Automation of technological processes. Process automation

1. Features of designing technological processes in automated production conditions

The basis of production automation is technological processes (TP), which should ensure high productivity, reliability, quality and efficiency of product manufacturing.

A characteristic feature of technological processing and assembly is the strict orientation of parts and tools relative to each other in the work process (the first class of processes). Heat treatment, drying, painting, etc., unlike processing and assembly, do not require strict orientation of the part (the second class of processes).

TPs are classified according to continuity into discrete and continuous.

The development of TP AP in comparison with manual production technology has its own specifics:

1. Automated technological processes include not only various operations of machining by cutting, but also pressure processing, heat treatment, assembly, control, packaging, as well as transport, storage and other operations.

2. Requirements for flexibility and automation production processes dictate the need for a comprehensive and detailed study of technology, a thorough analysis of production facilities, development of routing and operational technology, ensuring reliability and flexibility of the process of manufacturing products with a given quality.

3.With a wide range of products, technological solutions are multivariate.

4.The degree of integration of work performed by various technological departments is increasing.

Basic principles for constructing machining technology in APS

1.The principle of completeness . You should strive to perform all operations within one APS without intermediate transfer of semi-finished products to other divisions or auxiliary departments.

2.The principle of low-operation technology. Formation of technological processes with the maximum possible consolidation of operations, with a minimum number of operations and installations in operations.

3.The principle of “low-crowd” technology. Ensuring automatic operation of the APS throughout the entire production cycle.

4.The principle of “non-debugging” technology . Development of technological processes that do not require debugging at work positions.

5.The principle of active-controlled technology. Organization of process management and correction of design decisions based on working information about the progress of the process. Both technological parameters formed at the management stage and the initial parameters of technological preparation of production (TPP) can be adjusted.

6.Optimality principle . Decision-making at each stage of TPP and TPP management based on a single optimality criterion.

In addition to those discussed, other principles are also characteristic of APS technology: computer technology, information security, integration, paperless documentation, group technology.

2. Standard and group TP

Typification of technological processes for similar configurations and technological features groups of parts provides for their manufacture according to the same technological process, based on the use of the most advanced processing methods and ensuring the achievement of the highest productivity, efficiency and quality. The basis of typification is the rules for processing individual elementary surfaces and the rules for assigning the order of processing of these surfaces. Typical TPs are used mainly in large-scale and mass production.

The principle of group technology underlies the technology of reconfigurable production - small- and medium-scale production. In contrast to the typification of TP with group technology common feature is the commonality of the processed surfaces and their combinations. Therefore, group processing methods are typical for processing parts with a wide range.

Both the typification of technological processes and the group technology method are the main directions for the unification of technological solutions, increasing production efficiency.

Classification of parts

Classification is carried out in order to determine groups of technologically homogeneous parts for their joint processing in group production conditions. It is carried out in two stages: primary classification, i.e. coding of parts of the production being examined according to design and technological characteristics; secondary classification, i.e. grouping of parts with the same or slightly different classification characteristics.

When classifying parts, the following characteristics must be taken into account: structural - overall dimensions, weight, material, type of processing and workpiece; number of processing operations; accuracy and other indicators.

Grouping of parts is carried out in the following sequence: selection of a set of parts at the class level, for example, a body of revolution for machining production; selecting a set of parts at the subclass level, for example, a shaft type part; classification of parts by combination of surfaces, for example shafts with a combination of smooth cylindrical surfaces; grouping by overall dimensions highlighting areas with maximum density of size distribution; determination by area diagram with the largest number names of parts.

Manufacturability of product designs for accident conditions

The design of a product is considered technologically advanced if its manufacture and operation require minimum costs materials, time and funds. Assessment of manufacturability is carried out according to qualitative and quantitative criteria separately for workpieces, machined parts, and assembly units.

Parts to be processed in AM must be technologically advanced, that is, simple in shape, dimensions, consist of standard surfaces and have a maximum material utilization rate.

