Cutting tiles - good advice. The most practical way to cut tiles at home

Self-installation tiles is possible, but only on condition that you have at least some basic skills. And if an unprofessional tiler decides to lay the tiles himself, during the installation process he will face the problem of cutting or drilling them.

This procedure is not particularly complicated if we are not talking about industrial scale. Accordingly, knowing how to cut ceramic tiles, as well as strictly adhering to the technology, even an amateur will be able to cope with the task.

When choosing how to cut tile elements, you need to take into account that, for example, a glass cutter and a tile cutter cannot cut thick surfaces. That is, they are optimal for wall decoration.

But then what and how to cut floor tiles home handyman? If you only need to cut a few elements, they are quite suitable; you just need to duplicate the cutting line on both the front and back sides. For larger jobs, you will need at least a jigsaw with diamond wire or a grinder.

Tile cutting tools

So, how do you cut tiles, what equipment and devices do you need to have to cut it yourself? Required:

  1. Marker.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Square.
  4. Cutting tool.
  5. A basin or other suitable container.

Let's consider their application. Since it is not recommended to cut ceramic tiles dry, it must first be soaked in water poured into a bath or basin.

To the front tiled surface To draw the boundaries of the future cut, you will need a square with a ruler and a marker.

And the cutting itself tiles is done using the most important “tool” in the set – cutting.

Main types of cutting tools

On the construction market you can find cutting tools of various price categories and all kinds. Among them are:

  • A roller-type glass cutter is one of the cheapest devices; it can be used to perform a relatively small amount of work.
  • A manual tile cutter is a more advanced model of glass cutter, which increases labor productivity due to its significant cutting depth.
  • An angle grinder, also called an angle grinder, is equipped with a disc capable of cutting ceramic tiles.

A more complex tool for cutting ceramic tiles, with which you can do waterjet and laser cutting, is, as a rule, not used at home.

The best choice for cutting tiles at home is a manual tile cutter. It is easy to use, does not require special precision of movements, as when working with a glass cutter, and has an average price category, which cannot be said about the Bulgarian.

Rules for working with a tile cutter

Before you start cutting ceramic tiles at home, you need to soak them in water for 30-40 minutes, then use a marker to draw the cut boundary.

The prepared tile is laid on the base of the plywood cutter so that its front surface is strictly on top. Using guides, the line along which the cut will be made should be placed under the cutting roller.

The cutting roller is pressed against the tile surface; to do this, you need to pull the upper lever of the tile cutter towards you. The movement of the roller is carried out exclusively along guides, which does not require precision movements, but only requires the use of certain forces by the operator.

After completing the cutting process, the roller must be pressed firmly, as a result of which the tile will break along the cut line.

Working with a glass cutter or angle grinder requires skill and experience with this equipment. Their cutting elements should be drawn without deviation along the line of the planned cut.

Breaking the cut ceramic tiles is also difficult - it is done manually. To do this, place a dense object below the cut line and break the tiled element by pressing on its edges.

How to drill holes in tiles?

Having figured out how to cut ceramic tiles, let's move on to drilling them. Necessary equipment and tools:

  • Hammer,
  • Chisel,
  • Water,
  • A drill corresponding to the size of the future hole.

Pre-tiled elements are also soaked in water for the same time as for cutting. Then, using a chisel and hammer, they damage upper layer glaze on the marked area.

Stages of drilling tiles:

  • Lay the pre-moistened tiles on a smooth surface.
  • Chip off the top layer of icing where the hole will be drilled.
  • Using a carbide-tipped drill bit, drill.

For elements of tiled finishing already laid on the wall, all manipulations are carried out in the same order, excluding the soaking process.


Carrying out works on covering walls and floors different rooms ceramic tiles cannot be done without cutting the tiles, since it is usually not always possible to use only whole plates and part of them has to be cut. How to cut tiles with your own hands? What tools should be used for this? How can I cut tiles so that the tiles have smooth edges and the plate does not split?

In order to achieve high quality, it is necessary to use special tools and devices. If the work being performed is small in volume, then hand tools are usually used. When covering with tiles large areas used professional equipment. Let's consider various methods and tools for cutting ceramic tiles.

How to cut tiles?

Cutting tools: A-tile cutting machine; B-crown carbide; C-Bulgarian; D-manual tile cutter; E-nippers; F-glass cutter; G-hacksaw for metal.

Manufacturers sell on the market various devices and a tool to perform this task.

