Combination boilers for a private home. Universal heating boilers for a private home: types and characteristics

In the conditions of Russian cold winters, the issue of choosing heating equipment becomes more relevant than ever. Naturally, one of the most obvious ways out of the situation is to connect to centralized network heat supply. But this is only possible within the city limits. For a country house the best option there will be a heating system using a boiler combined type, which is capable of using several types of fuel. This device allows you to quickly switch to another type of fuel, which guarantees warmth in the house even if there are interruptions in the supply of energy or the delivery of raw materials.

Depending on what type of energy resource is present in a particular area, a low-rise construction project may involve the following types combined heating equipment:

  • solid fuel—gas boilers;
  • solid fuel—electric;
  • liquid fuel—gas.

Important! There are combined heating boilers that, subject to appropriate conversion, are capable of operating on four types of fuel. However, the presence additional equipment, through which a simple transition of the boiler to another fuel is carried out, slightly increases its cost.

For successful use of units that run on diesel fuel and gas, it is necessary to constantly change the burner. There are also universal models that are very expensive. If we talk about a boiler using wood and electricity, then its design, along with the combustion chamber, contains heating elements. In solid fuel boilers that offer the possibility of switching to gas equipment, gas burners are also used.

Important! The process of changing fuel can occur in both manual and automatic modes. The first option is simpler in design and costs less than its automatic counterpart.

Design Features

The most popular are solid fuel and electric combined designs. It’s easy to explain: at least one type of solid fuel, be it firewood, wood chips or pellets, is present in every region of Russia. The presence of electricity is considered one of the main conditions for creating modern comfortable housing.

Such combi boilers heating systems include a firebox, which is used to burn solid fuel, and a heat exchanger located above it. This is where the coolant is heated. To ensure the boiler operates from the mains, special heating elements are installed in the heat exchanger, the heating of which is regulated on the control panel.

Important! Most of Combined-type boilers operating on electricity and solid fuel are equipped with automation that allows you to turn on heating elements when there is insufficient heat generated when burning wood. Equipment of this type is very easy to connect to the system " smart House"and is capable of automatically supporting minimum temperature in the absence of residents. Thus, by the time the owners arrive at the house, their rooms will have reached a comfortable temperature for living.

A combination boiler is most often used not only to heat the coolant, but also to provide hot water supply. We are talking about double-circuit units that are capable of not only maintaining housing comfortable temperature, but also be responsible for the supply hot water. One circuit in such equipment is responsible for heating the coolant, and the other heats the hot water.

Advice! Double-circuit boilers are highly efficient only when used in winter period. In the summer, to obtain hot water, you have to heat the entire boiler, while the first circuit remains unused.

Types of combined boilers

Now let's take a closer look at some of the most popular types similar equipment:

  • Solid fuel—electric. Such units can operate at a network voltage of 220 and 380V, delivering power in the range of 3.5-9 kW. Some models allow you to switch phases using equipment for working in networks with different voltages. Great option for country houses, since the room can be heated using firewood, and during departure, automatic heating is turned on, maintaining a positive temperature in the room.
  • Solid fuel—gas. In such units, automation is minimal, and therefore they require constant attention. The popularity of boilers of this type is facilitated by their low cost.

  • Diesel-gas. The transition between fuel types is very simple: all you need to do is change the burner without making any complex settings.

Important! Many users of autonomous heating systems agree that diesel-gas designs are unprofitable. The fact is that gas has a significantly lower cost, and it is most advisable to use this installation to operate exclusively on gas. But even in this case, the ability to run on diesel can be used as a safety net if for some reason the gas supply is cut off.

  • Gas—diesel—electricity—solid fuel. This is the most versatile heating unit, which will be simply irreplaceable in those areas where interruptions in the supply of gas or electricity may occur. Such boilers can be universal both initially and converted during operation by installing additional components.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider the main pros and cons of this equipment, because they are decisive when choosing specific model heating boiler. The advantages of this type of equipment are as follows:

  • The fuel used in these designs is available and has a low cost. At least, there is an opportunity to easily switch to a more profitable fuel without changing the heating unit.

  • Depending on weather conditions, it becomes possible to regulate the boiler operating mode, and this, in turn, reduces fuel costs.
  • Since such designs allow the use of two or more types of fuel, this guarantees the operability of the system in the event that one of the types of raw materials is missing.
  • The best option for working in automatic mode in a smart home system.
  • Reliability and ease of operation, as well as durability.
  • Environmentally friendly equipment.

However, a combination boiler for heating a private house also has its disadvantages:

  • To install such equipment, a special room must be provided in the house. It also stores fuel reserves.
  • To connect the equipment you need three-phase network. Most likely, when installing a boiler, approval from Energonadzor will be required.
  • The scope of application of such units is very limited due to the fact that such heating systems can only be used in individual residential construction.
  • When using such equipment regularly, regular preventive inspections and maintenance are mandatory.

Important! Despite all the disadvantages described above, such equipment has much more advantages. You should also take into account the excellent performance of combined boilers, which contribute to a significant increase in demand for this equipment.

Operating rules for combined boilers

When installing and using combined-type boilers, a number of such nuances should be taken into account:

  • Solid fuel and electric boilers have quite a lot of weight. Therefore, they are all floor-mounted and require a solid foundation.
  • When installing the boiler, it is necessary to install a chimney with a sufficient cross-section to ensure acceptable draft.

  • The chimney must be insulated, which will eliminate the possibility of fire in those structures that are in direct contact with it.
  • During continuous use of this equipment, it is necessary to periodically clean the ash tray. The frequency of cleaning directly depends on the degree of fuel combustion, its type, as well as the intensity with which the boiler itself will operate.

Advice! It is advisable to place a steel sheet in front of the combustion chamber of the boiler, which is dictated by safety precautions. This coating will provide the floor necessary protection from sparks and burning fuel particles.


There are various raw materials on which multi-fuel boilers can operate: solid fuel(wood-burning), gas, electricity, liquid fuel. Due to this “omnivorous” nature, this equipment is very popular. All the features and nuances of such units that you should pay attention to when purchasing were discussed above. Considering all the recommendations described above, you can choose a truly reliable and efficient equipment, which will create warmth and comfort in the house for decades.

Rapid development individual construction has become a special sign of several recent years. Frightened by the unsatisfactory state of the environment, citizens are flocking en masse to the rapidly growing suburbs, where they can build a convenient and comfortable home. The villagers are not far behind them, erecting spacious buildings. One of the most important problems private buildings - arrangement of a heating system. It is not always possible to connect to centralized system, so we have to arrange an autonomous option. In this case, combined heating boilers become a real godsend, universal devices, which operate on various types fuel.

What are the benefits of using such a device?

Heating is a complex system that includes many elements. One of the most important is the boiler. It is advisable to decide on the type of device at the design stage, having carried out everything necessary calculations. They must take into account all the features of the future building: ceiling height, level of thermal insulation of the premises, location of the boiler and radiators, etc. The type of equipment determines the need to design additional premises for storing fuel, the nuances of installing the boiler, and so on. Quite often it turns out to be quite difficult to decide on the type of device.

Combination boilers are designed to work with different types of fuel. This is especially convenient when there may be interruptions in the main type of fuel.

The easiest way to choose a device is when there are no problems with obtaining one type of fuel. If this is not possible, difficulties begin, which a combined device will help to cope with. Its design allows the device to be used different kinds fuel, which makes it universal. Boilers are especially valuable for developers whose households are located far from communications. It is quite possible that after some time all the necessary highways will be connected.

In this case, installing a boiler designed for one type of fuel is unprofitable and short-sighted, because in the foreseeable future a cheaper option will appear. Redesigning the system will be quite expensive. In addition, combined instruments are also indispensable where there are regular fuel shortages. If problems arise, it will be enough to simply reconfigure the boiler and switch, for example, from gas to liquid or solid fuel.

To the benefits combined systems include:

  • “Omnivorous”, which allows you to level out the inconvenience from possible interruptions in the main fuel.
  • Equipped with outputs for possible connection of several circuits. It could be radiator heating, “warm floor”, etc.
  • Availability of a heat exchange unit with increased productivity to ensure hot water supply.
  • Flexible choice of fuel types for different modes, which makes it possible to make the process more economical.
  • Possibility of installing a boiler.
  • Highly environmentally friendly system.
  • The equipment operates without human intervention. The program provides switching to alternative view fuel in case of failure of main fuel supply.

The disadvantages of combined devices are their high cost and energy dependence, since the automation of the devices runs on electricity. In addition, most systems will require equipment in a special room designed to store a supply of solid and liquid fuel.

