How to make decorative marble. Artificial marble with concrete filler

After reading the phrase “ cast marble", we can assume that this is some kind of material. Actually this is not true. The term “cast marble” usually refers to an abstract product made by mold casting from a synthetic composite material with a coating that imitates marble. At the same time, imitation can apply not only to granite, marble, but also to granite, malachite and other natural stones used for the manufacture of household items or parts decorative interior. The name “cast marble” became established because the first products made using this technique imitated it.

Composition of "cast marble".

As already mentioned, “cast marble” is a product made of a composite material, that is, a material consisting of several components:

  • binder;
  • filler;
  • pigment;
  • external protective material.

Polyester resin is used as a binder - an organic-synthetic binder material that has the property of hardening in the presence of a catalyst. outdoors at room temperature. Polyester resin has replaced the previously used epoxy resin due to its significantly lower cost while maintaining almost complete technical characteristics epoxy resin. Unlike epoxy, polyester resin is non-toxic. After hardening, it has excellent mechanical strength characteristics and resistance to aggressive environments.

The filler is used to reduce the cost of “cast marble”, as well as to give the product the hard properties of stone. Mineral chips - marble, granite, etc. - are used as filler. The percentage of filler content in the mixture depends physical characteristics products and their texture. There is another type of filler that performs additional decorative functions. Sea pebbles, various sands, and colored quartz can be used in this capacity.

A pigment is a dye that is used to give the finished product the desired appearance. Dyes can be varied in type and composition - practically the only requirement applied to them is non-toxicity.

Under the outer protective material refers to the coating formed on the product during the manufacturing process. The main material used for it is gelcoat– a polymer composition with increased resistance to mechanical damage, acids and alkalis, as well as to the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation. The additives and pigments in the gelcoat determine what appearance will accept a product - marble, granite or made of another material. If a transparent gelcoat without additives is used, the appearance of the product is determined by the composition of the filler and the shade of the dye in the main mixture.

Production process.

The production of cast marble takes place in several stages:

  • applying gelcoat to the injection mold;
  • preparation of the mixture;
  • pouring the mixture into the mold;
  • hardening of the mixture;
  • removal of the finished product.

Gelcoat can be applied using a brush or sprayer. At the same time, it is important to maintain required thickness applied layer - when too thin layer the main mixture may damage it and the product will be damaged; an uneven layer can negatively affect the appearance of the product.

To prepare the mixture, an industrial mixer is required, with which you can quickly mix the polyester resin, catalyst, filler and, if necessary, pigment; unload ready mixture into the injection mold and clean the working container from quickly hardening material residues.

Hardening of the mixture occurs at a temperature of 18-23 degrees Celsius; this is the temperature that must be constantly maintained in the working room. The temperature of the mixture should also be at within specified limits so that the temperature difference during hardening of the product does not lead to its deformation.

If the technology for applying gelcoat, preparing and pouring the mixture is followed, after the material has hardened, the process of removing the finished product should not be difficult.

Currently very popular. It is used for sanitary ware, decoration, etc. It can be said to be great idea for a novice entrepreneur - to produce artificial marble. But there are a few details worth paying attention to. Firstly, the equipment for the production of artificial marble that you need to buy. Let's talk about this.

What does the artificial marble production line consist of?

The first step is to install the vibrating table. Its main purpose is the processing of concrete elements and reinforced concrete products, so we cannot do without it. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that this composite material consists of polyester resin and mineral-based filler.

Basically, cement-sand mixtures They are quite durable and have many advantages over polymer concrete. But let's continue to look at the equipment. As noted above, we need a vibrating table, preferably a forming one, it will allow us to give a certain shape to our workpiece.

You also need a cup sprayer and a mixer for mixing the solution. Of course, we will need forms, we need to think about this in advance. It all depends on why, or more precisely, for what field of activity we produce marble. Well, now in more detail about how the manufacturing process itself goes.

Artificial marble technology

A distinctive feature of cast stone is that you can get absolutely any color. This is achieved by adding various pigments. The binding element is polyester resin; it is this component that affects the strength of the material. So, it all starts with us finding raw materials. As a rule, these are sand, cement, pebbles (used as filler), water, dyes and 1% plasticizer.

We sift the material on a vibrating table, and then use cement, sand and pebbles to make a solution in a concrete mixer. Before this, we prepare the forms; they must be clean and dry. A dye is added to the mixture; it is better if there are several pigments. It is important to achieve uniformity of the material, which is why the entire process is accompanied by constant stirring. On final stage the product is poured into a mold and sits there for about 10 hours, after which it can be removed. As you can see, the equipment for the production of artificial marble is quite simple.

