Amazon lily or eucharis. Home care, photos of species

You are probably familiar with eucharis, amazing beautiful flower, which is also called the Amazon lily. This plant has long earned the popularity of amateur gardeners, thanks to its external effectiveness and relatively unpretentious nature. But many Eucharis owners complain about poor growth and rare pet flowering. Why? Today we will learn the nuances of caring for the Amazon lily at home.

How does the Amazon lily live at home?

The Amazon lily is a type of bulbous plant. You can recognize this flower by its lanceolate leaves, large and fleshy. On thick, long petioles emerging as a rosette from a large bulb with a diameter of up to 6 cm. The length of the leaves of an adult healthy plant can reach 55 cm, width - about 20 cm. The color is emerald green, dark. Young leaves are light green in color and gradually darken.

Eucharis will become a real decoration for your home

In August-September, eucharis begins to bloom. Its flowers on long peduncles are similar to daffodils: large, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, from 3 to 10 pieces. The color is white, the color of the crown ranges from green to yellow, depending on the type of plant. With good proper care Eucharis can bloom not only in autumn, but also in spring, and sometimes even three times a year.

The Amazon lily came to Europe back in the 19th century from the expanses of the Colombian Andes and Peru. Thanks to its beauty, the plant quickly won the love of gardeners who want to give their gardens a touch of tropical forests. Eucharis turned out to be quite easy to care for and cultivate, and quickly took root in home growing conditions.

Types of Eucharis

Think the Amazon lily looks monotonous? But no! There are several types of eucharis, the most popular among gardeners. If you look closely, you can see the difference, especially during flowering.

  • . IN wildlife it prefers tropical rainforests. The bulb is ovoid in shape, about 5 cm in diameter. Leaves uniform Green colour, round, slightly elongated, 15 cm wide and 25 cm long, tapering, with pointed ends. Umbrella-shaped flowers consist of 1–2 inflorescences. The rounded petals are 3–4 cm in size and taper at the base. Flowering time is early March.

    Eucharis mastersa blooms in early March

  • Eucharis white. Its leaves are rounded, elliptical in shape, 15 cm wide and up to 40 cm long. An oval bulb with a diameter of 5–7 cm. White flowers with petals up to 4 cm, with a green core, collected in peduncles of 10 pieces. The flower's homeland is the highlands of Colombia. Blooms in late February-March.

    Eucharis white has 10 flowers bloom on one peduncle.

  • Large-flowered, or Amazonian, eucharis. This species came to us from the shores of the Amazon, the territory of the Colombian Andes. A distinctive feature is paired leaves, 2–4 pieces on one shoot, each leaf up to 30 cm long. The bulb is round, 5 cm in diameter. The peduncle consists of 6 flowers with a diameter of up to 12 cm each. Flowering occurs at the end of spring and can continue throughout the summer.

    Large-flowered, or Amazonian, eucharis, with proper care, can delight you with its beauty all summer long

  • Eucharis odontata (Calliphrudia dentata). A plant with elongated triangular leaves, 22 cm long and 10 cm wide. There are 4 leaves per 1 onion. There are 6–8 white flowers connected in an umbrella-shaped peduncle.

Eucharis toothless is distinguished by its elongated leaf shape.

  • Eucharis sandera. View with leaves oval shape up to 18 cm wide and up to 30 cm wide, growing from a large bulb with a diameter of 6–7 cm. The peduncle consists of 2–3 small flowers. A distinctive feature is a crown of stamens with a yellowish border. The flowering period is from late winter to mid-spring.

Eucharis sandera flowers are crowned with a crown of stamens

As you can see, among the various varieties of eucharis, you can choose something to suit your taste.

General information for the florist

Like any other flower grown at home, eucharis puts forward certain requirements for its habitat.

Table: optimal conditions for growing eucharis


Features and Requirements


Intense but diffuse, shading may be required.


Optimally in summer 20–25 degrees, in winter from 17 degrees.

Air humidity

Medium, without exceeding the desired level and excessive dryness.

Moderate, without overdrying or waterlogging the substrate.


No more than once every 3 years, if necessary (if the bulbs fill the pot too tightly).

Nutrient mixture from different types earth, compost, peat, organic fertilizers, sand; Drainage is required.


Basically - dividing the bulb; less often - with seeds (the method is very labor-intensive and not always effective).

Now let's take a closer look at each step of caring for the plant.


The Amazon lily can live in your home for many years. The way to successfully grow this plant is to protect it from strong light and direct sunlight. sun rays. The ideal location of the flower is the eastern or western side, where the midday sun will not touch its leaves. Intense but diffused light is what your green pet will surely like.

In the summer, eucharis will feel great on a glassed-in veranda. But if it is too open to direct sunlight, the plant needs to be shaded with something. Keep this in mind if you are going to place the flower on the balcony.

Air temperature

Eucharis – quite heat-loving plant, it’s not for nothing that its homeland is hot tropical forests. But during different phases life cycle this plant requires different temperature regime. In any case, try to maintain the temperature in the room where this flower is located at least 15 degrees.

During the growth period of the Amazon lily, you need more heat, optimal temperature– about 18 degrees. The same applies to winter period.

