How to make a picket fence. Technology for constructing a picket fence with your own hands

Every owner wants his plot country house or cottage was surrounded by a beautiful fence. Now there are many options for fencing, you just have to choose the one that suits you best both in appearance and affordability.

The golden mean in choosing can be a wooden picket fence, which you can easily make with your own hands, without using the expensive help of a specialist. With the help of a picket fence you can beautifully outline the territory of a country house or cottage and at the same time save a lot of money. Making a wooden picket fence with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to know a few basic rules and features, which we will consider point by point.

A country house or cottage is a place that you want to make especially beautiful and cozy. This is an area for rest, privacy and relaxation. You can achieve the necessary harmony with the help of small details: plant beautiful flowers, make a gazebo, a swing, build a nice decorative fence. And if you do all this with your own hands, then it will be much more pleasant to admire all this beauty later.

Why picket fence?

A wooden picket fence made by yourself has so many advantages that it is probably simply impossible to count them all, but making a wooden picket fence with your own hands and installing it is quite simple.

Here are the main advantages of such a fence:

  1. This fence is universal. Wooden picket fence it simply fits perfectly into almost any design and can become the color of the landscape of the area.
  2. The picket fence is quite reliable. Everything, of course, depends on the wood you choose, the height of the fence and the width of the picket fence.
  3. Cheap materials and their availability.
  4. This type of fence is very easy to maintain. You just need to periodically coat the surface with paint or varnish to prevent the possibility of defects.

It is also equally important that the wooden picket fence does not shade the area near the fence, which means that beautiful flowers or other plants can be planted near the fence. And such a fence will perfectly emphasize country style territory or the now equally popular country style.

The picket fence is very easy to work with and different original options the appearance of the structure - in the form of waves, semicircles, triangles and other patterns.

Types of picket fence designs

A wooden picket fence can be of two types - with or without a base. In order to make a wooden picket fence with your own hands with a base, you need to make a foundation for the support pillars and strip foundation under the fence itself. The foundation for a wooden picket fence is made in the form of a trench using an ordinary shovel with your own hands, and it is better to make recesses under the posts using hand drill.

The depth of the foundation should be about one meter. At the bottom you need to fill and compact a cushion of sand or gravel. The support pillars are concreted strictly vertically into the recesses, and formwork must be installed in place of the foundation under the fence. After pouring the foundation, you need to wait about 7 days for the solution to dry and set. After this line has been completed, you can proceed to the next work.

Such a fence is more durable than a picket fence without a foundation, since the base of the picket fence is additionally protected from moisture from the soil. The foundation of such a fence can be covered with torn stone or other material.

A fence without a base is simpler in its design. To construct it, you only need to make holes for the support pillars and, after installing them, compact the soil tightly. The post should go more than a meter into the ground.

If the fence is high and heavy, then a metal plate must be attached to the posts, which will additionally ensure the stability of the post. The plates rest tightly on the ground.

Required materials and tools

To build a wooden picket fence with your own hands, you need the following materials and tools:

  1. Wooden pickets. They can be from different tree species - pine, cedar, larch and others. Pickets are made from narrow edged boards.
  2. Support pillars. Usually these are metal or asbestos pipes, as well as thick beams.
  3. Cross members. Do-it-yourself wooden picket fences use metal or wooden blocks as crossbars for a wooden picket fence.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Nails or screws.
  6. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  7. Level.
  8. Wood treatment product (paint, varnish, stain).
The bottom of the support posts (if they are wooden) must be treated with a special protective agent from rotting. This will extend the service life of the fence.

Pickets can be purchased ready-made in special stores, or you can make them yourself. This process does not require special knowledge or skills. Surface wooden slats it is necessary to thoroughly clean, file and sand the tops. Decorative tops on the fence look beautiful. These can be semicircles, rectangles, triangles, you can also make decorative shapes with a pattern.

The wood must have a certain moisture content. If you use raw wood to build a wooden picket fence, then the fence will not last long; soon after installation, defects and distortions will appear.

