How to eat before the drinking diet. Video: nutritionist Svetlana Fus about the dangers of a drinking diet

Already from the name it is clear that the main components of the diet are liquid components intended not for food, but for drinking, and although it appeared relatively recently, it already has quite a lot of adherents. True, in order to lose weight, you will have to make some efforts, since you will have to drink both when you are thirsty and when you are hungry.

Pros and cons of a drinking diet

The effect of the drinking diet may not be obtained immediately: according to those who have tried it on themselves, a clear change in figure and weight loss can be expected in about a month. During this entire time you cannot eat, you can only drink, which means that the person losing weight will need maximum effort and endurance. At the same time, both positive and negative aspects of this method of weight loss are noted. The advantages include:

  • cleansing the body for quite a long time, when it is freed from poisons, toxins, and fecal debris;
  • feeling of lightness, improved mood;
  • reduction in the size of the stomach in the absence of discomfort;
  • weight loss.

Like any diet, this is not a panacea and has its disadvantages:

  • many believe that a too strict drinking diet does not relieve the constant feeling of hunger, which is a severe stress for the body;
  • a long period of time can lead to loss of energy, weakness, and increased fatigue;
  • there is a danger of a “lazy stomach” effect;
  • the diet is poor in vitamins, so you have to take them additionally;
  • Weight loss results are difficult to maintain.

Preparing for a drinking diet

This type of diet cannot be started at any time. The complexity of its course requires a serious preparatory period, which must begin at least a week in advance. Entering a drinking diet is marked by bans on the consumption of a number of foods and a transition to a different diet. Sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu, but included liquid porridge, soups, soft fruits and freshly squeezed juices. The transition to a new diet should be carried out gradually, since any sudden change leads the body to stressful situations.

How much can you lose on a drinking diet?

Naturally, with so many restrictions and strict implementation, those who use a drinking diet have the right to count on significant weight loss, so many people have a very reasonable question about how much weight can be lost on it. Practice shows that if you strictly follow the requirements, you can get rid of more than 15 extra kg in a month, and “lose” about five within a week. However, the consequences of a drinking diet, if carried out without prior consultation with a specialist, may be unpredictable.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

The drinking diet is designed for a course of 30 days, although those who were on it claim that the effect can be obtained as early as 3-4 days. When starting a drinking diet, you need to understand that only a few will be able to cross the finish line in thirty days. Full course options have been developed, which are designed for three days, a week, ten days and two weeks, depending on the state of health and willpower of the person who decided to lose weight on this diet. Its creators insist that if you know how to sit correctly drinking diet, you can get excellent results without serious losses to your health.

How not to fall off the drinking diet?

If we do not take into account the difficulties that those who still decide to use this method will have to overcome, it is worth noting that within a reasonable time, depending on individual characteristics, you can lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. To do this, you need to use dishes that are close in consistency to the state of thin sour cream and can be used in nutrition.

The drinking diet allows liquid porridges, fruit and berry jelly, low-fat cottage cheese, whipped in a blender with the same kefir. That is, the choice of dishes on the diet menu for drinking is not at all small, so it is not necessary to starve here, but the main thing driving force Any nutrition system is the desire to lose weight and the confidence that this will definitely happen. In this case, there will be no problem with how to maintain a drinking diet.

Drinking diet - what can you drink?

Since the diet is related to liquids, the question reasonably arises of what you can drink on a drinking diet. The answer was received not only from its creators, but also from those who sat on it. You can drink everything except sweet soda and alcohol, regardless of its strength. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is possible to transform solid products into liquid and semi-liquid states. During the diet it is recommended:

  • clean drinking and mineral water without gas;
  • low-fat or low-fat fermented milk products;
  • chicken and vegetable broths and fruit (sugar-free) soups;
  • natural clarified juices;
  • black, green and ;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • jelly-like drinks, compotes;
  • coffee with milk, cocoa (without sugar).

Drinking diet - menu

This method involves the use of not only liquids as such, but also products of a denser consistency, which are brought to a liquid state when cooked. Anyone who begins to lose weight can choose what he likes, not forgetting about the restrictions that are provided. Recommended products include:

  • lean meat, except pork - for preparing broths;
  • steamed fish;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • fruits and vegetables.

This option is not salt-free - a little salt can be used when cooking, but you will have to give up sugar, as well as seasonings. The use of starch is also not recommended. Most often, you have enough strength and patience to use it for a week, so a special menu has been developed for this period. Here's what a drinking diet might look like, a menu for 7 days:

  • all types of dairy products with reduced fat content: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural drinking yoghurts and milk - if the body accepts it;
  • puree soups with vegetable or low-fat meat broth bases;
  • fresh juices;
  • green and black tea;
  • fruit and berry jelly;
  • or fresh fruits;
  • oat jelly.

How to get out of a drinking diet?

It is important not only to enter the diet correctly, but also to exit it correctly, so as not to subject the body to additional stress. Leaving the drinking diet should be done gradually, just like entering it. The transition to traditional nutrition involves the gradual introduction of solid foods:

  1. For this it is recommended oatmeal, thicker than it was during the diet.
  2. Then cheeses and cottage cheese, bread and eggs are introduced into the menu.
  3. By the end of the first transition week, you can carefully introduce fresh vegetables and fruits, and in the middle of the next week, meat and fish dishes.
  4. The last to return are foods rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, a variety of cereals.