Parts to be assembled must have as many standard joint surfaces as possible, the simplest elements of orientation of assembly units and parts.

3. Features of designing technological processes for manufacturing parts on automatic lines and CNC machines

An automatic line is a continuously operating complex of interconnected equipment and a control system, where complete time synchronization of operations and transitions is necessary. Most effective methods synchronization is the concentration and differentiation of TP.

Differentiation of the technological process, simplification and synchronization of transitions - the necessary conditions reliability and performance. Excessive differentiation leads to more complex service equipment, an increase in area and volume of service. An appropriate concentration of operations and transitions, without practically reducing productivity, can be achieved through aggregation and the use of multi-tool setups.

To synchronize work in automatic line(AL) the limiting tool, the limiting machine and the limiting section are determined, according to which the real AL release cycle (min) is established according to the formula

Where F - actual equipment operating fund, h; N- release program, pcs.

To ensure high reliability, the AL is divided into sections that are connected to each other through drives that provide the so-called flexible connection between sections, providing independent work adjacent areas in case of failure in one of them. A rigid connection is maintained within the area. For rigidly coupled equipment, it is important to plan the timing and duration of planned shutdowns.

CNC machines provide high precision and quality products and can be used when processing complex parts with precise stepped or curved contours. This reduces the cost of processing, qualifications and the number of service personnel. Features of processing parts on CNC machines are determined by the features of the machines themselves and, first of all, their CNC systems, which provide:

1) reduction of setup and changeover time of equipment; 2)increasing complexity of processing cycles; 3) the possibility of implementing cycle moves with a complex curvilinear trajectory; 4) the possibility of unifying the control systems (CS) of machine tools with the control systems of other equipment; 5) the possibility of using a computer to control CNC machines included in the APS.

Basic requirements for the technology and organization of machining in reconfigurable APS using the example of manufacturing basic standard parts

The development of technology in APS is characterized by A complex approach- detailed study of not only the main, but also auxiliary operations and transitions, including transportation of products, their control, warehousing, testing, packaging.

To stabilize and increase the reliability of processing, two main methods for constructing TP are used:

1) the use of equipment that provides reliable processing with almost no operator intervention;

2) regulation of technological process parameters based on control of products during the process itself.

To increase flexibility and efficiency, APS uses the principle of group technology.

4. Features of the development of TP for automated and robotic assembly

Automated assembly of products is carried out on assembly machines and AL. An important condition The development of a rational technological process for automated assembly is the unification and normalization of connections, i.e., bringing them to a certain nomenclature of types and accuracies.

The main difference between robotic production is the replacement of assemblers with assembly robots and control by control robots or automatic control devices.

Robotic assembly should be carried out according to the principle of complete interchangeability or (less often) according to the principle of group interchangeability. The possibility of adjustment and adjustment is excluded.

Assembly operations should progress from simple to complex. Depending on the complexity and dimensions of the products, the form of assembly organization is chosen: stationary or conveyor. The composition of the RTK is assembly equipment and devices, transport system, operational assembly robots, control robots, control system.

There is every reason to believe that the next decade will be a turning point in the development of new approaches to production, the boundary between the eras of manual and automated production.

It is quite obvious that right now the scientific and technical prerequisites associated with the emergence and development of the latest tools automation. These include primarily automatic systems controls based on industrial controllers and, of course, industrial robots, which have raised production to a qualitatively higher level.

It would seem that unconditional progressiveness, combined with increased attention, should have provided industrial robots with a triumphal march, allowing them to make a significant contribution to the intensification of production processes and reducing the share of manual labor. However, this is not happening to the required extent yet. At least as regards the situation in our country.

Obviously, the main problem with the slow development of automation and, in particular, robotic production is the obvious discrepancy between the expenditure of effort and resources on the one hand and the real return on the other. And this is not caused by the suddenly discovered shortcomings of industrial robots, but by miscalculations made in the preparation of such production. Production, with its harsh laws, inevitably rejects expensive, slow-moving and unreliable designs.