In order to begin installing a wooden picket fence, you need to prepare and clean the area through which it will pass and cut the grass with your own hands. Next you need to mark the perimeter. To do this, you should drive wooden stakes along the line of the future fence and pull the cord. The wooden picket fence will be installed with your own hands according to these markings.

The next stage will be excavation work. Using a hand drill or shovel, the required type of foundation is made, as described above. The foundation for the pillars must be done after accurately measuring the distance between the future support pillars. After completing the development of the foundation, support pillars can be installed. The pillar is installed on a prepared cushion of sand or gravel and concreted (a ball of concrete can be alternated with a ball of soil). Metal poles Before installation it must be painted to protect against corrosion.

When installing support posts, it is necessary to adhere to strict verticality, since violation of this rule can lead to the fence collapsing. The building level will help you with this.

Next, cross members are attached to the support posts. If the posts or crossbars are wooden, then you can fasten them using bolts, self-tapping screws or ordinary nails, and if they are metal, then you can use electric welding. Usually two crossbars are designed, at a distance of about 20cm from the bottom and top of the fence. Good mount crossbars are very important for the stability and durability of the fence, since they are the ones who take the load from the fence. When selecting crossbars, it is necessary to take into account the weight of one span of wooden picket fence.

After all the crossbars are attached, you can proceed directly to the installation of the fence pickets. The pickets are attached to the crossbars using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver or simple nails and a hammer. In order for the pickets to be attached at the same level, after installing the outer pickets, you can stretch a cord along their top. The distance between pickets is usually equal to the width of one picket. To make the distance equal, you can install another picket between the nailed and nailed pickets, which will act as a distance template.

It is better to nail one picket fence with 4 nails (screws), 2 for each crossbar at the top and bottom. This will ensure the tightness of the fastening.

The wooden picket fence is ready! All that remains is to coat it with a protective agent. As such a product you can use paint, varnish, stain, or lime. Wood covered with stain and varnish looks very beautiful. Using this processing method, you can simulate different breeds wood. It is necessary to periodically treat a wooden fence. This will ensure its durability and strength.

Make a fence out of metal picket fence with your own hands is not a difficult task. For many years, galvanized fences have been used in urban and suburban areas, where they have proven themselves to be strong and durable structures. A metal picket fence is a fairly simple structure that you can build yourself at a minimum of cost. Money, time and effort. The main thing is to arm yourself with certain knowledge and tools.

Ready-made fencing option

Picket fence

This is the most suitable hedge for a home. Garden fences made of metal picket fences look good.

Its popularity is easy to explain:

  1. Inexpensive type of fencing, affordable for any wallet.
  2. The structure is simple, familiar, laconic.
  3. Metal fencing is suitable for urban and private plots.
  4. Making such an iron fence is easy.

A garden fence made of a metal picket fence must be high enough and strong, and also serve decorative purposes. For residential building owners, the main thing is protection from intrusion and aesthetics. It can be intended for decorative purposes or as a fence for a vacation spot for summer residents.

Yard fencing

Execution options

Metal picket fence - a laconic fence without additional decorative elements and design delights.

But the types of metal picket fence and its shape are different:

  1. Euro picket fence "Volna". Sections of such a fence are fastened so that the top line is first ascending and then descending. This makes a beautiful fence.
  2. Euro picket fence "Gorka" - the top forms rising line, which rises smoothly. Counts classic look fencing, the design is universal.
  3. Metal picket fence “Concave arc” - the upper edge forms a smooth descending line, the width of the gaps is the same. The fence will fit into both urban and suburban landscapes. These fences are universal.
  4. Metal picket fence “Herringbone” - the original design of the top edge is suitable for a wooden country house.

Options and shapes of metal picket fences

In addition to the main types of metal picket fence presented, there are other varieties:

  • canyon;
  • peaks;
  • shuttered fences.

Ladder - comparatively the new kind, fencing of this type has a place in any landscape. Blinds from metal profile- a new product in the construction industry.

Fencing with a ladder made of metal picket fence

Features of the fence

A metal fence is made from a rectangular or semicircular profile. Metal thickness – more than 0.5 mm. The spans are covered with a layer of galvanization for an anti-corrosion effect.