Classification of combination boilers

There are several types of combination boilers used for heating a home. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Type #1 - units for gaseous and liquid fuels

This variation is the most rational. This is due to the fact that boilers operating on gaseous and liquid fuels are structurally almost no different. To switch from one type of fuel to another, the devices will require several minutes and minor burner adjustments. Thermal power and the operating modes of the device do not change. The equipment operates on liquefied, natural gas, as well as liquid fuel, most often diesel. In most cases, when installing boilers of this type, gas is chosen as the main fuel, since it is safer, more environmentally friendly and economical.

Diesel is usually chosen as backup fuel. To store it, you will need to prepare a room with a special tank. The combustion products of gas and liquid fuel are removed equally, so no special devices or system reconfigurations will not be required. The power of boilers using this type of fuel is quite high. They can heat large areas. That is why developers very often choose them to install heating in private houses where they live permanently.

A universal device designed to operate on gas, solid fuel and electricity. Used for heating relatively small buildings

Type #2 - units running on gas, solid and liquid fuels

The design difference from previous models is the presence of a firebox designed for solid fuel. Thus, the device operates on natural or liquefied gas, liquid fuel, as well as coal, peat, firewood, pellets, etc. The main advantage of the system is its versatility and relatively low price.

In addition, it also has serious “cons”. This is a low level of automation and low efficiency. In addition, for the normal functioning of the device, the installation of a full-fledged chimney will be required. Heating a large area using solid fuel is quite complicated and expensive. Therefore, such systems are used for heating small buildings without permanent residence or in summer cottages.

Type #3 - boilers with electric heating elements

Both modifications described above differ only in the type of fuel and use combustion energy to produce heat. Devices with heating elements can also heat the coolant through the use of electricity. It is unlikely that the power of the device will allow heating a large building, but for small houses it is quite enough. Such devices have a high level of automation and are able to protect the entire system from freezing. The equipment automatically starts the heater as soon as the temperature in the system drops to +5C.

Such devices have proven themselves especially well where there are frequent interruptions in the main fuel, for example, diesel fuel or gas, and there is no way to constantly monitor the operation of the boiler. Automatic equipment control makes it easy to cope with this task. The advantages of boilers with electric heaters also include reliability, versatility and high efficiency, which the device produces when operating on the main type of fuel.

Multi-fuel boilers, which can operate on all types of fuel, are quite bulky and take up a lot of space. Available only in floor-standing version

How to choose a boiler that is right for you?

Before purchasing a device, you need to decide not only on the types of fuel that will be used for this boiler, but also on the necessary functionality. On sale you can find:

  • Single-circuit devices. They are intended exclusively for space heating.
  • Double-circuit devices. Used for heating, as well as hot water supply.
  • Universal double-circuit boilers. They are similar to double-circuit ones, in addition they are equipped with a special cast iron stove on which you can cook food.

The last two types of equipment are most often produced with low power. This is due to the fact that powerful equipment requires a clear separation of all functions and capabilities.

The power of combined boilers can be very different. The most popular models are those with power ratings from 20 to 120 kW. Such devices can heat rooms from 180 to 1000 square meters. m. With a ceiling height of no more than 3 m. However, there is a peculiarity: the higher the power of the device, the less functionality it has and additional functions. Boilers with a power of up to 50 kW have the largest number of options. The devices can operate on almost all types of fuel, and can also be equipped with a stove for cooking and a boiler for heating water.

A feature of combined devices is their heavy weight and some bulkiness. This is due to the fact that cast iron is used for the manufacture of system elements, which is characterized by high corrosion resistance. And it inevitably appears due to the presence of condensate accompanying the combustion process of liquid fuel. For this reason, combi boilers are produced exclusively in floor-standing versions. To install the system, they are most often equipped with separate room with a mandatory supply of fresh air.

Review of popular brands - what does the market offer?

South Korean boilers Kiturami designed to work under heavy loads in any climatic conditions. Most models are designed to operate on two types of fuel. For example, solid and liquid. Most often equipped with two circuits, they can be installed in residential or production premises. The popular Kiturami KRM model has a two-chamber flow-type heat exchanger. The turbocyclone burner for liquid fuel is equipped with a heating system, built-in pump and filtration system. The device is controlled from the remote control. The KRM 30 modification can heat rooms up to 300 square meters. m, KRM 70 – up to 550-600 sq. m.