When the warm season approaches, all women think about those kilograms that have accumulated on their hips and waist over the winter. Nutritionists have proposed many different diets. One of the diets that has appeared recently is the drinking diet. The name of this diet itself suggests that the dishes in it should not be eaten, but drunk. Not everyone can adequately perceive a change in the consistency of dishes, so initially it is suitable only for those who like soups and other liquid dishes.

The essence of the diet

Depending on age, a person is 65-80% composed of... Water in the human body performs many functions:

  • is a universal solvent for most substances: almost all reactions in the human body occur in a liquid medium;
  • included in all biological media human body: blood, lymph, digestive juices, secretions of mucous membranes and secretions of endocrine glands;
  • serves transport system For nutrients, hormones, gases, breakdown and metabolic products, blood cells and carrier molecules;
  • dissolves salts and removes their excess from the body with urine and sweat;
  • maintains homeostasis - dynamic balance of electrolytes, acids, bases, pressure inside and outside the cell;
  • ensures constant body temperature (due to the evaporation of excess heat);
  • helps to liquefy stool;
  • maintains elasticity (turgor) of tissues.

On average, a person loses up to 3.0 liters of water daily (with urine, sweat, exhaled air, feces) depending on the conditions of his stay and the intensity of work. When a person stays in a heating microclimate (in hot shops, saunas, during the hot season), water losses increase significantly.

Replenishment of this water deficit in the body by 20-30% occurs as a result of internal redox reactions, by 20-30% due to the intake of solid and semi-solid food, and by 50% due to the so-called “free liquid” (water, juices). , dairy drinks).

The essence of the drinking diet is to increase the supply of fluid into the body from the outside. This can be done by replacing solid foods (main courses, desserts, sandwiches, snacks) with liquid ones. Thus, metabolism is normalized, harmful substances accumulated in the body (intestines, kidneys, blood vessels) are eliminated, and skin condition improves.

Principles of nutrition

The drinking diet is very strict. By following all the principles of dietary nutrition, you can get good results: you can lose up to 15 kg in a month. To do this you need:

  1. When planning your diet, you should choose healthy foods, avoiding those containing GMOs, food additives, and trans fats.
  2. You can consume no more than 5 liters of total liquid per day, including with liquid food.
  3. The volume of liquid supplied per day in the form of food should be at least 2 liters.
  4. Separate from meals, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  5. It is forbidden to chew while eating, as chewing actively releases digestive juices. It is also forbidden to chew gum - it has the same effect.
  6. The amount of food planned for consumption per day should be divided into 5-6 meals.
  7. Moderate required physical exercise.
  8. Stool should be regular, daily. If constipation occurs, it is necessary to take laxatives or perform cleansing enemas.
  9. Additionally, you need to drink vitamin and mineral supplements.
  10. You cannot independently increase the duration of your stay on this diet, since it is unbalanced.

The most popular of all varieties are two variants of this diet:

  • drinking diet for 7 days;
  • drinking diet for 30 days.

For those who decide to lose weight in this way, it is better to start with a drinking diet for a week. It is more strict, but gives good and quick results. In addition, a person can decide whether he can withstand such dietary restrictions for a month.

Pros of a drinking diet

A huge advantage of a drinking diet is cleansing the body of toxic substances and toxins. In addition to cleansing the body, such weight loss has many other positive effects on the body of the person losing weight:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • increases the rate of metabolic reactions in the body;
  • reduces stomach volume;
  • improves mood.

Preparing drinking diet dishes does not require a lot of time or any expensive products. The main thing is to create the menu correctly.

Cons of a drinking diet

The drinking diet, regardless of its duration, is not suitable for people with:

  • chronic severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • impaired renal excretory function;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract in the acute phase;
  • tendency to edema;
  • diabetes mellitus

If a person has at least one of the above diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only qualified specialist can determine how dangerous this type of weight loss will be for a particular disease.

Drinking weight loss leads to leaching minerals from the body and reduce the supply of vitamins, so it should not be practiced during periods of seasonal vitamin deficiencies.

A deficiency of vitamins and minerals adversely affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The human immune system is weakened, and anemic manifestations are observed. Possible visual impairment, attention and memory disorders. However, taking complex medications with vitamins can prevent possible deficiency of these substances. The doctor will be able to select a suitable vitamin and mineral complex taking into account the patient’s age, weight, height and health status.

You should not continue drinking weight loss if during it a person begins to persistently feel a feeling of hunger, especially accompanied by dizziness, fainting, weakness, loss of strength, irritability, insomnia or drowsiness, pain in the stomach and abdomen, disturbances of attention and memory.

What can you eat

The drinking diet allows the use of:

  • clean water without gas;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (not higher than 2.5% fat content);
  • broths from vegetables, mushrooms, lean meat, offal, poultry, fish;
  • freshly prepared fresh vegetables and berries;
  • fruit drinks and jelly from berries;
  • compotes;
  • natural (unpackaged).

