Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in open ground can be done by everyone. How and when to plant marigolds

Marigolds, Chernobrivtsy, lights - this is what people call tagetes. The culture is distinguished by its rapid growth and ease of care, and therefore enjoys considerable popularity. The article will discuss when to sow marigold seedlings and how to do it correctly.

The sizes of the inflorescences of this culture, as well as the shape, vary. The same applies to colors - Tagetes flowers can be either brown-red or lemon. Another feature of marigolds is that they can be grown both in flower beds and in containers; in addition, they can be used to “cover” bare areas that remain after bulbous plants bloom.

But marigolds can not only decorate the garden. The fact is that they contain phytoncides – useful material, inhibiting pathogenic fungi and repelling pests(even those that live in the ground). For example, tagetes is planted to protect against weevils, and cabbage is planted to repel white grass.

More marigolds are planted:

  • from fusarium (together with asters);
  • from nematodes (next to clematics and phloxes);
  • for subsequent use as a spice or medicinal crop.

Which marigolds to choose?

Seven types of marigolds were introduced into culture, those that are most popular among gardeners are shown in the table below.

Table. Popular types marigolds.

Name, photoShort description

A compact crop with weak branching, but a straight and strong stem. Large, densely double inflorescences different colors– from dark orange to cream. All varieties of this group can be of two types - chrysanthemum and carnation.

Spreading plants with thin shoots and relatively small (about 4-9 cm in diameter) inflorescences. The height varies between 20-90 cm. Also note that the inflorescences can be one- or two-color. These varieties are also divided according to the degree of terry into terry and simple.

Marigold thin-leaved

Small spherical plants 20-40 cm wide/height. A large number of thin shoots. As for the inflorescences, they are small (no more than 2 cm in diameter), orange or yellow.

Timing for planting marigold seedlings

Marigolds reproduce by seeds. The latter can be sown in the ground when the frosts are over, and then, after thinning, the plants can be planted more freely. There is another option - to plant marigolds as flowering seedlings immediately after the end of frost. As a rule, about 40-50 days pass from the first shoots to the beginning of flowering (more precise periods depend on the specific variety), which means optimal time sowing of marigolds is the beginning of April.

Note! It is very important that the soil for sowing is extremely loose and fertile. Here is one of possible options soil mixture: 1 part compost (can be replaced with humus), 2 parts peat and 1⁄2 parts washed river sand.

Video - How to harvest marigold seeds

Step-by-step instructions for sowing marigolds for seedlings

First you need to do some preparatory activities. The main enemy of marigold seedlings is the black leg, from which the seedlings often die. To avoid such troubles, the container with the soil mixture is spilled with a fungicide solution even before planting (you can use, for example, Fitosporin-M) or, alternatively, a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The most top scores demonstrates steaming pre-sifted soil for 60 minutes in a steamer. Thanks to this, not only fungal spores will be destroyed, but also weed seeds.

After preparation, follow the instructions below.

Step one. First of all, you need to slightly compact the prepared soil in the container, and then make grooves about 1 cm deep. It is important that the soil mixture is slightly moist.

Step two. Next, you need to distribute the seed along these grooves. This can be done conveniently using a small piece of white paper (like the image below). If there are only a few seeds, they can be spread out along the grooves using tweezers. If there are several varieties, it is recommended to take care of labels with names.

Step three. The seeds need to be sprinkled with the same soil mixture in a layer of about 1 cm. If the thickness is less, then at the first shoots the seed coat will remain on the cotyledon leaves. The seedlings will not get rid of the peel, which is why their subsequent development will be difficult.

Step four. Sprinkled crops should be moistened. Moreover, this must be done especially carefully so that the earth does not wash away and the seeds do not end up on the surface.

Step five. After this, the crops need to be covered with a transparent lid or film - this way the soil will always remain moist. The container with the crops must be moved to a warm and bright place. At temperatures within +15-20°C, the first shoots will appear within a week.

