Salt dough for modeling large products. How to make salted play dough at home

Salted play dough is a brilliant invention. The main advantage of this material is that the components for making salt dough are safe, cheap and always at hand. And the finished product is strong and durable. Is it raining outside and the walk is cancelled? This is not a reason to be sad. Knead with your child salty dough and start creating.
Making salt dough is very simple, but first, coat your hands with cream - salt, after all, dries the skin a little.

Salt dough recipe:

On the Internet, in recipes for making salt dough, glasses appear as food measurements, but a glass of salt and 2 glasses of flour produces a crazy amount of dough. The finished salt dough, of course, can be stored in the refrigerator without access to air, but I believe that it is better to knead fresh.

To knead the salt dough, take a coffee cup or 100 gram plastic cup as a measurement.

The proportions are:

1 cup extra salt

1 cup cold water

2 cups flour

1 incomplete teaspoon of baby or vegetable oil

Mix salt, water, oil, 1 cup of flour, mix. Then add the second cup of flour. Cover the container with the dough with cling film so that it does not dry out. Pinch off the salt dough as needed and cover again with film.

Making crafts from salt dough:

The process of modeling from salt dough is the same as when modeling from clay or plasticine.

But there is one caveat - it is better to make crafts from salt dough “flat”. That is, salt dough makes great paintings, magnets, photo frames... But this does not mean that you can’t make a figurine toy, you just need to adhere to some rules: for arms, legs, necks, long ears you need to use a frame, ordinary ones are suitable for this toothpicks or wire; for the body and head, do not use a solid lump of dough - it will be difficult to dry; make a base by rolling a ball of foil or masking tape, and then stick the salt dough; Allow the base to dry a little before adding bulky parts.

To connect the parts of the product, use water. Use a brush to moisten the joint and attach the part.

When sculpting, you can use various devices.

  • Stack (a plastic knife, usually sold complete with a plasticine modeling board) or a regular small knife.
  • A ruler to make straight cuts and measure dimensions.
  • Rolling pin, preferably a small plastic one baby set for sculpting.
  • Toothpicks for the frame and for small finishing works.
  • Garlic, in case you want to make hair out of dough.
  • Beads and other items to decorate the product.
  • Foil on which the product will dry.
  • A brush and a glass of water for joining parts.

Drying salt dough crafts:

The finished product needs to be dried. You can leave it to dry in a natural way- at room temperature for a few days. But, most often, crafts made from salt dough are baked in the oven.

Important! You need to sculpt on the surface on which the product will dry. Typically, crafts made from salt dough are molded on food foil so that the product can be moved without damaging it. Don't use baking paper - it sticks.

We put our product in a cold oven and turn it on for low heat, about 50 degrees. This is done to ensure that our craft does not crack due to a sharp temperature change. After half an hour, the heating can be increased to 100 degrees.

From the above dough proportions, it is possible to sculpt all these numbers.

The drying time for crafts made from salt dough depends on the oven and the thickness of the product, but usually 1 – 2 hours. If you are not going to paint the finished craft, you can bake it until golden brown and then varnish it.

If some parts fall off during the drying process, don’t worry. They can be glued in place with “Moment”.

The finished product can be sanded sandpaper, if there are any errors.

Coloring salt dough crafts:

As I already said, the product does not need to be painted at all. Crafts made from salt dough look very harmonious in their original form. natural form, especially, the paintings fit well into the interior of the kitchen. However, they need to be coated with varnish. This will give the product a finished look and protect it from moisture.

It’s better to color crafts made from salt dough acrylic paints: they are bright, dry quickly, do not smell at all, they create protective film on the product. The only negative is that acrylic paints are quite expensive.

You can paint crafts made from salt dough with gouache and even watercolor; salt dough will tolerate anything.

You can also add coloring while kneading the dough. Use acrylic paints and food coloring as dyes, but do not overdo it: you still won’t achieve a bright color, and the structure of the dough may suffer.

You can also use cocoa as a dye. If you add vanillin or cinnamon to the dough, you can make a beautiful and fragrant souvenir as a gift. I haven't tried this method myself yet, but I plan to. Only, in this case, you can’t cover it with varnish - all the aroma will evaporate.

Varnish for crafts made from salt dough should be taken at water based glossy or matte.