Dishes must be prepared without sugar. Culinary preparation of products should be minimal: boiling and stewing. Avoid frying, baking, and grilling.

What not to eat

In order for the drinking diet to show good results, you should categorically refuse:

  • solid and semi-solid food (main courses, kebabs, salads, casseroles, sandwiches);
  • alcohol, including low-alcohol drinks and;
  • and other caffeinated drinks;
  • strong meat broths (on fatty meats);
  • animal fats (and, interior fat);
  • sauces and marinades;
  • pickles;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • industrial juices;
  • salt and salty dressings;
  • sugar and other sweeteners (,);
  • food additives (flavors, taste improvers, preservatives, dyes).

Drinking diet for 7 days

Thanks to a weekly diet, you can evaluate your physical and volitional capabilities before starting a monthly weight loss course. At the same time, the dietary menu for each specific person must be compiled individually.

The drinking diet does not have a strictly regulated menu for the week, but when developing it, you can adhere to the recommended 7-day diet.

First day

The most the right option The beginning of weight loss is a 7-day diet, while the first day of the drinking diet is preferably made with milk, and even better - fermented milk (, sourdough, without additives). This will help you set up digestive system to digest liquid food.

Second day

The drinking diet on the second day may consist of soups (grated, pureed, creamy) based on vegetable, low-fat meat and fish broths. However, you should avoid adding pasta, cheese or other additives to the soup. The soup should be cooked on a piece of lean meat (or poultry without skin), fish (skinny sea or river), vegetables (cabbage, onions). There should be no dressing in the soup, the only exception being the addition of tomatoes for acidification. The taste of the soup can be complemented by spicy green leafy vegetables (cilantro,). It is better not to add salt.

The third day

The menu for this day is designed to vitaminize the body. To do this, drink compotes and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits throughout the day. A prerequisite is the absence of sugar or sweeteners in these drinks. Only natural drinks can compensate for vitamin deficiency.

Fourth day

Fifth day

The menu of the fifth day corresponds to the third, but you can add uzvar from it, prepared without sugar.

Sixth day

On the sixth day you need to drink about 3 liters of jelly from and oatmeal. This jelly is prepared from 200 g of oats, 100 g of oat flakes, a glass of low-fat kefir, 1.5 liters of water. You need to start preparing oatmeal jelly from the fifth day of the diet: pour kefir over the oats and flakes and leave in a warm place. After a day, rub the mixture through a sieve and add water. Boil and simmer over low heat for several minutes. In this case, it is necessary to stir the jelly constantly so that it does not stick.

Seventh day

The seventh day of the 7-day diet is similar to day 1 of the drinking diet, with the exception of a small relaxation - a soft cottage cheese casserole at the end of the day. This casserole on the last day of a weekly drinking diet will make it easier to get off it.

The most difficult part of the drinking diet, according to reviews from those who have tried it, is the first day. This is a stressful situation for the body, so it is better to start losing weight on a drinking diet when a person does not have to important meetings or responsible work.

Drinking diet for 30 days

The most positive effect of a monthly diet is a significant reduction in stomach volume. A drinking diet for 30 days gives tangible results for the body, which is reflected in the well-being of the person losing weight before and after it. The cleansing effect of the diet varies in different periods:

  1. In the first ten days they are cleared of stones gallbladder, kidneys, bladder and intestines.
  2. In the second 10 days, the parenchymal organs are cleansed: the heart, liver, spleen, as well as the lungs and blood vessels.
  3. In the last decade, the cellular composition of the body is renewed. It is at this stage that the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness is replaced by cheerfulness and lightness.

The 30-day a la carte diet is different from the 7-day diet. Every day the menu should include a puree soup based on meat or fish. In this case, it is imperative to count calories: the daily caloric intake of the menu should not exceed 1500 kcal.

The right way out

In order for the results of weight loss to be maintained, the correct way out of the drinking diet is necessary:

  1. Liquid porridge should be introduced first.
  2. For the first 1-2 weeks, dinner should be drunk.
  3. A week after leaving, you can gradually introduce an omelet of 1-2 eggs, soft cottage cheese casseroles, syrniki. Salt and sugar should be reduced to the maximum.
  4. In the second week of release, you should add salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, prepare sautes, stews and other dishes from them, where the ingredients are stewed in their own juice.
  5. During the third week, you can introduce lean meat, fish or seafood into your diet.
  6. In the future, at least once a week is required fasting days.

In addition to these exit rules, you must continue to monitor your diet, avoid fried and fatty foods, baked goods, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Fasting drinking days

Fasting drinking days will help maintain weight after losing weight. Drinking fasting days include the following days:

  • tea - 1.5 liters of any brewed tea without sugar (possible with) per day;
  • milk - the same amount of low-fat, low-fat kefir or yogurt without additives per day;
  • tomato - up to 3 l tomato juice no salt per day;
  • vegetable - up to 2 liters of freshly squeezed juice from beets, carrots, or other vegetables per day (without salt and sugar).

Vegetable fasting days are the most optimal from the point of view of fortifying the body. In addition, they contain a lot of useful substances, which improve digestion and normalize stool.