Most of the models of the famous South Korean brand Kiturami are designed to work with two types of fuel

Another well-known manufacturer - Italian company Ferroli. All devices produced by the company have special protection against overheating and freezing. In the process of developing devices, the company uses new technologies aimed at reducing toxicity flue gases and increasing efficiency. Ferroli brand equipment is modified specifically for Russian operating conditions, including water and low-quality gas. The company produces several lines of devices of varying power. Ferroli GN1 is very popular. These are cast iron floor standing boilers, the power of which varies from 23 to 93 kW. The devices are designed to work with liquid or gaseous fuels.

A domestic manufacturer from Krasnoyarsk produces equipment under the brand Zota. These are combined devices that operate on gaseous, solid, liquid fuels, as well as electricity. Boilers are made from steel sheets 3-4 mm thick. The power of the devices is from 20 to 50 kW. The devices meet international standards in the field of reliability, quality and safety. Today you can find four models of such devices on sale. All of them are characterized by increased operating pressure, which allows achieving maximum efficiency. Special design The heat exchanger increases the quality and speed of heat transfer. A special ejector mechanism mounted on the firebox door reduces the density of smoke. At the same time, the cost of domestic devices is lower than that of foreign analogues.

Combined heating devices from Krasnoyarsk are different high quality, reliability, durability and efficiency at a relatively low price

It is also worth noting brand boilers Protherm, which are characterized by durability, high performance and low toxicity of flue gases. This is due to the use of modern burners and the optimal shape of the combustion chamber. To reduce thermal costs for heating and the cost of operating the device, its body is covered with special thermal insulation boards, made from mineral wool. All devices are equipped automatic system management. For residential premises, models of the Bizon NL series are most often used. This is a double-circuit equipment made of low-temperature cast iron. Depending on the type of burner, the devices can operate on various types gaseous and liquid fuels. Their power varies from 30 to 80 kW.

Combination boilers – practical solution for arrangement of heating of a private house in conditions of possible interruptions in the main fuel. There are many modifications of devices, which makes it possible to choose the most optimal option for each case. It is best to purchase the device from specialized companies. Experienced specialists will help you decide on the model and, if necessary, carry out installation work. Installing combined equipment ensures that your home will always be warm and cozy.

2014-11-23 6 787

Of course, one of optimal options heating is gas. But what to do if the installation of such equipment is impossible due to lack of gasification? The situation can be further complicated by the fact that it is at least not practical to install a model that runs on one type of fuel. In this case, universal combined heating boilers can come to the rescue. country house. Why can the use of this type of heating equipment be justified, despite its high cost? What to look for when choosing multi-fuel equipment?

How to choose a combination boiler for a country house

To make your choice easier and narrow down the search for a suitable universal combination boiler for heating a country house, you must first decide what functions it will perform. Depending on this, all models can be divided into the following categories:

Except additional features, which can be distinctive feature Some models of universal combined boilers for heating a country house, when choosing, you need to pay attention to what types of fuel they can operate with.

To increase the autonomy of combined boilers, you can also purchase a pellet burner. It is, as a rule, universal and suitable for most combined models. You can do the installation yourself.

To choose a combination boiler for a private country house, you need to pay attention to the possibility of performing additional functions. If in a city where it is possible to connect to a centralized hot water supply, there is no need for independent water heating, then in rural areas this function is one of the most important. There are several design solutions that can accomplish this task.

Good planning and use different types fuel for specific purposes can significantly reduce the cost of heating a building and heating hot water.

Requirements for installation of universal boilers

Installation of a heating boiler on combined fuel can only be carried out after obtaining permission to use certain types of raw materials. So, for electricity and gas, you will have to make a project and coordinate the use in various authorities. In addition, during installation you will need to strictly adhere to the recommended safety requirements.
  1. Installation must be carried out exclusively on a solid concrete base.
  2. The boiler room must be good natural circulation air.
  3. To increase the service life, it will be necessary to install water treatment systems.

It is necessary to select a boiler at the early stages of construction, so you can select a model that will fully correspond to what is expected, not only with the necessary options, but also with dimensions.