My statement may seem strange to some, but salty dough may be different! Depending on the recipe, you can get a cool, tight mass for modeling, or vice versa, soft and tender. Correctly selected ingredients and a certain proportion allow you to make masterpieces from salt dough, where all the veins and imprints are visible.

Details about the ingredients

To ensure that the mass is correct, you must use only high-quality ingredients. Flour must be of the highest quality, since low-quality flour will “float.” Salt should not be iodized, otherwise finished works will crack when dried. The water should be well chilled unless otherwise specified in the recipe.

The recipe does not imply the weight of the ingredients, but the part: for example, glasses, spoons, etc. Accordingly, the weight of salt in the recipe will always be greater than flour.

The volume of water in all options below is approximate. Depending on the quality of the bulk products, more or less liquid may be required. That is why when mixing, add water a little at a time.

Kneading the dough

Combine the bulk ingredients in a deep container and knead with your hands, adding water. If the dough is very thick and does not roll into one lump, add a little more liquid. Place the resulting lump on the table and knead until smooth. The result should be a soft, non-stick dough that holds its shape.
Wrap the finished mixture in plastic bag and set aside for half an hour. A rested dough will be more homogeneous and elastic.

Salt dough recipes

There can be an endless variety of dough recipes. All of them may differ in the number of ingredients and their volume. Having been sculpting for more than 15 years, I have identified 3 basic recipes for all occasions. It is these time-tested options that will be discussed.

Strong salty dough

Strong dough is necessary for heavy massive work. Such a mass is not viscous and not very plastic, but it can easily withstand any of its weight. It is especially important to use this recipe when you plan to sculpt large panels without frames.

Strong dough recipe:

  • table salt - 1 part;
  • flour - 1 part;
  • water - 0.7 parts.

In this case, ordinary table salt, high-quality flour and ice water are used.

For this recipe, only the base is made. You cannot make finer details, still lifes, landscapes and flowers from this mass. The coarse salt included in the composition does not allow smooth lines and thin elements to be made. But cutting out shapes according to a template from such dough is very convenient.

Universal salt dough

This recipe can be called universal, since it is used more often than others. From this dough you can make small panels, small elements and three-dimensional figures.

Universal dough recipe:

  • regular table salt - 1/2 part;
  • extra salt - 1/2 part;
  • flour - 1 part;
  • water - 1 part.

Important nuances

1. Store the dough wrapped in a plastic bag as it dries out quickly.

2. The dried dough can be slightly moistened with water and kneaded again. Conversely, too sticky, watery dough needs to be supplemented with flour.

3. Do not store the dough in the refrigerator for more than 2 days. It becomes inelastic, sticky and constantly releases moisture.

4. Never use vegetable oil or cream when working with dough. Grease prevents cracking when dried in the oven, but paint adheres very poorly to such work. For the same reason, do not use any glue before painting.

5. Large and voluminous figures are always molded on frames made of foil or wire.

6. It is better to dry products naturally - on a radiator or outdoors. If you need to bake, do it in the oven at the lowest temperature. At high temperatures The dough may crack, swell, or even explode.

7. You can paint products with acrylic or gouache paints. Acrylic does not need additional fixing, which cannot be said about gouache.

8. Always varnish the finished product on both sides. If the work will hang in a room with high humidity, use yacht varnish as a topcoat. In all other cases, universal acrylic varnish is suitable.

Olga Olefirenko

You can make many interesting things from salt dough:

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I think that all children in childhood loved to sculpt funny figures from plasticine. I remember how my mother scolded my brother and me because he was constantly trampled on the palace. But we were not forbidden to sculpt. On the contrary, our hobby was encouraged in every possible way. We have grown up a long time ago, but our love for modeling remains. Today in stores selling handicraft supplies you can find not only plasticine, but also different types polymer clay(Fimo, Sculpey, Idigo), as well as cold porcelain. Skillful hands of craftswomen make exquisite jewelry and amazing figurines. But all these materials are not very cheap. For myself and my child I found a budget optionsalty dough. It’s not difficult to make it yourself, and the crafts from it turn out great. There are many recipes on the Internet for making modeling mass based on flour and salt. And they are all different. I tried many, but for myself I chose this: table salt (necessarily fine and in no case iodized) -1 tbsp. spoon; wheat flour, good quality- 2 tbsp. spoons; boiled water, cold - 1 tbsp. spoon; vegetable oil (colorless) - 3 drops. I make small crafts and don’t store the dough for a long time. I try to use it right away. But you can make more dough and store it in the refrigerator, packing it in a plastic bag. Mix flour and salt. It is important that the salt is not iodized, because in this case a smooth dough will not be obtained. It will be grains. Gradually add water in two or three additions. At the very end of the kneading, add a few drops of oil to make the mass more plastic. Place in the refrigerator for an hour. I know that many people add dyes directly to the dough. I don’t do this because my hands will get dirty when sculpting. I mold from the mass white, and I paint the finished product. Finished crafts can be dried on a radiator by placing them on foil. But this takes a long time - several days. I dry it in the oven at 100 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the products may crack. I paint the crafts with acrylic paints and let them dry. After that I cover it with clear nail polish. If you want, I decorate it with rhinestones and beads. I will be glad if my advice is useful to someone. Sculpt with your children and you will get a lot of positive emotions! This is the kind of doll food we recently made.