The drinking diet has many pros and cons. It is used for the purpose of losing weight, as well as cleansing the body of harmful substances. The effect will be achieved only by drinking various liquids, without eating food. Let's take a closer look at what the drinking diet is, how many days you can follow it to lose weight, and what your diet might be like. It is also important to determine how much fluid a person losing weight needs to consume individually.

General rules for following a dietary diet

  1. Preparation for following a drinking diet is carried out by consuming fresh fruits, cereals, soups and freshly squeezed juices for several days before changing the diet. It is also important to count calories;
  2. You should try to drink 1.5 liters of still mineral water per day;
  3. You can also eat natural broths made from chicken, fish, beef or vegetables every day. To taste the broth, you can add a little salt at the beginning of cooking, and also add carrots with parsley or celery at the end of cooking;
  4. You can enjoy fermented milk and natural dairy products;
  5. Natural freshly squeezed juices from oranges, apples and other fruits and berries help you lose weight;
  6. You can quench your thirst with green, red, white and fruit tea without sugar. Coffee and caffeinated drinks are prohibited. You can add lemon and milk to weight loss teas;
  7. Every day it is recommended to drink compotes and jelly from berries and fruits. You can also enjoy oatmeal jelly.

A strict drinking diet prohibits drinking alcoholic beverages, carbonated mineral and sweet water.

Types of water diets

The peculiarities of the drinking diet are that it is followed for 30 days in order to remove harmful substances from the body, as well as loss excess weight. The weight loss process occurs in several stages:

  1. The first 10 days of losing weight with liquid lead to the cleansing of the hollow organs, as well as the intestines. You may notice a coating on the tongue that needs to be carefully removed;
  2. The kidneys and liver are cleansed within 11-20 days. During this period, a person may feel some discomfort in the organs;
  3. From days 20 to 30, the cells are cleansed. If you strictly follow the dietary rules, there will be no discomfort or poor health.

Within a month, the body is successfully cleansed, due to which the overall health becomes better and lightness appears.

Meals for four weeks

Products that can be eaten while following a drinking diet for 30 days should only be in liquid form. Once a day you need to eat a portion of puree soup, and also count calories.

Recipes for puree soup vary, but you can prepare the dish as follows: peel, wash and cut the potatoes, cabbage, carrots, bell pepper and one large onion. Dip prepared vegetables into low-fat broth (1 litre) and boil until soft. Grind with a blender to the consistency of kefir. Eat the prepared puree soup as lunch.
In order for weight loss to occur successfully, it is important to follow the following diet every day for 30 days, counting the amount of calories:

  • Have breakfast with low-fat yogurt or milk;
  • Snack on freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • Have lunch with cream soup and green tea;
  • Have an afternoon snack with fruit and berries or oatmeal jelly;
  • Have dinner with one percent kefir.

For variety, the diet can be composed in a different way by changing the sequence of consumption of liquid products.

If, while following a diet for weight loss designed for 30 days, severe diarrhea or constipation occurs, it is important to stop dieting and include solid food in the menu.

Seven day diet

The 7-day drinking diet is the gentlest diet that allows you to successfully lose weight in just one week.

The water diet for a week could be like this:

  1. The first day of the diet is two percent dairy products;
  2. On the second day, it is recommended to feast on various broths and puree soups;
  3. On the third day, include compotes with freshly squeezed juices in your drinking diet menu. To prepare them, use unsweetened berries and fruits of fruit trees;
  4. On the fourth day, prepare jelly from fresh berries and fruits;
  5. On the fifth day, quench your hunger and thirst with fruit and berry compotes. Dried fruits can be added to drinks;
  6. On the sixth day, in order to lose weight, eat oatmeal jelly;
  7. On the last day of the diet, repeat the dairy diet.

Meals for the week are tasty and varied. In a week you can lose weight and improve your overall well-being. It is important to monitor your health.

Following a drinking diet with chocolate

The chocolate-drinking diet, which lasts for three days, allows you to enjoy chocolate and unsweetened drinks. Losing extra pounds occurs thanks to tasty, but the most rigid nutrition.

Read also:

Green tea for weight loss

The chocolate-drinking diet allows you to consume dark chocolate in an amount of 150 grams, divided into three to four servings. Instead of dark chocolate, it is strictly forbidden to enjoy a white or dairy sweet product. During the chocolate diet, chocolate must be consumed in melted form.

You can quench your thirst with water, herbal infusions and teas.

Most nutritionists consider the shock-drinking diet to be harmful, as it can cause health problems. With a shock diet, the body does not receive protein, which causes general health to deteriorate.

A chocolate-drinking diet for 3 days allows you to become slimmer by a couple of kilograms, but they can return immediately after the end of the diet.

The disadvantages of the chocolate diet include deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair, as well as appearance generally.
The shoko diet can be repeated only after four months of normal nutrition.

In order to somehow support the body while following the shock-drinking diet, you need to take vitamin complexes. Also, the choco diet for the purpose of losing weight recommends walking a lot. fresh air, sleep more than eight hours a day, and also do light exercise.

Diet for two weeks

A water diet according to this option must be followed for 14 - 15 days. You can repeat it only after a month.
To lose weight in 14 days, it is important to gradually increase the amount of water consumed per day, as well as keep track of calories.

