Caring for a potted orchid at home. Orchid: how to grow a luxurious flower from the tropics with your own hands

Exotic beauty and the sophistication of orchids amazes people even far from floriculture. Is it difficult to tame a tropical beauty? What are the rules for caring for an orchid so that it pleases with its lush greenery and luxurious inflorescences?

Many fans indoor floriculture Those who have not previously grown these unusual plants may have the wrong idea about caring for an orchid at home as an overly painstaking and time-consuming process. But having gotten to know flowers better, it turns out that keeping an orchid of one of the common types in a room is not so difficult.

How to care for an orchid at home, what conditions are required for an exotic crop that has ended up in an indoor pot?

Right managed care implies the creation of conditions close to natural. Orchid on for a long time will maintain health and decorativeness if:

  • all the flower’s needs for nutrition, lighting and watering are taken into account and provided;
  • the plant is satisfied with the temperature and humidity conditions, the composition of the soil and the applied fertilizers.

When choosing an orchid for home grown It must be remembered that the plant has many varieties, differing in appearance, natural growing conditions, and needs.

Without leaving this fact unattended, you can significantly simplify the care of orchids for beginners and for flower growers who already know a lot about the maintenance of this crop.

Most of the plants found in interiors are epiphytes that arrived from the tropics. They are easily recognized by their succulent aerial rhizomes, which not only provide the flower with moisture and nutrition, but also take part in the process of photosynthesis. There are orchids that are accustomed to living on rocks, where the soil layer, like on trees, is extremely small.

For such plants, air humidity and looseness of the substrate are important. But soil species, except usual care for an orchid, they also need nutritious soil.

Features of orchid lighting

In the tropics, where the vast majority come from indoor species, orchids grow in conditions of long daylight hours and moderately bright, diffuse lighting. The same conditions are recreated in a situation where the orchid is cared for at home.

The optimal duration of daylight hours for actively growing and flowering orchids is 13–15 hours, practically not decreasing in winter time. Therefore, additional lighting will not be superfluous when caring for an orchid.

You should not place pots on south-facing windows without well-thought-out shading. Bright sunlight can leave brown or yellow marks on the foliage, and buds in direct hot rays may even fall off. The best place– is it the east or west side. On northern windows, lighting will be required even in summer.

If the place for the plant is chosen incorrectly, even with proper care at home, the orchids, as in the photo, turn yellow, their leaves lose their elasticity, dry out, flowering becomes rare or does not occur at all.

Moisture in the air - basic rules for caring for an orchid at home

Increased air humidity is extremely important for successful cultivation. tropical plant. And if in the summer it is quite possible to achieve the desired 60–70%, then in the winter the gardener will have to try.

How to properly care for an orchid while working heating devices mercilessly drying the air in the room? To maintain such air humidity, electric humidifiers and household products are used.

The container in which the flowers are grown can be placed on damp moss placed in a shallow tray. If you don’t have sphagnum moss on hand that retains moisture for a long time, expanded clay is used in the same way. The plants feel best in a florarium or indoor greenhouse, separated from the rest of the room by plastic or glass.

When a gardener uses foliar spraying for care, this should be done regularly and carefully. Try not to get on the flowers. It is extremely undesirable to allow a still wet orchid to cool. Because this will lead to the development of fungus on succulent leaves and aerial roots.

You need to irrigate the flower in the first half of the day with water. room temperature Until the foliage has dried, the pot is protected in every possible way from cold air and drafts.

Watering when caring for an orchid in a pot

When studying information on how to care for an orchid at home, a novice gardener should not ignore the issue of watering these natives of the tropics.

The appearance of a plant alone can tell a lot about its preferences and needs. Powerful aerial and underground rhizomes are designed to obtain and store moisture. In addition, save some nutrients and water the flower can in the leaves that have individual species noticeably thickened.

All orchids are moisture-loving and require abundant watering, in which the soil ball or loose coarse-grained substrate poured into the pot is completely wet.

But how to care for an orchid at different times of the year? Does the frequency of watering change? How can you find out about the “thirst” of a flower located in a mixture of bark, expanded clay, pieces of foam plastic and other materials that bear little resemblance to traditional soil?

The watering schedule, as well as other orchid care procedures, must be adjusted when the season changes. In the warm season, a potted orchid receives water more often than in winter. But it is better to underwater the plant than to overwater it.

Thick leaves and roots will help the orchid survive short-term drought, but excess moisture, and especially its stagnation, is a sure step towards rotting of the roots.

Tropical guests at home land in transparent plastic pots or containers with special slots. This makes it possible to monitor the condition of the root system. The rhizomes themselves participate in photosynthesis and consume nutrients and moisture more easily. But how to care for an orchid in a pot of such an unusual design?