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All children are very different. I had a very inquisitive child, he likes everything, especially modeling from plasticine and special mixtures. I understand that modeling is very useful, because it develops fine motor skills, memory, imagination, and attention. But plasticine retains its shape, unfortunately, only in cool conditions. We looked for other options for plasticine and found masses for modeling. They are not that expensive, but it is much cheaper to make this mass yourself. You should have flour, water and salt on hand. The finished mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. The main thing is that the packaging is sealed. This can be a plastic container or a plastic bag with a zipper.
Cooking method:
Mix a glass of flour with half a glass of salt. Gradually pour in a glass of cold water. Add two teaspoons of cream of tartar, one tablespoon of regular vegetable oil and food coloring of the color you need to this entire mass. Cook the resulting mixture over medium heat until a ball forms. Mix everything thoroughly when it cools. Voila, your plasticine is ready.
If you don’t know what cream of tartar is, you can use the following recipe. Mix a glass of plain flour and a quarter glass of salt. Pour it all into half a glass of boiling water, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and food coloring. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until you form a ball. After cooling, knead very well so that the mass does not stick to your hands.
Can be prepared without flour. Mix 2 cups baking soda and a glass of starch. Gradually pour in half a glass of cold water, stirring gradually. Add food coloring there. Place on low heat. Cook until a ball forms. Let's cool and knead the mass for modeling.
The easiest way. Mix a glass of flour, a glass of cold water and two glasses of salt. Mix the mixture well first with a spoon, sprinkle flour on top until a ball forms. Now mix with your hands. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour.
Tip: if you don’t have food coloring, you can color the mass with gouache or watercolor.
Happy creativity!

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Not long ago, my daughter received some modeling clay for her birthday. It costs several times more than ordinary plasticine, and its properties are slightly different. The modeling mass is more elastic, but if it lies in an open space, it hardens greatly and becomes completely inelastic. But children really like her features. Out of curiosity, I looked at the composition of this mixture and realized that such homemade plasticine can be easily made with your own hands, saving a couple of hundred rubles. It turned out that the basis of such a mass is flour and salt.

So, in order to prepare the mass for modeling, you need to mix:

200 gr. flour;
- 200 gr. fine salt;
- 125 gr. water.

First, mix the salt and flour, and then gradually add water. The dough should be mixed thoroughly until smooth, and then put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The mass should be soft, smooth and elastic. Some people add PVA glue instead of water, which allows you to sculpt thinner parts from the mass, and the mass becomes more plastic and holds its shape better.

If you add 1 tbsp to this dough. spoon of vegetable oil, it will stick better from your hands and from any other surfaces.

In order for the mass to be various colors, you can add any food coloring to it. In this case, it must be diluted in the 125 grams that we use to make the mass. You can also apply paint to a finished product.

In order for the figure that you have molded to harden faster and become more durable, you can bake it on a flat surface in the oven at a temperature of 130 degrees.

This mass is good because it is quite safe and will not harm the child, even if he eats a little of it. Besides this, she has enough pleasant aroma. Another great advantage of such a mass over plasticine is that a craft made from it can be preserved for a long memory.

If the mixture accidentally sticks to the carpet, do not use hot water or carpet cleaner. It is better to wait for the mass to dry and remove it with a stiff brush and vacuum cleaner, and then, if necessary, wash with cold soapy water.