Note! The temperature here is very important, because if it drops below +15°C, the seeds will not germinate well. If it is above +25°C, then they most likely will not sprout at all.

Step six. When the first shoots appear, the seedlings must be ventilated every day, since it is during this period that the black leg is especially dangerous for the seedlings. But if signs of the disease are still detected, the lodging plants should be immediately removed along with earthen clods, and the remaining holes should be sprinkled with fresh soil mixture. Then it is recommended to water the crops again with a fungicide solution.

Step seven. When all the shoots appear together, the cover must be removed completely. As for watering, it should be done only after the soil in the container is completely dry; You also need to ensure that moisture does not accumulate in the pan. Every 14 days, marigolds should be fed with a special seedling fertilizer (such as Mortar, Agricola).

Step eight. When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, you can start picking.

How to plant marigold seedlings?

When planting, seedlings can be buried down to the lower oblong-shaped leaves (also known as cotyledons), but they should not touch the soil.

For picking seedlings, a simple one can be used. By the way, you can even dive flowering seedlings marigolds, and it is not necessary to preserve the root balls. However, it is most convenient to grow it in cassettes. The soil mixture may have the same composition as when sowing, but there is no need to sift it. But you need to add complex mineral fertilizer (1 tablespoon per 5 liters) and wood ash (half a glass for the same volume of mixture). To ensure uniform distribution of fertilizers, the soil must be thoroughly mixed.

Next, the mixture needs to be poured into cassettes, lightly compacted and holes made in it of such a size that the roots of the seedlings can fit freely there. If the roots are too long, they can be slightly shortened. During diving, seedlings should be buried 10 mm.

The harvested seedlings should be carefully watered. When the soil settles, it can be added from above. In the future, you need to water regularly - after each drying of the soil mixture. Here is one of the main rules for growing marigolds: it is better to underfill than overwater. Remember this.

Planting marigolds in open ground

About 14 days before transplanting, you can begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to natural conditions. But it should be remembered that marigolds can die even with the slightest frost, and therefore planting in the ground is possible only when the threat of cold weather has passed. For example, for middle zone it's the beginning of June.

Note! The area of ​​land chosen for planting should be well lit. Yes, marigolds develop well in partial shade, but they bloom much worse in such conditions.

Step one. The soil does not have to be fertile, it just needs to be loose and well-permeable to moisture and air. If the soil is heavy and clayey, it can be improved with peat and sand.

Before planting, the soil should be dug up using a shovel, and then nitroammophoska (or other complete mineral fertilizer) should be applied. Approximate consumption – 30 g per 1 m². Then all that remains is to incorporate the fertilizer into the soil by digging again.

  • 40x40 cm (for tall varieties/hybrids);
  • 30x30 cm (for medium ones);
  • 20x20 cm (for short people).

Also note that recommended planting distances are often indicated by the manufacturer on the seed bags. Therefore, they (the bags) must be preserved, and the marigolds must be provided with stickers with the names of the varieties. As for the depth of the holes, it should be such that the stems can be buried by about 1-2 cm when planting. Root systems must be placed in the finished holes.

Step three. After this, the voids remaining around the root systems must be thoroughly filled and lightly compacted.

Step four. The final stage is watering the seedlings planted in open ground. You can water on the leaves, since marigolds are not afraid of this (as well as rain).

Concerning further care, then it consists in maintaining soil looseness. If the soil was introduced mineral fertilizers, then one or two fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers throughout the season will be quite enough. By the way, thanks to these elements, the flowering of marigolds will be more magnificent. And if there is too much nitrogen in the soil, the plants will grow greatly, which, of course, will be to the detriment of the formation of new buds.

Diseases and pests of Tagetes

Marigolds have quite a lot of “enemies”, not only the black leg mentioned above. Let's get acquainted with pests and diseases in more detail.

Table. Pests and diseases of marigolds.