It is necessary to water the flower in a continuous container from above. It is convenient to immerse pots with slots in prepared water for 4–6 minutes. During this time, the substrate will be saturated with moisture, and the excess will drain freely.

In summer, the substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week, when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. In the cold season, the frequency of watering is sharply reduced.

The need for water is recognized by rhizomes that have lost their elasticity, slightly shriveled and drooping leaves. A healthy plant quickly recovers after moistening the soil.

Limp foliage on regularly watered orchids should alert the gardener. Perhaps the roots were once flooded and now need sanitization.

Feeding indoor orchids

Like other indoor crops that are forced to grow in a limited volume of substrate, orchids need regular feeding. But these plants should not be fertilized too often. It is optimal if specialized liquid formulations are paid no more than twice a month. This is done only during the period of active growth and flowering.

An increased salt content in the soil negatively affects the condition of the plant. How to care for an orchid if there are traces of salinity on the surface of the filler in the pot? It is better not to fight this phenomenon, but to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, they alternate with washing the root system, for which the pot is immersed in warm, soft water for several minutes.

If the feeding included in caring for an orchid is excessive, the flower will tolerate temperature changes less well. The plant is more often affected by pests and fungi.

Orchid care after flowering

The wilting of flowers on an orchid is a sure sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It will not lose foliage, but it will develop and feed significantly less until the future appearance of buds. How to care for an orchid at this time?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the peduncle that remains without bright corollas. While he saves green color and juiciness, it is left.

In some cases, buds are formed again on the same peduncle. Daughter plants are also formed, tiny rosettes, which, when their own roots form, are cut off and planted in a separate pot. Choose a loose substrate for orchids. But signs of withering of the peduncle suggest that it is time to cut it out.

If an indoor orchid has bloomed long and profusely, it is not right to allow reappearance buds, as happens on certain plant varieties. This will only further weaken the flower.

In order for the culture to quickly and well regain its strength, caring for the orchid after flowering includes fertilizing or replanting the flower. However, the latter procedure can be stressful for the plant, since the roots not only tightly wrap around the substrate, but also penetrate into the holes and extend beyond the pot.

A video about caring for an orchid at home will explain all the intricacies of handling this spectacular tropical flower. If you follow rules that are simple even for a beginner, your indoor collection will grow amazingly beautiful plant. The plant, feeling cared for, will respond with long, bright flowering.

Video: proper care of an orchid at home

Phalaenopsis orchid

An orchid, like a real aristocrat, is fragile and hardy. She will endure drought, starvation, and lack of attention with dignity and a flourishing appearance. But from too much care it can wither away. What should be the components of caring for an orchid at home in order to create a comfortable environment for it? Difficulties in growing for beginners are due to ignorance of the character traits of an exotic guest.

5 main principles of life

The first experience of growing exotic flowers indoors was negative - they tried to breed them in the same way as terrestrial representatives of the flora. Only after understanding biological features epiphytic lifestyle, florists managed to tame unusual plant, learned to properly care for them.

To understand how to care for an orchid at home, let’s look at the principles of the plant’s life in its natural habitat.

  • Intense diffused lighting is the main factor in keeping orchid plants. Judging by the photos of epiphytes in nature, they strive for the sun all their lives, climbing tree trunks, but do not come into contact with direct rays. Foliage diffuses light and protects the plant from scorching influences.
  • The difference between day and night temperatures is necessary to start photosynthesis. If in plants of temperate latitudes gas exchange occurs during the day, then in orchids it occurs at night. This is a protective mechanism that prevents excessive evaporation of moisture. The leaves will begin to absorb carbon dioxide, necessary for photosynthesis, only when they sense that the air has become cooler.
  • Epiphytes do not need soil, but they do need a lot of air. The covering tissue of the root (velamen) resembles a sponge. It cannot stop absorbing moisture on its own, so to prevent rotting processes from starting, it needs constant ventilation.
  • High air humidity compensates for the lack of a stable source of moisture. In an apartment, the substrate plays the role of storage. The change of seasons from heavy rains to hot periods taught orchids to accumulate moisture (fleshy leaves, stems, pseudobulbs, integumentary tissues roots).
  • Indoor culture is “programmed” to alternate watering with periods of drying. A slight “drought” stimulates flowering. Before flowering, it is recommended to take care of the orchid so that it believes that the rainy season is over and the insects necessary for pollinating the flowers have appeared.

Advice! As soon as buds have formed on the peduncle, it is advisable not to change the location of the pot in relation to the light. Otherwise, this will lead to a shortening of the flowering period and premature dropping of flowers.

Taking these factors into account makes it possible to optimize the conditions for growing orchids and bring them closer to natural environment growth, to compensate for some things due to the adaptive abilities of the plant. The components of comfortable content can be roughly combined into three blocks:

  • growing conditions
  • maintenance of vital functions (watering, fertilizing, transplanting)
  • taking into account species characteristics

The solution to the problem of how to effectively care for an orchid and achieve bright and long-lasting flowering begins with the new settlers being settled and equipped.