Russia can and must regain its status as a world industrial power. To achieve this, you must have a number of key advantages - promising directions and technologies, developed machine tool industry, and most importantly - human resources that are able to bring our plans to life. The specifics of creating any new products, either the latest designs weapons, ships and aircraft, or other high-tech products, is that only what can, in principle, be manufactured is designed. It makes no sense to talk about creating, for example, a new generation fighter without equipment of the appropriate level. Thus, the latest equipment is the basis for creating latest technologies. Refusal of systematic industrial regulation and direct “nurturing” of innovative projects leads to the rejection of modern industrial production: shipbuilding and aircraft construction, the space sector, high-speed rail transport, modern systems weapons.

Since automation and robotic production are inherently closely related to the development of new types of products, they can determine the level of competitiveness of a country. Therefore, it is necessary to study and research the production cycles of enterprises various industries with large-scale, serial and small-scale production of products in order to determine areas of rational use of robots and establish functional and technical requirements to them.

There is a dynamic development of robotics in the world. More and more new highly efficient robot designs and industrial controllers for mass use have been created and are being created. Their number is growing rapidly, since reducing the share of manual labor, increasing productivity and increasing production rates are an urgent task for effective industrial production in developed post-industrial countries. Moreover, in many cases, it is the emergence of technology that stimulates the development of new types of products. Technology, brought to perfection, determines the cost of production, and ultimately the efficiency and competitiveness of the country’s economy as a whole. Thus, the formation of this direction will give impetus to the booming industry and lay the foundation for its dynamic development.

The development of industrial production is determined by the growth of labor productivity. The productivity of a technological operation in any industry depends on the time spent on performing main functional actions (primary time), auxiliary actions (auxiliary time) and time losses due to insufficient organization of labor (organizational losses) and the long-term implementation of some additional actions (own losses). Reducing the main time can be achieved by improving processing technology, as well as design changes in equipment. Minimizing organizational time losses requires careful consideration of the conditions for organizing production, delivery of materials and components, established cooperation ties and much more, and reducing auxiliary time and own losses is associated with mechanization and automation of production. Automation of production is possible only on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology, the use of advanced technology and the use of advanced production experience. Well, flexible automation, in turn, makes it possible to quickly reconfigure production to perform technological functions with a certain processing performance based on the maximum use of computer technology and electronics.

In view of the fact that computer technologies are developing at a rapid pace and nothing prevents their use in conjunction with technological equipment, we can conclude that in the near future human participation in production processes will be reduced to a minimum. Enterprises of the near future are fully automated workshops with a flexible organization of production, serviced by groups of robots with a single control center.


Automation of production leads to a significant increase in its efficiency. This is due, on the one hand, to improving the organization of production, accelerating the turnover of funds and better use of fixed assets, on the other hand, to reducing the cost of processing, expenses for wages and energy costs. The third important factor is increasing the level of production culture, quality of products, etc.

CNC machines have become a symbol of the movement towards innovative production organization. However, despite the scale and scope of their applications, they are not the most significant achievement in the field of automation today. Behind the scenes are programmable controllers, microprocessors, process computers, and logic control systems that are becoming even more successful and widely used in this field. At the same time, all of the listed devices can be considered as members of one family of equipment for flexible automation, radically changing the existing industrial production system.

It has already been proven that the use of industrial robots not only increases the level of automation of continuous production, but also allows for more efficient use technological equipment and on this basis significantly increase labor productivity. The use of robots also solves the problem of providing personnel for difficult and hazardous operations.

In the field of creation and application of industrial robots, our country is still at an early stage, so a large amount of research and development remains to be carried out and our own base to be developed. standard solutions. Along with the development of universal robots, it is necessary to establish the production of standard models of special-purpose equipment (pneumatic grippers, stationary devices and similar devices), which will further expand automation capabilities. In addition, simplified models of robots and mechanical grippers should be developed to perform simple operations.