You can store this dough in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for about 2 months.
You can sculpt anything from such a mass - from funny toys, dishes for games or cars to a photo frame for a birthday. The main thing is to show your imagination and help your baby discover his talents and abilities.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of art without leaving your apartment! To make it easier for you to learn a new activity, we have prepared useful tips and master classes.

  • 1 Features of working with salt dough
    • 1.1 How to prepare play dough
    • 1.2 Tools needed for creativity
    • 1.3 Basic drying methods
    • 1.5 Why varnishing is needed
    • 1.6 Possible problems and their solution
  • 2 Crafts made from salt dough
    • 2.3 Symbolic mukosol figures
  • 3 Useful tips

Features of working with salt dough

The origins of this type of creativity are deeply rooted in the history of our culture. The same Kolobok is excellent artistic example salt dough products.

Anyone can work with the dough. Surely you have a handful of flour at home! In addition, the dough is much more plastic than gypsum and more durable than plasticine.

How to prepare play dough

If you have finally decided to master the process of making crafts, then it would be useful to learn how to make salt dough. We offer several recipe options from which you can choose any one you like.

  • 1 tbsp. fine salt;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 5 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • water;
  • colored gouache or natural juice.

Thoroughly stir the dry ingredients in a deep container, pour in the oil and a little water. To give the dough a certain color, carefully stir in juice (for example, carrot or beetroot).

  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 125 ml water.

Mix everything and knead the dough like dumplings. To sculpt thin relief figures, add one more thing to choose from: 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue, 1 tbsp. l. starch or a mixture of wallpaper glue and water.

  • 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 125 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hand cream (vegetable oil).

Combine all ingredients and knead thoroughly until smooth. You can use a blender or mixer to speed up the process. The dough turns out very soft and pliable.

  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. finely ground salts;
  • 125 ml water.

This is a recipe for salt dough for sculpting large products. First of all, combine the salt with the flour, and then add water little by little, kneading until an elastic mass is obtained.

  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. glycerin (sold at the pharmacy);
  • 2 tbsp. l. wallpaper glue + 125-150 ml of water.

This dough is well suited for making delicate works. We recommend using a mixer for mixing - it makes the task much easier.

Tools you need for creativity

In addition to learning how to make salted modeling dough, it is also important to prepare necessary tools and a set of accessories:

All this will be useful for you creative work with dough.

Basic drying methods

When the product is ready, it must be properly dried. There are several methods. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Method 1 - In the oven (preheated)

Drying in a slightly open oven at a temperature of 55-80 °C (the craft is placed in a preheated oven). Place the product on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or in a heat-resistant bowl. The process may take about an hour or longer depending on the size of the figurine.

Method 2 - Natural conditions

This means drying in the open air (but not directly sun rays). This method takes longer than the first, but is more effective. It is best to place the product on a wooden or plastic surface. Air drying takes about 3-4 days. But we do not recommend drying it on a radiator - this can lead to the craft cracking and crumbling.

Method 3 - In the oven (cold)

According to this method, crafts made from salt dough must be placed in a cold oven and only then turned on, eventually heating up to 150 °C. The products should cool there while the oven cools down.

Figures made from unpainted dough are attractive in themselves. However, after drying, they can be decorated with gouache, watercolor or acrylic paints. They are good because they dry quickly, do not smudge and do not leave marks on your hands.

Coloring methods:

  1. Mix watercolor paints with water with a brush and apply to the product so that they do not spread.
  2. Mix gouache with PVA glue and evenly cover the craft with this mixture.
  3. You can give the dough a certain color while kneading. Divide it into parts - there should be as many of them as the shades you need to paint. Roll them into balls, make a hole in the middle of each and drop a couple of drops of food coloring diluted in water there. After this, knead the dough so that it colors evenly.

Modeling from salt dough also allows you to use various elements for decoration. These can be cereals, pasta, buttons, shells, beads, all kinds of threads and ribbons. The scope for imagination is unlimited!

Why is varnishing needed?

Finished products are varnished so that the paint does not fade or wash off, and appearance the work did not deteriorate over time. Varnishing is used if necessary and solely at the request of the author.

You can add shine to the product with varnish:

  • liquid - you need to cover the product with it in several layers, the result is ruddy and natural;
  • thick - it better protects the craft from moisture; you can use either a varnish that imparts a mirror shine or a matte one.

It is preferable to use aerosol varnish. A single application is enough for the colors to sparkle brighter and the work to become protected from damage.