Light is needed diffused, with moderate intensity. Excess sun leads to overheating of the roots and burns on the leaves. Even more destructive is its deficiency - the orchid stops growing, withers, and does not bloom. How to choose the right place?


  • Windows with southern and southeastern exposure provide a lot of light, especially in summer. If there is no other option, an orchid in a pot will feel more comfortable at some distance from the south window. To shade the glass, use parchment paper; the shadow will be created by tulle. Lovers of bright lighting will like it here - Vanda, Cymbidium, Dendrobium. If you care for them properly, you can leave them next to south-facing windows during the summer.
  • Western and southwestern windows are the best option for many types of orchids. The sun comes here in the afternoon, when its rays are more gentle.
  • The north side is too dark. In order for the plant to develop on northern windows, illumination with a fluorescent lamp is useful. The exception is the shade-tolerant Cambria, some species of Paphiopedilum, Masdevalia.


The temperature range at which orchids feel comfortable is 18–27⁰ C during the day, 13–24⁰ C at night. How to care for orchids, taking into account the species' tolerance to low or high temperatures?

  • The group of heat-loving flowers that tolerate heat up to 35⁰C and are not so susceptible to the lack of fluctuations in day and night temperatures includes Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, dwarf Vanda, Paphiopedilum.
  • The beautiful Cattleya, whose photo is mesmerizing, Cymbidium, Odontoglossum love moderate temperatures, not exceeding 22⁰ C during the day, and 15–16⁰ C at night.
  • Even more cold-loving - Cambria, Masdevalia, Miltonia, accustomed in the natural environment to a cool climate with high humidity air.

Along with observing the thermal regime, indoor culture needs an influx fresh air, especially in summer. It performs a thermoregulatory function, dries the roots, and fills the substrate with oxygen.

Cymbidium during flowering

Air humidity

At home it is important to learn how to support optimal humidity in room. For beginners, it is better to start getting acquainted with orchids with species that are less demanding in terms of this maintenance parameter. In an apartment with a humidity level of 40–50%, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum, Cambria, and Oncidium will grow well. More high level Humidity (75–90%) is important for Vanda and Miltonia.

In the heat, moisture evaporation increases over the entire surface of the plant. It is compensated by increasing the humidity of the surrounding air. In apartment conditions, they use a household humidifier, an indoor fountain, containers with water, and soaked pieces of fabric placed and laid out nearby. During the hot period, care is supplemented with irrigation from a spray bottle, sprinkling, combining them with ventilation. Otherwise, a warm, humid environment will provoke the appearance of fungal and bacterial diseases.


Suitable dishes are an important element of caring for an indoor orchid. There is an opinion that a transparent container is important for the growth and photosynthesis of the root system. This is a mistake - it is not light that is important to the roots, but air, but the material is important for the convenience of keeping the orchid in a pot.

Florists are happy to use polypropylene pots. It is better for beginners to start growing orchids with them. The plastic holds moisture well and the plant roots do not become overcooled. And, most importantly, it is more convenient to control the situation with the substrate and roots. For additional air exchange, the pots are perforated - holes are made along the walls of the container. Ideal for Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium.

Cymbidium, Cambria, Paphiopedilum, Oncidium, and other varieties with pseudobulbs are grown in pottery. Its advantages are breathability, uniform distribution of moisture over the substrate, and stability of the pot. The best option shape - height equal to diameter. An exception is Cymbidium; its powerful and long rhizome requires a tall flowerpot.

Wanda looks attractive in the photo glass vase. When choosing a container for it, it is preferable to have a shape that allows you to contain the rhizome inside, and the leaf part and flowers outside. This is not so impressive, but it is correct from the point of view of the life of the plant.


If in nature a tree trunk acts as a support and source of useful humus, at home this function is performed by soil consisting of pieces of pine bark, moss, peat, and charcoal. Thanks to its airy structure, it provides aeration to the roots, accumulates and gradually releases moisture and nutrition. The nutritional value of the substrate is judged by the power of the root system. The poorer it is, the more aerial roots the plant has - they, like tentacles, spread out in search of food and water. A compact root system indicates that your pet gets plenty of everything.

Advice! How to care for the substrate if the water for irrigation is hard? Use a planting mixture with pieces of peat. A useful additive will slow down oxidation, it will last for 2-3 years until the next transplant.

Important points

Right organized conditions content is the basis for proper care of orchids at home. Especially important.


Water is the second most important factor (after light) on which health and blooming species representatives of the orchid family. Individual moisture intake is affected by species features, light intensity, evaporation, soil mixture composition, growing season.