Simple automation of jobs no longer suits production managers. Why? After all, the freed up time is most important factor, affecting the efficiency of activity industrial enterprise. However, the economic effect of local, “piecewise” automation is minimal, since the design process remains classically sequential: designers create documentation, transfer it to technologists, take it back for adjustments, return the corrected documentation to technologists, who prepare technological documentation, coordinate it with suppliers and economists, and so on Further. As a result, automation does not bring either full economic returns or a truly significant reduction in production preparation time, although a positive effect is achieved in any case.

We should not forget that the development and preparation of production of complex, high-tech products is a collective and interconnected process that involves dozens and hundreds of specialists from an enterprise or even a group of enterprises. During the product development process, a number of challenges arise that affect overall success. First of all, this is the inability to see the key resources involved in the development process in their actual state on this moment time. This is also an organization of joint work of a team of specialists with the involvement of companies that supply any components for the product being developed. The preparation time for such production can be significantly reduced in only one way - through parallel execution of work and close interaction of all participants in the process. A similar problem can be solved by creating a unified information space of the enterprise, a unique array of digital data about products.


Below is a brief algorithm that allows you to understand what you need to find out in order to begin implementing a production automation project.

1. First, you need to assess the automation object - what needs to be replaced, what equipment needs to be purchased and what can increase the productivity of the enterprise.

2. Based on the developed technical specifications, you need to select the most optimal elements to solve the tasks. These can be special sensors and monitoring tools, for example, for the operation of equipment, as well as various kits for further collection and processing of all received information, special devices to provide an interface - a control panel for the normal activities of production managers, etc.

3. Draw up design documentation - an automation diagram, preferably in the form of cyclograms, electrical schematic diagram, description of control systems management.

4. The next stage is the development of programs that will help implement control algorithms for each specific piece of equipment (lower control stage). After this, a general algorithm is drawn up for collecting and processing the received data (the upper level of production management).

5. When all of the above has been accomplished, it is advisable to start securing supplies necessary equipment. Moreover, its commissioning must be carried out according to pre-determined and strictly defined priorities.

6. It is necessary to automate all stages of the production process by programmatically combining control systems at each individual level, providing for them the possibility of flexible transformations.


The Solver company has been automating production at machine-building enterprises for 20 years. Experience shows that objective factors preventing the successful implementation of automation projects are:

The unwillingness of the enterprise team to accept automation as a necessary and sufficient tool of the production cycle at this stage of enterprise development;

Lack of a sufficient number of competent automation specialists;

Often, an enterprise does not have a clear understanding of the final goals of automation activities.

The Solver company has formulated several basic principles that allow us to take a rational look at the problems of robotization, and postulates that it is advisable to follow when working through the stages of production automation.

1. Robotics should not only replace a person or imitate his actions, but also perform these production functions faster and better. Only then will they be truly effective. This is how the principle of the final result is achieved.

2. Comprehensive approach. Must be reviewed and ultimately resolved on a new, more high level All essential components production process - technologies, production facilities, auxiliary equipment, control and maintenance systems. One component of the production process that is not properly developed can make the entire set of automation measures ineffective. Both industrial robots and automated control systems must be implemented taking into account the progress of technology and design and be comprehensively adapted to production requirements - only then will they be effective.

3. And the most important thing is the principle of necessity. Robotization tools, including the most promising and progressive ones, should be used not where they can be adapted, but where they cannot be avoided.

I would like to end the article with the following conclusion. No one is able to describe in detail and accurately the super-industrial society that is emerging today. But now we must understand that in the foreseeable future, society will move from a mass factory system to unique piece production, intellectual work, which will be based on information, super technologies, as well as high degree production automation. There is no other way in sight.