How much fluid you need to drink must be calculated taking into account your initial weight. To calculate the daily fluid intake, you can use two methods:

  1. Multiply your weight in kilograms by 40. The resulting figure will indicate how much water you need to drink during the day in milliliters;
  2. Divide the initial weight by 20. The resulting figure will indicate how much water you need to drink per day in liters.

To more accurately calculate the liquid, you must use the first method. By calculating how much fluid you need to drink per day, you can prevent excess water in the body.

To lose weight in 14 days on a water diet, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Immediately after waking up, and also before going to bed, it is important to drink a glass of liquid;
  2. It is prohibited to quench your thirst with tea, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks for 14 days;
  3. Eliminate flour, sweet and fatty foods from your diet for 14 days;
  4. A water diet designed for 14 days is best carried out in the summer, since during the hot season, excess water is removed from the body faster;
  5. If you feel hungry, it is recommended to drink a glass of water for 14–15 days;
  6. Be sure to count calories when consuming pureed soups and other liquid dishes;
  7. If you feel hungry half an hour after drinking a glass of water, eat any liquid dish;
  8. You need to drink liquid for 14 days half an hour before a meal, or an hour after it.

While following the diet, you need to drink vitamin and mineral complexes for 14–15 days.
To maintain the effect obtained after the end of the diet, it is recommended to introduce foods into the diet gradually, always counting calories. The doctor should tell you how long to follow a water diet, taking into account the characteristics of your body.

One of the most effective techniques for weight loss - a drinking diet, which Lately gain popularity. It not only promotes intensive weight loss, but also thoroughly cleanses the body of harmful substances. Despite a lot of positive reviews, such a strict nutrition system can be detrimental to health and is not suitable for everyone.

Mechanism of action

The benefits of a drinking diet for weight loss appear gradually:

  • on the first day the body rebels against such a nutritional system - you feel tired, Bad mood, severe attacks of hunger, but by the third day you will begin to get used to this state of affairs and rebuild - accordingly, the feeling of hunger gradually dulls;
  • During the first week, a superficial cleansing of the body occurs;
  • on the second, the liver and kidneys are freed from toxins;
  • on 3 and 4 - general cleaning at the cellular level.

As a result of these processes occurring in the body, fat reserves are consumed, resulting in weight loss.

The insidiousness of liquid food

A drinking diet for 7 days can work without harm to health - this is the optimal period for losing weight on liquid food. Longer options are fraught with side effects, including:

  • coating on the tongue and strong smell from the mouth (these are typical side effects for the first days of a drinking diet);
  • nausea;
  • irregular bowel movements;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia;
  • spots in the eyes;
  • flatulence;
  • gurgling in the stomach;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys (they simply cannot cope with the volume of fluid);
  • severe swelling in the morning.

If the menu is drawn up incorrectly or the drinking diet is abandoned too quickly, the consequences can be very unpleasant: the gastrointestinal tract will continue to function incorrectly for a long time, refusing to digest solid food. In some cases, even drug treatment may be required, as gastritis and anorexia may develop.

To minimize the harm of this food system, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and contraindications to it:

  • weakening of the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • cystitis;
  • any problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • pressure surges;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • tendency to swelling;
  • varicose veins;
  • adolescence and old age;
  • mental problems.

Many experts believe that if you have any health problems, this method losing weight will be dangerous, and therefore it is better to refuse it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you go on a drinking diet, find out all its pros and cons, so as not to be disappointed later and not harm your own body.


  • Efficiency: results if the recommendations are followed correctly can be up to 7 kg per week.
  • Thorough cleansing of the body.
  • Excess energy that was previously spent on digesting solid food is released, a feeling of lightness appears, and your mood improves.
  • The stomach is significantly reduced in volume, and after a drinking diet without discomfort, you will eat less than usual.
  • Weight decreases quickly.


  • Constant feeling of hunger and desire to chew something.
  • Instead of the promised surge of vigor, there is often a feeling of constant fatigue and lethargy.
  • The stomach quickly gets used to liquid food and then refuses to work with solid food - that’s why the right solution is so important for this diet.
  • Many contraindications and side effects.
  • An unbalanced diet leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • It will be difficult to maintain the results achieved.
  • The body experiences serious stress throughout the hunger strike (as does the person losing weight).

The drinking diet has more disadvantages than advantages - this is a reason to think about whether such a weight loss system is suitable for you. To resolve doubts, you should consult a doctor.

Features of compliance

Product Lists

What you can drink:

  • vegetable and fruit juices, but not packaged store-bought ones, but only freshly squeezed;
  • low-fat broths - meat (chicken, veal or beef), vegetable (beetroot, potato), fish;
  • soups of puree and creamy consistency;
  • dairy and fermented milk drinks of minimal fat content;
  • jelly;
  • black tea, ;
  • compotes;
  • cocoa (some nutritionists include it on the list of prohibited foods);
  • smoothie.

Prohibited products:

  • solid food;
  • packaged juices;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sugar and sweeteners (do not add them to tea);
  • carbonated drinks,
  • gum;
  • dairy and fermented milk drinks with a high fat content;
  • pork or lamb broths;
  • marinades, brines;
  • hot spices;
  • any oils - vegetable and animal;
  • ice cream.