Name, photoDescription of how to fight

As a rule, it affects young shoots. The main signs of the disease are light spots at the bottom of the stems, which darken and rot over time. Soon constrictions form on the stems, causing the marigolds to wither and die. We have already considered the prevention of blackleg - this is treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. If the disease does appear, the affected sprouts should be removed and watering should be reduced. You can additionally sprinkle the soil around healthy plants with perlite or wood ash. If all else fails, replant the marigolds in fresh soil.

Already observed in open ground and manifest themselves in the form of slower growth, yellowing of foliage and stems. If nothing is done, the plants will die. To avoid disease, you need to make sure that the soil on the site is loose; You should also avoid stagnation of water and perform weeding periodically. Fresh manure cannot be used for fertilizing.

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Marigolds (Tagetes) have many names. Many people know this plant as "marigold". There are also popular names: “Chernobrivtsy” and “Ogonki”. All types of tagetes are decorative. Marigolds can be planted where plants are grouped by color. I plant marigolds in that part of the plot that we call. It is better to plant seedlings. This will allow you to create beautiful compositions at the very beginning of summer. Elegant marigolds are used to decorate the site, as a spice and as a medicinal plant.

There is another argument in favor of the fact that it makes sense to prepare marigold seedlings yourself. There are many seeds on sale different varieties, they are inexpensive. Another thing is purchased seedlings: the assortment is much poorer and the prices are higher.

When to sow marigold seeds to grow seedlings?

This is very actual question. All window sills and other bright places in the house are already occupied by numerous containers with seedlings. About houseplants(and there are very, very many of them) I don’t even say. And yet I cannot refuse to sow marigolds for seedlings. It remains to decide on the “date” of sowing. It is very simple to calculate, because from the moment of emergence of seedlings to the beginning of flowering, an average of 40 - 45 days pass. Marigolds are planted in a flower garden (or another place in the area under open air) only when frosts are not dangerous (in the conditions of the Moscow region from the end of May to the tenth of June). True, in last years Spring frosts are becoming less and less common. All these calculations clarify the approximate timing of sowing seeds for seedlings so that they can be planted already in a flowering state. Tagetes tolerates transplantation painlessly at any stage of its development.

It is advisable to plant marigolds with bright orange inflorescences in the brightest place

I am starting to sow some of the tagetes seeds for seedlings for the flower garden in the middle of April. The rest of the seeds will be sown later. There is a little space for them in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse under a film.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The soil. It is better to sow the seeds in a loose, fertile substrate. It can be made up of a variety of ingredients, such as compost, peat, sand, coconut fiber and a small amount of sifted wood ash. Sometimes I add to this soil mixture purchased soil. Before sowing, I water the substrate sufficiently strong solution potassium permanganate. I do not do any heat treatments to the soil mixture.

Sowing. I sow the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm. I try to place them horizontally (with tweezers) at a distance of about 1.5 - 2 cm from each other. You can use peat tablets (necessarily in shells made of nonwoven fabric so as not to crumble). I like coconut fiber tablets less; I use them only as a soil loosener.

I leave the container with the crops for three to four days in a relatively warm (about 22 – 23°C) place. Then I transfer it to the windowsill (18 - 19°C). For marigolds at the seedling stage and in the first days of seedling development, both too high and low temperature air.

The first shoots appear approximately on the fifth - seventh day. From now on, I try to provide them with sufficient natural light. In cloudy weather, I lift the container with the crops, placing it on foam trays so that window frame didn't block the light.

Watering. Marigolds are not such moisture-loving plants that require abundant watering from the very “birth”. They prefer moderation in everything. This saves you from many troubles (soil erosion, mold, seed rotting, black leg, etc.). It is convenient to water the seedlings from a spoon.

Picking. When sowing seeds in peat tablets(with a shell) or individual pots, picking is not necessary. Due to lack of space, I usually dive just not a large number of seedlings with two true leaves, leaving (after thinning) the others to grow in the same planting container. I definitely provide drainage, which I make from small coals left after sifting the ash.

I need Tagetes, picked into individual pots, for planting in a blooming state. It can be planted in flowerpots, hanging baskets, etc.