Automation of production processes lies in the fact that part of the functions of management, regulation and control of technological complexes is carried out not by people, but by robotic mechanisms and information systems. In fact, it can be called the main production idea of ​​the 21st century.


At all levels of the enterprise, the principles of automation of production processes are the same and uniform, although they differ in the scale of the approach to solving technological and management problems. These principles ensure that the required work is carried out efficiently and automatically.

The principle of consistency and flexibility

All activities within a single computerized system must be coordinated with each other and with similar positions in related areas. Full automation of operational, production and technological processes is achieved due to the commonality of the operations performed, recipes, schedules and optimal combination techniques. Failure to comply with this principle will compromise the flexibility of production and the integrated execution of the entire process.

Features of flexible automated technologies

The use of flexible production systems is a key trend in modern automation. As part of their action, technological optimization is carried out due to the coherence of the work of all system elements and the ability to quickly replace instruments. The methods used make it possible to effectively rebuild existing complexes to new principles without significant costs.

Creation and structure

Depending on the level of production development, automation flexibility is achieved through the coordinated and integrated interaction of all system elements: manipulators, microprocessors, robots, etc. Moreover, in addition to mechanized production of products, transport, warehouse and other divisions of the enterprise are involved in these processes.

The principle of completeness

Ideal automated production system should be a completed cyclic process without intermediate transfer of products to other departments. High-quality implementation of this principle is ensured by:

  • multifunctionality of the equipment, which allows processing several types of raw materials at once in one unit of time;
  • the manufacturability of the manufactured product by reducing the required resources;
  • unification of production methods;
  • a minimum of additional adjustment work after the equipment is put into operation.

The principle of comprehensive integration

The degree of automation depends on the interaction of production processes with each other and with the outside world, as well as on the speed of integration of a particular technology into the overall organizational environment.

Independent Execution Principle

Modern automated systems operate on the principle: “Don’t interfere with the machine’s work.” In fact, all processes during the production cycle must be carried out without human intervention, with only minimal human control allowed.


It is possible to automate production in any field of activity, but computerization works most effectively in complex monotonous processes. Such operations occur in:

  • light and heavy industry;
  • fuel and energy complex;
  • agriculture;
  • trade;
  • medicine, etc.

Mechanization helps in technical diagnostics, scientific and research activities within a separate enterprise.


The introduction of automated tools in production that can improve technological processes is a key guarantee of progressive and efficient work. The key goals of automation of production processes include:

  • staff reduction;
  • increasing labor productivity due to maximum automation;
  • expansion of the product line;
  • growth in production volumes;
  • improving the quality of goods;
  • reduction of the consumption component;
  • creation of environmentally friendly production by reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • introduction of high technologies into the regular production cycle with minimal costs;
  • increasing the safety of technological processes.

When these goals are achieved, the enterprise receives a lot of benefits from the implementation of mechanized systems and recoups the costs of automation (subject to stable demand for products).

High-quality implementation of the assigned mechanization tasks is determined by the implementation of:

  • modern automated tools;
  • individually developed computerization methods.

The degree of automation depends on the integration of innovative equipment into the existing technological chain. The level of implementation is assessed individually depending on the characteristics of a particular production.


The following elements are considered as part of a unified automated production environment at the enterprise:

  • design systems used to develop new products and technical documentation;
  • machines with program control based on microprocessors;
  • industrial robotic complexes and technological robots;
  • computerized quality control system at the enterprise;
  • technologically advanced warehouses with special lifting and transport equipment;
  • general automated production control system (APCS).


Following an automation strategy helps improve the entire range of required processes and obtain maximum benefits from implementation computer systems at the enterprise. Only those processes that have been fully studied and analyzed can be automated, since the program developed for the system must include different variations of one action depending on factors external environment, quantity of resources and quality of execution of all stages of production.