About the features of the material

It was already noted above that artificial marble has many advantages over polymer concrete. The material does not burn and does not conduct electricity or heat. This allows it to be used in places with elevated temperatures (heating radiators, stoves, fireplaces), etc.

Such marble practically does not interact with chemical elements such as alkali, gasoline, acetone, etc. Any kind of contamination is quite easy to remove, so it is suitable for use in public toilets and similar places.

Another important indicator- this is the durability, as well as environmental friendliness of cast stone. The examinations showed that even when heated, the material does not emit harmful substances. It is thanks to its unique qualities that it is widely used in all areas, especially since the equipment for the production of artificial marble is not complicated, and its price is low.

Some more useful information

It is worth saying a few words that in some cases, after the material has hardened and you have taken it out of the mold, it will require additional mechanical processing. It consists of polishing and smoothing the edges. In principle, this is necessary if the casting stone has an important purpose and must have an ideal shape.

In some cases it makes sense to use chemical additives, for example to increase mechanical resistance. If the operating conditions of the material require it. It is advisable that your workshop has several shifts of employees; the area for each team should be about 20-25 square meters.

Don't forget to buy pallets on which you will stack ready material. It is advisable to carry out delivery to the warehouse using railway or conveyor (conveyor). The second case is only suitable if the warehouse is nearby.


As you can see, everything is extremely simple here. There are no complex chemical or physical processes. It is enough to follow all the rules, buy the necessary equipment for the production of artificial marble, and you will be able to produce cast stone.

Do not forget that the product must be truly high quality and uniform. But the main objective is to imitate natural stone, because this is what artificial marble is designed for. In principle, this is where we can end our review. Despite the simplicity of the basic work, do not forget that the production of artificial marble is a process that requires qualifications from your employees, as well as attention at all stages of production.

Marble is considered one of the most attractive materials in terms of aesthetic and technical and operational qualities. However, the use of this stone is accompanied by difficulties in processing and transportation. And this is not to mention the high cost of natural mineral. Actually, the same situation is observed with a number of other rocks, including granite. Technology for the production of artificial analogues allows one to get rid of such shortcomings. In particular, cast marble has a more affordable price and allows you to obtain the required shape of the final product at the manufacturing stage. This could be a piece of furniture, especially decorative element garden decoration or panels for cladding. Of course, in the case of composite materials we cannot talk about complete similarity with the natural prototype, but in terms of the main characteristics, the imitation justifies itself.

What is cast marble?

This is material that is created on polymer based with the inclusion of fillers. The production technology itself implies ample opportunities to change the aesthetic properties of a given stone. Compared to natural marble, the composite analogue makes it possible to use any color shades, without being limited by the size of the product. It is also worth noting the difference from the classical technology for the production of artificial stones. Unlike materials created using cement, cast marble involves the use of polymers as a binding additive. It is thanks to this technological features high performance properties are achieved. Among them are: solidity, moisture resistance, optimal thermal conductivity, etc.

Manufacturing technology

Despite providing a wide range positive qualities, the technological process for making marble is quite simple. For this purpose, enterprises use special matrix forms in which a pre-prepared raw material base is placed. The final product is formed by casting - the container is filled with a mixture of filler and additives, which subsequently hardens. At the same time, there are several methods by which cast marble is produced. The technology in the standard scheme involves the use of polyester resins. By adding this component, the output is a product that can be used in home decoration. It is this technology that is used to produce parts and full-fledged interior objects. In practice, the peculiarity of cast marble is felt even with ordinary touch - the material gives off heat. This quality distinguishes stone from natural marble and granite.

Product molds

Much in the quality of implementation technological process depends on the equipment used, the main element of which is the mentioned form, that is, the matrix. There is ready-made equipment on the market, but in most cases, manufacturers purchase matrices on special order. The fact is that molds for cast marble determine what the final product will be like. Therefore, we are not talking about standards for the execution of such equipment - each manufacturer strives to make its products unique, therefore, the sketches of the matrices are developed as copyright ones with unique sizes and textures. Another thing is that in each case high demands are placed on the material used to make the molds. Usually a composite material is used, similar in characteristics to plastic, but, of course, much stronger and more durable.