  • Phalaenopsis, Miltonia, Paphiopedilum, Cymbidium, Cambria like the substrate to be moist, but not wet. They prefer the planting mixture to dry completely before the next watering: Dendrobium, Cattleya, Odontoglossum, Oncidium.
  • In summer, the higher the air temperature, the brighter the sunlight, the stronger the evaporation, the more often watering is needed. In winter, it is recommended to reduce watering to a minimum (1-2 times per month).
  • A coarse substrate without peat or moss dries faster; containing sphagnum and half-decomposed pieces of bark, it retains moisture longer.
  • Reduce the amount of watering during the dormant period. For bookmarking to occur flower bud, the plant must feel the onset of drought and receive a kind of impetus to flower.

Advice! Water for irrigation is preferably soft - rain, filtered, distilled, at a temperature several degrees warmer than the surrounding air. Among the water procedures, watering by immersion, spraying on the ground and the back of leaves, and bathing in the shower are effective.

Orchid Oncidium


Care will be incomplete if you do not replenish the supply of nutrients important for growth and flowering. - means following the rules.

  1. Feed the tropical guest between flowering intervals once every 2–3 weeks. When new growth begins, apply fertilizers with an NPK ratio in favor of nitrogen; during the period of flowering, emphasize potassium and phosphorus.
  2. You can fertilize only on a damp substrate so that the roots do not get a chemical burn.
  3. Do not fertilize during flowering - the supply of mineral elements received the day before will last for 3-4 months. Avoid fertilizing in winter and during the dormant period.
  4. To absorb nutrients, you need a low acidity environment, not contaminated with mineral salts. It is also recommended to take care of the soil - regularly wash it with distilled water, change acidic and saline soils.

A year after transplantation, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Miltonia, Cambria can do without feeding. There are enough minerals in the soil mixture for life. Care for them is limited to regular watering and spraying.

Wanda is sensitive to fertilizing. Since it grows without a substrate, the rhizomes need to be sprayed daily; every third irrigation is recommended to be done with fertilizers.

What to do during and after flowering

Photos of blooming orchids are something special. During the active flowering phase, the plant needs to be properly cared for. It is recommended to water abundantly and stop fertilizing. a short period of rest is needed, then they begin to actively - water, fertilize, . After drying, the peduncle is cut off completely or to the first living bud. It is quite capable of producing a new generation of flowers.

Properly caring for indoor orchids is difficult at first glance, especially for beginners. Understanding will come as soon as you learn to feel your pet, see and decipher the signals it gives.

Orchids, according to experienced gardeners, are demanding plants in terms of care and growing conditions. WITH

soil remaining, lighting, watering method - you need to take into account many nuances when deciding to plant this plant at home beautiful flower.

Not every variety of orchid is suitable for growing at home, since many of them grow wild or are “accustomed” to special climatic conditions.

Orchids do not have pollen to attract pollinating insects. Not every species even has nectar. Their main advantage is their beautiful appearance and aroma.

What type of orchids can you grow at home?

Orchids come in a variety of sizes, shades, and petal shapes. In total there are more than 20,000 species. In our climatic zone it is quite possible to breed dozens of varieties, but many of them require special conditions contents that are almost impossible to create at home, except perhaps in greenhouses.

Best view orchids suitable for home growing – Phalaenopsis. The plant blooms beautifully and for a long time, and comes in different shades. The window sill will be an excellent “place of residence” for him. Seed material is easy to get - you can find it at any gardening market.


Are you no longer new to this business and are you successfully growing Phalaenopsis orchids? Then you can try planting another type of flower - a more “complex” one. For example:

Dendrobium orchid. For active growth of the beauty, coolness is required. It blooms for no more than a month.

Cattleya Orchid. The plant loves a warm, but not hot climate. Flowers can reach 20 cm in diameter.

Vanda Orchid. Heat-loving species with a powerful root system. The flowers are large and become brighter as they develop.

Orchid Zygopetalum. A plant with beautiful fragrant inflorescences. Petals are two or three colors. Representatives of this species do not like the scorching rays of the sun.

Growing an orchid at home is much easier by rooting a cutting. The seeds of the plant are so small that they look like light dust. Seed propagation orchids are a complex technology that requires special skills and experience. This method of cultivation is suitable for breeding new hybrids and cultivation in greenhouses. That's why, preference will be given to high-quality cuttings, purchased from local flower growers and specialized nurseries.

Preparing soil and containers for growing orchids

The main task of the container for planting orchids and the soil mixture used is to support the flower in an upright position, provide oxygen access to the roots and remove moisture from them. If there is a wet substrate in the container, the roots of the plant will die.

There should be a lot of voids in the soil, which garden soil cannot provide - it is too dense. Therefore, the substrate for growing orchids either does not contain soil at all or contains it in small quantities. Beginning flower growers are recommended to buy in the store already ready mixture for rooting cuttings. Want to do everything yourself? Then stock up on time and patience. Eat several options for preparing the substrate for growing orchids:

Pine bark (for small flowers - fraction 3-6 mm; for large flowers - fraction of bark 6-10 mm).