After defining the concept, studying and analyzing technological processes, the turn of optimization comes. It is necessary to qualitatively simplify the structure by removing from the system processes that do not bring any value. If possible, you need to reduce the number of actions performed by combining some operations into one. The simpler the structural order, the easier it is to computerize it. After simplifying the systems, you can begin to automate production processes.


Design is a key stage in the automation of production processes, without which it is impossible to introduce comprehensive mechanization and computerization in production. Within its framework, a special diagram is created that displays the structure, parameters and key characteristics of the devices used. The scheme typically consists of the following points:

  1. scale of automation (described separately for the entire enterprise and for individual production departments);
  2. determination of control parameters for the operation of devices, which will subsequently act as verification markers;
  3. description of control systems;
  4. configuration of the location of automated means;
  5. information about equipment blocking (in what cases it is applicable, how and by whom it will be launched in the event of an emergency).


There are several classifications of enterprise computerization processes, but it is most effective to separate these systems depending on their degree of implementation in the overall production cycle. On this basis, automation can be:

  • partial;
  • complex;
  • complete.

These varieties are just levels of production automation, which depend on the size of the enterprise and the volume of technological work.

Partial automation is a set of operations to improve production, within which one action is mechanized. It does not require the formation of a complex management complex and complete integration of related systems. At this level of computerization, human participation is allowed (not always to a limited extent).

Comprehensive automation allows you to optimize the operation of large production division in a single complex mode. Its use is justified only within a large innovative enterprise, where the most reliable equipment is used, since the breakdown of even one machine risks stopping the entire working line.

Full automation is a set of processes that ensure independent operation of the entire system, incl. Production Management. Its implementation is the most expensive, so this system is used in large enterprises in conditions of profitable and stable production. At this stage, human participation is minimized. Most often it consists of monitoring the system (for example, checking sensor readings, troubleshooting minor problems, etc.).


Automated processes increase the speed of cyclic operations, ensure their accuracy and safety, regardless of environmental factors. By eliminating the human factor, the number of possible errors and the quality of work improves. In case of typical situations, the program remembers the algorithm of actions and applies it with maximum efficiency.

Automation allows you to increase the accuracy of managing business processes in production by covering a large amount of information, which is simply impossible in the absence of mechanization. Computerized equipment can perform several technological operations simultaneously without compromising the quality of the process and the accuracy of calculations.

The concept of process automation is inextricably linked with the global technological process. Without the introduction of computerization systems, the modern development of individual departments and the entire enterprise as a whole is impossible. Mechanization of production makes it possible to most effectively improve the quality of finished products, expand the range of types of goods offered and increase production volume.

Conference on production automation November 28, 2017 in Moscow

Types of automation systems include:

  • immutable systems. These are systems in which the sequence of actions is determined by equipment configuration or process conditions and cannot be changed during the process.
  • programmable systems. These are systems in which the sequence of actions can vary depending on the given program and process configuration. The selection of the required sequence of actions is carried out through a set of instructions that can be read and interpreted by the system.
  • flexible (self-adjusting) systems. These are systems that are capable of selecting the necessary actions during operation. Changing the process configuration (the sequence and conditions for performing operations) is carried out based on information about the progress of the process.

These types of systems can be used at all levels of process automation individually or as part of a combined system.

In every sector of the economy, there are enterprises and organizations that produce products or provide services. All these enterprises can be divided into three groups, depending on their “remoteness” in the natural resource processing chain.

The first group of enterprises are enterprises that extract or produce Natural resources. Such enterprises include, for example, agricultural producers and oil and gas production enterprises.

The second group of enterprises are enterprises processing natural raw materials. They manufacture products from raw materials mined or produced by enterprises of the first group. Such enterprises include, for example, automobile industry enterprises, steel mills, electronics enterprises, power plants, etc.

The third group is service sector enterprises. Such organizations include, for example, banks, educational institutions, medical institutions, restaurants, etc.

For all enterprises it is possible to select general groups processes associated with the production of products or provision of services.

