Money rituals for the new moon. Strong spell with wheat for wealth

This simple but powerful spell is done using a green scarf and wheat grains. Take a green plain headscarf or scarf, a glass of wheat grains. Heat the wheat in a cast iron frying pan, read the Lord's Prayer over it nine times, then cool it directly in the frying pan.

On the night of the new moon, light four yellow wax candles in the corners of the table. Place a handkerchief on the table. Shake the wheat grains from the pan onto it. First cross the scarf with the grains three times, then yourself. Now say the spell for wheat for money:

On the sea, on the ocean, there is the island of Buyan.

On that Buyan island there is an unknown land.

They sit there on a golden throne

Jesus Christ son of God

And his mother is the ever-virgin Mary.

I, servant of God (name), will come closer,

I bow lower.

Mother of God, ever-Virgin Mary!

You lived on earth

She took the bread in her white hands,

I paid for bread

She carried it in her purse.

Give Jesus Christ and ever-virgin Mary,

I, the servant of God (name), have so much money in my wallet,

How many grains are there on this scarf?

To be there now and in the future.

Key. Lock. Language.

Forever and ever. Amen.

Then you quickly need to blow out the candles, wrap the cinders in a scarf and put them away out of sight so that no one can see. Take the grains from the scarf, pour them into a saucepan, add a glass of water and cook over low heat without salt. Eat the porridge as soon as it is cooked.

Wheat money plot

With slander and spells you can either ruin a person or make him rich. Here is a simple spell for wheat for money and good luck: put copper money on a simple saucer without a pattern, pour wheat on the bottom, cover with a handkerchief, water once every three days warm water little by little to give the wheat growth, and say when watering:

Mother wheat, you feed both young and old, and ours. From the grain you give ten, fifteen, and twenty. Let me, God’s servant, give birth to money, like this wheat. Just as it grows day and night and doesn’t let me die of hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. God bless. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen.

Wheat soaked in this way can be used for a number of powerful rituals that give amazing results in increasing wealth.

Do it on full moon days, at midnight, when the sky is cloudless.

Fill a pot or deep bowl halfway with water and throw a silver coin into the water. Place the pot so that the light from the moon falls into the water. Make light movements with your hands above the surface of the water, symbolically scooping and collecting lunar silver in your palms. At this time, say a spell with wheat for wealth:

Beautiful Delhi of the moon,

I ask you to give me your wealth,

Fill my hands with silver and gold.

My wallet will hold everything you give


Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water into the ground.

You can do it for yourself.

Read only in the summer months on the fifth or eleventh, on the new month. Show the month all your money and say three times:

As quickly as the month grows, so quickly will the money of (me) God's servant (name) arrive. Let it be so from now on and forever.

Silk and wheat spell

Take a green silk rag and a handful of wheat. Pour the grains into the middle of the room, make a hill out of them, and stick the stub of a church candle brought from church into this hill. While the candle is burning, read the prayer:

Lord our God, the source of good things, who commanded the earth to bring forth fruit, for Thy goodness and goodness; Bless and increase both this threshing floor and the fruitfulness of Your servants: fill their treasures with every good fruit, wheat, wine and oil, and keep them from every temptation, with all that is with them, and enlighten them in Your knowledge, that You may be well-pleasing, will be worthy of Your eternal blessings. Yako blessed Your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The wheat must then be boiled and eaten.

Unhusked wheat spell

Take two glasses of unrefined wheat (in the city you can buy such wheat at the market or in pet stores: it is sold as bird food). Stick a stump of a church candle brought from mass into each glass. Cross both glasses. Light the candles and, while they are burning, cross yourself and read the prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” When the candles burn out, pour into right hand a little from each glass, clasp the grain into your fist, bring your fist to your very lips, and read the spell for wheat for money:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go out, servant of God, into an open field, into a wide expanse, seventy-seven paths, seventy-eight valleys. I’m walking along the paths, and Saint Mitrofan meets me. “Where are you going, holy father?” “I’m going to the rich man’s house, where the men were plowing and collecting gold. On seventy-seven carts they took the gold out of the field, poured it into gold bins, and rowed it with gold shovels. I’m going to bless this life. To whomever I sanctify the living, there will be profit for him all year long.” Saint Father Mitrofan, through the incorruption of your honorable relics and the many good deeds that you have miraculously done and performed with faith, flowing to you, convinced that you have received great grace from the Lord our God, we all humbly fall down and pray to you: pray for us, Christ our God, that he may send to all who honor your holy memory and diligently resort to you, His rich mercy: may He strengthen in His Holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and all its members, pure from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the evil actions of evil spirits, worship Him in spirit and truth and are diligently concerned about keeping His commandments for the salvation of their souls. Saint Mitrofan! You sanctify every life, sanctify my life that lies in my wallet. Let it arrive, let it not be translated! Amen.