Fern + peat + leaf soil+ pine bark + charcoal (3:3:2:1:1).

Pine bark + coal (10:1).

Before preparing the soil, pine bark is dried, otherwise mold will quickly form in the substrate. Additionally, moss is used, but it is not added to the mixture itself, but rather the upper roots are covered with it.

As containers for growing For orchids, plastic pots, nets, and wire flowerpots are suitable. Experienced flower growers use special purchased blocks, which may consist of bark, cork and driftwood.

Planting orchids: blocks, pots, baskets

When the container and substrate are prepared, a high-quality cutting is purchased, we begin planting the orchid. The key to success is high-quality planting material. The cuttings should be without signs of disease and not withered. Before planting, sterilize the cuttings with fungicides, garden varnish or charcoal.

Planting rules taking into account the selected container:

Pot. Fill the container 1/3 full with drainage (broken shards or bricks, expanded clay, polystyrene foam). Place the orchid on the drainage, the roots of which must be secured to the wire base with nylon thread or soft wire. Cover the plant with the prepared substrate so that the horizontal part of the stem remains on the surface of the soil.

Basket. In this case, a drainage layer is not needed - oxygen will flow unhindered to the roots. Attach a wire mesh to the bottom of the container (often it is replaced with a layer of bark or moss). Place the roots of the cutting along the grid. Pour the substrate on top. To increase the moisture holding capacity of the soil, the cracks in the basket can be covered with moss.

Block. There should be a hook at the top of the block for attaching it to the wall. If this is not provided in the purchased material, make it yourself fastener. When growing an orchid in normal humidity conditions, a moss base will be required under the cutting. Place the plant on the block (be careful not to break the roots!), cover them with moss on top. Secure the orchid to a block using fishing line, wire or nylon thread.

Do not water the planted orchid for several days. Next, growing a flower will consist of proper care for it - watering, creating good lighting and ventilation, maintaining normal humidity levels.

We create suitable conditions for growing orchids

Be careful when creating suitable conditions for your orchid, otherwise the plant will not take root. Conditions for growing and caring for the flower:

Lighting. Indoor orchids partial shade is needed. If the pot with the plant is on the windowsill, remove it from there towards noon. The orchid also takes root well under artificial lighting - lamps that produce white light are used. At autumn bloom, provide it with additional lighting so that the buds do not dry out and have time to bloom. IN winter period the flower must be illuminated for at least 12 hours.

Temperature. The flower tolerates elevated temperatures better than cold. The optimal temperature range for growing orchids is 28-30 ˚С. To stimulate flowering, it can be kept at 12-15˚C for a couple of weeks.

Humidity. The optimal humidity level when caring for an orchid is 60-80%. At lower rates, provide your beauty with a special tray with a grate, water is poured into the bottom, and a drainage layer is poured on top. Place a tray under the plant so that the evaporating moisture nourishes the plant.

Ventilation. Constant air movement is especially important for cold-loving orchids. But the plants will not tolerate drafts! If there is no good natural ventilation, sometimes you can turn on the fan.

Watering. Under normal conditions, an orchid can go without watering for 2 weeks. Water the plant when the substrate dries out. Orchids love abundant watering. The quality of moisture can be judged by appearance root system. If the roots turn green, there is enough moisture in the soil. But their brown color indicates excessive waterlogging. Water the orchid with settled tap water(22-24 ˚С). Try to prevent water from getting on the leaves - you can infect it with rot. Although occasionally (especially in hot weather) you can spray the orchid leaves with a spray bottle. During the period when you place the orchid in a cool room to stimulate flowering, watering should be reduced.

Fertilizer. Feed the plantings with liquid fertilizers designed specifically for orchids every 3-4 weeks. You can do the feeding yourself. The plant responds well to the application of nitrogenous fertilizers during the growing season.

Under good growing conditions and regular feeding, the orchid will bloom and grow actively. Gradually, the root system of the flower grows strongly, displacing the substrate from the pot. It's arrived time to replant beauty into another container. This is done like this:

Remove the plant from the soil.

Carefully free the roots from any remaining substrate. If they cannot be cleared of small pebbles, place the root system in water with warm water for about 20-30 minutes - the adhering soil will be washed off. Dead roots can be cut off so that they do not further inhibit the growth of the orchid.

Dry the orchid (at least 6 hours).

Prepare a new pot in advance larger diameter than it was before.

The planting pattern is the same as when rooting cuttings.

The main task when replanting a plant is not to injure the roots. If some roots have been removed, the plant will require special care in the first months after changing its “place of residence” - additional support for the trunk, covering with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

orchid transplant

What pests and diseases should an orchid be protected from?

