Construction from rounded logs: pros and cons. The main pros and cons of a log house made of wood

Log houses are very popular, especially in Lately. All more people prefers to make this type of building both for permanent living in them and for temporary or dacha option. But at the same time, few people think about whether it is always advisable to build such a house. After all, a house based on a log frame has both its advantages and negative qualities.

Log houses do not require additional external and interior decoration. You can live in the building immediately after construction.

But before we begin to consider the 5 main positive and 5 main negative qualities, we should take into account the fact that certain subtleties of such buildings will not necessarily cause harm or benefit in all cases. A lot changes depending on the situation and conditions.

Positive traits

So, first, let's look at the advantages of log houses. Usually, various specialists and see them completely differently. However, it would be more acceptable to consider those components that will be common and positive for absolutely everyone.

Log buildings made from logs look very beautiful both outside and inside, even if the wood is not processed.

  1. Environmental component. An undoubted positive property log house is its environmental friendliness. Moreover, this is not only the safety of the material, but also its usefulness. Any natural wood secretes resins that have a beneficial effect on human body. At the same time, conifers have exceptional benefits.
  2. Practical component. This refers to the use of the premises during its service life. If in a log house it is maintained optimal temperature and there is always access fresh air, then the material will serve for a long time without causing any trouble. So, in winter you need to warm up the air in the room, and in summer you need to let in as much air as possible from the street. Then you will be able to avoid dampness or dryness of the rounded log.
  3. Functional component. Log buildings made from logs have an excellent property - the so-called self-regulation of temperature. This feature lies in the fact that in warm weather the house perfectly retains and retains heat. But in the cold, freshness prevails inside the room, due to which there is no feeling of stuffiness or intense heat.
  4. Aesthetic component. Wooden houses always look very beautiful both outside and inside. Moreover, this is noticeable even when the wood is not treated. If the wood is also treated with patterns, the look will be stunning. It is important that the building retains its original naturalness.
  5. Finishing component. It lies in the fact that the log house does not require a special type of finishing. At a minimum, you will need to process a well-rounded log and remove any sharp parts on it. There is no need for a frame or expensive tools for installation.

Negative sides

These were the advantages. But you should also know the disadvantages. This type of construction also has negative aspects, although in terms of quality, the advantages, of course, significantly outweigh them. So, the following disadvantages can be noted.

One of the main disadvantages of building a house from rounded logs is the impossibility of installation without the help of specialists.

  1. As the main negative property it should be noted high degree fire hazard of such houses made of rounded logs. As you know, wood burns very well. Therefore, even a weak, careless fire can cause a large fire. Of course, these days special impregnations are being developed that will prevent combustion, but the perfect material has not yet been invented. However, even in the context of this minus there is a plus: when burning, wood does not emit harmful substances, unlike other modern building or finishing materials.
  2. The second quality that carries negative character, is the difficulty of installing a wooden building. The process cannot be carried out independently, without the help of specialists. If you make even a minor mistake, it can take a long time to correct it.
  3. Another disadvantage is the inability to carry out activities inside the house Finishing work. A rounded log is a living material, which, immediately after thorough installation, must stand for some time and get used to the place. However, it may shrink. Carry out facing work round log house preferably 1-2 months after completion of construction work.
  4. Inappropriate to build log house from a rounded log, if you do not expect to live in it permanently. If this is a summer house or temporary home, then it is better not to use it for construction good log house. If the house is not constantly heated from the inside, dampness will quickly develop there, which will lead to fungus, and in extreme heat, without sufficient air access, the wood can crack and deteriorate.
  5. From time to time, log houses need to be strengthened. What is meant here is that due to minor changes in the size of the wood during temperature fluctuations environment the bottom of the building above the foundation or the roof may deteriorate. These areas of the house need to be treated frequently by special means, and, if necessary, additionally lined with boards.

So, the main pros and cons of houses made of rounded logs are considered.

The popularity of rounded logs in domestic house building is due to the fact that it allows you to assemble a classic Russian log house, like the one our ancestors built using chopped logs. New technologies have made adjustments to the preparation and characteristics of logs, making the construction process more technologically advanced and faster, and the constructed house more elegant, with smooth crowns and no cracks.

Let us consider in detail the properties and specifications rounded logs, what it is, what types and types there are, dimensions, parameters, pros and cons, how they are made and used in private construction.