Such processes include:

  • business processes;
  • design and development processes;
  • production processes;
  • control and analysis processes.
  • Business processes are processes that ensure interaction within the organization and with external stakeholders (customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities, etc.). This category of processes includes marketing and sales processes, interaction with consumers, processes of financial, personnel, material planning and accounting, etc.
  • Design and Development Processes– these are all processes associated with the development of a product or service. Such processes include the processes of development planning, collection and preparation of initial data, project implementation, monitoring and analysis of design results, etc.
  • Production processes are the processes necessary to produce products or provide services. This group includes all production and technological processes. They also include demand planning and capacity planning processes, logistics processes and service processes.
  • Control and analysis processes– this group of processes is associated with the collection and processing of information about the execution of processes. Such processes include quality control processes, operational management, inventory control processes, etc.

Most of the processes belonging to these groups can be automated. Today, there are classes of systems that provide automation of these processes.

Technical task to the "Warehouses" subsystemTerms of reference for the "Document Flow" subsystemTerms of reference for the "Procurement" subsystem

Process automation strategy

Process automation is a complex and time-consuming task. To successfully solve this problem, it is necessary to adhere to a certain automation strategy. It allows you to improve processes and gain a number of significant benefits from automation.

Briefly, the strategy can be formulated as follows:

  • understanding the process. In order to automate a process, you need to understand the existing process with all its details. The process must be fully analyzed. The inputs and outputs of the process, the sequence of actions, the relationship with other processes, the composition of process resources, etc. must be determined.
  • simplifying the process. Once the process analysis has been carried out, the process needs to be simplified. Unnecessary activities that do not add value must be reduced. Individual operations can be combined or performed in parallel. To improve the process, other technologies for its execution may be proposed.
  • process automation. Process automation can only be done after the process has been simplified as much as possible. How simpler order actions of a process, the easier it is to automate it and the more efficiently the automated process will work.

Implementation in enterprises technical means, allowing to automate production processes, is a basic condition for effective work. Diversity modern methods automation expands the range of their applications, while the costs of mechanization, as a rule, are justified by the end result in the form of an increase in the volume of manufactured products, as well as an increase in their quality.

Organizations that follow the path of technological progress occupy leading positions in the market, provide better working conditions and minimize the need for raw materials. For this reason large enterprises It is no longer possible to imagine without the implementation of mechanization projects - exceptions apply only to small craft industries, where automation of production does not justify itself due to the fundamental choice in favor of handmade. But even in such cases, it is possible to partially turn on automation at some stages of production.

Automation Basics

In a broad sense, automation involves the creation of such conditions in production that will allow certain tasks for the manufacture and release of products to be performed without human intervention. In this case, the operator’s role may be to solve the most critical tasks. Depending on the goals set, automation of technological processes and production can be complete, partial or comprehensive. Choice specific model determined by the complexity of the technical modernization of the enterprise due to automatic filling.

At plants and factories where it is sold full automation, usually mechanized and electronic control systems are transferred to all the functionality for controlling production. This approach is most rational if operating conditions do not imply changes. In partial form, automation is implemented at individual stages of production or during the mechanization of an autonomous technical component, without requiring the creation of a complex infrastructure for managing the entire process. A comprehensive level of production automation is usually implemented in certain areas - this could be a department, workshop, line, etc. In this case, the operator controls the system itself without affecting the direct work process.

Automated control systems

To begin with, it is important to note that such systems assume complete control over an enterprise, factory or plant. Their functions can extend to a specific piece of equipment, conveyor, workshop or production area. In this case, process automation systems receive and process information from the serviced object and, based on this data, have a corrective effect. For example, if the operation of a production complex does not meet the parameters of technological standards, the system will use special channels to change its operating modes according to the requirements.