Although, practice shows that proper drying allows you to not even resort to varnishing - the product will retain its original appearance for many years.

Possible problems and their solutions

Here is a list of problems that may arise when drying or decorating a toy made from salt dough:

  1. The dough has bubbles or cracks after drying. This may be caused wrong choice flour or failure to follow drying rules. The simplest and most inexpensive flour for modeling is suitable - low-grade rye or wheat. And the product should be dried without undue haste in a slightly preheated oven with the door ajar. In general, it is better if the craft dries naturally.
  2. The product is cracked after painting. This can happen if you start painting a craft that has not yet dried enough. Dry it on fresh air, smooth out the roughness with sandpaper and repaint.
  3. The product is cracked due to its large thickness. In this case, with reverse side or you need to remove excess dough from below. In order for a large product to dry evenly in the oven, it must be turned over periodically.
  4. An element has broken off. You can try gluing it with PVA glue, but it’s better to just smooth out the unevenness and decorate it with some kind of decoration.
  5. The craft has faded after painting. An additional coating of varnish can restore the color to its former richness and make the craft brighter.

Crafts made from salt dough

According to some assumptions, the first dough moldings were used by cooks to decorate baked goods. Today, you can sculpt anything from such a wonderful material: paintings, souvenir figurines, and toys.

So, when you already know how to make salt dough, let's start creating crafts from it.

Want something interesting?

You will need:

  • fine table salt;
  • Wheat flour;
  • cold water;
  • foil;
  • brush;
  • whitewash;
  • gouache;
  • black marker.

Step-by-step sequence of actions:

  1. Combine flour and fine salt in equal proportions, add a little water.
  2. Knead elastic dough and send it to cool in the refrigerator for two hours.
  3. After this time, you can start sculpting. Make 4 balls from the salt dough. These will be the sheep's feet. Place them as shown in the picture.
  4. Roll up a piece of foil and place it in the dough ball. Then you need to roll a ball out of the flatbread - this is the body of the lamb, it needs to be laid on top of the paws.
  5. Now use pieces of dough to form a head, curled horns, ears and eyes.
  6. To get something like curly sheep wool, roll a lot of small balls and place them evenly on the back of our animal.
  7. The workpiece is ready. All that remains is to place it in the oven, preheated to minimum temperature. The sheep should dry thoroughly without cracking. At a temperature of 50 °C it will take about 3 hours to dry and up to half an hour to cool.
  8. Then cover the entire surface of the figure with white. Wait until they are completely dry.
  9. Color the sheep with gouache. And using a permanent marker you can draw eyelashes, a mouth, outline horns and other details as desired.
  10. Finally, varnish the lamb. The varnish will add shine and smoothness, giving the craft a finished look.

Testoplasty allows you to create not only small voluminous souvenirs, but also entire paintings from salt dough. Of course, creating them will require some skills, patience and perseverance. However, the result can exceed all expectations, becoming a wonderful gift for loved ones or decorating the interior of your home.

We act in stages:

  1. Creating a painting, like any other dough craft, begins with preparing the dough itself. Various variations There are many recipes, but the most popular is this: 1 tbsp. finely ground salt, 2 tbsp. flour, 200 ml water. Knead elastic salted dough for crafts, pack it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  2. Take out the finished material and you can start creating by pinching off a piece of dough from the bag (it crusts quite quickly in the air).
  3. To connect parts together, use water rather than glue.
  4. It is most convenient to create a picture on foil. It is necessary to dry the result: in the oven or in the air.
  5. When the craft is dry, paint it with gouache and cover it with two layers of varnish.
  6. Finally, attach the picture to canvas or any other fabric in the frame.

All kinds of cats, birds, snowmen, bears, dachshunds, flowers and much more look very beautiful. You can create paintings based on the plot of a particular fairy tale - this will be especially interesting for children. You can see some examples of work for inspiration in the pictures.

Symbolic mucous figurines

Salty dough - great alternative clay. And crafts made from it can become a unique decoration for your home or original idea for a gift. It has long been believed that flour in the house is a symbol of prosperity and family well-being.

Regardless of what kind of figures you plan to make, the dough for them can be prepared according to one of the recipes given above.

Here are some more examples of mukosolek designs that are easy to make and look amazing!