The photo shows a metal picket fence.

Metal picket fence

The fence is lightweight and does not require a foundation for its installation. You can build a fence without complicated earthworks and strengthening the existing structure, in contrast to a fence made of corrugated sheets.

For strength, it is necessary to concrete the support pillars on which the logs are attached. More can be done robust construction on stilts.

The metal is coated for weather resistance. protective materials: polyester, polyester. The coating will give a beautiful glossy finish and resistance to fading. The diagram will show you how to paint it correctly.

The fence has a long service life without additional maintenance.

The strength is comparable to welded structures, and making an inexpensive fence from a picket fence is not difficult.

Read also: At what distance from the fence can a garage be built: SNiP norm and law

The base of the slatted fence is made of galvanized steel – a reliable material that will last a long time. Gates can be inserted into fences if necessary. Gates made of metal picket fence are versatile and durable.

Gates and wickets made of metal picket fence

Color options

A metal picket fence is painted using one-sided or two-sided painting.

The back side is covered only with a layer of primer, the front side is covered with paint. This option looks good in summer cottages; it is suitable for lovers of calm tones.

If important bright look fencing on each side, choose options with double-sided coating.

Fences are painted with polymer or powder dye, as for products made from corrugated sheets.

Painted fence

When using polymer coating, technology must be followed. A fence with such protection can withstand almost any mechanical impact. If a scratch appears, the metal will not rust, since it has additional protection. Reviews about this method of painting are the most positive.

Powder coating is no less durable if done using technology, but it costs less. The first layer is protective, applied to the picket fence, the second is powder. All layers are baked in special chambers.

Powder coating is often imitated by unscrupulous manufacturers, whose products rust at the slightest damage. Polymer coating It is impossible to do it in a handicraft way, so it is of higher quality. You only need to buy a fence with a high-quality coating.

Ready fence

Types of metal picket fences

Fences of this type differ in the installation method, the size of the spans and the gaps between the structural elements. Their device is not the most complicated.

Fence installation methods

The metal fence is mounted on supports, which we install in the following ways:

  • concreting;
  • butting with crushed stone;
  • driving into the ground;
  • combined installation.

Installation diagram for fencing with brick pillars

Concreting is the most reliable way to install support pillars. Used in unstable soils. The height of the support is not less than 1 m.

The photo shows a fence made of Euro picket fence.

Distance between slats

Butting with crushed stone occurs on denser soils, when driving pillars alone will not be enough. You can strengthen the support with brick chips.

Driving into the soil is used for heavy soils. The supports are buried in the ground to a depth of 1 m and compacted in the holes made. If the soil is not too dense, then it will be more reliable to concrete the supports. The height of the pillar is at least 1 m.

Installation of a fence in the soil

Dimensions and distances

There are no standards for fence spacing. The distance is made for decorative and practical reasons. A large gap between the profile is used in decorative fences. The distance between the slats is calculated by taking into account the width of one profile. How smaller size, especially a solid fence. However, you should not make a fence without gaps.

The size of one span is chosen taking into account the perimeter of the fenced area.

The height is chosen taking into account individual characteristics landscape and preferences of the owner of the house.

Euro picket sections

Types of Fills

One-sided - the profile is attached only from the front side. The distance between the elements is no more than 5 cm. The picket fence is attached in a double-sided manner with the elements staggered.

Read also: Beautiful wrought iron fences and gates with a wicket: photos and sketches of options

The checkerboard arrangement of the picket fence is popular despite the high consumption of material. The checkerboard fence seems solid; it is impossible to see the territory behind the fence.

Double-sided fence installation method

The combined (double) filling method preserves the view of the surrounding area. Some are filled out unilaterally, some are filled out in a checkerboard pattern. The size of the gaps is the same so that the fence looks organic. A double-sided palisade often encloses summer cottages. You can make a continuous fence like this. This type of metal picket fence is shown in the photo below.

DIY installation

DIY installation features


  • supports;
  • wooden or iron horizontal logs;
  • picket strips;
  • screws (metal, wood).