For good flowering Eucharis needs moderate, stable heat without temperature changes

Try to provide the plant with uniform heat, do not allow sudden temperature changes with a large amplitude: this leads to crushing of flowers and disruptions in the frequency of flowering.

Temperatures ranging from 7 to 10 degrees for eucharis are defined as damaging. Under such conditions, it begins to shed its leaves, and its bulbs freeze slightly.

Watering and spraying

Eucharis, like all plants of the amaryllis family with bulbous roots, is sensitive to soil moisture. To put it simply, the leaves love water, but the roots are afraid of excess moisture. Therefore, control how moist the soil in the flower pot is, and avoid stagnation of water in every possible way, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

Don't forget the most common rule: water abundantly, but infrequently. It's better to wait until the soil dries out. If it is wet to 3cm deep, delay watering for a couple of days..

The technique of watering eucharis also has its own characteristics. Never pour water into the center of the flower, where the leaves emerge from the bulb.. The correct distribution of water along the walls of the pot will be correct. This way the soil will be optimally saturated with moisture, and the bulb will be protected from waterlogging.

Do not let too much water get on the leaves. to avoid burns

If you have just transplanted Eucharis, water it carefully. in small portions. When new leaves begin to emerge, increase watering.

During active growth, keep the soil moist 2-3 times a week. The soil or substrate in a flower pot should always be moderately moist, but without stagnant water.

To encourage flowering, reduce watering by 5-6 weeks as spring approaches. After the buds appear, watering must be resumed to its previous state.

The Amazon lily has a very large leaves, on which house dust accumulates. As is known, a large number of Dust on plants prevents access to air and sunlight. Therefore, the leaves must not only be regularly wiped with a damp sponge (only carefully so as not to break them), but also sprayed with water from a spray bottle. This way you will not only “clean” the flower, but also bring the conditions of its maintenance closer to natural ones: in its homeland, in the tropics, eucharis does not know a shortage of rain and humidity.

Top dressing

The need for feeding in eucharis arises only during the period of flowering and active growth.. As soon as a bud emerges from the bulb, feed the flower every 10 days with a solution of organic fertilizers - mullein, ash. During active growth, alternately apply mineral and organic fertilizers. You can purchase them in ready-made form at hardware stores. Special fertilizers for flowering or bulbous plants are excellent.

Eucharis loves organic and mineral fertilizers

After the eucharis fades, feeding should be stopped.

Flowering time

During this period, in addition to feeding, the flower needs proper watering. It is very important to prevent waterlogging of the soil, when the plant bulb devotes so much energy to the flowers and the formation of seed boxes from them. Water the lily with water room temperature as the soil dries out. It is very important to provide holes in the bottom of the pot and mandatory drainage.

During the flowering period, eucharis needs special care.

During flowering, spray with eucharis, but do not allow water to get on the flowers. In addition, drops of moisture should not concentrate on the leaves: this can cause burns. Constantly wipe dust from the leaves.

Do not move the flower pot to another place during flowering.

Rest period

The dormant period begins immediately after the eucharis flowers and lasts from 35 to 50 days. Peduncles are removed, plant feeding is stopped, watering is reduced to a minimum. This time is needed so that the lily does not immediately start throwing out new leaves, but has time to shed the old ones first. And the root system will thus gain strength for new flowering.

If you wish, you can place the pot of eucharis in a cooler room during the dormant period. But do not forget about the temperature regime of at least 15–18 degrees.

This is what eucharis looks like during the resting period

Such manipulations with watering and alternating temperature conditions during periods of growth and dormancy easily lead to the fact that eucharis blooms twice or even three times a year. Typically, the most active growth of bulbs occurs in the middle of winter, and by March the plant forms a full-fledged flower arrow.

As soon as you notice new shoots, resume watering and fertilizing.

When and why do you need to replant?

If you purchased an Amazon lily from a store, pay attention to the size of the pot. After purchase, a flower often needs to be replanted. Eucharis needs space to grow, so if the bulb is large and the container is small, it is better to replant it immediately. In this case, certain rules must be taken into account.

The best time to transplant Eucharis is early spring, namely March. The flower needs to be replanted once every 2–3 years. This should be done after flowering ends, when the plant goes into a dormant period.

Don't rush to repot your Amazon lily, even if it has already filled the pot. Only do this when the bulbs become too crowded. The new container should be only a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one..

Eucharis after transplantation with a young shoot

Choose wide pots made of ceramics or wooden boxes. The container should be quite massive: eucharis grows to large sizes and can overturn light small dishes.

Soil preparation

Eucharis needs a substrate with good moisture holding capacity. Suitable soil you can prepare it yourself from several components:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 1 part peat soil;
  • ½ part coarse sand.

The following mixture is also good for these colors:

  • 4 parts leaf soil;
  • 2 parts compost;
  • 2 parts sand, perlite or vermiculite;
  • 1 part loam.

Compost can be replaced with bone meal or rotted cow manure. And to avoid putrefactive processes over time, pour a little into the soil. charcoal.

Ensure good drainage before planting eucharis.