Raw materials for casting marble

In addition to the shape, such products also differ in composition. Standard set components involves the addition of filler, polyester resin and gelcoat. The basis is the filler, which, by the way, is the most affordable component of the raw material set. Typically this component of the mixture is stone or concrete waste. As for gelcoat, it belongs to specialized additives. Thanks to this element, high strength and moisture resistance are achieved - properties that high-quality cast marble has. The production of the material also involves the addition of polyester resins. This is an important component due to which the product gains structural durability and optimal viscosity.

Products based on cast marble

The flexibility of the manufacturing process allows you to diversify the shapes and sizes of the resulting products. It is for this feature that the material is valued by lovers of original design solutions. Experts identify three main areas in which manufacturers of these products operate. The first group includes materials intended for cladding: tiles, façade panels, stone boards, etc. The second group consists of cast marble products in the form of interior accessories and furniture. These can be tabletops, flowerpots, candlesticks, kitchen surfaces and other objects. However, the greatest interest among true connoisseurs of cast marble is caused by the products used to decorate staircase structures. Manufacturers create entire series in which you can find steps, handrails, balustrades and other accessories.

Features of industrial cast marble

This type of artificial marble is also called polymer concrete. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of decorative qualities and increased properties of vibration and chemical resistance. These characteristics determined the scope of use of the material. It is usually used in structures that require protection from physical influences. In particular, cast marble for industrial purposes is used in the manufacture of platforms for machines and equipment, containers for chemical compositions, breakwaters, drainage structures, etc. It must be said that in terms of durability and impact resistance this material significantly superior to traditional concrete structures.


Domestic enterprises are still just mastering this technology based on experience foreign companies. However, you can find quite good quality products on the market. Such manufacturers of cast marble as Sanola, Avstrom and Decorlit demonstrate a high level of technical and operational indicators of their products. Also, a rich assortment is offered by the Royal Cream Stone company, which has its own enterprises in Kazakhstan and Europe. A special feature of offers from these manufacturers is the possibility of cooperation on individual orders, which allows you to purchase cast marble products that are unique in shape and texture.

It is also worth noting that the production of marble using casting technology is also available to private craftsmen. The purchase of raw materials constitutes a minimal share of the total cost of the product. According to some calculations, standard sizes the countertop has a cost of 500-600 rubles. Of course, to manufacture it, in addition to raw materials, you will also need special equipment in the form of the same matrix. Therefore, you should count on such an enterprise only if you regularly use the technology.

Natural stone has excellent performance qualities, but is very expensive, which is why many owners strive to make artificial marble with their own hands, resulting in a wonderful material with excellent characteristics.

What is artificial marble - characteristics and advantages

Artificial marble- This is a finishing material that imitates natural stone. It can be done different ways.Most often the following materials are used for this:

  • concrete;
  • polyester resin;
  • gypsum.

The availability of imitation materials has made them extremely popular, which is why today many are interested in how to make artificial marble. Natural stone is good not only for its technical characteristics, durability and reliability, but also excellent appearance. Marble has stains, stains, and veins. It seems that artificial materials cannot look as attractive. But that's not true. Repeat invoice natural stone Can. To do this, when creating artificial materials, you need to add special dyes or fillers to the mixture used.

Artificial marble is widely used as it has many positive qualities. These include:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • dielectricity (does not conduct electricity);
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • impact resistance;
  • low cost.

These advantages have determined the widest scope of application of artificial stone and marble. Materials are used to decorate houses, apartments and non-residential premises, they are used to create countertops, bar counters, bathtubs, fountains and even sculptures; they are used to decorate heating radiators, stoves and ovens.

Creating artificial stone from concrete is the most affordable way

Perhaps this is the simplest and affordable way creating material that imitates visual characteristics natural stone. It is very popular due to its low cost and the ability to do everything necessary work at home. To create an imitation stone with your own hands, prepare a special matrix (mold). The mold can be made of plastic, plaster or any other material. The most important thing is that the surface of the matrix is ​​dry and completely smooth, and that the outer frame is detachable. The easiest way is to order such a form from professionals, although to save money you can do everything you need yourself.

The inner surface of the finished mold is coated with gelcoat. This material may differ in color, it is only important that it is moisture resistant. We carry out further work only after the gelcoat has completely dried. To prepare the main mass, which will become our marble, we mix sand and cement in a ratio of two to one. The role of filler in the solution can be played by pebbles or crushed stone with a plasticizer. Place the resulting mixture in the mold and mix thoroughly. You can use a mixer or other technical means to mix the ingredients.