The basic rules of the drinking diet are:

  1. You can't chew anything.
  2. It is necessary to constantly monitor the regularity of bowel movements: if constipation or diarrhea occurs, the drinking diet is stopped.
  3. Drink the last drink 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to wake up with swelling the next morning.
  4. Try to diversify your diet, strictly adhering to the list of what you can drink during the diet.
  5. Consult your doctors before switching to such a diet.
  6. The volume of liquid drunk per day should not exceed 5 liters.
  7. The volume of 1 serving is 200 ml (glass).
  8. The optimal daily calorie content of food is 1,200 kcal, the upper limit is 1,400.


If you do not prepare the body for a change in diet, you can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the first day is the most difficult, since the stomach is seething and asks for solid food, and the feeling of hunger does not allow you to work and makes you suffer from temptations. But if you ensure a smooth entry into the diet, weight loss will take place more calmly and without harm to health.

Such preparation is simply necessary. True, with such a smooth entry, it will last for 2-3 weeks, or even 30 days, but you will be sure that you will not break down and harm your own health.


You should also be very careful when leaving the drinking diet. If you pamper your stomach with liquid food all week and then suddenly dump solid food on it, it simply will not cope with such a load. The longer the hunger strike, the longer it will take to return the body to a normal nutritional system.

Variety of options

Exist different variants drinking diet depending on the timing of weight loss and the range of drinks in the diet.

  • Hard for 3 days

If you want to quickly lose 3-4 kg, it will help strict diet for 3 days, which can only be observed exclusively healthy people. Thick liquids such as jelly, kefir, fermented baked milk, puree soup, and broths are also prohibited here. Sweet and high-calorie juices are also not welcome.

The scheme is simple: you need to drink 8 glasses of regular water and 3 glasses of green/black water a day. It is very difficult to tolerate, but allows you to achieve excellent results and cleanse the body well.

  • Long lasting for a month

In the absence of side effects and contraindications, you can extend the diet for 30 days. To do this, it is enough to repeat the menu 4 times for the week. To diversify your diet, you can try new recipes. With the advent of blenders, you can make pureed soup for lunch from almost any product. The main thing during such a long marathon is not to lose your temper, because you will always want to chew something. The recovery from such a protracted hunger strike will need to be extended for another month.

  • Striped for 1 or 2 weeks

If you cannot tolerate liquid foods alone, you can try this diet option. Make one day a drinking day, the second a vegetable day. This way you will not let your stomach get lazy and at the same time you will be able to take advantage of this nutritional system.

You can use any vegetables except potatoes. Watch the calorie content of your meals. You need to eat often, but little by little. Salt - minimum. Frying as a cooking method is prohibited.

  • Choco-drinking

One of the most enjoyable and delicious ways to lose weight among these diets. During the week, your diet should include only 3 drinks: pure water, cocoa and hot chocolate. Losses can be up to 5 kg. But in reality, efficiency this option few people admire.

And, of course, good results You can achieve weight loss if you arrange fasting days at least once a month.

Menu for different periods

To correctly create a menu for the chosen drinking diet option, you need to decide on the timing and focus on the following tables.

Menu for the week

An approximate menu for 7 days is presented in 2 options: as a mono-diet and mixed.

Option 1. Mono-diets - alternating drinking days depending on the drinks consumed.

Option 2. Mixed.

Menu for 14 days

The drinking diet for 14 days differs from the weekly one in that it is aimed at coping with an increased feeling of hunger. Instead of 6 meals there are 7.

Before bed, another glass of liquid: tea with mint, linden, chamomile, lemon balm or other soothing herbs.


A variety of recipes for drinks and purees will help you withstand all the hardships of a drinking diet.

Chicken broth (15 kcal)


  • 3 liters of water (for the first cooking);
  • 3 liters of water (directly for broth);
  • 500 g chicken breast;
  • bulb;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black pepper (moderate amount);
  • salt (minimum).


  1. Rinse the chicken and remove the skin.
  2. Let it cook.
  3. Bring to a boil and rinse the chicken again, change the water, and put it back on the fire.
  4. Peel the carrots and onions. Without chopping, add to the broth.
  5. Lightly add salt.
  6. To ensure clear chicken broth, do not allow it to boil too much and constantly skim off any foam that forms.
  7. Remove vegetables when they are soft.
  8. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a bay leaf to the broth and sprinkle with pepper.
  9. Let it brew for half an hour.
  10. Remove the chicken and bay leaf.
  11. Strain.

Tomato puree soup (100 kcal)


  • 500 ml chicken broth;
  • 150 grams of tomatoes;
  • 200 g eggplants;
  • carrot;
  • 50 grams of shallots;
  • 10 ml;
  • sea ​​salt (a little).


  1. Fry grated carrots and chopped onion in hot oil.
  2. Peel the eggplants, cut into slices, add to the carrots and onions.
  3. Peel the tomatoes, remove the stem, and chop coarsely. Add to other vegetables.
  4. Add some salt.
  5. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour in chicken broth, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
  7. Transfer the mixture to a blender and grind until pureed.