  1. Each recipe for salted dough for crafts involves using exclusively wheat or rye flour (but definitely not pancake flour) and finely ground salt (not iodized, since the dough will not be homogeneous, but with large inclusions).
  2. The mixing water should be very cold. Add it in portions, carefully kneading the dough. Depending on the flour you choose, different amounts of water may be required.
  3. The dough should not stick to your hands or crumble. If it doesn't stick well, add a little water, and if it sticks, add a little flour.
  4. Salt dough is perfectly stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Use it piece by piece as needed, because the finished dough in the air quickly becomes covered with a dry crust, which spoils the appearance of the products. The test shelf life is 1 week.
  5. Crafts made from small elements look more elegant. To ensure that the parts adhere well to each other, moisten the joints with water using a brush.
  6. To tint the dough itself, add a little food coloring diluted in water (for easter eggs). From the test different colors You can create new shades: to do this, simply knead the multi-colored pieces with your fingers.

Testoplasty is not just child’s play, but also a correctional activity that allows you to develop fine motor skills hands, perseverance and imagination of children, cultivating aesthetic taste. And for adults this is great way self-expression and recuperation. We wish you inspiration, and let creativity be only a joy!

Modeling classes develop hand strength and fine motor skills of the fingers. It is useful to sculpt not only for children, but also for adults, because there are many nerve endings at the fingertips, the massage of which while working with plastic material leads to good health. You can sculpt not only from plasticine and clay, but also from salt dough. It is done simply and quickly, no special financial investments are required, but crafts made from such dough are stored for a long time, they can be painted and varnished.

Knowing the recipe for salted play dough, you can create a lot interesting crafts. This includes Christmas tree decorations New Year, toy products for playing shop or "mother and daughter". Look beautiful decorative ornaments interior, pictures, figurines. You can make an original pendant for a girl’s neck or a pendant for a bag.

After all, you can mold any figure from salt dough. It could be a fairy-tale character, a favorite cartoon character, a flower or a star, a car or a voluminous funny cat. In this article we will look at several recipes on how to create salt dough, how to store and bake it at home.

The easiest recipe for salted play dough

This classic version preparation of this test. In order to do everything correctly, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a glass of white wheat flour;
  • the same amount of fine salt, “Extra” type;
  • half a glass of cool water.

First, mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl, then gradually pour in in small portions liquid. You need to stir constantly so that the dough does not form lumps and is homogeneous. At the end of cooking, the dough should be smooth and dense, but not hard.

Be sure to check the integrity of the skin on your hands, as salt greatly irritates the skin, which will cause pain and severe itching. Then rinse your hands clean water and apply oil or hand cream.

Glycerin based dough

This recipe for salted play dough is suitable for those craftsmen who want to give their crafts a natural shine, without using acrylic varnish. Glycerin, which is part of the ingredients for preparing this type of dough, helps to finished goods They will have a glossy surface even without varnish.

You will need to prepare the following components:

  • half a liter of boiling water;
  • two glasses of wheat flour;
  • half a teaspoon of liquid glycerin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream of tartar;
  • food coloring of any required color.

In a large container, mix salt and flour, add vegetable oil and cream of tartar. Place a pan of water on the fire. After it boils, add the resulting mass to it and boil until smooth. After a while, glycerin and food coloring are added.

When the salted dough is ready, you need to cool it and knead it with your hands until it sticks to your palms. If there is not enough flour, you need to add a little while kneading.

Mixture with PVA glue

As you already understand from the title of this section, we will talk about a recipe for salted modeling dough with the addition of PVA glue. Have to take:

  • two glasses of white flour;
  • half as much salt, it is advisable to take only fine “Extra” salt;
  • a little warm water- half a cup;
  • 50 ml of white thick PVA glue.

First, as usual, mix the dry ingredients - flour and salt. Then warm water is poured in and the composition is thoroughly mixed. Some people use a blender to achieve smoothness faster, but this has no effect. of great importance. You can mix the mixture perfectly with your hands. When the dough has the desired consistency, add PVA glue to the bowl and knead again.

After obtaining a beautiful, homogeneous dough, you need to roll an even and smooth ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Salted play dough with starch

Let's consider another option for preparing dough for making crafts, which uses starch. The composition is as follows:

  • one tablespoon of starch;
  • the remaining proportions of salted play dough are equal: one glass each of water, flour and fine salt.