Be sure to provide thick layer drainage by placing small crushed stone, expanded clay, shards or pebbles on the bottom of the pot.

How to transplant correctly

Eucharis is very afraid of damage to the bulb, roots and leaves. Keep this in mind when transplanting; if you do not need to plant eucharis, then try not to disturb the integrity of the earthen coma.

Propagating lilies from bulbs is the fastest way

Carefully loosen the earthen lump with a stick and straighten the roots. Gently rinse the tangled parts of the roots in running water room temperature.

Before replanting, carefully separate the bulbs without damaging the root system.

Prepare the pot, place drainage on the bottom, pour the substrate up to half the container. Install the bulbs (3-5 pieces in each pot), straighten the roots, add substrate and compact it well.

Bury the bulbs a few centimeters deep into the soil

Young bulbs are planted 2–3 cm below ground level. If there are no leaves, leave the tops above the soil to make it easier to observe the beginning of growth. Immerse adult bulbs with leaves 4–5 cm into the ground.

After transplanting, immediately water the eucharis. Over the next 3 weeks, provide moderate watering as the soil dries. At the same time, try to spray the flower abundantly and regularly, especially if it has leaves. Within a month, the plant will begin to appear new leaves.

After transplantation, eucharis needs moderate watering as needed.

Eucharis does not bloom and other problems

Flowers, like all living things, need certain conditions for a full life, and sudden changes often lead them to illness. Unlike a person, a plant cannot explain the causes of damage. Therefore, take a close look at your eucharis: its appearance can tell a lot.

Care errors

The most common problems arise from improper flower care.

  1. Yellowing and death of the lower old leaves of Eucharis. During the period of active growth of new leaves, the old ones turn yellow and die, this is natural. But if the process becomes widespread, the cause may be waterlogging of the soil. Remove the bulbs from the pot and inspect them carefully. If they are damp and soft to the touch, and their color is uneven, the situation is bad: the process of rotting has begun. But you can still save the flower. Remove damaged areas with a knife, sprinkle the sections with chopped activated carbon, dry on fresh air and place it back into the soil.
  2. Loss of leaf density and even, smooth shape. This is how the plant usually behaves when there is a lack of moisture. But if even after watering the leaves do not return to their original shape and remain limp, then hypothermia may also be the cause. Do not allow the temperature to drop below the optimal level, do not water the eucharis cold water, make sure that the soil is well warmed up.
  3. Eucharis does not bloom. Many novice flower growers make a big mistake, often replanting the eucharius, hoping that this will correct the situation. In fact, the plant needs to form daughter bulbs, which will serve as a prerequisite for flowering. Therefore, provide the lilies with a period of rest in conditions good lighting and stimulate it with fertilizers such as “Bud”, “Tsveten”, introducing them in small quantities into moist soil.

    If eucharis does not bloom for a long time without visible reasons, try to stimulate it with special fertilizers

  4. Leaf deformation. Don't be alarmed: the plant curls its leaves to prevent them from evaporating moisture. This usually occurs due to dry air around the flower. Wipe the leaves frequently with a damp sponge to remove dust and ensure access to water. Young leaves are deformed only if they receive mechanical damage during unfolding. If all the leaves are losing their shape, insect pests may be the cause (you can see them on inside leaf), overcooling of the soil and root system or excess fertilizer.
  5. Falling leaves. If, with the appearance of new leaves, the old ones immediately begin to fall off, know: the plant is signaling you about a lack of resources for life support. Most often this happens in winter, in conditions of lack of sunlight. Provide additional artificial lighting to the flower, water it regularly, avoiding drying out or waterlogging the earthen clod. Try feeding eucharis with fertilizers.

Insect pests and diseases

Eucharis is distinguished by enviable resistance and excellent immunity, but can still be susceptible to disease or harmful insects. And the reason for this is simple: improper care or lack thereof. Beauty lilies can be harmed by:

  • spider mites;
  • scale insects;
  • thrips.

If they have already taken positions on the plant, then you will easily notice their waste products in the form of clusters of cobwebs. They will help you get rid of adversity systemic insecticides, for example, “Fitoverm” and “Aktellik”. You can buy them at any flower shop.

Use chemicals strictly according to the instructions!

When damaged by diseases and pests, the flower should not be left untreated, this can lead to its death.

The most common disease among bulbous plants, including Eucharis, is gray mold. It can develop in conditions of high air humidity, low temperature and waterlogging of the soil. Noticed signs of illness? Take measures: moderate watering, treat the flower with Bordeaux mixture. Products such as “Topaz” and “Champion” have proven themselves well in the fight against the first signs of gray rot. If the damage has become too extensive, remove the diseased areas to healthy tissue and treat with copper sulfate or other copper-containing contact preparations.

Video: indoor flower eucharis

Eucharis is a perennial bulbous plant, belonging to the Amaryllis family. It is distinguished by a shortened stem. The shiny leaves of Eucharis are large and have a broad oval shape. The length of each of them is about 30 - 35 cm. The edge of the perennial leaves is wavy. They are located on long petioles. Neither during the transition phase nor at rest should the plant lose its leaves. If this happens (most often due to improper care), then the perennial reacts very sharply to the falling leaves, even to the point of death.

