How much does it cost to insulate plastic windows? “Warm” window installation: what is it, and is it worth the candle?

Experts, not without reason, believe that about 40% of heat escapes through our windows. However window insulation and additional insulation can increase the temperature in any room by 4-5 °C.

There is an opinion that installing new windows from PVC profile will allow you not to think about heat loss. However, high-quality insulation of wooden windows will keep your home environmentally friendly and save your budget.

In general, there is an enviable diversity in various ways window insulation with my own hands. But absolutely all of them are associated with certain difficulties and inconveniences associated with the operation of windows in the future.

Our company carries out work on insulation of windows Swedish technology with Euro-Strip insulation. All work is carried out with a guarantee. Trust the insulation of your home's windows to experienced hands specialists company " Windows Service Plus» .

Prices for window insulation work

Our company provides a guarantee on all work for a period of 3 years.

High-quality insulation windows using Swedish technology are produced in stages, in compliance with all technological requirements.

The procedure and composition of work for insulating wooden windows:

1) Before starting insulation, it is advisable to wash the windows.

2) The first step is to check the sashes of wooden windows for the effectiveness of their closing, and also carefully check all the mechanisms for their functionality.

3) Only then can you safely remove the sashes from their hinges. Our craftsmen carry the sashes to the landing in order to maintain cleanliness in your home).

4) Already on landing careful adjustment of the sashes is carried out. To do this, excess layers are ground off old paint, preventing the sashes from fitting tightly to the window frame when opening and closing the sashes.

5) In order to put the insulation in its place, craftsmen create special grooves along the entire contour of the wooden window sashes using a milling cutter.

6) A high-quality Euro-Strip seal is rolled into the prepared grooves.

7) In addition, the window sashes are insulated between each other and inside the sashes. This seal will help prevent the penetration of dust and dirt.

8) Upon completion of the above work, the sashes are re-attached to the hinges, and the fittings are replaced. The customer can order replacement accessories in advance.

9) And at the end of the insulation work, a final check of the sashes of insulated wooden windows is carried out for opening and closing, as well as for the quality functioning of all mechanisms and installed fittings.

View the results of our restoration work and insulation of windows you can on our website in the section

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Do-it-yourself window insulation: 4 methods that will interest you

Hello. Today I'll tell you about self-insulation windows in the apartment and in country house. Thermal insulation of windows is very important stage real estate renovation, which should not be neglected if you are interested in the energy efficiency of your home and reasonable heating costs.

General information

Today, many methods of thermal insulation are known. The choice of one method depends on the type of window.

This time you will learn how to make ordinary wooden windows and modern double-glazed windows warmer. In addition, I will talk about how to insulate openings outside the house with your own hands using inexpensive polystyrene foam.

Thermal insulation of plastic double-glazed windows

High quality made plastic double glazed windows are equipped with special rubber seals, which, due to their tight fit to the frame, prevent the passage of air from outside to inside the room.

The areas through which cold passes are:

So, what methods of metal-plastic double-glazed windows can be used for insulation?

Seam sealing

Even after high-quality plastering of the slopes, a micro-gap remains. If this micro-gap is not sealed, it will cause cold air circulation and condensation. As a result, fungus may appear at the junction of the slopes and the frame.

To close the gap you will need following materials and tools:

  • Sanitary silicone in a tube;
  • Mounting gun for working with sealant;
  • White Spirit;
  • Sharp knife
  • Awl;
  • Paper napkins.

Instructions for sealing seams are given in the following diagram.

Let's consider the listed stages in more detail:

  • Using the tip of an awl, we widen and level the gap along the entire frame;
  • Wet it paper napkin thinner and thoroughly wipe the joint between the slopes and the frame;
  • We prepare the tube for work, namely, we cut off the plastic tip with a knife, insert it into the gun and screw on the cone of the nozzle;

  • Fill the gap with sealant around the perimeter of the glass unit;

  • If necessary, level the seam and clean the adjacent surfaces from contamination.

Sanitary sealant is completely removed with white spirit within 20 minutes after application. After 20 minutes, the sealant will be very difficult to remove.