Along with the purchased seedling, you can also bring uninvited “guests” into the house - pests, which over time can destroy the orchid. We list the most dangerous insects for flowers:

Shield. A small insect that feeds on plant sap. During its life, mucus is formed, which destroys the living tissues of the orchid. A sign of leaf damage from scale insects is dark spots on the leaves. It is not easy to cure a plant - remove all pests from the orchid, spray special means, change the substrate, wash the leaves with water every five days for a month.

scale insect on an orchid

Chervets. When attacked by small “fluffy” insects, the orchid’s leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. To detect scale insects, regular inspection of the plant is necessary. It is easier to prevent its spread - remove dried leaves in a timely manner, regularly wipe the leaves with water. Have you found pests on your orchid? You will have to remove each of them with a stick and treat the plant with a special compound.

worm on an orchid

Whitefly. The larvae of this butterfly suck the juice from the orchid, which can lead to the death of the plant. The whitefly is clearly visible - you will immediately see it on the flower. If a pest is found, wash the flower with a solution laundry soap(1:6), treat the substrate and plant with a special product, regularly wipe the leaves with water.

Orchids, even if they live in room conditions, can also be affected by diseases.

The following “infections” are typical:

Anthracnose. Brown spots appear on the orchid leaves, darkening over time. The cause of the damage is high humidity, abundant moisture of the substrate. To cure a plant, it is necessary to cut out the affected areas and treat the cut area with wood ash. If large areas are affected, treat the plant with special biological preparations.

anthracosis on an orchid

Powdery mildew. The plant becomes covered with a whitish coating, which leads to drying out of the affected area of ​​the plant. The cause of the disease is excessive humidity and elevated temperature. For treatment, you can spray the orchid with a solution of colloidal sulfur. A couple of hours before the procedure, water the substrate thoroughly.

Pests and diseases are not always the cause of orchid wilting - flower growers themselves, due to lack of experience in growing these whimsical flowers, make mistakes.

If you properly care for your orchid, it will delight you for many years.

The orchid is a capricious beauty; it places high demands on its living conditions. The flower takes root in light soil intended for ornamental plants. It needs regular watering and sunlight. I keep an orchid in a spacious room. I do not recommend placing it in the kitchen: foreign odors irritate this crop.

The Orchid flower belongs to the orchid family. It is found in Brazil and Argentina, growing in the mountains located near the sea. Growing a flower is not difficult, but it is very important to create a favorable microclimate for it. Orchid growing in natural conditions, prefers shaded areas; at home it is better to keep it under diffused light.

Ideal substrate for an orchid:

  • clean;
  • easy;
  • fertile.

Most ornamental plants do not respond well to direct rays of the sun; orchids are no exception! Place it in the west or east.

If your windows are on the south side, make sure the plant receives light through the curtain. During the growing season, the orchid develops favorably at temperatures from + 19 to + 23 degrees.

At night I advise you to take it out onto the veranda. The orchid does not tolerate temperature changes. In winter, she has a rest period; the air temperature should be within + 15 degrees.

At any time of the year, do not allow the flower to be exposed to drafts. Don't water it too often. In summer, especially in dry weather, the orchid requires a lot of water. At this time, it forms sprouts.

I water my flower once every 5 days, add boiled water at a temperature of + 26 degrees. The orchid should not suffer from excess moisture, so you need to remove water from the pan. Otherwise, the roots will begin to rot and the plant will get sick! Before planting or picking, you need to lay drainage on the bottom of the pot (I used broken bricks).

In winter, the orchid has a dormant period: from the beginning of December it is necessary to water it very moderately, approximately once every 18 days. It is forbidden to over-water the plant during the dormant period!

When watering, you need to ensure that water gets to the trunk. An orchid, like any indoor plant, loves spraying. This procedure is useful at any time of the year.

If the flower grows in a room where air humidity is low, the leaves become dry. To humidify the air in the room, you need to place an ordinary vessel with water. The orchid responds positively to ventilation, but I repeat that it does not tolerate drafts.

How is picking done?

The indoor flower we are considering does not tolerate transplantation well, but it should be picked once every 3.5 years. If you notice that the substrate is making bad smell, carefully replant the orchid. An orchid may protrude roots from the soil: in this case, you need to take it out and remove the dry ones. aerial roots, then transplant it into a larger pot.

I am like experienced florist, I recommend picking in March, when the flower is not growing very actively. It is transplanted into a spacious plastic pot. It is better to abandon ceramic ones, since it will absorb a certain amount of moisture, which in turn is necessary for the plant.

The orchid should be replanted in fertile soil substrate. A good option- a mixture for indoor flowers. To improve its properties, it is necessary to dilute it with a small amount of vermiculite. It will accumulate moisture and give it to the roots.