Installation Features

If the installation is carried out by hand, the technician may need the following tools:

  • drill-driver;
  • shovel;
  • riveter;
  • metal scissors;
  • roulette.

A peculiarity of the installation of this design is the absence of a foundation for a fence less than 1 m high. Fences more than 1 m high require a foundation, but less strong than the one on which a fence made of corrugated sheets is installed.

Next, you need to calculate consumables. Then they mark the area. To do this, clear the soil from branches and leaves, install metal picket fence supports. Logs are placed on the support posts, and galvanized strips are attached to them. All installation work carried out using building level to prevent distortion of the structure. How to calculate quantity consumables, look at the video.

DIY installation: step-by-step instructions

Installation of a fence from a pile palisade begins with the installation of supports and padding of the frame. Work on such a design is quite easy for a novice craftsman; he will not be puzzled by the question of how to make a fence from a metal picket fence on his own.

The video shows how to install fence posts.

You can read about how to make a fence from a European picket fence by following the link.

Installation of supports

First, markings are made for mounting the support. Dig holes of the required depth and width in accordance with the dimensions of the pillar. Reinforce with posts as long as the structure requires.

Drawing for installing a fence

Two profiles twisted together are used as support. You can make a fence from a metal picket fence on screw piles. Instead of profiles, a profile pipe is used. If desired, make a masonry of brick pillars for a metal picket fence.

Then the foundation supports are leveled. Fill the prepared depressions in the soil with cement solution and fix the supports. Installation continues after the solution has completely dried, this is about two days. You can substitute brick supports for fixation.

Scheme for installing a fence

As soon as the supports are concreted, the transverse joists are attached. A quarter of a meter is retreated from the uppermost point of the support and a mark is made. Carry out similar markings on other pillars using a level.

The fastening secures the upper cross member to the base. The lower strips are mounted to the metal in the same way; the size of the indentation from the ground should be at least half a meter. The gate is sheathed separately. You can attach a metal picket fence.

Euro picket fence is a relatively new type of fencing for houses and summer cottages, which is galvanized metal strips made of corrugated sheets, coated with colored polymer for protection and beauty. This type of fence is inexpensive, can be installed quickly, and lasts for more than 30 years. The demand for Euro picket fence is explained by its main qualities: aesthetic appeal, durability, affordable price.

How much does a euro picket fence cost: materials plus labor

Average linear meter will cost from one thousand rubles including installation work. If you install a picket fence yourself, its installation will cost less. The price of a fence depends on several factors:

  • type of euro picket fence - depends on the manufacturer’s brand, workmanship, coating thickness;
  • bar height - from 1.5 to 2 m;
  • the width of the pickets and the distance between them, which affects the number of strips per 1 linear line. m of fencing.

We calculate the amount of material for the fence

It’s easy to make a fence from Euro picket fence yourself. Before purchasing components, you will need to calculate their quantity. You will need:

  • Euro picket fence;
  • load-bearing support pillars, usually a corrugated pipe with a cross section of 60*60 mm is used for these purposes;
  • frame transverse logs - corrugated pipe 40*20 mm;
  • fastening - self-tapping screws 4 pcs. per one plank (two for the upper joist and 2 for the lower).

To determine the specific number of strips you need to know several rules for installing a picket fence.

The total length of the fence is measured along the perimeter of the area to be fenced.

From the general indicators, it is necessary to subtract the length of the gates and wickets (their total length is summed up).

The number of support pillars is calculated taking into account that the distance between them is 2.5 m, using the following formula:

Number of posts = (length of perimeter fence - length of gates and wickets) / distance between posts (2.5 m).

Added to this indicator required quantity pillars for installing gates (wickets).

The number of slats is calculated using the formula:

Number of Euro pickets = length of fence / (width of strip + width of gap between strips).

If planned double-sided installation picket fence, then this number is multiplied by 2.

Poles made of profile pipes for fences

If it is decided to use professional pipe and not to do brick pillars, then it can be of any type - with round or square section, 60*60 or 80*80 mm, with a wall thickness of 2 or 4 mm.