Eucharis flowers are somewhat reminiscent of narcissus flowers. They have a long greenish tube and a crown of the same color. Due to the fact that the flower's tube is quite long, the corolla of the perennial gracefully hangs down. This makes the plant even more decorative. Flowering of Eucharis can be recorded twice. The first time - in the spring, the second - in late autumn. Some plant growers note that this perennial is capable of blooming not two, but three times a year!

Eucharis is rightly classified as an unpretentious plant.

Eucharis: competent care at home

The flower grows perfectly in room conditions, if only the grower follows all the recommendations for timely, and most importantly, reasonable (!) care of the bulbous plant.

Location of eucharis in the house

The bulbous plant, like many other representatives of the flora, prefer to grow on windowsills on the western or eastern side of the house. This is not surprising, because eucharis does not tolerate bright midday sun. And here the south side of the house is definitely not suitable for placing such a flower. In the north, the perennial will experience a lack of lighting.

Important point! Do not forget to shade the plant from bright sunlight. This advice especially applies to the spring-summer period, when the sun is active.

In the summer, eucharis can be safely grown on a glassed-in veranda or on a balcony. But here the grower needs to know one thing important rule: Never leave your bulbous perennial outside during the first frost of the night. This can cause serious harm to the plant, including its death.

Perennial growing temperature

Traditionally, as for many other plants, the temperature of the bulbous eucharis depends on the stage of life development of the plant:

  • During the growing season and flowering period, the temperature should range from +24 to +28 degrees. As we mentioned above, if the summer is warm and dry, then the plant can be safely placed outside. In addition to the fact that in the fresh air the flower will receive a wonderful boost solar energy, it is on the street that the plant grows vitality for further successful growth and development.
  • With the arrival of autumn cold weather, the plant should be immediately brought into the house. Hypothermia of the root system and freezing of the leaves are of no use to it. By winter, temperature indicators drop. During the cold season, the temperature of the flower ranges from +17 to +18 degrees. During the rest period, these indicators drop to +10 degrees.

Proper watering of the plant

Eucharis is a moisture-loving plant that needs frequent and abundant watering. In this case, the age of the plant is a determining factor:

  • During the growing season and during flowering, a young plant should be watered once every 2-3 days. It is worth making sure that the substrate is slightly moistened, but not damp.
  • Mature indoor flower you can water less often. You should wait until the substrate is completely dry and only then water the plant.

During the winter period, eucharis is watered very, very rarely. During the dormant period, which lasts 1 - 1.5 months, it is quite acceptable not to water the plant at all. During this period, the perennial will gain strength, energy and will delight the grower with even more abundant, exquisite flowering than last season.

Water for irrigation of eucharis must meet the following requirements:

  • To be defended. It is not recommended to water the bulbous plant tap water. This can destroy an indoor flower. Some plant growers use boiled water for irrigation. According to some observations, this helps the plant bloom profusely. But in this case, it is impossible to give accurate forecasts, because the flowering process depends not only on the quality of water for irrigation.
  • Have room temperature. Under no circumstances should you water your plant with cold water. This is a sure path to the death of a perennial.

Remember! It is very important for the plant to periodically spray the leaves. It is important not to get on the flowers. Many plant growers simply wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. This is also an excellent opportunity to wash away dust from the plant.

Air humidity

Indoor perennials prefer to grow indoors with high humidity air. Therefore, the grower should:

  • Spray frequently. Let us once again emphasize the point that you should not touch the flowers.
  • Adjust the humidity in the room using a household humidifier.
  • Place a saucer of water next to the flower.

Soil for Eucharis

Eucharis is a bulbous plant, so you can absolutely safely purchase ready-made soil for the corresponding types of domestic flowers. The main thing is to check the expiration date of the soil. If it has long expired, you should not use such a substrate. It can cause serious harm to the plant.

There are many various options, allowing you to prepare a nutritious soil mixture for perennials yourself. We have selected some of the most popular ones, which are often used by many experienced plant growers.

Methods for preparing soil mixture for eucharis

Method No. 1:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 3 parts.

Method number 2:

  • peat soil - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • adding sand as a leavening agent - 0.5 parts.

Method number 3:

  • rotted mullein - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 4 parts;
  • compost - 2 parts;
  • coarse sand - 2 parts;
  • loam - 1 part.

In some cases, it is quite possible to grow a plant hydroponically.

Important! Be sure to provide the plant with a decent layer of substrate. It can be expanded clay, coarse sand, or pebbles.

Fertilizers for Eucharis

Fertilizers for eucharis should be applied throughout the spring-summer period. This should be done at least once every 2 weeks. In this case, the concentration should be several times less than indicated on the packaging.

Mineral liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants are perfect for feeding.

You should not overdo it with nitrogenous fertilizing, as this may negatively affect the flowering of the bulbous perennial.

In autumn and winter, all fertilizing should be stopped. As we mentioned above, during the dormant period the plant does not require any watering or fertilizer. The end of the dormant period will be marked by the appearance of new offspring. The main thing is not to miss this moment and start caring for the plant on time.