Calculation of power and temperature of a warm water floor

Heating boiler power selection calculator

First of all, they are characterized by structural and operational parameters. At the same time, the group of performance indicators largely depends on the fuel used. Liquid, gas and solid fuels have their own special qualities, which manifest themselves during the maintenance of the unit. To make the most of different combustible materials, many homeowners are switching to combination or universal boilers, which are multi-functional. With the help of such equipment you can use the most suitable look fuel based on season or heating requirements.

Features of combination boilers

The main feature and advantage of units of this type is that the user can, if there is a shortage of one type of fuel, use another - more affordable one. They are also financially beneficial. For example, electric models are considered the most expensive to operate, while gas mixtures, on the contrary, require the least cost. It is important to consider that universal boilers can support the use of a partial range of fuel types. Thus, there are models that operate only from solid fuel combustible materials or electricity, or modifications that are heated by diesel fuel and gas - your choice. But multi-fuel devices are also common. In both cases, the boilers support one main type of fuel through an installed main burner, and in addition, the user can purchase special integrated units for working with alternative fuels.

Reviews of the Atmos model

Atmos demonstrates with its units from the DC 32SP and DC EP series the central direction of technological development in the segment, which has given a new impetus to the development of alternative heating designs. This equipment operates on the principle of generator gasification, which is complemented by the function of a biofuel burner. The peculiarity of this direction is due to the use of pellets - a relatively new type of fuel that provides a high level of energy efficiency. In addition, Atmos universal boilers can operate on natural gas and on fuel oil. Unlike most combination models, such units also eliminate the need for different burners. The versatility of the function is ensured by the presence in the device of several chambers designed for different groups of fuel filler.

Reviews of the Baxi model

The Spanish manufacturer's Roca line includes the P-30 model, implemented with an emphasis on a different concept. The developers used lightweight gray cast iron, thanks to which high thermal insulation was achieved. There are several modifications of this unit, which differ in power - from 23 to 52 kW. The choice in favor of one version or another should be made based on the place where you plan to use this universal boiler. At home, it is quite possible to operate even an average installation in terms of performance characteristics as the main source of heating. IN small apartment the initial modification of the P-30 would be more suitable. Boilers are supplied mainly with solid fuel, but how Alternative option You can also use liquid fuel - diesel or diesel fuel.

Reviews of the Jaspi Tupla model

This model can be considered not only as a universal boiler in terms of the use of different types of fuel, but also as a multifunctional installation in terms of the tasks it solves. In addition to the main heating function, this equipment solves the issue of hot water supply. Other combined models are famous for the same qualities, but in this modification the operating modes are maximally optimized for domestic needs. Firstly, this universal heating boiler is equipped with a wide range of safety systems, since working with gas requires high level reliability. Secondly, the ergonomics of operating mode control evokes positive feedback not only in terms of electronics, but also in terms of structural elements.

Reviews of Buderus models

The Buderus company is well known to specialists dealing with utility equipment. In this case it is worth considering non-standard solution Logano S121-2. The versatility of the model can be called conditional, since the unit is still mainly focused on working with solid fuel and, above all, firewood. But the boiler has two significant features. First of all, this is the ability to pair with another heating equipment, which can operate on any fuel raw material. The second noteworthy aspect is related to the fact that universal solid fuel boilers from the Logano series work on the pyrolysis principle. In other words, it is planned to recycle the combustion products themselves, which reduces the volume of harmful emissions and increases the heat transfer of equipment.

Positive reviews about universal boilers

As experienced users of such boilers note, they are practically no worse than similar monofuel units in terms of energy efficiency, but at the same time retain the ability to use the optimal fuel for specific conditions. Obviously, the absence of restrictions on the choice of one or another combustible material also ensures a reduction in operating costs. In addition, universal heating boilers, simply due to the complexity of their design, should be equipped with additional systems security. Accordingly, the practice of use demonstrates high degree reliability of models of this type.

Negative reviews

If during operation the user has the opportunity to plan financial costs for the purchase of fuel with high savings, then the purchase of such a boiler itself will in any case cost 20-30% more. Again, technological and design complexity inevitably contributes to an increase in the price tag. The second serious drawback that users note is related to technical maintenance and basic content. Unlike monofuel units, universal boilers require a wider range of preventive measures that their operator must carry out. This also applies to cleaning chambers with burners, and checking operating components, as well as testing circuits that operate under different loads depending on the fuel used.