Euro picket fence, unlike solid corrugated sheeting, does not create windage, power and wind loads are lower, so the requirements for support posts are not so stringent. In most cases, their concreting into the ground is not required.

Installing support pillars

Installing a picket fence with your own hands begins with installing the posts. Step-by-step instruction The process looks like this.

Drilling(digging) wells 1.1-1.5 m deep.

Pole installation. It is better to strengthen the bottom of the hole by placing hard stones. Fill the hole with gravel and compact it with earth.

DIY metal picket fence. Photo step by step

Concreting required only if the soil is loose, sandy (or at the request of the owner to enhance strength).

Install rain protection on top of the supports - plastic plugs.

Installation of transverse joists, fastening of Euro picket fences

If the pillars were concreted, then the procedure for securing the transverse frame joists They start only the next day. The transverse lower and upper logs are a frame for installing a European picket fence. Their installation is possible in any sequence: first the upper ones, and then the lower ones, or vice versa. The cross members are welded or secured with self-tapping screws. You will need the following set of tools: level, tape measure, marking pencil, screwdriver. The step-by-step instructions for working are as follows.

Installation upper cross beams at a distance of 50 cm from the top edge support pillar. The horizontality of the cross member is controlled using a level.

How to make a fence from a metal picket fence with your own hands. Photo step by step

Installation lower cross members level at a distance of 30 cm from the ground surface.

After frame mounted, begin to attach the picket strips to it. Each plank is attached to the joist with 4 self-tapping screws: 2 in the upper and 2 in the lower transverse joist.

Euro picket fence. How to do

Euro picket fence. Photo

Distance between picket fences. Types of pickets

The distance between the European picket bars determines the degree of openness of the fence. It can be from 2 to 10 cm. Average- 5 cm. When the Euro picket fence is positioned on both sides, a step of 8 cm is taken on each side - in this case, with a bar width of 11.8 mm, an almost blank fence is obtained.

Advice. On garden plot or between vegetable gardens more light is required, so the gap between the euro-fence is made larger.

DIY metal picket fence. Photo

According to the type of top coating, the Euro picket fence is produced with a polymer layer or powder coating (this is more durable option, it is not susceptible to scratches). Painting can be one- or two-sided. Based on the method of processing the edges, a distinction is made between planks with curved edges (rolled) and non-rolled ones. The shape of the relief and the top edge may also vary. All differences and decorative “excesses” affect the price of the material.

Height of a European picket fence

The standard length of European picket fence slats is 1.5, 1.8 and 2 m. The height of the fence is determined by the owner of the site depending on his needs - if the task is to hide the territory from prying eyes, then it is advisable to choose 2 m long slats and make a double-sided blind fence. For open garden plots, a fence height of 1.5 and 1.8 m with a large gap between individual slats is acceptable.

Advantages of a euro picket fence

Euro picket fence is a promising material with many advantages:

  • wear resistance- the fence will last from 30 years and above without changing its appearance;
  • unpretentiousness maintenance - the fence does not require painting, does not rot, so no repair or replacement of elements is needed;
  • ease of installation- the fence can be installed independently in 1-2 days;
  • careful appearance;
  • low cost- This is one of the most inexpensive and durable materials.

A wooden picket fence is a once half-forgotten type of fencing that has now become a trend again, gradually replacing the popular metal. Wood is universal and warm material, symbol home comfort V temperate climate. There are wooden picket fences in almost every locality in Russia. Although they got their name from German word pole or pillar.

Classics of the genre

The specificity of the fencing structure makes it durable and strong, the material gives comfort and decorativeness, the main advantage is the variability of the proposed construction. Dimensions - width, height and length - can be given any size, and simple painting will change even the most unsightly row of wooden slats.

The picket fence received its name due to the specificity of the device from several standard elements. The developed technology for installing such barriers makes the fence functional and strong, and relatively inexpensive. The established scheme: the longitudinal strips are fixed to the longitudinal slats.

Fence on the site

They are fixed on strong support posts dug into the ground or concreted.