Now dyes should be added unevenly to different sectors of the form with the solution. After this, carefully mix the dyes to achieve the formation of spots and veins characteristic of natural stone. All that remains is to set the mold horizontally so that the mass evenly fills all its segments. Next, remove excess solution from the mold and cover it plastic film for drying. Depending on the thickness of the mold, it may take from several hours to a day for the mass to dry completely.

The finished product should be removed from the mold as carefully as possible and processed grinder, and then with a transparent polish. Now the product is ready.

Cast marble made of polyester resins - instructions for use

This method of creating natural stone is no less popular, but requires large financial investments. To create marble you will need a special gel coating, quartz sand, release agent, unsaturated polyester resins, pigments, hardeners and molds. First, let's prepare the forms for use. Their appearance and size depend on the desired result. We lubricate the molds with a release agent and cover them with gel to give the finished product a shine.

Now prepare the main mixture. To do this, you will need the following ingredients: polyester resins, quartz sand with flour, pigments and hardeners. The ratio of elements must be selected in accordance with the goals pursued, the requirements for visual characteristics and technical parameters material. The proportions of the components can be found on the packaging. In a separate container, thoroughly mix all the prepared materials and prepare them for pouring into molds.

After filling the mold, shake it thoroughly to remove unnecessary air from the mass, which can cause the formation of air gaps, spoiling the appearance and strength of marble. Next, you need to leave the solution to dry. This procedure can take from 30 minutes to 12 hours. The dried mixture remains to be carefully removed from the mold and sanded.

Imitation stone from gypsum mixture - homemade

The last common method of creating artificial stone involves using gypsum as a base. This procedure does not require significant financial costs and can be performed by anyone at home. To make an imitation stone from gypsum, we prepare a special solution consisting of water, gypsum, glue and resin, which must first be dissolved in turpentine hot bath. Now you need to add dye to the mixture and mix the solution until veins form in it, which will make the material look like stone.

For the material to have a juicy milky tint, per 200 g Humilaxa you need to take 50 grams of gypsum and 1 kg of alcohol. Orange gives marble its brown tint Gumilax, and for black and other dark tones it is better to use acrylic paint. The prepared mass must be poured into the mold. To increase the drying speed of marble and get rid of excess liquid Sprinkle the mold with plaster. The product will require up to 10 hours of drying, after which it can be removed from the mold.

To fake diamond had good moisture resistance, it can be treated with potassium silicate. We immerse the material for a few seconds in a bath of solution or coat it with a brush. To give the surface additional shine after the potassium silicate has dried, polish the product with felt or any abrasive means.

Rules of care - how to preserve the original appearance of the material?

A self-created artificial material, although it has high strength and resistance to external influences, still requires special care. This way you can significantly extend its service life.

  1. 1. Do not use cleaning products containing drying oil to wipe marble.
  2. 2. It is highly undesirable to use products containing silicone for cleaning.
  3. 3. It is best to clean the surface of products using a soft cloth.
  4. 4. Do not use sponges, brushes or other cleaning products that can scratch upper layer marble.
  5. 5. We recommend using gel products instead of abrasive cleaners.
  6. 6. For regular cleaning, use regular soap.
  7. 7. To maintain a glossy shine, wipe the surfaces with a special solution. Dilute a little into 3 liters of water liquid soap. You can also periodically rub the surface of the marble with a clean towel.

Artificial marble is beautiful and accessible remedy for home decoration. It can be used for a variety of purposes, but making the material yourself is not enough. Marble needs to be looked after, kept clean and protected from adverse influences. Compliance with the above rules guarantees a long service life of the most beautiful and spectacular elements of your interior.

For centuries, marble has been used to decorate interior and external decoration Houses. This breed is rare and expensive natural material, which not everyone can afford. Latest developments In the field of construction, they have created an unusual finishing product - concrete marble, which can be made even at home.

Properties of artificial stone

A number of undoubted advantages can make artificial stone the most popular material for finishing indoors and outdoors. The material imitates the shape and structure of a natural mineral. Thanks to the ability to use a wide palette of colors for painting concrete, you can get concrete panels various shades.

Artificial marble has excellent physical and chemical qualities. It has durable properties. The material is not subject to deformation when exposed to high and low temperatures. It does not burn, so its use is important for finishing stoves and fireplaces.

The stone has low thermal conductivity and can serve as additional thermal insulation for the facade. Another undoubted advantage is that it does not conduct electricity. It is often used to insulate and decorate ovens, radiators and other electrical devices.