First you need to dissolve the starch in half a portion of water. There should be no lumps, the powder dissolves completely, resulting in a homogeneous white liquid. The rest of the water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. Then the starch liquid is slowly poured in and with constant stirring we achieve a thick jelly.

Mix salt and flour in a large bowl, then add cooled jelly in small portions, stirring constantly. The dough should not be too soft, otherwise the crafts will not hold the required shape and will fall apart.

The salted dough should be tight enough so that it can be, for example, rolled out with a rolling pin and squeezed out with molds, or molded into a sculpture so that it has the correct outline.

Favorite recipe for children

This salted play dough at home is created with additional ingredients that allow products made from it to glow in the dark. Let's look at the composition of such a test:

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • two glasses of flour (wheat);
  • the same amount of warm water;
  • 100 grams of fine salt;
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar;
  • 2 capsules or tablets of vitamin E.

First, a dry mixture of flour, salt, and cream of tartar is mixed. A tablet crushed into a fine powder is also added there. After thorough mixing, add water and vegetable oil. But this is not the whole cooking process. The resulting homogeneous mass must be put on fire and simmered over low heat until the mixture begins to stick; the consistency should resemble ordinary plasticine.

Recipe for making three-dimensional sculptures

If you make salted play dough according to the recipe described below, it will be very strong and dense. Any figures will keep their shape well, will not deform when drying and will not spread. It's easy to do. Have to take:

  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • fine salt - twice as much - 400 grams;
  • 300 grams of ice water.

Unlike other recipes, in this one the salt is first dissolved in cold water. Only after complete dissolution should you add flour in small portions. When the dough has acquired a thick consistency, knead it into a dense and tight dough with your hands.

Dough storage

Now you know how to knead salted dough for modeling. It's easy and pretty quick. This dough is easy to work with; it is quite elastic. It can be rolled out with a rolling pin, making flat shapes that are cut out with a knife and squeezed out with cookie cutters.

If you didn’t use all the dough at once or made a large portion, then you still need to figure out how to store salted play dough. You need to make a round ball from the remainder and put it in a whole plastic bag, which is tied with a tight knot. You need to store the dough in the refrigerator: in the door or on the top shelf. The temperature there is a little warmer than in its other departments.

Before using it again, you need to take the dough out first so that it warms up and becomes soft and pliable again. In this way, you can store the finished salt dough for up to 1-1.5 months.

Drying crafts

If you are not just sculpting for fun with children, but want the products to last for a long time, then after creating the figures you need to dry them. Execute this process in several ways:

  • in the oven;
  • on the radiator;
  • near the fireplace;
  • in hot weather - on the windowsill or on the balcony.

If the crafts are thin, they can dry naturally in a warm place. This is in the heat - on sunny balcony or windowsill. If the figure is voluminous, you can dry it first naturally and finish drying it in the oven.

In winter, you can place thin parts on the radiator on cloth or foil. If you use a fireplace at home, you can place the products at a close distance from it on a table or even on the floor on a napkin.

If you decide to use the oven, then you need to follow a few useful recommendations:

  • There is no need to preheat the oven in advance; the temperature rises gradually so that the products do not crack or burn.
  • It is better to dry on dark baking sheets; according to the experience of many craftsmen, drying there occurs at a faster pace, since the dark surface retains heat better.
  • Work is carried out with the door open.
  • The duration of drying of products depends on the thickness. If the dough is up to 2 cm, it will take three hours to dry. The first - at a temperature of 75 °C, the next - 100 °C, the last - 150 °C. If the parts are thicker than 2 cm, then it will take longer to stay in the oven: 2 hours - at 50 °C, 3 hours - at 75 °C and the last 2 hours - at 100 °C.

Don't forget to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't swell or burn. The process is lengthy, but after proper drying, the parts become strong and can last long time.

Dough coloring

If you want to make colored salted play dough, use liquid food coloring. Add a couple of drops from the bottle to the finished dough and knead thoroughly until smooth. This is convenient, but with this method the dough turns out pastel colors. You can’t make bright, saturated colors this way, unless you pour out a whole bottle of dye, and this is costly in terms of money.

It is much cheaper to use gouache to color the dough. You need to take a little paint on a spoon and put it in a container with dough, then mix everything thoroughly. The color is bright and saturated.

In the article we told you all the main points necessary to get started. Sculpt, create your masterpieces with your children, create!