What is a rounded log

Rounded log- This is milled lumber, which is a fragment of a trunk, cleared of the top, loosest layer of wood. Mechanical processing (milling) ensures the same diameter of the log along its entire length, which in turn increases the strength and stability of the geometry of the finished structure.

Production of rounded logs

The unique properties of rounded logs are acquired during its production process, which consists of the following stages:

  • sorting of raw materials (saw logs) by diameter;
  • processing in a rounding machine. After the milling stage, the log will be removed upper layer, and only the core part will remain, which is the strongest and gives less shrinkage. Also, during processing, the difference in log diameters at the bottom and at the top will be minimized. According to the standard, it cannot exceed 4 mm;
  • log sorting. Allows you to sort workpieces according to specified sizes;
  • drying: natural or forced;
  • formation of a compensation cut. Note that not all logs have a cut, and it is often done according to the buyer’s order;
  • open. A log goes on sale having standard length. But many homeowners prefer not to bother with adjusting the logs to length, but order a house kit for their home.

    A house kit made from rounded logs is ready set for assembling a house. It resembles a construction set that contains a set of parts (logs) prepared in length in accordance with the provided house design, with the corresponding marking of each element. A significant advantage of using a house kit is the availability seats(bowls), which make joining of logs quick and tight;

  • bowling - involves cutting the seats (bowls) necessary for laying crowns from logs. Like a profiled beam, two types of seats are cut out in a rounded log:

Transverse bowls; Material prepared for the website

Diagonal bowls;

Longitudinal grooves. The curvature of the grooves is somewhat different from the curvature of the log. This is necessary in order to lay thermal insulation material. If the dimensions of the grooves coincide, then there is a high probability that after shrinkage the log will touch the bottom only with the central point, and not with the entire surface of the groove. This will lead to the fact that the junction of the logs will have to be caulked;

  • trimming. End processing;
  • antiseptic treatment. It is performed over the entire area of ​​the log, including longitudinal grooves and bowls. Allows you to ensure biological inertness of the log and preserve its properties during storage, transportation and installation. Only antiseptics are used for water based. This solution does not clog the micropores of the wood, and it continues to dry;
  • transportation to the construction site. Manufacturers often take on this function, as they can ensure the unloading and proper storage of logs on site. After all, a log house is built from 4 to 6 months, depending on its size and complexity of the project. During this period it is necessary to organize proper storage material;
  • storage;
  • package.

Rounded log - GOST, norms and standards

Please note that the only normative document There is no regulation regulating the production and characteristics of rounded logs. Neither in Russia, nor anywhere else at all.

Self-respecting manufacturers develop their own standards - StP (StO) - the standard of an enterprise (organization), which contains all the information about the dimensions and deviations, quality and storage conditions of the material.

However, there are a number state standards(GOST), which regulate certain aspects of the production and storage of rounded logs:

And a number of international standards (ISO) and European standards(EN):

Characteristics of rounded logs according to GOST 9463-88

Types of rounded logs

All types of logs can be classified as follows:

Classification feature Detailing
Processing type - chopped log. In this case, the cylindrical shape is given to the log using hand plane. They also cut the bowls. This type of log is suitable for those who love the natural style of the Russian hut - log house;

- rounded log. Processing is carried out on a rounding machine, due to which ideal geometry and precision of the seats (grooves and bowls) are achieved.

Type of drying - log natural humidity . The vast majority of products on the domestic market are of this type. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to ensure uniform drying of the original log, and the cost of the product increases;

- thermal log or dried rounded log. Today, manufacturers are mastering the production of an improved product - rounded logs with a given moisture content (18-20%). What it is and its main properties are described below.

Type of profile (groove) - lunar;
- Finnish.
Wood type
(in descending order of popularity and increasing cost)
- pine: Karelian and Arkhangelsk;
- spruce;
- cedar;
- larch;
- deciduous species.
Groove location - longitudinal - along the log strictly in the center;
- diagonal - used to create non-standard forms, for example, bay windows;
- transverse - landing bowl.
Dimensions - diameter: 160-320 mm;
- working height: 139-272 mm. (depending on the diameter of the log);
- length: 1…6 m.p.;

Characteristics of thermal logs

Thermal log- This is lumber made from thermally modified logs. New technology involves heat treatment of wood - high-temperature drying of logs in an airless environment.