Unique color and pattern does not fade under ultraviolet rays. The material is well resistant to moisture. Thanks to its durable properties, concrete objects can last a long time. If cracks appear, unnatural marble can be easily restored and return to its original appearance. In addition, it does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, which indicates a high level of environmental friendliness. The production process does not leave waste, so the use of concrete stone is effective and profitable.

When all the ingredients are mixed, the resulting mixture can take any shape. The connection of its parts occurs according to the principle of puzzles. All joints are reliably bonded to each other using adhesives and provide high strength to the entire surface.

Artificial stone is lightweight in contrast to natural mineral, so it is easier to process and install. Typically, the material is created according to the initially specified parameters. Natural marble requires additional polishing and trimming before installation.

Application area

The material externally accurately imitates the pattern of natural rock, but unlike it, it has an affordable price. It is 8-10 times cheaper and has its own operational properties not inferior to natural breed.

Finishing with this building product will add chic and sophistication to the interior and facades of the building. For arranging surfaces indoors, it is used as Alternative option ceramic tiles, as floor coverings, making sinks and countertops, fountains or decorative sculptures, installing bar counters, fireplaces and much more.

How to cook it yourself

The technology for producing the material is not difficult, so marble from concrete can be easily prepared by yourself. Before you start manufacturing, you should study the specifics this process, then prepare all the necessary components.

To mix the panels you will need the following materials:

  • cement marked M400 or M500;
  • polyurethane mold or matrix (any plastic container will do);
  • plasticizer S-3 - a special solution that increases the strength of concrete;
  • water;
  • fine sand;
  • polyethylene film;
  • a pigment that will not dissolve in water (oil paint will do);
  • fine gravel, pebbles or ceramic chips as filler;
  • drill with mixer attachment.

All ingredients are mixed at home. If all the nuances of production are correctly observed, the resulting material will be so similar to natural marble that at first glance it will be difficult for an uninitiated passerby to determine what the object is made of.

To make a stone you will need plastic molds. You can purchase special products or make them yourself. To make a window sill, a regular tray of the required size will do.

If there is no suitable container, you can make them from plastic panels. To do this, the sheets are fastened together.

Production technology

After preparing all the necessary components, you should begin preparing the mixture. All work is done in a clean container. The mixing solution has standard proportions of 1 to 3 parts. Fine sand is added to dry cement, which is pre-screened.

This must be done through a fine mesh so that the solution is homogeneous in consistency. Then the filler is mixed. Small pebbles or crushed stone are most often used as it. In addition, you can use crushed expanded clay, pumice or ceramic chips.

Creating Color

According to the technology, a coloring pigment is added to the finished solution. It does not need to be thoroughly mixed. On the contrary, in order for the artificial stone to be more like a natural mineral, the composition should be made as heterogeneous as possible. Paint of several shades is often added to create an unusual pattern on the poured object. Various bends, streaks, convolutions, dots or spots may appear on it. At this stage, you can give free rein to your imagination. Mixing colors in a variety of ways can lead to unexpected results. The amount of pigment should be 1% of the dry mass.

After introducing the pigment into the solution, it must be shaken thoroughly. Typically a vibrating table is used for this. For frequent use, you can make it yourself. But if the artificial stone is being made for the first and only time, then just shake the resulting mixture with your hands.

Next, water is added at a rate of one to two in relation to the dry component. First, about 80% of the solvent is poured in, everything is thoroughly mixed. Then a plasticizer is introduced, which serves to enhance the strength of the future object.

This element must constitute at least 1% of the total mass. Mix everything again and leave it alone for a few minutes. The material becomes plastic and viscous. After this, the remaining 20% ​​of water is poured in and distributed throughout the composition.

Then the prepared solution is poured into pre-prepared molds. Cover it with plastic wrap on top and leave until completely hardened. To increase the strength of the material, a metal reinforcing mesh is placed in the liquid mixture.

After hardening ready-made panels taken out of the molds and subjected to careful polishing. For this purpose, special equipment can be used diamond blades. After treatment, the surface becomes even and smooth.

The manufacturing technology must be strictly followed. If you skip any stage, marble from concrete may not meet the quality.

Before installing the manufactured panels, it is necessary to prepare and clean the surface on which the installation will be carried out from climatic precipitation. This must be done with special care.

Various materials and products made from cultured marble made from concrete are considered to be as attractive, elegant, durable and durable as similar items made from real natural rock. The production of this product in Russia first began more than 30 years ago, during which time it has been improved and reached high level. It copies the appearance of the stone so accurately that the untrained eye cannot distinguish the imitation.