In the sun, these luxurious inflorescences are not preserved as well. long time as in partial shade

Planting marigolds on the site

Seedlings that grew in peat tablets must be at least partially freed from the edging of non-woven material. In hot summers, in dry soil the tissue becomes rigid and impedes the growth of the root system.

When picking seedlings into small individual pots made of pressed peat (it looks more like cardboard), I try to tear or even remove the side walls. With more voluminous peat pots This problem does not exist, because everything fits in them root system blooming tagetes.

The seedlings remaining in the original container grow up “in crowded conditions, but not in any harm.” After frosts, I plant them in the garden to not only decorate the beds and tree trunks, but also to repel pests.

There are advantages to dense planting of marigolds.

Marigolds protect garden strawberries from pests

Very little time will pass, and the seedlings will fluff up, become prettier and bloom. Tagetes feels great in a bright place. But several terry varieties(especially with large light inflorescences) I plant only in partial shade. There they retain freshness better and do not fade longer. Marigolds are good in summer, they also decorate.

I often sow marigold seeds collected in my flower garden.

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Marigolds are annuals herbaceous plants The Asteraceae family comes from hot Mexico.

What does marigold look like externally? The stems, depending on the species, are usually erect, have many branches, form a bush with a height of 20 to 120 cm. The leaves look like feathers. The shape is slightly jagged. Foliage color ranges from light to dark green.

Reference! The blooming bud is a basket. There are a lot of varieties: simple or double, yellow, orange or brown. The diameter of the flower reaches from 3 to 4 centimeters. They bloom profusely from June until frost.

There are about 30 in nature, but only three of them have decorative value: erect marigolds, deflected marigolds and thin-leaved marigolds.

You can learn about the varieties of marigolds, as well as look at photos of the plant, and from here you will learn about the varieties and rules for caring for low-growing marigolds.

Where can I get seedlings?

To grow seedlings means to sow the seeds of a plant first so that the first shoots appear in more favorable conditions for this, and then, after the plant reaches a certain size, it is transplanted to permanent place.

Useful video

Watch a video about sowing marigold seedlings:


Thus, we are convinced that growing marigolds for seedlings on our own is not at all a difficult task.

  1. Decide on the varieties you like.
  2. Decide on ways to grow seedlings: in the ground under cover on garden plot or in trays on the windowsill of a city apartment.
  3. Prepare a soil mixture of peat, compost and sand. Disinfect.
  4. Sow the seeds. Create a greenhouse effect.
  5. Ventilate periodically after the first shoots appear.
  6. When 4-5 leaves appear, plant the plants.
  7. After all the above steps, in late May-early June, you can safely plant young plants in the flowerbed.

We hope that our tips will help you grow a real decoration for your garden plot.

I think many people know what marigold flowers are. Growing from seeds, when to plant, how to care for these beautiful flowers- let's talk about it. There are so many varieties of marigolds that everyone will find and grow their own for high or low flower beds, decorate garden path, or even disguise a nondescript place in the country. Marigolds on the balcony or veranda would also be appropriate. This bright and noticeable flower has several popular names: Chernobrivtsy, Tagetes, lights, but most often they are still called marigolds. This flower is loved by many for its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness, which allows even a novice gardener to quickly and easily grow them and decorate their plot or area near their home.

Tagetes is not at all difficult to grow, and the palette of its shades and varieties is truly amazing in its diversity. There are low-growing marigolds that grow in different sides lush bush (rejected), among them there are real giants, growing up to 100 cm in height. There are also miniature thin-leaved varieties, as well as large double representatives that resemble balls of all shades of the sun.

Types of marigolds, their appearance and properties

All varieties of Tagetes have an even stem and a thick “crown” of the bush itself; the characteristic, recognizable aroma of this flower is difficult to confuse with any other. The height of plants can range from 20 to 120 cm, the shape of the buds is as varied as the type of petals. They can be reed-shaped, twisted into long thin tubes, terry; the buds themselves can be densely stuffed, “shaggy,” corolla-shaped, chamomile-like, or clove-like. The foliage of the plant varies depending on the variety: pinnate, jagged, divided in shape, light or very dark green. Marigold flowers delight the eye for quite a long time - from the beginning of summer until the onset of the first cold weather.