Eucharis transplant

The indoor perennial is very, very sensitive to any kind of interference. Therefore, when purchasing a bulbous plant, it is very important not to injure it with the first transplant. Check with the seller in advance what nutrient substrate the plant was planted in.

Ideal plant transplant option: 1 time every 3-4 years. This is exactly how long it will take for the flower to completely entwine the earthen ball with its roots and form a large number of bulbs. If you replant a flower less often, it will die from lack of nutrients in a pot and cramped.

Preferred transplant option: transshipment.

The best time to replant perennials is spring. The pot should be chosen wider than its predecessor. We lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the container, then fill it with nutrient substrate. Then we place the eucharis together with the earthen lump in the ground and sprinkle it with earth on top.

After transplantation, the plant begins to be watered on day 5-6. You can start spraying the plant immediately after transshipment.

Reproduction of Eucharis

Eucharis can be propagated at home in several ways, the most popular and effective is by children.

Divisions for new plantings are obtained by dividing the bush and the mother bulb into shares. Each division should have at least four bulbs left. Then they are planted in separate pots and cared for in the same way as adult plants. Such divisions will be able to bloom this year.

Another method is propagation by seeds. It is considered labor-intensive; flowering can be achieved no earlier than after 5 years.

Problems when growing eucharis

Eucharis is unpretentious plant. If all growing conditions are strictly observed, then you will not have to fight diseases and pests so often.

Important to remember! For the normal development of eucharis, the flower needs a lot of space. The flower does not like its surroundings. Ideally, the bulbous plant will be the only inhabitant of the windowsill.

Eucharis should not be over-watered. Because of this, the root system of the plant suffers.

The lack of annual flowering of the plant can be correlated with a lack of nutrients in the soil, insufficient lighting, or an improperly organized (or completely absent) dormant period.

Most often, the plant suffers from fungus gnats, aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. You can get rid of pests using insecticides such as Fitoverm, Aktelik, Intavir, Decis.

A delightful member of the Amaryllis family, Eucharis will gracefully decorate your home. The main thing is to shade the plant on a hot afternoon, do not forget to replant on time, water and spray moderately, and also water the perennial. With proper care, an indoor flower will delight you with flowering one to three times a year.

Location West or east window.
Lighting Shading from bright sunlight is necessary.
Growing temperature In summer +24 +280 C, in winter +15 +170 C (but not lower than +100 C).
Watering Moderately abundant watering (depending on the age of the flower and time of year). Periodic spraying in summer.
Humidity High. 60-80%.
The soil Nutritious, moisture-intensive.
Fertilizer Mineral liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. Apply once every 2 weeks in the spring and summer.
Transfer Once every 3-4 years. In spring time.
Reproduction Children (simple) and seeds (labor-intensive).
Diseases and pests Bulb rotting, leaves falling. Pests: fungus gnat, aphids, mealybug, spider mite.

The flowers of this plant seem to be made of the finest snow-white porcelain with a noble matte shine, and the leathery dark green leaves set them off even more. This is exactly what the Amazonian lily (eucharis) is like. Home care, features, photos various types- all this will be interesting for those who are interested in indoor floriculture or want to acquire this wonderful flower.

Eucharis (Amazon lily)

It is no coincidence that the plant received this name. Eucharis has everything that is so valued in indoor plants: large dark green leaves and snow-white flowers with a pleasant subtle aroma, vaguely reminiscent of lilies or even daffodils. This type belongs to the Amaryllis family. The genus has approximately 20 representatives. Eucharis is native to the evergreen tropical forests (lower layer) of the Central and South America. The plant came to Europe in the first half of the 19th century. Eucharis, which is easy to care for at home, immediately fell in love and became one of the popular flowers in greenhouses and on windowsills.

Description of Eucharis

The Amazon lily is a bulbous plant. The bulbs reach a diameter of up to 6 cm and have a spherical shape. The number of leaves on a plant varies from 2 to 7, and their presence does not in any way affect the intensity of flowering. They have a lanceolate shape and a rich dark green hue. The leaves grow up to 55 cm in length and 20 cm in width, provided proper and good care. Their texture is very interesting, they seem to be slightly wrinkled and have clear longitudinal veining. Flowers appear in August-September on a long peduncle (up to 80 cm), collected in umbrellas. Their shade may differ depending on the type (white or greenish).

Types of Eucharis

Of the twenty species of the genus of the same name, only three are the most common in indoor culture.

Choosing the right place

If you don't have a lot of direct sunlight in your home, then you can safely choose eucharis. Care at home (reviews confirm this) is quite simple. The plant is not too demanding. However, it is better to immediately choose the right place for the Amazon lily. Firstly, eucharis is a fairly large plant and will require a lot of space, so it is often grown in floor flowerpots. Secondly, this flower grows mainly in the lower tier of the tropical forest, the light reaches it, but for the most part it is diffused. Direct sunlight on Amazon lilies is contraindicated; they will simply burn the leaves and flowers. The most optimal and favorable option is bright, diffused sunlight. However, eucharis still tolerates slight shading and will grow well even opposite a north window.