The trend of transition from traditional boilers to universal ones was formed against the backdrop of the popularization of biofuels. Those same pellets cannot be used for conventional fireboxes for solid fuel. Therefore, special units designed for biofuel appeared. And against their background, in turn, the idea of ​​combining different combustion systems in one design arose. In its current form, a universal boiler for a private home is capable of providing both full heating and maintenance hot water. At the same time, you should not think that the variety of types of fuel available for use greatly simplifies the operation process itself. Of course, thanks to versatility, you can count on significant savings. But this will also become possible only under the condition of skillful and timely use of suitable boiler operating modes.

Not all corners of our country are provided with gas pipelines, so when building dachas or during permanent residence In such an area, the issue of heating rooms must be solved in a different way.

However, the industry does not stand still and someday such a pipe will appear there too, so combined boilers for heating a private house are ideally suited for similar project.

Types of multi-fuel boilers

If you have a need for a multi-fuel unit, then when choosing it you should take into account that universal heating boilers for a private home have a certain power. This is very important factor Therefore, it is very important to consider the area of ​​the building and its heating needs.

Combination gas - diesel

  • This version of multi-fuel units is the most common and there are reasons for this. In order to switch from one fuel to another, you just need to change the burner (supplied) without resorting to complex settings (the instructions explain how to do this).
    This simplicity is explained by the fact that gas and diesel fuel use the same combustion chamber.
  • From a technical point of view, this combination is quite effective, although the prices for gas and diesel fuel differ greatly from each other. The operational life of the unit mainly depends on the quality of the heat exchanger, and it can be made of either steel or cast iron, combined (bithermic) or separate.
  • But many users of autonomous heating are unanimous in the opinion that if there is a gas main near the house, it is better to use mono-heating devices.
    This is explained by the fact that they are much cheaper both to purchase and to operate. This combination is beneficial in cases where a gas line will soon be installed near the house, but heating is needed now.

Combination gas - solid fuel

  • You can also install a gas-solid fuel multi-fuel device with your own hands, although they are mainly used for firewood and coal. Safety control and automation there are kept to a minimum, so such units require maximum attention during operation.
    But, nevertheless, such devices are very cheap compared to their analogues and this contributes to their great popularity.

Combination of electricity - solid fuel

  • , as a rule, can operate from 220V or 380V, and their power ranges from 4 kW to 9 kW. Some options such as “Zota” or “EVP-M” can be operated in different modes from both 220 V and 380 V, that is, switched from one to three phases and vice versa.
  • Of course, such options heating devices very convenient for summer residents, especially when country house no one lives permanently.
    After all, while you are on site, you can easily maintain the heating of the room using firewood (many even enjoy it), but when you leave, the unit switches to automatic mode and uses electricity to maintain a positive temperature in the heating system.

Combination gas - diesel - solid fuel - electricity

  • If we talk about maximum versatility, then combined boilers for heating a house, operating on four main types of fuel for such units, can be called just that.
    If we talk about each fuel separately, then perhaps we should pay attention to solid fuel. This is because it is also quite diverse - this includes firewood, coal, briquettes, coke, pellets and simply lumber waste.
  • Such universal home heating boilers are very convenient for hard-to-reach areas where interruptions in electricity and gas are possible. But the forests in Russian Federation very much, so there are unlikely to be any problems with solid fuel, especially since this resource is relatively cheap.
    So the installation and operation of combined units of this type for extreme conditions is highly recommended (see also about the features).

Recommendation. The very fact of the existence of multi-fuel heating devices speaks of the undoubted progress of human genius and we are certainly pleased to take advantage of its achievements.
But in such situations, the most appropriate question is: “Do I need this?”
If you need to constantly maintain the temperature in the water heating circuit, then, of course, you cannot do without gas or electricity, because only an uninterrupted supply of energy can provide such a regime.
But if this is not necessary, then it is much cheaper to use monofuel equipment, in particular, one that runs on wood or only gas.
The issue of saving is important here, and if you have power outages, then why this function on the boiler, and if the house has gas, then do you need solid fuel if you are a rare guest there?
There may be many such questions and answers, so it is better to choose the “golden mean”.


Perhaps it would be appropriate to mention one more combination, very convenient for a country house - this is a pyrolysis boiler plus for maintaining the temperature in your absence, although these are already two devices. In order to make your choice, you can also use the photo and video information located on this page.