Now the most important thing you need to know when filling the gap between the slopes and the frame with sealant.

Typically silicone is applied as follows. A person stands near the window sill, places the tube with a cone to the gap at an angle of 45-60 degrees and guides the tube towards himself.

As a result, the sealant is squeezed out by the worm, and it has to be leveled and smoothed with a finger, after which the adjacent surfaces must be cleaned. Even if you remove the silicone deposits, a layer of several microns will still remain and after a couple of weeks a streak dirty with dust will be visible in this place.

To ensure that the silicone gets into the gap and nowhere else, we apply the cone of the tube at an angle of 45 degrees and move it forward, and not towards ourselves. As a result, the tip of the cone will straighten the seam itself and there will be virtually no contamination on the sides.

For insulation of conventional double-glazed windows or a balcony with panoramic windows Not just any silicone is suitable; in extreme cases, we use sanitary sealants that will not mold later.

Insulating glass with film

Plastic windows at home can be additionally insulated with heat-saving film. No, now I’m not talking about covering frames with tape, that’s of no use here, I mean shrink film, which can be used to create an additional air chamber between the glass and the room.

Did you know that the greatest heat loss on modern double-glazed windows is recorded not in the frame area, but directly on the glass?

Manufacturers convince us that argon or other inert gases, which are less thermally conductive compared to air, are pumped between the two glasses. But the problem is that the gas layer works for 2-3 years, after which the space between the two glasses becomes airy.

Solving this problem is not difficult, I showed how to do it in the diagram.

Let's look at the stages listed in the diagram in more detail:

  • First we clean it from dust and wash it off dirt. inner part double glazed windows;

The easiest way to clean the junction between the glass and the frame is to remove any accumulated dirt using a stiff toothbrush. Glass can be easily washed away from the most difficult stains by vodka applied from a spray bottle and subsequently collected with a special scraper.

  • After the washed surface has dried, we glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the frame;
  • Next, trying not to stain it, we cut the thermal film according to the dimensions of the perimeter taped with tape;

  • Gradually remove the protective tape from the tape and glue the film;

  • The surface of the film will be wavy, but it doesn’t matter; we heat it as usual;

  • After the heated film has cooled, the surface will be perfectly smooth like glass.

The use of thermal film cannot be called innovative, since this technology was used back in Soviet times. Then ordinary polyethylene oilcloth with the help of a wooden glazing bead was stuffed onto the window from the outside for the winter.

And what did we get as a result? As a result of this installation, the room was darker than usual and about beautiful views out of the window could be forgotten until spring comes.

The use of special shrink film is completely free of such disadvantages. Again, if earlier with the onset of the warm season the oilcloth was removed from the frames, today this is not at all necessary, since the thermal film is absolutely transparent.

By the way, in summer there is additional air gap between the glass and the film will prevent heat from penetrating into the room.

Thermal film can be installed with equal success on both plastic double-glazed windows and wooden windows. True in the latter case wooden frames You will have to first level and paint.

Thermal insulation of wooden windows

Do you have wooden windows in your apartment or house and even foam insulation doesn’t protect you from the cold? Of course, you can change the old ones wooden structures for plastic double-glazed windows. On the other hand, you can leave environmentally friendly wooden windows, but make them much warmer.

Elimination of heat loss using Swedish technology

Now I’ll tell you how to insulate wooden windows for the winter using Swedish technology.

Many people have heard something about Swedish technology, but not everyone knows what it is. In a few words, Swedish technology for restoring wooden windows is complex work, as a result of which a wooden window in terms of thermal conductivity will be comparable to plastic double-glazed windows.

The main stages of working with old windows using Swedish technology are listed in the following diagram.

Let's consider the listed stages in more detail.

  • The sashes are removed from old wooden windows and carefully laid on a flat surface;
  • The sashes and frames are inspected for damage and dirt;
  • The surface is washed, and damage to the wood is eliminated using putty;

  • A special cutter is used to cut a groove around the perimeter of the sash;
  • Sawdust and shavings are blown out of the groove;

  • A special tubular seal is inserted into the groove and rolled with a pressure roller;
  • The gap at the junction of glass and wood is filled with silicone or acrylic;
  • The sashes are placed on the frame, after which assembled structure ready for use.