The pH level of the mixture should be no more than 6.5. Before planting a flower in a new place, you should moisten the soil mixture with a spray bottle. It is necessary to remove the plant along with the earthen lump.

If small debris, such as bark, is stuck to the roots, you need to soak the plant in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, you need to carefully separate the debris, lay the drainage and, holding the plant, add soil mixture. After transplantation, I recommend keeping the orchid in conditions of high humidity.

Other important nuances

In order for an orchid to grow well at home, you need to feed it. I advise you to use a weakly concentrated product for epiphytes or, in fact, orchids. It is better to apply fertilizer from mid-spring to early autumn (the dosage should be 2 times less than that indicated in the instructions).

I feed the orchid once every 15 days. I apply some compositions for ornamental plants at the root, and spray others on the orchid. In winter, it is very important to provide the flower with peace. We can say that the orchid makes high demands on living conditions. She is called a whimsical sissy. In order for the plant to bloom magnificently, you need to water it on time.

During the period of active growth, you need to keep the flower in conditions of moderate humidity. I don’t recommend placing it in the north; it’s better to place it in the south, shading the windows with paper or a curtain. If the plant is in suitable conditions, its leaves take on a pink color and the flowers emit a rich aroma.

Certain types of orchids, such as miltonia, bloom all year round. After a period of dormancy, the plant forms a peduncle, at which time care is resumed.

One arrow blooms from 1 to 1.5 months, but again, it all depends on the species. With the onset of spring, I advise you to move the orchid to a cool room with moderate humidity. Keep it at a temperature of + 18 to + 21 degrees.

Reproduction methods

Beginner gardeners are interested in how to propagate an orchid. Dividing the bush is practiced. The cuttings (planting material) can be used when replanting the plant. An orchid with 6 bulbs is suitable for propagation.

Carefully remove it from the pot, divide it so that one part contains roots and 3 pseudobulbs. Planting material pour into small containers.

If an orchid grows in a saline substrate, it loses its attractiveness. In this case, you need to replant it or start using soft water for watering. With moderate moisture, the acidity of the soil will be restored, and the plant will breathe easier.

Let me remind you once again that excess moisture is harmful, as it can lead to rotting of the roots! Having discovered signs of rot, you need to remove the plant from the pot and remove the affected roots, treat the cuts with crushed coal. You will need to transplant the orchid to suitable substrate, in the future water more moderately.

Problems when growing a flower

If it turns yellow, you should find out the cause of the problem, it could be:

  • keeping in unsuitable conditions, for example, under the sun;
  • errors in irrigation;
  • excessive feeding.

If the roots are damaged, the plant needs to be revived. Restoring an orchid is a long process and takes from 7 to 12 months. Not proper care behind it is the reason for the death of the root system.

“Resuscitation” involves daily soaking the orchid in water at room temperature. A growth stimulator is used once every 15 days.

After some time, the plant forms new roots. Once they have grown to 6 cm, plant it in a spacious pot with a suitable soil mixture.

The flower can be attacked by pests:

  • spider mites;
  • whiteflies;

They feed on juice sheet plates and disrupt photosynthesis. In the fight against insects, you should use Atellik or the drug “Biotlin”.

If the orchid does not bloom, move it to a lighted room. The plant should not bloom in winter, as it has a dormant period. If it does not receive enough light at other times of the year, keep it under fluorescent lamps: turn them on for 5 - 6 hours.

It happens that the peduncle turns yellow and dies. In this case, you need to delete it. I do not recommend touching the brownish peduncle: it can form flowers. If ornamental culture It has faded and doesn’t want to bloom anymore, it needs to be hardened off.

To stimulate the formation of buds, keep the orchid at an air temperature of + 11 degrees, water sparingly. Should be gradually hardened blooming orchid. During the day, keep it at a temperature of + 22 to + 26 degrees, and at night - at a temperature of + 11 degrees. After some time, it should form buds.

The plant may shed buds and leaves. The cause of this problem is lack of moisture. As I already said, you need to spray the orchid. This culture is sensitive. It is not recommended to keep it near vegetables and fruits. Fruits emit substances harmful to the orchid.

If the leaves wrinkle at the edges, you should move the plant to a cooler room. At night, keep it at a temperature of + 9 degrees. It may happen that you water the flower regularly, but its leaves will be limp. In this case, you will need to reduce watering and transplant the plant into a larger pot. The roots of the flower should not be cramped!

Ecology of knowledge. Home: Growing an orchid at home is not for the lazy; an orchid requires special care, but it gives the hostess real magic. How to properly maintain and care for an orchid.

Growing an orchid at home is not an activity for the lazy; an orchid requires special care, but it gives the owner real magic. How to properly maintain and care for an orchid.