Uzvar (32 kcal)


  • 100 grams of dried apples;
  • 100 grams of dried pears;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 3 liters of water.


  1. Pour water over the dried fruits and leave for half an hour (or overnight).
  2. Rinse them thoroughly several times under running water.
  3. Pour water, boil, keep on fire for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid, leave for 4 hours.
  5. Strain.

Oatmeal jelly (50 kcal)


  • 300 gr;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of black bread, already stale;
  • salt (minimum).


  1. Pour water over oatmeal and bread (in different containers), keep at room temperature day to swell. Stir the oatmeal every 4-5 hours.
  2. Strain, squeeze out both masses, combine together.
  3. Bring to a boil, add salt.
  4. Cook over low heat until thickened.

The more often you prepare new drinks for your drinking diet, the more chances you have of not breaking down and passing this test. The only point is to remember to monitor their calorie content, which should not exceed the daily requirement.

Questions and answers

  • How not to break down?

The drinking diet is a very strict weight loss system. Therefore, you can break away from it faster than from others. To survive as long as possible, take the following measures:

- hang on the wall either a photo of yourself slim, or the cherished number that you would like to see on the scales - this is a good motivation;
- ask your family to support you: morally (let them praise you more often and notice the results of losing weight) and physically (they can eat liquid food with you at least once a day);
- Wash down the unbearable feeling of hunger with your favorite drinks.

  • How much can you lose in a week?

If your body is young and accustomed to physical activity, you can lose 7 kg in a week. After 35 years, with a sedentary lifestyle and a slower metabolism, these indicators will be noticeably more modest: minus 3-4 kg.

  • How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

The longest period is a month and then in the complete absence of contraindications. It will be possible to repeat it only in six months.

  • Is it possible...

…yogurt? - Yes, if it is natural, non-greasy, without dyes or additives.
...cream soup? - Yes, it should be the basis of lunch.
...smoothie? - Yes.
...chewing gum? - No, it causes profuse salivation and increases the concentration of gastric juice, which will require solid food. In addition, it is high in calories and often contains sugar, which is harmful for weight loss.

  • Why doesn't the weight come off?

The real reasons for this phenomenon can only be determined by a specialist after examinations and a series of tests. They could be:

— genetics;
- lack of energy expenditure (sedentary lifestyle);
— excessive physical activity can cause swelling of muscle tissue, which weighs a lot;
- consumption of low-quality products;
- internal diseases.

  • How to avoid gaining weight after a diet?

There is only one option - to get out of it gradually and in the future try to eat right.

  • How many calories can you eat?

Preferably - 1,200 per day. But the upper ceiling can be 1,400 kcal.

If you are accustomed to hot lunch soups and proper drinking regimen, this diet, in the absence of contraindications, will not only help you lose weight, but will also contribute to a total cleansing of the body at the cellular level.

A strict drinking diet, according to nutritional researchers, is one of the most dangerous for human health - The weight loss method completely eliminates the consumption of food! This does not mean that for the next month you will say goodbye to the concept of “food” and will eat every day. But the entire diet will indeed consist of liquid.

If you do not consider yourself an iron-hardened person, choose more gentle ones, but no less effective ways, such as, or, or drinking, but for 14 or 7 days.

During drinking days, you will have to literally fight your nature, and this is far from easy. After all, any diet is stressful for the body and will require sanity and fortitude from you in the most difficult moments, but a strict drinking diet is completely different. And we will explain why, imagine detailed menu, we’ll tell you how many days it will take you to reduce your calorie intake, give you a fruit and vegetable recipe, and describe the positive and negative aspects of the method. But whether the fight against extra pounds is worth it is up to you to decide.

How much can you lose on a strict drinking diet if you follow it correctly? Reviews on the Internet talk about results of up to 20 kilograms per month.

Initially, every person has a need to chew. This is an integral reflex of the body. In addition (and not everyone realizes this), we all have some kind of “timer” set inside us. When a person consumes food, the brain “counts” total eaten, so we feel that we are full. Sometimes the timer does not work when we eat while watching a TV series or listening to music while eating.

You may have noticed that in decent cafes and restaurants there is always music playing or the TV is noisy. This is no accident. Loud sounds drown out the “timer” and you no longer know how to stop, and, accordingly, you eat more than you should. For this reason, we advise you to train yourself to eat in complete silence. Within a month you will notice tangible benefits.

The ability to eat in silence will be needed when you decide to quit the drinking diet. While you are not eating, but drinking, it is useless to be cunning, since the brain does not know how to calculate the amount of drink.

But what is the essence of the drinking diet, what is possible, and what should absolutely be removed from your refrigerator for the next month? While any other, even the most stringent method involves at least interval eating, the diet prohibits its consumption at all. The main ingredient for the next 30-14 days is liquid in all its forms. This means that in addition to the obligatory one and a half liters of purified water per day, you can eat: milk, puree soups, yoghurts, teas and coffee, broths, and everything that turns into a liquid state - fruits and vegetables (we will present a detailed menu later ).

Please note that during this entire period the consumption of soda and alcohol is prohibited. There is no need to aggravate the already critical situation of the body with harmful toxins and substances.