Automation objects and their parameters

The main task when introducing production mechanization means is to maintain the quality parameters of the facility, which will ultimately affect the characteristics of the product. Today, experts try not to delve into the essence technical parameters different objects, since theoretically the implementation of control systems is possible at any component of production. If we consider in this regard the basics of automation of technological processes, then the list of mechanization objects will include the same workshops, conveyors, all kinds of devices and installations. One can only compare the degree of complexity of implementing automation, which depends on the level and scale of the project.

Regarding the parameters with which automatic systems operate, we can distinguish input and output indicators. In the first case, these are the physical characteristics of the product, as well as the properties of the object itself. In the second, these are the direct quality indicators of the finished product.

Regulating technical means

Devices that provide regulation are used in automation systems in the form of special alarms. Depending on their purpose, they can monitor and control various process parameters. In particular, automation of technological processes and production can include alarms for temperature, pressure, flow characteristics, etc. Technically, devices can be implemented as scale-free devices with electrical contact elements at the output.

The operating principle of the control alarms is also different. If we consider the most common temperature devices, we can distinguish manometric, mercury, bimetallic and thermistor models. Structural design, as a rule, is determined by the principle of operation, but operating conditions also have a significant influence on it. Depending on the direction of the enterprise’s work, automation of technological processes and production can be designed taking into account specific operating conditions. For this reason, control devices are developed with a focus on use in conditions high humidity, physical pressure or the effects of chemicals.

Programmable automation systems

The quality of management and control of production processes has noticeably increased against the background of the active supply of enterprises with computing devices and microprocessors. From the point of view of industrial needs, the capabilities of programmable hardware make it possible not only to ensure effective control of technological processes, but also to automate design, as well as conduct production tests and experiments.

Computer devices that are used in modern enterprises solve problems of regulation and control of technological processes in real time. Such production automation tools are called computing systems and operate on the principle of aggregation. The systems include unified functional blocks and modules, from which you can create various configurations and adapt the complex to work in certain conditions.

Units and mechanisms in automation systems

The direct execution of work operations is carried out by electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices. According to the principle of operation, the classification involves functional and portion mechanisms. IN Food Industry Such technologies are usually implemented. Automation of production in this case involves the introduction of electrical and pneumatic mechanisms, the designs of which may include electric drives and regulatory bodies.

Electric motors in automation systems

The basis actuators often form electric motors. Depending on the type of control, they can be presented in non-contact and contact versions. Units that are controlled by relay contact devices can change the direction of movement of the working parts when manipulated by the operator, but the speed of operations remains unchanged. If automation and mechanization of technological processes using non-contact devices is assumed, then semiconductor amplifiers are used - electrical or magnetic.

Panels and control panels

To install equipment that should provide management and control of the production process at enterprises, special consoles and panels are installed. Devices for automatic control and regulation, instrumentation, protective mechanisms, as well as various elements of communication infrastructure. By design, such a shield can be a metal cabinet or a flat panel on which automation equipment is installed.

The remote control, in turn, is the center for remote control- this is a kind of control room or operator area. It is important to note that the automation of technological processes and production should also provide access to maintenance by personnel. It is this function that is largely determined by consoles and panels that allow calculations, evaluation production indicators and generally monitor the workflow.

Automation systems design

The main document that serves as a guide for the technological modernization of production for the purpose of automation is the diagram. It displays the structure, parameters and characteristics of devices, which will later act as means of automatic mechanization. In the standard version, the diagram displays the following data:

  • level (scale) of automation at a specific enterprise;
  • determining the operating parameters of the facility, which must be provided with means of control and regulation;
  • control characteristics - full, remote, operator;
  • possibility of blocking actuators and units;
  • configuration of the location of technical equipment, including on consoles and panels.

Auxiliary automation tools

Despite their secondary role, additional devices provide important monitoring and control functions. Thanks to them, the same connection between actuators and a person is ensured. In terms of equipping with auxiliary devices, production automation may include push-button stations, control relays, various switches and command panels. There are many designs and varieties of these devices, but they are all focused on ergonomic and safe control of key units on site.