Orchid content

Remember that an orchid is an epiphyte. That is, in natural conditions it lives on other plants, usually trees. Therefore, it should be planted not in the ground, but in a special substrate. You can buy orchid substrate ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself. Take dry pine bark and boil thoroughly. Dry. After a couple of days, boil again. This is necessary for destruction harmful insects. Cut the finished bark into small pieces (pieces 1.5-2 cm in size). Mix with dried, crushed sphagnum moss. The substrate is ready.

A few words about the orchid pot. When choosing a pot for an orchid, experts recommend a white one or, even better, a transparent one - this one will not heat up in the sun and will not overheat the roots of the plant. Interestingly, a plastic pot is better - in a clay pot, the roots of orchids grow to its porous walls and are therefore severely injured during transplantation. There must be holes in the pot, because one of the main conditions for the healthy well-being of orchids is excellent ventilation. In addition, water will not stagnate there.

The pot is ready. Now, to make caring for the orchid easier, we place drainage on the bottom, which is necessary for good water movement. Small pieces of polystyrene foam (0.5-1 cm) can be used as drainage. The drainage layer should occupy a little less than one-fourth of the pot, then lay the prepared substrate on three-quarters and place the orchid. Do not press down the roots under any circumstances! Having arranged the plant, fill the pot with the remaining substrate.

And remember - an orchid is replanted once every 3 years, no more often.

Orchid lighting

Orchid is a very light-loving plant. The availability of the required amount of light determines whether the orchid will bloom and for how long. But at the same time, she cannot stand the bright midday sun. So it is better to place the pot with the beauty on a western or eastern window. If this is not possible, provide the flower with additional light. You can determine how an orchid is feeling by looking at the leaves - if they have become very dark, then there is not enough light, and if they turn yellow or become covered with spots, then you have too much light.

Watering and feeding the orchid.

The orchid should be watered every 2-3 days in summer, and 1-2 times a week in winter. Make sure that the substrate dries out significantly in between waterings; orchids do not like waterlogging. Water the orchid by placing the flower pot in a bowl of water for 10 minutes, and the substrate collects water through the holes in the pot. Then drain the water, and let the plant stand in an empty container for the same amount of time.

There is no point in watering the plant from above, like all other flowers; the flower will not receive the required amount of moisture in this way. For watering, use warm, settled water. An indicator of a lack of moisture is wrinkled leaves and pseudobulbs, and an excess of moisture is darkened or, especially, rotting roots.

Orchids do not like dry air, so do not forget about humidification. Periodically spray the orchid with warm water, especially in hot weather or if the flower is located near heating radiators. But do not do this at night; at night the stems and leaves must be dry, better in the morning or during the day.

An interesting idea is to give your orchid a warm shower from time to time. It is believed that in this way we remind the plant of warm tropical showers and, as lovers note of this flower, after this procedure they grow more cheerfully and bloom more actively. But you don’t need to do this when the orchid is already blooming - after all, indoor plants are weaker than in nature and can shed their wonderful petals. It all happens like this - the flower is placed in a bath and watered with a weak stream from the shower for several minutes. The water temperature should be about +40C, that is, slightly warmer than body temperature. Let the water drain and “cool” the flower, blot the middle of the plant with a napkin so that it does not rot.

In addition to regular watering, orchids need additional feeding. Use specialized fertilizers for orchids, feed epiphytic orchids with residual fertilizers from other indoor plants not only useless, but also dangerous, because they clog the air spaces of the roots necessary for orchids. During growth and flowering, this should be done once every two weeks. The rest of the time, 1-2 times a month and in smaller quantities is enough.

Orchids and air

In nature, orchids are epiphytes, that is, they grow on trees where air circulation is much higher than on the ground. Therefore, in stuffy, unventilated rooms, orchids grow poorly and bloom worse. If you are interested in making your orchid happy in your home, create a little air movement. But not a draft - orchids don’t like it, they quickly drop their flowers. Professional orchid growers periodically (for an hour or two) turn on a weak fan in the room with orchids, not directed at the flowers.

As for air temperature, the overwhelming majority of orchids come from southern countries and love warmth, so optimal temperature for their maintenance and care +20C-+25C. And if the temperature drops to 17 degrees and below, the chance of seeing an orchid bloom is minimal.

Orchid does not bloom - what care is needed

The blossoming of an orchid is the most joyful moment in the life of any gardener. The orchid blooms at the age of 1.5-2.5 years. It can be very difficult to wait for it to bloom. It would seem that you are caring for her with all your might, but she, ungrateful, does not want to blossom. And you leave her alone! To release beautiful flower, the orchid needs a little stress. A sharp temperature change can speed up flowering. For example, keep the whim all night at a temperature of +18C, and in the morning move it to warm room. A reduction in watering can also serve as an impetus for flowering. In winter, there is no point in driving out an orchid at all - it is better to put it in a cool place, let it wait there for spring. published