Now, after the spell with wheat for wealth has been pronounced, pour the wheat from your fist into a linen bag. If some grains stick to your hand, you don’t need to shake them off, just let them remain on your palm. Now pour some from each glass into your palm again, clasp it in your fist and read the spell. Repeat this until you run out of juice. The remaining grains stuck to the palm must be eaten. In the spring, take the rye in a linen bag to a plowed field and pour it into the ground. Until this time, it should be kept in your home, at the head of the bed or under icons.

Spell on wheat grains

This ritual is also done on wheat grains. Place the wheat on a saucer where a little earth has already been poured. Cover with gauze and fill with water so that the gauze is saturated with water, but not covered. Place it under the saucer large coin. Monitor the water level, moisten the gauze every day, saying this:

Bread grows and money grows. Bread to the sky, and money to the sky. The grain is earing, and money is increasing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once all the grains have sprouted, plant them in a brown clay pot and place them on the window. And put the coin in your wallet, just don’t spend it (for this you need to mark the coin).

Our article will introduce you to conspiracies that can be read on the waxing Moon. You will also learn how to properly perform rituals to attract wealth, love and health.

If we consider the Moon from an esoteric point of view, we can say that it is a fairly powerful energy body that, regardless of our desires, influences our behavior and thoughts every day. It has the greatest influence on us precisely during the period when it is growing intensively.

Therefore, if you want to attract wealth, restore health, or simply radically change your life, then try to perform a white magic ritual during this particular time period.

What conspiracies and prayers should be read for a candle, water, salt for the growing Moon?

Rituals for the Moon

Esotericists claim that the growing Moon brings enough strong energy pleasant changes. Therefore, as long as it grows in size, you can try to attract good luck, love and wealth to yourself. As practice shows, absolutely all conspiracies associated with the growth of something during this period very quickly give a positive result. But remember, the energy of the night queen can only be used in white magic rituals.

If you try to use it to cause physical or moral harm to someone, then with a high probability problems will begin not with the one you wished them on, but with you. To enhance the energy of the Moon, all rituals are performed with certain attributes. For example, conspiracies to attract love are most often read with a candle, luck is attracted with salt, and money and wealth are with water.

Since these things are more material than the celestial body to which you are turning, then with their help you will be able to fill the space around you with the necessary energy even after the Full Moon arrives.

What conspiracies and prayers should be read on the first day of the waxing Moon, on Wednesday on the waxing Moon and on Thursday?

Conspiracies for the waxing moon

As you probably already understood, the period of growth of the Moon is special time, so if you want your life to change at least a little in better side, then right on the first day of the New Moon, start performing rituals to attract good luck. In addition, on the first day of the moon’s growth, it is best to read conspiracies to attract money and wealth.

It is believed that as it grows, so will your financial condition. True, when performing the necessary ritual, you must clearly understand that the heavenly body helps only those who treat it with respect and, most importantly, believe in its power. Therefore, if you read the plot without believing that a white streak will soon begin in your life, then positive changes are unlikely to come.

As for Wednesday, it is considered women's day. On this day you can perform rituals for love, marriage and pregnancy. Thursday, on the contrary, is considered a man's day, so at this time it is best to read prayers for reconciliation, attracting wealth or conspiracies from enemies.

A strong money conspiracy and ritual for wealth, money, banknotes, coins for the growing moon: white magic

Money plot

Remember, money rituals do not like fuss and noise, so they must be carried out in secluded places. Ideally, you should find a place in your home where it is almost always quiet and, most importantly, where strangers never enter. The best option in this case it could be a bedroom. After you perform the ritual, every evening you will have to mentally imagine how the number of bills in your wallet increases.