The most optimal temperature regime during flowering and active growing season is from 24 to 28 °C. In winter, the rates drop. After flowering ends, the so-called dormant period begins. It is not as clearly defined as, for example, in succulents or cacti, but it still occurs. At this time, you must avoid sudden changes in temperature and maintain it within 17-18 °C, but not lower than 7-8 °C, otherwise you will destroy the eucharis. Home care (rest period) described above should be carried out if you want abundant and long-lasting flowering. If the plant does not rest, then over time (in best case scenario) grinds. Flowering will be minimal.

What kind of soil is required for eucharis?

If you prefer to use store-bought soil, then choose those mixtures that are intended for amaryllis, hipeastrum, vallotta and some other bulbous plants.

Eucharis is an inhabitant of the tropics; in its natural environment it grows on soils with good moisture and air permeability, rich in organic matter. When compiling the soil yourself, this must be taken into account; this is the only way you will provide good nutrition for the eucharis. Home care includes competent drafting soil for planting or replanting. The approximate ratio of the components is as follows: leaf soil/humus/river sand - 2/1/1. The soil reaction should be slightly acidic; adding peat in small quantities (0.5 parts) is welcome. Don't forget about good drainage to ensure the drainage of excess moisture and access of air to the roots. You can use expanded clay, coconut or walnut shells.

Watering and air humidity

The plant loves water, but you still need to be very careful with watering, as the bulbs can rot. In the summer, that is, during the period of active growth and flowering, the Amazon lily is watered twice a week. With the onset of the rest period, reduce to one. Water is required at room temperature, well settled. Between waterings, you need to let the top layer of soil dry out; this is what serves as a guide, so you won’t flood the eucharis. Home care also involves regular spraying of the plant. Eucharis loves moist air. The only exception is the flowering period - drops of water falling on the inflorescences will spoil their appearance, so it is better at this time to limit yourself to wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.

Feeding Eucharis with fertilizers

Since the plant has a period of vaguely defined dormancy, fertilization should be done only during the period of active growing and flowering, and then completely stopped. Frequency - once every two weeks. Experts in the field of indoor floriculture recommend alternating fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is best to use liquid complex preparations specifically for flowering indoor plants. Fertilizers must be diluted in water in strict accordance with the instructions on the package.

Eucharis transplant

The good thing about this plant is that it is best to replant it once every 3-4 years. The first sign that it is time to replant will be the numerous bulbs that no longer fit in the pot, sometimes it even cracks due to their abundance and pressure. The pot for eucharis should not be so high as wide. The plant is extremely sensitive to the transplantation process, due to the fact that the roots are very easily damaged. Therefore, it is best to transship without damaging the main lump. Watering is then reduced until new leaves begin to appear. Most optimal time for replanting occurs after the end of flowering.

Eucharis: home care, reproduction

There are two methods of propagation: vegetative and seed, the first is the most common. Eucharius forms quite a lot of small daughter bulbs. Most best option their disconnection from mother bush- in a group. 5-6 bulbs are separated, with much less damage to the roots, the plant takes root better, quickly produces new growth and blooms in the same year.

Propagation by seeds is a rather painstaking task and makes sense if you want to get a new or rare species. It is important to remember that seedlings begin to bloom only in the fifth year.

Eucharis: home care, illnesses

The Amazon lily has a fairly high immunity to various pests and diseases. However, sometimes thrips, spider mites and scale insects still appear on the plant. This is mainly due to improper care. Thrips and scale insects are very dangerous. Up to a certain point it is difficult to notice them. This usually happens when they form large colonies. Succulent leaves are affected first. At the first signs of pests, the plant must be treated with a special insecticidal preparation (for example, Fitoverm, Actellik).

But any disease is best prevented, so it is important to know what kind of care eucharis requires at home. Leaves wither, turn yellow, or the plant has stopped growing - all this is a reason to think about whether everything is okay with the roots. It is best to check them and replant the plant in new soil. Of the fungal and bacterial diseases, gray mold most often affects eucharis. The main reason for its appearance is too wet air in combination with low temperatures. If the plant is slightly damaged, then immediately treat it with Bordeaux mixture, Topaz or Champion. If the disease has severely affected the eucharis, then the rotten areas must be cut out and carefully dusted with preparations containing copper (Oxychom).

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

The main advantage of the Amazon lily is, of course, its flowers and bright leaves. But it happens that a plant pleases only with greenery. And this despite the fact that eucharis receives care at home. Why doesn't the plant bloom? The very first and main reason- incorrect landing. For active flowering, single bulbs must grow sufficient quantity kids. This happens only after 3-4 years. Therefore, when planting in one pot, you need to place 3-4 bulbs. The closer they are to each other, the more abundant and frequent the flowering.

Secondly, the reason for the lack of flowers may lie in drafts and frequent temperature changes during the day or in general. Therefore, it is important to know which home care Eucharis prefers. It does not bloom very often due to non-observance of the dormant period. Give the plant a rest and move it to a cooler place for the winter, significantly reduce watering until the earthen ball is almost completely dry, do not fertilize, and then in the spring the eucharis will become active. You will understand this by the new shoots that appear. From this point on, watering should be increased.

Eucharis has another exotic name - Amazonian lily. This beautiful plant and also very easy to care for.