Craftsmen, in an effort to decorate everyday life, moved away from the boring German standard. A simple picket fence is sometimes a real work of art.

The photo shows pseudo-Russian style, decorated using the simplest tools.

Before painting

A wooden picket fence built in a dacha easily turns from a functional fence into a decorative fence. This happens thanks to in different ways fastening, the whimsical imagination of the owner who worked on it, unusual coloring or the use of slats of different lengths.

It’s hard to say what exactly brought the practice of installing wooden picket fences back into everyday life and construction:

  • fashion for natural materials;
  • the inherent decorativeness of wood;
  • relatively affordable cost;
  • a nostalgic mood for the good old days, when such fences were the most common thing and covered every meter of outlying streets and villages;
  • the ability to install a picket fence with your own hands, without special tools, to independently and accurately calculate the required footage;
  • option to order a fence from a construction company;
  • almost any size of fencing.

Fence decor

Perhaps the combination of advantages made a wooden picket fence popular. The use of imagination and skill produces fences so beautiful that passers-by stop to admire. And for a long time it has not occurred to anyone to think that the owner’s choice was forced by the lower cost of a wooden picket fence.

Beautiful fence for a private house

Picket fence - best choice, possessions, cottages, township and rural housing. Its undeniable advantages include:

  • various designs, subject to any whim of the owner;
  • the presence, if necessary, of additional reinforcement, shields stuffed to close gaps, metal or;
  • variable methods of placing slats (options for laying a picket fence: checkerboard, herringbone, oblique crossbars, beams, imitation of a log house);
  • the presence of modern impregnation compounds that allow you to extend the previously short life of the structure, and at the same time emphasize the natural beauty of the tree;
  • the opportunity to paint beautifully using modern paints with their bright color scheme, if necessary;
  • reliability of the structure, which can be further enhanced by using brick or metal pillars.

The photo shows a simple picket row. Comfort and a sea of ​​light.

Democratic option for a country house

You can buy such material at almost any construction market or supermarket. A picket fence made of other materials (or) can be ordered on a turnkey basis or made with your own hands. A fence calculator can be found on websites for builders. To calculate the approximate cost, simply take measurements.

How to make a picket fence can be found in the information space, but any zealous owner knows perfectly well the technique for constructing a simple and durable fence. He would prefer, having purchased materials, to begin installing the fence in order to be proud of the fence he made with his own hands.

Original and beautiful hedge

Preparation of material

The future builder has 2 options: he can buy ready-made slats, processed in a special way, with the required parameters (in extreme cases, he will have to trim a little) and begin installation on the day of purchase. Craftsmen who have equipment prefer the second, more complex way: they make pickets with their own hands.

Drawing for installation of the structure

DIY installation

The design of an ordinary fence is extremely simple. At a distance of 2 meters from each other, strong pillars are dug in that can withstand the weight of the picket fence even when wet (when wet, the tree becomes heavier). Holes are dug under them, with a depth of 70 cm (for strength, a meter is possible). To make the fence beautiful and even, the holes are first marked with pegs, and string is pulled between them.

The distance is measured with a tape measure; it should not exceed 3 meters.

This type of fencing will last a long time.

Installation of posts and guides

Pits for posts must be equipped accordingly, taking into account the type of soil. They can be made with a drill or dug, this is not important, but sand and gravel must be poured onto the bottom and compacted thoroughly before installing the post and making concrete pouring. For a simple fence at the dacha, you can do without concreting. And for the strength of the structure, reduce the distance between the supports by a meter.

Installation option without concreting pillars

But best option— concrete the pillars so that after installation you do not have to deal with repairs as a result of unfavorable weather conditions. Experts are sure that wood rots faster in concrete, so it is better to lay sand and gravel, carefully compacting each layer. The pillars are additionally treated for strength. Bitumen is used as a democratic option.

Set of picket fence sections

The logs are attached to wooden post, but do not forget that we install them only after the concrete has hardened thoroughly. Metal brackets are used to fix them. There are different types of fences and to attach them, if the design is simple, people use screws or nails.