Features, properties, pros and cons of thermal logs:

  • drying at a temperature of 125-190 °C. The choice of temperature depends on the density of the wood;
  • change at the level of cellular structure. Drying allows you to obtain a log with a given humidity, which eliminates the appearance of blue on the surface of the log. In this case, no chemicals are used;
  • color correction. Thanks to the effect of heat, varying the exposure time and temperature, the manufacturer has the opportunity to give the wood noble dark shades. In this case, the color change is not end-to-end, i.e. does not affect the entire log, but is deep enough (1-2 cm), which eliminates the appearance of light scratches on the surface of the wall;
  • decrease in thermal conductivity. After heat treatment, wood loses its ability to transmit heat by 0-30%;
  • increase in surface strength, which increases the log’s resistance to cracking;
  • reduction of hygroscopicity due to modification of its capillary structure;
  • no torsion defects;
  • resistance to biological activity;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • increased durability.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

View of the profile (groove) of a rounded log

The profile or longitudinal groove is selected along the entire length of the rounded log and is designed to ensure a tighter fit of the logs along the length during installation.

Lunar groove

The lunar profile is a longitudinal cut of a semicircular shape. It has become more widespread due to the simplicity of the device.

Characteristics of rounded logs with lunar profile

Finnish groove

It has a more complex tongue-and-groove installation system. It has so-called shoulders - cuts that increase thermal insulation properties connection points. The Finnish groove allows you to reduce damage from cracks to a minimum. At the same time, the use of a Finnish groove allows you to abandon the procedure of caulking log walls.

Characteristics of rounded logs with Finnish profile

Marking, diameter, working height, groove width, volume m.cub.

Note. According to the thermal calculation data, a log with Finnish profile diameter 220 mm. Thermal insulation is equivalent to a log with a lunar profile with a diameter of 280 mm.

Wood type

Pine is most widespread in construction due to optimal ratio prices and quality. The distinctive features of pine rounding are its beautiful structure, strength, relatively low thermal conductivity, resistance to external influence And affordable price. Arkhangelsk pine stands out because it practically does not crack.

As for cedar, its spread is hampered by its high price.

The same judgment is true for larch. Which is the most suitable raw material for the production of rounded logs. Larch is resistant to temperature changes and moisture, has high density and strength. However, the cost of a rounded larch log is twice the price of a similar pine log. Such characteristics of larch logs have led to the fact that it is used as the main one when forming the lower crown of a log house.

Dimensions of rounded logs

During the logging process, logs are sorted before being processed. Barrel with correct parameters allows you to obtain output lumber with specified dimensions.

Standard log sizes:

  • diameter (section) of a rounded log. This option has highest value, since it directly determines the thermal conductivity and reliability of the walls.

The diameter of the log varies between 160-320 mm. The most popular in private construction is a rounded log with a diameter of 240 mm.

Of all the building materials for the construction of private houses, wood is the most environmentally friendly and safe. And most often now they began to use not unprocessed round timber, but rounded logs of the same cross-section. They are easier to work with, and they look more presentable. A cottage built from them does not even require insulation for the walls; the latter are generally left without cladding. After all natural look wood brings an atmosphere of comfort and naturalness to a residential building.

What is a rounded log

To make this material for a log house, the trunk without branches is processed on several woodworking machines. First, it is cleared of bark. And then this workpiece is rounded to give it required diameter. At the exit from the primary cutting shop, the resulting rounds are smooth, even and uniform in diameter.

Then this lumber is sawn into logs of the length required for the house design, and bowls are cut out at the ends. During processing, the machine removes the bark from the trunk along with most hard layer of wood. Only the core and core are taken into account. And because of their softness and porosity, they are prone to rotting.

To prevent rotting of a rounded log, it is impregnated with antiseptics, and at the same time with fire retardants and fungicides. As a result, a completely finished part for the walls of log houses and other buildings receives necessary protection from fungi, fire and various woodworms.

The wood used for manufacturing is:

  1. Larch.

The main advantage of pine logs is their low cost. Cedar is more resistant to changes in humidity and temperature; it is recommended to use it for the construction of baths. Spruce, in comparison with pine, has lower strength and resistance to decay, but has a more presentable appearance. The advantages of larch are strength and durability. However, larch logs are also the most expensive and heaviest. A house made from it requires a more massive foundation.

Deciduous wood is not used for the production of rounded logs. various reasons. Oak is too expensive, birch is highly susceptible to rot, and aspen is soft and short-lived. These are more materials for interior decoration of a log house. It is better to build the walls of the cottage from coniferous wood.

Log houses are usually built from lumber of the same species. But practice has already confirmed that the combination different breeds wood is completely justified and practical solution. The best optionlower crowns lay it from expensive and moisture-resistant larch logs, and build the rest of the house from pine. It will not be too wasteful in terms of money, and will be more durable.

How to choose logs for your home

The pros and cons of rounded logs used in the construction of low-rise cottages are different. Given the high demand for this material among builders, the former are clearly outnumbered by the latter. Its diameter varies in the range of 160–320 mm. There are options both for arranging a gazebo and for building a small country house, and for the construction of a two-story residential building.

You can build a house from factory logs that have been cylindered yourself without hiring a hired contractor. construction crew. Such lumber is usually sold in the form of a finished frame, but disassembled into parts with numbered elements. This construction set only needs to be brought to the site and assembled in accordance with the project.

When choosing rounded logs for building a house, the main attention should be paid to:

    The absence of even a hint is not rot and wormholes;

    Compliance with its design specifications in terms of length, section and curvature;

    The presence of markings on the end;

    No chips or other mechanical damage;

    Degree of drying - whether it is naturally wet or dried in a chamber.

When choosing a log for your home, you should remember that chamber-dried logs are more expensive than their atmospheric-dried counterparts. The former have a humidity of about 12–18%, and the latter – in the region of 18–23%.

Log houses made from artificially dried wood are less susceptible to shrinkage after construction. If the walls of a building made of atmospheric-dry wood dry out and settle by 10–15 percent in the first year, then those made of artificially dry wood only by 1–2 percent.

Wet wood is more difficult to sand and treat differently than dry wood. Damp lumber does not absorb antibacterial and fire retardant compounds well. After harvesting the log house, a house made from logs that have not been dried is usually left for the winter to get rid of moisture naturally. And the building made from dried round timber is immediately ready for finishing and occupancy.

Pros and cons of rounded logs

Among the advantages of rounded logs are:

    Natural beauty of natural wood texture;

    Natural exchange of air through wooden walls, helping to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the cottage;

    High characteristics of heat and sound insulation of the house;

    Saving time and money on finishing due to the absence of the need for additional wall processing;

    Simplicity and high speed of assembly log housesimilar houses assembled literally in a couple of weeks;

    Manifold finished projects cottages with different designs interior;

    Absence of harmful emissions and complete environmental safety of building materials;

    Durability of the structure - wooden building It will last 60–80 years without any problems.

When choosing a rounded log for your home, you need to understand that without proper protection the tree will quickly rot. In most industries, this lumber is impregnated and coated various compositions. But it also doesn’t hurt to treat the walls yourself.

In terms of architecture and layout, a house made of this material can be anything. This material allows you to implement the most bizarre designs, externally and internally. In terms of thermal insulation parameters and price, with equal wall thickness, wood is second only to SIP panels. However, in terms of environmental friendliness, wood will surpass a composite of OSB and polystyrene foam in all respects.

The disadvantages of rounded logs are as follows:

    Natural shrinkage, leading to twisting and bowing of the tree;

    Cracking of round timber after laying in a log house;

    Limitations in terms of finishing options in the house due to shrinkage of the latter;

    The need to treat lumber with protective agents;

    Fire hazard.

Take a seat log house There will be at least a year during which you won’t be able to do much with the finishing. Walls made of wood, in any case, will change their geometry during shrinkage. It is not for nothing that logs in such low-rise buildings are often left without any cladding. Then nothing will crack or go wrong.

Photos of log houses

A wooden house made of rounded logs is environmentally friendly, elegant and comfortable home. It is difficult to find a more practical and relatively inexpensive building material. Comparing the pros and cons of gas silicate blocks, brick and concrete with the advantages of this type of lumber, we can definitely say that wood is the best option in terms of all parameters. His only one significant drawback- this is flammability. But there are fire-retardant impregnations for this.

And finally, a real work of art made from rounded logs

Today, great importance is attached to ecology and healthy image life. And houses were no exception. Potential property owners are placing increasing demands on building materials. Every person dreams of an environmentally friendly, beautiful and cozy home, in which one could live comfortably. But what material to choose for construction? If you dream of a beautiful wooden house, your choice is obvious. A house made of rounded logs is a living embodiment of your dream.

A house made of rounded logs looks like a structure from a fairy tale, but do not forget that this material has its drawbacks: twisting, cracking, high humidity in the first years of operation.

But to be sure of the correctness decision taken, you should carefully study the materials in this article. It describes in detail the pros and cons of a house made of rounded logs.

Many people disagree: some argue that houses made of rounded logs are a pointless investment, others, on the contrary, speak positively about their durability. In order to draw the right conclusions, you should have an idea of ​​what a rounded system is and its features.

A distinctive feature of rounded logs is the same diameter of the processed logs.

A rounded log is an ordinary log processed using a special mechanism. His distinguishing feature– ideal diameter along the entire length.

Compared to similar wooden houses made from logs, building a house from rounded logs does not require professional construction skills. The technology for assembling this house is quite simple. The logs, due to their identical diameter, fit perfectly together, creating a solid and reliable structure.

So, let's look at the pros and cons in more detail.

Positive qualities of rounded logs

  • fast erectability;
  • perfectly even diameter;
  • presentable appearance;
  • average cost.

Thanks to the mechanical processing of products, the maximum possible quick assembly designs.

The diameter of the logs plays an important role at the construction stage.

Special technological cuts are made in the rounded log for ideal joining of logs during laying.

You won't need to select elements if they all have the same volume across. If we talk about the aesthetic side of the issue, a house made of rounded logs looks excellent.

Beautiful, smooth products folded into an ideal design. A rounded log is not as expensive as many imagine. And thanks to its easy assembly, you can save on builders by doing this work yourself.

But everyone, even the most ideal material has its downsides.

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Negative qualities of rounded logs

  • damage to the wood layer;
  • twisting and unwinding;
  • sagging;
  • the appearance of cracks on a separate element;
  • small diameter;
  • high humidity in the first few years after construction;
  • application of innovative technologies;
  • fire hazard.

One of the disadvantages of the material is curling and cracking, which lead to heat loss and increased humidity.

When the logs are processed, the conveyor method is used. But this is still not manual processing, where each log is given Special attention. A mechanical impact occurs on the densest layer of wood, and the internal balance of the surface is disrupted. Over time, logs can become damaged.

When a tree is in its natural environment, it is affected by many factors. For example, wind, rain, blizzard, etc. Thanks to this, the tree seems to “twist”, forming a spiral. And when it is cut down, the reverse process occurs.

It starts to unwind reverse side. If the wood was processed manually with an ax, the dense layer, the crust, remains intact and the unwinding process does not start. And if the log was impacted mechanically and damaged this layer, that is, they produced a rounding and started the unwinding process. And he goes much faster. After all, nothing will delay him. As a result, you can get a lot of damaged logs, which are replete with not only the cracks of the most different sizes, but they may even break.

When a specialist manually processes a log, he carefully studies the structure of the wood. Conveyor is a machine. And she, naturally, does not possess such skills. Consequently, crooked trunks are also processed. As a result, during the assembly of a house from rounded logs, curved logs do not fit well with normal straight ones and stick out from the walls. This compromises the integrity of the building, adversely affecting both its thermal insulation and appearance.

When even minor cracks appear in the logs, the level of thermal insulation is compromised.

Precipitation is more strongly reflected on logs, and as a result, the appearance of the house deteriorates.

Due to high humidity, without special treatment, mold and rot may form on logs.

When living in cold climates, you should definitely consider the diameter of the logs. It is best to use logs with a diameter of over 30 cm. But for rounded logs this is a real problem. Logs of such parameters are very difficult to select.

You should definitely take into account the fact that in the first few years after construction, increased humidity will be observed in a house made of rounded logs. Not all manufacturers dry the material before processing. This is a very expensive undertaking. And the drying process occurs already in the finished object, which can explain the excess moisture. This also occurs due to damage to the protective layer during processing. If the logs are processed by hand, drying out is usually not as noticeable.

In order to prevent the trunks from unwinding and bending, metal rods are driven into them. They should be checked and tightened if necessary within five years.

Due to the fact that wood itself is easily flammable, let alone impregnated various kinds compositions and even more so will flare up in seconds. If you are planning to build such a house, installation of all electrical connections trust the professionals.

Every person feels internal heat, comfort and tranquility, being in a house built of wood. Log houses made of wood are oldest material for building houses. And such emotions are associated with a sense of protection and comfort passed down from our ancestors.

Nowadays, wooden houses are no longer a luxury. It is more of a family outlet, a nest for spending country weekends or living close to nature. It is unlikely that log houses will ever go out of fashion.

Many companies offer construction wooden houses Full construction. Two months of waiting and you can become the happy owner of a luxurious house with an area of from 50 to 300 square meters . The number of floors is also not a problem; modern technologies offer reliable two and even three-story houses.

There are three common options for building wooden houses, using:

  1. Glued laminated timber.
  2. Profiled dry timber.
  3. Rounded logs.

Glued laminated timber is ideal for the construction of wooden houses. For bars use Carpathian spruce or pine. After construction, wood retains its size and shape, which allows it to be used in complex architectural projects.

The warmest, highest quality and most reliable house is considered to be one built using profiled dry timber. This kind of material more durable and surpasses other methods of wood processing in terms of heat resistance. Profiled dry timber is produced using chamber drying under humidity control within 16-18%. And special impregnations and paints add at least 10 years to the service life of wood. The shrinkage of a house built using this technology is minimal.

The most popular and budget-friendly are houses built from rounded logs. Such houses fit perfectly into the landscape and complement the natural picture. Such buildings bring us back to the world of our children's fairy tales. The production technology of such building material quite simple. Pine or spruce logs undergo mechanical processing using special equipment, after which they are obtained with the same diameter wooden beams. Shrinkage of a house built from rounded logs occurs within one year.

Advantages of log houses

House from wooden log house has many advantages. Scientists have proven that life expectancy in a wooden house increases by several years. The tree strengthens the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory system. Wooden houses are also an ideal solution for people who suffer from asthma. In such houses optimal microclimate and humidity.

From an economic point of view, wooden log houses are quite profitable. Wood, as a building material, has the ability to absorb heat from the environment and, as needed, gradually warm up the air in the room. This allows you to save on heating your home.

Not the last argument in favor of building wooden houses is their environmental friendliness. The world community has come to the idea of ​​caring for nature and preserving its resources. Adhering to this worldview, building a house from a wooden frame will be good example responsible attitude towards the environment. Tree, natural material, disposal, which, after use, will not be difficult. And the comfort created with the help of this building material is difficult to overestimate.

A little about the disadvantages of log houses

At first glance, there are many negative aspects in the construction of log houses:

  • Fragility. Yes, of course, such a house will not stand for centuries. But today, in times rapid development technologies, changes in human preferences and needs, a house that needs to be inherited by grandchildren loses its attractiveness. A wooden house will last a long time, bring joy and add health to its residents.
  • Fire hazard. Everyone knows that wood burns well. IN modern technologies To prepare wood as a building material, special impregnations and varnishes are used. Such wood is less flammable. Although the most modern precautions do not provide a 100% guarantee. Even according to all the rules, treated wood burns. You shouldn’t skimp on electrical wiring either. The lower the possibility of closure, the higher the chance of saving wooden house intact. Unfortunately, no one is immune from natural disasters. Lightning can easily destroy a log house. Having decided to build such a house, you must take care of a high-quality lightning rod.
  • Water, sun and snow, third largest negative point in the construction of wooden houses. But such a problem can be easily dealt with with the help of specialized varnishes and paints.
  • Wood has always been not only a material for housing construction, but also great home for a variety of fauna. Flies and beetles like to hibernate in wooden blocks. After construction, this problem arises when the heating is turned on in winter and all the living creatures crawl out, leaving cracks and holes in the wooden panel.
  • Trouble can be poorly dried wood. The fact that the core dries more slowly than the outer surface can lead to cracks. When choosing a building material, it is better to double-check its quality.
  • If the customer is a connoisseur of silence and solitude, then a wooden house is not for him. Such houses have a fairly low level of sound insulation.

Houses made from timber frames have quite a few disadvantages, but each can be dealt with if all construction and fire codes and regulations are observed.

Let's take stock

In a humid climate, a wooden house is not the best the best choice. But, with the right and responsible approach to construction, timely and professional care behind a log house, it will last a long time. The choice to build a log house should be made by people who dream of country house where the family spends their weekends or free time. Wood creates incredible coziness and comfort, helps with diseases respiratory tract and calms frayed nerves in the city. The main thing to remember is that wood requires careful care. And also you should not skimp on the quality of building materials.