Marigolds and snow, photo:

In general, the varieties of tagetes are divided into:

  1. Erect - their buds can reach 12-15 cm in diameter, and the bush itself can be 1 meter or more in height.
  2. Stunted or deviated - different small size, their height can vary from 20 to 40 cm, the flower itself is on average 5-8 cm in diameter. Among the usual petal varieties, there are also terry varieties.
  3. Fine-leaved marigolds are the smallest representatives, their multiple flowers are small but bright. The foliage is carved, as if openwork, the aroma of thin-leaved tagetes is always very expressive. In flower beds, these varieties form flower balls, and up to 100 flowers can bloom on each bush. The bush itself is low, about 20 cm, and the flowers are up to 2 cm in diameter. Such marigolds are also called Mexican marigolds; to date, through the work of breeders, approximately 60 hybrid varieties of such low plants have been developed.

You can often hear this question from novice gardeners - marigolds are deviated and upright, what is the difference between them? Upright specimens often have one large bud on the stem, while deviated varieties actively branch and have many flowers on one bush. The color scheme, as mentioned above, varies in all sunny shades, as well as lemon, creamy white, bright orange and deep red. Tagetes decorate flower beds, balconies, large flowerpots, they are grown in containers - anywhere. In addition to their bright appearance, these flowers repel all kinds of people with their aroma. garden pests, and also suppress the manifestations of fungi.

Marigold flowers can often be seen near strawberry beds - and for good reason, since their intense aroma is not to the liking of weevils, who love them very much. Experienced gardeners plant tagetes next to cabbage beds, because it is very effective at repelling white grass, again, thanks to its strong odor. This flower can also protect its fellow representatives of the flower world. Marigolds will protect asters from fusarium, and phlox, roses, chrysanthemums, and clematis from nematodes. In addition to everything else, dried flowers (petals) of marigolds are used in cooking as a spice or herb. IN folk medicine Tagetes is also actively used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Marigolds along the path, photo:

When to plant marigold seedlings

This plant reproduces by seed; you can simply take the seeds and sow them directly on the site with the onset of spring, when you are finally sure that frost will not return. The most best time for this it is May. After the seedlings sprout, the seedlings can be thinned out and placed more freely - this is planting marigolds with seeds in open ground. From the moment of sowing to the beginning of flowering it usually takes two months or a little more. In terms of the timing of entry into the flowering phase, seeds that were simply sown in the soil are two weeks behind pre-grown seedlings. But then, until late autumn they will delight your eyes with their bright blooms. The sprouts hatch in 10-12 days, the main thing is not to bury the seeds too deep when sowing.

How to grow marigolds from seeds in another case? Tagetes are pre-planted in special containers, and after the end of frost, the ready-grown seedlings are transferred to flower beds, beds, etc. If we take into account the fact that approximately 40 or 50 days should pass from the moment the sprouts appear to the start of flowering, then the seed material should be sown somewhere in early April. Planting marigolds with seeds is done in a special soil mixture, which you can purchase at a flower shop or compose yourself. This composition is quite suitable: 2 parts peat, 1 part compost (or humus), 0.5 parts clean river sand (can be pre-calcined). There should be holes at the bottom of the container, as well as laid thin layer drainage (about 3 cm of small crushed stone or expanded clay). For seed propagation It is best to take the freshest material, but if the storage period of the seeds did not exceed 2 years and was carried out according to all the rules (dryness and darkness), then they are also suitable. You can see what marigold seeds look like in the photo below.

Photo of seeds:

Seeds are either bought at a flower shop, or collected with your own hands from completely dried inflorescences, which are left on the bush precisely for these purposes. Approximately 40-45 days should pass from the start of flowering to the time the seeds are collected. Be prepared for what collected seeds may produce flowers that are slightly different in appearance - this is normal when collected independently seed material Tagetes. Cross pollination in marigolds often produces interesting hybrids. How to collect marigold seeds? You just pull the top with the dried petals, and the seeds remain in your hand.