Yes, and it will be better if before the ritual you buy yourself a new green wallet and put a couple of large bills in it. It will also enhance the energy of the conspiracy, thereby helping the Moon improve your financial condition. If you want to attract money and wealth to yourself as quickly as possible, then perform the following ritual. Take 12 identical coins or bills, fold them carefully, wrap them in green cloth and tie everything with 7 strong knots.

Then place the resulting blank on the window so that moonlight falls on it all the time, and every evening before going to bed, read the plot over it (you can see the words of the plot a little higher). When the Full Moon comes, the charmed coins and bills will need to be transferred to your wallet. They will act as a magnet, attracting wealth to you.

A strong spell for the love of a man, husband, boyfriend on the growing moon

Spell for husband's love

A conspiracy for the growing moon is an excellent alternative to the rituals of black magic, which simply dry out the chosen one. In this case, a fairly mild influence will be exerted on the object of your adoration, which in no case will suppress his psyche. And although this means that you will still have to fight for your love, if you behave correctly, you will eventually get what you wanted.

It is better to start reading such a conspiracy literally from the first days of the moon’s growth. If you can give the right energetic message, then as the heavenly body grows, your chosen one’s sympathy for you will grow. Please note that it is not advisable to carry out such a ritual in the evening. Since we are talking about bright feelings, it will be better if you read the prayer at the moment of sunrise or, in extreme cases, at noon.

In addition, keep in mind that there are periods during which women and girls cannot attract the love of a man. It is strictly forbidden to read love spells during menstruation. Therefore if critical days If you find yourself in the period of growth of the Moon, then postpone the ritual until next month.

A strong spell for good luck, for the growing moon

Plot for good luck

If you want to attract good luck to yourself, you will need to read the spell correctly and use it to make a strong energy amulet that will guide you in the right direction. You can use any thing that you carry with you all the time as an amulet. It can be a ring, a chain, or even an ordinary button.

In order for the item you choose to have the necessary energy, you will need to perform a certain ritual over it. So, take a church candle, light it exactly at midnight, and holding a ring or button over it, begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Repeat it three times, extinguish the flame and go to bed. Continue to charm your amulet as long as the Moon grows.

On the day of the Full Moon, put the amulet on yourself. Yes, and remember, it is undesirable to tell anyone, even your closest relatives, about the ritual. The most minimal negativity can destroy the positive energy of the conspiracy and then you will not get quite the result as you expected.

Wallet spell for the waxing moon: prayer

Wallet spell

I would like to say right away that it is the new wallet that needs to be talked about. The old one, of course, can also be charmed, but as practice shows, in the end the ritual does not give the desired result. Therefore, it will be better if you go to the store or shopping mall and buy yourself a green or red wallet.

Yes, and don’t skimp on this purchase. If you want money that is what you call sticky, then invest in a good leather wallet. After you bring it home, light three church candles and place your wallet, a magnet and a packet of dry yeast between them. Concentrate very well and begin to pronounce the words of the spell as accurately as possible.

After you read it three times, you can take your wallet and put money in it. Also, don’t forget to put a magnet and a packet of yeast in one of the compartments. The magnet will attract back everything you spent, and the yeast will help your finances increase very quickly.

Waxing moon spell for longing and return of a loved one

Conspiracy to return a loved one

If you feel that the passion in your relationship has begun to fade and your loved one is gradually moving away from you, then you can try to refresh your feelings with a spell for longing. But keep in mind that if you do not want to suppress the will of your loved one, then under no circumstances use blood or his personal belongings for this. In this case, after the ceremony, you risk getting back a jealous person who will control you in everything.

In view of this, it will be better if you perform a ritual that will simply warm up the man’s emotions. To carry it out you will need a sheet of paper, a pen and three red candles. Place a sheet of paper on the table, place a photo of you together on top of it, and place candles on top of it and light them. Then concentrate and start reading the plot.