Of all the variety offered, use for independent work you can do the following:

  • manual slab cutter;
  • its electric counterpart;
  • tile cutters;
  • regular roller glass cutter;
  • the so-called grinder;
  • metal pencil with a pobedite tip.

How to use these tools when cutting tiles will be discussed below.

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Using a manual machine at work

This plate cutter is used for cutting plates with a thickness of no more than 5-6 mm. The tool has a very reasonable price and makes it possible to cut relatively easily and quickly required quantity tiles - it is well suited for doing tiling work with your own hands.

It is used in the following order:

  • Use a pencil or felt-tip pen to mark the part to be cut off on the tile;
  • the material is installed on the base of the device so that the cutting line is under the working wheel of the machine;
  • using the handle of the tool, carefully move along the marked cutting line with the impeller;
  • the tile is fixed on both sides of the intended cut using so-called wings;
  • Lightly hitting the handle of the machine, separate the unnecessary piece from the tile.

If after several such blows the tile remains intact, then try cutting the next plate.

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Electric ceramic cutter

This device has a diamond disk as a working tool and can cope with tiles of any thickness.

When working, you get smooth cuts with rounded, smoothed edges.

This machine can be used for any amount of work; it is used for cutting various ceramic and stone slabs, with the exception of those coated with carbide chips, which can damage the diamond blade.

This device works like this:

  • draw a cutting line on the tile with a pencil;
  • the marked tile is placed on the working platform of the machine, and holding the plate tightly with both hands and pressing it to the base of the device, slowly move the material under the blade of the diamond disc;
  • when working, special glasses are used to protect the eyes and constantly monitor the level of cooling water in the machine tray;
  • the liquid is changed periodically - during operation it becomes clogged with ceramic chips;
  • do not try to increase the speed of feeding the tiles under the disc - they may crack.

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How can you cut tiles with nippers?

This tool is used, if necessary, for holes in different places: under trims, for water pipes etc. Nippers do not cut in the literal sense of the word, but break off small pieces from the tile along the cut line. The nippers themselves have 2 carbide-coated clamps - the top one cuts through the glazed layer on the tile, and the bottom one serves as a support for the plate. Use the nippers like this:

  • the contour of the recess is applied to the tile;
  • insert the tile into the nippers so that the top clamp is on the marked line;
  • squeeze both halves of the tool and break the tile along the markings - you cannot “bite off” large pieces, the edges will turn out uneven or the tile itself will crack;
  • Having completely passed along the markings and removed unnecessary material, the cut on the tile is cleaned with a file or diamond sandpaper.

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How to cut tiles with a glass cutter or grinder?

A glass cutter can make a straight cut through the material fairly quickly. To do this, perform the following operations:

  • mark with a pencil (felt-tip pen) the line along which they are going to cut the tile;
  • press the square of material against the table with one hand, and with the other, pointing the glass cutter towards you and holding it at an angle of 90°, draw the tool with pressure along the intended line;
  • the cut plate is placed on wooden block(or on the edge of the table) and with a blow of the palm break the tile along the cut line.

Using a glass cutter requires some skill, so this tool can be used for a small amount of work.

In addition, difficulties arise in its use when making a figured cut line. Now let's look at how to cut tiles with a grinder.

To use it for cladding work, you need to purchase a diamond disc, which allows you to use this universal tool for cutting tiles in both straight and curved lines. Compared to an electric tile cutter, the grinder is more mobile, but is inferior in terms of cut quality. After cutting the tiles with this tool, you need to clean the cuts with a file or sandpaper. The grinder is used like this:

  • a cut line is drawn on the plate;
  • the tiles are fixed into wooden clamps, or they are pressed with a foot and a cut is made with a grinder;
  • The edges of the cut are cleaned with a file.

By doing finishing works ceramic tiles, it is rarely possible to avoid cutting them. Especially in cases where the tile we have chosen large sizes, and even if there are communications. But hopeless situations can not be. Now let's figure out how to cut tiles of any thickness, in any configuration using special tool, and most importantly - without it.

What and how to cut tiles correctly

The most common tool for cutting tiles remains a manual tile cutter. Electric tools are widely used for large volumes of work, so it makes no sense for a private owner to buy them. Yes, and a manual tile cutter, the most inexpensive, will cost no less than 1000-1200 rubles, which are also not lying around on the road, but if you have the opportunity to borrow such a tool, then why not take the opportunity to quickly adjust the tiles to the location without any extra tricks .

Ceramic tiles consist of a base (fired clay) onto which a glaze is applied. This is the most common type of tile, although there are also more difficult to process options. The main task when cutting is to cut the glazed layer evenly and clearly, without chips or breaks. There are two ways to completely cut a tile - either make a deep cut on the glazed surface and break the material along the cut line, or cut it completely using a diamond tool.

If we make a cut and break the tile, then the clay base may have some curvature, which is not too critical if we plan to treat the joints with grout or other mortar. The edge is perfect if you cut the tile with a diamond wheel, but it is quite difficult to clearly maintain the cutting line without experience.

Tile cutters and how to use them

A manual tile cutter can be of two types: tile cutter-machine and tile cutter-tongs. The principle of operation of both tools is the same - a cutting wheel, similar to a glass cutter, but larger in diameter, cuts a deep groove in the glaze and part of the base, after which the tile breaks exactly along the line without any problems. Durable guides will help you draw this line accurately and quickly on a manual tile cutter. Most tile cutters come with rulers to accurately mark tiles, so you can cut even thin strips of tile.

Tiles are not laid very often, so you may not have a tile cutter at home. Before cutting ceramic tiles at home using improvised means, remember that most likely we have ordinary grinder. It will allow you to cut quickly and efficiently, the main thing is to choose the right cutting wheel. For ceramic tiles, diamond-coated wheels are used, but there are cutters for both dry cutting and wet cutting, so if the tile gets wet during operation, this point must be taken into account.

We work with an angle grinder

Yes, cutting with a grinder requires a certain skill, otherwise one wrong move can derail the whole job. When cutting tiles in this way, it is advisable to fix the tiles on a plane and have convenient access to the tiles from all sides. Any grinder is suitable for the job, and the smaller it is, the more convenient it will be to adapt to the peculiarities of cutting ceramics:

    The tiles are cut towards you with a grinder;

    the cutting line should be clearly visible;

    the cutting disc should not rest against anything after passing through the body of the tile;

    The grinder is held strictly perpendicular to the plane of the tile.

And don’t forget about a mask and safety glasses.

Cutting tiles with a glass cutter

If you don’t have a grinder at home, then an ordinary glass cutter will come to the rescue. Of course, there is no guarantee of the quality of the cut, but if the task is to cut only a few tiles, then this method will do. In principle, it is no different from cutting manual machine, the only thing you have to use is a metal guide - a ruler or other flat metal object. When working with tiles with a glass cutter, you must remember the following rules:

    there should be only one line drawn with a glass cutter;

    The glass cutter is pressed as hard as possible by the roller onto the surface of the tile and in one movement a stroke is applied, and the quality of the break depends on its depth;

    after cutting a line along its length, tap it with a glass cutter several times so that the tile develops a directional crack;

    Place a nail or the glass cutter itself exactly under the cut line, and then sharply press on both ends of the tile.

In the same way, instead of a glass cutter, you can use a sharpened drill or a sharp stationery knife.

How to cut uneven tiles

In order to make a figurative cut, you can use an electric drill and diamond bits of different diameters, with which you can also make holes for communications. Sometimes they do it differently - they draw the required curve on the glaze using a marker, and then scratch along the line with a sharply sharpened drill. Uneven areas break off with transverse nippers (carbide clamp) or thin pliers, after which the edge is cleaned with coarse sandpaper.

Using these simple methods you can cut ceramic tiles at home. Good luck to everyone!

There are many tools that can be used to cut tiles at home. It is not necessary to purchase an expensive professional tile cutter if you need to cut a large number of material. Everyone has it home handyman There is a device suitable for working with ceramics.

Although cutting tiles is not a life-threatening activity, it is still necessary to take some safety measures and use protective equipment, because the risk of injury exists. To protect your eyes from dust and possible fragments, it is recommended to wear special plastic glasses. Construction gloves will protect your hands from cuts and scratches.

Particular care should be taken when handling floor tiles, as they are extremely hard and when cut, sharp edges are formed. When carrying out a large volume of work that produces dust particles, it is recommended to use a respirator to protect the respiratory system.

Working with tools at home

Conventionally, there are 2 types of tools for cutting tiles: electric and manual.

Group electrical appliances for cutting tiles includes the following tools:

  1. electric tile cutter;
  2. angle grinder (grinder);
  3. jigsaw;
  4. electric drill with special attachments.

TO hand tools and devices include:

  • manual tile cutter;
  • roller glass cutter;
  • ceramic hacksaw;
  • tile cutters, nippers, pliers.

When choosing a device for working with tiles, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The nature of the cut. In the absence of complex figured cuts, you can get by with a simple glass cutter.
  2. Tile thickness. Thick tiles will have to be cut with a powerful electric tool (angle grinder).
  3. Quantity of material. You can’t handle a large volume of tiles without a tile cutter.

Household factors have an important influence. It is not always possible to use a noisy grinder or drill. Sometimes it is desirable to carry out cutting operations without dust. Often there is simply no available tool for a large tool sufficient quantity places in cramped spaces.

Glass cutter for tiles

The easiest way to cut tiles is with a glass cutter with a diamond or carbide roller.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • ceramics are placed on a flat, flat surface (workbench, stool, table, etc.);
  • Markings are applied on the front glazed side using a metal ruler and marker;
  • pressing the ruler tightly along the marking line, cut a groove with a confident and clear movement with a glass cutter;
  • you need to press the tool hard enough so that the cut on the enamel is deep and even;
  • the line that appears is carefully tapped along the entire length with reverse side tiles with a glass cutter handle;
  • the product is moved to the edge of the working surface so that the cut part hangs in the air;
  • By pressing on the hanging edge, the tile is broken.

Sometimes it is recommended to place a nail or small diameter bolt under the cutting line. By simultaneously pressing on both edges, the tile is divided into parts. In this way, you can saw a larger amount of material, since time is saved on moving the ceramics.

The use of a glass cutter is justified only when working with a small amount of tiles that have a flat surface. For cutting thick and overly hard tiles, this device will be useless.

Electric and manual tile cutter

It is much easier and more convenient to cut tiles at home using a tile cutter. This tool has 2 varieties: electric and manual.

Manual tile cutter allowed to work with ceramic material up to 20 mm thick. The technology of work is as follows:

  1. On front part Apply a marking line to the tile using a felt-tip pen or marker.
  2. The product is placed in work area devices and is fixed with special clamps. In this case, the beginning of the marking line should be under the cutting wheel.
  3. By lightly pressing on the handle, the carriage is smoothly moved away from you along the cut line.
  4. Then the tile is broken.

An electric tile cutter will help you cut large quantities of tiles evenly and quickly. A diamond wheel is used as a cutting element; water is supplied to the cutting area to remove dust and cool the working disk.

The cutting process includes next steps:

  • the equipment is placed on a flat and stable surface (workbench, table);
  • markings are made on the glazed side;
  • aligning the beginning of the marking line with the pointer, the product is placed in the tile cutter;
  • only now does the unit turn on;
  • The tile is smoothly and carefully pushed towards the cutting disc.

An electric tile cutter allows you to cut thick tiles and porcelain tiles that have high hardness. It is suitable for working with tiles that have a textured and grooved surface.


You can carefully and quickly cut tiles in small quantities using electric jigsaw. To do this, you will need a special abrasive file for working with ceramics or stone. This tool is most convenient when performing figure cutting holes for pipes, switches, sockets, etc.

A jigsaw can only cut and file medium-thick tiles; it can’t handle hard porcelain tiles either. During work, you must ensure that the jigsaw is always in a strictly vertical position, otherwise the file may get stuck in the material. The machine must be operated smoothly, carefully moving forward until the final cutting of the tile.

Grinder with discs suitable for ceramics

Corner Sander is a universal electric device that can easily cut both wall tiles and thick porcelain floor tiles. The grinder can handle materials of any thickness. This tool makes various straight and shaped cuts, since you can use a large number of different attachments and brushes.

The work is done easily and quickly. However, it is necessary to take into account the large number of fragments, sparks and dust that are generated during cutting. Cutting tiles at home requires special tools. diamond blades, intended for processing ceramic products.

You need to work with an angle grinder as follows:

  1. Preliminary markings are carried out (preferably with a sharp nail).
  2. Having secured the product on the table using clamps or holding it in a vice, begin trimming.
  3. The tiles are not cut completely at once; in 1 pass they are deepened no more than 3 mm. Only small areas(up to 2 cm) can be separated immediately.
  4. Cutting should be done towards you, i.e. in the direction of rotation cutting disc. There is no need to press hard on the tool; the weight of the unit itself is enough.
  5. Thick tiles are cut on both sides.
  6. Then the product is broken along the cutting line.

Electric drill

The tiles can be cut electric drill. This is done using a diamond-coated drill, a ballerina jig or a crown attachment. An electric drill is used to cut out various shaped and round holes in tiles, which are necessary when installing roof rails, switches, sockets, etc. In order to prevent the formation of chips in the glossy coating, it is recommended to periodically moisten the cutting area with water and cutting tool. The rotation speed should be low.

To prevent the drill from slipping smooth surface tiles, glued to the drilling area masking tape. The work site should not be closer than 15 cm from the edge of the product, as this piece may break off.

Special tile nippers

Tile cutter nippers are used for small number of cuts on thin tiles. It allows you to make complex shaped cuts on the tile yourself and make fine adjustments to the fragments when laying the covering. Visually, the device looks like pliers. The cutting roller is placed on one side of the holding jaws, and a special plate with legs located at an angle is on the other.

The technique for working with forceps is as follows:

  • markings are applied on the front side;
  • run along the cut line with a cutting wheel, scratching the glazed coating;
  • then the jaws are moved onto the cut line so that it is between the side surfaces of the legs;
  • Gently press on the handles, separating the required part.

To remove small nicks and straighten the cutting line, the edges are sanded with sandpaper or a file.

As you may know, when laying, you often have to cut tiles and size them. But what should we do if we only need to cut one piece of tile? I think you won't waste money on a cutter for one piece of tile. Today I will tell you how to cut tiles without a tile cutter. The first thing to replace a tile cutter is a glass cutter, the second is a tungsten carbide drill bit that will scratch the tile, and the third is a stationary knife that everyone has at home.

Well, let's begin. The first and easiest way is to use a glass cutter. Draw a line, place the glass cutter under the tile and press down on both sides.

The second way is to use a drill. We need to make a small scratch with the cutting side.

The third way is to use a stationary knife. The only difference is that we have to scratch the tile several times to deepen the crack.

This is all. I think this will help you.

Ways to cut tiles without a tile cutter

Despite their hardness, ceramic or tiles are fragile - when cutting, unevenness may appear along the edges, and the tiles often break. How to independently, quickly and efficiently cut the material so that the tile does not lose its attractiveness?

You can cut ceramic tiles without using a tile cutter different ways. It is recommended to start preparing for work by soaking the material in water for 40 minutes. The next important point that should not be neglected is marking. Before starting cutting, you need to apply a test cut to a fragment of tile. This will help control the pressure and not damage the material.

Grinder and jigsaw

Using corner grinding machine(angle grinder) - grinders can be used to cut straight onto ceramic tiles. When carrying out work, it is recommended to use protective equipment: glasses protect your eyes from dust, a respirator protects your respiratory system, headphones protect your hearing, and gloves protect your hands. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment - change the disks when they are worn down in order to prevent injury to the operator and damage to the tool.

Grinder with equipment

First, it is recommended to mark the material using a pointed tool (nail or drill), scratching the tile. The material is laid on the work surface - table or floor. To avoid damaging it, you need to place fragments of plywood, cardboard, thick fabric, fix the material with a clamp.

Segments whose length does not exceed 2 cm are considered small. In this case, the cut is performed across the entire thickness of the material at once. By doing straight cut It is recommended that the recess along the outer edge of the tile does not exceed 3 mm in one go. This reduces the likelihood of material damage.

Straight cut

To perform curved cuts with large radii of curvature, use a jigsaw with a file for ceramics, natural or artificial stone. For ease of use with a jigsaw, you must use the “precise cut” mode.

Cutting tiles with a jigsaw

Focus on: glass cutter and other tools

To cut thin (3 mm thick) ceramic tiles without using a tile cutter, tools that have a pointed cutting edge are also used - glass cutters, drills, knives and other devices.

To apply markings with these tools, use a ruler, and a scratch is applied to the top layer of the tile. It is recommended to perform the cut on yourself without interruption. It is necessary to control the force of pressing on the tool so as not to damage it and the material. After making the cut, break the tile on the edge of the table.

Glass cutter

Wire cutters

Nippers are used to perform shaped cuts on ceramic tiles. At the beginning of work, it is recommended to mark the outside material using a marker. Then you need to start biting off small fragments of material from the edge of the tile, squeezing the nippers. If necessary, use a needle file and sandpaper It is necessary to make the edges of the tiles smoother.

Applying a figured cut with nippers

Tongs with cutter

First you need to mark the outside of the material using a marker and ruler. The side of the pliers on which the cutting part of the tool is located is passed along the front side of the material, and it is recommended to control the force of pressing on the material so as not to damage the tile. The cut begins from the far edge along the marking line, directing it towards you. If necessary, the operation is repeated. Then turn the tool over so that it grips the material along the cutting line. The final stage is squeezing the pliers; if necessary, the edges of the material can be aligned using a file and sandpaper.

Tongs with cutter

Ceramic tile splitting

The final stage of cutting ceramic tiles is splitting the material. There are several types of splitting tiles at the fracture site: on the edge of a table, on a solid rod, between a clamp.

Splitting tiles on the edge of a table

When splitting ceramic tiles using a hard rod, you can split the material into larger and smaller fragments. In this case, a rod is used, the diameter of which is 8–15 mm (drills, nails, pencils and other devices), the length is 2/3 of the length of the fracture. Ceramic tiles are laid on the rod and aligned to the fracture site. The final stage is pressing on the material.

Splitting along a solid rod

When using the method of splitting the material between the clamps ceramic tile fixed between two fragments of plywood, bars and other available materials. The tile is installed on the fault line and clamped. The final stage is pressing on the free edge.

Splitting with a clamp

Thus, you can cut tiles without using a tile cutter in various ways. For convenience, when preparing for work, it is recommended to soak the tiles in water for 40 minutes. When carrying out work, it is also recommended to mark the material and control the pressure so as not to damage it.

Tile splashback in the kitchen
Building yard Two common methods for cutting tiles

Using a grinder for tiles

A grinder is often used to cut brownstone tiles. This method is considered an alternative, but it has its advantages. First of all, it should be noted that the grinder allows cutting much faster, which affects labor productivity. The principle is similar to the operation of an electric tile cutter, but in this case cutting occurs with a dry disc. The negative point is that small chips form on the edges of the tiles after cutting. The number and size of chips largely depend on the accuracy and skill of the tiler. Therefore, before cutting tiles with a grinder, it is better to slightly improve your skills in using this tool on unnecessary scraps of material.

The tile must be fixed on a flat surface. A straight line is drawn on its front side. The grinder should be taken in your hand so that the cutting occurs towards you. Be sure to wear safety glasses and a mask to protect your eyes and respiratory system from ceramic dust. This cutting method is quite dangerous and noisy. During operation, a lot of dust is generated. Without experience, there will be many inaccuracies and errors. This should be remembered, everyone important points discussed in the video for the lesson.

Using a glass cutter

If the tile is not too thick and not very durable, it can be successfully cut using a regular glass cutter. This process is well explained in the video below the article. It is only important to remember that in this way it will be possible to process mainly tiles with a smooth, glossy surface. In the case of a relief front surface, the use of this tool is unacceptable. In addition to the glass cutter itself, you will also need a straight ruler or bar.

Before cutting tiles with a glass cutter, you need to prepare a perfectly flat and clean surface. This could be a table, a flat board laid on the floor, etc. Using a ruler and marker, you need to measure and draw a straight cut line. It should be noted here that experienced tilers Using a glass cutter, they can successfully cut pieces of curved shapes from tiles, but this requires a lot of experience and skills.

Having placed the glass cutter roller at the beginning of the marked line, you need to press it a little and move it along the marked line in one movement. In this case, you cannot tear the tool off the surface, nor can you repeatedly run it across a surface that has already been cut once. After this, you need to lightly tap the tile below the cut line with the hard end of the tool to create a microcrack along the fault line. Then the tile is laid so that the cut line coincides with the edge of the table or board. Pressing it with your hand to the surface, sharply press on the cut off part. As a result, the material should crack exactly along the line. This whole process is discussed in the video below the text.

Let us immediately add that cutting tiles with a glass cutter is only suitable if you need to process a small amount of material that does not contain granite chips. That is, for floor tiles this method cutting is not recommended, since porcelain tiles are highly hard and durable.

Remember that when cutting, the glass cutter roller leaves a shallower mark on the surface of the tile, which significantly increases the likelihood of an incorrect break. Therefore, this tool can only be successfully used with thin, glossy ceramic wall tiles.

As you can see, there are a great many tools and methods for cutting tiles correctly. It is up to you to decide which option to choose in order to cut the tiles correctly without chipping. Practice on defective material, and having gained some experience and skills, you can move on to high-quality cutting of tiles with your own hands.