They should be stored in a dry and dark place, in a paper or fabric bag, and safely sown in the ground in the spring. The sooner you sow the seeds, the sooner they will sprout and bloom. Experienced gardeners Upright varieties are sown in the second half of March, and low-growing and small-leaved varieties, in turn, are sown in the first week of April. Thus, you can adjust the timing of the simultaneous flowering of all varieties; around June they should please you with the first buds and inflorescences.

Next comes another interesting point - is it necessary to soak marigold seeds before planting? For sowing, seed material can be pre-soaked in water, but this is not necessary. Soaked in water room temperature, as well as slightly germinated seeds give a higher percentage of germination and seedling density. This option will be relevant if you managed to get some very rare varieties, and even in small quantities. Then, in order to increase their germination, you can pre-soak them not just in water, but in water with a solution of a growth activator.

One more, no less interesting option how to grow marigolds - planting seeds and cultivating the soil with boiling water. Why is this all being done? The seed material has a natural ethereal shell; it “works” as a barrier during pecking. A hot water it simply dissolves and washes away, thereby facilitating seed germination. How does this happen? Take a container, place drainage on the bottom, fill it with pre-prepared soil mixture, then generously water it all with freshly boiled water. While the soil is hot, take tweezers and use them to bury the seeds into the soil, not too deep, then cover the container plastic film, placed on the heating radiator (for about 1 hour), and then transferred to the windowsill, etc.

Marigold shoots, photo:

You can play this kind of growing marigolds through seedlings a little differently. To do this, prepare a container with soil as described above, lightly press the seeds into the soil (you can use a spoon), and only then pour the whole thing generously with boiling water. The end result does not change. The container should also be covered with polyethylene, placed closer to the heat source (heating battery or its electric equivalent) for 1 hour, and then transferred to the place designated for seedlings. After such a “shock” treatment, the seed germinates much faster and better - tested.

How to grow marigold seedlings

Now let's take a look classic version planting seeds for seedlings:

  1. Blackleg disease is what most often destroys marigold seedlings. To prevent this from happening, it is better to first disinfect the planting container and steam the soil mixture itself. For treatment, you can use Vitaros or Maxim fungicides; they are dissolved in water according to the instructions, and then the container is already filled with soil. To be more sure, if possible, steam the soil in a double boiler for about 1 hour. This procedure will destroy all harmful fungi and viruses.
  2. We press the treated soil a little (compact it) and lightly moisten it with a spray bottle. On its surface we make shallow “beds”, and they should be located a couple of centimeters from each other. Next, carefully place the seeds in the beds and sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil (about 1 cm).
  3. Watering the seedlings should be done very carefully so that the stream of water does not dislodge the seeds from the soil. At the same time, it is extremely important that the soil mixture is always moderately moist! Containers with planted seeds are constantly kept warm, and the air temperature should not be lower than +20..+23 ºС. If you want, you can additionally cover the container with plastic film to create a kind of greenhouse for the plants. But such a “greenhouse” will need to be ventilated daily.
  4. How long does it take for marigold seeds to germinate? If these simple manipulations are followed correctly, the seeds should sprout no earlier than in 7-8 days.
  5. After the first shoots have appeared, the container must be moved to the light - to a place where the temperature will be reduced to +16..+18 ºС.
  6. When the sprouts have the first 2 or 3 full-fledged leaves, they can be picked. It is best to transplant plants into special seedling cassettes or plastic cups. Once every 2-3 weeks, it will be possible to feed the young livestock with complex fertilizer to give strength; “Agricola” or “Solution” are well suited for this.