You will have to say it seven times, and then you will have to wait until the candles burn out completely. After this, you will need to carefully wrap the photo in paper (try not to crack the wax that gets on it) and put everything in bedside table or further away on a shelf in a closet.

Weight loss spell for the waxing moon

Weight loss conspiracy

On the first day of the New Moon, go to the market or store and buy a wooden comb there. When you bring your purchase home, sprinkle it with holy water and read the Lord’s Prayer over it. Don't eat anything the whole day and drink only water. Wait until the Moon appears in the sky and everyone in the household goes to bed, and begin the ritual.

To do this, stand by the window (moonlight should fall on you) and begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy as clearly as possible. This must be done so that the wooden comb is in your field of vision at all times. Read the plot three times, cross yourself and go to bed. Starting the next day, you can start combing out excess fat.

This must be done precisely at the time when the night queen appears in the sky. Carry out the ritual until the Full Moon, and then take a break. You can continue losing weight only when the Moon begins to grow again.

Spells for beauty and hair growth for the growing moon

Beauty spell

Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of every woman. But unfortunately, only a few modern beauties manage to grow long locks. If you can’t do this with the help of care products, then try to enhance the growth of your hair with a special spell.

You can read it simply by looking at the young Moon, or you can try to speak to them with the same comb or, for example, a herbal flock. In order for these items to be charged with the necessary energy, you will need to place them on the windowsill every evening and read magic words over them. When you get up in the morning, all you have to do is use the enchanted things during hygiene procedures.

If you want to positive energy had an effect on your curls for a whole day, then carry the enchanted comb with you and periodically comb your hair with it throughout the day.

Conspiracy for good trade and profit on the waxing moon

Trade conspiracy

Conspiracies for good trade are best read in the place where you sell your goods and on those days when it is very busy at your outlet. a large number of buyers. Therefore, if you want a profit plot to help you improve your financial condition, then read it on your day off. If you are unable to do this, then perform the ceremony on Wednesday unless, of course, it falls on the 13th.

You should also avoid performing money rituals on the 23rd and 27th. These lunar day are also considered unsuitable for charming amulets the way they carry negative energy. To perform this ritual you will need salt and coins. Make a circle out of salt, place coins in it, and then begin to charm them. Read the spell over them for profit, and then put the salt in a red bag and the money in a green bag.

Place the salt as close to the entrance as possible, and place the coins at the cash register. The green bag will do everything to prevent people from leaving you with money, and the red one will ensure that there is always money in your cash register.

Waxing moon spell for a good job

Conspiracy on Good work

As you probably already understood, in order to get what you want, you must always carry a correctly enchanted object with you. Therefore, in this case, you will need to choose something that will help you find the job of your dreams. It is best to use stationery items or, for example, an ordinary scarf as an amulet to attract work.

They will need to be charmed with a spell, which you can see a little higher, and always carry with you. But keep in mind, even after you get settled in good company, continue to carry charmed things with you. They will protect you from the envy of your colleagues and will definitely help you move up the career ladder as quickly as possible.

Spell for health and against illness on the waxing Moon

Conspiracy against diseases

Health conspiracies are the most popular among people. But few of them know that they are effective only if they are read over holy water. In view of this, if you want to get a positive result, then stock up on such liquid and read the plot over it. It is best to collect water for such a ritual on great church holidays and preferably after confession and communion.

Having brought the water home, you will need to ask for a blessing from God and only after that begin to read the health plot. After you say the right words, place the water on the window and allow the Moon to saturate it with its energy. Do this ritual for 7 days, and then start drinking a little water every day, morning and evening.

Conspiracy to win the lottery on a waxing moon

Conspiracy to win the lottery

The ceremony for winning the lottery is usually carried out over the money with which it will be purchased. To carry out such a ritual, large bills are used. After you buy the lottery and they give you the change, you will need to put it in your wallet and carry it there until you receive your winnings. She will act as a magnet that will attract big money to you.

So, take any large bill, place it on the windowsill or just as close as possible to the window, and read the plot over it for seven days in a row. Then, on the 9th lunar day, take the charmed money and buy a lottery with it. Place it with the change you received at the time of purchase and keep them together at all times.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true on the waxing moon

Conspiracy to make a wish come true

The ritual for the fulfillment of desires, as a rule, begins on the third day of the New Moon. It is believed that it is at this time that the energy of our planet is maximally aimed at fulfilling our cherished desires. To perform this ritual you will need a red, green and yellow satin ribbon. They will need to be fastened together with a strong knot, and then weaved into a bracelet in 36 movements.

The end of the braid will also need to be secured with a strong knot. While weaving, you will have to pronounce the spell and mentally think about your desire all the time. After the ribbons are woven, all you have to do is make a bracelet from the blank and wear it on your right hand all the time.

Conspiracy on the waxing moon so that the right person calls

Call spell

Magicians and esotericists advise reading conspiracies for the desired call, clearly imagining who you want to talk to at that very moment. As they argue, only the clearest possible visualization of the interlocutor can help create the right energy message.

As for the enchanted things, in this case they can be used in the ritual, although they will play a secondary role. If you cannot imagine as accurately as possible the features of the person from whom you want to receive a call, then get his photo and look at him all the time while pronouncing the spell.

After the necessary words have been spoken, place the phone with the photo on the window and let them spend the night under moonlight. If you do not receive a call the next day from the right person, then repeat the ritual again.

Conspiracy against drunkenness for the waxing moon

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Conspiracies against drunkenness most often begin to be read on the first day of the New Moon. As a rule, magic words are pronounced over holy water and salt. After the ceremony, these products are gradually added to the food and drink of the dependent person, and are also used as a protective amulet.

You can put the charmed salt in the clothes of the drinker and when he leaves the house it will protect him from the temptation to drink alcohol. With enchanted water it will be possible to cleanse the space in the house. To do this, you will need to add 15-20 drops of magical liquid to water and wipe all surfaces with it in the room in which a person with alcohol addiction lives.

Plot for marriage on the waxing moon

Plot for marriage

A marriage plot has a strong influence on a person’s subconscious, so if you are not sure that your significant other has the same feelings for you as you, then it’s better not to carry it out. Your lover will eventually propose to you, but since this will not happen according to his will, your marriage may not last long.

The plot for a successful marriage should be read over indoor plants purchased on the first day of the New Moon. Therefore, plan your time in such a way that you have the opportunity to make such a purchase on this very day and preferably in the first half of the day. Try to find two constantly blooming flower red and white.

Bring them home and place them on the window, after tying them together with a red ribbon. Every day before going to bed, read the conspiracy over them, which we introduced you to a little higher. After the New Moon comes, remove the flowers from the windowsill and, without untying the ribbon, place them as close as possible to your bed. It is believed that the more often you see these houseplants, the faster you can get married.

Pregnancy spell for the waxing moon

Conception plot

When asking the queen of the night for a baby, you must understand that a child is a gift from God, so in this case you must combine both white magic, and Christian prayers. The combination of these two components will help you conceive a child as quickly as possible. Therefore, before reading conspiracies over the marital bed, first go to church with your husband and take communion.

Also, be sure to give alms to three begging people. This must be done, as it is believed that a person can receive the gift only if he sincerely repents of his earthly sins and does not spare his fortune for those in need. After the third visit to church, you can begin to charm the marital bed. This will need to be done for 12 days in a row.

So, before going to bed, open the curtains on the window and let the moonlight fill your bed with positive energy. Then, dressed in a clean shirt, begin to slowly pronounce the words of the conspiracy. After reading it 3 times in a row, you can call your husband and go to bed. If you want the plot to work faster, you can read it together with your spouse.

Conspiracy for the waxing moon: consequences

Consequences of conspiracies

Know that even the most harmless conspiracy has a great influence on a person’s fate. Therefore, you must always remember that if you do something wrong, you will not only not change your life for the better, but, on the contrary, you will make it even more difficult. In view of this, it will be better if you carry out all the rituals with maximum concentration and faith that the Moon will be able to help you solve your problems.

You should also be very careful with amulets that will speak on the waxing Moon. You will have to take care of them even after you receive everything you asked for from the night luminary. Under no circumstances should charmed objects be thrown away or given away. People with bad energy can destroy the protection they gave you, and then the old problems will return to you again.

Video: Strong conspiracy from debts. How to get rid of debts. A strong conspiracy for money on the waxing moon

Ritual with grain

A symbol of strength, fertility, life, immortality, renewal, health, wealth. Dishes made from grain were traditional and ritual at festive and ritual meals. At Christmas they sprinkled grain on all the people in the house and the house itself. At the wedding, grain was sprinkled on the newlyweds, which gave them fertile strength and promised good harvest, happy family life. A handful of grains was also placed in the baby’s cradle. They brought grains as gifts, sacrifices, and asked for a good harvest. U Slavic peoples At Christmas, grains were sprouted in a pot to help winter grain in the field. Grain was sprinkled in the yard to protect pets and birds. Grain was sewn into clothes. It was a talisman. In fairy tales, great power is hidden in one small grain. And one grain can sow an entire field. And one grain contains a whole house and estate. You just need to be able to get this grain, which only the worthy can do.

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A ritual for good luck is done on the full moon. You will need: your astral candle, gray candle, black candle, orange candle. Light an astral candle and say: “This is me in all my affairs.” Light a black candle and say: “These are all the failures that stand in my way.

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Ritual for poverty Fill the jug with water and say into the water: “YH V X!” TSABAOT, SERAPH, FREE ASH! (a little strange letters and words, but that’s how it’s supposed to be). Place the jar where you store your supplies. You will always have food in

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Ritual for money It is done on the waxing moon, the fifth lunar day is very good. Take a five-ruble coin and read “Our Father” on it three times. Then the conspiracy three times: I go to the trades as a merchant, I return on a sable a fine fellow, I bring home the treasure, God grant so much money so that

From the book Rituals of Money Magic author Zolotukhina Zoya

Ritual for wealth It is performed on the full moon. Light two church candles, two black ones and a smoking bowl with black poplar coals, wormwood powder and Siberian fir branches. Say this spell: Gold and death are twin brothers! The servant of God (name) desires wealth.

From the book Money Trap Codes. Magic and attraction author Fad Roman Alekseevich

Ritual against theft Break thin and flexible poplar branches. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and place three church candles in a triangle - to the left and right of you and in front of you. Light the candles. Heat a thick needle on the fire of one of them and read the following plot: From thieves

From the book 150 rituals to attract money author Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

Ritual against theft Buy a new lock for the ritual. When leaving, for example, for a dacha, take the lock in your hands and read the spell: I lock the castle, I take away the minds of thieves. The key is with me, and my house is good. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen. Lock the lock with a key, take the key with you, and

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Fire Ritual Light a small fire in the yard. When it burns down completely, collect the ashes, scatter them in the four corners of your house and say a spell: What once turned to ash and dust will not turn to ashes and dust

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Ritual for love This ritual helps to find your soulmate, to reconcile with quarrels and betrayals. You need to take a white thread three elbows long on the seventeenth day of any month at five o’clock in the evening (the length is measured from the fingertips to the elbow bend) and,

From the author's book

Rite of Well-Being Periodically (at least once a year, or more often) I recommend conducting a rite of well-being in the house to maintain the financial stability of your family. The ceremony must be carried out in the house of the head of the family. All family members must participate

From the author's book

Ritual for money This ritual is done on the fifth lunar day on the waxing moon. Take a coin with a face value of one ruble and recite the “Our Father” prayer on it three times. Then recite the following spell three times: “I go to trade as a merchant, I return on a sable a fine fellow, I bring home a treasure.

From the author's book

Ritual for wealth Take the bill in your hands and imagine how a golden sphere forms above your head. Mentally immerse the sphere through your head into your body to the level of your solar plexus. See how energy saturates the bill and how it begins to glow and rise up. After

From the author's book

Ritual for wealth Prepare ten identical coins, a bowl, holy water and two green candles. Place a bowl between the candles and light them. Then pour water into the bowl and say: “Let the bowl be filled, let the wallets be full, let the wealth be in the house.”

From the author's book

Ritual with cards The ritual is carried out on the last Friday of the calendar month. To do this you need to purchase a deck of cards. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the following condition: do not bargain for the price and do not take change. Then you need to take red and black jokers from this deck (Fig. 116). Ritual

From the author's book

Ritual with a jar For the ritual, a regular jar with a plastic lid is suitable. Draw symbols of wealth (runes, hieroglyphs, mantras) on it and fill it with symbolic objects. These items should traditionally be associated with wealth. Use for

From the author's book

Ritual with a banknote If you want to get rich, then treat money with respect. Pay attention to what bills come into your hands. You need to find a bill on which the letter designation of the series matches your initials, and the numbers match your date of birth. If you

Cereals have always been associated with prosperity. The owner who had full bins was rich. It is enough to remember the respectful attitude towards bread. To this day, in many cultures, a person will never pass by a piece of bread lying on the ground. He will carefully lift it and place it on a raised platform.

There are magical rituals that are performed using grains. For example, buckwheat can protect against poverty. If a person fears ruin and need, he is recommended to perform the following ritual.

Protection against poverty with buckwheat

Such magical work is carried out one day a year - in February, on the night before the new moon. You need to sprinkle a little buckwheat on the bed in which the head of the family sleeps. In the morning, the cereal is collected in a cup and they read a conspiracy over her:

“My God, turn the luck around and give her a way to my doorstep.
And let need find its way.
Direct road into the womb of the snake.
That's where she belongs!
Well, I’ll put on the amulet.
I'll dress myself in brocade.
I will decorate myself with gold and silver.
I will count my money and will not be able to count it.
So be it, Lord.

Other Grains to Attract Wealth


The main symbol of wealth in Slavic magic. For every holiday it is recommended to bake something from this cereal. The owner of the house must bake the stove herself, thanking wheat for the fact that it is in the house and there is plenty to bake from.

On the staying Moon, take a box and pour as much wheat into it as will fit in a handful. Then take a handful of coins and sprinkle them there. Stir. Seven times repeat the following words:

“Just as it is impossible to count the stars in the sky, so even if I don’t know how to count my wealth.
May the Angels of God help me with this.
May my bins always be full.
And let the coin always jingle in your pockets.
Let it be so!"

Periodically, during the remaining Moon, repeat this ritual, changing the wheat. The old one should be given to the birds.

Another rite

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of sprouted wheat grains. About how they are good for health. Such grains are good not only for health, but also for attracting wealth to the home. There is a simple magical ritual.

Sprout the wheat grains. When the sprouts hatch, place paper money on them. It is believed that wealth will increase along with the sprouts. They begin to sprout wheat on the new moon, and on the full moon the grains are eaten with words of gratitude. The money that was lying on the sprouts should be carefully folded and carried in your wallet as a money talisman.

Magic ritual with rice

In the East, rice has the same meaning as wheat among the Slavs. You can use an ancient ritual that is still performed in China.

In a Chinese kitchen there is a large jug covered with a green cloth. Rice is stored in it. Once a month, on the new moon, the housewife pours rice from one jug to another. It is believed that when the grains are poured, the energy of well-being is activated. According to the Chinese worldview, energy should not stagnate, so rice is not only poured over, but also periodically cooked from it, adding a new portion to the jug. They also pour rice on holidays, when the whole family gathers for this ritual. Each family member makes a wish.

Stones symbolizing prosperity, such as lapis lazuli or malachite, are often placed in the vessel along with the rice. You need to be careful to ensure that there are no bugs in the grain. If this happens, then the rice should be immediately given to the birds, the vessel should be thoroughly washed and a fresh portion of grain should be added there.

Everyone knows that the Moon has a significant influence with its phases on the Earth and everything on it. That's why there are money rituals performed specifically for the new moon, when the new month gains its strength and spreads its magical energy.

Money Growing Ritual

Let's carry out
analogy: we grow fruits and vegetables in order to have a supply of them and eat them. So why not divorce the so-called money garden and not harvest there?

Shows us that anything is possible (don't worry, this magic is white:). A prerequisite is the new moon or a couple of hours immediately after it. We take a certain amount of banknotes and we plant them, that is, we lay them out somewhere on the cabinet or on top of the hanging shelves.

The main thing is that the money was not visible your household, because they cannot be touched or disturbed during the germination period. It is advisable for them to be in a place that receives moonlight, although just an open space will also work. When we lay out money, we think positively, we think about wealth which will now always accompany. We cast a magic spell:

“So that it exists and grows. My word is strong, molding and true. Let it be so!"

We leave it to germinate charmed banknotes for 3 days. After the expiration date, germinated and soaked magical power month, money must be collected (the main thing is not to forget about it, they really don’t like it) and channel it into the monetary channel, i.e. spend completely Having bought something at your discretion, for greater importance you can add a little to them. This the ritual works it can be repeated monthly, which will guarantee the germination of the money garden all year round.

New Moon Money Growing Ritual

Another ritual of germination of money, also held on the new moon. You will need a white saucer without a pattern, copper coins (7 pieces), a handful of wheat and a handkerchief, preferably green (cash) color.

We put coins on a saucer, sprinkle wheat on top, and cover everything with a handkerchief. Now we water it through a handkerchief once every 3 days. money-wheat mixture, and the water should be a little warmer room temperature. While watering, we say:

“Mother wheat, you feed the young and the old, the beggars and the bar. Give it to me too God's servant(name), money originates like this wheat. It grows night and day, it doesn’t let you die of hunger. Let my money grow like that, they feed me. God bless. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

We transplant the sprouted grains into a clay pot so that they grow and increase your monetary energy. Coins, now they are specially charged unique ones, you can put them in your wallet, in your pockets, in your purse, so that they work on attracting other money.

Money plot on water

CONSPIRACY - spell for the new moon and water. We perform the ritual on the night after the birth of the new month. Pour water into a glass and say protective words:

“Jesus Christ, help, ever-Virgin Mary, bury.”
We leave a glass of water on the windowsill behind the curtain and leave it until the full moon. In, pronouncing the words:
“As the month was bad, but became full, so would I, the servant of God (name), be full of all good things. Said - cut off. Forever and ever. Amen."
Let's wash ourselves with this one, charged with lunar energy, water, moisten the comb, comb your hair, and imagine how the lunar energy fills and envelops. During the process of combing and washing, we pronounce the spell words 7 times. This ritual not only increases well-being, but also .

Check writing ritual

Very interesting and effective ritual. Having done it at least once, and seeing the result, you will do it every new moon.

This ritual - writing checks. Having done it, you will be pleasantly surprised by cash receipts, as if from nowhere, be it a bonus at work or a sudden gift. By the way, this also includes good news.

For example, you were at an interview, and they wouldn’t give you an answer as to whether they would hire you for a new prestigious job or not. So, the information about your enrollment is exactly that good news, which was mentioned. And now about the ritual.

On the new moon or the next few hours immediately after it, we write ourselves a check. The Universe, which hears and heeds all our good requests, will find the opportunity to give what you ask for. First you need to find the one you like best. At all, in all rituals listen to your inner voice, he will tell you what and how to do. We fill out a check from the Bank of Abundance of the Universe.

  • Date - date - set the real current date
  • Pay - to pay, in this column we write our last name and initials. In the white field is a monetary amount, and no matter what currency you use, the Universe knows what money you need. Now the most important thing decide on the requested amount. Here again it’s worth listening to your inner voice. Say the sums to yourself and pay attention to your feelings. The amount from which you feel uncomfortable, you begin to doubt, is the monetary limit in this ritual.
  • To the order of - here you can write Why are you asking this amount? and what you are going to spend it on. Maybe you really want new boots or a smartphone. In this field you enter what you are going to buy for the requested amount of money. In the process of writing a check, it is very good to imagine what you want, to dream, to mentally consider, to feel as if it is already in your hands, in a word, to believe with all your heart in your dream.
  • drawer - infinitely abundant Universe
  • signed - sign, put the signature of the person writing the check, but remember that you are acting on behalf of the Universe.

Everything is ready, put the check in a place inaccessible to prying eyes, and live your life ordinary life. The Universe can fulfill your order immediately, or maybe during the time the moon is growing. Can give you the entire amount at once, or maybe in parts, or maybe, as already mentioned, good news. In any case, don't forget to thank the Universe.


All rituals must be performed with a pure heart, good intentions, respect and gratitude as monetary energy, money, and the Abundant and Generous Universe.