In addition to apartments, the flower can often be seen in sanatoriums, holiday homes and even at large enterprises.

Today we will discuss plant transplantation and everything connected with it.

What is it for?

Most often, the need for replanting arises immediately after purchasing a plant in a store or as the bulb grows and multiplies, when the old hill becomes crowded. Transplantation is also necessary in emergency cases., for example, when a flower is flooded and there is a suspicion of rotting of the bulbs. See how to do this correctly here. In this article we will look at the features of transplanting a healthy plant.

When purchasing a plant in a specialty store, inspect the pot in which the eucharis is located. Often the flower needs to be replanted. The flower needs space to grow, so if the bulb is large and occupies the entire container, the eucharis must be replanted immediately.

If the bulb is small, then you should not replant the plant right away. Wait until the bulb completely occupies the space small pot. And when she becomes cramped, transplant her.
Attention! The new pot should not be too loose; it should be only a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one.

Large ceramic containers or wooden boxes are suitable for replanting, since the plant is still for a long time will increase in size. Besides, the container must be massive, since the large root system of Eucharis can overturn a light pot.

When is it better to replant a flower and when not to do it?

Transplantation is carried out in March, since it is at this time that the flower is at rest. During the flowering period, it is better not to touch the plant, as it may not tolerate such stress and will die.

Exist certain rules transplants:

  • It is better to do this in early spring, more precisely in March.
  • Replanting should be done every three to four years.
  • Eucharis is replanted after flowering, when the plant goes into a dormant state.

During transplantation, you should not separate the “babies” unnecessarily. Unlike other indoor plants, eucharis alone has difficulty taking root in new conditions and does not bloom for a long time.

How to replant an Amazon lily at home?

First, a substrate with good moisture holding capacity is prepared. To prepare the soil yourself you will need:

  • Earth humus - 2 parts.
  • Soddy soil - 1 part.
  • 1 part of soil with peat.
  • Some coarse sand.
Reference! You can add compost and loam to the soil. And to avoid the process of rotting, add charcoal to the soil. Place drainage at the bottom of the container; it can be small gravel, expanded clay, etc.
  1. Try not to disturb the integral structure of the earthen coma, since the flower is extremely sensitive to damage to the bulb and roots. If you need to plant a flower, carefully divide the earthen ball into two or the required number of parts, being careful not to shake the bulbs out of the ground.
  2. Half of the substrate is poured into the prepared pot. Afterwards, 3-5 bulbs are placed in each pot. The substrate is topped up and compacted thoroughly.
  3. Water the flower immediately. And then, for 3 heifers, water as the soil dries. Spray the foliage regularly and within a month you will notice that the eucharis has sprouted new shoots.

Bulbs with leaves are planted 4-5 cm into the soil, but if there are no leaves, the plant is planted 2-3 cm below the ground level. This is done in order to then observe the beginning of the growth of eucharis.
We also invite you to watch a video that clearly shows the transplantation process.

The next move behind the plant

Do not change the location of the pot often with a flower. Otherwise, you will never see flowering. To avoid difficulties when caring for eucharis, constantly monitor the plant and try to help it if there are obvious growth problems.

Yellowing and dying of old leaves of the Amazon lily is a natural phenomenon. But if the yellowing has become widespread, then immediately fix the problem:

  1. Remove the bulb from the pot and inspect it.
  2. If you notice areas of rotting, cut them off and sprinkle the cut areas with activated carbon.
  3. Place the bulb back into the ground and reduce the amount of watering.

Remember one rule that applies to eucharis - better disadvantage moisture than its excess. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature.

Having large leaves, indoor dust often accumulates on the plant, which does not allow the flower to breathe through the pores of the leaf. Therefore, in addition to regularly wiping them with a damp cloth, it is also necessary to spray the Amazon lily with a spray bottle often.

Eucharis should not be replanted frequently. Optimally - once every three to four years.

Feed your Amazon lily with fertilizer from time to time. “Bud”, “Tsveten” and other products for flowering plants are suitable. Introduce them into the soil little by little after watering. But do not fertilize frequently, it is usually necessary only during the period of intensive growth and flowering of the Amazon lily.
Important! The air temperature in the room with eucharis should not fall below +15 ºС.

The flower must be well lit, but at the same time, direct sunlight on the flower is unacceptable. Place the pot with the plant on the east or west side, so the scorching rays of the sun will not reach the eucharis.

Proper replanting allows you to protect the plant from stress as much as possible. And if the flower is not exposed to stress and receives proper care and attention, then in the end you will get a healthy and beautiful eucharis.

You may also be interested.

The tropical beauty lily immediately attracts attention thanks to its delicate, graceful flowers. appearance reminiscent of a garden daffodil.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences (from 4 to 8 buds in each) and are located on high arrow-peduncles.

Their color range is not very diverse; most varieties form snow-white inflorescences; flowers of bluish and cream shades are extremely rare.

Eucharis leaves are large, lanceolate-shaped, and can reach half a meter in length.

The color of the leaf blade is dark green with a glossy sheen.

Of the 20 species of Eucharis in indoor culture, three are most often found: large-flowered, snow-white and Sandera.