The creators of the diet provided optimal timing compliance with the drinking diet – 30 days. However, numerous practice has led to the conclusion that tangible results can be seen after 4-5 days. It is important to switch to a drinking diet gradually. If before this you ate a considerable amount of proteins and carbohydrates during the day, but suddenly stopped and sat down only to water, you are not far from a hospital bed.

Before you completely go on a drinking diet, you need to go through an adaptation period of 5-10 days, during which you will gradually be able to reduce the amount of food you eat.

Suppose that in the first 3 days you cut your diet in half, and on day 10 it is recommended to consume up to 100-200 calories per day. Thus, by day 10 the lion's share your lunch regimen will consist of liquid (60-70%, 20-30% chewing food). This will greatly simplify such a difficult task for the body and allow you to quickly achieve the necessary results.

But still, despite the disadvantages of the water diet, the method also has useful virtue, which at correct use can bring unlimited benefits - completely eliminating the risk of dehydration. It is guaranteed to all people who adhere to any other the strictest diet. People who are losing weight often reduce their water consumption, but a drinking diet is just the opposite.

To achieve maximum effect, should be combined together different strategies nutrition. Have a drink or two, gradually get out of it and switch to another diet that suits your taste. But for this you need to create correct menu for all periods.

  • We recommend reading:

List of approved products

First, let's figure out what and how much you can consume during your drinking ration on water per month and week. For your attention, products containing a minimum of calories:

  • Plain water from one and a half liters per day;
  • Homemade broths;
  • Black tea, green tea, coffee (do not add sugar or sweeteners);
  • Fruit and vegetable juices (carrot, apple, beet, etc.);
  • Sour drinks, compotes;
  • Protein diet on yoghurt;
  • Fruit and vegetable, beef and fish broths;
  • Dairy products 2%.

Spicy vegetables or very sweet fruits, spices and seasonings, fatty yoghurts, juices from stores (not to mention alcohol) are excluded, otherwise the results will not please you. Salt can be used in small portions for broths.

Drinking diet for 30, 14, 7 and 3 days

Everyone decides how long to diet on their own, depending on their goals.

A 30-day drinking ration, in contrast to 14 days, is characterized by five stages. After an adaptation period of 10 days of reducing calorie intake (sometimes a week is enough), 10 days of major cleansing of dense organs and the intestinal tract begin. Over the next 10 days, dense organs are involved - liver, kidneys. So, on the 20th day you may feel unwell in the area of ​​these organs. And finally - cleansing at the cellular level. During this period, you feel boundless lightness and discomfort in the body disappears.

To achieve the desired results in a month (for the cautious - a week), you can eat:

  • Fermented milk products for breakfast, yoghurts;
  • After a couple of hours, freshly squeezed juice (orange,);
  • For lunch, broth or chicken soup without meat or puree soup, teas, coffee;
  • Afternoon snack – jelly, berry compote;
  • Dinner is weak.

You need variety in your menu to ensure your body gets all the healthy elements it needs. So, a 7 or 14-day, more loyal, method of losing weight on water in a week may include:

  • Monday: juices, compotes;
  • Tuesday: oat-based jelly, or fruit and berry;
  • Wednesday: dairy products day, kefir 1.5%, milk and yogurt;
  • Thursday: fish, chicken and vegetable broths;
  • Friday: cream soup, tea, broth, fruit;
  • Saturday: protein diet - yoghurts, fermented baked milk, milk;
  • Sunday: repeat the day of freshly squeezed juices and jelly.

A 3-day drinking diet is the easiest way of the entire method to relieve the body and lose weight. It is suitable for combination with gentle diets. On the first day, only consuming dairy products is permissible, on the second, prepare broths, and on the last, juices, jelly and compotes. In any case, proceed from your personal wishes in creating a diet, write it down on a piece of paper, and come up with your own recipes.

Bonus Recipe

If your imagination fails you and you no longer know how to diversify your daily drinking menu, we present to your attention this recipe: preparing puree soup. To begin, prepare 1 liter of medium-fat broth and vegetables (broccoli, onions, peppers, potatoes, carrots). Wash and peel the vegetables, add them to the boiling broth and cook until soft. Grind the resulting mass into a puree using a blender. The consistency is not very thick. Dilute your daily drinking menu with this light puree soup.

How to properly quit a drinking diet

Extremely important role plays in the event, since this must be done correctly in order to avoid negative consequences for the body, because this is its “second birth”. Moreover, if you have been on a diet for 14 to 30 days, and the threat of exhaustion is already hanging over your body. So, if you have been on a drinking diet for 30 days, the yield will be 2 months. For 14-28 days.

  1. For the first week, introduce liquid cereals for breakfast, gradually increasing their dose.
  2. The second week is still a drinking dinner, but for breakfast you can have a boiled, small cheese sandwich.
  3. The third week - porridge for breakfast, but fruits and vegetables are already included in dinner.
  4. Fourth week – finally you can eat meat! Fish, beef, chicken in small quantities at the beginning.
  5. The fifth week is what you started with, standard meals, only one day a week do fasting drinking.

For the next unlimited period, be sure to exclude heavy consumption of sweet and salty, flour and fatty foods. And, most importantly, drink fluids in large volumes.