If the glass in the frames has cracks or small chips, they must be replaced immediately, otherwise the insulation will be of no use.

So now you know what Swedish technology is. The question is, how advisable is it to do the listed work yourself or still order window restoration from specialists?

It would seem that this is a question, because specialists will have to pay, while you can do everything with your own hands for free. But in reality this is not the case, since you will have to buy a router and a pressure roller. The price of such a tool is high and it is unprofitable to buy it to insulate windows just once.

External thermal insulation with polystyrene foam

You can insulate wooden windows with your own hands not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The method I’ll tell you about now is optimal solution for budget thermal insulation of a country house.

To perform thermal insulation you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam (material that does not absorb water and is almost impermeable to air);
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Sharp mounting knife;
  • Ruler and marker.

What can be insulated with polystyrene foam? This method will allow you to seal old platbands or finish external slopes without the need for cementation. In addition, carefully executed cladding will certainly decorate the facade of your home.

The instructions for performing thermal insulation are as follows:

  • We measure the width of the slope;

We take into account that the width along the length of the slope on old windows can be different, so we use the largest value.

  • In accordance with the measurements, we cut pieces of polystyrene foam approximately 0.5 m long;

  • We hold the piece of polystyrene foam for 1-2 minutes until the foam sets a little, and then glue the adjacent sections of the slope in this way;

  • After inner side The slope is pasted over, we carry out similar work on the platband.

Expanded polystyrene, which is shown in the photo report, has a high density and therefore can be used without additional finishing. However, if you decide to plaster your home, foam board trim can also be plastered over a paint grid.

About how to plaster foam boards you can find out from my relevant articles.


I told you what I knew about insulating windows in the house. Do you know any effective ways besides those listed? Tell us about it in the comments to what you read. In addition, I recommend watching the video in this article, I think it will be interesting.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Manufacturers plastic windows they assure - new double-glazed windows, manufactured according to the highest standards modern technologies, will save comfortable temperature in the house all year round and will save its residents from the seasonal hassle of insulating frames. But in reality, many owners of such windows still face the problem of drafts and cold penetration into the room. There may be several reasons for this problem – let’s look at each one separately.

Why does it blow from a plastic window?

Determining the reason for the blowing of a plastic window begins with whether it is new or old. In the first case, the problem can be safely attributed to poor quality installation of the product, which means that the installers will have to solve it.

In this case: poor quality installation seam plastic windows

Often, plastic windows are installed by companies whose workers do not have sufficient qualifications. Mistakes are also possible when trying to install windows yourself. That is why it is not recommended to save on specialists when replacing PVC windows with new ones. But if you are faced with a problem with improper installation or an obvious manufacturing defect, warranty repairs should cover all additional costs.

In the second case, the appearance of a draft is associated with the characteristics and duration of operation of the window. Among the reasons are:

Some of the problems can be fixed yourself, which will save both time and money. Others are best left to specialists. Namely:

  • if replacement is necessary (“original” parts can often be ordered only through the installer);
  • when performing external high-rise work (for windows located above the second floor);
  • when insulating a window winter period(specialists will be able to do this quickly and without significant heat loss in the room).

With your own hands you can insulate the window from the inside or along the contour, replace the sealing material, and insulate the window sill.

How to understand where it's blowing from?

Before you begin work on insulating a window, you should make sure that it is actually blowing from it. Very often, a room “freezes” for other reasons; the air circulation in it is disrupted - a cold flow moves near the windows, which creates the illusion of a draft.

There are several ways to determine the source of window ventilation:

It is necessary to check the window along the entire perimeter, as well as in the area under the window sill. It is also worth paying attention to specific details on the window, which most often cause drafts - the bead holding the glass unit, the rubber seal, fittings (hinges, handles).

Read also: Features of choice round windows: pros and cons of materials

How to insulate a plastic window?

Various causes of drafts require different ways their elimination. The main thing to remember is that you should not skimp on the quality of materials and professional services. Annual repairs of a plastic window and large heat losses in the room during the heating season will still cost a pretty penny.

Adjusting the clamping mechanism

Insufficient clamping density window mechanism leads to deterioration of the sealing of the valves, and therefore to the appearance of drafts. You can adjust the mechanism yourself if you have the right tools and some skills.

Adjustment tool: 4mm hex key

The clamping mechanism is adjusted as follows:

In this case, it is important not to tighten the clamp too much, so as not to squeeze the seal and disrupt the operation of the mechanism.

Video instruction:

Another window element that is responsible for the clamping density and sometimes requires adjustment is loops. In this case, the hinge tongue is extended to its maximum using the hexagon to ensure maximum pressure.

If it blows from the direction of the loop itself

The tool is scrolled counterclockwise for left-handed loops, and in the opposite direction for right-handed ones.

Often the clamping force deteriorates due to worn out glazing bead. It is easy to remove (by prying it with a spatula, knife or other suitable tool) and replace with a new one.

It is important that the part is exactly the same - it can be purchased from the same company that installed the windows.

Replacing the rubber seal

The window seal is broken when the rubber seal “dries out.” This happens over time, especially if the glass unit is not properly cared for.

Windows account for a fifth to a third of all heat loss in a home, so the comfort of all household members depends on their thermal insulation. Despite the ubiquity of sealed windows, old wooden windows have not yet left our apartments and are unlikely to do so in the next few years. They are certainly good in many respects, but have low thermal insulation qualities, and therefore require modernization. Let's consider everything possible ways carry out insulation of wooden windows with your own hands, from the most budgetary to the more expensive and most effective. The text of the article was prepared with the support of specialists from the Moscow company "RemSila" specializing in the provision of insulation services for wooden windows of any type using Supplies High Quality and European production (rubber seal, adhesive sealant). You can learn more about the company’s services at the link ( services are relevant for Moscow).

Why, given the wild popularity of modern Euro-windows? with sealed double-glazed windows ordinary old wooden windows are still in use in thousands and millions of apartments? Among the main reasons:

  • the cost of plastic windows, doubts about their harmlessness, in addition, sometimes plastic windows themselves;
  • the ability of wooden windows to provide natural ventilation;
  • living in houses of high historical and architectural value, where replacing old windows is not permitted;
  • lack of desire and ability to carry out repairs, even minor ones, after replacing windows;
  • accommodation in a rented apartment.

Despite their many advantages, old-style wooden windows do not provide adequate thermal insulation. This was noticed by our ancestors, who developed many ways to deal with their insufficient tightness. More modern solutions have been added to the old-fashioned solutions, so we have plenty to choose from.

No. 1. Where does the insulation of wooden windows begin?

Insulation of old wooden windows begins with examining the structure for detection of cold bridges, i.e. the main routes of cold air entering the apartment. It's important to find everything weak spots, to spend comprehensive insulation. The main cold bridges in wooden windows include:

  • the junction of the window frame and sash;
  • wood from which the frame is made;
  • glass;
  • slopes, and low tide.

It is better to insulate the slopes, ebb and window sill from the outside, the remaining elements require insulation from the inside, so you will have to work hard to turn an old wooden window into an airtight one that meets current comfort requirements.

If the window inspection and its insulation are carried out efficiently, you can count on an increase in the temperature in the apartment by 3-4 0 C if you are connected to a centralized one, or on significant cost savings if you use individual heating. In addition, it will be possible to get rid of drafts. back side medals - discontinued natural circulation air. This problem is also typical for sealed plastic windows. Its solution is periodic ventilation or installation, which allows you to regulate the amount of fresh air entering the apartment.

Get ready for what's to come effective insulation You will have to use several of the methods described below. Let's start with the technologies that are used for internal insulation.

No. 2. Insulation of windows with paper

Most ancient, simple and inexpensive way . Today it is rarely used, but it is suitable if the budget is very limited. Exists several variations this method of insulation:

The classic old recipe involves gluing paper insulation strips of fabric or paper. To keep them well, they were moistened with a solution laundry soap or used homemade paste. The latter can be obtained by mixing water and flour in equal proportions, stirring well and bringing the resulting mixture to a boil.

More modern version- use masking tape or special window tape. In this case, the task is simplified, but costs still remain. Those insulated with paper cannot be opened for ventilation if it suddenly gets warmer in the middle of winter. In the spring you will have to remove the strips of paper/fabric/adhesive tape and take out the insulation. On window frames noticeable marks remain, sometimes even some of the paint is removed, so no update decorative covering, alas, there is no way around it. However, fabric and self-adhesive paper are easier to remove everything and leave a minimum of traces.

No. 3. Insulation with cotton wool

Instead of paper, you can use cotton wool - there are fewer problems, and the thermal insulation qualities are almost the same. All cracks are carefully covered with cotton wool, and strips of paper, fabric or tape are glued on top. The disadvantages of this method are the same as the previous one, but it is much easier to get the cotton wool out of the cracks.

No. 4. Insulation with linen cord

The gaps can be filled with linen cotton cord. They fix it with small nails or glue, and a fairly good level of sealing is achieved, but in the spring you will have to devote a lot of time to dismantling the insulation.

No. 5. Insulation of a wooden window with foam rubber and sealant

A much more modern, reliable and effective way of insulation is to use foam tape and sealing cords.

Foam tape It will be inexpensive, but its service life is only about 2 years. This method of insulation is optimal when sufficiently large gaps have formed between the sashes and the frame. The installation process itself is simple, but labor-intensive, since everything needs to be accurately measured and carefully glued so that the window is well insulated, but at the same time does not stop closing normally. The main advantage of the method– ability to open the window.

The process of insulation with foam tape comes down to the following:

Insulation made using sealing cords. They are made from different materials:

Main advantage rubber seal- price, but when the temperature drops, it can harden and break. In addition, rubber is highly wear-resistant, so it is best chosen for windows that constantly open and close. Although other types of cords are more expensive, they perform much better in terms of operation.

Sealing cords are made different shapes – the choice depends on the size of the gaps in the window structure:

Tubular seals allow achieving sufficient high level sealing, do not interfere with the free opening of the window, can remain in the summer and serve for several seasons in a row. The seal may have self-adhesive backing and then its installation will be identical to the installation of foam rubber tapes described above. If you take such a seal, pay attention to the shelf life of the glue: if it comes to an end, the cord may either not stick at all or quickly peel off.

It is most reliable to take a separate seal and separate glue for it, which can be used as silicone. In this case, the durability of the insulation reaches 5 years.

There is one more nuance. All work with tubular profiles is carried out at temperatures above +10 0 C, so it is better not to delay until cold weather. The seal must be glued very carefully so as not to disrupt the opening system of the sashes.

No. 6. Insulation of wooden windows using Swedish technology

This the most progressive, modern and effective method . Windows insulated using Swedish technology are actually are equal in level of tightness to modern plastic windows. This method also involves the use of a seal, only for it special grooves are prepared in the window sashes.

Swedish insulation technology involves the following procedure:

The durability of such insulation is 15-20 years, therefore, the labor intensity and high price of the method are completely justified. Do it yourself similar works It’s only worth it if you have at least a little experience in carpentry, otherwise you can only make things worse. The easiest way, of course, is to entrust all the work to specialists.

Windows insulated using Swedish technology can be opened at any time of the year; appearance does not spoil, but Sound insulation can be considered an additional bonus.

No. 7. Insulating a wooden window with sealant

This method is aimed at thermal insulation of the junction of glass and sash, can be done with your own hands, but will require high degree caution and accuracy. The procedure is as follows:

  • removing glazing beads, thin slats that hold the glass around the perimeter. During dismantling, almost all glazing beads break, so it is better to buy new ones in advance, and with a reserve. Removal begins with the lower bead, then the side ones are removed, and only then the top one; for this it is convenient to use a small knife or screwdriver;
  • the seat inside the sash is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • application silicone sealant and installing the glass in place. All work on dismantling and installing glass is carried out wearing thick gloves;
  • installation of new glazing beads.

Instead of sealant you can use putty for windows. The procedure remains the same, only after installing the glass, excess putty must be immediately removed with a knife. In terms of aesthetics, this method is no worse, since subsequently the joint will still be covered with a new bead.