A few photos of the Eucharis flower:

Home care

Eucharis has been cultivated indoors for several decades. During this time he sufficiently adapted to different conditions growing. Eucharis is unpretentious and not capricious, which is why it is loved by flower growers. Let's take a closer look at how to care for Eucharis at home.

With proper care and suitable for the plant conditions (as close as possible to natural ones), the Amazonian daffodil will delight with abundant flowering (blooms 2 times a year) and decorativeness.


The forest plant Eucharis does not like bright sunlight.

Diffused soft light and partial shade are the most suitable lighting for it.

You can place the flower on the eastern or western windowsill.

In the summer, it is advisable to walk the green member of the household in the garden or on the loggia (balcony), making sure to shade its leaves from the sun.

IMPORTANT! Direct rays of the sun can burn the leaf blades of eucharis, causing them to change color and become covered with ugly brown spots.


Tropical lily loves warmth. At temperatures below 18 degrees Celsius, the flower will become sad, wither and stop blooming.

ADVICE: The optimal temperature for eucharis in summer (during the period of active growth) is from 25 to 30 degrees, in winter (even during the dormant period) from 18 to 23 degrees.

The flower also does not approve of drafts, as well as temperature changes. It is advisable to remember this when taking it out into the fresh air.

In August it gets noticeably colder in the evening, so the delicate plant should not be left overnight outside the house.


This process requires special attention.

The main thing is not to over-moisten the soil, but also to prevent drought.

Improper watering can lead to root rot, lack of flowering, as well as drying out and yellowing. sheet plates. You can find out more about what to do if the leaves turn yellow and die, the bulb rots, the plant does not bloom, as well as what diseases and pests can destroy Eucharis.

Watering should be moderate.

The water used is well-settled and at room temperature. It will tell you that the flower is thirsty upper layer substrate - it will be dry.

The plant should be sprayed frequently (after all, the Amazonian narcissus is native to the humid tropics) with warm water, avoiding moisture getting on the flowers.

IMPORTANT! During the dormant period (most often the rest period occurs in April and October), watering the plant should be reduced to a minimum. The soil should be semi-dry.

The resting stage lasts about a month. The dormant period of Eucharis begins as soon as the last inflorescence fades. At this time, the plant is removed to a cool, shaded place. Stop feeding and rarely water.

Rest is very important for a flower, during which time it gains strength and prepares for further growth and flowering.

You can learn how to properly care for Eucharis by watching the video:

Transplantation and soil

How to choose the right container for planting?

The pot for eucharis should be tall and narrow.

While cramped pots will encourage your green pet to flower and grow above ground.

The plant is not often replanted, approximately once every four years (in March).

During this period, the flowerpot is completely filled with bulbs and replanting with eucharis becomes necessary.

IMPORTANT: Daughter bulbs should not be separated from the mother bulb (unless you intend to propagate the flower), as the plant may stop blooming.

The old earthen ball is saved, transferred to a new container (the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one, about 20%), placed on a layer of expanded clay drainage, sprinkled with fresh soil and compacted well.

ADVICE: The soil should be slightly acidic, loose and consist of: leaf soil, peat soil, sand and compost in equal parts. There must be small holes at the bottom of the pot to prevent moisture stagnation.


Eucharis reproduces by seeds and division.

The first method is very labor-intensive and rarely gives positive results. Therefore, experienced flower growers prefer the second, more reliable method.

The division of a eucharis bush is usually carried out during transplantation in such a way that the young daughter plant has at least four bulbs.

This will help the flower quickly adapt to a new pot, grow new babies and bloom in the same year.

ADVICE: If the bulb does not have leaves, it should be placed in a container at a shallow depth, without covering the top with soil. After transplanting, you should wait about a week to water.

Below you can watch a video depicting the reproduction process of Eucharis:

Top dressing

Eucharis greets extra food and responds well to organic fertilizers. It can be fed throughout the entire growing season (except for the dormant stage) with liquid fertilizer for bulbous and flowering plants:


At good care eucharis will delight you with its lush and long flowering. The Amazon lily blooms about 2 times a year - in winter and autumn.

It is very important during this period to maintain the correct watering regime, avoiding excess moisture. The soil should dry out well between waterings.

Benefits and harms

Eucharis is considered a good ecologist; he has the ability to absorb harmful substances, purify the air and saturate the room with oxygen.

The plant has a strong positive energy, has a beneficial effect on everyone living in the apartment, relieving them of depression and charging them with vigor.

The energy it releases is sometimes so strong that the flowers adjacent to the eucharis begin to wither and die.

Living together with this plant is not beneficial for every green household.

Snow-white flowers of tropical narcissus have long been considered a powerful amulet for brides. To protect themselves from the evil eye, envy and damage, girls weave them into their hair before the wedding.

IMPORTANT! Eucharis flowers, like many plants of the Amaryllaceae family, contain poisonous alkaloids. In this regard, it is not recommended to place the flower in the child’s room, or on the floor where pets and small children can have free access to it!

This luxury flower, also called: even a novice amateur gardener can take care of it at home. She is unpretentious and gratefully responds to love and care with luxurious blooms.