Next we dive marigolds. Planting seedlings in cassettes is still the most convenient in all respects. The soil mixture can be used similar to the one that was purchased/prepared for sowing seeds. To improve the growth of marigolds, you can add nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer and wood ash to the soil (1 full tablespoon of fertilizer + 2 full tablespoons of ash for every 5 liters of soil mixture). Everything is thoroughly mixed and distributed into cassettes, the soil is slightly pressed down, and using a pencil (convenient) a depression is made in it where the seedling will be placed.

Marigolds, seedlings, photo:

The seedling itself is carefully removed from the common container. To do this, you can use the handle of a spoon - it’s convenient and won’t damage the roots. We bury the plant about 1 cm into the cell of the cassette, making sure that the cotyledons (lower elongated leaves) do not come into contact with the ground. Next, we very carefully water the young generation. If after watering the soil mixture settles significantly, add more soil on top. We just saw that upper layer the soil begins to dry out - water the seedlings immediately. But be sure to make sure that there are no overflows; it is better to add too little water than to pour it in excess.

Marigolds - planting and care in open ground

Marigolds should be planted for permanent residence when the threat of frost has completely passed. Approximately for central Russia, this is approximately the second half of June. For warm regions this may be the last week April, but, more reliably, the first or even the second half of May for planting marigolds in the soil. One caveat: marigold seedlings must be “hardened” by the time they are transplanted into the ground. About a couple of weeks before planting, take the container with the seedlings out for a few minutes. Fresh air. Continue to do this every day, gradually increasing the time the plants spend in the fresh air.

Hi all! Today in our article we will talk about how to grow marigolds from seeds at home, we will learn a lot of useful and valuable information: where to get marigold seeds, when to sow, how to grow seedlings, how to care for them and much more.

First useful property marigold is their nice appearance . Bright dense flowers can serve as a decoration in any flower bed and garden plot.

The second advantage is their unpretentiousness. They are able to tolerate various weather conditions, frosts, and grow well in northern latitudes.

The third useful property is their help in controlling garden pests. For example, they perfectly protect potato plantings from Colorado potato beetle, cabbage from the cabbage butterfly, onions from the onion fly, etc.

Marigolds are used in home medicine. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and choleretic properties. Sometimes a squeeze of these flowers is used for early stages diabetes mellitus to lower blood sugar levels. Plants have a beneficial effect on metabolism. A tincture of these flowers helps prevent colds.

Marigold seeds

Where can I get it?

Marigold seeds are easy to find in the store.

In addition, as marigolds fade, they produce a large number of seeds that can be used for next year.

The problem is that, having collected seeds of one variety, you cannot be sure that you will get flowers of the same type the next year, since varieties are often hybrids and in the next generation they do not give the same result as you expect.

Marigolds produce seeds, on average, 40 days after the start of flowering. Warm, dry weather is required to collect seeds.

The flowers on the plants must dry completely, after which the seed pods are collected, dried and left to be stored until the next season.

When to sow?

The time you sow your marigolds depends on when you want them to bloom. For early flowering, marigolds are sown as seedlings at home in early spring.

Seeds can be planted in open ground only after the threat of frost has passed, i.e. in the second half of May or early June. If you live in northern latitudes, you are better off using seedlings.

If you want to have marigolds as house plant, then you can try planting their seeds in pots in the fall. At sufficient quantity light they will give flowers in the spring.


Growing from seeds

At home, marigold seedlings can be grown in plastic containers.

Containers must have a hole to drain excess water. Line the bottom of the containers with paper and pour a three-centimeter layer of crushed stone or coarse sand. The depth of the furrow for sowing should be 1 cm. The distance between seeds is 1.5 cm.

The seeds are sprinkled with a very thin (0.5 cm) layer of soil and watered. The containers are covered with film and placed in a warm place until germination.

Marigold seeds can be germinated before planting. Place a damp cloth or gauze at the bottom of a small container, then the seeds, cover the top of the container with polyethylene and place in a warm place. After the sprouts appear, they can be sown in the soil.

Seedling care

4 - 8 days after sowing the seeds, marigold sprouts appear. Plants should be moved to a windowsill where they will have enough light and coolness.

For successful germination, a room temperature of 22 to 25 degrees is required. After the sprouts appear, optimal temperature ranges from 18 to 22 degrees.

Marigolds require: regular moisturizing land in containers. Flower sprouts are watered at the root, not too much. Each subsequent watering should be done after the soil has dried well.

After the first pair of true leaves appear, the marigolds need to be planted less densely. They take young plant and transplant it into a separate glass.


Preparing the land for planting

Marigolds can be planted in well-moistened sandy soils. Before planting, you can add a little peat and humus to the soil.

In stores you can buy a mixture for growing these flowers. It is recommended to disinfect the land in which marigolds are planted. In winter, for example, the earthen mixture can be kept in the cold for 2 weeks to destroy pest larvae. You can also treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing in the ground

If you want to plant marigolds in open ground, choose a place where the flowers will be sufficiently protected from cold winds.

The optimal daytime temperature for plants is from 18 to 22 degrees.

The place should not be heavily shaded if you want abundant flowering. Also, do not plant plants in areas that are too exposed to the sun.

Marigold seedlings do not survive frosts. Depending on the climatic conditions in the place where you are, it is necessary to calculate the time of planting flowers so that the threat of frost is minimal. Usually this is the end of May - beginning of June.

Greenhouse films or plastic cups, which can be used to cover the flowers at night, help protect young seedlings and seeds from hypothermia.

Before planting marigold seedlings, let them sit in containers for a week. outdoors, for example, on the balcony, so that the flowers have time to get used to the new conditions.

If you sow seeds directly into the ground, make sure that the ambient temperature is sufficient for their germination (22 - 25 degrees). You can cover the ground with greenhouse film to create the right conditions and prevent the soil from drying out in the open sun.

Holes are prepared in the ground with the following dimensions:

  1. 20 by 20 cm for low-growing varieties;
  2. 30 by 30 cm for medium-sized children;
  3. 40 by 40 cm for tall ones.

The soil is moistened, the plant is strengthened in the ground and left to take root.

Caring for marigolds

The main care is regular loosening of the soil and thinning. In addition, it is necessary to trim flower bushes to get beautiful plants.

Old dried flowers need to be removed to make room for new ones.


Marigolds do well without water, so they do not require a special watering regime.

If there is insufficient moisture and the soil dries out, you should not expect abundant flowering. Marigolds require more thorough moisture until they take root well in the soil and begin to bloom.


They respond well to fertilizing and delight gardeners with abundant flowers. However, large amounts of fertilizer can delay the appearance of flowers on plants.

It is considered optimal to feed once when their height is 10 cm, a second time when the buds begin to form, and a third time during flowering.

The soil mixture in which marigolds are planted may already contain nutritional supplements (peat, humus).


Despite the fact that these flowers protect well garden plants from pests and microorganisms, they themselves can also suffer from fungi or spider mites.

Fungi multiply on marigolds when there is excess moisture and lack of sufficient lighting. To heal plants, they must be moved to a dry and well-lit place.

To combat spider mite, which appears on flowers if they are planted in a too dry place, spraying with infusions of red pepper, yarrow or onion is suitable.

Marigolds do not tolerate treatment with pesticides well, so to combat diseases of these plants chemicals use is not recommended. Flowers affected by persistent fungal or bacterial infections should be destroyed.

When do they bloom?

The flowering time of marigolds depends on the time their seeds are planted in the ground, the amount of sun and fertilizer, air temperature and the type of flowers. The sooner you plant, the sooner they will begin to delight you with their bright colors.

May interfere with flowering improper care. Overmoistening and abundant fertilizing in the first half of the growing season can lead to abundant growth of the green part and a delay in the appearance of flowers.

Rejected marigolds produce flowers 30 - 40 days after sowing. Thin-leaved ones begin to bloom on 40 - 50 days, and erect ones - on 50 - 70 days after sowing the seeds.

Flowering continues for a long time, usually until mid-autumn.

This is how you learned how to grow marigolds from seeds!

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