine or oak.

One of the main components of clay plaster is wood sawdust.

Previously, it included horse manure, but now it is completely replaced by clay and sawdust. The following solution options are available:

  1. Clay-sand.
  2. Clay with wool, sawdust, felt, pine needles and so on.
  3. Clay-sand with added fiber.

On a note! To increase the viscosity, you can add cement to the mixture, but then the solution will dry out faster.

To impart certain properties to the composition, sand, sawdust, wool, and in some cases cement are added to the clay solution.

How to choose a clay solution

The first criterion for selecting these mixtures is thermal conductivity:

  • Solutions with fiber are the most warm option. This solution is best used for rough finishing of walls.
  • The addition of both sand and fiber reduces ductility and increases thermal conductivity. Such materials are suitable for wooden buildings, which support comfortable temperature due to the properties of natural wood.
  • Clay and sand compositions are well suited for finishing.

Instructions for applying clay plaster

The first step is to prepare everything necessary tools and materials:

  • Mixing container or concrete mixer;
  • Spatulas different sizes for plastering walls;
  • A sieve for straining the solution;
  • Hammer or screwdriver;
  • Fasteners (nails or screws);
  • Reinforcing mesh or shingles.

After this, you can begin preparing the base:

  1. Before plastering with clay, remove the old coating, especially if we are talking about cement plaster.
  2. The surface is thoroughly cleaned, fasteners are removed from it, and protruding reinforcement is trimmed with a grinder.
  3. The area to be treated is made rough using grinder. If the walls are made of wood, then the installation of shingles will be required.

Before application clay mortar, you need to remove the old finish

Preparation of the solution

To properly make a clay composition, you need to be guided only by the fat content of the solution. None exact formulas, instructions and proportions do not exist, as, for example, for plaster or cement mixtures. IN classic recipe there is straw, but factory technology production involves the use of polypropylene fiber.

There are two ways to test the plasticity of clay:

  1. First you need to put the clay in a container and fill it with water, then knead it using an electric drill with a mixer attachment. A properly prepared solution should not stick to your hands. From the finished plaster you need to make a small ball with your own hands (just roll it in your palm) and flatten it into a flat cake. Then you need to examine its edges: if they are cracked, it means there is a lot of sand in the solution and not enough clay and water. A correctly manufactured composition, after compression, forms an even “pancake” without breaks.
  2. You can also roll not a ball, but a flagellum up to 20 cm long. It must be bent in an arc; if cracks appear on the surface, it means that the solution does not have enough clay.

When preparing a clay solution Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the plasticity of the material

You should know! The correct fat content is the key to a long service life of the plaster, so it is better to double-check everything in advance. You can adjust the fat content with sand. Usually sand requires about 50-80% of the total mass, clay with sawdust should be 40-10%, the rest is water.

Instructions for applying clay compositions with your own hands:

  • Patches of mortar are applied to the entire wall at even intervals, after which they take a wide spatula, trowel or rule and stretch the material over the surface using the selected tool.
  • Levelness is checked building level, if necessary, add another layer of plaster.
  • The surface is left to dry for a month in summer and 3 months in winter.
  • Then you need to carry out finishing. To do this, first of all, prepare a solution from clay of a more liquid consistency than for rough work. The ratio is as follows: 1 part clay, 1 part cement, 3 parts sand.
  • The mixture is applied thin layer on the wall and carefully level it hand tools, after which the surface is left to dry for 3-4 weeks.

Applying ready-made clay mortar

At the end the walls are whitewashed lime whitewash. You can also rub the clay coating with a float, treat it with a primer, and plaster the top gypsum mortar. This completes the clay plastering.

Plastering walls with clay with your own hands is a fairly simple process. Unlike working with other materials, it does not require precise calculations and careful surface preparation. The main thing is to follow the above instructions and check the walls with a level as often as possible.