Another installation diagram

How to correctly assemble the board part directly is also decided in different ways:

  1. The block of crossbars and picket fence is assembled on the ground, and then attached as a whole to the supports.
  2. The logs are installed on poles, and the pickets are nailed to the finished frame.

Ecological natural material considered the best for building and furnishing a home. First of all, it is harmonious with the nature of man himself, and also simple to operate and easy to construct.

It's about wooden picket fence, which along with modern fences and fences, does not lose its relevance and novelty. And what is also important, it is quite possible to make a fence from a wooden picket fence with your own hands, at your own discretion.

Traditional fence: pros and cons

Fence owners have already assessed all the pros and cons of fencing. The scoring points for picket fences are:

  • low cost of materials;
  • basically easy installation, which, perhaps, can be complicated by personal preferences in design and decor;
  • the beauty of the structure as a whole, which will give the owner’s site originality;
  • Wide selection of wiring diagrams.

There will also be minuses, especially for those who don’t like extra hassle:

  • Wood is very short-lived and requires constant care.
  • The service life of a tree varies from 5 to 10 years and depends on many factors: climatic conditions, location and soil on which it is installed.

  • In order for such a fence to please you for many years, it is necessary to paint it annually, and, if necessary, carry out partial repairs.
  • It should also be taken into account that a wooden picket fence is not a large metal fence, so it is unlikely to protect against intruders.
  • Wood is a highly flammable material and can be easily damaged mechanically.

Select the material - let's get to work

Among existing species wood most suitable for construction wooden fences Ash, mulberry, acacia, oak, aspen, and Siberian larch are considered.

Details of the future structure can be purchased ready-made - by purchasing a picket fence on the market, or you can make it yourself from boards.

But in one way or another you need to take into account the readiness of the wood, because the raw material, not normally processed, will subsequently become deformed, and there will be no defects, knots or cuts.

Before installation, all parts of the fence must be treated with an antiseptic in order to extend the service life of the product as a whole.

The next stage should be choosing a fence fastening method and his appearance. How to lay the picket fence: horizontally, vertically or with a ladder, lattice, in a checkerboard pattern - the choice is up to the owner.

  1. Classic fence.
  2. Familiar to us from childhood: vertical pillars and longitudinal logs, on which small interval boards are fastened together.

  3. Ladder.
  4. Very original way fastening the same vertical boards on joists, only overlapped (with slate). Very good option, because with it the fence looks equally beautiful both outside and inside.

  5. Lattice.
  6. This sectional fence, where each part must be manufactured separately and then attached to the main supporting mount.

    The section is a knocked down square wooden frame, onto which boards are subsequently attached perpendicularly in two directions (a schematic prototype of a conventional mesh design).

  7. Chess.
  8. It is an analogy to a classic fence, only on both sides. A row of front boards, and towards it the gaps of the gaps are closed by a row of back ones.

  9. Vertical.
  10. Again based on the classic scheme. Wide longitudinal logs are placed between the supporting pillars. One significant nuance of such a fence is that it cannot be called a fence due to the low height of the structure; it is rather an exquisite decor for flower beds and rose gardens.

My own master

In the working notebook, the master’s own self should first of all be reflected - length and planned height future fence. You should decide whether the fence will have a monolithic base or a small gap between the ground and the fence.

Bringing beauty and finishing touches

There are many ways to make your fence beautiful and original.

The most in a simple way is to paint the fence in two or three colors highlighting sections of the triangular top, for example as shown in the photo.

However, you can work a little in pursuit of beauty:

  • First of all, it can be external decor. Additional slats with a specific pattern are stuffed onto the main picket fences.
  • A more difficult decoration method to perform at home. When each board is pre-cut at a certain angle, during assembly it forms a wavy or figured relief.
  • Various removable parts attached in sequence to the tops of the fence are also acceptable.
  • Can also be used uneven height method, attaching picket fences to the joists in a wave-like manner or with a certain slope.

A wooden picket fence will certainly decorate any country house or suburban area. First of all he will element of the owner's personal pride, since it will be made with one’s own hand and in an original way.

Watch the video to see what types there are. decorative fences from picket fence and more: